Our hero has always been confident and assertive in all that he does in the hospital, but only because he is the right diagnosis but usually receives not mean that he is exempt from the hit new lows. Young-oh takes an in-depth emotional blows from hospital policy this week, and as we learn more about the mechanics behind the killings, we are still left, who is the puppet master really ask.
We rewind to a scene of Young-oh and his girlfriend min-jae during happier days, where min-jae is as optimistic as possible about their transfer to a landscape branch of the hospital , She rushes over when she sees Young-oh, to discover the files on her desk picking up and in spite of their attempts to hide what is among her papers, Young-oh easily pushes her away an awkward pancakes collage of her pictures.
Young-oh assures her that he will visit every weekend, and touched, Min-jae gives him a light kiss on the cheek. She explains that she was worried he would want to break, and Young-oh takes her wrist in his hand.
Min-Jae momentarily confused when Young-oh tells her that he feels the same way, but when he explains that her wrist says: "I love you", she realizes that he just took her pulse. She's a little taken aback, but as Young-oh stated that he never go first go of her hand, and she nods happily.
In the countryside, Min-jae hurriedly searched library books when on an article with a picture of Young-oh like a child and his Adoptive father, Dr. Lee comes incidentally. She digs through the archives for more information and it is to learn to empathize inability shocked by Young-oh.
She also finds out that Young-oh is trained to mimic human emotions already, and previously romantic moments take on a different hue when she realizes that Young-oh just feelings, they pretended to have.
Late at night, she makes him a call and asks why he is dating. His answer it hurts, but hiding their true reaction, she simply tells him that she loves him.
In the present, Min-jae shows that Young-oh antisocial disorder has at all on the mortality conference, and stated that he should not be a doctor. Jin-sung everything overheard from the back of the auditorium and watched as Young-oh staring at Min-jae in shock.
faced in the research laboratory, Suk-Joo Chae Assistant Manager on the motorcyclist to his primary doctor and asked if he knew about the lack of heart from the beginning.
all starts to click for Suk-Joo, as he realizes that the strange heart lesions were an undesirable side effect of their research. He concludes that chief director Shin must've discovered the same thing and collapsed after they meet with Assistant Manager Chae.
A flashback shows arrive an out-of-breath director Shin in the Assistant Manager Chae office. With director Shin little water, Assistant Manager Chae had a substance poured into a cup before she had the surrender and director Shin then swallowed the water.
In the present, Assistant Manager Chae Suk-Joo, the director Shin says died because of this reason, and not change by digging into the past. With a veiled threat, says Assistant Manager Chae, that he does not want Suk-Joo die for the same reason - after all Suk-Joo is an important part of its research laboratory.
Disturbed, Suk-Joo asks, "Was not our research meant to save more lives?" He throws the incriminating file to run on the desk in frustration and begins when Assistant Manager Chae calls after him. Assistant Manager Chae tells him that they are dealing with a 0-billion dollar market, and Suk-Joo is disgusted, wondering if Assistant Manager Chae expected him to keep quiet just for the money.
Assistant Manager Chae grins and replies that it is not that Suk-Joo is to keep for the money quietly, but rather that the money will be closed to him , Assistant Manager Chae notes that so far it was the motorcyclist, Director Shin and Dr. Shim dying. He asks Suk-Joo menacingly who he is next thinks.
makesBack in mortality conference, Director Kang unveiled a show that he knows Dr. Shim died after Young-oh her injected with medicine, but boy oh is focused only on Min-jae betrayal. He does not even notice that he knocks over the podium when he goes to her to ask what they, by trying to protect them.
Min-jae looks distraught when she him and director Kang answers for their faces suggesting that it is concerned for the safety of Hyunsung patients. Min-jae avoids Young-oh eyes as officers come and put him in handcuffs and led him away to the police station.
-oh The other doctors about Young gossip, wondering how to respond to this situation, Dr. Lee, if a doctor mentioned that Min-Jae and Young -oh should marry. You wonder what they could possibly have been thinking.
The woman who is in office Director Kang, recalling that Hyunsung scapegoat might as well be a devil-like person like Young-oh. Director Kang congratulates Min-jae to Professor thanks to their treason to be offering a handshake, but it only prevents him as she goes.
Min-jae Dr. Lee meets in the corridor, and he asks them if they just close to his son, to betray him like that. She smiles bitterly when she says Dr. Lee, that they could not even tell that something was wrong with Young-oh, first, because he had been so well trained.
Dr. Lee asks Min-jae, when they committed Young-oh really thinks the murders, but Min-jae evades the question, answering that this was for the safety of Hyunsung patients. Asks Dr. Lee what he thinks, commenting that he needs to know more because of its special relationship with Young-oh.
At the police station, Young-oh is currently connected to a polygraph test, and the officer leading warns him nothing funny to try. Officials ask him about Dr. Shim's death, noting that she went to a cardiac arrest in not long after he left her room. sophisticated Young-oh sitting there quietly, but the polygraph test starts to move erratically.
confronted the hospital Suk-Joo Dr. Kim to know why she did not tell him that her daughter was involved in their research. He asks Dr. Kim if she killed the motorcyclist and Chief Director Shin, and her lower lip began to tremble.
She goes away, but Suk-Joo grabs, and he notices the puncture marks on his arms. Horrified he asks Dr. Kim if she has gone mad, but she says indignantly Suk-Joo that he has no right to judge them.
She grabs that Suk-Joo always seems so fair, but he can not even do anything to save her daughter. Her voice turning shrill, Dr. Kim tells him that they have nothing to do, and she choked back sobs as she says she is survived only as a mother.
Suk-Joo is in the locker room, thoughtfully looking at his phone. However, when he found the steps that he is scared an unconscious Dr. Kim by the hospital on wheels
In the interrogation room, Young-oh quietly confesses that he killed all -. Dr. Shim, chief director Shin, and the motorcyclist. The polygraph reads his confession as the truth, and the leading officer asks Young-oh, how he could have done something so terrible as a doctor.
When Young-oh is asked his earlier statements to confirm his expression suddenly turns to one of fear, and he emphasizes that he did not kill anybody. He then begins to give contradictory statements, between them oscillated like a madman when the needle is raging on the polygraph test.
"I am a killer. I'm not a murderer. I am a man. Or am I a woman? I'm a man. I am not a man. I'm alive. No, I'm dead." the lie detector is not between truth and falsehood to distinguish, the situation is so escalated that the leading officer must yell at him to stop.
The officer on the polygraph test work leaves the room, and Young-oh, asks the leading officer, if this is the kind of thing that he wanted to see from him. Angry raises the leading officer a glass bowl against the wall, and it breaks across the room, as Jin-sung steps inside.
Young-oh takes the polygraph test, and calls from the leading officer, if he is capable of feeling such deep pain is someone else, because he does not like he's a monster. Recording a shard of glass from the floor, Young-oh scratched it on his bare chest, and asks the leading officer, if he can feel his pain.
Young-oh leans forward and does not tell the leading officer who just because he is saying does not mean lying about how he feels someone pain, that he killed someone. The leading officer curses and stalks out of the room.
Jin-sung goes to Young-oh and tells him that they can not be able to accurately feel his pain, but you can imagine how it must feel. Handing him a handkerchief, she pushes him back to the hospital.
talking to the leading officer Jin-sung and tells him that Young-oh is innocent. She hands over a bag a vial contains potassium, and explains that this weapon in the murder of the motorcyclist and the Chief Director Shin. was
She reveals that Dr. Kim potassium on both victims during the operations had administered, and while administered it to himself in the storeroom of guilt. Jin-sung told the leading officer that Dr. Kim had been, and in a flashback we see Suk-Joo to read her text message to tell him that they planned to turn himself in.
Director Kang discusses Dr. Kim's situation with Assistant Manager Chae and comments that they leave rather irresponsible her child alone. The reporter, who had previously threatened to dig in chief director Shin death sits with them now, and director Kang bribes him with a position on Hyunsung the newspaper.
At home Young-oh greets his father, who tells him that Director Kang Young-oh fired submitted. Young-oh insists that he is innocent, but Dr. Lee does not seem to care, and only wonders where he went wrong with Young-oh. Dr. Lee leaves the room and Young-oh stitches chest wound itself, especially on the table Jin-sung leaving handkerchief.
The JCI accredited flag hangs proudly on the Hyunsung hospital building and Young-oh looks at a replica of it in director Kang office. Young-oh requires that Director Kang the request to fire him back, arguing that the director Kang knows he completely innocent.
Young-oh asks if director Kang is worried that his and Assistant Manager Chae out secret Young-oh is, and director Kang noted that no one would hear dismiss a psychopath from the hospital because of a murder charge anyway ,
Young-oh asks if that's why director Kang Min-jae needed and director Kang laughs and says that Min-jae was the one who approached him with her work on antisocial personality disorder first.
The search for Min-jae at the hospital counter, Young-oh she faced, and they move to a private room to talk. Delicately, he wonders why she had not told him, and she replies, that is the question that she wanted, having to ask him all these years. She looks Young-oh cold, to tell him that he was the one who uses it for the first time -. He needed to do so, as he was a normal person
Young-oh is still stunned, telling Min-jae that she never lied to him - not once. He reaches into the cup her face, but she moves away from his touch, as Young-oh you ask to confirm that she loved him.
Young-oh begin to analyze their expression, but Min-jae get there before he does. "Raised Eyebrows, wrinkled nose, withdrawn feet. This show contempt and fear," she says with tears in her eyes.
He is shocked that she knows how to analyze body signals about him, but it does not stop there, and demands to know to express what body signals the emotion of love. It states that love covers all emotions, while not to be one of them, and says Young-oh, that he would never be able to read it, because he never learned what love is.
She says that this is probably why it was so easy to deceive him, and noted that this kind of thing does not really someone should like to hurt him. Young-oh hand reaches suddenly to the neck and he grabs include Min-jae, choking them.
Young-oh whispers that he did his best for them, but Min-jae replies that he was only doing his best to imitate be best for them. Step back, he lets go of it, and is there lifeless.
Meanwhile, Jin-sung is the son of the motorcyclist dropping at school and calling him to be late again. Sergeant Park jokingly asks whether to transfer them to the female and youth division this time is going on, and explains them unabashedly that a traffic accident victim family member help is part of their job as a traffic policeman.
Later she gets some ramen at an outdoor stand, and adds a bottle of soju to her. She looks longingly at the soju bottle caps and to their surprise, Suk-Joo turns out, a few tables to sit at, at the same level.
sharing a drink and nostalgic to chief director Shin and his love to reflect alcohol. Jin-sung comments that she used to think the police to a murder case pursued to catch the criminals, but now, she realizes that it really is for the people who were left behind.
wakes up in the hospital Suk-Joo Kim Dr daughter and thinks back to the first time he met Dr. Kim. She was kneeling by a patient's bedside, verify its urine bag. A young Dr. Kim had practically bursting with excitement when they had reached the drainage bag 130cc realized that meant the patient - their first patient ever - would live.
She had kissed the bag (ew!), And turned to Suk-Joo, and although he had been reluctant to shake her hand at that time (as it the urine bag just moments before had stopped), it is a beautiful memory that Suk-Joo throws a tear now. are
Dr. Lee and Assistant Manager Chae Director Kang Golf with Assemblyman Kim, who asked to see if regenerative medicine they are working on for marketing purposes , The assemblyman wants ready as soon as possible so he can get votes for the next year's presidential election, but director Kang him only says that it is not the treatment that is important -. It is the fact that it goes on to research that is important
DR. Lee says Director Kang, the director of the hospital on the spot can not be left open and only as an Assistant Manager Chae its approval votes, Dr. Lee says he'll apply for the job. Dr. Lee takes his leave, and director Kang notes that Assistant Manager Chae now has a formidable competitor for the position.
Assistant Manager Chae Dr. Lee catches up and noticed that he did not believe Dr. Lee was interested in the position because he was so close to Chief Director Shin. Dr. Lee says Assistant Manager Chae, that it is precisely because he was so close to director Shin that he will not let the regenerative medical treatment center turn into an instrument for the stock market or the political arena.
Dr. Lee explains that there must be someone to keep the hospital chairman in check, and that is the role of the hospital director. Throw a few jabs of his own, asks Assistant Manager Chae when Dr. Lee considering everything can obtain the position of what has happened to his son, Young-oh.
The Bad, Young-oh practices his facial expressions in the mirror and splashing his face with water to remove the head. As he walks through the hospital, all the other doctors and nurses are avoiding him and wondered how he could be so blind about him to what everyone thinks.
Suddenly a patient on a stretcher through, and the nurses report that he had fallen down the stairs. Young-oh goes over and inspects calm the patient and said that it is very likely the patient has glioblastoma, a rare type of brain tumor.
The other doctor looks suspiciously at Young-oh, and asks the patient if he has any existing diseases, but the patient asks for his wife. The woman is behind them, and replies that it is true - her husband has glioblastoma
She speaks soothingly to her husband and told him all soon be over is .. She asks Young-oh, to dismiss her husband , show him the legal papers that her husband had signed. The patient had stated that he would not be brought back to life and gave his wife power over all his medical decisions.
Young-oh directly the patient asks, and the patient simply asks for him, as his wife to do, says. Young-oh repeatedly to the patient that he may die if he is now discharged, and read your body signals of the patient -. say His eyes especially, Young-oh, that he hides under excessive anxiety and stress, his true desires
Young-oh told the patient care, assured him that he save him definitely. The woman sits on Young-oh stop to save her husband, and the other doctors have to force her pull away when the patient goes cardiac arrest.
Young-oh successfully manages to save him a complicated procedure (holes in the head and releasing liquid), and he announces the woman so much. The woman goes to her husband and begins to sob as she observed his pitiful condition.
In the CT room, criticized another doctor Young-oh to force to live the patient if the man had already signed the papers, and Young-oh says only the doctor that he sure the patient wanted to live.
Suddenly an announcement over the loudspeaker calls Young-oh, and he rushes into the room of his patients. He finds the woman an unrestricted life holds support cord, and she screams that Young-oh was the one who made them do so. had
She cries that make them so desperate to go with Young-oh her husband, asked, and asks if everything has to be done now, the police have to go. Young-oh roars this incredible situation in anger and he makes his way out. The doctors watched the scene from him away quickly.
Dr. Lee steps before Young-oh, and tells him that he was discharged from hospital Hyunsung. Confused, Young-oh asks what he has done wrong when everything he did save a patient was. Dr. Lee rebukes him, telling him he is forced a patient's guardian, to end the life of a beloved family member. What's worse, Dr. Lee says, is that Young-oh do not even realize that what he did was wrong.
Dr. Lee leans closer to Young-oh and grabs his shoulder and whispered that this is why he opposed a monster was like Young-oh to be a doctor. Shining, Dr. Lee announces once again that the Ethics Committee Young-oh dismissed.
In a daze, Young-oh, the doctors looked around him to avoid all his views. He stumbles listless from the hospital when he pleadingly the woman thinks back for him not to rescue her husband to Min-jae to tell him that he does not always understand love, are trained spent in childhood to read emotions, and right now to harsh words of his father.
Young-oh almost into circulation Wanders, and when a kind pedestrian tried Young-oh to pull back, Young-oh only beat him in the face. Young-oh beats him repeatedly flashing to the ruined birthday party of his youth days back. Just as he did then, he comes to the realization that he could do something wrong, and staggers away from the crowd.
He goes into the oncoming traffic when Jin-sung come behind him and asks if he's okay. They assured him that everything is okay, that it was nothing, and packed to go his hand. Young-oh withdraws it, and heavily on her, she asks him to help before collapsing on her leaning.
Jang Hyuk an incredible job of doing as Young-oh, but I get the feeling that the show want just me to accept his violent moments as another fad that part of his anti-social disorder, although they are rather disturbing starting out. While I feel sorry for him because he's has not only unjustly accused of murder, but also by all his loved ones (all two of them, I think) betrayed, I can not help but think that everyone is not wrong him to distrust, if he has a tendency to react violently when things are down.
There is absolutely unfair Young-oh accusing a murderer to be based on nothing more than his fault; but people suffocate if he angry or hitting people, because he instinctively imagines it to be dangerous, even if they are just trying to be helpful - that are not characteristic of a good doctor. For the most part have the other doctors and director not Kang, not seen these violent tendencies, so their assumption that Young-oh is disabled is a doctor to be baseless (he was not even a murderer was for fully investigated and the most I think of them jump to conclusions yet), but if they do these violent moments witness, actually, that their assumption that he deserves to be fired a little more is valid.
Still Young-oh is safe in his wretched condition in this episode began with Min-jae treason and ended with Dr. Lee him a monster (again) is called. This time, the offense applies much harder, because it seems that all Young-oh ever really wanted, that his father was the agreement, but now that he has lost his job as a doctor, he is never recognized by his father as successful are "normal person.
I'm sure there must be something with the glioblastoma patient and his wife more, and there must be a reason that Young-oh fear in his eyes. it would an interesting turn when its the only person that empathy ended up missing the one who understood most accurately the feelings of anyone. I want to be Young-oh back on their feet and all the time was right, the hospital policy and its violent overcoming tendencies, but he is not going to do it without Jin-sung.
My opinion Jin-sung softened this week a little, and I'm glad that they will regret their impulsive actions. They certainly got off easily for the extent of the error made, but because they first jumped to the wrong conclusion about Young-oh personality did before anyone else, she gets also realize that Young-oh is not so terrible about a man before all other (hopefully) realized the same. Jin-sung not really have an important role in this episode, but now that she is the only left on Young-oh page, I can not wait for them to strengthen it and help him restore his reputation.
On a side note, I'm also wondering how exactly this representation is drama of antisocial personality disorder. After the drama, it seems that the main symptom empathize only is the inability, but with morality actively use the people in real life antisocial personality disorder lack and and manipulate others to get their way. For me, Young-oh does not really seem the other symptoms of someone with antisocial personality disorder fit. In fact, he seems principled much more moral than most other doctors in Hyunsung Medical Center, which hits me only as rather ironic.
Speaking of doctors and morality but I really hope Suk-Joo doesn 't victim Assistant Manager Chae fall threats. As Dr. Kim, Suk-Joo has always principled and upright is, so it will be interesting to see how (or whether) he tried the hospital fighting conspiracy. Jin-sung has wrong about many things, but I hope she is steadfast belief in the goodness of Suk-Joo not one of them.
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