Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 6 -

This show so insanely fun to watch that there are literally a puppy parade is away from the greatest thing to be on earth. He knows just when to tug on the heartstrings and only if the comedic gag herauszukitzeln perfectly timed, with this episode in particular deeper into the growing connection between our Newlyweds particularly on Gun part when he in vain to resist the best tried giving him that ever happened. But he is not the only, Mi-Young-value to realize which means he has to stay on his toes if he wants to win her heart

. Note: Because frequent reminders in the discussion have not been very effective, I'll try here instead: For those of you who have seen the original, please, please to keep your fellow audience in mind who have not and meets publish spoilers. If you all want to compare the versions and, by all means, a party only please by not be about events a Buzz Killington, which never happened.


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Gun stems Mi-young and Daniel on as they stand in front of his house, though it seems as if the two men have never met since Daniel he lacked meet Gun claims.

course Gun has no desire to share such details, and instead knowing urges the he is. Daniel fairly hacker seems he replies that he is a quarter Oppa, also known as an oppa next door, which in its use of the word "Oppa".

a cute (if not befuddled) reaction of mi-young garners

Gun has a nice laugh at Daniels moniker before he has the children's plaster on mi-young arm she tried to run it in their usual style gone, but Daniel seems to play on something if he interjects: "it happened, when she was with me I'm sorry, I should protect them... "

It's awesome moment of silence where Gun tries to keep his smile devil-may-care, all while Daniel taxieren furtively. To make matters worse, he can not help but to the friendly atmosphere between the two, as Daniel says Mi-young get him to call if they need something.

once in the Lee Manor walls, Gun TSKS on micro- to make young for "friends" in the neighborhood, as they live there is hardly been it seems her good-naturedly to buy defense that Daniel is a priest, and tells her, rather than that it is to live with the class. while live it, and that means no more hanging with who-he-is. Ooh, if this jealousy is, do not let the games begin .

I have the ironic Gun out bubbling over Daniel says, a married woman they call him when she needs him, if he keep a picture of Se-ra, but they are there.

he least the decency has Se-ra image when Mi-young meek to hide his man cave enters decided to discuss the divorce papers with him. She has given a lot of thought, but can not agree to the condition that they give up the baby.

asks you to prove the chance to Gun that they, meaning the baby and love it more than exalt himself that she asks him to wait 10 months before the divorce papers to sign. She thinks it is what is best for the child, and know that his interests with the baby are well.

But Gun claims that it does not matter whether it now or ten months from now signed, because the fact that they divorce will not change. He is also sure that it is they who will be the cave at the end, and if it does, it can at the man cave return to the application and that is the only why they ever enter since it does not have to be.

takes quiet acknowledgment of Mi-young the wind out of the sails Gun was prepared for them so easy to arrange. If anything, he seems disappointed. Good. We are in the right direction. be

passed Due Yong mother bribery, Gun and Mi-jung brought for questioning before the Lee clan elders. Luckily Grandma Wang is ready to jump her granddaughter-in-law defense when the head older questions of the legitimacy of the pregnancy, and demanded to know who these false rumors is spreading ... before she shoots a glance directly on Yong mother , Trapped.

It's funny how none of the other clan elders seem to be awake enough as the head to look after elder denounces Mi-young from such a humble background and a small island come. But our girl is not about her hometown to make aback when they Yeoul island merits defended the older eloquent, ends with the statement that she is proud to call it home.

This is what draws the other elders attention, and unfortunately for Yong mother, she puts all firmly in Mi-young-court, as they say Grandma Wang, how happy they is to have an innocent and virtuous granddaughter-in-law found.

Of course, when the soap factory of the island is being raised, says Mi-young happy down the elders, the Gun promised by the factory will save ... the rifle has sweating like a whore in church, because, as he sold the factory land only. Whoops.

After a subdued Call Manager Tak awarded in order to find out what the other company plans to use land for the factory, Gun hesitates long to answer the incoming call to Se-ra. He is clearly nervous that she plans to return next week to Korea, and hesitates more than he tells her that it's something he has to say ...

... But he hangs up when he hears Mi-young scream from the bathroom. He enters Mi-jung in the fight with a detachable shower head to find wild gone, and ends up soaked when he helps to turn it off.

His first reaction is to get her excited for trying to clean the bathroom if they have a maid, but he quickly switches gears when he realizes how much she but shaking a wet towel in nothing ,

There Gun is back to the rescue, as he slips and slides over the bath to cover them in dry towels, completely consumed with worry that they'll catch a cold. Awwww.

Meanwhile Se-ra stares in disbelief at her cell phone because Gun has never hung before on her.

Gun checks in on Mi-young as she dries her hair, and encourages them to take their time and be thorough sweet, so they do not get sick. Mi-young shy thanked him for earlier and Gun looks touched when he smiles.

you can not help but not knowing to herself smile afterward, that Gun is still continuing outside the bathroom, as if he could do nothing to leave.

he is not the only thinking of the Mi-young though, as Daniel the cup keeps on his desk set, as he thinks back to her admission that she told him all her secrets. He knows it is because they, he is a priest thinks and feels bad about it unintentionally conning.

But while Daniel normally rejects invitations to his own art exhibitions, he takes a look at Mi-Young-cup before deciding to make an exception this time. What is he planning?

Mi-young to the next phase of prenatal class visited alone, where the goal to hand sew the first outfit baby. Instructed all fathers present to make the first stitch, place the teacher Mi-young of herself to go to get them ready and asks if Gun is as he employed could not come with her.

as always, Mi-young smiles as she he has a viable excuse for Gun-and also never had a needle is held, it is certain that he would in any case make a poor job.

Suddenly a voice booms from the door: "I'll do a poor job?" Of course it is Gun, and not only its entry hilarious, but so is the veiled antagonism between him and the teacher. It is definitely not a fan of his cackle. Haha.

Although she is happy Gun came, Mi-young claims that he did not have when it is full. "You said our baby would like it," he returned. "You can not upset the child, while it is in the stomach." Alas, it is not their child will be sad. (So. Cute.)

He tells her to pass the needle and thread he totally got this. And surprisingly, he does , which caused two of them to catch everyone else's attention as they smile and laugh, while the seams as surgery to treat.

Gun you ask to even wipe his forehead like a doctor, to the notice of the teachers that the two of them may also be a scene from the famous medical drama White Tower are reenacting. Haha.

As if the things to handle were not too nice, Gun tries one step ahead of Mi-young after class to stay by to ask if she is hungry. It is not, and instead he is grateful for the help, as she happily keeps the outfit.

There is no doubt, he is quite proud of himself, but he is curious to know why it is a simple outfit so excited when they can buy brand name clothes everywhere. Mi-young answers that this outfit is one of a kind, and believe in the fairy tale "old women, that it is fortunate for the baby when the parents hold the first outfit wearing it.

Gun mocks their outdated beliefs with a good-natured smile, while still the indescribable looking to give, as he really begins to admire them.

an unpleasant situation arises when one of Se-ra friends recognizes Gun outside of prenatal care class, but Mi-young saves their situation of misunderstandings by acting as Gun to work counts as his secretary to accompany.

Gun 't with a better excuse to come, nor can he defend Mi-young, when Se-ra friend mutter like a treated servant although he does a few choice words about her under his breath.

Mom called as Mi -Young waiting alone for the bus, and is so keen for her daughter's tone as ever. My main reason for the appeal is that it would be for a get-together in Seoul, and she wants to Mi-young to go with gun, so to see her son-in-law.

Mi-young will pay a visit to her ex-roomie Ji-yeon, who has decided to drown in soju, since it has been fired recently. They also lamented how lonely it to live without Mi-jung, and grabs her friend in an embrace: ". Unni, you have to be happy when you are happy, then I'll be fine I'll be fine.."

Although Mi-young assures her that she'll be happy, they do not all see the safe. And when they gave the chip Gun her in Macau to find in her old room ends, they can be only one sigh heave. "What did I expect?"


Gun concerned if he thinks Mi-young is not at home, on the couch they sleep to discover already. He finds himself on the outfit pulled together they made when he in his eyes. On the fabric with this distant but happy look, running his fingers

He stares down at mi-young as she sleeps, and plunges down to catch it before it rolls off the couch by mistake. Preparing an executive decision, Gun, transferring it to the bed and squeezed it gently in.

After her glasses slip off, he brushes his fingers on the cheek before he seems to catch. But it is only because of their distracting bandaid because it reminds him of Daniel as he crashes and returns with a new, and oh so carefully peels off her old to apply it.

Then as a child, he tears the bandaid Daniel she admitted. Haha. Jealous much?

Mi-young is still asleep by the time Gun next morning runs, and he seems exorbitantly pleased with himself, as he smooths his plaster on her arm.

But then he gets the idea into his head to crouch next to her and take a selca of them together, but it is like a light out yet. Priceless.

He can not stop staring until he badmouthing off Yong mother Mi-young is taken for what it perceives as laziness on the picture. When he tells her that everything she should Mi-young face has to be said to say Yong mother acts offended that he so sick thinking of her-his mother who taught him must.


, crosses her when she adds that gun can not even remember his mother teaching because she died when he was so young. Gun exerts a surprising amount of restraint when he replies that he only remembers his mother back because they never wanted him that his father weep to see about infidelity.

Yong mother complains about their poor treatment to her son what Yong to promise her that he would use the unrest brewing in the company worth Gun.

The Mi-young finally wakes up and jumps out of bed, it takes them a while before they noticed the new bandaid her arm. It is clearly confused, but has more important things to worry about, because today is the day, mom is coming to town.

Meanwhile Gun is checked only by their GP to all working for nothing, he is total well ... for now. Apparently there is a genetic disease that runs in his family, and while Gun show no symptoms, the doctor may advise him to control his temper, so what-it-is always (seriously, they are deliberately vague) not pop up and kill him.

During Gun receives a mysterious call, Mi-young mentally preparing for what excuse will they have to give Mom, for the party minus a man showing off ...

... But when they are in the festivities hikes already in full swing. The life of the party, currently singing karaoke and dancing with all ajummas, it turns out, none other than Gun to be. Hahaha. Has Mom call him ?!

He has explosion and Mi-young finally manages her jaw pick out of the ground when all party they ajummas as Gun Woman recognize and usher her to the end. She is in complete shock that he's there when she has not even told him about it, to which he jokes that they have deliberately not invited him, so that he would get hit by Mom.

Mi-young he expects all these does the obligation, trying to give him an out, but he does not seem to be, even acting the part of the perfect son-in - right when he is enthusiastically singing a few songs with his wife agrees, and selects a song 0 "Why You" of Chuli and MiÄ called.

(Funny meta moment: The background visual that plays while the song is from Jang Hyuk on a music show performing back in the early 00s, as he used to be a rapper under the name of TJ project . that's right, he used to make rap music videos. Nobody's perfect.)

It's funny that Gun verses about a man accused his wife to see are someone else (Daniel, perhaps?), while verses Mi-young comes to are promising that he the only one she loves. Gun is so wonderfully transparent sometimes.

Both super get into the song, and have the time of their lives to sing and dance. This scene is too much fun my cheeks hurt actually smiling from.

Needless to say, Gun has thoroughly impressed Mom, especially since they had been worried that he treat her daughter badly. But now she has scattered these thoughts, and ends to influence Gun more than she thinks, when she tells him that he can call her "Mama" now.

Aww, he is as happy to use this word for the first time in a long time, and happily calls "Mama" always and again as it goes.

Mi-young thanks him come for her, for him as his duty-after all, a son-in-law is also brush a son, is not it? And when Mi-jung to his rapping skills compliments Gun gets a chance to go meta as he chalks up to an old project from him.

Later that night, Gun calls Manager Tak (wearing the pair pajamas he once shunned) for a report on the company that purchased the island Yeoul soap factory. It turned out that they to a land use plan industrial waste to throw what would be really really out bad for Mi-young to.

Gun is so nervous that he falls the phone when she enters the room, and packs them to pick up down to stop it up frantically behind her. Cue the theme song of Titanic when things awkward. Bahaha.

But it is only after he makes a production of sneaking the phone out of the room, that he all but true even for the factory to sell and the origin of this whole mess.

After a short scene where Se-ra their stuff to pack Gun surprise by returning early to Korea (yuck), Yong aegyo used on the office secretary to learn that Gun the Yeoul Island Question to negotiate, is extinguished.

Yong takes the juicy little information about his mother, who is absolutely thrilled that gun to his wife's hometown factory (aptly named the) Doodoo Industries sold, especially, because they'll turn Yeoul island in a landfill. You know it will be the end of the gun and Mi-young, when Mi-jung had to find out.

Meanwhile, Daniel sends Mi-jung, a ticket for the art exhibition together with an indication that he has something to tell her when she meets him there.

Gun meets with the CEO of Doodoo Industries in a Nameless Gangster throwback selling the Yeoul island cancel factory, barking only for CEO Doodoo that it will not be so easy, from its range.

although Gun is ready, a "unimaginable amount" to pay him for breach of contract, CEO Doodoo is unimpressed when he asks why Gun suddenly changed his opinion.

The Gun replies that Yeoul Iceland is not worthless land that deserves to be turned into a landfill, it flashes Mi-young to the island to the clan elders defend back. As CEO Doodoo asks what should be the price for Gun for Sale, Gun staring him straight in the eye when he says that he is not sale, not now or never.

"This island my wife's hometown," he says firmly. "Even if I die, my decision will never change. Do you understand?" He does not want to wait to see if the shady CEO does because he got another gig is run to the art exhibition, to be exact.

It turned out that the same art exhibition for Daniels's work that he seems much less interested than it is when waiting for Mi-young to show.

Gun takes a long look at his bare ring finger as he thinks back to how Mi-young had her covered with the hand, as they were in the prenatal class. It is enough to make it to his wedding band they fish with a smile on his finger back place.

Daniel remains just out of sight, as Mi-young peruses the gallery, but loses his first chance to approach her, when she receives a text that immediately the smile off face wipes. On her phone complete information about Jangin Chemicals are selling Yeoul Island factory. Oh no.

as Daniel calls them, Mi-young turns, struck her face and her eyes swelled with tears. "Father, what should I do?" You stutter.

Mi-young: "I ... really thought that person was a good person, he would have me and. rotated the baby away, but he did not ... he did everything he could for the people in my hometown. So maybe ... maybe ... I thought he could be someone who the baby over needs me. But now ... I do not know what kind of person he is. "

as Daniel stares helplessly young Mi-an, a completely clueless Gun goes to show how to one on his wedding band smiling newlywed true ... Just curious to stop when he discovers his wife again.

Daniels expression grows dangerously dark as soon as he lays eyes on him. Mi-young has no idea who is to leave behind them and moves, but Daniel holds a hand on his arm.

"Should we see what kind of person he really is?" Daniel asks just before he pulls into a sudden hug.

And when he keeps them, he locks eyes with gun across the room.


If Riechsalz still would be one thing, I would go for it right now achieved fully. Maybe even from my fainting couch.

The funny thing is, even though the last scene, most felt contrived to realize that absolutely did nothing to prevent me from eating it like a huge piece of cake clogging arteries. Is what true suspension of disbelief really feels? Does this show reaches the point at which a cliché here or general contrivance there may not only be forgiven, but really embraced ?

Until these moments serve to tell the story better and make logical sense in universe, then the answer is a resounding yes. It's hard to pin down to tangible thing about this show is essentially intangible, suffice it to say that all its individual elements work together to create a coherent whole, the only works , lack of a better way to put it. It is sincere, without maudlin, hilarious without being stupid and balanced, without being a bore. No show is perfect, but Fated To Love You is getting pretty darn close.

It helps that both gun and Mi-young are so engaging in their own rights if they together or apart. I did not change of heart rifle loved more than I already do, because while he had a temporary miscalculation never without return we got this point on were all worried. He clearly wanted hating Mi-young and to be their fault for what has happened, but it is also not an idiot, nor is it something even remotely close to a bad person.

In fact, it could actually more emotionally vulnerable than Mi-jung, who would make up for his overcompensation, when it comes to protecting themselves. Despite all the precautions he himself from an imminent worm attack, he tore them down, without being ever attacked. To theorize matters worse for his crazy pants, was Mi-jung not even try when it came to him. She was ready with its conditions to go along and live separate lives, even when it comes to her family meant lying his dignity to protect, because is who she is , and what is probably the most amazing aspect of this two characters is that Gun realized that all on his own.

save for where the baby relates to turning it into an unsuspecting mirror for Gun because all they had to do was look in this sense, Mi-young acceptance of all its his own for Gun to his own wrong reflected back at him. The reason why I'm pretty confident that Gun is more tender of the two, because he one following Mi-young was long at all follow, and while we might prenatal class ankreiden him do right by the Baby, can not the same be said of him as the perfect son-in-law act with Mom the party.

Scratch that-I do not think that Gun itself forced to be something he is not. Mi-young gave him to escape several ways that he refused to accept, probably because he was the time of his life with. And that look when he used the word "Mama" to say and it meant? That's love. But now he'll have to prove it, because unlike him, Mi-young will not be from a misunderstanding in operation, yet they will think of cute metaphorical screw-she'll their beloved hometown in toxic waste think rain. Good luck, Gun. You'll need it

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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