Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 16 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 16 (Final) -

There is officially say goodbye to time. I have a truckload of tissues collected, which will hopefully be enough to last through to the end of the episode - but with this show, you never know just. If my hopes to become a "happily ever after" true, or if the life in all its messy realism, decide to take a different path? There is no point in postponing the inevitable, so let's dive and see what it means to reach the end of their street for our dear aunts.

The final episode: ". Our love story"

Wan is surprised to see Yun-ha in the hospital, but she runs past him space works, where the doctor tells her how her mother went surgery. Except we do not get to hear and can only watch as Wan dazedly back to the waiting area is hardly recognition Yun-ha or the other aunts presence.

She sits on the floor, knees pulled her breast, as she thinks about past moments with her mother, both good and bad. Then she begins to cry and I'm in agony, because I have no idea what happened to Nan-hee.

Yun-ha rolled next to her and gently called Name. He holds her hand as she as she leans against his legs continued to cry while stroking her hair. Are the tears of relief? Grief? Someone tell me something!

The rest of the aunts and uncles are in hospital rooms Min-ho woman waiting for them in the new baby to bring. Suk-gyun tried calling Choong-nam on Nan-hee to find out, but nobody answers. Ahhhh, c'mon - answer someone and us out of this fearful misery

Min-ho and his wife bring their super cute baby, and how. ha-neul it comes to the baby to her mother-in-law, Suk-gyun warns against it at hand. The old people are not as strong as they are used - it could be the baby fall. But Jung-ah replies that nothing will happen, and Hee-ja is in awe of her charming little grandchild.

Choong-nam and Young-won pm as Yun-ha rolls his way through the hospital corridor. Amazed that he came all the way from Slovenia to be here, and then spent most of the time to wait even. While Young-won commented on how beautiful he is, Choong-nam sighs that, such an accident is bad happened to him.

Wondering been how much he and Wan has passionate him to come back - or when it is actually still in love madly in. Young-Won says Choong-nam a love like that should be reflected in their next life, but then immediately changes her mind. Choong-nam is still young and healthy enough to see such love this life. Choong-nam laughs how ridiculous it would look like, but Young-Won tells her that they just keep on the down low.

Yun-ha watching the sunset on one of the hospital window, and taking into account the aunts joke about romance, I take this as a tentative sign that is Nan-hee fine. But I will soon need evidence show -. Just Sayin '

Seung-jae doing the dishes for Hee-ja, and when she realizes that he beds in the living room for the set of both of them, he tells her that he orders only after Min-ho to stay by her side. Ha, I'm not sure, Min-ho meant that it all , literally. He does move also "stretch arm" a casual, while watching TV. Ajusshi's still got game.

Later, when they are in their respective beds down, Hee-ja tells him that they go the urge to take a walk. It only takes her hand gently and tells her that she can not go in the middle of the night. But if he loved her, he would not let them do what they wanted? No, not even if he loves her. Rolling to turn her back on him, she sighs that love means nothing, after all.

Nan-hee recovers in her hospital room, of the operation. Thank god. Granny massage her arms while Nan-hee declared Jung-ah and Suk-gyun, originally the doctors it was the size of his fist, the cancer tumor and spread to her liver and stomach tells. The operation could promise only a 20% chance of survival, which was a frightening thought.

But it turns out, the doctors were wrong, and they as Granny curses, it is shown that during the operation, was the tumor itself only the size of a ping pong ball. Seung-jae wonders if it will kill them, and Nan-hee indicates that she still has cancer and has to go through chemotherapy. Oh, it's so nice to see everyone together and support Nan-hee.

There are even Gi-ja, who does not stop talking about difficulties of their work. She sighs that it must be so nice to have cancer as Nan-hee has her family and around them while being friends in a beautiful private room.

Since the women laughing and joking with each other, Hee-ja leaning over to ask Jung-ah, who are all these women. Jung-ah whispers back that they are their friends. You seem surprised to see that they are their friends, especially Gi-ja. Pffft.

Once Nan-hee is discharged from the hospital, Choong-nam and Young-won it shall lead back home. Choong-nam asks if Wan was going Yun-ha to see, but this is the first Nan-hee heard of Yun-ha sudden appearance back in Korea. Young-Won tried to pst, but Choong-nam indicates the cat out of the bag now, and it adds that it seemed as if he and Wan had a deep and beautiful love.

Wan grabs some of their belongings, so they can stay in place with her mother. Just then Hee-ja calls her, wanted to know why no one had seen Nan-hee after their surgery. Is it because she has dementia? Is that why they are her from going to Nan-hee?

Wan patiently explained that Hee-ja just visited Nan-hee a few days ago along with all the other aunts to prevent. But Hee-ja shouts that Wan is just make things, trying to use their dementia, to convince them of something that never happened.

Min-ho only to take steps of their phone and then leads to the bedroom where his wife and newborn baby sleeping. The baby is physical proof that time has passed, and Hee-ja, asks meekly when Nan-hee in the hospital actually have visit.

But she will not go with the baby in the room, for fear that they might do something that frightened him. Instead, she sits in the living room and looked out the door, unable to take out his eyes.

Later Min-ho it jammed in her bed, and she asks if she takes her medication that her dementia will not be worse. He's so sweet and gentle, as if he is assured her, and that it even out a pill that future help cure dementia. Oh, it does not seem like Hee-ja dementia would be curable, but it is adorable as he quietly does his best to keep their attitude positive and calm.

Wan settled her mother place full of encouragement in the next street before: chemotherapy. Da Wan takes a shower, Nan-hee draws Wan Wan Phone and really needs a new lock password to get, because everyone seems to know this.

Nan-hee on Choong-nam comment about how Yun-ha thinks and Wan seemed deeply in love to be, and how nice it was for Wan to have someone by her side. Omo, they will call him? But instead, she puts the phone back where they found it.

Hee-ja calls Choong-nam, and the phone rings and rings and rings but they will not budge. First bothered by the constant ringing, her nephews grow suddenly worried when they realize they are not responded to their calls, and they spring from their beds to run to her bedroom. But she was just asleep, and they wake up with a start-up. Phew.

Hee-ja appeal because she wants Choong-nam to show some care homes for dementia patients. She glances furtively over at Min-ho sleeping, as she whispers the phone.

The next day, Wan working on her book while attentive care take every little thing that Nan-hee might need. Nan-hee finally reached their breaking point, complained that she does't no place for themselves in their own home. She complains that Wan did not even let them go outside or go back to work.

The Wan reminded that they have to make some calls to the restaurant, and Nan-hee escapes into the bedroom. Young-Won takes fresh food and place Nan-hee on her bed pouting. But when Young-won asks if Nan-hee in pain, Nan-hee wonders how it is to go through chemotherapy. She needs just six sessions - which is not much, it is

But Young-Won says that chemotherapy can last years, and they know from experience that, even if you think you have beaten it, cancer can last a lifetime. That seems a bit to decide for Nan-hee, and she takes her cell phone and calls Yun-ha.

Choong-nam shows Hee-ja one of the nursing homes, and partially excited to do Hee-ja by all activities that patient, but also a little sad. The only places to see on the left are the private rooms and Choong-nam openly tells her that she does not believe Hee-ja a good fit for this place is - it is not as far along in their dementia need this kind of monitoring.

But Hee-ja insists stubbornly to see the private rooms, and how it looks around to test on the window with the castle fiddling and the bed, she says she will not leave. One of the patients who have been a handful of sweets her cutely by their hands, which takes Hee-ja polite, say that they can be friends.

Choong-nam is surprised by Hee-ja determination to stay, but Hee-ja does not want to be a burden to her son and his family. You want to make sure that they can be happy, how to raise their child. Fighting back tears, she says Choong-nam that they will stay there until it dies. As Choong-nam they hugged and tried to cry itself ceases Hee-ja asks that Jung-ah and the other aunts to promise to visit them regularly. Ooof.

Wan busy running her mother restaurant, while Young-Won takes to visit Nan-hee Yun-ha. She is upset that Nan-hee not say Wan about their plans, and Nan-hee promises teasingly that they will not beat him, as it has with Dong-jin.

In a setting reminiscent of the last time he and Wan had tea together in Slovenia, Yun-ha and Nan-hee sit opposite each other, sipping from her imagination porcelain cups. Yun-ha waits patiently for Nan-hee as she looks around the restaurant, distracted by Yun-ha reflection in a mirror that clearly reveal his wheelchair.

[1945010Schließlich], she asks him why he has not dated - it is because women are not interested in him because of his legs? Yun-ha laughs, saying that it is because he is not interested in other women. After a few moments of awkward chitchat, Nan-hee asks him if he makes a lot of money as an artist.

Laughing, he says, he does enough. Nan-hee admits that she needs to sound materialistic, but Yun-ha takes her hand gently, sincere to tell her that he was grateful and their operation. Nan-hee noticed the ring on his finger, remember that there, wearing Wan used the ring of the matching pair.

Yun-ha on the way to the airport when he calls Wan who actually grabs. She's just finished with her mother restaurant work and wanted to write home when he called. He asks why she did not call him, and she thinks for a moment before admission it is because she was worried she might ask him to stay.

He says it's probably a good thing that they do not, then cried because he had not the strength, would have to leave. She says that even if they can not ask him to stay still loves him. Smiling, he tells her that he has a good lesson learned thanks to her. He realized that he can see her, too, and it's given him more confidence to do more than he thought it, he was able.

He says Wan that he loves her, which makes her pause and take a deep, shaky breath. Your answer is to tell him not to wait for them, and he promises that he will not. Ahh, why he is so cute and smiley when her heart is breaking? After she hangs up, empty restaurant Wan sobs in the privacy of their mother.

In a scene reminiscent when Min-ho fought the one to worry about, to be his mother after her father died, he insists on the rest of his siblings that there was no possibility of his mother in a nursing home stay. You will be fine living with him and his wife. You remind him that it was her mother's choice, but he is also angry to listen to them.

Hee-ja sitting on the bed in her new room, ignoring the buzz of her mobile phone, as Jung-ah attempted calls. The "friend" she made shuffles in and Hee-ja offers her a piece of fruit that the little old lady scarves happy while Hee-ja her face wipes clean gently on their tour.

Da Hee-not to answer their call, Jung-ah has just quietly Hee-ja to accept the decision. She is also now tired to go there and try to bring them again tonight. Suk-gyun puts a pillow and rest encouraged to, and then he massaged her legs.

Jung-ah a pillow hands and said he must be tired, too. He sits down in the next to her, but it's hard for Jung-ah rest when she thinks about her boyfriend. Even thinking about it, Hee-ja's Seung-jae at one of selfies he stares and Hee-ja began its overnight journey.

Nan-hee goes to Wan place where Wan to leave the house without calling first rebukes. Nan-hee decided to get a professional caregivers for their next round of treatment, but Wan stated that it is already in the hospital, which has been trained to do. Undaunted, Nan-hee hands told go Yun-ha on an air ticket as they see Wan.

her expression unreadable, Wan says simply that the aunts Yun-ha in the hospital the day was to Nan-hee practice have mentioned. But it does not matter now - she and Yun-ha are over. Nan-hee insists stubbornly that Wan packaging should begin - the flight is tomorrow

But Wan refuses Nan-hee leave -. You might have a few weeks ago, before she found out about the cancer, but there is no way it can now leave her mother. Nan-hee insists she's fine, and then blurts out that it is not cold, they kill, it is Wan smothering that instead.

The cancer might stick around for one year, five years, ten years. Wan points out that her mother raised for more than 30 years, so that a decade is nothing but Nan-hee, frustrated, says, have that in addition to dealing with cancer, they do not want to be the idiot that on it relies daughter.

they know that they are still based on Wan why the plane ticket is only for a week-long trip. But after the next round of chemotherapy, it is for one month. And then, finally Wan should marry and leave them for good.

Wan feels gentle and her mother said she understood. Hahaha, Nan-hee asks if Wan Yun-ha good in bed, but it's not enough Wan distract from their statement that they'll go see him later, after her mother is a little better. But when the morning comes, Nan-hee has clearly won this battle, as Wan waiting for a taxi, packed her bag.

asks you again for her mother let her stay, but Nan-hee has its week covered by the visit of Grandma and the other aunts. Moreover, Wan is too old to clinch her mother that way. Annoyed at Nan-hee teasing about Yun-ha, she says to her mother that she should call their guitar guy, then. Hahaha, Nan-hee says they already get a nice text from him this morning, to tell her he missed her

When Wan passes to the airport, and Nan-hee tidies Wan apartment -. Including pictures of Yun-ha put back in their places - Wan admits that her sick mother to leave and move on with her life made her realize how cruel life can be

in her youth, life said the aunt to fight to earn everything they could. and live to the fullest. But when they get older, life is to tell them to leave everything behind, including their children, and the hopes and dreams that they once had.

Min-ho and Seung- jae visit to the nursing home Hee-ja while Jung-ah still houses' to purify their daily task their daughters. Aw, but this time she has help as Suk-gyun takes her grandson for a walk, and as he does so, he sees a listing for a guard - but it calls someone at the age of 55 to 65, and he's too old.

Wan puts her voice over and pointed out that no one knows when their lives will end. Wan wants on behalf of could ask aunties "Life, exactly what it is, you want us to do"

Choong-nam and Young-won sitting in front of their cafe and Choong-nam asks why Young -Won crying. It is to laugh, and declared that if her ex-husband came to visit, he was in the final stages of pancreatic cancer, and the doctors said his case, in the belief that it was hopeless.

But since it is a new power and hope gave him, and he went with the operation by the was successful enough to keep him a little longer alive , Oh, and he was divorced from his other woman for the last thirty years. He wants Young-won see him coming into Seattle, and when Choong-nam wonders what will happen to her, Young-Won jokes that she will bring him back, and they can all live together.

Meanwhile hee-ja is at her nursing home to keep flash cards study of dementia at bay. She looks wistfully a patient vacation with her family.

Jung-ah happily relaxing in her home late at night, tired of watching travel shows when Hee-ja calls. Asks Jung-ah, once they took a car ride and confirmed by Jung-ah, that they did it, Hee-ja starts to cry. She asks if Jung-ah, remember what she said about not in a tiny room in the dying, and though Hee-ja her room is in a nursing home, Jung-ah looks around the small room in their home, realizing that this is also a cage.

even if it is 3:00, Jung-ah puts the car keys from Suk-gyun to obtain and Hee-ja Pick-up. The sun is, until it reaches by the time the nursing home, and Hee-ja runs literally Jung-ah as one of the nurses after their hunts, to remind them that they have to get permission from her son first.

friends in joy squeal like the open road taken their freedom enjoying. Except that the car is low on gas and they roll slowly to a halt. decided Jung-ah, do not let this would set back his, and she calls Choong-nam to get some money and find out where they should go,

Suddenly overcome with an idea, Choong-nam looks at her collection about priceless artwork. You know where they get a lot of money, fast and begins to pack a bag. She believes that all aunts (along with Suk-gyun and Seung-jae) should go on a journey together.

There is a great idea, except that the weather has a different plan. It is the rainy season, and as the rain pours, the aunts and uncles hanging at an inn in a large room, trying to entertain themselves.

you make a game come up with ways they would prefer that ( "disease", "natural", "in an accident", etc.), and they come to a general consensus that any would (except Suk-gyun) would the romance of dying enjoy "on the street."

Wan room breaks in only to their surprise a lot. Later, when the aunts and uncles settle into bed, watches Wan as they all sleep together in the same room. They originally thought they joked about going on a trip or just idle plans, but since that day, they were almost always on the road.

An RV trundles down the road, as Suk-gyun and Seung-jae arguing over directions. The ladies hanging out in the back, reading and napping. If the RV is stuck in some mud, they work together to free the vehicle and Wan tells us that no matter how rough or tiring the trip was for her, she never stopped or abandoned. After all, compared to their difficult life, the temporary difficulties on the road had virtually nothing.

In a small round-up of their lives when they are not on the road, Nan-hee by another goes round of chemo while grandma sitting with her. Seung-jae helps Hee-ja a puzzle in the nursing home have been completed, a watchful eye to keep the old men in order that they do not get any funny ideas. Suk-gyun helps Hee-ja glue eyes on hundreds of stuffed animals, and even fetches water for her if she asks. What a turnaround!

Choong-nam continue to study English while Young-won lines for their next drama stores role. In Slovenia, as attempts Yun-ha sweats until one day his muscles to strengthen again use his legs, and Wan is working on her book. Nan-hee watch a movie with her guitar guy to warn him that there late. He promises to look only for ten minutes before it, which is not exactly what was Nan-hee implied when she said it was getting late, if you know what I mean.

The RV full aunts and uncles make the sea its way. Wan and Granny are part of the road trip this time, and Wan tells Grandma that her book, My Old Friends , will be published shortly. Grandma would be more impressed if Wan was pregnant but. Hey, writing a book is like a birth

Wan Granny asks summarize life in one sentence, and Granny casually answers: ". There is nothing special" Wan wonders if life does not sound sad, but Granny recalls that when life is not everything, to start something special, it's can not be sad, it to think so.

Wan wonders if all that's left of a non-special life, the selfish children, but they somehow seem not seem right to her , When they laugh their aunts and uncles watches as they frolic in the sand (aww, Jung-ah happily waves to a seagull cried, "Mama"), recognizes it, that it is always wrong wanted all.

Life is not only an endless march toward an inevitable death. Instead, in order to respect the cruel way they did it through their younger years, they are now living in the moment, with passion and dignity. The aunts, grandmother and uncle sit and watch the sunset while Wan she wakes. If you had one wish, it would be to extend this moment longer there would be no regrets.


What. A wonderful, wonderful end It's everything I wanted (or not even knew I wanted). I cheered literally delighted joy when the RV have appeared. Finally, my aunts (and uncles) get their road trip! It's so beautiful and ridiculous and perfect. I can only imagine to fight it, which week they. Of free do not have medical appointments or films or other objects, and then pack the RV to take a pin on a map, and go wherever fate takes it

I love the fact that it is both open and "happily ever after ever." somehow perhaps is still the aunts have to do battle, but at the moment for them are able for the freedom they enjoy always wanted, but maybe never could achieve when they were younger. This is perhaps not as they dreamed of growing old, but it is the life they have now - why waste

No drama can be perfect, but this is close enough for me. It has such a wonderful combination of acting, directing, screenplay, and just generally heart that something magical that has covered me somehow wistfully never led a life that I have. Every actor spot-on was from Go Hyun-jung the brunt us from the introduction to the quirks and foibles of each Auntie life, contribute to the incredible talent and array of older actresses who so naturally felt in their roles, I'm not sure how they easily re Drama in a standard mother-in-law role that I accept. Then there are all the "special guests" who helped concretize this world - especially, Jo In-sung and Lee Kwang-soo

I originally is my concern about the director, the previous project was. My Secret Hotel (which I also recapitulated, and was not nearly so good to be like this show), but it was in the loving way so much beauty on display aunts were shot, that even in the silence was so much talk. Then of course there is the amazing Noh Hee-Kyung, the me for more dramas like this has made long - the slice of life that is filled with interesting women who need more than just the labels society tries to give them that have stories that are worth it. While Grandma can say that life is nothing special, it is definitely a very special time was on this trip with Wan and aunts joining in.

I'll miss it and my weekly escape into their world but I know in my heart-of-hearts that will be of getting near these aunts if I just open their eyes and to me to look at the lives of those.

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tags: Dear friends, functionality, Go Du-shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung [1945005[]; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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