Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 7 -

comes with increasing age experience - at least, that what we are told. All lessons that life teaches but you willing to be a student, is not always ready for what comes. Preconceived announcements and assumptions are questioned as the truth is revealed about past actions, and while the aunts role of its various impacts, it is Nan-hee, bring the most fights in line with what they about her daughter against the truth bombs know that the (mostly) unsentimental Choong-nam keeps shedding

episode 7: ".. the wind blows, and the waves break"

Jung-ah mother died peacefully, satisfied with their desire to be "like a bird flying away" could, instead of being in a nursing home trapped to death. While Jung-ah mother hugging and crying, Nan-hee and Wan to stop their playful wrestling, is wrong to realize something

When Nan-hee immediately takes control of the situation. - By Choong-nam call because it has the most experience with funerals -. Wan wonders how the "adult" so capable at such a moment may seem, when it feels as helpless as a useless shell on the beach

calls Auntie Young-won asking what they should do , But Young-won's busy in the middle of a shoot, and tells her to call back as soon as they to the funeral home. Ever the professional, Young-Won plays its role as an evil mother-in-law, while the camera rolls (where they before the hair pulling a glass of water to bear her face).

In a voice-over asks Wan as the adults can say so effortlessly that "life goes on," to separate able what they can not and what. They act like as impressive and invincible mountains at this moment.

Choong-nam is deep in their phone tree, each called on Jung-ah mother can know. But it is a very objective process, as they give those excuses not able reminds all support Jung-ah and her family have given them to visit. Nan-hee Family is tasked with getting the food together, and Wan grumbles that the funeral home must be organized -. But that is not the issue for Nan-hee

Wan uncle also helps them buy in the supermarket, and he asks Nan-hee, what she thinks about her mother did not want to marry a girl from the Philippines him. But Nan-hee hand because of their age - twenty is too young for her brother. Besides, he knows it is not their age or where she is, it's the fact that he is handicapped.

Meanwhile Granny is distracted by a pretty, sparkly blouse. She walks away, telling herself she is old and does not need new clothes when they will die soon. Then she turns around and says that if they will soon die, then why not Nan-hee buy it for them? That's the spirit, Grandma!

They go to the preparations for the funeral, Hee-ja gang Min-ho Necktie (and aw, is the extreme difference in height between Kwang-soo and Kim Hye-ja adorable), Seung-jae calls, ask when they'll be there (still call her "child"). They only depend on, and Min-ho asks who it was, but she did not tell him.

He also asks if they ever had a mother since Hee-ja mother died when Min-ho was just a baby, so he has not remember. He says it feels strange to think that his mother had a mother, too.

Choong-nam has taken charge to go through the papers of the funeral home and checking all the details during a stunned Jung-ah and Suk -gyun try hew answer questions. As she walks the ways to get what kind of coffin achieved Suk-gyun is insistent that she says the most expensive, but Jung-ah, they should use the cheapest, since it is not as Suk-gyun ever cared about her mother.

Jung-ah quiet sadness with the loud lamentations of her brother against, and Wan tells us that bustling funeral in four days was. During the rest of the family was not looking, Jung-ah took a handful of cremated ashes of their mother they spread out to sea, where they can enjoy the freedom of the breeze.

Wan the aunties watches to spread quiet and respectful, the ashes to realize that her mother is not forever, either. At this moment, she decides officially that it would make history of her mother and her mother's stories friends.

Choong-nam goes home with Hee-ja, surprised to realize that Seung-jae refers to HEE- a "child" - as he does with her. She calls him, but he is to discuss with Suk-gyun his case against his daughter violent husband, so he ignored the call. Meanwhile goes Young-won hand-in-hand with Jung-ah, it has that her first husband tells her flowers Send been. Jung-ah is surprised because she knows that he is married, but it's still-Young won happy.

Nan-hee finally sees the text message from Choong -Nam to tell her that Wan is dating a married man. Wan noted that her mother is away and tried it through information, they cheer, they will write stories about the aunts, but Nan-hee just walks away. Wan she takes over from Jung-ah mother's death and think about their own old mother only is sad.

noticed at night in the middle, Suk-gyun that Jung-ah is not in bed, and he finds her in the bathroom, sobbing. She sits on the floor next to the tub, surrounded by empty bottles of their favorite beer. He begins to ask her how much she had to drink, but then you are quiet a towel for her tears before bed quietly back.

Jung-ah her chest beats, free at last to relieve their deep sorrow. No matter how old you are or how much experience you have had, you have to experience only a mother's death once in your life. You can not help heartbroken. And that says Wan is how an adult daughter mourned her mother's death.

is distracted while working, Nan-hee to the point where she cuts her own fingers, as cutting vegetables. Your employees are surprised, but it's because they do not think about Text to stop Choog-nam and the fact that Dong-jin Wan knows password. She calls Choong-nam meet them later, and it is so they can shout lying on it. How dare she accuse Wan a married man dating

Eventually she knows how Nan-hee has thanks to her husband endured affair - she would have raised her daughter to be so? Why is it spreads so malicious gossip? Dong-jin and Wan are just friends and colleagues! Choong-nam replies that if she chose gossip, they would say Gi-ja.

Nan-hee has angry out that 't Choong-nam doesn have no proof, because it is not, as it has seen together, sleep , But Choong-nam she says quietly that she saw them kiss. Young-Won (as unwilling mediator) tries to intervene, to remind them that they did not wear her glasses and her eyesight is not what it used to be, so who knows what she really saw, but Choong-nam is adamant , That's enough for Young-Won, and it leaves the women to fight it.

But Nan-hee just starts crying, as Choong-nam blatant pragmatism informs that Dong-jin and Wan kissed outside the publishing offices. She does not care if they ruined their friendship -. She is more concerned about Wan ruining their lives

After Choong-nam leaves, Nan-hee tried Young-Won call to ask if Wan broke with Yun-ha because of the Dong-jin, but Young- Won refuses to play along. If she wants to know the answer to, Nan-hee has to talk her daughter. Young-won trusts Wan to take care of their lives. But Choong-nam snatches the phone Nan-hee to say, to see at Wan phone, also tell her the password to access Wan messages.

Still tearful, she calls her daughter wanted to know if they hiding something. Wan at the sudden call amused without explanation, and tells her that she is with Yun-ha in the middle of a video call, and assuming it's something trivial, she hangs up.

Yun-ha proudly from his drawing of the kissing couple. Wan asks if the girl in the picture is her, but Yun-ha says cheekily that his new friend Nikita. He tells her all about the pretty music seller and Wan dismisses it until he hesitates when she asks if she dated.

He brings a conversation where Nikita asked him, since he is paralyzed from the waist down when he speaks of, er is still able, you know, sexy fun times. He told her that she could find out for themselves if they wanted to, and when Wan asks grumbling if they agreed, Yun-ha laughs.

Wan her cup throws him water, forgetting for a moment that they have on a video chat (but Yun-ha playful winces and covers his face anyway). When they damaged further by the water, Yun-ha desperately crawling out her laptop to store only to laugh, and we see a flashback of the two of them from accidents -. Laughing, dancing and having fun together

When Nan-hee swallows down glass after glass of soju in her apartment, Young-Won drives Choong-nam home. She does not care what anyone thinks - she had Nan-hee to tell the truth. Someone has to make sure break Dong-jin and Wan, and the only one who heard Wan, her mother is. Surprisingly agrees Young-Won with it - it's time to leave for Wan and Dong-jin. And if they do not, well, then it must be fate.

as Choong-nam gets her "Good night, kid" Text by Seung-jae, they wasted no time to know him in calling and demanding why he you and Hee-ja ". Kid" calls Seung-jae think it is obvious - it is because Hee-ja is so small and it's because Choong-nam's young and pretty. They tried by annoy her, but his words rattling through her brain:

Young-won teases forever so disturbed "young and pretty." by Seung-jae, and starts a love song to sing. But Choong-nam imagines only Seung-jae in their place, singing, song, than to go to her house. Aw, daydreaming about a crush - it has Choong-nam was bad

Nan-hee tries to sleep, but you can not think about Dong-jin and Wan stop .. Whoa, that's not a glass of water after the bedside table, although I think it is easier to have a bottle of soju to sleep after Downing.

morning makes Jung-ah breakfast when she that calms her mother is now free as the bird she dreamed from always. Suk-gyun is surprised when she told him sharply he get his own water. He tries that her mother is in a better place to calm now, but she ignored him easily. He also tells her that he (one that will fetch Jung-ah be water for him again supposed to be will make) for Soon-young, a great gift prepares, but he will not say what it is.

he asks when Soon-young-flight leaves tomorrow, careful to say that he probably need not go - they can later on it in the visit States. Jung-ah says only about themselves, that they had to her mother, better planned to be later, also.

She goes to her drawer, where they found a deed to some property. Asks Hee-ja to help her some real estate for sale, but Choong-nam is the expert in this. Jung-ah tells her she is desperate, and that they want to take care of a matter, without knowing Suk-gyun, about them. Jung-ah psyches remember is high, while their mother is gone - there is nothing left of afraid

Choong-nam gets another text by Seung-jae, the placing on their face, happy little smile brings .. she asks her nephew if they would be with their dating okay, and they think it's fine - provided it is would be only platonic when. You are teasing, and Choong-nam can not help her smile even as she blames herself in the mirror.

While Choong-nam read RE Seung-jae of the brief but friendly message, the man himself with Hee-ja, surprised with her home , He is here to bring you some church volunteer work, which would be better suited to her temperament. Even when facing him is cool, the thought of stringing beads seem to be more attractive than toilets scrub

He chuckles at the way it, it seems clear to hate, and she says it is precisely for this basic -. It is the way he laughs at them. He smiled as Suk-gyun asked if they slept together, and although she cried when the fifty years ago he broke must then smiled, too. Nope - he called just four days when he heard about her wedding

He was so desperate that even though he had an exemption in the military in trial reported his anger to channel .. Hee-ja seems surprised but covers her reaction from him to say he should go. He asks if she can be friends, at least, but she refuses. Do not befriend men, especially those who take medicines for heart problems - her husband had a heart problem, and look where that you got

Just then. Min-ho called, wanted to know who she is with. He can see the security camera feed by Seung-jae is in the kitchen, but he tells her fast that he "just felt," she was with a man. When Hee-ja, it's just someone from the church, Seung-jae takes the cameras in the house.

Seung-jae agrees comfortable to leave, but also invites Hee-ja connect it to explain on a journey. You can grab and go to see the flowers all their medication - after all, they have not left a lot of years to enjoy this beautiful weather. Hee-ja watched him incredulously, and then calmed Min-ho that she has no boyfriend.

Happy, Seung-jae punched his way down the street outside Hee-ja House. Meanwhile weighing Choong-nam their phone to their messages smiling. She dreams about Seung-jae at home, to ask for his coffee in the morning - until she decides that Seung-jae is the type who would make coffee for them

ace. the daydream Seung-jae gives her a cup of coffee, Choong-nam wonders if they should come to him - it might be fun, but each has its good and bad sides, and puts them in front of his path nagging them the dishes washes. She tells herself he would be lecturing type, and shakes his head, to free them from their reverie.

to study sedentary and television something she imagines Seung-jae grab the remote control and insisted on observing messages instead of a fun program. He would also not knowing simple math concepts ridicule. She screams on the imaginary Seung-jae that she can do it yourself - she did everything on her own for the past 60 years, it can be successful without him

[1945010!] Young-won begins this outbreak, and Choong-nam just tells her it's over. Young-Won is amused that they without even give their relationship a chance, has come to this conclusion already, but Choong-nam says that one of the advantages of the old is that one is realizing all predictable. You can already imagine their miserable future if it remains with Seung-jae, and that's not what she wants out of her life.

Wan says that she is jealous of Choong-nam life experience, which means that they do not have to go to know through a whole relationship, how it would end. She wonders if the reason why she is so confused right now because they do not have enough life experience. She wishes to be able to just get older to get over the confusion, not knowing what to do.

While Wan is sleeping, Nan-hee her apartment enters. She sits on the breakfast to make, but they can not resist the urge to look Wan phone. All their news with Dong-jin are like nails in Nan-hee coffin. It is clear that she had an affair of some sort, and how she tries to come to grips with this discovery, they quietly and hurriedly making them leave.

There is Soon-Young last day in Korea, and they spend it with her mother and sisters. Aw, it looks like Jung-ah and Hee-ja are stocking up on Korean products for Soon-young to take with her. The girls decide to go karaoke, and Soon-Young's relieved that Jung-ah seems to be so happy. As they sing, Suk-gyun calls to tell him that he would come later his daughters.

Jung-ah youngest daughter makes the excuse that the reason has her mother answer his calls do not have to be that she is comfortable with Hee-ja, about her grandmother sad. She also says that Soon-young to have a hard time, so he should just wait until it is settled in America to see them. Aw.

Suk-gyun is hooked to confront Sae-oh, assuming that is Soon-young because unhappy about him, but when they meet , Seung- jae holds him back from actually land a punch. This is a time for legal debate, not blows. Seung-jae told Sae-oh, that in order to keep from his career ruined, he was about 500,000,000 won Soon-young. Wow, this is far more than Suk-gyun was demanding, and he expresses his friends knees either in shock or gratitude (or perhaps both).

Sae-oh ridicules this amount, saying it is impossible, but Seung -jae explains that he is a lawyer who has many connections, and he is the recording of Sae-oh commitment to Registrar of Sae oh the University give - and online leak - if he does not pay up. And if Sae-oh does not believe that he is a powerful lawyer, he can google it easily. What Sae-oh, once leaving the old men, only to be frustrated that everything Seung-jae said is true.

Seung-jae still trying to calm Suk-gyun, who is out for a complete and total destruction. He does not understand why they will agree, Sae-oh live to be at peace when he hands over the money, but Seung-jae advises wise that Wiesel as Sae-oh need to keep some pride, so they will not try to further ruin the lives around them -. particularly Soon-young life

In addition, Suk-gyun his anger brand spankin new car by entering Sae-Ohs relieve. Seung-jae checked to ensure there are no CCTV and no one around, and is done after the fact, they scurry away before to catch someone. If Sae-oh sees the damage to his car, losing his mind, and the old people knowing smile at each other while they spy on the corner for him.

On the bus ride home, Suk-gyun practices what he'll say Soon-young in his final farewell before departure - will ask he cooly for their bank account number where he taken her revenge money will give some of Sae-oh. Then he will simply tell her to have a good life ... and that he hopes to see them soon. Aw. Except when he tried calling, the phone is already off and no one answers. Sadder aw.

Soon-young hugging her mother one last time, but Jung-ah refuses to be sentimental as Soon-young told not late for their flight to be. She hides her face - and her tears - while Hee-ja the other aunts Adieu to say for her, promises

But as it is about to leave , , Soon-young turns back and bright tells her mother that although she sold all her jewelry, the one element it the ring was always her mother gave in honor of its "first birthday" (although it was actually given to her just before she was married, for their adoption) promising that they'll wear it when she starts her new life in America.

Jung-ah is still too emotional to see driving away her daughter, but if hee-yes, the bird along after the car follows, Jung-ah starts free to cry when they that not only recognizes went her mother, but her daughter also. Hee-ja holds her hand, realizing that these two best friends are now both orphans.

Morning Nan-hee the area before cleaning up her restaurant, so lost in thought that she did not even greet their favorite musicians customer not noticed. He tells her that he is not a professional musician - he works at a convenience store just down the road. Music is his hobby. She stares at him, dead eyes, and he says, awkwardly, that he just wanted them to know the truth

But that's all wants Nan-hee -. The truth. She tries Wan track, and she sits at a restaurant across the street from the publishing office until late at night, just to get to Wan.

eventually does, and Wan says to leave her employee who just goes that they "just past" was - uh-huh, sure. Once they are alone in the office, she apologizes to Dong-jin, but he cuts it, confess that he loves her. Yes, he knows that all the time it is only Yun-ha loved and that he was only the distraction they get over Yun-ha is used.

Dong-jin admits that he still loves her, even though he knows that this is as far as things go between them. He says wryly he is now an adult must be, since he is able to control himself, though, how he feels. Wan wipes the tears from his eyes and they joke both preparing comments, relieved that the embarrassing moment is over. Or almost over. Dong-jin adds seriously that this is the end for them

He kisses her tenderly on the forehead and they share a last embrace - .., While Nan-hee watches through the window, eyes wide in shock Horror


How will cry me make consistently every week this show? I usually keep quite stubborn when it comes to sentimentality and as a mountain, I will not be moved by hand tricks for my tears. But these women get so wonderful in a way under my skin, that I am just a simple grain of sand, washed by the emotional flood away. I refer to both in the sense that I am them and they are like my own family. They are my aunts and yet they are me.

I feel like I should be more related to Wan, since we are both young (er) and have so much to learn about life and learn, but then again, I am referring to Choong-nam and their dreams, waking up to cold reality is that someone who is so long independently may be able not easy to change for another person. Freedom is sometimes worth more than the thought that someone a cup of coffee to make every morning

I was really excited about the theme of this episode: ".. life experience" Wan thinking they seems it does not have enough to figure out how to succeed in life, but from where I sit - the observer of all aunts, to each of their lives (at least secretly, they have the parts selected previously) to share - sometimes that life experience leads you astray. Nan-hee, ruined with her heart bitter from her husband affair, assumes that everyone who ever cheating with a married man, the worst person ever to recognize so now that her daughter - her beloved daughter love of her life, the only thing she saw through the darkness - is one of those dreadful women, well, now what their reality is

So also is Hee-ja suspected someone with a heart problem, no assuming doubt? they will die and leave, they leave alone in her big, empty house. Jung-ah life experience has to work hard to take care of her family all her life in the hope of a final reward, but the reward is not yet published and slips her family. Young-won life has been dedicated to looking beautiful on the screen, and now she is to fight cancer, which her body scars.

age can certainly give someone more experienced in life, but not all experiences are universal. Pain and suffering - and love and joy - can happen at any time in a person's life. While I enjoy to do the fact that Wan is finite (and willing!) Learning from her aunts, I hope that they can learn from each other, too, and see that perhaps their own way, the word of the consideration not end-all- was all. Experience until you die - just as one is never too old, a mother fix to have your tie, you're never too old to learn new life lessons

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tags: love My friends, in Go You- Shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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