Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 3 -

with her ex-husband from the Commission has Ha-Kyung has done on the plate to the wrong rightly intensify it, which is not only a daunting task-it proves to be a dangerous, even. We also catch a glimpse into the past to find that Jung-hwan knew how to even to be happy, but we are no closer to finding out what he made him in the Monster is today. How do our corrupt prosecutor, if he gets a taste of his own medicine? Shove the whole bottle down the throat of the offender? (I really would not put past him.)

Note : Expect recap a slight delay for the next, it can Grinch to enjoy some holiday cheer. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


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While on the operating table, Jung-hwan takes a trip into the past- seven years in fact down.

He is a serious small-time prosecutor in a coastal town had been then, and with Ha-Kyung's relationship was in its early stages still. Not to propose early for her marriage to a reluctant Jung-hwan, he married was alleged to still get too busy.

Undeterred by Ha-Kyung him pictures of the wedding hall and a possible studio for them points to live, Jung-hwan his tune changed when she showed him an ultrasound photo she was pregnant with her baby.

Although Jung-hwan spoke as if to dissuade they of a married life with him ( "We will not have as much as other prosecutors, and be other people's cars and houses envy"), Ha-Kyung could only smile when she told him that all so long in his order would as she remained at his side.

Jung-hwan, a happy grin yielding, wrapped her in a hug.

took some time later, Jung-hwan, the heat of Director Jung, if an older investigation Sejin car was mysteriously closed all thanks to him, of course.

But while he keeps on Tae-joon behalf had been out, a panicked Tae-joon called him to order him to do anything, the arrested to avoid for 10 minutes, otherwise her career would be over.

So Jung-hwan, the door to Director Jung had barricaded themselves, hold as young men tried to break the door down from the other side. As Director Jung it finally made inside, broke Jung-hwan, the window with a chair and jumped out of it when he got stuck on the window sill. All this in order to avoid arrest? That's what I call dedication.

had direct 10 minute mark, Tae-joon rushed up to pull his friend back into the room. "As promised, I have ten minutes stopped," Jung-hwan breathes. Tae-joon had asked him if he's crazy-what if he had fallen to his death?

"I am hanging for more than thirty years," Jung-hwan said. "It's nothing."

Tae-joon Director Jung took go to task by Jung-hwan, similar to the way a father would protect his son. Even then, Tae-joon and Minister Yoon (who then was the chief prosecutor) had been able to do exactly with each other.

While Jung-hwan practice poorly in the presence of going further, we come to another retrospective, this time the country prosecutor Ho-sung, the newlywed couple move to help in their new home.

Ha Kyung expecting them to payments would be at the new location, at least until Jung-hwan surprised with the claim that they could move to Gangnam (the premiere district in Seoul) before Ye-rin had started primary school because their mortgage have been paid.

"Is Lee Tae-joon money?" Ha-Kyung asked to drop her face. He nodded, though that is not their fears dissipate-how would repay him her husband? Jung-hwan had smiled when he would ally with Tae-joon told her he and climb higher than ever before.

In the present, suggests the operation when Jung-hwan falls into a coma.

Ye-rin calls to complain her mother that her father calls her not cautioned, not aware of serious situation of her father. Doctor Jang Ha-Kyung updated and Hyun-sun Jung-hwan state, and it does not look good, he can not breathe without the use of an artificial respirator. You should prepare for the worst.

After Hyun-sun for her brother and mother to stay strong (they will say, Mom Jung-hwan to went business trip for now), Ha -Kyung to hear, that she would take care of his case, if the operation went south Doctor Jang lie.

they know this is not something that Jung-hwan of them had expected, and it will not honor: If Doctor Jang wants to save himself, he better make sure that Jung-hwan wakes. If not, he will be better prepared to face the consequences of his illegal actions.

Since it has been exposed, Ha-Kyung tries Ho-sung to get on the Sejin to pursue car hang in its place, in the hope of clearing the driver's name. Researchers Yang has the power to make or break the occupation, but Ho-sung is not keen to do their work for them.

... At least until they take him to Jung-hwan bedside and impress on Ho-sung, how much time is an important factor. "When I filed the divorce papers three years ago, Jung-Hwan has asked me to give him another chance," she recalls. You could, if he had given her in a state. That he go Tae-joon hand let

But he did not. Now that he is in the position of the Prosecutor close enough and eventually Attorney General, they Jung-hwan quietly will not go into that good night white.

In the meantime, they will find researchers Yang and solve the Sejin Auto case and bring Lee Tae-Sub and his brother Lee Tae-joon in court. It will mean that Jung-hwan legal action will face when he wakes up, but Ha-Kyung sees that as a new beginning for him. "I want to give him a chance because he's Ye-rin of the Father"

Ha Kyung calls researcher Yang of his wife's cell phone to know that he is behind bars. She tells him that he not safely with the people who have made him false promises, however, seems surprised when she finds out that it will keep Yeon-jin him "hostage" with Jung-Hwan bribery.

at least it seems like researchers Yang to reconsider its decision to take the bribe-now, he wants to meet with Lee Tae-sub before he gets the hell out of Korea.

Hyun-sun has applied all her willpower, the news to Mom, the Jung-hwan has not only to break the same disease, his father took, but he went just for them by an unsuccessful operation.

Not surprisingly, this comes as a shock to mum who rushes to the hospital to see for themselves over Jung-hwan. She holds back breaks at the sight of her comatose son down and shaky tells him that it's okay for him to sleep.

through reason, but sad that poor Jung-hwan not been able to get sleep is a good night, as his father in high passed school everything he did was hard work for the family the school and beyond. He can now catch up on his sleep, but only for a week. Mom will stay by his bed until he wakes up.

After calming Ye-rin, that her father make their completion, Ha Kyung commissioned Yeon-jin for an ominous trip but when Yeon-jin aversion shows Ha-Kyung pulls the prosecution seniority card and wins out.

it's all a trick for researchers to check Yeon-jin Yang GPS location, and when she gets it, Ha -kyung leaves Yeon-jin confused about what's going on is.

Lee Tae-sub meets with researcher Yang, and is cavalier about his admission that he knew about the defective auto parts. It is less when researchers Yang requires 00000000 ₩ be paid into his account before he goes abroad, and pretty much told to push him.

Researchers Yang makes a mistake when he he plays the conversation with just recorded Tae-sub to Tae-sub, because he has just revealed all his cards.

Lee Tae-sub knows, and the two physical in an engaging fight over possession of the phone. Researchers Yang screws / chased from the apartment and down the hall and onto the roof. He has nowhere to go, as he runs to the edge of a long overlooking loong way down.

Just like Ha Kyung arrives below, researcher Yang tried to appeal to Lee Tae-sub sense of human decency, not aware that he has no "I was in prison for over two years I want New! I want to start! to obtain a fair price for my life! "

" I decide what you value, "Lee Tae sub growls back. "Did you see a slave decide its own value?" But Yang counters that Tae-sub to be a slave, and that he would take this recording a chairman Kim any mention repeatedly.

Unfortunately for him, not to have the chance to give Lee Tae-sub him. He pushes researchers Yang over the edge of the roof.

Ha Kyung crashes on researchers Yang side and just in time looking to see Lee Tae-Sub on the roof. She calls emergency services before Yang weakly her hand grips, bleeding profusely from his head.

She seems to know that these his last moments, and speaks comforting his wife gets a raise, and he must henceforth not his family to livelihood worry. "I often go to see," Ha-Kyung promises. "I will help you."

Researchers Yang grip on her wrist relaxes (left some scratches), and he died shortly thereafter.

The Chief Secretary to the President meets with Minister Yoon and Tae-joon, the opposition by the prosecution in relation to researchers to discuss Yang release, since it is the president of the attention and not in the good way.

Minister Yoon seems caught that Tae-joon to believe the turmoil in his own office, orchestrated, which he denies firmly. But the executive secretary makes it clear that they do not show the public that they do not contradict tomorrow, it will not protect them from the wrath of the President.

As usual, Minister Yoon looks through Tae-joon is crap and refuses an offer to drink with him. He is upset that the newly appointed Deputy Attorney General Jung (formerly Director Jung) is out of office, although Minister Yoon tells him that it is because researchers Yang disappeared and she is sure there are some people who do not want, found him. at the same time

She calls receive the same information from two different people relate: researcher Yang is dead Just as Ha-Kyung Minister Yoon, Lee Tae-sub told him killed, Tae-joon sees a maniacally victorious. Grin.

So she is forced to play ball on a show by just to prove to the media about how they chummy and Tae-joon really are. (But who see with their eyes, that they can not stand each other.) Tae-joon an early exit does with Kang-jae and to meet his brother, and says Kang-jae point blank that his brother killed researcher Yang.

he knows that murder cases have a ninety-five percent conviction rate, but he wants to Kang-jae this case fit into this other five percent to make. Although Ha Kyung saw Tae-sub, Tae-joon wonders will be as valid testimony, when she saw the events of the night and from the floor when the roof was eight stories high.

Kang-jae is left with a choice, and makes it possible to have when Tae-joon saved the pot with an allegory about a burning ship sweetened before Kang-jae Captain aka Attorney General can be. He's in.

Minister Yoon creeps also from a forced dinner party with attorney to meet Jung (we now nixing Director Jung that he Deputy Attorney General) and Ha-Kyung which they tell about the murder.

Ha Kyung ashamed to show, before Minister Yoon because they have not spoken since they refused to testify against Tae-joon during his hearing. But Minister Yoon reassured, she knows Ha Kyung must've had her reasons for what happened. But if they came so far researchers Yang to chase, it has set itself Yoon demonstrated.

returns as Minister Yoon for dinner party / press conference, she says to the media contained (if they joon asked for their opinion on TAE), which can tell you who someone is by looking at his friends.

Conversely, you can also have a younger brother of his older brother judge, as Tae-joon can Tae-Sub to Hyung. "I think the Attorney General as tall as his older brother, CEO Lee Tae-sub," Minister Yoon smiles through his teeth. Tae-joon needs to know that she knows.

For that matter, Kang-jae has a plan to blame the murder involves Ha Kyung-she was the first in the autumn and will report it to testify, so that they will be 'd the perfect scapegoat.

Tae-joon a momentary qualms with that has, as it is Jung-hwan wife or ex-wife, as Kang-jae corrected him. In addition, Jung-hwan in a coma and will probably not wake up. When Tae-joon choose to save his brother, or Jung-hwan ex-wife?

is made His decision once Kang-jae finds out that Minister Yoon has placed a travel ban on his brother, but still goes Jung-hwan in the hospital visit. But he is less worried about his friend, as he is about his ability to wake up.

He can not do what he is doing when Jung-hwan could actually see him in the eye, so it only after doctor Jang tells him that for Jung-hwan no chance TAE wake that joon tells his comatose friend

"I can not let you be seen by the world, if I go to hell, you have to come and greet me at this time you can spit in my face.. , curse me, and beat me till I'm bruised. Then and now, I have only one thing to tell you ... I'm sorry, Jung-hwan. "

then he has Kang-jae a large funeral prepare for Jung-hwan, a befitting a prosecutor, who died in the line of duty. Only the best final resting places for be friend ...

... whose wife he committed to involve about a murder his brother. Nice to see that his sympathy only goes so far.

While Ye-rin their prayers for everything under the sun, the night says Ha Kyung-narrowing told her list, maybe she should just ask God for her father to visit her studies.

If Ye-rin, that her father is not worried, Ha Kyung mood lightens from her that she'll tell say to make him to God that he would come. But they are interrupted in the middle of her prayer by the police. You've got a warrant for Ha-Kyung arrest.

They tried to put a brave face so as not to alarm her daughter, but Ye-rin can only cry in confusion and concern when her mother is accompanied from.

Minister Yoon Tae-joon calls Ha Kyung-release to demand only said that it has no jurisdiction in the matter. He is stunned when they take on the case at no Minister of Justice to use their authority threatened use that power in 60 years, so it will not be so easy.

they are at a standstill, and they both know it. Tae-joon is just lucky enough to have the upper hand.

lawyer Jung to call storms in the interrogation room where Kang-jae Ha Kyung holds answers-how, Ha-Kyung is detained as a suspect when she was to call the first police and Minister Yoon?

Kang-jae quoted that report as evidence against Ha-Kyung, as they could have gone to the aid of the murder to cover Minister Yoon. As for evidence, Kang-jae shows lawyer Jung proof that Ha-Kyung DNA was found among researchers Yang fingernails (from when he grabbed her arm.)

lawyer Jung says he plans to Lee Tae-sub to arrest without a warrant, and Kang-jae looks innocent, when told that Ha-Kyung seen him at the scene.

Well, should be arrested course Tae-sub, Kang-jae says. There is only one problem: He was arrested yesterday

This is just one part of Kang-jae invented alibi for Tae-sub, so it not have been "free" could. when Ha-Kyung claims she saw him. It's pretty airtight so that Ha-Kyung and Jung lawyer without an answer, as it is dragged into their cell.

The only thing she says before she has taken is Jung-hwan name ...

... And their cries seem to echo the hospital where suddenly open Jung-hwan eyes ,


I'm digging really the female characters in punch which not only accessories or objects of affection, but living, breathing people with desires and goals. It's much harder than it sounds, and drama country has made great strides in this category over the years-it's just that Ha-Kyung and Minister Yoon really made a head and shoulders above the pack when it comes to be strong and worthy women in positions of power comes.

In fact, Ha-Kyung is the epitome of warm and maternal, and not to sacrifice this aspect, had the to become respected and admired by her colleagues. The display of teamwork in this interrogation room was the proof, with attorney Jung has just to look at Ha-Kyung, to find out whether the allegations will be lobbed against them were true or false.

Granted but I'm still a little by the prospect of consummate bad ajusshi weirded out Kim Eung-soo one of to be good guys, the one I will career step applaud when it need not be a passing phase fail. Now he is the klutzy and unpolished attorney young to play with kindness and ... feeling . I want him so bad to buy! But past experience does not appeal to me.

Tae-joon is another character that is difficult to get a solid read, because he is not the kind of villain that does not properly recognize from wrong. He is no less of a sneaky snake for them, but the fact that he himself is a second thought his morale is almost more frightening than if he claimed not to have at all. We see him literally flash back to all moments where Jung-hwan to sit for him at risk, so it white what. A shit what he does That he went ahead and did it anyway speaks how fleeting are Tae-joon affection, which is enough to see why Jung-hwan ask do everything, sacrifice would earn such recognition of the man.

If his connections to Tae -joon were enough to end his marriage to Ha-Kyung, which tells me that their detention not be the wake-up call Jung-hwan has. Unless he's the kind of man who may have had subjected his wife, and tries to have taken her child away from her forever, but damn it, when he's not someone to be treated differently Ha Kyung so go bad as he can be. With Jung-hwan anything is possible

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tags roll: featured, Cho Jae-hyun, Kim Ah-Joong Kim Rae-won, punch

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