Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 12 -

to complete the hurdle of used - car project are still higher than before now that the whole company is keeping an eye on Sales team 3, and chief Oh, the trust holds by a beating when he a way to try to find out, to convince the decision makers - and his own team - the project has a value up again. Meanwhile, should Young-yi confronted a ghost from her past, as we learn more about their lives before One International has.


boss Oh collects the rest Sales team 3 to him calmly to tell them to go forward with the abandoned cars import plan. Dong-Shik reminds him that they will not get a lot of support for it from outside the team, and Manager Ma will not approve it. Also hesitant's Chief Chun, who is affected, how it will look on the rest of the employees who are already cautious sales team 3.

But as head Oh, it the Office Politics asks to be ignored and instead just concentrate on the potential of the project, Chef Chun reluctantly agrees, that it will work a reasonable project. In addition, since in his Sales Team 3 more concerned about office politics was done as the job?

Dong-Shik takes Geu-rae outside gently but must say clearly that suggesting she was back to pick up a terrible idea this project - even if the logic behind sound is to achieve it without potentially ruining careers difficult. But he will keep his doubts to himself, as Chef Oh is determined to go ahead with it. He asks only that Geu-rae come to him first if he. Similar ideas in the future

When they return to the office, boss Oh assigns Dong-Shik and Chief Chun used car showrooms to visit to find those suitable for working with, but Chef Chun has stepped outside for a smoke break. He thinks back, why the Managing Sales Team 3 first assigned (if it is easier to extract a rotten tooth or in blank) him, and throws his cigarette in frustration down.

Young-yi checked their bank balances and smiles relieved when she sees taken a large sum from their account, telling yourself, it's all over. Baek-ki is done by going and pulls them because they are so happy to see their salary - he never thought she cared about money as much. You deadpans that she loves money and intends to become rich, and as they go upward together, her heel coming loose, and she stumbles.

Banging her shoe against the floor a few times, she fixed her high heel. Baek-ki giggling in amazement that Young-yi really human but appears (a statement that they aback). When he returns to the office, he notes that his staff high heels is heard, and he wonders softly why women need to wear them. We both, bub.

In the break room, Seok-yul complains to Geu-rae about a sociopath by his boss called, and added that Geu-rae with his superiors were lucky. Just then goes Chef Chun in and Seok-yul jumps to attention to cheerfully greet him, introduced himself and then his impressive experience runs through the impressive litany of Chief Chun. But he is quickly dismissed by Chief Chun who wants Geu-rae to talk alone.

Seok-yul curiosity is too strong, and after leaving the break room, he leans back in the corner to listen. Chef Oh blames Geu-rae for such shortsighted newcomer to be and not to think about the important impact of office politics. In addition, he did not even have the skills to complete the project, he suggested, and no amount of hard work, it will get through.

course Seok-yul needs this gossip to the rest of the newcomers to share and when Young-yi noted that Sales Team 3 is certainly the project to see the end (because Geu-rae at least good that is) , Seok-yul indicates that they always support Geu-rae seems.

A reluctant Baek-ki listen as Seok-yul runs through all possibilities, they took Geu-rae Council on Baek-ki, but eventually Baek- ki jumping on to ask why Geu-rae is so important. Seok-yul aks that would otherwise think about retrying the Jordan, used car project - the assistant manager Ha overheard, and soon the resource team marched their way to the sales team 3.

Chef Jung anger catches the attention of the entire office, and everyone keeps to observe how he wants to know what's going on. Dong-Shik replies quietly his questions to Chef Jung her team of accused no sense of business ethics of someone out. That annoys Dong-Shik up (because you do not offend boss Oh!) And he remembers Chef Jung that the resource team lied about the B / L document for the sales team blamed losing it, so he is a talk about ethics.

Furious, chief Jung invites Dong-Shik and has to be restrained by his staff, and continues to try, and Dong-Shik attack when he gets up stubborn boss Oh , and their project. It is only the appearance of the Chief Oh himself who finally soothe the resource chief with the Executive Director.

Chef Chun meets gets who asks pleasant when it's nice to work with Sales Team 3 again. Hesitantly, brings Chef Chun the fact the team on the Jordan takes Used project again, but the manager laughs and asks him why he acts so concerned if the team has decided on a profitable project. He is also not remember why the manager asked him to be on the team?

Geu-rae still feels the burden of suggesting they re-take the used car project, and he hangs his head as he apologizes to Chief Oh, he sure can not take responsibility. But Chief Oh is having none of his pity party, and gives him to read the report and know it inside out.

If he just does what Chef Oh tells him to do, then his role, which he does. Even if he can not do it 100%, do it then at least 80%, as there is nothing worse than a novice trying to do something 0%. He calls jokingly Geu-rae "team leader Jang" as he commands to get him some water (and Geu-rae literally runs to get it), but boss Oh smile disappears once Geu-rae has disappeared.

In the morning Young-yi is surprised to discover that the resource team and the Steel team is with Samjung meet mining rights in Mexico to discuss. All the boys are impressed that Samjung Business superstar team leader Shin will be there, but when she heard that, she goes dazedly away (and Baek-ki watching in concern as he walks by).

you sit outside and tried to compose himself as their last day remembered in Samjung. She had cleaned her desk, and stopped as team leader Shin to tell her that it farewell for them is not right ", like this," she had just said goodbye to him and refused to see him in the eye.

to name boss Oh in "Team Leader Jang" barks One international representative in Jordan. Aw, Geu-rae plaintive howl at "team leader" is called, is adorable. The Jordan representative thinks that this project is good track, but he warns boss Oh about the rumors scandal Chef Park to be cautious.

Dong-Shik and Chief Chun are busy finding meetings with various used car dealers who meet their demand, are capable of and how Dong-Shik on the trip after he exhausted Chef Chun yawn insists he reminds him that Geu-rae is reliable and trustworthy.

fashion nonstop, although when in her hotel. OMG it's super weird Dong-Shik seen in his underwear after getting to see only in him his office clothes. When they try to get in a nap before they out on the road position, Dong-Shik has tentatively suggest that Chef Chun yet, this project does not like. But Chef Chun not know Dong-Shik like it either, even Dong-Shik supported faithfully boss Oh, and therefore considers it will succeed.

Per boss Oh desire Geu-rae dutifully acquainted with all financial reports of the used car dealer. Just like in the game of baduk, he is one the basic framework to understand everything out. But he wonders if it is possible to bring the rules of a failed game to a new game.

return as Dong-Shik and Chief Chun office, the entire sales team 3 to check the list of car dealerships for their suitability stay late carefully. You get over exhausted giggles as chief Oh Dong-Shik presents and Chief Chun "team leader Jang" but Geu-rae knows that behind her awkward laughter, everyone is aware, the uncomfortable truth behind the unpleasant atmosphere.

stops's CEO and the men looks late work, then quietly leaves, unnoticed. Or almost unnoticed as Geu-rae catches a glimpse of him as he is on the elevator always.

Morning Manager Ma calls boss Oh crazy for trying to revive the Cars project again. He thinks boss Oh it is very greedy and selfish to take back on the project, and says there is no way, the manager will approve it. Section for managing in Question Manager Ma Court while trying to stop a profitable project. Ha!

But there are still a few tires for approval is needed, and Manager Ma says boss Oh, that he would have to present it to the entire management team at The end of the week. As head Oh asserts that it is a simple business element, not a presentation, Director Ma needles him. About his earlier confidence

None on Sales 3 Team is delighted to hear that they will have together a presentation, but of course Dong-Shik is the first to jump on board, by a sigh followed Chef Chun and Geu-rae, well, boss Oh need Geu-rae opinion not "of course we have to do it".

take the steel and resources team with the representatives of Samjung include the Team Leader Shin. Young-yi has virtually compel yourself to go through the door, and at first Baek-ki they would for Assistant Manager Ha fill to see, but soon evidence that something is wrong between her and team leader Shin.

it avoids carefully to see someone, but if it has the task to discuss some contractual issues, they smoothly debates and negotiates with team leader Shin to reconcile him with her get (much to the approval of her boss). Baek-ki keeps quiet an eye on them to record the change in their attitude, and how they see the Samjung representatives, it is the only one not smiling.

team leader Shin her sending a text, to fulfill request to her for a few minutes in a nearby café. He asks if she finds her new job fun and challenging, and she says she does. He gets up to leave, and added that it as his immediate follow - strictly business. But she admits that she is not sure how she feels again around him to be himself. When he leaves, he turns back to smile at her. They did a good job today, and he does not know who trained them, but they have a good job, too.

dizziness, Young-yi leaves the cafe, thinking back, when she was at Samjung - it seems like one team leader Shin was trained. You and team leader Shin were meetings with representatives of China to discuss mining rights, and she surprised the Chinese buyers by constantly one step ahead of them. Then team leader Shin told her that as Chinese and Arabic buyers never take a woman expect the guide, they should always be in the middle. With a shy smile, she thanked him.

Baek-ki runs into her when she is returning slowly to the office and she snaps out of her reverie. When he goes away, she calls softly after him to ask if he wants to get something to drink. They sit quietly as they drink their beer. Or in Young-yi case, it swallows down. Baek-ki looks like he wants to intervene, but is silent wisely. When he is at home on foot, he is a shoe store and holds the pair of high heels in the window to look. A tipsy Young-yi staggers home alone.

Even home is late Geu-rae, the exhausts on the fact flashes his mother was cleaning his room. He gets tired ready for bed, amused to see that they hung the head of his world map.

The next day at the office, Seok-yul is busy textile samples as Assistant Manager Sung goes away through his list of friend and tried someone that night find, free to go with him to a special movie premiere, for which he won tickets, but the only one who can go wrong to make the appointed time.

, the then Assistant Manager Sung is insulted and maligning, the poor PR staff in him getting a later demonstration, and he grabs the pen from Seok-yul pocket to scribble the verification code. Except he can not come to work the pen so Assistant Manager Sung throws it in the trash, too Seok-yul astonished horror.

Our trio of newcomers to look like Seok-yul clocks outside, venting his frustration with his boss when he yells out curses. Their expressionless faces as they tell him to be patient are hilarious to take compared to his furious desire his boss, in a fight, but even more hilarious are Baek-ki and youth-yi surprised reactions when Seok-yul mentioned offhandedly that Geu- rae had during their first fight roof hit him. -iron

made by Seok-yul storms, tried Baek-ki Small Talk with Young-yi to make about their occupation stomach and alcohol tolerance, but it is more concerned about Geu-rae team and their progress. Aw, the goofy grin on his face after she gives him an encouraging pat on the arm, ridiculously adorable.

Sales Team 3 are deep in the preparations as they meticulously go over the PowerPoint slides and Chief Oh is distinguished, so that it can check in every break and facial expression. But Geu-rae feels uncomfortable, as if something is missing, but he can not figure out what the problem is.

He is not alone in feeling because as head Oh rehearsing his speech during the lunch break, he knows something is "off" to. How does Dong-Shik, who finds him and takes him to work through lunch. Neither are very pleased with the presentation, but always faithful Dong-Shik is certain that it will work, even if boss Oh is not sure it is compelling enough.

But Geu-rae is deflected by the large world map on the wall, and bends the head to try and see it on the head. If that does not work, he does a handstand - that's how Chef Oh and Dong-Shik find him. They are bewildered by their newcomer is the head, and Dong-Shik he expects cracked under the pressure.

When they are coffee in the break room always, Geu-rae admits Dong-Shik that he feels uncomfortable about the presentation. Something does not sit right with him about the contents - it is from too many negatives. But as head Oh enters and overhears, Geu-rae immediately shells on to tell him, it's nothing.

Except boss Oh know it is not "nothing", and pulls the rest of the team in one of the conference rooms for a meeting, explaining demanding Geu-rae itself. Geu-rae says that the format for the presentation (which is a format used by all One International business plans) make it sound like they are just weak excuses. Instead of normal protocol, they should maybe something radical to be

He draws a map of the world, and explains that the North as the top is a habit -. In reality, the earth spinning, in orbit, where there is no up or down. He points out that a rule on maps Australia is down on the floor and not so visible, but when you turn around, it is in the middle of the map and the focus of attention.

boss Oh understands that Geu-rae, tried to explain that if they focus on precedent and process too much, then maybe not the important points of their presentation as obvious. Dong-Shik freaks at the idea of ​​revising its entire PowerPoint presentation and in one day, and in spite of his belief boss Oh, should be amended to anything. As Chief Chun is one who thinks that they should remain on the record and not try something different.

Geu-rae sent as head Oh, to discuss it with the other two, and Chief Oh argued passionately that the presentation, as it stands, does not convince even him so as to convince others? Therefore, he wants to use Geu-rae approach - because Geu-rae focused on the task at hand successful conclusion not on office politics.

Everyone looks unhappy when Geu-rae is called back into the conference room, which is why he is surprised when Chef Oh tells him to make a new PowerPoint presentation in the morning. Chef Chun still thinks the whole thing is ridiculous, and to reach the steps of some air out.

Dong-Shik follows, and Chief Chun complained that boss Oh has changed so much since last worked with him - he this rash to his boss Oh, before can remember. But when Dong-Shik tells him boss Oh has not changed, Chef Chun him that for Dong-Shik to tell ever be promoted, he will need to Sales Team 3. they will leave the Executive Director when he is taking a break under outdoors, reportedly feel the breeze and the change of the seasons. But it at least reminds Chef Chun that he was put with this team for a reason.

Geu-rae working throughout the night on the PowerPoint sleep to fight, how to organize everything, including hand drawing the films to have to make complicated for him so that Dong-Shik them in the morning fix. He sends a revised copy to Chief Oh off, the answers, "Yes."

Morning Dong-Shik stops Geu-rae desk and picks up the PowerPoint rough draft he left. Geu-rae asleep at the desk, and is shocked awake when Dong-Shik knocking him on the shoulder. Da Dong-Shik settles in the PowerPoint to quit, he warns the übernächtigt Geu-rae that if this presentation is not working, it will be really angry Geu-rae, and will probably continue for a long time be.

guys get for presentation to work prepping as to test the microphones and set up the video conference with the representatives in Jordan. The One International Executive in Jordan is pleased that Chef Oh decided the project to go ahead, but when he sees the new presentation material, he looks surprised boss Oh.

previous confidence of Geu-rae will continue in the light of sight boss Oh practicing the presentation and the executive in Jordan agree its concern over such an unconventional presentation, which means that no one agree persecution disappeared suddenly this project.

when Geu-rae slipped outside for a moment to collect his thoughts, closes boss Oh him (asking him if he prays, ha). Just down the hall, the entire management team goes to the conference room and Chief Oh.


I feel like I should be more nervous about this presentation, because if Geu-rae is questioning itself, it's must be something truly radical. But Sales Team 3 has me in the last few episodes taught in them utmost faith to have, especially if boss Oh his stomach decides instead of protocol to follow. That's not all perfect to say at the end, to be for them, but the story that demonstrated by integrity and the desire by the struggle the way to do the job to their best efforts, they manage to often end to be succesfull. It's about winning the war, not the individual battle. Although this Jordan Used car project seems the Berg Chief Oh is to be ready to die.

Dong-Shik has been since the first one of my favorite characters day he decided to willingly Geu-rae navigate office life, and the show to help while he is one of my favorites remained , But this episode cemented the reason why I love him so much as him - he is a steady and loyal employees. He balances perfectly the exuberantly dynamic boss Oh, quiet to do by his work, even if he can not agree with him from the beginning. That's not to say that he his mind is afraid to speak, -. He voices his concerns, although he accepts that he is ready Chef Oh to follow guide

I wonder how many times he said he would try to transfer Team Sales 3 because I think it at least a couple of times only because Geu-rae told him joined the team. But he believes in his team, and he believes boss Oh, and is ready for this belief to stand and fight. Maybe even literally considering how it only boss Jung accusation boss Oh had no business ethics was that finally got a response from Dong-Shik. He is the center of our little underdog team, and I'm pretty sure she would be lost without him -. Particularly Geu-rae, I'm happy, this little friendship / mentorship see continue blooming

I have spoken much about Young-yi, but they definitely deserve a little more attention now, especially as we get more clues to their past. I have a feeling that what had happened between her and team leader Shin not strictly business (if you know what I mean), and that was probably the reason why they leave their old job. Although the fact that she was so happy that the final payment taken from your check to see makes ask me what guilt she carried, and why, and if it had something to do with her previous job.

Even so, a lot of respect to her to be able to represent their ground against Team Leader Shin - not only in the business meeting, when she was able to convince him of their knowledge and skills, one international agreement but also let you know in him that even agree if it is to meet for the purposes of his business, it is to be still comfortable not around him. I just hope that when he asks her to meet again, she refuses. She's too good nor all the other thinks in his spell, no matter how brilliant he is.

This makes me wonder if one of the reasons why they otherwise Geu-rae is treated Baek-ki because Baek-ki maybe she recalls team leader Shin - ambitious, charming and good at what he does. Or maybe that's just me. I have been ignored deliberately treated any indication of Loveline because I my quartet wants to be best friends, forever and not in messy relationships messed up, but I appreciate the gentle way they Geu-rae. Nevertheless, I am glad that they Baek-ki warming is (and he continues to respect them by keeping their distance it), because it is definitely as she sees a friend or could use two. Or at least to have someone a drink with

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang So-ra, Lee Sung-min, Misaeng

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