Recap And Reviews Kdrama Age of Youth: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Age of Youth: Episode 4 -

I think I love this show. The wait for episodes not just drive me as most dramas crazy, but if I get to see another episode, I fall back into the story effortlessly once the characters are on the screen. It's almost sitting long as an hour and a few friends. And as a result of today we begin with our silent observers Jin-myung, a character whose inner thoughts up I have heard since the first day, dying.

Episode 4: "My dream is a company employee #proof poverty to be"

Earbuds in, as always, our oldest roommate Jin-myung waiting for the bus. She says that there was a time when she wanted to be special, and so far from average as possible.

She takes the bus to a hospital, and it goes straight up in a room. The patient is inside a young man unconscious. When Jin-myung stares blankly at his face, she thinks his called average would have been an insult back. But now, they are doing everything they can to be average. To work in a company, such as Yi-na had said.

Her mother comes in and pushes past her young man to care. "I told you in the lobby to wait," her mother told Jin-myung cold. Mom tells her to leave, so met Jin-myung, but not before one last look at the man below. "At the moment I am still less than the average," Jin-myung told blatant pragmatism.

The next day, Jin-myung makes a run for the door and throws her goodbyes over her shoulder, in a hurry, as always.

After stopping gigs in a house of another one of its part ~~ POS = TRUNC, the owner of it has something to eat to give her rush out. Jin-myung checking her watch, but the owner takes her time "good ol. What causes Jin-myung to miss their next bus.

makes it finally to her restaurant job (does it all the way ?? run), when together also from the rain soaked. your manager determines its slowness and looked very unhappy. At home, Ji-won, Ye-eun and Eun-jae color while wondering how Jin-myung as many can handle jobs. and so, with all the money they shelves, it still makes less than what would get Yi-na of one of her admirers.

at the end of another busy day at the restaurant, Jin-myung apologized to the manager, although they do not answer why it was too late. He tells her not easy to let to pass it again.

you prepares again under the rain to go, when a roof over your head pops open. Friendly chef Jae-wan smiles and walks to the bus station (to make sure that they give more space under the roof, awww).

It does not Jin-myung all but that feel comfortable. "Please do not let me be treated as well. If you treat me well and then stop, it is just difficult for me," she says. My bus arrives and in.

enters it without another glance in his direction

But she's surprised when Jae-wan her right next to the seat plops down. "Can I not only hold good then treat", he asks: "I can do that, right?" Confused, she looks out the window and tries to smile damnedest not, but completely failed.

He takes them all the way up to the front door of Edwardian house with the umbrella. Since the last bus is gone, he tells her that he will rest in a Jjimjilbang nearby. She calls him foolish to go through all this trouble, so Jae-wan smile again. He tells her to go inside, and reluctantly, she does.

The girls greet her when she's in there, but she wipes right past them and go to the balcony. And below, Jae-wan looking at her right. She smiles brightly, so Jae-wan to leave his cue at last. The girls ask what she does, and she panics too hard the window suggested way while her index finger busting.

Ye-eun, Ji-won and Eun-jae a new girl for Yi-na room interview, and they seems ok until the girl explained how ridiculous their old roommate with tidying the house were: only the bath for 30 minutes cleaning and even washing their clothes with her underwear.

The girls seem to find them a little on the cuckoo page, but you see them out with plastered-on smile.

Meanwhile, Yi-na proposes in her new flat back, singing and dancing, while the rest, open space to enjoy. When she falls into bed, their energy drains as quickly as it came.

Eun-jae notices Jin-myung alone to drink from the balcony, though Ji-won and Ye-eun calm, it is a normal Sunday Night Ritual Jin myung. But Jin-myung seems to have more ideas than normal. She looks out the window, remembering Jae-wan to watch them from the street.

The next day, Ji-won and Ye-eun attack Eun-jae with tickles, a boy would like information, she had a special moment during a trip Department. It's so nice to see how to get close to these three. Eun-jae studied by Jin-myung help, but they are all surprised when Jin-myung joins in the teasing in and asks what kind of guy he is.

Well, now caught Eun-jae and she has to spill.

Enter story mode: Eun-jae was wearing some problems of her bag, so classmate Jong-yeol had stepped in and grabbed it. Eun-jae had his intentions misunderstood and thought he only later would they resent again. So in a huff, he'd just dropped his own stuff at her feet, to tell her that to wear. Oh, come on, boy, you're just for yourself to make it worse

And of course, in the present, Eun-jae says hurry that Jong-yeol is not her type -. Jong-yeol is someone who bothers only. Then who is her husband, Ye-eun asks. Eun-jae smiles shyly.

had left apparently by Jong-yeol, another boy tsk-tsked behind her, say all the heavy lifting should be treated by the men. Eun-jae had turned to find in singing background a large, longhaired boy glows literally Angel from sunlight. A range of their pockets and a hair flip wear later, Eun-jae was completely fallen.

The girl at the cheesiness of it all cringe, but break into giggles when Ji-won Eun-jae reminded to use a condom when needed. Jin-myung smiles freely, although it immediately drops when she sees that the smile of Ji-won was caught.

During the work in the restaurant prepping, Jin-myung a little lipstick applies and ensures to connect to her pinched fingers. The night goes quite smoothly, with so subtle-you-hardly-release eye with Jae-wan flirting. Then everyone goes for a staff dinner. Jae-wan falls back when he said Jin-myung has already left for her other job.

In her convenience store job, Jin-myung eyes wander away from their studies and on the safety monitor, where they. A see young happy couple at a table Their eyes are glued to the screen with intrigue, perhaps even desire, although they eventually ineptly out of it.

you automatically calls a greeting to the sound of the door chime, and it turns out, the last person she expected. "Why are there so many convenience stores in the area?" Jae-wan says: "This is the fifth is I had to do." She asks if he was trying to find her, but he just grins and buys them both drinks.

He represents a ring twist-tie, and make sure to emphasize that it is a legit ring an ordinary it is twist-tie not only. Jin-myung seems to melt as he slips on her finger. Even after she comes home, she can not stop looking at it. It rests in Yi-na old room and admired the ring, making it clear that it is to her not no ordinary twist-tie.

In her new apartment, Yi-na gives up on trying to sleep. Instead, she sees through the Belle Epoque house group chat and then read ancient texts, at the usual banter 'girls laugh.

Ji-won and Eun-jae another potential roommate interview that turns even shy as Eun-jae. After politely show the girl, Ji-won wonder if the house spirit, their efforts sabotaged to find a roommate. The comment is Eun-jae again nervous.

Ye-eun goes with her boyfriend from Doo-young, where they sign a petition fast on the road and then head to the movies. Doo-young her frowns, suddenly says he's not in the mood for a movie. Or for the rest of their date, apparently because he drives them all the way home. Ye-Eun is understandably confused about his sudden anger and asks in a low voice, what they did wrong.

He her door and opens Huff: "If you already signed the petition, why write your school name?" Wait is what you are angry? He accuses her showing off that they, as is it a better college, the Ye-eun denies innocent. Doo-young gets only more frustrated with her answers and drags them out and onto the floor of the car. Hell no.

Luckily experienced this whole scene of Yi-na and they. Striving to Doo-young and kills him on the head with her handbag Then turns to Ye-Eun: "Who is this bastard Why is he doing this for you?" Embarrassed, Ye-eun gets up and goes over both the inside to rush.

Yi-na follows Ye-eun all the way to her room and asks if this bastard is her boyfriend. "Break up with him at the moment," Yi-na orders. You do not want Ye-eun dating a guy like him.

But Ye-eun will not listen. She screams that her love life, and it's not like Yi-nas is better. She slams her bedroom door to screaming to leave Yi-na the house. Equally excited, Yi-na yells back that she wants.

Jin-myung go for a new pair of shoes to buy, then the restaurant, it gets attention Jae-Wan and sneaks away from meals. She gives him a gift when it points out that there is not much and hurries out. We see it in her locker put away their old shabby shoes, having chosen his present place of shoes to buy needed.

Jae-wan shines when he opens the gift-knife sharpener, and he makes sure to use it directly in front of Jin-myung as it goes in and out of the kitchen. Do not press its contents until her face is from his perspective. So many smiles from her in this episode. Gotta love it.

, while a customer passed his order, the pain in Jin-myung fingers caused her the plate a little too hard to fall. The manager noticed this and later confronted about it in the employee break room. He tears the bandage from the fingers, almost as good ripping off her nail, and scolds them in their hands to serve, would the customer disgusting. He orders everyone else to go home. From the kitchen, Jae-wan they not observed to be able to talk to.

leaves too after each, Jae-wan waits for Jin-myung out there, but they never go out. He goes back into the house and searched the entire building, but it is nowhere to be found.

My manager takes Jin-Myung out for a late dinner and drinks to explain that he just screamed at her as a show in front of the other workers. In truth, he lay down by the school as well, so he understands how she feels. He drives home that night, they fall away as Jae-wan comes. Jae-wan watch gets out of the car from a distance as Jin-myung and drags himself inside the house. I hope he does not get the wrong idea.

Jae-wan gets even more confused when he hears the next day that Jin-myung has been conveyed to register duty.

Yi-na is a little tipsy at the bar and sets their relationship to share problems with their new buddy bar, AKA Creepy Stalker man. It makes me uneasy to be so open with this guy.

What really bothers Yi-na is the nightmares she moved, because it was with. "I have fallen into the water," she says to him: "It's pitch black, but someone staring at me under water." She thinks it might be a person, but it could also be a kind of animal.

She breaks off and asks the man if he wants to get into her apartment, but her opinion changes quickly. The man lets out a shaky breath, although I can not say whether it is because of their bid or dream. He apologizes to inject to the toilet his face with a little water. When he comes out, he is surprised that Yi-na is already gone.

Once away from work, Jin-myung finds Jae-wan wait for them outside as always. Go silently to the bus stop together, when the silence is more cumbersome than usual today. Jae-wan is to speak the first, and said he was waiting for them yesterday. Jin-myung says what he already knows that the Manager drove her home.

Jae-wan turns to her. "Please tell me it's that it is not," he pleads. Jin-myung appears and close heads for her oncoming bus instead. He grabs her wrist, finally get the words out of her. Jin-myung: "If I told you, would you believe me?" Jae-wan: "Yes." Her expression soft, but they still removed his hand and flees to the bus

As she goes home. , Alone with her thoughts, an extremely drunk Yi-na falls out of a taxi and stumbles into the house. The poor girl just can not seem to stay away.

Yi-na makes a beeline for the bathroom, while the other girls are in shock there. Once it is off, Yi-na mumbles an apology for her bath and begins to leave with. She comes to a sudden stop, pointing to Ji-won, wondered if the spirit left in the closet. It must, Yi-na says, because the spirit followed her and now appearing in her dreams.

She turns back only to leave to slip and fall with it, sending Ye-Eun down. Yi-na keeps Ye-eun, looking directly into her eyes. "You," Yi-na voice is stern. "Enough to see with the guy. I say this because I am afraid you will hurt. Because I'm worried about you." Ye-eun pushes Yi-na and Yi-na mumbling drunk that Ye-eun not even know , what a great person she is, because they know that Punk is dating. The girls all seem to be affected, and Yi-nas soon widely transforms into snoring. Ye-eun grumbles angrily, but it seems rather half-hearted anger to me.

Jin-myung later reviewed in on Yi-na and found the poor girl sprawled on her old bed. Jin-myung she covered with a blanket and looked at her sleeping face. Your thoughts go back in the car with their manager to be last night. The manager had told her to think of him as an uncle and him to come for any help. He got a little too comfortable with her and began patting her thigh and squeezed.

Back in Yi-na room, Jin-myung thinks that the manager knew exactly what he did, how they did it. She brings her eyes back to Yi-na. In her mind, she tells us that this time they were not, they all Yi-na liked thought she was a better person than Yi-na. But now it is clear that this is not true. She just never so much temptation to fight had pretended Yi-na. leaves

Sometime after Jin-myung, Ye-eun comes to bear their own blanket. When she sees already covered Yi-na, she pulls softly. Daww, I knew you cared.

Everyone is already busy, clean the house, when Yi-na the next morning finally wakes up. All eyes are on her as she comes out of her room, and excused them awkwardly to unauthorized access. Before she can leave, Ji-won calls: "The ghost ... it was here the whole time." So it is not followed by Yi-na, after all. Yi-na wonders what the dreams of the past.

However, Yi-na still can not seem to leave. "I can not live here only?" She asks swaying with confidence. "I know it is foolish then to move back into motion, and I know that I lied to you. I know that, but even so, I can not live here?"

The rest of the girls glances exchanged tense but no one says a word. Yi-na takes the silence as a rejection and hurries back without boring.

The four girls potential interview roommate # 3, and this time, the applicant appears to be completely normal. The girls find a little to normal although, to be to the point boring. Everyone agrees that they want someone dynamic.

Jin-myung then gets a call from her mother, and forwards them to the hospital immediately. They rounded the corner into a hectic scene: nurses rush in and out of a room, and her mother collapsed on the floor and cried hysterically for the patient, Joon-myung. Oh, he must be Jin-myung brother.

It all moves in slow motion for Jin-myung and it can only muffled watch as the doctor assured her mother that Joon-myung has been stabilized. It hears their cries, but the mother still looks inconsolable as if they, before they had to go through this many times. Jin-myung taking a look into her mother exhausted eyes and turns in the other direction, a new provision in their step.

The restaurant is Jin-myung the ultimate goal, and this time, it is to wait their turn for Jae-wan. When he comes out, he can tell something is wrong. Jin-myung looks like they could break at any moment, but it rests quietly on her forehead Jae-wan chest.

"My younger brother did not die," she says, her voice flat. "He did not die in two years. But I really thought that he died this time. I was really hoping he would just die." Jae-wan tries to put on her arm a comforting hand, but she pulls away. She asks if he still loves her, and he responds with a confident yes.

"Unlike" she says: "If I think someone like me, I get weak If I get weak, it is really the end for me.." And she lets him simply so, still together.

Eun-jae comes out of her room that night, followed by Ji-won, and they are totally shocked near the balcony bent Jin-myung to see shook with sobs. Ji-won kneels before Jin-myung and asks what's going on. "My fingernail fell," Jin-myung whimpers: "I did not think it would hurt so much It hurts so much, I feel like I could die.." Gah, now I cry.

Jin-myung repeated again and again that it hurts, so Ji-won it embraces in a hug, patting her back. Eun-jae and Ye-eun stand back, forming tears in their own eyes, as you see her fall apart sunbae.

epilogue. Jin-myung is questioned about their school and family life, and it flies through every question, unwilling to get too deep. When the interviewer asks if Jin-myung of Hausgeist thought was somehow related to her brother, she takes a long pause before he answered that they do not know.


Ugh. * Pounds * Breast That was rough, ya'll. But so, so good. So far, I'm like, is set as each episode, the focus, while the other heroines are still a lot of attention to a girl in a rule, it is more fear or welcome some comic relief (Eun-jae Boy story was a highlight for me, lol). Yi-na story was I was glad fully unraveled to see and I loved to see her growing concern for the girls, especially for Ye-eun, when her boyfriend was pushing her around. These two were definitely the least close to the group, and they made sure to show it, but her scenes in the episode were all incredibly heartwarming.

I do not even know if it's because Yi-na is still considered something of a friend or a roommate Ye-eun looks or whether it is because they saw more another woman is abused by a man , Yi-na need to know what that feels like, so I'm sure it hurts even more to see it happen to someone else. Now I just want to Ye-eun take off their rose-colored glasses and all stomp on them so that they see a destructive relationship, what she has. And I think, Yi-na could be the best to help her.

Then we Jin-myung. She had been a question mark for me since the premiere, so I was very interested in their story arc. And I think, Han Ye-ri absolutely nailed her interpretation of the character. She gave Jin-myung a very cool, almost as kind of atmosphere written with enough history in their eyes, to tell us that she was hurt. I think so far, Jin-myung pain stun do a good job by being at their request, a special person and turn all their energy someone was particularly average instead. The average number of employees of the company may seem like a boring job description appear, but to some, it can also be a good safe zone. No one can use in your small cabin touch, and I'm sure that's exactly what Jin-myung wanted. She wanted to hide in their own space, away from any heartbreak waiting to take down again.

Thus, while all the girls have managed to tug my heartstrings, was Jin-myung one who ripped clean out of my chest. After a long time their feelings of numbing, it must've felt amazing restarting them by Jae-wan. Your moments with Jae-wan had no doubt adorable, and that's all I thought they were-loving. But as we got more backstory with Jin-myung, it became increasingly obvious that these small moments actually the world meant to them. The little twist-tie ring Jae-wan gave her seemed to symbolize how the smallest gesture gave her the courage to feel again.

Like her roommate, I was surprised to see in this episode from her so much emotion: excitement, dizziness, and even a little shy. I started looking looking for their starring Jae-wan, because that was when she was still alive. And I love that when she opened to him, it opened with the girls up. Sure, she was still a smile hidden, but they were still smiling meaningful. And to see how they take their own happiness by himself, made the impact of their collapse much more.

At this point I feel like I have already connected to Jin-myung and the other, so even though the show is not as coherent as I, I do not care wanted to be more about each one of their problems , And I think also the real life either is not contiguous. As these girls, we can not always see, the path to success or happiness. We just have to blindly navigate and find the right way on our own. So we take abrupt pitstops in life, such as Yi-na off, just turn around and realize it was probably a big mistake. And it is this age of the twenties, which always seems like the hardest. The hardest with love, with adulthood setting and with keeping friendships. The twenties are a sensitive time, as friends drift away, and it becomes more difficult maintain newer friendships. This is all the more reason for us to keep so long for them as we can.

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tags: age of youth, in Han Seung-yeon, Han Ye-ri, Park Eun-bin, Park Hye-soo, Ryu Hwa-young

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