Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 7 -

With put his revenge on pause for the moment, our intrepid lawyer will have to find a new purpose in life. It can all be tried together again, to give, but he recalls that he has someone who always believe in him. A long-awaited reunion and new client might just be the push he needs to find something to fight for -. It can not be compared Dae Hwa group, but there are many other villains to fight in drama land


the lovely and unemployed Eun-jo sleeps the day away on her couch when her mother can even eat in some way to fall , Still not ready to confess, she pretends to leave her job at Geum San, Eun-jo to a whole night and was just moved now to leave for work.


training for customers, Eun- jo forwards to a hospital over and begins with the bottles attached drinks with their card spread. No one, as they spared the busy doctors bleeding patients races, offering their legal services in the event of lawsuits or insurance. She dragged finally made while she insists that she is a lawyer, not some Spinner!

loan shark seem to have switched Dae-soo and his authority cronies of collecting money for collecting customer. Stroll to do lawyer for their neighborhood vigorously by the market with a megaphone and flyers, a little free publicity.

Unfortunately lawyer said to be less than enthusiastic about seems to save the neighborhood and more interested in regressing to its former homeless ennui. The boy returned to the office with a stack of newspapers Deul-ho fainted find on the couch.

Ae-ra comes and explains that since Michael Jung fled the country, Deul-ho, has lost its will to fight. The group is joined by Eun-jo, who can not believe even the state that Deul-ho liked to, but is at a loss how to help him.

Outside the office has an invisible person a calling card used to find Deul-ho office. A pair of child size feet head up the stairs and tiptoe past. To the adults on the couch where Deul-ho slumbers on Little hands, withdraw the newspapers slowly and a little girl cries: "Dad!"

Deul-ho stirred and voice calling loudly to attract the attention of the rest of the group. He opens his eyes to see his daughter, Soo-bin, standing above him, smiling. Incredulous and not words to say in a position he holds only repeating "Oh!" While she grins him.

Soo-bin charms the whole gang while Deul-ho gets self cleaned. When he returns, she explains how she was doing an Internet search on his name then followed the map to his address. Admire the other as she takes after her father, but Deul-ho still can not believe that she is really here always. He asks her for a hug and then she gets to hold, almost whimpering with pleasure.

Soo-bin tells her father that she is hungry and it shuffles to take them to get something to eat. Ae-ra actually grabs Dae-soo wallet out of his hands and pushes it in Deul-ho, that he take his daughter for lunch. Dae-soo is so taken with Soo-bin, that he did not even blink, grinning shortly after them.

After leaving the couple, spills Ae-ra, the beans, the lawyer Hae-Kyung from Geum San is Deul-ho ex-wife and Soo-bin Mother. Eun-jo remembers meeting the other night at her out of the office and their reason for visiting is clear.

Speaking, Hae-Kyung is in her office when she receives a text from Soo-bin to let them know that they made with their father and no worries. Hae-Kyung begins to call her, but changes her mind. For someone who vowed she would not let Deul-ho near her daughter, she does not look too concerned that they are together.

Father and daughter have an adorable ddukbokki date and Deul-ho can not stop grinning as Soo-bin him all about her life and the things she says wants to do with him. She takes three books from her bag and hands them over to Deul-ho. You are her diaries from the last three years - they saved for him so he would know what they had done while he was away. Aw, baby.

Deul-ho has no words and only holds the precious books. Soo-bin starts to cry as she says so very missed him, asking why he, she was never found. Deul-ho can hardly hold back his own tears as he tells her he missed her and apologizes for not coming. He promises that the next time he comes they'll find them first. That put a smile on her face and the two left the restaurant holding hands.

When they return to the office, the whole gang gathered around Dae-soo, of their new client is currently comforting while sobbing into his chest. Deul-ho and Soo-bin connect and Dae-Soo explains that this is his little sister, Hyo-jin, who was recently released without explanation from her job as a kindergarten teacher.

Dae-soo asks Deul-ho hopefully, if he will take the case. Ae-ra agrees that it should, since it is Dae-soo family but Deul-ho instead suggests they leave Eun-jo this a handle. Everyone stares at him and Dae-soo is understandably angry that he did not help his sister, but Deul-ho collects only Soo-bin and tells her it's time to go.

When they head out Soo'm asks her father, that the teacher lawyer to be. Soo-bin indicates that the teacher seemed like a beautiful woman and this ugly uncle (Dae-soo - hah). to ask for his help content has arrived

The moment is interrupted by Hae-Kyung, the pick up Soo-bin. Father and daughter are too cute, as they exist at the same time it, "not to [Soo-bin/Dad] be Do evil, it's all my fault!"

Hae-Kyung says Deul-ho that he can henceforth 't Soo-bin without an appointment to see, and she warns her daughter when she goes back to see her father without permission in trouble will be. Your words sound sad resigned as threatening, but.

you and Soo-bin to leave again, but Soo-bin strokes back on Monday to invite her father to her birthday party. He promises to come and tells her he loves her so much. One last hug and then mother and daughter differ.

That night, Hae-Kyung finds Soo-bin in her room her father a text message. In a soft voice, she asks Soo-bin, if they know why mom and dad do not live together. Soo-bin admits that she does not, but thinks it's because Mom is mad at Dad.

Hae-Kyung stated that if the adults who live together fight, it is because it is better than being apart for them together. You will say, Soo-bin no longer be seen to stop her father, but she recalled that the more time she spends with him, the more they will want to live together, and then Mom will be left alone when she goes to live with Dad. Both are crying when Soo-bin, she says for Dad feels bad, is all alone.

by itself, Deul-ho travels in a street, when he gets a goodnight text of Soo-bin. He sits down and opens the diaries his daughter gave him. In them Soo-bin writes about her father on TV to see and call him Superman, because he helps people in need. Tears stream down his face and he hugged the books to his chest.

Deul-ho are the office returns just Ae-ra and Eun-jo thrown (or in Ae-ra case, squeezed) from the office of an angry Dae-soo. He does not shout through the door that he will house people to help his sister refuse. Deul-ho agrees to leave quietly because Dae-soo obviously do not want a meeting

Dae-soo .: "What meeting"
Deul-ho "you do not want a meeting on [your sister’s] wrongful termination lawsuit, right?"
Dae-soo: "! Hey wait from Open those gates"

is nothing more than accommodating Suddenly Dae-soo. When he pulled back into the office, asking Deul-ho, if he does not like Superman and Dae-soo agrees and said he would even buy tights for him. Pfft.

Each settlement only in back when Dae-soo gets a call from his sister Hyo-jin, saying that it has been made at the expense of children attacking the police station and battery.

all rush to the station where Ae-ra detective pal thrilled she looks to see again. He informs her that Hyo-jin has been handed over to the prosecutor. The group can not believe it, but the detective says, there was enough evidence to support the charge, and child abuse, is these days very seriously.

The next morning Deul-ho marched in the prosecution Dae-soo sister to find that to learn along the way, the Ji-wook, the prosecutor in charge of the case. Ji-wook in question currently Hyo-jin accused, which it beat in her class one of the children.

Deul-ho barges in as the attorney-in-shining-armor he is, demands that he accompany them during questioning. After the boys finish today garish, Ji-wook is the facts down and they are not good.

The bruises confirmed the testimony of the child the child's body and the opinion of the doctor that she was attacked. Moreover, they have to hunt CCTV footage from the day of the incident, by Hyo-jin after the girl while she ran away. Hyo-jin insists that they hide just playing and looking, but Deul-ho warns them to remain silent.

Deul-ho brings Hyo-jin in a separate room their side listening to the story, promising that he to her lawyer and he is here, your help. Hyo-jin said that the little girl, Seo-yeon, a mild form of autism had so paid Hyo-jin additional attention to it.

Without father and a working mother, the girl often had to wait for a long time in the school until her mother could pick. Hyo-jin would always play with her while she waited to form a bond with the child. But that does not make sense to Deul-ho - when she was an attentive teacher, why the school have reported their

Hyo-jin starts to tell him about the principal of the kindergarten, a total hypocrite of a? Mrs. To the public, it is to be notorious for a caring woman who runs five schools, because she loves children, when in fact they have a fiery temper and regularly screams and strikes the teacher.

was the worst that they pay only one-third of the food budget for the children's meals, many lead them to starving or sick from the poor quality of meals will. For a time, Hyo-jin sneaked into the kitchen and found that the food was past the expiration date, the most rotting thereof or with mold. It is really disgusting.

Deul-ho asks why Hyo-jin not done anything. She answers that she first said she did not think the main knew, but nothing changed. City health inspectors arrived, but someone must have paid, since they never issued any warnings. No choice, they reported it to the Board of Education

Here Deul-ho finally understands. She's a whistleblower was. As punishment she was fired unjustly and accused of child abuse.

Back to Neighborhood Lawyer seat, a small haven of schoolchildren was unleashed to the office. The band tried to contain their antics, but someone needs these children have given sugar, because they do a better job to beat Dae-soo and his henchmen as the subcontractors racket from the restaurant fight.

Deul ho, of a meeting with Hyo-jin returned, the chaos is just wondering what on earth is going on?!? Ae-ra tries to explain that these are the children of Hyo-jin class, but then has to one of the mini-tramps expire.

Eyes wide and dodging tiny people welcomed Deul-ho, the man who brought the children shows that it is the bus driver to the school and the children wanted to see their teachers.

media finally calm down when the children get something to eat. Dae-soo and the boys try to bring the remains of the office, while the lawyers to consult with the driver. According to him, the kids loved all Hyo-jin, so that this abuse blames no sense.

He does not much different, but warns that the principal is a bad woman. It fires teachers and staff simply because they do not like. He, too, the driver was just as well dismiss without cause. This is his last day, and he wanted to take the children to see the teacher, they missed.

Deul-ho speaks with the children, all tell him that they love teachers Hyo-jin. Ask that he help her and he assures them that he wants, just like Superman!

The driver is, the children in the school where the main waiting. After the children left, their smiles come from the mask and she yells at the driver of the bus without permission for the withdrawal, then tells him to get lost. Well, she is not beautiful?

Deul-ho and his cohorts make plans to infiltrate the nursery to gather information. Eun-jo will try to speak Seo-yeon mother while Ae-ra apply for a hotplate in the kitchen. Dae-soo is anxious to play its role, until he learns that he has to interview location for the open driver. Interviews are not exactly his forte ...

Cut to have both Dae-soo and Deul-ho are from the evil master created several names and personalities. To Dae-soo dismay the principal wants a road test to see, so that both boys head outside alternately to ride the bus.

Dae-soo is absolutely horrible, the vehicle stall while screaming through the window, "Do not [you] have an automatic bus?" In contrast Deul-ho has impressive work, performing difficult maneuvers and charming the pants off the main.

Ae-ra created a new person as well as their own interview past and to gain access to the kitchen. She does not waste time and sniffs everywhere, but strangely, the whole place is spotlessly clean, and it can not find any evidence of spoiled food.

Deul-ho arrives for his first day of "work" and finds Seo-yeon game of the playground and tried to talk to him about come.

He asks if teachers Hyo-jin always hurt. The little girl says only: "The teacher is bad you hit me." Over and over again. When he starts to ask more questions, she runs away and hides.

Eun-jo does not have much luck. She feels Seo-yeon mother at her job, but once it performs as Hyo-jin lawyer, her mother yells at them to leave, to protect them, accused a filthy child molester.

Ji-wook gets from a friend an alarming message, which operates in the Ministry of Justice: the testing and inspection of his father office investigated, Chief Prosecutor Shin and his connections to the Dae Hwa Group

He immediately informed his father, but the chief prosecutor is not worried. He thinks that it is probably only a routine inspection and also, even if they dig, they will find nothing.

Ji-wook is concerned that the investigation because the case Michael Jung is ordered, and argues that his father was charged him really Michael who leave. Chief Prosecutor Shin calls him naive and warns him not again to follow in the footsteps Deul-ho.

After his father's office leave, Ji-wook runs into Eun-jo, who says teachers Hyo-jin is represented in child abuse case. She asks if he would let her see the material CCTV to chase them from Hyo-jin, the child.

They break down the video to see and Ji-wook is quick to conclude that it is without question that Hyo-jin followed Seo-yeon maliciously. Eun-jo is not so sure. She has to rewind the video to him, pointing out that the child looks happy, until it runs out of the frame. It is not until it passes through the other way, that it seems to be upset.

Ji-wook as he starts looking doubt and Eun-jo expresses that it does not this evidence is keep thinking court.

At school, the children are all loading on the bus, but little Seo-yeon watches from the side, by waiting for her mother now that Hyo-jin is not there. Deul-ho promises that after he drops the other children away, he will come back and play with her.

It is dark when he makes it back to school and Seo-yeon, is inside coloring. He plays with it for a while, but after looking at his watch, he remembers that on Monday -. On the night of Soo-bin Birthday

He says Seo-yeon, that he must be somewhere and asked if they had to wait something about it by themselves, but they buckled expression has it stalling.

Seo-yeon asks if teachers Hyo-jin comes back. Seo-yeon admits that she and her Deul-ho asks again whether Hyo-jin really hurt her did miss. Instead of answering, she asks to play hide and seek and promises that, when it finds it, she will tell him the truth.

you start the game, but across town Soo-bin sitting with her mother and grandpa Attorney Jang, little glances at the empty seat casting where should sit her father ,

is obviously little Seo-yeon really well hidden because Deul-ho everything runs through the building, and they can not find. He Eun-jo to name look for the girl to come, as he needs to his daughter party to get. Eun-jo comes right over and adds her car.

Eun-jo has trouble finding, Seo-yeon as well until she realizes her a hallway, showed from the CCTV recordings Ji-wook. She opens a small closet and finds Seo-yeon up cambered inside is to sleep. It offers the girl to make something delicious to eat, and we finally get a real smile from the girl, as Eun-jo up whipped something stir fry and taste the cuisine.

Deul-ho makes it in time for Soo-bin birthday, and sees them through the window. He pulls a gift out of the car and starts to go to the restaurant, he gets a call from Eun-jo, who is in panic. Seo-yeon ate the food she made for them, but something has happened, and Eun-jo is now carrying the unconscious girl on the back. She says Deul-ho that he has to get there again.

Deul-ho turns to his daughter to look back as she stares out the window to look for him. He looks at her longingly for a moment, then slowly steps and turns away.


No! Stop! Not Goooo!

I know that makes me a terrible person, like a little girl's life is in danger ... but it's Soo-binnie! Then again, I think, missed birthdays are just something you have to expect when your father is Superman.

I am relieved that Neighborhood lawyer introduced a new set of customers and villains. Chairman Jung had used up almost all its angry faces and I never had much patience for the spoiled and psychopathic Michael with Being. If Deul-ho the whole show only concentrated spent these two to fight, he would have really lost, when he had finished. The new cases (and Soo-bin encouragement) open our eyes to the world beyond Dae Hwa and he has found that there are many more people like him, need a lawyer.

Deul-ho character development seems really right. It makes sense that to the chairman Jung after losing again, he would lose the will to fight, just like last time. When he framed and separated from his loved ones, Deul-ho had returned to a state of general apathy. Now that Michael Jung has fled out of his reach, he has once again lost its purpose and thus his desire to do something. He needs a new project, and a perfectly timed reunion with his beloved daughter is the only thing that would have inspired him to rise from his paper nest.

I love this little Soo-bin all her father have found on her. Just like her father, she knew what she wanted, and it went all alone to get. Most importantly, I have my father-daughter HUG !! It was everything I had hoped for and more. The relief and love to Deul-ho's face as he held his little girl was so raw and real, I was almost equal to whimper with him. Their relationship is so precious, and I really hope that Deul-ho missing her birthday not ruin the joy they both felt to find each other again.

Strangely I find itself drawn by Hae-Kyung. I admit that I am beginning its character as the evil ex-wife wrote from which is intended to make everyone, including themselves, miserable to save only their pride. I was hating it invested fully, but these last few episodes, it's hard to keep my belief. There are so many little things have been: she for Eun-jo standing when Michael insulting (although she denied it), felt the nostalgia they Deul-ho to observe her lack of anger when Soo-bin, her father visited.

Generally, it seems very analytical and I bet wins her head typically over her heart. You missed obvious and cares about him, why she cut relations? She shot her husband, whom she seems to love, but for what? What did she do? Of course, it's all just a guess and a series of questions with no answers, but I still think there is much more to it, as we have seen.

I am also there so for them and Deul-ho begin to take root until now there are many more chemistry between the two of them. Eun-jo bumbling attempts nowhere Deul-ho must understand near as just one of those intense glances between the former spouses, many feel.

But the real show-stealers this episode were the children. Between Soo-bin of happy smiles and frivolity kindergarten students, are the adults had no chance. Although Deul-ho not win against the evil head, maybe we can get these children one more time for lunch to come back -. If even back to Dae-soo to watch all ties

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tags: Episode 7, in So-ra Kang, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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