Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 18

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 18 -

Well, is more like it. This sequence occurs it up a notch with quick results and strong emotional payoff on, after weeks spent to keep us on ice. Our poor Guppy is hit with a tsunami of truth, and if he were not surrounded by such good friends, I would worry that he might drown. Painful as it is, is the development and advancement of worth; I finally feel like we are together at a good speed clipping and not hoard the payout for the end. With two episodes left to go, I think late than never getting better?


Ahn Jae-hyun - "그게 너 였다" (it was you) for the you're all surrounded OST
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EPISODE 18: "Without blood or tears"

The query showdown on tours as Dae-gu on an image accompanied by his mother with his wife Yoo husband he. sitting quietly back and notes that an eyewitness placed them at the scene, and lo and behold, her husband seems quite with his mother 27 years ago close to have been ... and then he has a year later "Is that a coincidence?", was born

She starts boiling, and Dae-gu needles her some more. "you know that your son Ki-jae follow me to hyung to call me so, if no one told him to. Why do you think that is? Because he can feel his bloodline? "that is an increase of its gets, and she yelps.

, the lawyer tried to intervene, to say, that these are not relevant questions. Dae-gu asks how he it is so safe, and suggests that a blood test. he sees that it works and leans in to ask if this is what she is so afraid pre- that he would inherit the money she and her father defiled their hands to do with blood

he plays the greedy heirs routine giggling his mother left when administering it. Chasung Group. He thanks Mrs. Yoo for her role in this, otherwise he would never know what. For an enormous fortune he had claim I love that he's as down above, as it is; Fire with fire might actually work.

She spits back that he and his mother are both beggars and exactly the same. Once she opens her mouth shoots the lawyer from his seat and says they leave. This is Dae-gu last shot to prevent them, walk out the door, and he is on her to look into his eyes: "Is that why you killed"

He oozes with fake sympathy, as he wonders how angry she must have been to lose her husband's heart, and then to see that they are on top lose their property of all. He takes from the pointed pen for the climax, and makes it that day to relive and how Mom bow not to their threats, because they had something woman Yoo never could steal. her husband

Heart She screams to hold him to his mouth and kicks the pen from his hand. Dae-gu know he is almost there and yells that that's what must've upset them the most was that Mama should have been kneeling, but she dared to look her straight in the eye and challenge them. He gets right to the head and rattles out exactly what must've wife Yoo that day meant: Do you know who I am? What, because you stole a man's heart, you think you, a nobody unwed mother, ME can challenge

She eventually breaks out: "Shut Do you want to die by my hand ?! "Yahtzee.

There is no need to ask them more now that the dam has burst, and Mrs. Yoo calls mom a bitch who dared to look her in the eyes. Dae-gu face turns into a shocked expression as she describes how she slammed a vase in Mamas skull and as they fell to the ground lifeless, just because they did not know their place.


, it is an admission they were fishing, but also when they hear it. Ms. Yoo cries some more that he and his mother should know their place, but Dae-gu straightens and lets them know that they confessed only to the first attacker into the murder of Masan to be.

you come to your senses (Art) and shivers to realize what they just did, and then in Pan-seok comes their arrest to announce. Soo-Sun gets the honor to do and places them in handcuffs, as she reads their rights, and then she and Eung-do they have to pull from there kicking and screaming. It is very pleasant.

Pan-seok looks over Dae-gu, who gets to his feet to a halt, as a tear falls.

Dae-gu walks along the road in a deaf Dunst and Soo-sun is gone after him. It follows on the other side of the road, only to have it with care and observe the concern. When they come to an intersection, it loses sight of him when a bus between them comes, and it goes on the road for him to go to look.

When she gets in the corner where she saw him the last time, it's there waiting on them. She begins to cry, the second they close their eyes, and slowly turns to him to throw her arms in a hug.

She holds him, and he can finally cry on her shoulder. It is a beautiful wordless scene.

Assemblyman Yoo hardly seems disheveled, his daughter confessed to the murder only, and breezes that it would in a very short time from. Her husband begins finally to ask some pertinent questions as to whether his wife actually someone offed. His son Ki-jae she overhears and asks what the hell where Mom works and what does she do this time?

Tae-il fired controls from the hospital and leaves a letter for his father. In it he says that he has only now been a detective for four months, and it is a difficult task, where not only he always fights criminals, but his own weaknesses. He says that there are a lot of injured stabbed, but at that moment he was more afraid of the criminals than to lose everything.

He promises to stay alive, and says he'll be back to see him looking healthier next time and signed it ". Her youngest son, Tae-il" Awww. Gook him comes with a run to get hug, and Tae-il before walking out of the hospital is a last look.

At home, the boys tend to Tae -il as their patients and even Dae-gu "makes" him cereal for breakfast. They go about their murder graph and Dae-gu says that they find their secret Detective Seo, if they are going to nail the person who called the shots with Boots.

He calls the ex-detective from Masan and is surprised when he answered. He goes to meet him and lyrics Pan-seok to let him know. The detective tells him that he already told Pan-seok everything-that the person he gave the testimony boss Kang.

Pan-seok and Eung-do sneak away to discuss what they should do, because clearly Dae-gu will find out what they already know that Detective Seo is Chief Kang proof room. But Dae-gu is standing outside the door and busts in when he hears that the question of how they might suspect Chef Kang to be a traitor.

Pan-seok tries to tell him that he is already confirmed, but Dae-gu argued vehemently that he is mistaken. She was like a mother eleven years in him, so how could she be the one to be a killer, to send for him?

Gah, I do not think can handle Pan-seok Dae-gu's heart again after what he went through to break. He did not insist that he is right or tell him over the river meeting, but says only that they know exactly because he believed that Assemblyman Yoo is the mastermind.

Dae-gu suggests they see go boots together, so it incorrectly prove Pan-seok and for all. Go in angry silence, and as they wait to come in boots, Dae-gu says Pan-seok apology to kneel when they confirm that he was wrong.

A guard comes instead in the room, and they wonder whether boots denied visitation again. But he tells them that Jo Hyung-Chul is dead, he killed himself in his cell. Crud that other occupant completely killed by the Halle him and made it look like a suicide, right?

Dae-gu and Pan-seok leave prison shocked and Dae-gu screaming up into the sky and asked what they do now, when their only option Detective Seo identity must be confirmed dead.

when they returned to the station, Soo-Sun strode through the door waiting for them and hands them an envelope of boots. He has sent them before his death, and inside is a key and a note that it is at the station at a locker: "It is a gift, kid."

they rush to the station, and someone in a dark hoodie runs in Soo-sun on their way in. Dammit, that locker will be empty, is not it? Dae-gu turns the key and opens the closet expectantly ... and yup, it's empty. Dammit all.

He and Pan-seok both break after their second major disappointment in a day. Soo-Sun holds the head and suggests that you are looking at security cameras, and the person in the dark hoodie spot that opens the closet and takes the inside envelope. You'll remember in his encounter on the way in.

Meanwhile, Sa-Kyung takes Tae-il and Gook on a missing persons case, she works, and they chase a crew of loan sharks to a camp where they have their missing person detained against his will.

you approach with guns drawn, and while she looks on the spot, Tae-il of the bat and recognizes him get as the man who him stabbed and stole the pendant. Well, that's awfully coincidental. You bust in and Tae-il is beat the guy and arrest him for the whole laundry list of crimes and Sa-Kyung arrested handy other racket breaking a sweat without.

Tae-il's stabbing is actually news to Assemblyman Yoo, who by his lawyer discovers the unfortunate news that the thugs who were stabbed a policeman and stole caught the trailer and confessed Mrs Yoo be ordered.

Dae-gu and Soo-sun of the station CCTV footage brooded their locker to try and interceptors to find when director Shin comes through. Dae-gu said to him alone, and director Shin admits that he never imagined that his wife had done something so terrible to his mother.

He asks if Dae -gu will agree to a paternity test, and Dae-gu indicates that he said he has nothing with his mother had to do. Director Shin apologized for his reaction when he came to him with the photo, but wants to make amends now.

Dae-gu makes it clear that the only interest he had in his paternity as motive was for murder- it now that Ms. Yoo confessed finished his curiosity. He says that their relationship ends as of this moment, and he will never come as long to ask about their biological relationship, how he lives.

Director Shin stops him and asks falteringly: "But if you're my son then should not, that I take responsibility" Dae-gu leaves him with a stinging attentive question: "Are you sure it the responsibility is not to escape, that you want to do this test, "he rejects firmly the test and prevents proceed beyond. Director Shin finally throws a tear.

Dae-gu hits the mood lighting to brood staircase, and Soo-Sun follows. He says he needs comfort (it's adorable that he asks outright now.) And it shall be very nervous beside him looking. She begs him not to laugh to promise, because what do they order requires a boatload of courage. He gives his promise.

I expect them completely in an embarrassing cheer-up song to break and dance or something, but then she reaches over and buttoned his shirt. Mrwar. He gets all flustered, she is thinking about to undress him right there in the hallway without warning.

But it holds only one button (boooo) and then reaches for a band-aid that it is composed in the form of an X, like in a cartoon. She puts it on his heart and inflates on the ouchie as it heals his wound. It really is the sweetest thing.

She says that they have a lot as a child, and her father would always put medicine and a plaster fall used on their scratches and impact on them, and it was as good as new to run again and to play. She asks if it works, and he nods that it

Dae-gu :. "Now let me ask you something ... Are not you embarrassed?" Hee. She puts her head and admits that she is, and they laugh.

Pan-seok goes to jail, to say few belongings that boots left behind, and the only trace is a return address of someone who sent him books. Pan-seok and Eung-do go to see the man who only briefly used when he returned to the land, but he does not seem to know much Jo Hyung-Chul.

they are about to go, it is to think a dead end when Pan-seok, the last four digits of a car license plate noted, parked in front of the door. It's 0723-the number written on the back of the photo, the boots gave him. The man says that it's his car, but Boots has to borrow it briefly. Pan-seok peers inside and found the decisive argument: There is a black box camera mounted inside.

Soo-Sun passes in Chef Kang in the toilet at work, and the smell of her perfume is enough to trigger her memory. She smelled that the exact smell in the station, as she pushed interceptors in her locker. With her spidey sense tingling, she gets a close-up of the CCTV recordings, and then goes through the safety equipment of the zone to try and other various games. (Random side note: Is her shirt in rabbit covered Teehee?).

She stops a shot by Chef Kang in the car park on the same day on the exact pair of sunglasses put the person in a hoodie was wearing. It's not exactly a smoking gun, but it's enough to solidify their suspicions.

Dae-gu she finds there and at first they tried to stop him, to see the film, but then she shares her theory. He barks defensively when she told him about the smell of perfume, but then, when she shows him the sunglasses he can not ignore.

He storms in chief Kang office and asks her if she was the locker interceptor and she fumbles to a refusal. He insists they check now, and asks why she would do something like: "Are you really Detective Seo"

She's so surprised that their denials totally not sound convincing, but she swears by and from that it is not, and asks if he really believes Pan-seok word about her. So Dae-gu asks for an explanation that makes sense, it perhaps she had to take a good reason, which was in the locker room?

But they can with an answer not come, and it dawns on him that the worst is true. He asks how she who could give up his position to know boots would kill him. She screams again and again that it is not true, but he no longer believes.

They finally breaks, and admits that everything she would do at first was underline the followers of evidence. She starts to explain himself, but the moment she admits, it is true, Dae-gu roles from the shock and a tear rolls down his face.

She cries that she never knew that an election would lead to eleven years of pain. But once she starts swearing that they had no choice in the matter, it really starts to look pathetic and delusional. She says Assemblyman Yoo was so close to getting their investigations independently conducted, and she had lost everything, the truth had come to murder his mother.

Dae-gu eyes grow just horrified wide as in a monster before his eyes, it is at number observed. She says actually: "You're a detective now, so you understand, right?" Freak kidding me? Dae-gu voice squeaks like a small child is: "How can you say that"

She has the gall to say that they get only one step away from what they worked so hard, and asks him to wait just a little longer, responsibility afterwards for their crimes to take promising. Wow, this scene is frightening, in a really good way.

As the truth sinks in, Dae-gu asks why she became his patron there-was to use him? He realizes that was their motive all the time, and when she ekes out another denial, he can see written on her face the truth. She cries that over time it came to really like him and wanted to protect him and their feelings were sincere.

He sheds tears when he asks how he is to believe that now. She begs him only on this one thing to believe her voice shaking as she swears it is true.

Dae-gu: "In the past eleven years have been like a mother to me, you should have just said, it was not why did not you deny it only until the end then at least..?! could I have believed you. "Uff, how sad that he keep them preferably have to trust, and to be lied to. He goes out by Soo-sun which was all the time in front of the door.

Assemblyman Yoo his son-in-law is a document to be signed, and says that this is the only way. Director Shin looks shocked at what ever it is, he asked to sign, and Assemblyman Yoo says he going to have to take responsibility, because this was all his fault to begin. Or ... maybe it was her fault? And you wonder why your daughter thinks it's okay to kill people.

Dae-gu goes outside to try fresh air and his head explodes and Tae-il and Gook come up to Soo-Sun to ask what is up. She says Dae-gu from the shock recovered to find the perp cabinet.

But before it, Ki-jae can say storms to Dae-gu no longer, and asks if he really his Hyung. He mocks to run about yourself to call him to know Hyung not that it was really true, and demands answers. Dae-gu sighs in exasperation and tells him to leave, but when he goes away, Ki-jae pulls him by the hair.

The team runs to break through it, and Dae-gu grabs Ki-jae angry at the collar. But he calmed down and says that there are born to a mother, as that is not his fault and tells him not to come. Ki-jae stomps like a child away, sniffing that he would not always come back anyway. Aw, you have terrible parents, but I like you. Once he goes away to reveal Ki-jae unclenches his fist a handful of Dae-gu hair. Oh. He puts them carefully in a bag I guess we means you find out who Bio-Dad is whether Dae-gu want to know or not.

Mrs. Yoo is released on bail, but is surprisingly welcomed ready with a car on the. Instead, draws on an ambulance, and nurses begin to drag them away. Dude, she's committed? She screams in protest, but the man who shows her the form that both her father and husband, she signed to have committed to the institution. Karmically, that makes me happy, even though it had better not from some insanity plea.

Chef Kang storms in Assemblyman Yoo office swinging on a tear, the latest headline, that it is not yet time for is to win police department investigating authority, and that he is not the bill goes to the back, as promised. She tells him that they still have 2 days to get passed the bill, and says that if he does not go, his word to keep them to make him going.

She warns him to the fact that boots Dae-gu some interesting information, and that it is left now in their possession. She admits that she read Assemblyman Yoo wrong, and what makes them learned she wants that he cut for the confidence of their own tongue. She tells him that if he does not, as she says, it would ensure that all die together. Once she leaves, he calls someone with the plan to proceed. to have

Dae-gu and Soo-sun watch as she returns to her car, followed them there. Soo-Sun wonders if they already evidence passed along Boots ", but Dae-gu know that they not only important, something that would be. They remain on their tail, and then things eerily quiet, as it is a crossroads . cross

BOOM! out of nowhere comes a goddamn Truck of Doom rushes into the driver's side of the Chief Kang car, pitching it to run off the road upside-down in a crumpled heap. Dae-gu and Soo-sun to find about Chef Kang thrown out of the car and lie in a pool of blood.

they Dae-gu in his arms weighing, and coughs it a frightening amount of blood when she says: "I'm sorry, Ji-yong-ah." He asks her not to die, but she only used her last breath to tell him that the recorder is in her room, and then passes

[1945010th] He hugs itself and breaks down in sobs, wailing not to die for them.


seriously, it could happen more terrible things to a person? I suppose this is the downside of being a drama hero, but Dae-gu starts like bad mojo feel-anyone who ever loves lands him a horrible death to die. As if your mother is not bad enough watching die as a teenager, he is separated from his bio-dad, and then betrayed by his surrogate mother, only to die out to see before he can get everything under control. Also boots, which I know is a killer who tries Dae-gu to kill again, had a strange affection for the child felt real in spite of everything. And I know that he is not long for this world, when he was captured, but his death has me feeling sorry for Dae-gu.

His confrontation with Chef Kang was the highlight of the episode and the strongest moment so far of the two actors in the series. The mounting suspicion was tense felt, and in another situation (when we do not know that she was guilty, for example) I might have actually scared for them. It was a beautiful smoldering terror on the whole thing on both sides, increasing gradually every time they confessed something new and he realized that he had ever never knew their true colors.

They actually began to sound like a crazy person, because she was so desperate for their justifications personally hold-if about it for-the-greater-good end justifies the means, then they could find redemption at the end. The hope that it was her fault away one day the only, what could wash them to keep going all these years, but it sounds rightly how ridiculous crazy speech to the child who lost his mother and nearly died trying the truth find.

It seems poetic that a person they justify themselves, need they would never understand in a million years. Everything about her character is so circular tragically, that the way of the always very corrupt system they promised to clean, Dae-gu break your heart when all they wanted to do was protect him. That was the saddest part because good intentions are meaningless if you are in someone you trust shredding. I really appreciated their character from beginning to end, because it was principled deep despite her, deeply flawed, and they made the central conflict less a caricature of villainy. She is someone who wanted all the right things, and made all the wrong choices, you get it, and was lost on the way. to give

Without Soo-Sun at his side, I would Dae-gu subsequently go catatonic halfway through, did not expect, but it's always there, and it seems it always exactly the kind of support that he needs. I was thrilled that they have the entire episode waiting in the wings spent as its moving shadows, ready to give a hug or cry to give beside him, and to see all of his pain. That alone changes everything for him because he can not pretend to be fine as they pass sees through him, and it's great to ask him for comfort, to see, instead of acting, as he is tough ,

The patch over his heart was the sweetest thing; made the metaphor literal works so well, because that's what Soo-Sun does from day to day, it heals his heart. But it also works on a simpler level in this as much of your pain to share or comforted's just someone else acknowledge that you have pain. There is no magic thing, she always says or does to feel Dae-gu better, but it is there to see that he is injured. The Band-Aid came to me because it seems like a simple confirmation felt .: You hurt, and I see it It just felt so true and childlike because when you are a child not wearing a plasters to hide your injuries; They do it to show that you have one.

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tags: Cha Seung-won in, Go Ara, Lee Seung-gi, They are all surrounded

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