Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 17

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 17 -

This is Ha-Kyung Episode through and through, to give her a chance to really shine when they themselves do they can always left to their own devices and Young. It is night "Women around the country punch , but together with the Bolde womanly virtue on display come the dregs of humanity, to be just so happened female body. Yes, I'm talking to you, Minister Yoon . you are the worst.

reviews have, punch seems willing to keep his first place until the end of their life, 11.9% in this episode netting. gloss or Go Crazy came in close second with 11.0%, while Healer are diffracted at 9.0%.



Kang Noel-Kyun - "그대 없는 날들 (Days Without You)" from the OST
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Yeon-jin, without knowing that she has found Tae-joon is , Jung -Hwan calls after meeting him for Tae-joon to make plans carefully. He is unconcerned as to prove the material is Lee Tae-sub researchers murdered obtained by tomorrow that will be the end of their struggle.

he has as usual a sixth sense for unwanted emotion, so it hangs quickly the second Yeon-jin shows any kind of feeling when it comes to his imminent death.

Instead Ha Kyung dormant would prefer Jung -Hwan instead writes to a declaration and a questionnaire for a formal investigation into his dealings with Tae-joon from seven years ago.

Since Ha-Kyung is the only qualified enough to examine him, he wants them to write down the details and keep them. rise in the event that they take the material and Tae-joon and Minister Yoon recover down on them from the ashes like a phoenix after he's gone, he wants to use this statement against them.

Tae-joon has Ho-sung dig Yeon-jin phone records that prove that they called Jung-hwan several times a day and stayed on the line for a long time (also known as during their meetings). The office which he is currently also belongs to her from operating.

Now that they know that they have cheated, Ho-sung is all costs for the production of Yeon-jin to enter the interrogation room where he can force them to speak while Tae-joon, knows that it will not be so easy.

He believes that they will only come to their side when Jung-hwan is out of the picture, and tasks Ho-sung, to work with him to the to to accomplish. Wait as out of the picture we talking about?

After dismantling Jung-hwan lengthy statement detailing all his transgressions in the past seven years Ha Kyung complained that he would have lived so much different, not taken at the time when he had Tae-joon hand.

Jung-hwan defends that there are not really answers, only choices, and that he now made the decision to take responsibility is his way of paying the debt he owes back to society.

Ha Kyung it looks different, that the decisions Ye-rin makes easy Reaffirming now the future are to come. They will increase Ye-rin to make the right decisions, and to set an example themselves.

Tae-joon knows that Minister Yoon on a study extension to Kang-jae case asks because they has framing afraid, Tae-sub committed him as the killer in the case that the recordings prove the offense is released.

they did not deny, and says that they are happy -jae Kang frame if and only if Tae-joon, the file in the hands or ensures gets, it will never see the light of day to see this way no damage to her can come.

But their eyes widen, as Tae -joon plan Jung-hwan to ensure not capable of releasing the material is, to drive him to an early grave. He has already written Jung-Hwan obituary and set a burial place and time. What the what?

The same message is sent to the prosecutor at all, it seems as if Jung-hwan make just died. Yeon-jin can not or will not believe it at first and tries choice Jung-hwan, only for Ho-sung, to stop them before they can.

When the notice is white fake he real as a very good job doing is acting as Tae-joon. Ohhhhhhh. So that is what Tae-joon, by Jung-Hwan meant from the image. You are thinking fooling Yeon-jin, Jung-hwan is dead, so that they will switch sides.

Since Tae-joon claims that he should be the file will go to be released, would mean the hopes Yeon-jin, the National Assembly of the input will end with him, they are the location of the file. It is directly under his feet, literally one floor recovered deeper.

Tae-joon starts laughing hysterically, and Ho-sung cracks a wicked smile. He mocks Yeon-jin are for already decorated in a funeral suit ... wait, they will realize that they laugh they ?

Ha Kyung calls Jung-hwan to tell him about the group text that everyone but you get, and he immediately knows it is one of Tae-joon Plans. First, he can not find out, then he asks Ha-Kyung, when Yeon-jin is at her desk. Ruh ROH.

Tae-joon revealed Yeon-jin that he knew everything to be a double agent about it, and they will immediately notice you made a big mistake. Ho-sung could not see more pleased with himself than Tae-joon tells him to find a way Yeon-jin the name of "Park Jung-Hwan Gate 'book scandal. Wow.

It is ordered, . to answer the phone when Jung-hwan calls and Jung-hwan white Tae-joon watching her when he asks her if she told him where the file was, she replied: "It's over, sunbae."

But it gives him a chance to make it to the seventh floor first right under Tae-joon's nose when she asks if she helped them with the recovery should show.

It's like a light bulb over Jung-hwan head's up when he hangs up call attorney Jung, while Yeon-jin buys him some time by acting as on the line to him as is. It sets out to Tae-joon asks for the phone, completely ready to graze his victory to his rival ...

... But if the line is dead, he realizes he has been cheated , He sends Ho-sung sprinting on the file to get before Attorney Jung first to get it, and they both run simultaneously for the Forensic Center Digital, Yeon-jin takes quiet their phone again Tae-joon. Hah.

Ho-Sung comes a second too late, because he sees Attorney Jung to leave in the forensic center. He calls Tae-joon, to tell him it's too late lawyer Jung already has the recovered material.

Tae-joon next train is to stop at all costs Attorney Jung, plans to find him by his cronies secretly follow Jung-hwan to his site. He calls Minister Yoon to ask in anger that they as an independent prosecutor to use Jung to bring their forces, otherwise it will release the chip.

lawyer Jung makes it his meeting with Jung-hwan and this comes close to give him the file, only to pause when Minister Yoon to tell him, he calls in for his be arrested participation 'Park Jung-hwan goal. "

It is his son invented drug to enter the case in the States and the reasons for the arrest, because he is the man to meet the charges the disappear let the file for his services exchange. attorney Jung is left in shock while Minister Yoon just tired rubs her temples.

the independent advice racket grip lawyer Jung to arrest him, and physically block Jung-Hwan up close enough to grab the file. When he tried to pursue, he is stopped by a sudden leg cramps and a massive headache.

Tae-joon calls him only to boast that he fallen into the trap he is initially set for lawyer Jung to Tae would -joon ensure become attorney General. When Jung-hwan has anyone to thank for attorney Jung arrest, it is even.

Jung-hwan is to answer not made capable as his headache overcomes him, sending him to the ground. His vision begins to blur, as he slips into unconsciousness, to be his last thought, what he said to Ha-Kyung about how he. Be responsible for the choices he made

Now that the recovered material is in his hands, Tae -joon observed the exchange between his brother and researcher Yang shortly before he was thrown to the roof. His brother called Yang a servant, and Tae-joon can not stop listening to his brother Yang claim was no better, he was a servant, and rewind.

He refuses even Minister Yoon will bend when it comes to where they will meet for dinner, and announces that he will find in her office instead visit. Then he pulls the only copy of the recording to a USB and burn it.

Minister Yoon indignant when Tae-joon asks yes orders -Your Kang-jae to convince them to confess crimes he did not commit. You do not know why they have to rush the case when it is clear now, but Tae-joon growls that he has his reasons, while she remembered that she has many reasons to do exactly what he says.

in the interrogation room, she says Kang-jae that it is now over for him the game that Tae-joon the footage and Jung-hwan is in the hospital has , She looks as if she is on her own grave on foot, as it is about him the kind of man reluctant Tae-joon, warns in essence telling him to give in to his demands.

The only promise that it may make to him is to him. On disease or forgave him when he takes and spends the next years in prison for the team (Do not do it, Kang-jae! Do not do it!)

But he does, and admits the media mob outside this Jung-hwan washed of ₩ 27 billion, and he was the one to use it. Tae-joon, of course, had nothing to do with any of this.

The only winner in this game, grinning from ear to ear after watching the program and calls sociable Minister Yoon them out to dinner now that they him. From any and all suspicion is cleared But his tone immediately turns grave if she tries to get out of their Assembly has not the ability to say no to him. He has her.

said the hospital Ha-Kyung and Hyun-sun from the doctor that Jung-Hwan-tumor, mixed with his recent shock has made him paralyzed temporarily. He is not able to speak or move, but his eyes are open and in front of the TV at the reporting staring

With tears in his eyes, Ha-Kyung tries the bright spot in all this darkness find. Jung -Hwan has never been a break in the decade they made him known, and now he can finally rest. But it will not be now in peace, that Kang-jae who made his confession tangle Jung-Hwan in money laundering.

While Ha-Kyung tries to process a marriage license for you and Jung-hwan to rush Minister Yoon, is in for an unpleasant surprise when she goes into her dinner meeting only to find Tae-joon, is not Only, he is invited to join three of the most influential personalities in politics (her former legal department) it.

he secures Minister Yoon in a corner when he plays coy, acting like she urges him to become minister of justice, while he says was not for been.

, it is not able to contradict him directly, and their attempt to give their support, while still time stalling (as it is unprecedented for an attorney general's appointment to leave half for funding) in the face of Tae fails -joon manipulation.

Jung-hwan is still paralyzed, but something tells me that he can see and understand, flashing any news about Tae-joon before him is especially now that he is named as a strong candidate ministers to be of Justice.

there is a steady stream of good news when it comes to Tae-joon, so Ha-Kyung finally turns on the TV. She tells him that, while she first suggested to him and divorce him first, her back to him, is proposing. "Where else can you find a woman like me?" She asks.

She shows him her new marriage license, which again makes them legally a family. "Leave as my husband," she says with tears in her eyes. "I'm going to fight your wife." Awwww.

Jung-hwan is not his lips move, but is struggling to utter her name sounds in guttural throat. She knows that the only way to bring Tae-joon and Minister Yoon is now to get their hands on this chip get Tae-joon has hidden, and promises to do it before he dies.

he tried he tried , to shake his head not to say. She will not change her mind: "I'll do it I, you, Ye-rin ... we are a family.."

That I will try to say something, anything, it is incredibly difficult to observe, to stop. He studies all his will his arm ever so easy to move in its attempt to contact the marriage license it with him to the left, but he can not so much to do and ends panting with exertion.

Tae-joon bears bind its latest offensive-to-all-senses when he receives news of the Blue House a meeting with the president to visit. He knows it is about to take him to the Minister of Justice appointment, and muses that he before will be at this pace Minister Yoon Prime Minister.

Ha-Kyung with Minister Yoon she meets never paid to confront them about how they always said that you have to pay the price to make a better world price.

Minister Yoon claimed that they would have nothing to be ashamed of enlistment fraud case never happened had her son, but do not let Ha-Kyung her lie to yourself or someone else. It's time to pay the price for it.

While Jung-hwan finally wins control of his body and voice, Ha Kyung asks Minister Yoon, the world the truth about Tae-joon is behind 'to say Park Jung-, hwan gate' before dies. You know that the only reason Minister Yoon reluctant because Tae-joon has the chip, so she reveals her plan to get it.

Minister Yoon thinks it is impossible to Ha-Kyung reminds them how they could their copy of the chips primarily by ~~ POS = TRUNC a get surprise search and seizure. You will have the perfect opportunity to do the same to Tae-joon, when he will meet with the president.

The Minister Yoon nor expresses her distaste with a reason for the search come and seizure, Ha Kyung she recalled that she once had Jung-hwan arrested before a for some reason come. If the act is not their specialty later first and justified?


time, when an error in revealing her plans to Ho-sung made of instantly gets wet eyes when he him not to make Minister Yoon asks regret the eternal fidelity he promised her.

But it is on this company, because if they can do Tae-joon powerless to destroy by this chip, they will no longer need to keep sinning. (Uh huh.)

Yeon-jin is disappointed when Ha-Kyung told her that she and Jung-hwan remarried but still hears about HA -. Kyung request that they take more time a page a call to Tae-joon and put Jung-hwan

Minister Yoon directed their men in the independent advice as a general flocking his troops: they are the first to run search and seizure depending on an acting attorney General. Your phones are confiscated to ensure total secrecy.

As per Ha Kyung desire Yeon-jin wins Tae-joon confidence when they called to warn him about the search and seizure. Your next step is to keep Ho-sung distracted.

Apparently Minister Yoon was told not on this part of the plan, as Tae-joon furious call comes as a surprise for her. Nevertheless, she claims that she is going to reveal the truth, that he was in the world behind 'Park Jung-hwan gate'.

Tae-joon between a rock and a hard place, because he can not save on infected his meeting with the President, he can only call a contact, the Council racket long enough to move to the distract chip out of her reach.

the Prosecutor is mobilized to stop the search and seizure and all move the files to Keller Attorney General. That was what Ha-Kyung calculated as Detective Oh discloses a pry-ohh, this is as certain that they will only make getting to the chip.

Yeon-jin sure Ho-sung does not Office-wide announcement is heard not in the lure of it a room with the speaker system, go so far as to to close the blinds, so he does not look at the prosecutor to mobilize like ants.

she stands him long enough for him to be behind the curve again of time, Minister Yoon calls to say they have exposed. I love Yeon-jin is sweet "See you later" when she knows she's done her job. Ho-sung can be anything he wants to run, but he only makes it to the office by Detective Oh has broken the drawer, so that Ha-Kyung can get the chip.

Ho-sung shouts her name in the hallway her to go as far to stop even as they pack on the arm when she tried to overtake him. That's when Detective Oh kicks him right in the jaw. INGENIOUS. I literally just loudly cheered from.

Ha-Kyung is able to just walk down past the battle between the prosecution and the independent advisory team on the way to the hospital where Jung-hwan is slowly recovering. Now it can be read in a position his marriage license and smile.

Minister Yoon is thrown into a panic when Ho-Sung tells her that Ha-Kyung is on his way to deliver the chip to Jung-hwan and orders Ho -Sung head there immediately, while does the same thing.

Ha-Kyung is not willing to give to hear Minister Yoon, more of her trademark excuses over the telephone, but Yoon argues for their mercy on them have son she knows how hard it is, as a mother was when Ye-rin was thrown unjustly into the spotlight, and cries as she claims her son was blameless.

, it is the biggest emotional collapse we have seen from Minister Yoon, who says she'll accept the punishment for their deeds. She asks only Ha-Kyung, wait until they knew their evidence proving her son can not enter his mother-in-law committed enlistment fraud in his name.

After a long moment of silence, Ha Kyung says she'll wait for Minister Yoon hospitalized before. Yoon can not thank you enough, but it was her wish even sincere? (Why, Ha-Kyung, why?)

Ha-Kyung is happy when Jung-hwan calls, because it means that he to his ability speak again. After thanking her his name that her and Ye Rin to connect to the license, she thanks him responsible for his choices for recording.

You will like Ye-rin to tell what he was doing, in the future, and that they never spent with him ashamed of the time she was. When she gets out of the car to wait for Minister Yoon, she adds: "I miss you, Jung-hwan."

This is when Minister Yoon the corner go full rounds speed, tears streaking her face still. She looks standing alone on Ha-Kyung, when she keeps her promise Tae-joon from assuming total control of the public prosecutor and lawyer to stop young accusation that she was a monster, a monster while hunting.

makes a decision at this moment-a terrible, unthinkable decision, as it on the gas steps, just go for Ha-Kyung ...


Oh no, not you. They not do what you are going to do with someone who once idolized that you when you do not deserve their lives according to the model, and who has the benefit of the doubt. They not hurt the person who showed her compassion and understanding when you should not even have given the time of day. And if you do, if you really bend such is irredeemable low, then better a safe room find small enough for you to slide in because Jung-hwan will find and end you . Do you hear me, Minister Yoon? This is war.

Good reaction aside, I'd really thought Minister Yoon on the verge of turning over a new leaf was this episode, so while I should not be surprised that they would this be heartless, I must admit that I had hoped better. Since they crossed to the dark side we do not have much of their conscience by peeking seen, but then went into this week and changed everything. We saw them tired of the constant back and forth, following the outrageous commands in their disgust of some Tae-joon, and said a certain twinkle in his eye that maybe, just maybe , they would be willing to get things back to do well.

clear that reading was inaccurate, and if Minister Yoon had moments of independent thought, gone those when she was faced with destruction. I think it goes to show that she was in this for themselves all the time, and was only game, as she thought that she would win an unfair advantage over Tae-joon. But sure, if it was not without cards left and only the wheel of a car against a mushy, defenseless people. (War, I say!)

Ha-Kyung has experienced much growth over this series, and has proven itself a strong woman to be a mother, partner and formidable opponent , Your remarriage to Jung-Hwan came as unexpected but incredibly touching love declaration even though the word was not even used. The word that was repeated was often family . She did it so they could again be a real family, officially their lot with his throw, come what may. And the fact that it by a marriage and divorce before been made it much more meaningful because, as she said she was mad enough to beat him twice .

your plan, the chip was to get Jung-hwan levels of good to come from a character who could not even think outside the right box a few weeks ago. I love that this show knows how to keep secrets from us, so that we, their plan-the plan were held in abeyance so perfectly unfold observed. With Minister Yoon to get the chip, they would most hurt? Brilliant. And you know, fell for only Minister Yoon it because they do not Ha-Kyung would be able believed to do what she did.

I love the fact that Ha-Kyung and Yeon-jin were able to work together, even without Jung-hwan, and shown especially after the Ha-Kyung they were remarried. Finally, a second female manager with an eye on the hero that not define who she is . She took this loss gracefully and chose not to do their part to help. Of course, only that her what was beneficial, but we know that passion for Jung-hwan for one bit, even if it is valid only as long as he is still breathing. Can not a girl that the priorities blame

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tags: featured, Cho Jae-hyun, Kim Ah-Joong Kim Rae-won, Bowle

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