Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 17

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 17 -

There are great revelations for our hero, but on the whole it is a consequence of the car spent circling, the not particularly exciting, since we are chomping at the bit for the results, no meetings strategizing. Of course, we can not there have to our characters the truth caught up, but we might get there faster a Eensy bit? On the other hand, with our couple to be two a pair actually spent weeks, is a pleasant distraction so that something.


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EPISODE 17: "Inconvenient Truth"

The team on needles waiting Tae-il at the bedside, facilitated knowing that his stab wound was not fatal. Gook wonders where this leaves her case, and Dae-gu steam practically coming out of his ears, as he says he catch Mrs. Yoo going and make sure that they are still half her life spent in prison to rot.

Everyone leaves out a collective sigh of relief when Tae-il opens his eyes. he is from the pain twitches but smiles and assures them that he is doing well. Gook in Tae-il roars stupidly for persistent and not only about ~~ POS = TRUNC the trailer when the thugs threatened him and tried to stop them, even after he was stabbed. But then, he realizes he a nagging mother his one and only says Tae-il, that he did a good job. Eung-do echoes feel him. a real detective

Of course, through it all, Tae-il is only concerned about Dae-gu and feels horrible call over the loss of the trailer. Dae-gu grabs him not always talk again, and to take all other chimes in Dae-gu page. Their concern for each other is so sweet.

When she the hospital, Eung-do asks Pan-seok, let what happened by the river-tat Chef Kang show? Pan-seok just balanced this sigh that droops his shoulders, and Eung-do chasing after him wondering what happened.

Dae-gu's Soo-Sun to their new gosiwon, and she takes his hand as she told him this is not about something to think evening and just a good night's sleep. He reminds them that this is actually really difficult for him, but she insists he try.

He smiles her hands down and agrees to do his best. He turns to go, and it remains there off him go watch.

In the morning, Chief Toad is on a fresh tirade, and this time, he actually has a bag full of supposedly enchanted red beans that he ordered evil specifically for breaking Curses. O ... kay?

He stands in the middle of Team 3 of the section of the district and Chucks beans at them again and again, so that they makjang team and singing for the evil curse calls are lifted. Well, if it works to keep the plot from going makjang, I'll take my own bag o 'buy beans and you join.

Pan-seok Kang boss asks who took the trailer and they countered only that he should have it handed over to the prosecution. He asks what Ji-yong would think if he knew the truth, but she is confident that Ji-yong would believe her about Pan-seok word every day. He does not want anyone to tell the truth, but warns them that if they interfere with the case in any way, he would do everything he did. From can they publicly

Pan-seok accepts Mrs Yoo stalking duties and shows in their gym to ask what she does with two identical trailers. He tells her to voluntarily come to the station, or a warrant for her arrest issued

They ignored him, so he encouraged to keep only to herself ahead for the long interrogation in the form of work .: "Keep running ... till you puke. "

Soo-Sun presents to come in for questioning with the application, and Mrs. Yoo tears it up and stems from. Soo-Sun takes the crumpled piece of paper and says to waste their hard earned tax dollars not. "You can check the trailer have been hiding away in your home, but it is for you nowhere to hide." She urges them to seize this last chance to save face and go to the station by itself. What, and save us the joy of it dragged in cuffs her arrogant ass like?

Dae-gu's Mom longtime friend and colleague to meet, which is of their work travel back now. Unfortunately she has no idea who is Ms. Yoo, but speaks of Mama lovingly and says Dae-gu, how much they did work of all her colleagues, the volunteers were together loved.

She digs out for old photos that time before 27 years and gives him a couple of Mom with the volunteer team. He goes mad and then stops cold when he gets to one of Mom with Mrs. Yoo husband, Shin Ji-il. confirmed

Mamas friend that they liked each other, but one day Mom left the hospital unexpectedly and left Seoul. Soon after she heard of Shin Ji-il engagement to the daughter of a wealthy family, and just assumed that the reason Mom Seoul was abandoned.

Dae-gu sits by the river in the picture stared and thought back to the rumors, he hated it when he was a child, his mother a married man lovers was. Now he starts Mom evasiveness to see if he asked about Dad in a new light.

He goes to see Mom and asks if she lied to him all the time, and if Dad is actually still alive. But then he decides that it does not matter: "I'm going to catch the people who have done this for you I'm sorry mom ... not to protect you.."

If default daemon gu connects the other in the hospital, he finds Tae-il sitting and flipping through mugshots above. Dae-gu nags him arguing to rest that he's been stabbed, so he knows how much it hurts. Tae-il argued back right, he ought to know how much he wants to catch the villain who then did the stabbing.

Dae-gu realizes that he is not convinced, so he takes only the hand Tae-il and pushes the magic bracelet of protection, Eung-do gave it to his wrist. Aw. Gook jokes that concern Dae-gu is worth engraved forever.

The children stand back when a team of doctors in walks, and they are shocked when the chief doctor Tae-il asks if this is his idea to rebel against his father. Dad asks if he will return to the hospital, but Tae-il apologizes and says no. Dad says he's like Tae-soo, and from now on they are both children he never had.

Gook can not believe Tae-il never told them that he had a brother, and Dae-gu says any secrets she did not prefer to share. But Tae-il says he wants to tell it now. A flashback takes us to Dr. Tae-il respond to a call from Mom, urged him to be on time for family dinners, because his Hyung is at home to bring the woman he will marry.

comes to the door Just like Tae-il, he hears a loud bang inside and hurries into the living room, where he swings Dad a golf club in anger man finds and Hyung kneels next to he wants to marry. Oh, so Hyung was gay.

He asks for Dad to accept it, and if he can not, they'll just live quietly somewhere away from the family. Unsurprisingly, flips his lid Dad and decides he would rather kill his son by his own hand, as run off with another man.

Meanwhile, Tae-il just stands there in the background trying to process it all, and if Hyung calls him, he runs from there. Hyung chasing him into the street, but Tae-il refuses to look back and winds through the oncoming traffic just to get away.

A terrible blow stopping him in his tracks, and he turns lying to his Hyung in a broken heap on the street to see. Ugh.

Back to the present, Tae-il tells them that he. No doctor after that might be, and then one day he suddenly wanted to be a detective "I thought if I was a detective, I could be assigned only a little of Hyung. That was to be his dream to be a detective."

He puts on a happy face, and they all just try to to move, as if he were talking about the weather, and Tae-il looks grateful to his friends.

Dae-gu outside himself sitting, like a cloud the question of its origin hanging over him. Soo-sun finds him there and he beckons her to sit beside him, and then he is with his head in her lap.

He pulls for more cushions than he expected, and asks if he can take a nap here. She says yes, and not trying to breathe.

he asks, what kind of man her father was, and she smiles as she describes him as an unfortunate, warm, funny man: "He is the best for me, and the more time passes, want the more I see him. "

She wonders why he asked and he says just because and falls asleep. They noted the lamplight in his eyes and raises her hand to his eyes from the light to protect, the same way he did for them in the sun.

Morning Dae-gu goes directly to Chasung Group offices and met with Maybe Dad Director Shin himself. He shows him the picture of mother and admits that he is her son. Yay talk around for not beating around the bush.

Director Shin has never heard of the Masan murder case, and did not even know that mom died, he really shocked and saddened when Dae-gu told him that part.

Dae-gu on going to tell him that a trailer was found at the scene Murder Mom, and that dangle belongs to his wife Mrs. Yoo. He asks if director Shin can offer an explanation.

He starts to panic and makes excuses about a meeting, but asks Dae-gu map so that he can give him a call. He looks in Dae-gu eyes, and then asks haltingly, how old he is. Dae-gu. "I'm 26 this year," It does not seem lost on one of them the increasing likelihood that this is his bio dad. When it comes to them ways director Shin Son Ki-jae and provides separate together.

Dae-gu goes to jail to visit Boots, and judging from his expression, Dae-gu must've visiting get approved under a false name. He shows Boots the image of Mom with director Shin does not mince words: Has Mrs. Yoo to kill his mother because he is director Shin son?

But Boots refuses to confirm his story, and adheres to its line and says Dae-gu not to dig deeper. "When you do this, you will die, and I will die."

Dae-gu asks if he really thinks he'll stop, and demands answers. His eyes with tears of rage fill, as he shouts: "They killed my mother, but abandoned this God situation, I have no one else to go to get answers!" He pleads for the truth, but boots turns without another word.

Boots looks into conflict when he was in his cell goes back, and the occupant in the hall from him watching him with a wicked twinkle in his eyes.

Ms. Yoo drinking their guilt away, and takes a furious fight with her husband, when he again ignored. She asks if he did not even see them no more as a person, and says he is the one who went into this hell with his own two feet. He finally breaks and she cries to ask to stop, as they all do not get tired of it.

At the breakfast table, Ki-jae asks Papa when he met with the detective yesterday, and Dad says she ran into each other by chance. Ms. Yoo did not buy, and the concerns that he has it all figured out.

We go back to 11 years before, in their view, as they run in discovered her husband accidentally with Dae-gu Mom. They greet each other awkwardly, and Mom goes away when Mrs. Yoo sees the corner rounding.

Soon after, Mrs. Yoo comes to the house to confront Mom, and mocks bitter picture of her with Ji-yong to see. You can not believe that they have a child with her husband, would dare and suggest it again. Mom says he does not Ji-yong father, although the statement leaves room Interpretations we do not know if they care literal or simply being that they Ji-yong is only parents and will never be him a father to ask ,

she swears that she made 15 years before-it is held the end of the promise has never been in contact and more and asks Mrs. Yoo keep their promise not to come looking for her not always intend , Repeatedly adamant that Ji-yong is not her husband's son and asks them to leave.

That's when Mrs. Yoo grabs the vase and whacks Mom in the head with it ... twice. When she is not on, panics wife Yoo and calls her father. So Boots comes to fix it by wiping the house for prints down and the place Threshing so gone that it looks like a burglary wrong.

Director Shin Dae invites -gu to his office and explained that he did volunteer work with his mother, and she was warm and friendly. It is sad to hear about her death, but says she only colleagues and nothing more.

He heard that the offender has been caught, and asks Dae-gu come upon this thing to stop here from now on. Ouch. I really hope for the sake Dae-gu, despite the odds, it is not bio-father.

Dae-gu goes to the river for a good cry, because what else can you do when you find out that your father is probably a spineless weasel, which is to cover up his psychotic wife murderous tendencies going on?

he marched then in the district and announces that he has found a way to catch wife Yoo. He says the team they are going to go for a confession, by playing them crashing until it digs its own grave. You wonder if it is possible, but Sa-Kyung tells them that their suspects psychology gives them an advantage, it is emotional and easily excited, which means that their chances are higher than for someone who is more rational and cautious ,

The team is in attempting wife Yoo to profile to the last detail, after all the things to work on spa salon and filing away, that make them angry.

Tae-il sends videos of their public appearances from his hospital bed, and Pan-seok grouses when he sees Sa Kyung shows interest in Tae-il in its group chat. He says Tae-il to rest, because it is nothing but skin and bones, and Sa-Kyung chuckles at his childishness.

Pan-seok goes Assemblyman see Yoo and provides his name out of it to hold when he get his daughter to turn in, he is otherwise prepare his job to lose, to bring down the whole house.

Assemblyman Yoo thinks he with the question of Pan-seok is a challenge when he has nothing to lose, but Pan-seok surprised him by himself-he eleven years his son, because this case before lost, so no, it has nothing to lose.

It is enough to rattle Assemblyman Yoo, who does not always responsible in the grip of its own department head Kang. They argued that it was his fault for not handling his own family, and that they had not done anything really, if she had known what it was for.

Assemblyman Yoo points out that the minute they were 11 years in this night before him Ji-yong location, they knew that he be killed would. It is to swallow a bitter pill, and she does not answer. They countered simply that it is no longer a possibility of his daughter to protect her, she has to give up, otherwise they might all die with her.

The team carries out its mode of attack for the query and Sa-Kyung Yoo woman decides that freshly sharpened pencils will agitate with the most because they seem to be afraid of sharp objects. She coaches Dae-gu on his attitude and stance because they want to act as repellent as possible to obtain an increase of it.

Dae-gu then tells the team that he thinks he has the motive for murder, and finally told them about his parentage. After getting his chest, he assures them that he is fine, and Gook and Soo-Sun to lift him his mood follow from.

Pan-seok him with a heavy heart go watches and Eung-do sighs that he often Dae-gu fall right into the ground thinks he has so much to bear on his shoulders.

Ms. Yoo smoke when her father with the police investigation, after all told to meet. He tells her that the lawyer will be, all the time and everything is has to do it, sit, without saying a word. But they can not believe that he would afford to stoop when he promised that he would take care of things. Why, because people with a rich dads deserve to kill people? I honestly think she believes that

She thinks she should just Dae-gu killed first, but he reminds them that it is too late, he went to her husband. So now it will be the prime suspect, if something happens to him. Assemblyman Yoo is as self-serving, as expected, and at the end he tells her to go to the police station, and they will need to take care of Dae-gu later.

them in the ground as an affront to their assets is breathing air even in the public sector, and the team she leaves in the interrogation room with their lawyer intentionally Walzer sitting to make just to annoy them waiting for them.

look from the other side of the glass, and Sa-Kyung says Dae-gu to wait any longer. It takes less than five minutes for Ms. Yoo wait already have an outbreak, and then Sa-Kyung are to go to him the keyword.

He reaches for her hand Soo-sun, as he walks by it, and keeps it to give a supportive squeeze.

Dae-gu enters the room and starts by removing her sunglasses, and then proceeds with the sharpened pencils violin. He skips the fundamental questions, as they are not likely to answer anyway, and says he only ask things he would most excited.

He asks how she knows his mother, and if she does not answer, he reminds her that she once asked him whom he resembles. He takes the picture of her husband with his mother and pushes it across the table. "Let's see who I most resemble, between them?"


This is it, this is the end? Episode morning was better to move more, because if I had an hour to spend for them to find out that they show of friggin pencils with nothing for them in the interrogation, afraid I'm going to stab somebody eye out with a No. 2. The hour like such a waste may have not even something useful or proactively felt when possible were bio-dad, but he's as much of a lame duck, as he always has been. I suppose awaits the man who suddenly married a backbone is foolish to grow, but I have something else to expect from him come from bad Dae-gu feeling even more abandoned when he is already doing the psychotic lady. Must we enter Guppy while he's down? We must?

I really wish the villains were better in this drama because their idiocy actually down brings the level of the team, and I find myself thinking that if they could not get a confession manage they claim to be without tip pencil plan, they deserve not really detectives primarily. I mean, now you have motive and an eyewitness, and you say you have nothing to lose, so why are we so via the secure manner? I'm just annoyed when time is wasted on the screen on this family, because it is all one note and nothing ever changes with them. We geddit, you think about the law are. Now we can return to the kind?

I appreciate Tae-il backstory, although I have no idea why they believed it was necessary to them to wait a long time to give it to us. I would have preferred to get it earlier to attract a little more character development for him to feel as responsible for his brother's death and try to fulfill his dreams forgiveness is interesting to make, not to mention how sad it is that his father can not 't come to terms with losing sexuality of his son after him so tragically, or that he pushes Tae-il away at the top of all. This is an element of this show I really like-that gives it no easy solutions when it comes to family, and that our characters find more acceptance and understanding from their friends than their blood relatives. Obviously hope I that he is not related to this terrible family in any way or form for Dae-gu's sake, but even if he, I trust that his family found by detectives is most important.

Now that emotions have been confirmed, it is really nice Dae-gu and Soo-Sun act subtly, as a pair and are fun to see supportive without much fanfare. Of course, still outed for them and embarrassed I am waiting to be, but it's also nice to get all the small handholds and comfortable moments where they fit to be there, obtained when it matters. But ... left with three episodes, we go a notch to kick up, right? We have learned that are the bad guys for weeks to know. Let's throw the book at them and get on a train with the romance and team building, shall we?

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tags: Cha Seung-won, in Go Ara, Lee Seung-gi, you're all surrounded

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