Recap And Reviews Kdrama Running Man: Episode 299

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Running Man: Episode 299 -

There is a battle for the spotlight this week, where our occupation with other celebrities are a team for a few shining moments of glory. comes with its own high expectations and burdens After all eyes on them can sound like a tempting idea, but everyone will quickly learn that the show runs. There are just to find a way that can be the focus, and who remain at the ends left.

EPISODE 299. broadcast on 15 May 2016.

We open on a rainy and windy spring with a throne of six chairs on a hotel terrace flanked. First arrive, Kwang-soo sits happily in the center, although when Gary arrives, tells him that the center of the worst place is the sequel to the prelude.

So Kwang-soo changes stains, and no one is surprised when Suk-jin plops itself on the throne. Jae-Suk definitely has to say something about it when he comes in, and so did Jong-Kook. Jae-Suk: "[The viewers] is briefly sit at Suk-jin for the opening in the center."

Today's "center Race" is inspired by last week's conversation when Jae-Suk gave Suk-jin flack in the middle sitting (where her guest should sit, and he later called himself as a hypocrite, ha) , So are the phrases "mid-syndrome" and "Side syndrome" was born.

Since Suk-jin is sitting in the middle, he will be our MC that day. The cast is firmly expecting an outdated MC style from the mat Hyung, and things go south almost immediately, as the wind the board in Kwang-soo interrupts hands.

indicates to the panel looking at how often each member in the stand center for the opening, Jae-Suk has at the center spot 109 times been. Gary thinks his 19-times were a fluke.


stood addition Haha and Kwang-soo at the very end, most (144 and 161 times, respectively). Only then a flowery red carpet is rolled out and Suk-jin leads our guests.

Cue Jo Boa ( Monster ) with Suk-jin and trot singers Hong Jin-young are coupled to Jong-Kook. Suk-jin is critiqued to make the intros likely and then Jae-suk takes it as a sign from heaven, when apart from the red carpets of the wind is blowing. "The sky say no!"

Jae-Suk teammates actress is Yoo In-young ( Goodbye Mr. Black ), who was Haha teammate the last time. Ji-hyo teammate is Block B of Zico , which builds a personal size colorful umbrella. He wears extra loot on the acupuncture mat.

actress Uhm Hyun-Kyung ( All Is Well ) loves giraffes so Kwang-soo their ideal players. Jae-Suk Suk-jin beats to the punch before he gets to finish the introduction teammates Haha, model Stephanie Lee ( Yong-pal ).

The boys help her over the bucket of ice, then Jae-Suk cuts Suk-jin again from Gary teammates, the actress Kyung Soo-jin ( Splish Splash Love ).

None of the guys can Suk-jin 0s style set interview techniques, as Gary says she spent two hours of opening and Jae-Suk asks if this is his first MC gig. But Suk-jin moves to Jin-Young, the alleged drunk Haha said Jong-Kook in the middle of the night.

Jae-Suk adds some kindling and said that Jin-young asked first for Jong-Kook number. And then Suk-jin asks if she has gained some weight on. Whoa ... maybe we stay away from talkin 'about the weight of a lady.

to show After ordering Zico some dance steps, Suk-jin zips past Hyun-Kyung and admits he is a fan of hers. Haha: "Why is professing an MC his feelings!" Jae-Suk stub to say that Hyun-Kyung be used on X-Man , which in the interest moves towards its history successfully

Suk-jin asks if she in is change players not interested in the rejects. Also, you may have to look after your own actress!

Gary remembers how he with Soo-jin was the last time they won here was, and deliberately cut the interview short because it freezes. Stephanie admits that she wanted to be Kwang-soo teammate, but wore flats when she heard she would be paired with Haha.

Today will be a battle for the center spot, where those who will secure the center after each mission rewarded in points and advantages. The penalty for those who do not take place, the center spot will be placed in blue suits against a blue screen.

This is how Suk-jin and Boa start with four points, and the group draws on a warm-up match. Here, the team that wins blows as many candles will launch a whistle the actual first game.

If Suk-jin suggests they go directly into the game, Jin-young pipes up to say that they soon for this show this silent has never been. With some reluctance, Suk-jin hands off MC tasks Jae-Suk.

Jae-Suk focuses on Soo-jin, the Gary said she asked if they were doing a nametag tearing game today. Gary had said he wanted to be paired with her today, as Kwang-soo adds that Gary wanted to Soo-jin number.

Jae-Suk does not help in a Yoon Eun-hye joke, but add when shifting focus to Jin-young. But then he recalls Jin-Young-brand aegyo and Suk-jin tells everyone now looks happier.

Boa admits shyly that she wanted to be paired with Jong-Kook, that makes him smile. Jin-Young: "You like the I am Your partner today?" You asked to do an acrostic for his name, and the Zinger is: ". I really want to change partners"

Suk-jin makes a poem Boa to use names, but it ends on the be, how much he hates the center spot. Hyun-Kyung is to show the limelight considering its stiff dance skills, and if Zico some of his own to show off, it goes to Stephanie and Haha dancing together.

But the height difference makes it hard for Haha, who says: "It's like dancing with my mother!" the mood shifts immediately when Jae-Suk hands of metaphorical microphone to Suk-jin again to start the game.

Soo-jin our first competitor, 31 candles is blowing with her skirt. Stephanie will be answered in 33, and Hyun-Kyung leaves out a scream before 10 candles blow fall. Jin-young from slipping on the mat, though I'm more relieved not run directly into the burning candles.

Zico the only male candidate is ... falling on his nose. Now it's down to Boa that blows out 34 candles. This means Suk-jin and Boa to secure the pipe for the Photo Zone game, where the teams will be recognized in the television frame jump.

are not only additional points on the line, but also lunch options. Everyone gets ready during the music portion to run, runs when Suk-jin blows the whistle. Once the picture is taken, Kwang-soo, Hyun-Kyung, Haha, and the faces of Stephanie can be clearly seen.

There are more jump Round 2, where three teams have to see the faces. Ha, Gary's face is not so peaceful. These three teams face off in round 3 and Jae-Suk and In-jung also candidates for the center are considered.

A small TV frame is brought out with a pair of hanging gold crowns. The teams jump and it's Kwang-soo and Hyun-Kyung, who will win. Haha and Stephanie glance at his half-hidden face (thanks Jae-Suk) to sigh, how close they were to win.

There are a spread waiting for Kwang-soo and Hyun-Kyung, and the music slows down as we go through the chain of a standard meal at a lonely rice ball. Kwang-soo loses control of the room as the new MC, and he immediately approached for food.

Or rather, they are more like hyenas picking off what they can from the spread. He starts screaming and by the time the others back in their seats, Kwang-soo left with less than half of the food that he began.

Jin-young plucking a whole steak, and then another. Something else comes every time Kwang-soo returns to the table is missing, but then the alley cats get their sentence if their VJs taken their layers from.

This is not a problem as the other to collect the main camera. HA. Kwang-soo does not seem that excited when she finished eating and gather around together for a cheer. He calls "Kwang-soo ..." and the answer is: "an idiot"

Then it goes to the pool for their next game where Haha can not step forward to hearing in her mouth to two sentences in it from Kwang-soo. Here the teams swimming a platform and a heart gesture, hoping that they'll detected on the biggest screen.

Once the whistle blows, all the jumps looking for the right platform. Hyun-Kyung climbs and tries to pull Kwang-soo upward, only to get pulled back into the water. That's when Zico climbs up and pulls Ji-hyo to first place and win the center spot.

time for the second round, and Kwang-soo chomps down on Jong-Kook buttocks. Hard. Each slide the platform so that Stephanie jumping on to ... but it is too far for Haha. AWW.

Stephanie slipping when a second time trying to help Haha, as Jae-Suk tried that on the back to see the monkey. Oh, that's Soo-jin. Boa depend for their lives on as Soo-jin climbs over her and get Kwang-soo on the platform. holding

Boa and Suk-jin share an almost Jack and Rose moment, as they hang while Suk-jin is dragged away. And while that happens, Jae-Suk and secure In-young second place.

Boa immersed in the water for Round 3 while Hyun-Kyung platforms jumps. Jong-Kook climbs on the first and pulling Jin-Young to secure the new location next to the center up Exhausted Boa adheres to Jong-Kook:. "I want to be paired with him"

There is someone who has lost his shorts-Kwang-soo-jumping into the water again. Two other teams secure spots Second-to-last, while the remaining two is stuck on the ends.

Jin-young has left early due to a last minute change in travel plans, but not to appear Jong-Kook broken it. The game here is entitled to the camera on / off, where the team their points in order to gain betting bonus points.

Each team will remove a plug, either turn off their monitors or leave them to it. Looking at the display panel, some teams have to bet all of their points to stay in the game.

Haha and Stephanie bet all five points and pull the plug ... which her monitor turns off. Oops. Gary and Soo-jin double their points on a total of eight, and pretend Suk-jin and Boa for a whopping total of 14 points.

But Kwang-soo and Hyun Kyung-tops that number for a total of 15 and Jae-Suk and In-young bet eight points. Unfortunately, they lose when the screen goes black. Jong-Kook has the plug on his own and his screen will draw for 13 points.

Ji-hyo Zico calls out to be too careful when it reluctant to bet all their points. Enter into peer pressure and pull the plug together. And her screen remains to give them 16 points total.

There is then everyone realizes that their monitors collect different people and Jae-Suk looks expectantly, hoping that a reversal is. But there is not.

all gather together again in front of the blue screen, where everyone is apart from Ji-hyo and Zico wearing blue suits and blue color. Jong-Kook compares Jae-Suk in suit on the performance group, the Blue Man Group.

Then it's time for the unveiling and both Jae-Suk and Haha are virtually invisible as Zico center to the tune takes from Block B ". Toy"

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tags: featured, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kang Gary, Kim Jong-Kook Lee Kwang-soo, Running Man, song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-Suk

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