Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 19

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 19 -

Deul -ho prepares chief prosecutor Shin to face, and it is a difficult fight for our hero, the prone man seems to show among all the bravado for once. It is when we see a human side of the seemingly invincible neighborhood advocate a revealing episode, but unlike his accusers days Deul-ho now has a strong support system ready to remain thick and thin with him. It could be a tough fight but Deul-ho is struggling with a team on his side. Can the same lawyer say Shin boss?


A group of men dressed in black suits their way towards Deul-ho office while Chief Prosecutor Shin remembers how Deul-ho unceremoniously interrupted his party last night. The group of men barge into the office and disclose an arrest warrant against Ae-ra and Dae-soo. Eun-jo protests to no avail, and as Ae-ra is whisked away, she says to call Eun-jo Deul-ho.

Deul-ho hears the news and tells Eun-jo, he'll be there immediately. Before he leaves, he says Attorney Jang, the chief prosecutor Shin arrested its staff, and Lawyer Jang says that the Prosecutor become childish. Attorney Jang warns him that there are more hurdles to face, and says Deul-ho of themselves ensure Soo-bin and Hae-Kyung sake.

in the interrogation room, yells to fess a prosecutor with Dae-soo, and then a higher-up prosecutor takes over the trading venues. The prosecutor asks Dae-soo vile scum and says he obviously a gangster. Dae-soo says that people usually think he is a hairdresser, but the prosecutor just screams to be given with Dae-soo on his connections to underground syndicates.

Elsewhere another prosecutor Ae-ra asks if she stolen private information the police. She says she just looking for someone, but if the prosecutor asks for more information, Ae-ra tells him that she can not say. He gives her the information about the sale to voice phishing organizations, and she screams that they one who is deceived.

Eun-jo the prosecutor that her investigation tells a bit absurd, but the prosecutor ignored and asks Ae-ra, why it works with Deul-ho yet. Ae-ra staring the prosecution in the eyes, and asks if that's why they arrested them.

Deul-ho bumps in Chief Prosecutor Shin in the hallway and asks him if he can get revenge for last night. The chief prosecutor ignores him, so Deul-ho blocked his way and asks if the preparations go well for the hearing. Chief Prosecutor Shin tells him to be quiet and not interfere. Deul-ho says cheekily, that there is already too late, as he helped the Chief Prosecutor use $ 30 million, so it does not look too fat during the hearing.

Chief Prosecutor Shin warns now stop Deul-ho, but Deul-ho will not hold back. The Attorney General asks if he wants to see this to the bitter end, and Deul-ho says they should, because that is why he started in the first place.

Dae -Soo kneeling on the floor, and the prosecutor has to let him go if he promises to evict Deul-ho and cut off all ties with him. Dae-soo says he sublet only his office Deul-ho, but dissatisfied with his response, threatening the prosecutor to throw him in jail.

Deul-ho enters open the door and strolls into the room. He says Dae-soo to take place, and calls on the public prosecutor's office to tell him in detail how his client violated the law. Deul-ho yells, they should arrest him if it to ruin the cake last night, and at least apologize to his client. The prosecutor calls Deul-ho mad and storms out of the room.

Dae-soo laughed at the indignant Deul-ho, and Deul-ho asks if he's okay. Dae-soo says that he is doing well, as this is not his first time here. Deul-ho jokes that Dae-soo should sing a song, and Dae-soo breaks into a buzz for old times' sake.

Ji-wook asks his if he ordered Father's arrest Deul-ho Leaders and Chief Prosecutor Shin asks if he looks like he has so much free time , Ji-wook tells him that they can not keep it locked up, and Chief Prosecutor Shin tells him that he ordered them to be released already.

Ji-wook, the chief prosecutor asks if he has done anything that use Deul-ho to could against him. The chief prosecutor says that it is not, but Ji-wook mentions her old housekeeper. He asks for the truth, and Chief Prosecutor Shin asks his son if he is Deul-ho words about his income. Ji-wook says that he trusts her old housekeeper words, and asks his father to convince him otherwise. Chief Prosecutor Shin scoffs at disbelief.

In a short interlude, we see a mysterious figure creep to Deul-ho office and place a listening device under a table.

Chief Prosecutor Shin ponders Ji-wook question and thinks Deul-ho about his meeting again of the former. He calls someone and asks justice to. In a secluded spot on the river, a man in glasses, the Chief Prosecutor welcomes and Chief Prosecutor Shin tells him that he has another job for him.

We return to the fateful night of Il-gu death, but this time we hear Chief Prosecutor Shin someone order the "accident". implementing the Il-gu funeral, visited the driver and shed crocodile tears, fulfills its mission. The same man is now facing chief prosecutor Shin, and receives a new order.

The band is released by the prosecution, and Deul-ho tells everyone to go home. Better yet, he will leave the office. Eun-jo blocked his way and asks if he all to shoot them. He tells them that this is a dangerous job, but Dae-soo says that it has always been dangerous. One by one, they made known that they relied Deul-ho, and march away.

Attorney Jang remembers, as a lawyer Kim told him to resign, and get out of his hospital bed on. Hae-Kyung takes and keeps leaving her father. She tells him that they can tailor to convince the meeting the lawyers them and Attorney Jang apologized to his daughter.

The Office Deul-ho, the group said that they have captured chief prosecutor Shin before being Attorney General. He orders Dae-soo and Eun-jo to relocate the housekeeper, and told Ae-ra of the ex-chauffeur to find :. Another employee, the chief prosecutor can borrow his bank account

While Dae-soo and Eun -jo take the housekeeper to a safer place, the housekeeper begins to doubt their actions. Eun-jo tells her that she needs to tell the truth, but the housekeeper asks what will happen to the Chief Prosecutor, when they testified. Eun-jo says that the public decide.

Just then, the housekeeper a call from Chief Prosecutor Shin gets, but if Eun-jo asks about the caller, it is that it does not. Eun-jo tells her that she keep her cell phone, and has to keep it. The housekeeper says she'll turn it off, but holding the phone with her.

A group of reporters ask chief prosecutor Shin for a statement about becoming the next Attorney General, and he deceives humility. They ask him about his plans and Reformation chief prosecutor Shin says that the prosecution will not tolerate more lawyers who play for the rich master and favorites.

Deul-ho meets again with Assemblyman Kim, who is also the chair of the Committee confirmation hearing. He says about Fundlist Chairman Jung mud, but Assemblyman Kim, that this is not enough to prove the connection between the two. Deul-ho asks the assemblyman to call him as a witness, and promises to get in one week decisive evidence of the confirmation hearing.

The housekeeper receives a text message from Chief Prosecutor Shin told her to come outside, and it glides by Eun-jo watchkeeping. Eun-jo goes in for the housekeeper to see, and noticed a note left on the table. It wrote the housekeeper that Chief Prosecutor Shin is their savior, and she can not testify against him. Eun-jo rushes outside, but it is too late.

Back in the office, Deul-ho can not believe that they have lost the housekeeper, and asks if they were persecuted. Eun-jo and Dae-soo swear that no one was following them, and they do not understand how Chief Prosecutor Shin could have found the position.

Suddenly Deul-ho gets up from his chair and mouths to the group that they have intercepted. Everyone starts the office looking while throwing a fake conversation with the enemy, and Deul-ho finds the device.

Chief Prosecutor Shin meets with the housekeeper, and she apologizes to him for falling for Deul-ho words. He tells her to leave the country until things calm and promised that her son get a promotion in return, and she thanked him profusely.

Deul-ho proceeds to his office and thinks that Chief Prosecutor Shin is a tough opponent. The slush fund ledger is not enough evidence disappeared his only witness, and Chairman Jung is still unconscious. It is unlikely that new evidence arise, and the confirmation hearing is coming soon.

The date of Attorney Jang conviction comes, and Chief Prosecutor Shin uses his power to enjoy, while Chairman Jung remains in a vegetative state. In court, the judge sentences Attorney Jang jail for one year and two months. Attorney Jang remains calm and told not to worry about him his daughter.

In the car, Deul-ho apologized to Hae-Kyung, do not do enough to help, but she tells him that that's what her father wanted. She asks how his preparations going for the confirmation hearing. He says he works there, and she reminds him to be careful.

Deul-ho Chairman Jung goes to visit, but is blocked by the guards. The secretary asks what he wants, and Deul-ho says that he came only to keep the chairman company. He may in and Deul-ho sighs at the sight of his former enemy. He says the chairman that he is boring without him, and asks if the Chairman is not angry at Chief Prosecutor Shin.

Deul-ho of Chairman Jung roars furiously to get up and be, but the chairman remains unresponsive. Deul-ho asks Chairman Jung one last question: Does he want to bring him the chief prosecutor to the case? The President appears to be no answer but Deul-ho frowns and tilts her head to the chairman.

Back in his office, Deul-ho thinks that he is running out of time. Without conclusive evidence can advocate Shin boss only claim ignorance. Deul-ho gets to open a secret compartment and takes out a key. We see in flashback, the Il-gu Deul-ho was the key, before he died, but Deul-ho has no idea what it opens.

His phone rings suddenly and Deul-ho answered a call from Soo am. He apologizes for the visit not lately, but they know that their parents are busy. She tells him that she was busy, even today, because they after school academies had to visit three, and their words trigger a memory for Deul-ho.

reprimanded Working in another retrospective, Il-gu Deul-ho forever, and boasted that he is going to visit a GED Academy serendipitously named "Il-gu Academy . " Back to the present, Deul-ho says Soo-bin, that he would call them later.

Deul-ho finds the Academy, but there are rows of lockers inside. Fortunately, he sees a "Kang Il-gu" with a small lock marked on it. The key fits, and inward under Il-gu ordinary school supplies, is a flash drive.

Immediately returned to his office, Deul-ho opens the flash drive and is playing a video. It's a recording Il-gu secretly by chief prosecutor Shin with Chairman Jung took place in a restaurant. We do not get to see the rest of the content or listening to, but to observe Deul-ho feed a file of papers by.

Deul-ho receives another phone call, but this time it is of chief prosecutor Shin is. The chief prosecutor says Deul-ho his participation to cancel, and in return he will certainly Attorney Jang get a lighter sentence. Deul-ho scoffs at the suggestion and says chief prosecutor Shin that he lose everything and come to regret his actions. Chief Prosecutor Shin says Deul-ho has no evidence and instead charged with defamation.

After a pause Deul-ho, the chief prosecutor asks if he remembers Il-gu. Deul-ho says that he reminded him suddenly, and asks if Chief Prosecutor Shin he has something to say to him about Il-gu, might want. Hand tremors always says so easy, chief prosecutor Shin Deul-ho, that they should meet, and Deul-ho agrees as tears stream down his face.

Chief Prosecutor Shin makes a mysterious phone call and tells the person on the other line, that today is the day. Meanwhile, sitting Deul-ho in his office and thinks that he, if not trip the chief prosecutor, then he will be triggered. Nevertheless Deul-ho wants to ask the Chief Prosecutor face-to-face and to know why he did it.

Deul-ho gets another call, and this time it's Dae-soo. He says to come Deul-ho and tells them for drinks, but Deul-ho that he is busy. Out of the blue, Deul-ho thanks Dae-soo for all his help and Dae-soo laughed at his uncharacteristic behavior. He says Dae-soo to give each his thanks, and Dae-soo tells him she accede to, if he changes his mind.

Deul-ho staring at a window and remembers veiled threats by the Chief Prosecutor Shin. For even seems that the chief prosecutor could do Deul-ho frightened and decides to call Hae-Kyung. She asks if everything is going well, and he says that he always get things done. He tells her never weak, and she tells him to do a good job.

Soo-bin takes the phone and asks if she can go to the amusement park. He says she wants, so Soo-bin to hear a good girl in the meantime must be, and to her mother. Soo-bin tells him to keep his promise, and Deul-ho gives his word.

Deul-ho comes on the Han River, and waits for the chief prosecutor. A waiter comes by to clean tables, but we see that he is the man actually in glasses. He grabs a knife and stabs Deul-ho, as it is scanned, and Deul-ho seems to recognize him as a driver, killed the Il-gu. The man in glasses pushes Deul-ho over the edge, and Deul-ho falls into the river.

If Deul-ho resurface unsuccessful, the man in glasses, the gun falls into the river and walks away. Chief Prosecutor Shin gets a call, and told the man in glasses for a while out of the country to stay. The chief prosecutor smiles-the fact that he killed his former protege seems unaware disturbing its ever.

The next morning Æ- ra and Eun-jo eat together, and they can not believe it is the day of the confirmation hearing this. Both comment on how Deul-ho not respond to their calls this morning, but Ae-ra assumes that he was probably too busy to answer focused.

Chief Prosecutor Shin goes with his entourage by the prosecutor to the hearing, and in the interior of the witness seat is empty. The hearing begins without Deul-ho, and Chief Prosecutor Shin gives his opening speech.

The Committee questions the chief prosecutor Shin about his connections with Dae Hwa group and the alleged bribes he received. Chief Prosecutor Shin is that he never once in his career did something he was ashamed, and denies any claims of illegal activity. Ji-wook hangs his head in shame and our firm group gapes at the audacity of the chief prosecutor.

Deul-ho to continue to be

absent, so that the Committee decides to close the hearing without witnesses. Just then, a familiar voice shouts that the witness has arrived, and Deul-ho enters the room, much to Chief Prosecutor Shin surprise.

We go back to the accident site and see that the man went into the glasses to kick off Deul-ho assuming to be dead, but in fact, Deul-ho was water in the shade. When he saw that the coast was clear, he swam to a rock-pain but very much alive.

A committee member asked whether Deul-ho, can expose the scandal between the chief prosecutor and Dae Hwa group. Deul-ho says he can, and is Chairman Jung slush fund list. He points out three repeated names on the list and says that they can all chief prosecutor Shin borrow their bank accounts.

However, Chief Prosecutor Shin says he doesn 't know these people, and informs the committee that Deul-ho makes these slanderous claims, because he is the one was who punished for receiving bribes of Chairman Jung Deul-ho. Assemblyman Kim asks Deul-ho, if he can back up his claims, and he says that he can.

Deul-ho asks to call another witness for permission and goes outside to join him. They all turn towards the door, and jaw dropping: It's Chairman Jung. In a flashback, we see that Deul-ho Assemblyman Kim said that he can bring Chairman Jung as a witness, but only on condition that he passes the testimony as the lawyer for the chairman.

Shin Chief Prosecutor objects, the Chairman Jung both physically and mentally incapacitated, but Deul-ho brings up a written opinion by the Korean Medical Association, stating that the chairman Jung has a speech impediment, but sound of mind ,

The Committee agrees with the chairman to be a witness, and allows Deul-ho to support him as his attorney. Deul-ho says the chairman to nod or shake his head, and in addition he can blink once for "yes" and repeatedly blink for "no."

We see in flashback why Deul-ho frowned before: Chairman Jung blinked after Deul-ho asked him about lowering Chief Prosecutor Shin. Deul-ho then asked a series of random questions to test his hypothesis, and Chairman Jung answered all Deul-hos questions correctly by flashing.

A committee member asked whether Chairman Jung ever asked for favors from chief prosecutor Shin and he blinks once. Deul-ho, the judge asks if he transferred money to the chief prosecutor with borrowed-name bank accounts and Chairman Jung nods.

Assemblyman Kim asks if Chief Prosecutor Shin wants to repudiate the accusations and Chief Prosecutor Shin argued that the chairman Jung hostile to him because he accused him, and therefore is the chairman perjury to commit. Chairman Jung begins blinking rapidly.

Deul-ho says that three years ago, the son Michael killed a homeless Chairman and burned the corpse. He asks Chairman Jung if he the Chief Prosecutor paid $ 1,000,000 to cover up this incident, and Chairman Jung flashes once. Deul-ho then the fact that Chief Prosecutor Shin ordered him to cover up the case, and Deul-ho buried, withdraw the case by the charges.

Chief Prosecutor Shin accused Deul-ho to make false accusations, but Deul-ho tells the committee that he would prove anything now and sends video evidence. We see in flashback, the Attorney Jang Deul-ho asked his hand in the hospital keep, and then returned the flash drive contains stole CCTV footage of Michael.

The video shows Michael terrible actions and checked Chairman Jung testimony. Deul-ho informed the Committee that Chief Prosecutor Shin a warrant instead earned a certificate of appointment. Unmoved told chief prosecutor Shin Assemblyman Kim, that this is all a conspiracy, and he will take legal action against Chairman Jung and Deul-ho. Search

Deul-ho told the chief prosecutor that he has to show a bonus video, and it is the only one of Il-gu. In the video, complained President Jung that Il-gu harassed him held to give the orphanage money, but because he did not go to jail instead of Michael, the chairman not know why he should pay. He said that there will be a problem for both of them when Il-gu went public, and Chief Prosecutor Shin said that she would have a once and for all solve the problem. The Chair asked if he had a plan, and Chief Prosecutor Shin said that she could disguise it as a car accident.

The room with discontented murmur begins to fill, and Chief Prosecutor Shin looks shocked. Deul-ho begins to clap and gives a sardonic thumbs up to the chief prosecutor. But then drops his face, and he turns his thumb head.


Chief Prosecutor Shins shocked face was satisfactory, but it was even more rewarding because it is the order of people he came thought he defeated. First it was Deul-ho, then Chairman Jung and Attorney Jang and finally Il-gu. While I never doubted that the chief prosecutor Justice would face, I rejoiced even accidentally when Deul-ho burst through the doors. Sometimes you want to win just your good guys without reservations. Sure, I can, after they stabbed and fall several meters into the water, an eyebrow or two after he Deul-ho safe to swim to a rock arched and I may have thought that it was too convenient that he oral in negotiation marched right when it ended perfectly normal to. Is it realistic? Not really. But it is make entertainment for a bit of fun? I give a big resounding yes.

All in all, it was a satisfactory penultimate episode. It also reminded me that I am very satisfied that the show was not renewed because it would have caused unnecessary because I feel that this episode, despite all the events was a bit slow. I thought that there were a lot of static scenes and the director to use too many flashbacks for narrative purposes. I think worked the flashbacks, as the director is a mystery, but some may have been from those where the characters just wanted to reveal thoughts about past events, better treated.

I am glad that the show did not try to the other antagonists to the chief prosecutor as telling "big bad," and I was impressed by the way that Deul-ho killed two birds with one stone redeem from Michaeljung case of education. It was an unexpected bonus Chairman Jung being trapped by his own actions, to see, and I hope that this means Michael will also receive punishment for his misdeeds. As for Chief Prosecutor Shin, I knew he was corrupt, but he was at the hearing really shameless. I feel like, after defeating him as the boss revealed Duel-ho, he has become more and more cartoonish villain. Not as much as Chairman Jung, but rather boldly and openly evil. I found him a little more interesting when he mysteriously, and we did not know his thoughts. However, it is useful, the Chief Prosecutor Shin is always careless, as he gains more power and leaves its greed, catching.

Since this is my last comment section Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho , I would say that this is one of the drama, where my recaps fail capture best part of the show. For me, the strength of this drama has always been in the cast and their amazing achievements. You really increased the script and ad-libs were some of the most entertaining parts of the show. For example, where the scene all look for the listening device in the office was hilarious because of their random conversation about jjajangmyun (black bean noodles) and how they effortlessly teasing each other. Its moments like these that are difficult to capture in words, and just to have to be observed to appreciate the acting skills of the cast.

I also loved the call scenes in this episode really, but only because of Park Shin-yang . Each call with emotions abounded, but depending on the recipient, the difference slight tremor in his voice or the glint of his eyes. While I thought it was stupid, so many calls have with little (redundant bit) to support re-narrations between, I loved to watch Park Shin-Yang's outstanding performance. It was shattering our hero feel afraid to see, and even though I knew Deul-ho would be fine, I was at that moment still convinced that he could never get to thank personally, in fact its employees or keep his promise with precious Soo-bin. I wholeheartedly believe that Park Shin-Yang deserves all the praise, and this show again confirmed his talent. He might be best for some a bit over the, but I think he is bursting with energy and fills his characters with charisma. This show was really Park Shin-yang vehicle start to finish, and he did a fantastic job.

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