Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 1 -

Esteemed writer Noh Hee -kyung is back with a piece-of-life drama that to prove it, but sets a may be old, one is forever young at heart. Dear Friends chosen to celebrate especially TVN 10th birthday, and during a story primarily about the people in their 60s-80s can be known for trendy dramas seem like a surprising choice for a channel, the combination of an outstanding writer (and funny moments) to touch on universal truths, and a veteran cast that obviously on the occasion leaped have to play more than just the bearing rollers for people their age, gives us a drama that make the mundane magical promises.

EPISODE 1: "I'm sorry, but I'm not curious about you all"

in a sidewalk cafe, JO HEE-jA ( Kim Hye-ja ), 72, sips her coffee as she stares into the bustle of the streets of Seoul. The skyscrapers attract their attention, and it finds its way to the roof of a certain building. Carefully she makes to the edge its way and takes a look down that amazement this would be the perfect way to die.

The owner of a popular restaurant, JANG NAN HEE ( Go Du-shim ), 63, competently and efficiently prepares orders, while arguing with her daughter, PARK WAN ( Go Hyun-jung ), 37, on the reunification coming school alumni. Wan does not want her mother to go reunification, but mom can not drive themselves and their friends after they had their license due to a DUI revoked. She says Wan it be good experience as a writer that her time translating the works of other spending now, and that they should write short stories about their friends' colorful life.

For example, a year ago, Hee-ja man, died in his sleep - in his closet. Although she is fascinated by the history of mild, refuses Wan her mother to take bait, and refuses to go to Nan-hee reunification. She is also complains, in this day and age, when parents care is a burden that books about old fogeys buy anyway?

Wan attitude turns quickly when Hee-ja arrives. Even if it could just be an act, Wan welcomes happy they call her "Aunt" and ask how long it is since she. Of the Philippines

returned in a voice-over, Wan informs us that quarrel a year ago, Hee-ja heard her children after her husband's funeral, maintenance would take her helpless mother. Most of their children believe that their mother, who have been a first to die, because they never lived alone and has no idea how to care for themselves, but her youngest son, YOO MIN HO ( Lee Kwang-soo ) insists angry responsibility that he would do it for them.

[1945010AlleHee-jahört] but that their children think is that they should be the first time that one would die, and she wonders if she has accepted to live or die. Determined she packs her bags with one of her sons and his family to live in the Philippines, because they can help with the housework at least and not be too much of a burden.

except her son already has two girls in his service, and with its constant chorus of "sorry, ma'am," as the moment when she tried to do something, to rush to intervene on his own, she realizes that her attempts to help are seen as a threat to the maids jobs. Her son fantasy house is not better than a prison, and it leaves a note explaining that it returns to Seoul, as it escapes quiet at night.

Upon arrival at the airport, it is stubbornly determined to do everything on her own, insisting also that they are loaded their own heavy suitcase in the bus. While the bus driver yells at, to sit down, she tells him calmly that her legs are still strong, and they would prefer to stand (to be treated because of their age in a preferred way instead), but the bus driver barks only that standing is illegal when the bus on the highway, so they sit better down so that they finally get going.

Min-ho calls, frustrated that he only found out that they to sneak into the night to Seoul returned. He drove to the airport to pick her up, but she sweetly informed him she is on the bus to go home. This is a ridiculous idea, because he knows that there is no way they can live alone in her now empty house. You should just wait for him and he will find out what to do, but she finally loses her cool and yells at him that they can make it on their own. You can live alone, too!

Back to the present, Hee-ja watches Nan-hee swallow their lunch. It is not that they have no time, since they are the restaurant to close after they have sold out of ingredients for the day - she is starving. She points out to Hee-ja one of her favorite regulars ( Jang Hyun-sung ). He comes every day for lunch, and from the guitar that he wears, she assumes he musician is -. That, of course, mean that he poor and therefore not marriage material, but at least it is nice to look at

MOON JUNG-AH ( Na Mun-hee ), 72, the back room breaks in just then. The party has arrived! Or it will come soon, when Wan appears with an armful of beer. The woman enjoying her small lunchtime beer as they caught the life of each other - or wonder Wan breasts are plump. Ahhh, aunts - there is no such thing as too personal to be

enjoy in a voice-over, Wan points out that the only luxury she has ever seen the thrifty and cheerful Jung-ah their imagination is fur (. a gift from Hee-ja) and the type of beer used to drink their idol -. what someone else always seems to buy for them

Jung-ah thriftiness when she street market demonstrated tirelessly up and down, filling up her cart with items from the various stalls. One of her daughter she calls, and she insists she's in the supermarket, because it takes too much trouble to buy market anything on the road. But once she hangs up, she complains that grocery stores are too expensive.

She has three daughters, whom they rent during the week to help with the housework. She sings cheerfully as she sucks and does the laundry at one of her daughter's homes, they cry to have from the bedroom, where she tries to sleep only to her daughter. Cheerful Jung-ah is mild refuses by the fact to roll their sullen daughter put out and look at them, but they do not want to reveal the evil bruise on her face -. The kind that suggest domestic violence would

When they make kimchi for Daughter # 3 (and proving how contrary it is as soon as they naturally told her daughter that she will not give him any Kimchi, leaves they immediately got him a taste), her phone rings. It's Hee-ja, the nursing home Jung-ah mother to visit. You make a video chat, as Jung-ah can not be there because it is too busy, the money works to make up for the nursing home pay. It is sweet, as Hee-ja calls Jung-ah her own mother, and Jung-ah no encouragement she needs aged mother spirits with a song, cheerfully.


Jung-ah patiently their lives to travel as a homemaker for her husband and daughters in anticipation of a day the world when her husband enters retirement. But if her husband KIM SUK-gyun ( Shin Gu ), 75, for dinner comes stingy home, she wonders when he'll finally finish its work so that they can travel. Considering he is still working small orders even after his official retirement, it assumes that it has saved quite a bit has - a million dollars might

he yells at her to stop it nagging and turns unflappably subject forthcoming reunion and this week last driving test. Maybe their world tour could be a long journey. In her voice-over says Wan that her mother and Hee-ja believe Suk-gyun keeps its promises - as Jung-ah, they believe they will travel the world. However, Wan doubts that it will happen.

When Hee-ja her house cleaned (with tape and Kleenex) and watch one of their favorite films, Thelma & Louise , it calms her son Min-ho that she and saying ok that it has planned a whole evening. It is perfectly fine by itself - no need to worry. Your meal's an ice bar, however, and when the clock strikes eight, she rushes to the window and cautiously opens the curtains.

On the other streets their beautiful neighbor ( Daniel Henney ), the smiling and winking her when he (while shirtless, of course) works. Indignant, she closes the curtains, amazed that this crazy man at her exercises every time he keeps smiling. She assumes he just them down, because they have an old woman living alone.

Wan gets Jung-ah and Hee-ja texts (which were sent at the suggestion of Wan mother, Nan-hee), preventively to thank for her reunification drive. Unless she has agreed not agreed to do it, and she calls Mama on her to remember this fact. She has to make a magazine deadline! is too busy except Mama, their favorite "colatec" enjoy (a disco geared towards the older generation) attention to Wan pay whining.

if ignored calls Wan Also, she chooses for OH CHOONG-NAM ( Yoon Yeo-jung ) to top, 65 her that she better come to other tells the reunification or, as they held her coffee and all those old fogeys beings who have nothing better to do, is to arrive early. Nan-hee better they do not leave! Choong-nam takes in some unusual bottles of wine on a table of intelligence arty types. One of the men ( Sung Dong-il ) indicates that they did not order it, but Choong-nam thinks good wine with good conversation belongs, making it to the house (much to their employees rejection) is.

Annoyed with her mother, Wan accuses the person on the other end of the video call (who face can not be seen because of misaligned camera) that she did not understand why her mother thinks she could learn from these old women. they do everything will fight if they mutually, gossip behind each other's backs of others to become accessible, and usually make only a fuss. Just because someone is old, does not mean they are ripe.

Your mysterious person she blames for their crude behavior for the elderly, but she tells him just to fix his camera so that it can properly see his face. He teasingly and slowly nudges the camera to fix it when his face appears gradually on the screen. Surprise, surprise, it is Jo In-sung , in his appearance as Wan's lover, SEO YUN-HA.

Just then, Wan phone rings - it's her publisher, HAN DONG-jin ( Shin Sung-woo ) to her celebrate the completion of a book Invite. You would go if it were just the two of them, but not as a big party. When he hears they dispersed conversation with Yun-ha before they do not shut down the video chat, Dong-jin says bother coming.

Wan settles to work on magazine articles, as her phone rings. It is yet another aunt informed her that she will be back in Korea to move. This is apparently the motivation Wan her mother and her friends need to give a ride, because the next morning, she waits in the car while Nan-hee rushes into the church of the pious Hee-ja fetch.


When she convinced Hee-ja to church to skip out, so that they can be observed exactly Lee Sung-jae ( Joo Hyun ) , 72.

the last aunt will be picked Jung-ah, of just who's triumphantly their last driving test completed. Wan driving the winding roads down, all the time somehow her composure together their collection of trot songs, Jung-ah shoves keep Clementine manage pieces on everyone's lips, and Nan-hee screams into her phone as she as Hee-ja sings speaks with her mother. Not help the cause is an impatient driver, endlessly honking his horn as he tries to find a clear track to pass it.

Nan-hee mother (and Wan grandmother) OH SSANG-BON ( Kim Young-ok ), 86, is stubbornly independent and insisted they can get to the situation of their national reunification. Your ATV could be safer when you consider that the jerk in honking car behind Wan finally managed to drive off the road, as they happened.

Just like Wan about to get back on the road, Hee-ja apologetically says that they use the toilet, and at her age, she can not really believe it. Annoyed Wan, like her mother and Jung-ah Help Crouching Hee-ja the perfect tree found behind waiting in the car. The women enjoy their little nature lover, laughing, as she flowers and tease cancel each other.

you are ready to get back on the road ... but the battery is empty. When her mother encouragement, Wan grudgingly a passing car to help flag down them, and when Nan-hee surprise expresses that the driver to help actually agreed Wan turns her hair and showing a little cleavage - why she got him a lot to stop, to the amusement of the women.

It's smooth sailing for reunification, and all the old alumni connect to happy again. Wan watches from the safety of the car to Suk-gyun raps on the window, and instantly creates indicates that Wan is single, not not respected with an unsuccessful career and shamefully her mother.

Mom comes to the rescue though, Suk-gyun saying that Wan did they come the old man was able to interview for her book. In a voice-over, Wan informs us that she does not like most old people generally, but particularly despises Suk-gyun.

The reunion is in full swing, and Wan, together with Choong-nam waiters scurry the tables with food and bottles of beer, soju and makgeolli to keep filled. It's exhausting, thankless work, and despite their best efforts, it is drawn in a few drunken older calls (where Suk Gyu to his buddies insists that he is no way in the world money on travel to waste) all eager their share stories with the

Jung-ah and Hee-ja muse about Suk Gyu-the inferiority complex "writer." - He completed only middle school, while most of the other alumni at least went to high school, or even college, but he insists, still holding stubbornly court in his corner of the terrace. You also wonder who died since the last reunion, and if they will do on the next reunion. Interestingly, Hee-not answer directly.

Granny Ssang Blessing keeps a watchful eye on the men, asking what they are talking about. But it's all nonsense, she believes punished deserved -. to insult your mother and treat their wives badly

Wan, the table of artsy intelligence serves (meeting or not, they will have their daily meal) have, of the Wan Choong-nam niece hear are surprised. You let them think that they are related by blood, but when she goes away, her pleasant server behavior falls, as she says, that if they were really Choong-nam niece, there is no way they those would be called artists continue the way to live, they clearly take advantage of her aunt.

finally slippery for a break, sneak a much needed cigarette. Choong-nam spied her through the window and watched as Wan carefully any trace of her smoking so veiled her mother does not find out. When Wan returns to the kitchen, has Choong-nam out some of the art that it has acquired. Wan still believes the men Choong-nam abuse generosity, but Choong-nam like to hang out with them. Moreover, it is not an old codger - she is still a virgin

A riot outside catches their attention - it's Lee Young-won ( Park Won-Sook ), 63, a successful actress who has just arrived, accompanied by her (much younger) friend. Everyone rejoices except Nan-hee, to see who was still holding apparently a thirty year old grudge. Young-won has already been living in America, and Granny covers like a long-lost child.

The party is over, and all that remains are a few stops outs as Wan the aunties help clear up. Now that the fleet is gone, Wan sees no reason she should stay, but Nan-hee agrees to go to run on a Soju -. It is also too proud to leave the reunion before Young-Won does

When Wan drives the aunts get more soju, she asks her mother why she hates gained so much-Young. Hee-ja and Jung-ah, they try to ask them to let it fall, but Wan is just as stubborn as her mother. It points out that, once upon a time, her mother and Young-won were like two peas in a pod - so what happened thirty years ago that Nan-hee caused them so much hate

Nan-hee refuses to respond, and Wan says she'll buy the Soju, when once it promises to have come back. Since the aunts for Wan wait to return, they get Young-won local friend the car and a motel room in the direction where, through the open window, hug spy him a younger woman who is definitely not Young-won.

aunts are the kiss shocked, but Nan-hee a picture with her cell phone takes to show Young-Won determined. It comes a taxi outside Wan can snatch the phone from her, and while the old fogeys still drunk discuss their younger days, Young-won cleans charming after.

Cranky is Suk-gyun called by Choong-nam, who tells him that he should nice to Jung-ah. When he that a spinster nothing does not know Grumps about marriage, she tells him that the only reason she's single has remained, because they do not like a tyrant wanted to marry him.

In the midst of this, Nan hee returns, tells Young-won, that she has a sense of propriety. When Jung-won knew Nan-hee husband is cheating, it kept Young-Won a mystery. But they will not be so, and it hands over the phone with the image of Young-won's friend hugging another woman.

instead But responding to Nan-hee, Young-won simply calls her friend to congratulate him again and again with his wife. After she hangs up, won -Young told quietly Nan-hee that she must have misunderstood. He was not her lover, he was only her friend, focus on friend .

Nan-hee anger erupts when the wounds 30 years have sore. Yelling at Young-won, she accuses her of lying to her face when she had asked a long time ago, if her husband is cheating. How could she have a friend like that?

At this very moment, the cheated husband very wife Nan-hee treat them with calls Young-won's phone. Any hope of friendly reconciliation is shattered as Nan-hee accuses Young-won further lies about things off with the other friend to break. Furious, she jumps forward. Let's start pulling hair! Also get into Granny, and soon to hold all friends today off, are struggling. What a great way to a party.


For those who would end the recommendation for an exciting action to look elsewhere , This is clearly a character-driven drama, but what characters! We have just finished the first episode, and yet everyone feels so incredibly real to me. I believe that these women have been friends for more than 30 years, no question.

It is difficult to say exactly how important are all the little moments in this drama. It's all about character education, the whole background story relevance, even if it seeks only a sign on a telephone (or discretely steal someone else's phone - I see you there, Choong-nam). The way language is used, and how people react to certain situations reveal so much. Says there's something that I feel as if I can analyze each character already to have known only to them for an hour? Even small signs, which we briefly meet for now, are so interesting that I do not want to know their history, but somehow I already feel like I do.

Although it seems to have no relevance to the paper (where action is king), the scene in Wan shakes the beer and sprays it reveals about the aunties as much: efficient Jung-ah protests that Wan money wasted by beer spraying; the residents "4D" and clean-freak Hee-ja enjoys the humor of the moment, but worry about to be disheveled; stubbornly independent Wan, who does not care to hear her aunties really, insists that it is their money, they can do what they want, and then opens the bottle open with a spoon, the hard side unveiled by the generations of women passed in her family. And then there's Mom, Nan-hee, who think to be pretending Wan that they "let" Mom winning their wrestling games, but it's still tough cookie who wins at the end.

There are definitely some gaps in the story, but I feel are those targeted gaps. In a sense, we, the viewers, are Wan. Probably most drama viewers would not necessarily be inclined to watch a show about the old fogeys, if it is not the promise of a whodunnit crime thriller or a happy ending to rom-com. It's easy to dismiss their stories as makjang if we have only a surface view. But when the stories begin to unfold, as we recognize that these women have done amazing life - or to live on the life they've always wanted -. seem sensible Suddenly these gaps

was thrown While I play a little by the type of show jumping with time, I realized that what happens when someone talks about her life. Stories are passed in casual conversation so brought only very rarely in a strictly linear fashion expression. There are dances down Hase way as a memory a different spark. Details are temporarily forgotten and then picked up later in again. can in this sense, I believe that these insights into the stories finally writes Wan when she realizes that her aunts have a unique voice, worthy to be shared. Presumably, they will go through an awakening, as it recognizes that the elderly are not only annoying creatures that force them to do things they do not want, but people in their own right who have experienced - and will gain experience - the same rollercoaster it goes through also. The same hopes and fears and dreams and love and loss.

I am super excited for the rest of the drama, as I did not about the lack of action bothered me and know that this occupation can not perceive anything that is thrown on these characters. While I was vaguely concerned about the director (after experiencing - and closed again - this previous work of the director My Secret Hotel , the bit to be desired left), I am satisfied with the heat pouring from the Screen. From the selection of music that I had remembered a sense of nostalgia for a past never to the beautiful use of color, light and composition, the drama both feels somehow fresh yet as comfortable as my favorite old t-shirt.

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tags: love My friends, in the first episodes, Go Du-shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Noh hee-Kyung, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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