Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 5

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 5 -

Newlywed Life turns to be made more difficult for our chaebol and his bride, as anyone could have expected of them, especially if they are living with a interfere (but well-intentioned) grandmother under the same roof. In fact, they are about to find out that marriage is wearing more than just a ring and play house is about communication, understanding and above all respect for the other person.

Fated To Love You saw 8.6% a slight decrease in ratings on Wednesday, but there is still hope yet.


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Am Lee Manor, is Mi-jung mistaken for the new means of the first person she-Yong true mother new young lady of the house, in fact.

grandmother but welcomes their new granddaughter-in-law to say emphatically. Needless, the woman floored when she finds out that is Mi-jung, wherein they pay their relationship with the family ancestors. I love Mi-jung in the array of speechless expression is almost identical-looking portraits tried to welcome the right. Adorable.

There is also sweet of grandma Wang Mi -jung so much, she called something like a lucky charm for the family fondly. even if this preference, because to be Mi-young turns out, is carrying the next heir to the throne, it's still beautiful our heroine adored to see promises of her in-laws. Beaming, Mi-young a worthy granddaughter-in-law to become this family.

Over at the office, Manager Tak hardly recognizes his boss when Gun swivels his chair around, still looking gaunt and disheveled than ever. After explaining in a croaking voice that he was bound for his own safety, Gun TSKS on hearing "that the worm" (as Mi-young known) moved in actually.

Then collects Gun itself long enough to the idea to entertain the island soap factory for sale, an idea that is immediately closed down, how disappointed would be his new bride, he went and did the now ?

The Mi-young a tour of the district newlywed given, it is Mom reminded how had given her a pair of wooden ducks (a common wedding gift as ducks are known for life to mate), together with the classic "call me if you are any problems" speech. Moved, Mi-young her mother assured that Gun is a decent man.

Mi-young places the ducks just before Yong and his mother pay them a visit at their wedding photo. You play cautiously on Mi-young sympathy to ask if it is okay to be addressed as a family. But when Mi-young addresses her as "mother" Gun - who looks immaculate again - raises a: "Who says that?"

His entrance brings a smile to Mi-young face, although it quickly if it disappears abruptly she recalls. "We did not marry a couple become, but for the baby" Therefore there is no need to take care for each other is still to be sharing a bed. And especially the grandmother Wang must not know anything about it.

Despite being surprised agrees by his brusqueness Mi-young. He says he. Only a mother who does not Yong mother, just like how he loves only one woman in this world Se-ra

While Yong and his mother to ask if Gun new shotgun marriage is contrived, Mi-young gifted changes in pajamas, her only by the grandmother, to see Gun to wear the other set. Ha, grandma got them pair PJs?

Annoyed Gun starts peeling his clothes, Mi-young shock. Are you ... tell him his clothes to keep to ! How Gun tighten (BOO), she asks where they should sleep tonight. He tells her to sleep in the bed, but she insists to sleep elsewhere, and he does not fight it.

Mi-jung is in the middle of the night to himself softly whip a -night late snack. She gets barely a few bites in before the kitchen-Gun, who is also trouble getting to sleep. Someone else barges He turns on the light, later off a fraction of a second seemingly only for itself.

He is not aware that it tries Mi-young, to keep hidden, so if it happens a few times, he is understandably unsettled; the haunting background music adds to the overall eeriness.

Gun is about to take his pills, muttering under his breath about "this worm," completely unaware that Mi-young is by now under the table. You trying to get away to customs, but the camera pans to show his foot to step on her hair. She tried to pull away, crunching through the pain until he goes away.

Gun shuffles back in the refrigerator, but then jumps out in alarm when he sees a pair of feet under the table. He further unsettled when a leg disappears. Then he arms himself with a frying pan, pulling his chair back and has seen almost a heart attack lying Mi-jung there. Boo!

Gun turns on the light and tells her to get out. She says there is a logical explanation to explain that her pregnancy keeps hunger at them. She invites him to join them, but he refuses, suddenly exhausted.

Mi-jung stops him, telling him to let her know if they make more mistakes in the future, as they live under the same roof and all. Gun has no intention to interfere with her life, so he asks that they do the same for him. You can do what they want, just as long as they do not provoke him not as an invisible presence in this house.

She sees clearly violated, but comply with their words with his desire. only this reaction frustrated him:

Yong and his mother put her suspicions to the Lee clan "It would be better if you angry just got to me." -Leader, of another envelope of money from them bags. This type of exchange must be a common occurrence, and the clan elder encourages them to find solid evidence to prove that Gun marriage is a sham.

It seems like Gun intends to follow this plan, by selling off the island Yeoul soap factory, as he has manager-Tak, a meeting with a competitor agree that even a bid. Gun also has another set of documents for Mi-young prepared to bring in her office. Oddly enough, her old boss tells her that she to him for help for everything, which may come in the future.

At the bus stop, Ji-yeon wonders why man Mi-Young is here to help pack their things. Instead it a red flag under consideration, Mi-young assures her friend that her new groom treats its fine.

Mi-young will stop in a new peering business preparation at home to open on their way. You can their stuff in shock when a dog suddenly appears, and the owner comes running in whaddayaknow, it's Daniel.

He is happy to hear that Mi-young baby is fine and that she is now married. She says it's all thanks to him, and he assumes that worked their prayer. Daniel takes the envelope fell among her things and peeking at the content: divorce papers. Oh no.

Mi-young has not taken a look at what is inside themselves, as they are for Gun, and Daniel is the next person to ask in this hour whether her new husband she is good to treat. But just in case it is not, Daniel encourages them to speak for themselves and express their complaints. She thanks him for the encouraging words and rejects his help to carry their things, claiming that she lives nearby.

Still feeling uneasy, Daniel she begins to give her his number and said that they can call anytime. They meekly admits this is the first post-it, that was not a request. He invites through the cafe to fall, as soon as it opens, to ask them asks what a priest spends time rather than doing here in the church.

Instead of this opportunity to its not-a-priest status to clarify answers Daniel that he will help someone out. He asks her name, and is taken aback to hear, it is Kim Mi-jung. Does he think it's just a generic name as it does, or that there's more to it? Hm.

At home, Mi-young goes through a slightly open door inside to discover a cozy den. It takes the projector on and still provides a home video of Gun and Se-ra spending time together in this room.

She holds her sweet relationship with a lost expression observed to Gun booming voice their viewing interrupted.

Gun asks what she is doing in an unfamiliar room. It is worth mentioning that it has been (and still does in this conversation) with choice words to create distance with Mi-young as they are, who I suppose is technically true, but I would like to think they quite familiar have in the short time they have known each other

Nevertheless Gun sets limits in their relationship to let Mi-young, that they keep three things in mind, shall: (1). Never enter this room; (2) You have no obligations to each other, since they married only legal on paper.

The Mi-young third asks for, takes gun from his wedding ring and places it next to the envelope he with him the same Mi-young picked up from the office brought , He tells her to read what is in and sign it.

She is speechless at the divorce papers as they are told that it is said that their marriage soon after the birth of her baby will end, and that it would compensate handsomely. "Do you agree?" Gun asks.

He repeated the question, if it does not respond immediately, but now there are tears in Mi-Young's eyes, shake hands. She struggles to find the words, and then said in a broken voice, that the reason why she was married to protect her child and her hometown.

mi-young : "It was the first time so many people needed me ... and for the first time when they me blessed. and I was grateful to you. you showed up and helped me when I go through hard or difficult times ... I was grateful, because I thought that was sincere. and I felt relieved that you are the father of the child were. So ... I really wanted to follow you and marry you. "

Gun of these words is not completely unaffected, but he keeps a stoic face as Mi-young-sign on the paperwork from. And then she surprised him further when he sees that it is deleted the money.

This is not what she wants, Mi-young claims. As a tear rolls down her cheek, she explains her own condition: that they'll have this baby and raise it on her own

Gun is flat. "Why did I agree to this marriage? Do you know how I went with this through?" Yes, but there were two people who agreed to this marriage, good sir.

A little later, Mi-young swallows her tears recalling the pick Mom. Mom is sharp enough, her daughter to pick up a shaky voice and wonders if something is wrong, but Mi-young insists that here they treat their parents like a princess. Oh my dear. I just want to give only her a hug.

your pregnant unni Mi-ja interjects to ask how the whole soap factory business goes, says the Mi-young, it will take some time. Mom keys the phone is not her youngest daughter to say to worry again about a thing, because a happy mom means a happy baby.

Mi-young insists that she is happy and says her husband takes good care of it, without knowing that Gun is near to hear. Mom tells her not to bottle all in and Mi-jung holds up her smile, although she does her damnedest to hold back her tears.

After hanging up, Mi-young to find a tiny pep talk: Kim Mi-young ".. You are a mother Be Strong"

Gun hardly listens to his grandmother insinuations that the company is not doing well and that Yong side of the family is itching for an opportunity to take everything for themselves. It does not help that Gun gives the cold shoulder to his bride, and Grandma sighs in exasperation when Gun says he has no romantic feelings towards Mi-young.

The fact of the matter is that they are married, granny notes, and it was enough to infidelity in this family thanks to his late father. Oh snap. Gun takes offense to this statement:

feels Mi-jung just as lost as she cleans the next day and notes that the (possibly PPL) robot vacuum is smarter than "Do not compare me father." her, "at least you know where to go."

Gun meets with the men who want to buy the soap factory property, and ha he is to imitate a worm by hand? Although the future plans for the land and the high price they are willing to pay it seems suspicious, signed Gun from the deal.

He barely has time to entertain second thoughts about it when he gets the message that Grandma currently hospitalized. He rushes over to her bed, where he has said of the family doctor that it is a heavy burden.

grandmother Wang certainly not looking anything uncomfortable, because it quickly becomes clear that they get the two prenatal education classes disease as trick is to visit pretending that today just start randomly.

"Why? You do not even show!" Gun shouts defensively. But Granny pointed out that it go to her grandson in the game, so ... he is, is not it?

He does, but his lack of interest in participating gets him and Mi-jung to the front to top of the class. If they admit that they have not yet named their baby (while everyone else already has, apparently) and to do so, said Gun chortles the idea before he murmurs in agreement.

It's pretty funny how Gun holds to be scolded, as if he asks if any of these activities are useful for his cheek by the teacher, and it is said that the baby hears. Mimic the hand gestures of the trainer, he replies: "I understand."

Unlike the other soon-to-be fathers, Gun not simply on prenatal massage with Mi-young. But the best part comes when the teacher announces that the fathers, the mothers give a breast massage. Both freeze. HA.

You sit there so that other couples to observe the exercise until Gun clumsy are Mi-young a verbal heads up. Then Gun puts his hands on her arm and begins to massage the air. Both look sooo uncomfortable in this position, and it's weird.

Unfortunately for them, they get caught by the teacher, who then takes it to lay directly on Mi-young breast to Gun hands. Mi-young jumps off, while holding a gun at his hands in horror stares.

Gun finds Mi-young outside after class wait, and tells her that he would keep up with the grandmother Feint, so there is no need for Mi -Young longer attend classes. "It was fun," Mi-young added. "It was really great to do something with the baby and his father."

She is sure that her baby would have been happy to know that there is something wrong with his father. Gun asks how she knows, and Mi-jung also in themselves surprised when she says that she thinks that it is the intuition of the mother. Gun cracks a tiny smile.

It's adorable how Gun all gets worried when Mi-young tells her abdominal pain to get only angry when she says, it is because they hungry. He says he has to get to a meeting, but stressed that they make sure how to eat on their own, or whatever. Oh, I knew you could not always be understood.

He offers her his card, but Mi-young friendly refuses to citing that they pay for themselves. Girl, I know you're just beautiful and all who try, but if a chaebol you are his credit card, take it.

Daniel happened Spot Mi-young eating alone, and he courts her help establish his café. They laugh and joke around ravishing with each other as they paint and provide the location, and Daniel even helps her glasses in position brings, if they can not reach.

Later Daniel snapped a few photos of micro-young, while designing a baby on a mug. You suddenly gets embarrassed when she noticed the camera, but Daniel encourages broad smile.

He takes note of a wound on her arm and tends. Mi-young falls on their habit back to say sorry, responds to Daniel, that it is better to say thanks, rather than always apologetic. Oh, that's sweet.

Gun has difficulty concentrating in his meeting, especially if the product worm relative has asked him loudly out: "Has our worm eaten Our? should eat snail. "Awwww, you're worried about the Mi-young?

Of course, the other execs this made about their product as a question mistakes, but Gun pretty much talking to him when he snapped that he shouldn 't matter whether "the worm" do not care does or.

Back at the café, Daniel compliments Mi-young drawing, although he notes that it would be better if the child was surrounded by his parents. He gives them to draw, but Mi-young does not say, "What's the point if they can not be together anyway"

Mi-young starts her own words and apologized again, but Daniel just calls them back out on their apologetic habit. Can you no longer suppress, admits Daniel that he saw the divorce papers and he asks if Mi-Young-Man terrible person is really asking for a divorce are not married long after.

But if micro-young rises to defend her husband, saying that it bursts a good reason, Daniel,

Mi-young says Daniel not upset "Where in the world that a reason would find so? "; she was initially shocked, but she understands where her husband came from, because he had to give up the woman he loves to them, rather than to marry.

Daniel asks about the baby then, and Mi-young says she wants to raise the child, but is worried that they are not a very good mother will be. In addition, she is a little scared. Daniel says, there is no need to be, and assures her that he is a good judge of character.

Mi-young says Daniel now knows all their secrets, and that makes them feel at him strangely well. "Maybe because you're a priest ..." Daniel is that he feels like he won a nice little sister. Oh, you really believe that they could be your little sister?

Daniel insists on going despite their protests that they go home safely that night. He is surprised when they stop outside Lee Manor, and he gets the words barely out about Mi-Young-in-law, if a car drives the gate up and Gun gets out.


Huh, I realized that despite Daniels friendship with Grandma Wang, we still have Gun and Daniel intersect to see, let alone interact with each other the way in this show. That being said, I would not be surprised if Daniel went and believed that Gun was an asshole, given the scant evidence that he has gathered on Gun and the circumstances under which it is running occasionally in Mi-young forward. For him Gun is the guy who got pregnant Mi-young, they can almost an abortion must have sent, they married and now wants a divorce. Yes ok, if that's all I knew I would want to hit the guy, too.

In this sense Daniel is fast becoming the kind of Oppa that every girl wishes she could have in her life. He's protective, friendly and unafraid to call when you yourself are too hard to be. In Mi-young case he was her cheerleader and encouragement in their previous games, and their acquaintance was now much more complicated that Daniel knows her name. I honestly do not know if he wonders if this Mi-young, his sister could be Mi-jung to, but until we get more information, I leave it as an inkling of his side. More importantly, though, I do not think Daniel behavior towards Mi-jung at all if they would change the same name do not share, because that would not sympathize with the kind lady who sees the best in all people?

I know that I say over and over again, but Mi-young-kindness is their best quality. It breaks my heart when I see to be her mashed by other people. Just because they tried to be pleasant with gun and its law, does not mean it was an easy decision to enter into this marriage for them. Listen to talk about why they chose Gun marry simply was nice because Mi-jung finally felt that her life to it in relation to was significant that the people on her actually go to be thrown instead of fulfilling away according to their wishes , It was hard to see her hope that this marriage with gun not half bad, the cold shoulder for unknown reasons would get on their part. Then she'd go ahead and how married life do so, it was to treat fine, because now another life has to protect, is growing inside her.

We know that Gun misconception of Mi-young got in the previous episode, and while it gave us some hilarious moments that made me seriously about the state of his mental health care, it also allows to hear and a look of Mi-young-fastness see him. It made me uneasy that gun could be so cold, so quickly towards Mi-young, but there is also a complexity to his character and emotion (expertly teased Jang Hyuk). He is moved by sincerity, and in those moments, we see the cracks in the stone exterior that reminds us of its warmth.

I find it interesting that used Gun language to emphasize the distance in his relationship with Micro- young, the choice pronoun one would use to a stranger or mere acquaintances. It's me translating about not getting this kind of moments that I feel, but speaks volumes about where two people relate to each other. But what I love most in this hour is as gun off begins his irrational fear "of this worm" cursing and finally is worried about "our worm" that is slowly creeping into his heart.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated to love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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