Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 10 -

It is an emotionally charged episode on several fronts, lift, so that everyone your hearts for some pinching. There is plenty of cuteness and go around breaking, but now that we are halfway to deepen feelings and to engage and get more complicated especially with more of the past to illuminate the present emerge. We thought we had a pretty good idea what the deal was, but the show has ensured its layers peel back elegant, without revealing all the stuff that keeps the surprises in the game.


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With the press conference to begin, our stealth team prepares to infiltrate the heavily monitored hall to do some muckraking. Assemblyman Kim's side every precaution to the event to control, so the only thing viewers see politicians polished image of integrity.

ABS has sole broadcasting rights secured to live about the event, so that they have the got in appeasement assemblyman a vested interest. responsible for the cover is min-jae, who directs behind the hall of an OB van, her boss assured that their team has the event control.

in the someday office, moon-ho takes a few cheesy promo photos Editor Jang asks if he is ready to take-protect to be a hit journalist cred. moon-ho recalls min-jae him addicted to its popularity and is the Editor calling the green light to sell everything for the sake of her mission. Everyone is watching in curiosity (or schadenfreude) to see what the moon-ho's up to. So give 'em a show.

With this assurance, Editor Jang promises to do its work and create some problems.

At the event hall, Moon-ho sidekick Jong-soo masquerades as service employee. Then Young-shin and Jung-hoo arrive to spick and span and strutting in like they own the place. So when they are stopped by the staff, sniffing Young-shin in their airiest heiress voice: "Why am I being restricted?"

a little relaxed as guests of the engagement ceremony of the identification of the guards, but Jung -hoo the large bag still attracts a glance. Thinking quickly, the staffer distract from the review to be it, Young-shin rests her head on Jung-hoo shoulder and says pettishly " Oppa. I'm in a bad mood. you something "

I love it that we can see several layers to Jung-Hoo's act at the same time. He is the healer how nervous acting Bong-Soo, of behaving as an authoritative friend. He reaches for his phone to call his "secretary", but Young-shin tells him the owner to call this venue "before I explode." The staffer allowed hurry them along instead risking his neck, injuring some VVIPs.

Along with Jong-soo, the three gate-crashers to the baths hurry to prep their equipment. HA, Young-shin charges in the ladies room expects full Jung-hoo to follow, and he does the same with the men's room. He wins, and they raise less attention-grabbing clothing and are willing to put their cameras.

Moon-ho from the news desk calls to check their status, and reminds Young-shin, that whatever it is, has to do the question to ask. to get an answer is not important because Moon-ho is standing to take over from there on the report.


Jung-hoo steps aside in with Min-ja, the harassed again to bend him before he gets into more trouble. Warns you that he a police tail they are picked snooping Young-shin, and he has already been photographed. She has a bad feeling about this.

But Jung-hoo refuses even now to leave, even if there is no legitimate reason for Healer related is it to stay. When she pressed for an explanation, he replied that he would get a job order. You know nothing about it, and he replies: "It's about me staying next Chae Young-shin.." Awwww. No excuses, just the truth.

Min-ja calls teachers to inform them that Jung-hoo has "broken free from the reins." Well, what do they do?

Detective Yoon pulls the personnel files of all employees one day and arranges them based on official documents rechecked, get with a particular focus on the images of their faces.

Moon Shik the elders at home combines well as the press conference about to be started, and they look together as Assemblyman Kim takes the podium and begins his opening statements. Our trio sneaks into the hall by her act with a deflected official tagging along as they are part of its environment.

Now it is one thing to find its opening. Assemblyman Kim starts questions and Young-shin waiting alertly take for a chance to hijack the process.

Moon-ho puts in a call to Min-jae, who is busy monitoring the press conference. But he insists it is important and it sounds so urgent that they charge their producer and exits the van leaves to take his call.

If the floor opened for another question, Jung-hoo strike insistence look at Young-shin to take the moment, but it has cold feet at the last minute and not shaking his head. Another reporter takes his preapproved Ask question about, and Young-jae fades in displeasure, memories do sooner Recalling Moon-ho, what she had to do, to ask her question.

So has she bucks the courage and sends Jung-ho a this Let's do look. He starts recording as Young-shin up steps to interrupt, before the other reporter has a chance to speak. It is concerned, according to the politicians: "You know Joo Yeon-hee, is not it?"

Murmuring broke out, but the assemblyman ignores them and the other reporter takes his question. Young-shin is in danger of losing their opening, and looking for a way to save it. She remembers Moon-ho lessons, and how he had told her to throw her shoe at him, if he would hold his attention. She whipped her trench coat and goes right into the passage, eye-catching in its slim red Formalwear, and starts in their tough questioning from before anyone can react.

She lays with President Hwang Assemblyman Kim's Association from their shady backdoor connection handling-Kim Hwang back to the construction employed scratched, and Hwang favor of women, returned including Yeon-hee.

While Young-shin is this bomb setting off, Moon-ho apologizes to Min-jae admit over the phone that he needed to pull it off for 30 seconds, and that it is sorry it had to be her. It dawns on her late that they are missing something, and she runs back to the mission in terror.

Jung-hoo is aside wrestled security, but Young-shin is to get in a position a lot of information before security gets her. She turns to the wall of cameras, viewers from Moon-ho to inform forthcoming report, then signed off in a hurry. Hilariously, it represents the last moment in her heels to send her face planting right on a camera lens.


Min-jae at their posts and the ABS cuts broadcast pre-recorded clips, but the damage is done. And while I have sold only limited sympathy for Moon Shik regarding him to the Elder his soul, you have to admit it embarrassing for him to have these with the old man to see, worked to so hard on it to made that his child bro was harmless.

Moon Shik promises of intervention Reporter worry about, but the Elder points out that she committed no crime, the broadcast was live, and it can not touch to win without notice. He concludes, "Kim Moon-ho has sent us a serious warning .: Do not touch it "

The Elder lays his staff not in damage-control mode, but they were not prepared for it, the Internet rush and do not have appropriate measures in readiness. The old man is so impressed by Moon-ho planning, he giggles loudly, although he must be mad. Moon Shik kneeling penitent and promises to find a solution, while the Elder decides they'll Assemblyman Kim cut loose. Would Moon Shik be interested in taking his position?

Moon-ho bears the rest of the newscast, describes the space Salon video that they were given by a secret informant, showing Young-shin recorded interview with Yeon-hee. He concludes with an oath, that although one day only can transmit sporadically, they do not produce "programs that should not be made", said people in power abuse their resources to cover the eyes of the powerless. He promises they will come back, if there are more things to say, bows his head to his audience, and logs off.

It's moments like these that you understand why Moon-ho is as respected as he is. He's so damn impressive at this moment that his staff gapes in awe, and Young-shin sighs with shining eyes.

In a few seconds, moon-ho shoots to the top of search engine lists and telephones One day start ringing off the hook. The team members are taken with simultaneous waves of joy and trepidation at what they have done, but take their cue from pleased Moon-ho, who thanked them for their work.

Jung-hoo watches the return of Young-shin's hero worship, and she jumps practically Moon-ho to take reputation. (And, destroying it, revolves around giddily to chat with him, with his back turned away from Jung-hoo.)

Jong-soo wonders whether this is a sunbae-hoobae relationship or a budding romantic, half-jokingly, that he might try persecuted while Jung-hoo face wearing this ... expression .

Young-shin is ecstatic with the results of the day, her mood further strengthened when Moon-ho their praises for a job well done. She returns the feeling to say: "You're a better person than I thought I wrong you understood a moment.." Ahhh, it's uplifting to see how their words mean so much to him, even though his voice remains even keel , He hangs up and murmurs: ". Thank you, Ji-an-ah"

to watch as three head to load the car and their equipment, Jung-hoo clocks the civilian police from a parked car. You see every time he glances over away, and he keeps his face averted as he speaks to Young-shin, which is stumbling in her heels. When he offers her boots, she smiles appreciatively at his thoughtfulness.

The bulls remain on their tail as they drive, so Jung-hoo takes advantage of the opportunity when a large truck between the two cars get. Penetrate Jong-soo expel in a side street, they temporarily lose the police car. Just to be sure, Jung-hoo pulls over the car and heralds a confused Young-shin made with him, sending Jong-soo off alone. Not a moment too soon, for as he and Young-shin dart into a building, he sees driving the car "bulls from the outside.

At least she in clear now, and to explain his behavior, Jung-hoo plays it like he just wanted to go along for drinks. Young-shin assumes that he meant, Jong-soo, digging and agrees enthusiastically conceding that it beautiful, without the third wheel. It proposes a wine bar, but Jung-hoo has a place in mind and takes the lead.

the moon Shik leaves his encounter with the elders, he flashes back to the first time, he had been brought here. against his will, it looks like, from the way he fights against the burly guards who pull him in.

Sporting bloodied face, Young moon Shik fades as the Elder "growth" as the process spoken to close his eyes, to reopen it then to see previously invisible things. Moon Shik spits ", enter chairs in the world, false testimony, betrayed friends-you know that call this growth?"

The Elder replied that this is how Moon Shik can survive-and even the woman he loves. You can get the best medical care and to recover, and then can set Moon Shik atone or love. Hm, so it looks like we in the immediate period after the mysterious accident ...

Jong-soo returns to the office alone are, are grumbling about his partner ditched. He cheers heard that Moon-ho is the staff to treat for dinner, and as he goes, the camera lingers useful to the pockets of Young-Shin and Jung-hoo clothing.

On the way to the Jung-Hoo's secret location, Young-shin buck pauses before the elevator, at the last minute. She makes an excuse about the best bars to subway to be, but Jung-hoo keeps them leave and says he likes heights where he can observe people from above.

The formulation sounds like to you, and he says: "I can see people, but they can not see me." So Young-shin musters the resolve and marched into the elevator, but it is once inside she clenches her fist and screws her eyes closed.

Jung-hoo sees her reaction and moves slowly beside her, his hand in the direction of their approach. Once she feels his hand, she is the one who grabs it tightly and hold for their lives. During his eyes widen surprised she slowly starts to calm, slow breathing. Ever so gradually, it moves closer and closer, in leaning her forehead to kiss.

But the elevator dings, their eyes open, and he jerks back. He leads the way to the roof door, but he does not have time to pick the lock before it gets to his side. He stutters that the key in his other jacket, and Young-shin a few steps up, pulls a pin out of her hair, and jimmies the lock yourself. He stopped, and she warns him not to speak a word to anyone about it.

It set up on the roof, Jung-hoo, it presents a makeshift tent, with a couch, fireplace and refrigerator. As they settle on the couch, sharing a blanket, she asks Jung-hoo over tonight to speak, because he always listens to talk to her.

But he asks about Young-shin anyway, and if the person who is waiting for yet returned. She chides him to talk about himself, he muses, "Then ... is I do?"

Omg. Does he confess? He asks: "Instead of someone wait that does not come, how about me, you next?"

A pregnant moment, and then she laughs, as it is with a joke of his poor attempt. But he continues to say that if she wants to, he can live the way she wants it to:

She sees "For a long time, carefully, by your side." that he is serious and asks if he really does it mean, and he's smiling down on them to say yes. He tells her its time to take, considering it, but she says she can not. Touch Hand to heart, she says to him: "At the moment there is no room in here."

Oof, rejected. He takes easy-so easy to answer that it is surprised when relieved. They commented that it seemed like a different person before a moment, and tells him not to hurt because his rival is huge. Jung-hoo plays the role of disappointed admirer and tells her not to rub, and they clinking record doses and companionship again. (Then she has harassed him for details, when he started to like them first, and why.)

At the police station, Detective Yoon subordinate ends the background checks on the staff one day. Discovering that Park Bong-soo genuine card to another face wearing prevented, for now, by the discovery of more pressing news: President Hwang committed suicide.

For more on Elder work, of course, by Secretary Oh developed. A simple suicide note was left with no signs of forced entry behind. But Detective Yoon finds the case interesting to see how clean kill all lines of penitents suicide note, the list of crimes that he has left behind, the apologize to the women he abused, and the recording of Go Sung-Chul.

Hwang describes the medicine on the train Go accidentally killing, slipped into his drink to help him sleep, and says that he was pursued by the fault. The liquid turns easily in Hwang desk as his train ticket from that day. As the man, so easy to make this case for him kind, Detective Yoon says sarcastically.

When Jung-hoo arrives home that night, which was waiting for him but his teacher, all smiles. Jung-hoo looks at him in disbelief, as we flash back to their first meeting.

Teenage Jung-hoo is let out Juvie, ignoring the smiling stranger who introduces himself as a friend of his father. Teachers follow him and reminds him that he's all alone now, his grandmother died while he was in prison, his mother remarried. Teacher sells grandmother's house and has the resources, scornfully dangle the passbook before Jung-hoo.

Jung-hoo calls him a thief and keeps going, but teachers knocks him and nudge him to steal the book from him. So Jung-hoo chasing teachers all the way to the abandoned building, which he now calls home. He goes to the passbook repeatedly, day and night, over time better combat learning and intelligent. The training is constant and unrelenting, grow in intensity and acrobatic skills to teenage Jung-hoo turns into adult Jung-hoo, and focused anger turns serenity.

but one day grabs teacher a bag and heads off for paradise and said jovially that he did not come back. He is finally Omas passbook and a phone number ajumma, henceforth, that his income stream access. He says that Jung-hoo an adult today and wishes him well. Goddamn old man, that's cold. They left him on his birthday?

Jung-hoo calls still think for him, it must be a joke, watch to reach his mentor walk, without looking back.

So it is no wonder that the air is now charged as Jung-hoo its deserter stands with suspicious eyes. Can not tell a teacher that he would never come back? Why he did not call a single time? "Did not you want?" He asks. "Or have you forgotten? Totally?"

teacher says that it is a stone in his stomach, the twists in pain when he sees Jung-hoo. Jung-hoo asks: "Where there are so many people who at the sight of hurting me?"

teacher holds the old picture of his friends and offers Jung-Hoo's questions about it answered. So Jung-hoo asks why killed his father, surprising teacher who thought he did not know.

Jung-hoo has been known for years, but to have heard pieces that weren 't keep so carefully over him in the dark, as they thought of the adults. He had wondered around looking for his mother, but could not bring himself to ask, because they burst into tears at the sight of him.

So he decided to keep it for themselves, and the picture was a great comfort to him; he could see his father smiling face and say that there is no way such a man would kill himself. But his ability to believe that the day he ended saw the same photo in the house of the man who framed him for murder. So he needs to know, because that's could give "a reason."

teacher asks: "One reason?" Jung-hoo answers: "Teacher, I have no reason to live."

He swallows back tears and admits, "and that scares me that one day I could be just like my father decide I should finish it easy I can not continue [1945023th] I'm afraid I'll do that. "Is that what his father did? "Did my father no reason for life?"

So teacher tells him what he knows: Dad was a reporter, and in the course of a history of hunting, he came to money. And because he killed someone this money.

Jung-hoo roles. Teacher tells him that he had dug up every piece of news after he had been released from prison, but he had found the story suspicious. Jung-Hoo quickly lose his composure, however, and said bitterly: ". So my father was a murderer, and I am a thief" He screams and kicks things and raises even to answer teacher's question.

teacher stands in front of him strictly and says: "Listen, Seo Jung-hoo Her father, Seo Joon-seok, would have killed anybody I know you might not, but I do so.... if you're going, so crazy, get over it, find out right. who killed your father. I hear in the middle. What will you do? "

over the Moon-ho apartment, checked Healer that nobody been asked at home and then break in. He is here by the teacher to comment on a sixth member of the group-the little boy. the snapped photo that was like everyone's been little brother

Young-shin sitting healers an email contract to record his services. You do not know his methods or his fee, but calls for a meeting with him, that's their job request.

Jung-hoo searches Moon-ho at home until he finds hidden the old briefcase in the chest, inside of which is the collection of cartridges. There is also a tattered booklet entitled "HEALER" and marked as first issue stock, from May 1981. The front page carries the line .: The media does this society to diagnose pain and heal Aha. So Healer was an underground vigilante publication.

Moon-ho enveloped his work in one day at the office, and on the way out, he knocks over a sack, the clothes we had on earlier lingered. Picking up the dropped clothing, he finds something in their midst: Young-shin broken phone.


Omo. Oh no. He can not figure out before Young-shin! I so excited about the possibility of putting together, I did not even think to suggest you the information on the healer, that Moon-ho, would beat her to the discovery. It is quite large from a story point of view, but it makes me totally on edge it is this knowledge to good use or bad, or if none of which is true, at least for greed? Will he let on that he knows, or he will keep as close to the vest and use strategically? Of course, that assumes that he composed the whole story, because he there all the way may still be not.

One of the reasons why I love Moon-ho, as a sign that I do not really know which way he would act. For all other, we can reasonably predict or at least understand reactions, the direction of their feelings, but Moon-ho is smack-dab in the middle (not bad, but also not purely idealistic or naive either) and could swing either way.

For example, he is the healer as an incentive for the police, and does not seem in conflict again at all about her, but then, I can not stand against him, because he has no moral obligation to help the healer from, as well as the healer appeal is its lack of moral interference in the lives of its customers. He has an interesting strip of idealism, which seems at odds with his cold pragmatic side. I suppose it makes sense, when you think of him as Moon Shik and Myung-hee of the child, trains to absorb both.

I really love his version of Internet transmission, the freewheeling reminds idealism that the original five friends drove in their pirate radio broadcasts. Moon-ho actions are not quite at the same level (it is not illegal to do things or with their ruthless force acts), but it is in the same spirit, and it's inspiring. I felt safe, he had earned the reverence for his team because sincerity as coming through. He avoided the prestige and even his own reputation to present the truth, and although the process earned him some boos, the end result proves the integrity of his motives.

It is different from his brother, although the look back at Moon Shik first encounter with the elderly poses a sympathetic light on his past. We do not know exactly when Moon Shik crossed, but the timing suggests that Moon Shik no hand had done in preparing the accident, and have in him to injured. No doubt he used the after-effects, but in this respect it has been proven not scheming opportunist. He was pushed into a corner, and when he acted Myung-hee to save life first (and not primarily by his desire motivates them for his own claim), then I can see how he started on his slippery slope. I like that it's a pathetic air, rather than one that motivated purely single-minded and selfish him.

The roof scene was a classic case of Healer ' s magic formula gives, because it's angsty simultaneously while also taking the bite out of fear. Jung-Hoo rejected that sucks, but he is totally rejected in favor of his own damn self, that's funny, but because he is locked in his disguise, then he is not free to enjoy the downside and the sting does not feel to be the one she wants right now, and we are back to back pain.

But even as I am by my fingertips just think Ackkkfaksdlfjasdsalkdjf , it is a kind of pain that is fun. Your heart feels hurt, but you think More please. There is a kind of masochistic.

However, even if we know that the situation ultimately is "safe" -We get our happy ending, right? is -the reality, in this form, Jung-hoo both healer and Bong-Soo can not at the same time. He has not figured out how the two men at the same time to be, and so he can not take Young-shin feelings for granted. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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