Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 16

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 16 -

There is almost a hug! This is practically a hug, right? The things a girl has to do that bromance alive here hold. We make some big steps today-we get finally a few keys in the parent story reveals, but as usual, the more fun parts of the result are the little moments between our grumpy Papa Bear and his grumpiest little boy. At some point, you should give not only to the fact that the universe wants you to love? Not the universe to fight, man.


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Episode 16: "The things that can be hidden"

Pan-seok and Dae-gu available the one-of-a-kind pendant with Mrs Yoo and confront them with the accusation head-on: it has fallen at a crime scene in Masan eleven years ago, which makes her the prime suspect in Mamas murder

[1945010sie] can not hide their shock, but quickly recovers and tells them it is not their's. but they have done their homework and already know it for them. they mocks alone to measure, and then returns with a trailer -an equal one. Well, so much for one-of-a-kind.

makes them speechless and throwing them at her a cheap imitation shoving. Dae-gu stares at the two trailers together, completely floored by the unexpected turn. Pan-seok to come down her to the station with the second trailer for the investigation asks what she denies course. the boy's home more confused than ever.


When he looks back their followers, Dae-gu continues his photographic memory and use discovered that slight differences between the two small, but enough to him from to convince them that they are not completely identical. It means one of them is a fake safe.

Ms. Yoo husband comes home and asks why she is in such a panic. She grabs him only to ask when he started caring about her, and continues to call (Daddy, I suspect) repeatedly.

Pan-seok and Dae-gu share what they have with the rest of the team found, and they are shocked mother Dae-gu to hear all that actually killed could have Birkin females. The only thing they know for sure is that this is the trailer from the scene eleven years ago because Soo-Sun has had it all the time.

It leaves open the possibility that Ms. Yoo had made a replica used as an alibi, once they realized lost it, although it can be proved, it can, to examine the two trailers.

Pan-seok says that it will be faster, different approach in the case at this point, and decides that they will focus their energy on whether the woman Yoo could have been at the scene and whether they actually has a clear motive for murder. Without this the trailer is already useless.

He and Dae-gu will look tomorrow to Masan head the day of the murder and Mrs. Yoo whereabouts while Eung-do takes Gook and Soo-sun to look in past relationships. Tae-il is on the the replica trailer could have been made. Pan-seok encouraged the team and says the case could have solved, but this trailer has changed things, and they should approach the case to believe they will find all the answers.

Soo-Sun spends sneak embarrassed glances Dae-gu the whole session, feel horribly such an important piece of evidence hidden about keeping in a drawer for so many years. Back at their desks, they scooches carefully on his side, but he sticks his cold safe distance ruler and told her to speak from there.

asks if he has a hard time, and he just replies that she already knows, so why ask? She apologizes for such a dummy on the trailer, and it only confirms that they are so stupid as he said she was. Aw, Dae-gu Dae-gu, why did you back your cold fish way? She tilts her head, not knowing what else to say.

Assemblyman Yoo comes home to the unfortunate news that the trailer, the missing eleven years ago now resurfaced. He is even more stunned when Mrs. Yoo him shows the replica they had made, he apparently never knew.

She feels prepared complacent about an alibi, but he is out of idiocy a replica of a necklace one-of-a-kind to make, which is basically like the recognition your debt is.

It is quite certain that no one could tell the difference between the two; Papa is not so sure. Anyway, he tells her that he'll take care of it, and then calls Combat Boots to read.

Meanwhile, Chef Kang to her desk gets that day and found a secret envelope waiting for her. It opens a picture of the trailer dated recently to find and read a typed message: "I have the trailer that you have hidden." It instructs you come to the Han River to a meeting, and for the first time, she looks panicked.

Once Tae-il in the morning wakes, Pan-seok is waiting at the kitchen table and demanded breakfast. Tae-il sits down grain, what displeases him: "What are these, cookie crumbs for breakfast?"

Tae-il frowns, but does make breakfast to start anyway. He noted Pan-seok phone with a call from Sa-Kyung ringing (named kka-kkoongie , a pet name as a little baby) and it stings twice that she calls Pan-seok, and he is deepened to in his work, listen to will ring his phone.

He takes revenge by having to get permission Pan-seok Sa Kyung help on the jewelry angle. Pan-seok tried to play cool, by giving him permission, but then his jealousy begins on inanimate objects on the table take.

up the rest of the boys and Pan-seok says film is here. They stare groggily and Pan-seok said that film ( eun-bak-ji ) is: Eun Dae-gu, Park Tae-il and Ji Gook. And then cracks it at his own joke, hee up.

Pan-seok and Dae-gu head first just to Masan thing, and Pan-seok asks Dae-gu family and surprised him with all background information he has to seek from him all these years.

Dae-gu confirmed that his father died before he was born, and Pan-seok pry no further, because it is to say a sensitive issue. Dae-gu pretends to sleep for the rest of the way, Pan-seok leave uncomfortable squirming in silence.

They go from door to door to the old neighborhood, and some of the residents remember him as Dae-gu introduces himself as Kim Ji-yong. They show a picture of Ms. Yoo to see if anyone recognizes them, but nobody does.

Tae-il and Sa-Kyung spend the day going from jeweler to jeweler, try to find someone skilled enough to make a replica of a detailed piece. Sa-Kyung sighs when a message of Pan-seok will say that he can not make her day, and Tae-il asks if he to move once again. She tells him to mind his own beeswax.

Soo-Sun and Gook go in search of an old colleague of mums in a clinic, but drain when they learn that the friend is on a business trip to Jeju.

Pan-seok and Dae-gu an ice breaking on the local storage company, and if the store owner arrives, Dae-gu is shocked that it still has the same grandmother. Grandmother recognizes him immediately and folds his hands, so pleased that he healthy and alive.

asks who the other man: "Are you Yongie Father" The two roles, and Pan-seok tirades, the grandmother must have their eyes checked and was? that he is still a bachelor anywhere he confuses it. Hee.

grandmother says that she so much when Ji-yong worried disappeared, and admits that she blamed always for the what happened to his mother, and that she should have gone on that day to the police. they ask what she means, and she tells them she came with Kimchi day, died from Mom.

she made never in it but because it is a scary man foresaw lurking, and it scared her enough that she turned around. she apologizes for nothing, then do it because they never imagined what would happen.

Pan-seok their photos shows to see if it recognizes one of the men, and she does not know until he gets to pork trotters Oh Joon-SOO she says, that's the guy she saw that day. You thank her and run away to catch him.

, Sa-Kyung to take to eat on the way back, thank Tae-il lyrics Pan-seok him for the occasion. Lol, fishing are to beat for a? I actually think he's trying to play Cupid in his own misguided way even if you could not tell that by his methods.

Then Dae-gu gets to ask how he does that brings a smile on his face a text by Soo-Sun. But then she follows it with the words that they are and Gook to eat, and Gook is busy, a crab for their peeling. He even spoon feed them. Reminds Dae-gu to eat, but all he sees is that she eats with another man and smoke.

Both guys sitting in the car burn in their jealousy and Dae-gu scolds Pan-seok, "Why can not eat alone women?" Pan-seok says that's not the only problem: "It is the men who do not know fair play that are the problem!"

He mutters that enter into all this trouble to raise them and then if they attack or not, there is already a goalkeeper. It is not a sensical metaphor, but the adorable part is that Dae-gu true as to say some profound truth, and encourages him to go faster

Pan-seok. "Did you have your seat belt on, Pet Rabbit?" Pfffft. Dae-gu asks curiously: "Pet Rabbit?" Pan-seok waves it like it is useless, but can not help him again ribbing, and calls him Soo-Suns dwarf rabbits and cackling in delight.

go directly to the pig's feet and ask him what he saw Mother's Day murder. First, he hesitates, but in the end he admits that he was there (presumably to keep an eye on Mom and prevent them testify on that day in court). He recognizes Ms. Yoo, and says he saw her leave the house.

Dae-gu from heads and takes a deep breath and tried the first real break process he scored in this case, for eleven years. Pan-seok connects him and Dae-gu gives him actually the credit, it is not just a thank you, but it's close.

Pan-seok an arm over the shoulder throws, feeling quite large. But that's still a little too much affection for Dae-gu and he slinks away, and Pan-seok grouses at the rejection. So nice.

The rest of the crew cheers as they get the message, it is called a miracle that they found an eyewitness so many years later. After to deliver the happy news, Eung-do-watch Chef Kang walking by and it weighs on him.

We see that Pan-seok Eung-do his suspicions split a few days ago, and none of them wanted to believe that she would be the detective Seo you are looking for. Your name does not match, and above all, they do not want to believe that they could be corrupt of all people.

Eung-do is that you must convey only the message, forget about testimony by Soo-Sun, and Pan-seok agrees that that is what he hopes, but if they deliberately did, then it is very likely that it is the one that has stolen from evidence the trailer. He says they find out soon enough.

Soo-sun remains until Dae-gu returns to the station, and stops to check her hair, when she sees him go in. They congratulated him on the break in the case, but he just walks away as she speaks.

she follows him into the team room and asks if he is angry with her, and he moans: "Yes." she sighs, guessing that it is because of the trailer, and he calls it a dummy again. She blinks, confused and asks why he is mad at them then

Dae-gu :. "Why am I not your type?" Haha. He asks why he is not her ideal type, and if the kiss was really all business for them. That's the last thing she expected, and she wonders how that could be important for him now, when the case is finally getting somewhere.

But he replied: "Yes, it is important since you told me I'm not your type, I feel like life has lost all meaning!" Pffft, much dramatic? She turns to go, but he wants an answer, and swirls it around the wrist.

She loses her balance and he begins to fall, and then not let her go until she answers the question: "So, who is it who is your ideal type?" She begins hesitantly: "Your friend .. . Kim Ji-yong "

he lets them eventually and she scurries out of the room .. When the shock wears off, grinning broadly.

Assemblyman Yoo confirmed that Boots has just a visit to Pan-seok, and rejected all other afflictions in prison. He calls someone and gives green light to the plan to proceed. I hope that the plan murder is because you watch sitting on a chair is terrible to get bored.

Chef Kang checked nervously to see, wait for the dreaded encounter with the person who found the trailer. Chief Toad runs with big news in: a special judicial committee was formed to review the accounting for joint police investigation authority. Assemblyman Yoo holds finally his end of the bargain up

Pan-seok heads to the river and waiting and waiting. finally enough time passes that he convinced Chef Kang is not the culprit, and he sighs. But just as he is ready to leave, she appears.

He's doing Detective Seo call, and turns it to Pan-seok approach to show off a stricken expression on his face. He asks how it could be, as it could have taken the trailer, Boots said where Ji-yong hidden, and then Ji-yong of the founder are after all. "How could you be ... Detective Seo?"

We fade in looking back 27 years ago in Ulsan, where two young female police officer confronted a dismissive accusers that they pursue to help their case, refused. It is a young Chef Kang with her then partner, Seo Kyung-Eun.

try to obtain justice for the rape of a girl of nineteen, but the prosecutor basically says that she asked for it. Both the detectives obtained at the scum fired, but it's Detective Seo who dares actually to take him by the defendants accuse dirty money.

He treats them like under his shoe mistake to think, clear that it is superior for its male and a prosecutor and even beats for talking back and accused him of corruption. He warns them that they find out what happened to police officers who think they're the prosecutor that way can speak.

The officials get reprimanded by the Police Commissioner for assault brought against the Attorney General for the add, and it is the police chief Yoo Moon-bae (now Assemblyman Yoo) who comes to her defense.

Later, he told them, they have no choice but to drop as the whole case, and Detective Seo asks what the victim happens when they promised her that she would fight for them and seek justice. She refuses to back down, but it's Detective Kang, which gives way at the end, and it includes the renunciation to drop the case.

Dectective Seo can not believe they yielded, when they promised to go along to the end. You need the victim's mother confronted that makes them responsible for the task and go back on their word. It's all too much for the idealistic Detective Seo, and at the end she leaves her badge and jumps out the window to commit suicide.

Detective Kang buries her partner, and asks Chief Yoo why they have no power. She urges him to do something about it, so that the police have the autonomy to pursue a case without being under the thumb of corrupt prosecutors. His eyes fill with tears, and at least here in this moment, he seems honest and honorable.

She asks him from henceforth ye Detective Seo to call, so they never forget their partners and this guilt that she feels.

Back to the present, it ends the story and told Pan-seok, the investigative autonomy has been their only goal for 27 years old, and all that matters is that it is a reality. She swears she'll confess everything and call everyone again passes the bill.

He can not believe the words coming out of her mouth and asks what happens if the bill does not pass through non-hasn 't it for the last 11 years to sing the same tune? But she replied only that he has no evidence to contradict it, so it is debatable

His jaw drops. "? Were you always this kind of person" It is shocking, it fits his model and guide crumble before his eyes, and all she can do is ask for the trailer.

Back at the station, Dae-gu and Tae-il preparing to do another round jeweler examined when Mrs. Yoo appears Son Ki-jae. He calls Dae-gu Hyung and asks to be taken out to lunch, and Dae-gu will obviously his behavior puzzling.

Ki-jae pouts when to be Dae-gu, refused nice to him, and wonders why he is no longer grateful for Villa note in his pocket case. It is a message to Dae-gu that the Note was intended laughing Ki-jae. He gets upset that Dae-gu not be his friend, and takes back all the nice things he said about him. Dae-gu looks after him, wondering what just happened. What is this child's Deal?

After all potential jewelers to exhaust on their list, Dae-gu and Tae-il wonder if they need to expand their search for foreign craftsmen. Dae-gu realizes he left his cell phone behind and turns around, Tae-il let alone to drive the car. Uh ... nothing good ever happens when someone is left alone in a parking lot.

Sure enough, two bat watching their every move, and when Tae-il alone, they rush him. They beat him, and although he can stand a good fight, they are too strong to overtake and manage to pry the pendant in his hand.

let him on the ground, but he fights fearlessly back and chasing it the trailer regain down. This time, takes the follower a knife and stabs him in the gut. Yaaaaack.

Even when he's lying on the floor bleeding from the puncture wound, he scratches at her ankles them away from getting to try and stop. Aw, Tae-il.

Dae-gu comes back Tae-il in a heap on the ground to find, and it overflows into panic. Tae-il, she says the trailer got, and holds irrational Dae-gu to say that they now that they have to let go. Dae-gu yells at him to forget the damn trailers and crying out for help.

He follows Tae-il all the way to the surgical ward, and Tae-il has -gu to smile enough presence of mind at Dae concern.

Dae-gu waiting buried in his hands in the hallway with his head, and then arrives the team, inundate him with questions. He says they are both fine, but his voice trembling as he says Tae-il, because the trailer was stabbed.

Gook relief collapsing and worry about "our Tae-il" and Eung-do attempts Dae-gu to calm down. But he gets just fired when he decides that Mrs. Yoo is behind it, and storms out of the hospital. Soo-sun chases after him, and they say that they can prevent him from doing something stupid.

She jumps in front of him and do not tell him to go now so he sure to do something rash. He argues that he not just sitting here when they come to him when Tae-il, was stabbed because of him. He refuses to let her get away with it. "If anyone should have been stabbed, it's me!"

He will not stop, so Soo-sun casts only her arms around him and hugged him. , "It's not your fault," she tells him that it would matter had happened, who it was or what was the proof ". Because we Detectives and that's our work, it's not you." She asks him patiently be until they can put them in handcuffs, the right way. She clings and pats him on the back, and he gives in and lets them comfort him.

At the same time, Mrs. Yoo is waiting by the river, to a follower supplies the trailer directly to her. We finally get the flashback to the mother of murder, confirmed that the woman Yoo the first visitor that day was the day.

We learn not hear what they were arguing about, but in the heat of the moment, Mrs. Yoo packs a vase and knocks Mom down. There is blood everywhere, and it falls in the vase terror, and to leave in her haste, she does not realize that her necklace on the front stoop comes undone. Back in the present, it looks at the pendant in his hand down and smiling contentedly, that it is in the clear.

And outside the hospital, Dae-gu screams Soo-Sun on the shoulder.


I do not think it's a surprise anyone that Mrs. Yoo Mom killed, on and for neither here nor there; the moment of discovery is a shame because it was first elements Mom murder that were interesting early in the series, and they had to build possible voltage in the mystery. But that fell by the wayside long ago, and at this point I'm happy just to get the answers so that we can focus on our characters' quest for justice. This is much more attractive (not performed better here to mention) because at the end of the day this show more about the dogged tedious groundwork is done by the police, to honor a victim, not Mamas specific case. It's what Chef Kang strengthened backstory, although how easily power is corrupted an example , and also spent not in the traditional way, but as a compromise for the sake of greater good turns into two, three, and suddenly you have 11 years to convince them that unethical behavior is justified by your well-meaning intent look.

Chef Kang remains one of my favorite characters, because they fully tragedy and pure is believe it in the best interest of the police on the other hand, as they rationalize their terrible decisions in their motivations-I. I like that their background story is rooted in her first hard lesson as a young policeman, and her first encounter with real corruption. It is understandable that they would never be the kind of cop that Pan-seok, because they looked up their lives on their principles to their partners. It is no wonder that they convinced themselves that to be so rigid and honor, is meaningless-it does not change, and the dirty prosecutor always get their palms greased and justice is the highest bidder to serve. How sad that it is exactly what she hated become. The irony is that they do not see it, because it has satisfied itself that intention is all that matters. And who knows, in the end it may be true that it was worth it, but they will have sold their souls there.

Now that we have confirmed what has happened, I am for the upcoming battle of wits more excited. The greater the odds stacked against our team, the better; despite setbacks like I actually that she has with knives and that Ms. Yoo get the trailer by Tae-il. I was honestly bored with the lack of danger, but at least now we have the inserts and not turned the focus on amping Who Killed Mom? but As we Mom killer worthwhile for their crimes? our good guys are limited by the constraints of the system, but that's what makes the battle in response the greater the gap between underdogs and those making at which meaningful victory.

I love the way Dae-gu and Pan-seok's similarity crawling on them, they spend more time on together. Now are they dressing (I wanted that grandma hug) confused alike and for father and son, and suffer in the same way in their novels. It cracks me up that they appear the same intuition is lacking when it comes to women, and as Pan-seok is super smart thinking when Dae-gu tease to be rabbit over Soo-suns, when in his own relationship just as clueless is. And Dae-gu continues to make me with his bluntness happy that develop for romance, for taking so long forms. He just says, how he feels, which is extremely refreshing. Soo-sun is a bit frustrating in this regard, but it makes up for it through increased when it matters, it brings out the best in Dae-gu and can not abandon him on the good fight for a moment of vengeance, and they are the comfort he gave her when she felt like no one was on their side. What a long way he has come to be out all alone in the world.

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