Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 1 -

So have fun ! The first episode of Discovery of Romance really provides, in almost every area, you a good rom-com wants to deliver: great leads with awesome chemistry, hilarious best friends and witty banter, and no small amount of kissing and skinship (oh, and abs. Many abs). If the show keeps the way it's started, we are in great for an exuberant end-of-summer romance. I'm ready; bring it on

EPISODE 1: "As we end up sleeping in the same bed"

the show opened in the summer of 04 with a home video of an adorable couple, Han Yeo-Reum ( Jung Yumi ) and KANG TAE HA ( Eric ), since they share a gorgeous cozy picnic in the park. They smooch and teasing each other, obviously very much in love.

On another day, Yeo-Reum reminds Tae-ha, that there are only ten days to their 100 day anniversary. It proposes staying in a hotel that night, and pouts when he actually has to think about it.

On their anniversary, they sneak hilarious watching him in sunglasses on the hotel and behind a fan, both as the whole world feel. Yeo-Reum coach Tae-ha, how to book a room, but he chickens and they leave. They argue in the car on the more fear and Tae-ha was apologizing for his innocent soul. Cute.

Yeo-Reum admits that it would be okay if it was not a hotel, so they head to Tae-ha space. In the morning he makes breakfast, while they take a little more sweet home videos.

In the next few years, Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha exchange to make unique wood couple rings, more pictures and make a collage of their relationship in his apartment. They could not possibly be any sweeter than a couple.

In the presence of Tae-ha is asked about their relationship, where he claims that Yeo-Reum dated damaged for good him. He never liked someone as much as he liked, and he still does not know why they broke up. Yeo-Reum is also interviewed, and she tells how she changed her attitude towards dating for Tae-ha - they learned to take the upper hand in the relationship. She confesses that she broke off things, and is confused that Tae-ha do not know the reason for their separation.

We blink in 09, when the two of them climb a train, one day back, take a trip together five years to celebrate. Tae-ha comes first and is unaware that Yeo-Reum is lagging. She is angry and crying, and asks if he has not noticed that she behaved strangely lately.

He has, and says that's why he agreed to this trip, although he has worked a lot and exhausted, but Yeo-Reum is upset that he never asked why she has been depressed. Yeo-Reum says she wants to break, because they are waiting for him is tired and feels lonely. She takes her bag and leaves him standing on the platform.

Back to the present, Tae-ha admits that he is curious about it and want to see them while Yeo-Reum says she never wants to see him again. Tae-ha wants to be friends, but Yeo-Reum laughs that she has friends already, and even has a new boyfriend.

We see the new friend, NAM HA-jin ( Sung Joon ), shopping for engagement rings. He told the saleswoman, the birthday of his girlfriend is soon and he plans to propose.

Yeo-Reum the interviewer says that she met a year ago on a blind date, only it was not her that was set up with him; It was her friend. We see Yeo-Reum and her friend YOON SOL ( Kim Seul-gi ) sitting in a restaurant with Ha-jin and sunbae with his College and employees DO Joon-HO ( Yoon Hyun-min ) as Joon-ho makes the introductions. Yeo-Reum and Sol designer furniture together, and Ha-jin and Joon-ho are both plastic surgeons in the same clinic. He sings praises Sol but Ha-jin eyes keep Skip to Yeo-Reum, although it does not stop him looking bemused when Sol explains that he is not her type.

Sol platforms whispers Yeo-Reum, the Ha-jin as a player looks, but Yeo-Reum thinks he looks good. Joon-ho, hook determined someone tonight shifts gears but Sol, she says, Yeo-Reum not made a pact so far. She says dating is causing all kinds of social problems, but Ha-jin replies that in a good relationship, that would not happen.

The restaurant owner tells them to leave all now, because it is too close, and Ha-jin beats in the park do not have a beer. They say Sol and Joon-ho to get the beer, in unison, and high-five each other are terrified just at the back of the attraction of the sudden skinship.

Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin sitting in the park Small Talk, and he asks hesitantly if they really hate dating. She says she just did not want anyone's interested, which he described as his cue takes closer to Scootch and ask, "What about me" He inches even closer and asks her what she thinks of him, and in her nervousness she almost tips backwards over the railing.

Ha-jin grabs Yeo-Reum around the waist and refreeze. He leans even closer and asks if he can kiss her, only to be beaten. Ha Yeo-Reum on her hand looks like it's an alien with its own head. Ha-jin withdraws and Yeo-Reum says she was just scared that he asked instead to have a kiss, happen naturally, and tells him to try again without asking. So he does. thoroughly .

Both ringing their phones and they jump to answer apart. It's hysterical, as they say, Sol and Joon-ho, that they are not sure, only a little more time to win that part of the park, they are in ( "There are lots of trees!") Alone. They end the calls and without a word, pick back right where they left off.

In the presence of a call from Ha-jin interrupts Yeo-Reum interview, and they confirm plans for that night date. Ha-jin will be phone captured by Joon-ho smooching, and warns him, his upcoming Seon keep (Blind Date with an eye towards marriage) a secret from Yeo-Reum. Oh Dude, that's not cool. not tell Joon-ho, Yeo-Reum, but he did not say Sol, knowing that they are safe, Yeo-Reum hears about it will make.

Yeo-Reum heads to the hotel where Ha-jin's date, and hops from table to table hid her face until it is a table with her back to him finally over. She writes a note on a roller coaster and pushes it to the man at the table with her late to realize that there Tae-ha.

shocked They stare for a moment, then he has the note attacks before they can grab it back. He tells her friend on a blind date sitting at the next table behind her back, and asks if they sit here and listen. I'm embarrassed for you that way.

at the chance to realize that has fallen into the lap, Tae-Ha greets politely Yeo-Reum with a twinkle in his eye, noting that the girl on a date with that her boyfriend is pretty. Yeo-Reum listen in mortification as Ha-jin talks about his work and flirts with his date. Tae-ha Ouch, that's got to sting smirks are awesome.

Yeo-Reum staring at him, while thinking that he has not changed and that he was still a jerk. Responding to his side of the table, Tae-ha watches Yeo-Reum at the time and thinks that she has not changed, and they still do not know how to hide their feelings.

Ha-jin flattery gets too much and his Yeo-Reum jumps up and screams: "HEY" She grumbles at one time, behind their backs Tae-ha for the course, although it is clear, her words are for Ha-jin. She asks if he the daughter of a hospital owner wants as much, and Ha-jin grimaces as he realizes what is happening behind him.

Yeo-Reum receives a glass of water and throws it in Tae-ha face and said she should break. She asks, still talking to Tae-ha but meaning Ha-jin, if he ever loved her. Awww, it tugs at my heart, as Tae-ha says seriously that he loved her and she has missed. In conversation with him now, Yeo-Reum he says should have said that, when it mattered, and Tae-ha asks for a second chance.

It seems like Ha-jin date was not always a real date, as the girl smiles and wishes him luck if he turns Yeo-Reum collect. She storms out with Ha-jin close behind and Tae-ha realizes she attacked by an accident with his cell phone.

Outside Ha-jin says, his mother wanted him to go on three blind dates for her birthday present, and promised that if he did, she would mention it ever again. He says he just wants to Yeo-Reum, and it begins to soften, but sees Tae-ha to observe them from a distance. Ha-jin backhugs and kisses her until she lets him off the hook, and Tae-ha only watch, they go with their mobile phone in hand.

Ha-jin and Yeo-Reum go to the theater, where he he promises only on the day went to appease his mother, pulling them for their jealousy , He asks if she knew this guy at the hotel because it seemed like he knew of his answers. She denies it, but the reminder that he had said he loved and missed it seems to shake a little.

Tae-ha takes a broody shower (oh my) and talks to Yeo-Reum mute phone all evening, who are willing to call him. The poor guy, he is clearly still hung on her.

Yeo-Reum tells her roommate Sol and Joon-ho the whole embarrassing story, and makes them swear Ha-jin not to tell. Why do I think that Joon-ho is something to say a bad idea? She takes a call from Tae-ha staff YOON JUNG-MOK ( Lee Seung-joon ), but assumes it is a wrong number, only then they realize the wrong phone got is.

It is as sweet as Tae-ha leaps stretched across the room when Yeo-Reum phone finally rings, but it is only Yoon, the number the scored by Yeo- reum. He calls Tae-ha to the hospital, where one of their staff after he injured at work, which is treated. Tae-ha seems like a firm but understanding boss (he is the boss of a construction company), as the man fusses for hurting, but harshly rejects him to stay home and take care of themselves.

Yeo-Reum is again ringing telephone, and Tae-Ha reveals only a small smile as he greets them cool. He wants to make the exchange of mobile phones, but it is busy and has someone to give her number when they call for him. She hangs up and he gets a text from her mother, threatened to evict, if your rent is not paid immediately. Dang.

Yeo-Reum is actually on the way Ha-jin to visit mother now to bring gifts to appease the difficult woman. Tae-ha texts he calls her about embassy of her mother and a few other collections took so they cringe in embarrassment. He can not help when her cell phone look through and find a massive number of selcas of Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin, and tells her photo, she should spend less time dating and more time to pay their debts.

Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin speaking mother about how their strained relationship was better lately, and Mama asks why Yeo-Reum and Ha- jin aren 't talking about getting married. Yeo-Reum asks if she would mind if they were, but Mom just says she wants to carry her a little more.

A bright young female courier making a delivery to Ha-jin of the clinic, and we do not learn, not its name yet, but we know that her AHN AH-RIM ( Yoon Jin-yi [tobe). She is not running in Ha-jin as he speaks with his mother about Yeo-Reum on the phone, even though they know each other.

Joon-ho shows Ha-jin a few pictures of a woman with a scar on her arm, but Ha-jin says it is the wrong scar. Joon-ho asks why he checked all his female patients for a particular scar, but Ha-jin evades the question, and Joon-ho recalls how obvious he is when he's lying. Iiiin interesting.

Yeo-Reum drinks alone at the same restaurant where she met Ha-jin, half-full bottles of soju swiping away from the other tables. Gross. They complained to the owner about their debt, to tell her that she has her boyfriend to marry not interested to do so because they can not afford to marry. But she is afraid some other girl will catch him, because he's such a good catch.

Tae-ha works late and takes a call from Yeo-Reum, and he runs the restaurant to give her a ride home. You must be plastered once lift his head or answer him, and he murmurs with a nostalgic smile that she still has to drink their bad habits and sleep outside. Ha-jin calls phone, but when Tae-ha hands it, the battery is empty it.

In voice-over, Tae-ha says he does not know why that happened in that exact moment, and wonders if their battery then had not died when their future would have been different. In their own voice-over, Yeo-Reum muses: "How random fate not become, and where fate begin?"

Tae-ha tries Yeo-Reum to say their battery died, only to close get to learn and pushed his face. Now that Yeo-Reum has a bit shaken up, he sits down with her and tried to wake up next, but she is still fading in and out of wakefulness. She finally realizes who's there and engages gently caress his face, then called him a jerk and pushes his face again. HA.

Yeo-Reum running into the alley to throw, and finds a small adorable bunny. Tae-ha worries it might have germs, but Yeo-Reum she pushes him and tells him to stroke them. His childlike expression when he does is simply priceless. She asks if it's a dream that they met again, but Tae-ha says it's not a dream, because it never appears in his dreams, no matter how badly he missed her and prayed for her. Awww.

Yeo-Reum says it must be a dream, because would Tae-ha never say such a thing - he was the kind of guy who always made her wait. He said he liked it, but everything was more important than her. Then she tried to stagger away, whining about how bad she has to pee. LOL.

Tae-ha drives Yeo-Reum home when she reaches the safety of their lives, bunny in her lap and pressed him, because they hasten to go got is. Tae-ha, the music and HAHA, it's "Flight of the Bumblebee" I can, like running water sound think if you think about it. He has too much fun to watch them squirm.

Tae-ha takes Yeo-Reum and the hare its place and she runs to the bathroom. On her way out, she finds her old collage on the wall "Life is a journey." It has all the photos from them and replacing them with new photos, although Yeo-Reum sees that he has stayed there her drawings left.

Tae-ha, he says the rabbit can not hold, because he does not like animals, but Yeo-Reum says her roommate Sol is allergic. You just about tells him worry, and they pass the arms teensy thing back and forth as they bicker. Yeo-Reum assured the little bunny that he can stay because Tae-ha is soft-hearted and he will come. He rages that he not that the rabbit to keep, but it's pretty obvious that he will not be given a voice.

Yeo-Reum are the hare a bathroom, but it jumps out of her hands and she drops the shower head so that it to spray throughout the bathroom. Tae-ha battles with the shower head and wins, but only after the three of them soaking wet. Tae-ha towels and Yeo-Reum asking for too, so he uses his towel to dry her hair, getting awfully close to the process.

When they realize their vicinity, they both freeze. It reminds Tae-ha a time when they were together and Yeo-Reum had her shirt buttoned wrong, and his attempt to fix it turned more than a little hazy. They are locked together, dripping wet and overwhelmed by old feelings in the bathroom with her eyes.

The next morning, Yeo-Reum wakes in Ha-jin arms wound, and she smiles and clings tightly. In voice-over, she muses that even it felt strange in her sleep. Ha-jin touch felt different, but familiar, and it opens to see that they actually sleeps with Tae-ha eyes. Whoa.

Meanwhile, Ha-jin buying flowers and grins at the diamond ring with today suggest he is planning as it has Yeo-Reum birthday. Oh no, that will be bad.

She realizes that she has slept at home Tae-ha, and in his bed and horror dawns when they scattered around the room their clothes look. She crawls out of bed, freaky, then runs to the right snap back to their ringing phone from the bedside before he wakes Tae-ha. Squats to answer a call in the closet Ha-jin, and reflexively tells him she is at home, he says, is good because it is below. Uh-oh.

Ha-jin ringing her door and tell her to come and she thinks fast and says she can not because Sol and Joon-ho fighting. Only, Ha-jin is to see both him walking down the street. HAHA. Yeo-Reum listen Sol Ha-jin said that she did not come home last night to make her lie sound worse.

Ha-jin Yeo-Reum asks where she is, but before she can think of a reply, Joon-ho grabs his Bluetooth and asks Yeo-Reum, "You're in the studio ... RIGHT ?? " He saves most of her hide, but an incompetent Sol, she says in the studio was up all night and Yeo-Reum was not there.

But Yeo-Reum had time to think about an alibi, and says that she is with her mother. Again, the day for about two seconds is saved because her mother steps friends to say hello from her home to Yeo-Reum. Yeo-Reum gives up and says she'll explain later, and hangs up on Ha-jin.

crawling as they fall to them apart their lives watches, Yeo-Reum rotates still asleep on the bed to look at Tae-ha. His eyes slowly, and he gives her a sexy, enigmatic smile and Yeo-Reum thinks: "What happened last night with us?"


What a nice show! I'm glad to see that the quirky, amusing teasers have not led us astray and we seem exactly the cute, to get funny, and heartwarming story we were promised. I love the sweet, almost dreamy feel of flashbacks to Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha as a couple, and it is clear to see that their chemistry fairly hisses, both. In the past and in the present I admit that I still have to see Que Sera, Sera where Jung Yumi and Eric first screen appeared together, although I definitely want to (and even more so today). But I need not have, they act seen together before their energy to feel, when they are together the screen. It says a lot, though, how big a fan of Sung Joon as I am (which is to say, hyoooge ), I'm rooting already for Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum aside their differences and get back together.

I feel like the greatest strength of this show has, is its characters, who are all so wonderfully fun and completely already concretized. The casting is a big part of it, and I do not think anyone can argue that this show not outstanding cast. From Tae-ha, Yeo-Reum and Ha-jin to Sol and Joon-ho, and even to Ah-rim, who we do not formally been met, I already feel like I can no longer wait to see to learn about them and what each of them do next. Already all feel fully realized people with pasts and life, which also continue if they are not on the screen, and I'm as look forward to all the gimmicks, they're going to get in.

But above all it is the lines that made this premiere excellent in my opinion. I have not had the opportunity, either Eric or Jung Yumi in thousands (a mistake I correct very soon here intended) to see, so I'm pretty fresh in this show when it comes to them. I find both engaging, endearing, and again their chemistry together is amazing. Yeo-Reum is endearingly sweet and I love how she thinks she is so worldly-wise to have dated after Tae-ha, but it is really very naive and innocent when it comes to relationships. She is so soft-spoken and gently changed to their friends and Ha-jin, but when she is totally with Tae-ha. She bosses him around and takes things very practical charge, and I love to see the "real" Yeo-Reum come when she's with him. You can really be what says a lot.

We know less about Ha-jin, but Sung Joon portrays him with this unique endearing quality that he brings all his roles, which makes you want to love watching him. I find his character very interesting, because he obviously loves Yeo-Reum, but he has a few secrets got that make me cautious always attached. Firstly its willingness Yeo-Reum lie on blind dates, instead of just saying what was going on from the beginning, tells me that he is more a avoider as someone who made public in advance and honest. Then there is the whole secret of why he is looking for a woman with a scar on his arm ... what's that? Color me intrigued.

But I think Tae-ha may be my favorite character so far, because it was so straight is much emotionally going. He really does not understand why Yeo-Reum broke up with him (let's be honest, I hard to understand why, because her statement was so vague), and he is clearly, both and in the interview the right to her face that he misses them and has wanted to see. His heart's right there on the sleeve (and in his dreamy bedroom eyes, ~ SWOON ~ ) for all to see, and he does not try to run around or pretend it is not shaken to its core Yeo to see -reum again. I love that it further provides no claim, nor does he try to save his pride by claiming that he was quite well without them. Tae-ha's just who he is - a man who loves a girl and want to still have a chance with her, and he has no fear, for all to know.

My favorite love stories are those in which the man first love, and I love that in discovery of Romance , not only the man will fall first , but he is in love with they have been for years. Not lovable puppy love either, but a full adult love that knows all their good and bad qualities. I do not think the show is the rom-com to rewrite, but the fact that the lead pair had been in love, and at least one of them is still in love on this day, is a fresh twist that I'm looking looking forward to enjoying. I love how Eric Tae-ha plays - not expected with slapstick and over-the-top comedic demeanor as I of the teasers, but with depth and even a sense of sadness that makes it so much more interesting his character. I'm definitely excited about Tae-ha to learn, and about what went wrong between him and Ye-Reum, and watching them learn to mend their fences and find their way back to each other.

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tags: discovery of romance, Eric, in the first episode, Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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