Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 9 -

This episode of mirror and the witch gives us some answers but also new questions. Our main characters are now at a turning point in her personal struggle and finally begin to gain some ground on their opponents, as the pace both in taking the action and relationship developments.


Hyun seo makes its way to Cheongbing temple and does something with the first Talisman protecting the entrance. The rest of the barrier goes up in flames, so that Hong-joo feel the Princess presence. She sends her shaman from Seo-ri get.

Seo-ri body is gripped by a force that throws her body into the air, as it thrashes. Her hair is white and the curse tattoo appears behind her ear, and then, suddenly, her body goes limp. She falls ...

And it's June net to catch them. "We meet again," he says, and Seo-ri hair back to its original color and the curse tattoo disappears. She loses consciousness.

In Hong-joo cave, rattling jar Stills Prince as Hong-joo stares bewildered. The Talisman barrier reappears on Cheongbing temple.

Yo-gwang to June confirmed that referred to in the Mauigeumseo curse refers to Seo-ri, and that the tree-shaped marking on Jun's chest somehow blocked the curse. When it is set on June mark the temple cave rights, Yo-gwang surreptitious peeks, although he is not very subtle. June catches him in the act, and Yo-gwang says embarrassed June to take good care.

Yo-gwang asks why June was in prison, and Jun insists that he has been framed as a red coat. Yo-gwang alarmed at the mention of the murderer and says that Red Cloak, people killed, which gave their wishes to Seo-ri, to prevent them from scattering, the curse. He swears June just as Seo-ri appears to secrecy.

Surprised, Seo-ri asks why in June here. Yo-gwang declared that June, a man Talisman sign is, although Seo-ri is incredulous.

Seo-ri asks June when he "everything" yesterday evening looked as if afraid of his answer. June hesitation confirms that he has done, and Seo-ri tells him to leave immediately. Although Yo-gwang they tried to appease Seo-ri demands that he on the lifting of the curse immediately to bring her a wish tag with the intention so that everyone can live. Yo-gwang counters that allow you to do so, June, to stay with them until the candles are lit and grudgingly Seo-ri accepts the situation.

Poong-yeon recovering from its collapse after his curse Tattoo resurfaced, and his mother looked furtively behind his ear for a look. It asks for Poong-yeon progress in finding Yeon-hee / Seo-ri, clearly concerned that his condition might prejudice the curse in context.

On the way out, Poong-yeon told Sol-gae that he experienced similar symptoms disappeared on the day Seo-ri. He is worried that something happened to her.

Verification Juns empty cell, Poong-yeon concludes, has made JUN have had in escape outside help. Sol-gae believes that he already has to leave the area, but Poong-yeon flashes back to June to his replacement, who had been dead set on catching red coat. He believes June at still and suggests that they visit the Hundred Years tree.

make another potion as June watches Seo-ri, he asks her if it's true that it will not happen if he is present. Seo-ri is still skeptical that Jun is really a human shield talisman, but June says that they must feel cooped up here determine how she was stuck in her house in the Black Forest.

June says that if there is somewhere to leave, he can go with her. His words finally make Seo-ri break and looking, June, although it does not say anything.

Jun asks if she simply tells him, but Seo-ri, to keep him going to ignore that it is no longer the same person and that it is better for him if they both do not know each other. June asks why she did not give him the real Oblivion potion then.

Seo-ri angrily interjects, telling him mind his own business. June says he knows a few things about them and gently tells Seo-ri, he wants to help her.

in the palace a eunuch is a lamp with a note including. When he calls them, Hyun-seo is observed behind a pillar. The note is delivered to the Queen Mother, staring it with great intensity.

The councils inform the king that there are rumors that Red cape is still alive. The king is that he caught angry at the suggestion that the wrong man and rails at his court, is just like the Queen Mother announced. She immediately takes the king task to be too emotional.

A heated exchange. The king is angry about the interference of the queen dowager in his yard, while the Queen Mother her legal right asserted state affairs to monitor if the king mentally or physically uncomfortable.

The king calls the head eunuch to accompany the queen widow, but then she orders her chamberlains to bring in someone: the telephone, which was the king's state secret treatment. When the queen widow of the call, revealed that he. The truth about the king's health

In shock, the king shouts in anger, that it is a lie, as his condition flares up and he collapses from pain. Blood starts dripping from his sleeve. The Queen Mother feigns concern for the health of the king, her voice steely as she promises to take care of the affairs of state.

kneeling by the bed of the king, Hong-joo sprinkled ashes over a brazier and sent black smoke into the nose of the king. Fresh blood has soaked through his sleeve.

The King opens his eyes and hisses that Hong-joo said she would cure him. His grip on the throne is shaky because it does not attempt a direct descendant of the former king, and each to kill him; Hong-joo must cure him quickly.

Hong-joo says the King to remain calm. It will clear the obstacles in the way, one by one. The king asks why Hong-joo, would do that for him. He has already made the shaman in the palace again - was not what she wanted?

Hong-joo answers bluntly that there is more, she wants: to resolve the misery in the country. When reducing the power of the Queen Mother, she wishes to His Majesty remain subject faithful.

Back in the temple, inspected June, the components of the potion that works Seo-ri and notes that it is a spirit-looking potion. June wonders why they do it, but Seo-ri says cold that they have to do their work so that yo-gwang send him away. She begs him not to interfere.

June grumbles in response, ready to go. He turns back, but oozing the finished drink into a vessel to observe. June drinks the potion and the character for "spirit" behind the ear appears.

Seo-ri chases Jun, who intends to place on the spirits of the people in question killed by someone he has to catch. He says Seo-ri, that they must also go with him, a cloak to their packaging, noting happily that it looks pretty.

their protests Intrusion June cited Yo-gwang words they have to stick together. Then he appreciates their true concern that she is concerned that he is not really a talisman could be sign. He reaches for her hand and folded it into his, to tell her that all the more reason to test it.

Am gibang, Ok questions to pass the bearers on the charges they pay his litter. Scared man Soon-deuk are names.

Ok men track Soon-deuk and requests information on June even under duress, Soon-deuk denies any knowledge of his whereabouts. Ok she grabs her by the hair and with a chilling smile says that hiding when Jun's, then he only has to come out.

by the city Hiking, Seo-ri tries to keep her face hidden and collide almost with several people. June pulls over the head, and Seo-ri turns out, so that they can take a good look at it, recalling how everyone goes about their business.

Jun says Seo-ri, it looks quite normal, then jokes that they might be a little rigid because she's pretty. Exasperated, Seo-ri marched off.

Jun starts to follow, but suddenly gets shocked at the sight of the little ghost boy. June runs behind Seo-ri, cower in fear when Seo-ri to hide mutters: "Who is the screen is?"

Seo-ri asks in June that he wants to meet. Still clinging to her June says he wants to meet his friend who was killed because of him.

in centenarians arrival tree, Poong-yeon the tree to the killers behind Calltree leaving messages notes. Poong-yeon directs Sol-gae to look for clues. Sol-gae asks Poong-yeon when they hunt June or red coat, on which Poong-yeon answer is: both. It appears when the other is being hunted.

Jun and Seo-ri peer into the entrance of gibang and Seo-ri is not particularly happy about that June seems terribly familiar with this location. They sneak inside and to avoid detection, June shifts suddenly to hide behind a wall. He pressed himself against Seo-ri and its vicinity it unsettled. June colleagues around the corner, as well as a ghost appears in front of him, and collapses with a whimper. Seo-ri watches, then gives him the side eye, when there is nothing to see.

pick up his courage June continued on, anxious to make his way to wol man rooms. June occurs with eyes closed and arms swinging, but manifests nothing ... just like a ghost pops his head from the ceiling down to the head. June quickly withdraws, Seo-ri to say that there is nothing on the gibang and they should go easy. Seo-ri is none of it, though; how he can find evidence like this

section to June sitting outside with a different spirit and try to ask questions, if they saw man-wol. The mind does not respond, and Jun abandons.

to leave

Jun and Seo-ri start and just as June turns to her, it bounces in fear - Seo-ri surrounded by a group of spirits, although they do not see, and looks around blankly, while he sobs almost afraid.

June decides she'll look for Man-wol, where instead of her death, where she lived, and head to the water mill. It is initially empty, but if June turns to go, a creaking noise pulls him back, and he sees Man-wol ghost there, pretty and unscarred.

Jun's eyes well and he asks who has done her. Man-wol looks down at the floor, where a round mark is published in the dirt. (For the eagle eye, which is the brand that once appeared on Poong-yeon neck as he briefly possessed. Does that mean it is the sign of the red coat?) As June turns to leave with Seo-ri, man-WOL slowly drops to one knee and bowed and gently smiled at him.

Back in the Hundred Years tree, Poong-yeon decides to leave, because they do not know when June or red coat might show up again. Sol-gae reluctantly agrees, without the support of other police, it is difficult to detect red coat. Poong-yeon turns at the tags to see one last time, and confirmed with Sol-gae the red coat those kills, hung the wishes on this tree.

When they returned on foot, declared June Seo-ri, as Man-wol was murdered by red coat while waiting for him at the water mill. June asks why they ask any more questions, responds to the Seo-ri that June has seen the other night in the other direction.

asking if he was not afraid, what she looked like, that is, if they had their curse in the turmoil. June paused before looked into her eyes, replied that he was a little surprised, and his heart ached. Suddenly embarrassed, changing the subject in June, asking where to go. Seo-ri simply replies that it wants somewhere they go to the temple before returning.

Jun and Seo-ri come on centenarians tree only as Poong-yeon and Sol-gae holiday in the distance. noted in June, a tag that says: "I once more the person will come to that I miss" to turn it with him when he moved to see the signs say: "Murderer tree." he belatedly tried Seo-ri distracted from seeing the sign, but it is too late and Seo-ri asks haltingly why centenarians tree is now called the killer tree.

gwang confronts them to leave

Back to Cheongbing temple Yo angry security of the temple. Seo-ri asks instead Yo-gwang how centenarians tree a Murderer tree was. Now she wonders if the twelve candles that had gone to meet dead people.

Yo-gwang finally says Seo-ri, the truth is that Hong-joo had sent an assassin to kill the desire-makers. Seo-ri is devastated to discover that people had died because of her and feels that no matter what she does, it will be captured by the curse.

screaming angry tears, Seo-ri falters. June catches her before she falls, to tell her that it is not their fault. Seo-ri asks if Juns friend also died because of her, but he answers gently, that he said you know that Man-wol died because red coat. Seo-ri looks with tears June to her rolling down the cheeks and asks him to let her go again. June finally met, and the men to go see sad.

The queen widow calls Hong-joo and asks cold after the health of the king, affected as it is the body that the soul will inhabit the Prince. Hong-joo notes pointedly that Dowager Queen has been handling affairs of state, the Queen Mother replies that her son the throne must be strong.

The Dowager Queen jobs Hong-joo to complete a ritual for the king's health, their presence in court the next morning requesting to discuss the issue. While superficially the two women appear civil, there is an underlying tension.

Seo-ri gets under their candles and comes to the twelve that have gone out. She kneels in front of them and puts her head on his knees.

June comes behind Seo-ri and looks sad. He looks at the requested day, he took out of the centenarians tree and sits just around the corner, but out of sight even to her right.

June begins, tells Seo-ri to speak that because of him, his mother died and his friend died. He thought it was his fault, he could do nothing. He was told that his existence was wrong, but he wanted to fight to live. When he fought, he would be able to become someone that may help others. And then he might be able to find a reason to live.

Seo-ri listen quietly and raised his head, looking up at the candles had gone out.

At the palace of the queen widow sitting behind the King, as she announces the ritual for the king's health to the court. It is barely disguised frustration and anger at the king's face. And then suggests the queen widow to keep the ritual at the court of the Taoist Temple and the shamans. Hong-joo smile fades slowly as the court begins to murmur, and the king snorts in disbelief.

The king calls that he does what he thinks best. The Dowager Queen is unaware of the outbreak of the king and rises when she announced that she appoints Choi Hyun-seo the head of the Taoist Temple. Then he enters court to join them, and Hong-joo eyes widen in shock.

Furious, Hong-joo back to her quarters, and hears that Hyun seo currently satisfied with the Dowager Queen.

The Dowager Queen consults with Hyun-seo regarding Hong-joo designs. He informed the queen widow who used Hong-joo black magic to impregnate the queen widow, because she wants to destroy the country by cutting off the royal bloodline. Hong-joo can the curse not cancel, as it is attached to her, and it can be overcome only by a person :. The double of the Crown Prince, Princess

Meanwhile shows Hong-joo King about how the Crown Prince and Princess were designed and the resulting curse conveniently its role leave in history. Hong-joo tells the king that the unstable state of the nation and his illness are a result of a curse. Despite orders to kill the princess and thereby effectively remove the curse, stored Hyun-seo the princess.

Outraged and disbelief to the regulations of the Queen Dowager, the king asks where the princess is. Hong-joo grins.

The Queen Mother is surprised to know that the previous king, her husband had, charged with protecting the Princess Hyun-seo. She is also stunned to discover that the king knew about everything, including how the twins were conceived and the curse. The royal widow blames himself but Hyun-seo assures her that the princess Hong-joo stop.

Hyun-seo explains how he has kept hidden, they instructed their curse to dispel. The princess should know that they can no longer hide now. She is strong and is its adversary.

Seo-ri to the unlit candle arches, then takes and below a request to make of June. Yo-gwang tried Seo-ri to prevent, but she insists to ensure that the desire makers are safe. Yo-gwang is concerned for their safety, but June agrees that a frontal attack is the best part: You have to show that they are not afraid. Seo-ri nods.

as the head Taoist Master court, Hyun-seo enters his building and clutches his stomach pain was back. He opens his peak, a thorny mass pushes its way revealed through his flesh.

Hong-joo arrives and offers to relieve his pain, really looking angry to see him suffer. But Hyun-seo refused their help; although they stored to kill him Seo-ri, he will not have to move at will. Hong-joo tells him to give the princess, and that he barely alive thanks to the black magic.

Hong-joo tells Hyun-seo to take her hand to life. When she offers him her hand, Hyun-seo grabs her and pulls her close. He grinds out that they will revive him regret it, as it will ensure the curse her will.

Provoked, Hong-joo throws his arm away and tells him to try it. However, he should remember the reason why he is still alive at the moment. As she leaves, she says Hyun-seo to come to her when he came to her when he is in pain.

Seo-ri, Jun and Yo-gwang set out the night together. Seo-ri to a dream potion, so that the desire maker can take the person to miss in their dreams. When they arrive, no one responds and the house dark, they shall seek to the house on.

Seo-ri and Jun place something around the corner of the house and rush forward. Approaching someone around the corner, Seo-ri asks if they leave the Hundred Years tree a wish tag.

Just then, someone brings a sword to her neck, while another person enters the same in June to do. It is Poong-yeon and Sol-gae.

It takes a second for Poong-yeon register that looking at it, and then he realizes "Yeon-hee-ya!" Seo-ri is stunned to respond, "Oraboni!"


after the cliffhanger of episode 8 last week I was super excited recap episode to 9. There are so many interesting details to discuss in this week's episode!

In a way, I actually find the queen widow be more frightening than Hong-joo. Hong-joo has very consistent about their goals, so I feel that I know what to expect from her. However, the Queen Mother is a little opaque, and their intentions are not always clear to me. Your loyalties seem so subjective, a moment she returned to Hong-joo in the palace, the next she is active with Hong-joo work of the king to replace soul with her son. It was quite fresh as they simply referred to the king as a body, to a host, to reduce the king for the soul of her son.

It is unfortunate that Seo-ri gets responsible for the death of those who wishes the Hundred Years tree left. Your attitude is not particularly healthy; Seo-ri should and can be responsible for the actions of a murderer not hold. The debt is to wear red robes. As a result, I really appreciated when June shared his perspective with Seo-ri. It has its fair share of unfortunate events had happened to him and to overcome the tragedy of the events, he has learned, the burden of responsibility to get back to the real perpetrators. Fortunately, Seo-ri seems to have taken its message to heart.

I was a little at odds with Yo-gwang and its role in the Seo-ri life. At first I thought the way he tried, Seo-ri was really sweet to protect, and I enjoyed the comedic moments. However, it is obvious that his method of protection has been harmful indeed. Seo-ri better informed would be allowed to find a solution, illuminated for keeping the candles while Yo-gwang method is so ineffective that it drives me crazy. Hyun-seo also tried Seo-ri (and Poong-yeon) by not giving her the details of her curse, the apparent backwards earlier to protect going on in the drama. By trying the same, Yo-gwang ignores the fact that Seo-ri to do now an adult, who make their own decisions is more than capable. He seems to have come to the idea now that Seo-ri could from now but its their future responsibility better while Hyun-seo's certainly done a 180 - I expected that he was not the talisman away protection under its own want to have.

I think, therefore I am particularly glad am June to see back in Seo-ri life. June calls to put their fears in a way that is never encouraged her surrogate father Hyun-seo and protector Yo-gwang Seo-ri. June does not, because he is reckless or ignorant about the effects of the curse, but because he believes in Seo-ri. I love how they are equal partners, although in June a big cat is surprisingly scaredy. In some ways, they are two sides of the same coin: both have been isolated ostracized from society because of the circumstances of their birth, and still determined to see their person due. They are fighters.

Also, how awesome it is that we get to finally start seeing Seo-ri to actually live with the world and interact is? It is especially nice for me that June, the agent for their new-found level of freedom is to be. June presence as hiking Talisman shield offers you a degree of flexibility against the constraints of her curse that she could never experience.

In the city, it was clear that she was overwhelmed, yet in June can not you hide behind their fears; he pulls off her top and showing her that she may be normal. I think that she really needed at this moment. I'm sure she always knew that she was from other people differently and normal to feel able to for a bit was their freedom, only to find themselves, not defined by the curse.

Ultimately, I'm just so happy Seo-ri arising out to see in the world. It is no longer a child, and it is time that it finally fly free of their nest.

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tags: Episode 9, in Kim Sae-ron , Lee Sung-jae, mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoon Shi-Yoon

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