Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: Episode 12 -

There are some real wild moments in this episode to change, and it looks like the tables are turned in a good way. It's just that honesty and loyalty to show pay, and that the good guys can win if they do not just give up. But it is not always easy, and sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can begin the healing, because at least one of our guys is to learn about.


About ice, Seok-ho asks Geu-rin as and Ha-neul came to his family. She tells him how their fathers were best friends, so when her parents died, Ha-neul father asked her to be his daughter.

Seok-ho asks who her green umbrella when she died a hard time as head of the house to Ha-neul had parents. Geu-rin says a good reputation makes it always feel better, and Seok-ho has to be there for them the next time they start to cry.

Seok-Ho goes back into the house of the tape and she gives him the roof for his way home. They say their farewells and split, and Geu-rin running in Ha-neul outside the house.

He looks terrible, and Geu-rin immediately knows something is wrong. She fusses him in to be rain, but the way he looked at her stops her. In the saddest voice I've ever heard, says Ha-neul: "I have no umbrella." Awww, puppies.

Geu-rin Monde to be a little over Seok-ho promise for them, but Ha-neul again fussed for walking in the rain, this time from Kyle walk. Kyle is excited that her band really famous could get now, and already is to be lead in manga-based drama, HA casting. Ha-neul continues its happy face, but secretly he is still fixated on seeing Geu-rin with Seok-ho.

Reporter Ma, the one who has been drawn to Ha-neul history, gets wind of the rumor that "Luna" Twinkle, Ji-young, one is, the Ha-neul framed. And how interesting that this incident with Jackson's contract extension matches KTOP if they should follow Seok-ho to Mango. He asks Joo-han Ji-young and KTOP were on the "attack" together, and Joo-han fails completely innocent.

But reporters Ma is a clever man, and he notes how Joo-han was so very helpful with details before when it was Ha -neul which he is allegedly owed, but to speak now strangely reticent. Meanwhile, to compensate with fixed Jinu former sponsors CEO Lee, although he is glad to hear that because Ji-young participation is only rumor, there are no problems with it, yet.

At least Ddanddara band publicity from this win, and Seok-Ho plans, the boys hard to promote, during the public eye is on them. Geu-rin is put in charge of radio appearances while Seok-Ho television handles and Min-joo is left alone in the office Mango.

A girl comes in - it is the sad girl who came to the fan meeting, and she looks nervous when she asks Min-joo, whether these Ddanddara strip the agency is.

Yeon-soo begins Ha-neul the couple rings he seeks bought, and asks if they are for Geu-rin. He says gently, that she probably sees itself still as his family and manager, and a sudden confession could upset. He advises Ha-neul take it slow, take in a day, and even offers him a romantic place for you to find.

Ha-neul asks Yeon-soo to keep this a secret, but Kyle bursts in all secret? What secret? Ha-neul pretends he talked about how beautiful Kyle is lately and that he did not want him to embarrass and Kyle explains that he has always been so nice. And then he is mowed by Yeon-soo, when he hears Min-joo voice at the door, HAHA.

But Yeon-soo excitement is short-lived, as he sees the letter she brought mother to him by Chan-hee. They all sit around making faces at the letter, afraid to open it, to speculate about what could tell.

Ji-young is furious speculation about the new products that she's the girl in the video, and it is in Joo-han face, order to accuse him of planning to betray them, as he did Jinu. Joo-han tells her that he could not stop the reporter, so Ji-young threatened that they will not quietly go down like Jinu did.

She reminds him the key chain and shows him a new video that you added her brother. This shows the rest of what happened that night when Ha-neul in came to "save" Ji-young and Joo-han had knocked him out. Joo-han can be heard clearly threatens to tell people that they can get this Jinu set up in trouble and extortion KTOP.

He would board he put used Ha-neul to beat in their hands after wiping his fingerprints, then stood there while she called the police and reported to be attacked. It's all there on the recording, and Joo-han is terrified of what might Ji-young do with it.

Seok-ho literally drags Man-Shik in the KTOP building and goes right into the middle of Twinkle sample. He shows, Ji-young some interesting photos - those of her to a car an obviously drunken Jinu leading while Joo-han watches in the background.

Ji-young snatches the images, but it is too late, have their group members already seen. Seok-ho sends the other girls and tells Ji-young that what has happened Jinu will soon happen to her. CEO Lee will come after her, and as she had Jinu pay its sponsors do not have the money to, KTOP will probably sue.

Ji-young says again that it does not go as Jinu down, but this time it sounds much less confident. Seok-ho asks for her video and she is horrified that he knows it, and she screams: "Why do you want me to do"

Seok-ho makes it clear that they will have no hope of recovery - she seduces a top star, framing her friend, and extorted KTOP , No one will be on their side. The only thing they can do is sued to save themselves ... how they could use the video save themselves?

He tells her to give him the video, as they fight no hope KTOP alone. He gives her the next night until midnight, and if he does not hear from her, he will publish these images on the Internet.

Joo-han gets word is Seok-ho in the building and confronted planned him on his way, but Seok-ho asks him quietly, as long as he keep the images for themselves. He warns Joo-han that before CEO Lee leaves only a matter of time it also.

Seok-ho goes to the rehearsal room back nor the boy to find Yeon-soo letter staring, and Jae-hoon sums up the situation for him , Poor Yeon-soo is a bundle of nerves, curiosity to die, but too afraid to actually open the letter.

Seok-ho is also curious, so he snatches the letter and opens it, ha. Yeon-soo finally reads it and sees that she wants to see Chan-hee. The boys all argue about whether it is a good idea or not, and I love how she paternal about the little man to feel.

Yeon-soo confusion over the face written, and Kyle says he is so easy to read, such as he likes Min-joo. Oops. But he says that Yeon-soo should Chan-hee mother let him look, and Ha-neul trying to silence him while listening to a laugh from Seok-ho gets his real name, Bang-geul, for the first time ,

Yeon-soo Seok-ho asks private, what he should do, although Seok-ho mentions that he is never really dated much. Yeon-soo says Chan-hee mother called Ga-eun, and they met right after high school. When they found out, Ga-eun was pregnant, they traveled together and planned to get married after the baby was born.

He says not afraid to meet her, and Seok-ho that he asks if he is afraid, he is going to stay it. Yeon-soo freezes, and Seok-ho promises him that, even if they get back together, it will not affect the tape. But even if it did not, he thinks Yeon-soo should they go to see.

Seok-ho says he envies Yeon-soo, because he knows what love is, and asks him to describe it. Yeon-soo says you smile when you think of them, and miss them when you're not with her.

Ha-neul looks to take his opening Geu-rin, and he that he got FIBS a little headache and indigestion is. It provides somewhere relaxing, but because it can be seen now, they can not go out in public, so he asks her to go with him stargazing.

He is frustrated when she is ready to go outside right now, grab that they to go away somewhere nice sheesh,! Come child, you will know that they tarnish more than a little, give her a break.

CEO Lee is all sweetness and light with Jinu and offers to pay his sponsors and to send him on a great holiday abroad. But Jinu is not here to speak - he asks for the video of that night, and how anyone could know from KTOP it would happen and note ahead of time.

he makes a not-so veiled threat that he plans to find out who did it and why they did it, making it clear that he won 't rest until the truth is discovered.

Seok-Ho goes for a walk to clear his head, and without thinking, he makes his way into the house of the band. Daughter Yeon-soo words, love is missing someone, Seok-ho laughs at himself, and turns to go, but it's broken when Geu-rin sees him as she is the garbage removing.

He tried to stay cool and asks why she did not come to the office today, but he hindered when she says she spent visiting all day radio stations. She is exhausted, but she adds that to see him makes them feel better, and she asks him if he wants to go on a walk.

is your banter while walking light and sweet, and Geu-rin gets all giggly when they want their hair to color responses, and Seok ho says she's pretty. Seok-ho is a little seriously and suggests that, no matter what else they do, they should see each other once a day. Geu-rin true, and Seok-Ho's happy face is adorable.

Joo-han says CEO Lee that Seok-ho has pictures of Ji-young and Jinu from the night of the attack, and that he. Also in the images Lee takes into account that, but the news that Ji-young has its own video stops him cold.

But he is not too worried because Seok-ho does not have the video, and how they can be used for the images say that Ji-young and Jinu were made. Joo-han is on the verge of panicking, but Lee only said that he would speak to Ji-young.

Seok-Ho gets a little jealous when Geu-rin asks to take the car hire Ha-neul stargazing, and she barks him teasingly that it was his fault to lose his license, so he can not do it. She says that when he gets back, he take them to see flowers to add it to their makeup.

When Ji-young CEO Lee sees it playing on their fears by claiming that Seok-Ho and problems of Jinu directly come not to trust him, and try to go on your own. He has to protect her, but Ji-young does not seem convinced that he can do it.

Haha, Kyle and Jae-hoon day together on the stargazing excursion that sends Ha-neul in an adorable snarly mood. At least he makes the effort of Geu-rin cheer. Sort of.

Yeon-soo and Chan-hee other plans have - they are Chan-hee mother to see today. When Ga-eun comes, Chan-hee seems that some feel, is upwards and is shy, but you tell him that she's just "Dad's friend" and send him to play while they are talking.

Ga-eun appear mixed feelings have continued to pursue over Yeon-soo his musical dreams - I have a feeling that this is an old crux. But she congratulated him on raising Chan-hee good.

Yeon-soo suddenly asks why they leave, and we learn that she went to get formula and never returned. He is not angry, he just needs to know why. Ga-eun admits that her mother has to put them under pressure, and say that they would all live their lives in a tiny basement, and suspected in a trembling voice Yeon-soo that he was too poor, the right to have to love them.

Ga-eun says that when she left that day in the store, her mother was. She had yielded, when her mother with her to come, said, and she ran away. Yeon-soo tells her that it's not their fault, that he was too poor and incompetent to take care of her.

Ga-eun feels a crushing debt, but Yeon-soo tells her that Chan-hee is fine, and that he finally realizing his dream. He has let come to her Chan-hee see at any time, but you can not do ... she married the. Oh, you can just see Yeon-soo break your heart at this moment.

But he congratulates her brave, and when Chan-hee gets hungry, they eat all together. Ga-eun hand shrugs her longing Chan-hee to keep hand as Yeon-soo do, but in the end, she keeps her distance. While they eat, rinses Ga-eun spices from rice cake for Chan-hee, and he realizes that they are much like the doting mother looks at the next table.

After dinner, Yeon-soo says Ga-eun to forget it and go happy. She says she'll always be his fan, and asks if she can buy a Gift Chan-hee. Yeon-soo draws a line, and says that it is better to leave things here. She caresses Chan-hee sleeping face once and goes, crying softly: ".. I'm sorry, Chan-hee I'm sorry, Yeon-soo"

Yeon-soo you look behind, and starts to go home. On his back, Chan-hee shakes, and says in a sleepy, sad voice, "Mama left. Daddy, Mommy is not coming back?" Oh damn time that breaks my heart. Chan-hee bursts into tears and says that he knows that she was his mother, and Yeon-soo can only hold him as he sobs.

You are right in front of Mango office and Min-joo listen Chan-hee crying and come like a mama bear runs. Yeon-soo sobs to and tries for them to see that, but Min-joo just keeps Chan-hee, try their best to comfort, to excuse him. The sound of Chan-hee cries tear Yeon-soo apart and Min-joo reached to comfort him to.

Min-joo she goes home and says they give regrets the letter Yeon-soo, but he tells her that he actually feels better now that he has answers. But when he tells her that it was his fault Ga-eun left, Min-joo not admonished him to say more, never blame yourself or think he is not good enough.

It lists his good qualities - handsome, kind, responsible, talented, and that amazing smile - and she forbids him more bad about to speak. She says to move him from his old love and prepare for a new one.

Seok-ho is still in the office waiting for Ji-young reputation as Mr. Byun comes, whine that it's no one around (that is, none of the pretty ladies are around). As they wait, asks Mr. Byun when Seok-ho is prepared for the storm, the rage when the video is released, specially CEO Lee.

Seok-ho says only that he only knows how full speed run forward, and wonders who in a head-to-head to win yourself or CEO Lee. Mr. Byun regrets running away when he did it, but he does not go into detail, and offers to wait with Seok-ho.

Ji-young sitting on even late, trying to decide who throw their hat, CEO Lee or Seok-ho. A few minutes before midnight, Seok-Ho gets a text, and it is a video file. He takes it, triumphantly, looking ready to kill dragons to go.

It turns out, CEO Lee has made a fatal mistake when he spoke to Ji-young - he had told her to get rid of that he would by Joo-han, him entirely to blame for this mess. But they show that he is betraying Jinu ready, Joo-han, Ji-young understood that they could be the next very good, and decided with Seok-ho to Page.

Seok-ho wastes no time and goes directly to the police with the video. Before he turns it in, he exclaims CEO Lee, and said threateningly: "Where do you think I am"

Once at the observatory takes Ha-neul some time to work his nerves and watched Geu- rin having fun with Kyle and Jae-hoon. Finally he finds Geu-rin on a balcony in the night air, and remove the few rings he bought, determined to confess tonight.

He goes to her and shows the rings, and she innocently asks who they are for. Ha-neul sets the smaller ring on her finger, and tells her, "Geu-rin, I like you very much. Let's date." He gives her a big smile while Geu-rin looks stunned.


I do not think this good for will go our Ha-neul, however much we want it. He really did not seem to understand Yeon-soo Council ... on a girl "Let's Leave" sprout, the thought of you as a little brother is only when she gave exactly zero indication that they might know thee in any other type fashion looks, is bound to backfire badly. Especially since it shows clear signs of feeling something for Seok-Ho (although they do not know even know what that is, exactly), I just can not see that goes well anywhere.

not lie, Yeon-soo and Chan-hee had shed real tears me in this episode. Yeon-soo was so brave to have the chance to take see Chan-hee Ga-eun, and while it was a good and generous thing for him to let it go, it backfired when Chan-hee found out who she was. The poor little guy is so smart and sweet, it would have been better, I think, if he had remained innocent. See the two of them, father and son, grieving what they have never, was just heartbreaking. But as Min-joo said, now Yeon-soo can really leave the past and move forward from, and he can find love again, if he wants it.

I can not say I'm thrilled that the main triangle begins to take center because I really think that this show is the strength of his endearing ensemble, but I think in this episode that we made clear , are a love triangle, as it always is or not. I'll whine stop thinking too soon, I promise. I just do not think this show a lot of stereotypical drama love stuff needs, but I think I'm only on a desire to be holding and the band for the show just about the music. But it's time to stop and want to accept what is, and that's a freaking love triangle. Fine.

At least it's a nice one, and as I said, Geu-rin lately seems a little too mature (though not always wiser than men ), I feel so better to be involved about them in a romance, as I said, three weeks ago. It seems for Seok-ho, not so much turn into a pretty decent game, because they have each character growth, but because the show takes to show pain, what a good game they already are. And they seem to complement each other well, have personality. Seok-ho needs someone to be an emotional anchor to keep him if he is ready to fly all emotional, and Geu-rin as his "green roof" is good that in doing. She knows what it is like keeping a family together, and she's a very motherly type who does not pull him back has nothing against it if it starts to go astray on itself.

And they in turn could be not be in charge all the time, and be able, sometimes someone else contribute to relax the emotional weight and leave. Seok-ho is a fantastic caretaker - even if it for a total of a manager Hai was known, he still protected and took care of its artists. I think he readily that to be for Geu-rin, which would be a relief for them. My only real problem at this point with their potential relationship is the unbalanced employer / employee hope part of their relationship, and I'm doing the show that actually addresses. An employer's employees dating could be problematic, especially in the scandal joyful music business, and God knows Ddanddara band needs no fresh scandals!

I am especially interested in the conflict between Seok-ho and CEO Lee, and the clearing of Ha-neul of and names of Jinu (Yes, I never thought I would invest more in business scandals be as a love story, either), I am so excited that there seems to be game on. I really never expected Ji-young siding with Seok-ho, at the end, and even though I have no illusions that she does it for a reason other than self-preservation - because honestly leave, she is a selfish little brat and that is not going at all times to change soon - it's an interesting twist, and I am pleased to see them play. At this point I would not even be surprised if Joo-han went to the good guys, and I'd love to see CEO Lee, finding himself alone, a veritable army confronted by people he is betrayed. I love that the theme of the whole show, family and loyalty and trust, is played in so many ways, and as it unfolds on so many levels, and observe each other and will be the big guys take down sooo meet.

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tags: entertainer, episode 12, in Hyeri, Ji Sung Kang min-Hyuk

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