Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 16

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 16 -

Ddanddara band has another obstacle if they hope to hurdle, to realize their dream, and it turns out to be the most difficult they have faced. Bring the truth of Sung-hyun Song and his death in the world is more than just them, to convince the effects and others to help them will not be easy.



Choi Jun-ha had Seok-ho plea was with him to meet, and spent the whole night before Seok-ho waiting for him, too afraid to to go to the restaurant. But when he sees Seok-ho to leave his courage he worked on, and the two men talk sitting.

Jun-ha says Seok-ho that he knows what he ask from him (to tell the truth about the origin of his hit), but says in advance that he can not. He admits that as much as he loved to sing that a choice made it impossible for him ever sing again. But it would be worse if he came clean now, and pulled all that up again.

Seok-ho asks him shamelessly to tell him about his promise to Ha-neul that he would one day sing song of his brother on stage. This promise has been all his life, and he needs Jun-ha aid. But Jun-ha is not the idea of ​​his family stomach knowing what he was doing.

He gives Seok-ho, an envelope containing every penny royalties he has received from the song "Go Ahead, Cry" and says he wants to have it Ha -neul. Seok-ho returns the envelope and says Jun-ha, to give it to Ha-neul, himself - he would not accept the money from Seok-ho anyway. But Jun-ha falls the envelope on the table and leaves ago Seok-ho can stop him.

Geu-rin cooking a large meal for Sung-hyun Memorial Day, the same, as it has done every year. The boys are disappointed that Ha-neul did not take them to Sung-hyun memorial spot, since they now consider him her brother, too, and decide to go Sung-hyun tomorrow to meet. You are so damn cute.

Seok-ho team calls his meeting with Jun-ha, to say, and that he refuses to help them. Min-joo, she always says can even tell the truth, because it shows Sung-hyun Original Score, and Mr. Byun, that there is an opportunity to prove its authenticity: He still singing the original recording of Sung-hyun song Has.

He has kept it a secret all these years to keep from CEO Lee to destroy it, and he apologizes to Seok-ho for him never to tell the truth. The video is the date and time stamp that would prove that he ever recorded the song in possession before Choi Jun-ha.

Seok-ho looks angry and disagreed, but he decides that he prove the video does not use Sung-hyun on the ownership of the song. If they do, it will destroy Jun-ha life, and it is not right to hurt him in this way. He says that Jun-ha is in the country for one day, so they just have to find a way to Jun-ha want to do, to live again.

The key is to revive his love to sing again, but how? Seok-ho assigns the team every performance, every interview, every phenomenon Jun-ha ever made to ignite check for a fashion Jun-ha Entertainer spirit.

But first he pulls Geu-rin aside, knowing that she is disappointed in his decision. He explains that when they start acting like the end justifies the means, it will make them no better than CEO Lee. He asks you for their help Jun-ha to convince, but she is concerned about what will happen if they do not - will reconsider Seok-ho? He says that he wants, and asks her to have faith.

He gives her the money for Ha-neul, and to explore the Team Jun-ha to work. Mr. Byun are Seok-Ho Sung-hyun recording of the song, remembered how beautiful singing Sung-hyun. He apologizes again for him not to give Seok-ho earlier, and says that he believes Sung-hyun helped them find each other again, so that they could meet Ha-neul.

Geu-rin is the first to discover something that might help - an old interview about Choi Jun-ha first performance, because of a snowstorm was almost called off, and would have been Jun-ha afraid people do not come. He had moved to tears, as every seat was filled, and he had sung for hours that night for his fans in gratitude. Seok-Ho thinks this information is exactly what they need, and he heads to the airport to intercept Jun-ha flight.

Ha-neul is more interesting to hear about Seok-Ho meeting with Jun-ha as the license money, and hearing, Jun-ha refuses to help him has the envelope in anger crumpled up. Geu-rin understood, but the fact points out that he did not spend a penny of the money, which means it was hard on him, too.

Ha-neul growls that everyone is so selfish, and it is the dead who are suffering. He thinks that Jun-ha gave the money only to appease his guilt to him and his raised voice awakens the boy. Geu-rin sends them back to bed to explain later, promising.

On the way to Seok-Ho watches Sung-hyun video Airport, and the sight of his old friend he almost breaks. But when Sung-hyun voice rises, Seok-ho begins to smile, then his tears drops again.

While Seok-ho and Man-Shik disconnect the incoming and outgoing flights, Mr. Byun approaches the venue of the first concert Jun-ha to ask them permission to use the stage. The management allows, but this is their last chance, because the place is later demolished this year. So now all they need is some way to get there Choi Jun-ha.

determined Search, Ha-neul grabs the envelope containing the song royalties contains and directs alone to find out Seok-ho. Seok-Ho is still at the airport, and he finally sees ha-Jun for his flight to come back to Australia. Jun-ha is not pleased to see him, and says that he understands that Sung-hyun and Ha-neul are important Seok-ho, but he is losing patience.

Seok-ho gives him only a piece of paper, and the USB containing Sung-hyun recording his songs. Jun-ha promises to take a look at and Seok-ho lets him go. But suddenly Ha-neul running past him to Jun-ha and imagines, drawing a crowd of fans to keep the Seok-ho back managed.

Jun-ha looks ruefully and says he is sad, but Ha-neul ineptly only back: "For what?" Asks he know if Jun-ha is sorry for what he did to his brother, or sorry setting things not right now. Jun-ha, he says both sad, and Ha-neul asks angry when the money is his way of apologizing.

He did not want the money - he wants the song. As things stand, "Go Ahead, Cry" is still Choi Jun-ha song, and even after he dies. "Why can not the song back?"

Jun-ha hangs his head and admits that he has not the courage, and ha-neul replies that he does not again for his brother to ask, and he did not even resent Jun-ha. "I blame myself for too young and not able to help my brother vulnerable."

Jun-ha says again that he's sorry, but he can not help Ha-neul. Ha-neul says he'll to Legend Again sing the song, and people will applaud, it is June-ha think song, but that he and Jun-ha, and CEO Lee know whose song it really is.

He promises until the last moment to pray that Jun-ha will change his mind, and the song will find its real owner. "Please prove that you are different from Lee Jun-seok." Mention of CEO Lee Jun-ha seems to rattle, but he does not say a word when he takes the envelope back from Ha-neul.

Seok-ho meets with Jinu who tells him that he canceled his contract with KTOP, but he refused, the rest of Jackson with departing offer him. He thinks they just find a new singer, although Seok-ho doubt that will happen. Jinu plan is to study music in England,

Seok-ho has something to ask of Jinu, "the land of the Beatles." - To give the song that she stole back from the songwriter. The idea makes Jinu nervous as admits that he could someone stole the song and drove them to suicide of a future music career ruin he can follow. Seok-Ho told him about Sung-hyun Song, and Jinu apologizes for distressing.

Man-Shik lit like a Christmas tree when Min-joo brings him a box of vitamin drinks, although she barks him, when he calls a generous heiress hee. She also has some for Seok-ho accommodated, but none of them knows where he is at the moment.

you want to borrow an umbrella because it is raining, but man-Shik forbids her to take the green one - it's kind of valuable Seok ho. He does not know why, it just knows that Seok-ho it cherishes.

Once he alone does Jun-ha, as he had promised, and watched the video of Sung-hyun performance. He goes to the venue of his first concert (which was on the piece of paper Seok-ho gave him) and calls Seok-ho, saying that it has not changed.

He asked if he could hold a concert before she says the place down, and Seok-ho he tear it would be honored to arrange. "The fans who were waiting for you then still waiting for you."

Seok-Ho updates the band, the Ha-neul June-ha convinced to help them, and says that the next step is a statement the exhibition, the truth about the song detailing. Choi Jun-ha will not be asked about, but the whole story will be revealed.

Seok-ho meets with his PD friend to tell her what she will do, and asking for their help to ensure that Ddanddara band in the show still welcome. She says she does not need to - the whole country is buzzing about. She asks if Choi Jun-ha is really on board, and Seok-ho promises that he is.

Seok-Ho calls his friend Editor reporter to offer Ma, who still is upset in scooping Ha-neul history, a chance for an exclusive to the frustration. He is grumpy, but ambitious, and meets with Seok-ho to find out what he wants.

He cheers up when he hears the name Choi Jun-ha and Seok-ho asks him to write this story, not a scandal but as emotional confession of a repentant man. Reporter Ma reads Seok-ho notes and practically makes the Happy Dance of joy in excitement.

The Ddanddara boys try to rehearse the song that sounds now much closer to Sung-hyun ov. But Ha-neul still fighting the words to sing, so Seok-Ho Min-joo calls the USB his brother to bring about performance.

The USB in the same drawer as Geu-rin drawing of green umbrella, the Min-joo eye catches. It makes the connection with the green umbrella that Seok-ho treasures as much, and acknowledges that it (sounds whose name such as "green" in English) Geu-rin, which is so important to him.

When Ha-neul watched the video of his brother, he cries, and engages Sung-hyun's face on the screen touch. Soon all the Ddanddara boy sobbing, and Geu-rin and Min-joo are, as Ha-neul calls: "Hyung ... Hyung, why Hyung ?"

Seok-Ho ignored Ha-neul tears, and asks in a quiet, firm voice: "Why can not you sing sung-hyun can, so why can not sung-hyun is not here, but this song has to be sung Why can?. not sing "He says that there is only one person who should sing this song - Ha-neul.

He remembers Ha-neul which this press release is even out, the song will no longer belong to KTOP but to Sung-hyun and Ha-neul. He says that there is no harm, and his heart will break, "But you have to sing it well. Because it's Sung-hyun Song." The words are not gentle, but they are told with love, and Ha-neul takes a deep breath when his spine straightened.

Later that night, Jun-ha reads the angry words of netizens, vilified him for stealing Sung-hyun Song and as his own to claim. Seok-ho invites him to drink from, and Jun-ha takes a fortifying swig from the bottle before his wife call answered.

Despite his fears, Mrs June ha is wonderfully supportive, and tells him that he has done the right thing and his son is made proud. Jun-ha lyrics to say Seok-ho, again they can share a drink when Seok-Ho visited him in Australia, and he asks a favor that we do not hear.

CEO Lee trashes his office in a rage, with experienced recently that all studios and television networks are blacklisted KTOP artists following the breaking scandal. He tells his assistant to do what it takes to get back the contracts, even if it means giving the bulk of the advantage on the other side.

He commands to help Joo-han, but Joo-han says now starting, he has finished KTOP. He says CEO Lee that he wants, as Seok-Ho did start from scratch, sending Lee to another hissy. Joo-han leaves and CEO Lee shouts, then descends into the creepy demented laughter again.


Go Seok-ho head, Jun-ha application, which should appear on Legend again . He heads into the studio to talk about the PD, which is excited at the idea. Even better, Seok-Ho, it proposes to make a duet song.

Seok-ho runs to find the boy, and tells them that the song is now a duet to wonder if Kyle can write a new arrangement in the week that they have left. Ha-neul is the idea to sing the song with Jun-ha shocked, but that's not what Seok-ho has in mind - the song will be a duet between Ha-neul and Sung-hyun.

Sung-hyun Memorial and Ha-neul finally gets his friends to his big brother introduced on the day of the show, the band visits. They all talk to Hyung, joke and make each other smile (Jae-hoon says Sung-hyun, the Ha-neul is better looking, hee) and even Geu-rin is honored to meet him finally.

The boys are surprised when Jun-ha joins them as they wait in her dressing room before the show. thanks Ha-neul to let Jun-ha for him here, and leave for his support of his self-imposed prison, and Ha-neul thanks him back in return for the granting of his brother song.

Then it's run time for Ddanddara band. Jun-ha goes on stage first and addresses the audience, apologized for not for a happier reason to come back after a long break. He stated that he disappeared because he was ashamed of what he did, and that he now wants to apologize. His confession is deafening silence, and after a long moment, Jun-ha is the true owner of the song.

And suddenly, Sung-hyun is on the stage, the first notes of "Go Ahead Cry." Play have used the video to make it seem as if he's right there in person, and the effect is stunning. After Sung-hyun alone singing the first few lines, the lights come on, and Ha-neul it is finally to sing on stage with his brother.

It is almost as if Sung-hyun studied in Ha-neul as they sing and the band starts to play, as his voice Ha-neul which merges in unison with Sung-hyun. Ha-neul takes the lead in the second verse, and Sung-hyun seems to watch him on his face with a look of pride.

Ha-neul sings to his brother, he lacks the lyrics on a special meaning under:

you have been in a lot of pain to be
How my heart that everything is burned
I know now it all
the tears you held back
the times you are struggling to
you tried so hard to hide
you who'll by my side always remained
I will not go out of the hands I will keep
It's okay if you can not hold back
I'll always keep

It is to scream in order according to
It's okay, loud cry for you
your sad eyes speak to me
This wonderful love to me speaks
There is okay, cry louder
It's okay to cry all your sad eyes speak for me
to me
This dreamlike love said to me

Behind the scenes, Seok- want ho cries and smiles at the same time with pride and thought: ". I miss you, Sung Hyun-ah"


that was so much better than I ever expected ... I knew that Ha -neul version of the song would blow us away, but I never thought to put Sung-hyun inclusion in the song, so that the brothers could sing together. I looking forward to this performance, but it was so much nicer than I thought.

I much prefer Hyung plot line Ha-neul the event of an attack, although I understand this background do the need and how it dovetails in the search to redeem Hyung and his song. But these last few episodes had put me in a way that the characters before I had not come because of the way Sung-hyun betrayal and death has put them all together to mourn, then pick up and mobilize to make things right. I love how Sung-hyun desire to make music meshes with Ha-neul love of power, and the idea that it is Sung-hyun song that might well propel fleetingly popularity to fame the Ddanddara boy from a. It is sad to think what might have been if Sung-hyun had lived more songs to write, both for himself and for his younger brother.

is going with the direction of the show for the last few episodes, focuses on the pain of loss and the quest to make things right, it's like Entertainer has trade increased several notches in all areas to improve, the story has gained a depth and piognancy that was lacking at the beginning, and I find this plot very convincing and satisfying. And how beautiful Hyung Song ?? I well up every time it plays. I wish this dramatic improvement could be done earlier, before people like the show, but for those of us who are still hanging in there, I think it is the investment is worth it.

Unable to recognize until recently, but I am to understand, finally overarcing topic Entertainer - that people terrible can make mistakes, but it does not make them evil or irredeemable make. Ha-neul is a force that speaks forgiveness, and his influence to him at all, to spread. He was able to forgive anyone anything, as long as they show true repentance. Ji-young, Joo-han, Jun-ha and especially Seok-ho have all found themselves facing Ha-neul and repented the injustice they did to him, and to his credit, Ha-neul pulls no punches. He is aware of what they have done wrong and does not soften his words let them know that they have disappointed him. But he can acknowledge their mistakes, they also, and if they do, then he is the first who is ready to say: "I forgive you, and now it is time to forgive yourself." He is a wonderful young man and an incredibly compelling character, and Kang Min-Hyuk gets to play him so perfect all the credit.

The only person Ha-neul can not forgive, CEO Lee who also falls in character, as Lee is the only person who not only does not regret his actions. In fact, not only to see that he is not his actions as wrong, but he still every time to double-down he has given the chance to do the right thing. His hatred and prejudices that directly Sung-hyun's death, and yet he is still sneers and calls him a "cripple" to Seok-ho's face. We have seen with CEO Lee fight, what to do when he made the decision to betray Sung-hyun, and that a moment of humanity made me feel almost sorry for him. But he took the wrong way and never looked back, and over the years he has also come to enjoy, he watched the suffering caused. I do not blame Ha-neul for promising to make sure he suffers for what he has done.

It was wonderful Seok-ho contract and be the manager that Ha-neul and the boys needed when Ha-neul could not sing to see. I have become so accustomed Seok-ho give in his emotional turmoil to see, and it was a shock, in a good way when they came together and said what needed to be said. He has so many things for Ha-neul and the rest of the guys - friend, manager, Hyung - but until now, he is not leader . They urgently need a leader, as new as they are all in the entertainment industry, and as much resistance as early in their careers. You need someone to teach them and guide them, and I began to fear that Seok-ho, that might not be for them, because of his own demons. But he proved it as really important that he just can the man they need.

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Tags: entertainer, episode 16, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min-Hyuk

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