Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 4 -

There are two struggles to fight today: one against time, and the other against black witch Hong-joo, who is on the hunt. The hero and heroine stories unfold separately for much of the episode, with an attempt to put himself and the other rings to understand with decisions that his loving influence, but both struggle with the same question throughout the home - whether it is possible wanting to escape life you were born in, and to change your destiny.


We rewind to Heo Jun and Yeon-hee in the palace, hidden in the rain. Yeon-hee hallucinating Poong-yeon face instead of Juns and loses consciousness; only Poong-yeon comes.

The wait three the storm under a doorway, with Poong-yeon the still unconscious Yeon-Hee is on the back. Poong-yeon seems Juns cackling about Yeon-hee state annoyed, just to give June a glance upward and down.

June realizes that he is still in drag and laughs at him, told Poong-yeon mistaking not: This clothing of his "work" clothes are, of sorts. Ha.

Poong-yeon cuts Juns hiking and asks if he knows his little sister. June hesitates, then says not. Poong-yeon Thanks June for his help and says he'll take it from here. June, they observed go with a stunned look on his face.

Jun returns home and wondered how Poong-yeon and Yeon-hee might be related. He can worry about Yeon-hee for just a second before deciding he has to take care of more important things.

As if on cue, June sees his mother on the way by two masked men to be taken suddenly. Horrified, he runs after them, then the men sees a large bag over his mother set. He begins to call to them, but hit from behind on the head, then carried away.

Back to Yeon-hee home, we visit the scenes of squealing black shadows attack Yeon-hee and turn their hair white. Cut to a similar scene in the palace, where Yeon-hee twin brother is Prince Sunhoe under the same attack, his hair, as well as white. Then we are back to Poong-yeon who collapses after returning, hemoptysis. Hyun-seo checks the back of Poong-yeon ear, and sure enough, the curse his stamp made now on him.

Hyun-seo rushes to Yeon-hee and their place on the ground limp. She looks disoriented when she opens her eyes, and all he can do is scold her not to listen to his warnings. Yeon-hee, what's wrong with her confused and frightened, uncertain, and she asks him to save them.

Am Schloss, Prince Sunhoe remains unconscious while the Queen Mother in Hong-joo barks, demanding answers as to what happened. The Queen is furious, Hong-joo grabbed by her shirt and they cry to save the prince. She continues to whine, and it is too much for her: She faints and falls to the Prince

In the middle of the excitement, Hong-joo her expression unchanged .. Her eyes still remains, hard suddenly and violently, she speaks three words: "Choi Hyun-seo."

June wakes up somewhere in the woods and stumbles fast to throw wrapped a glance from his mother to shame. He held back from rushing by several men to his mother, and then he sees Heo Ok mother, Lady son, step out of the shadows.

She tells June that they thought he was a smart boy, but she is unhappy that he does not know his place - they want to show it tonight, where he stands. Panicked June asking to stop with her what they have planned is. But she is unmoved, and are to start the command.

Still in the bag Jun's mother is beaten to a pulp before June eyes. June cries and calls again to his mother, but he will still retained. Lady son watches the procedure with a grin on her face.

As blood seeps on the bag, Jun growing increasingly desperate. On the floor now, he crawls to Lady son, to ask for forgiveness, and hysterically sobbing for his mother's life.

Lady son raises a hand to stop the beatings. Search directly on Jun's trembling, tear-streaked face, she tells him that she has heard about his plans to buy his mother from slavery

She further says that in life, one thing that people on wrong gives. - The belief that if you work hard enough, you can work your way out of your circumstances. But no matter how much you work, you can not escape, who your parents are.

She tells June that he not have been born - that would have been what is best for him and his mother. She warns him that he should not try to escape his lot in life, and he should not try to fight them. He is to live as if it were a dead man was; that's the only way he and his mother can live.

Jun nods furiously, lowered his head. Lady son smiling in victory and turns away, finally allows June to approach his mother.

Jun opens the bag, only to find that it not his mother is inside - instead, he finds a bloody pig's head. In shock, he turns to Lady son, leaving him with a final warning:


June rushes home, desperate to see his mother, and found them hanging out laundry. He enters silently in to help, fighting back tears when he noticed the bruises and abrasions on the hands and face. After a few quiet moments, says June to his mother: "Let us leave the house."

Poong-yeon puts in his room in a poor condition; he can not even take a spoonful of medicine without worrying amounts of hemoptysis. When his mother annoyed at him, calling Poong-yeon her and begins to open his eyes. He looks over to his mother, but his eyes instead focus on a frightening spirit just beside her.

He freaks out immediately, screaming "Ghost" while his mother tries to calm him. You can see the mind does not, but we can definitely, and the cruel figure reaches for Poong-yeon, as he shouts.

Yeon-hee wakes up in her room. She gets up and reaches for her mirror, but it is going to go to the wall. You begin to hear the screeching of spirits, and with his head in his hands, she screams - and this causes all their furniture from falling over. Young Taoist Master Yo-gwang breaks into her room to see if Yeon-hee is fine; Yeon-hee is starring on her hands and faints.

The Taoist masters say Hyun-seo that Yeon-hee newfound powers can 't be only controlled (by the activation of the curse?) - When it releases energy she loses consciousness.

they argue among themselves about what to do next - they are almost out of time, as the spell starts to break in the Black Forest. One of the master says Yeon-Hee must Cheongbing temple to move as quickly as possible, and another says that it is too dangerous - if Hong-joo finds out then everything is really over. Hyun-seo seems at a loss for what to do.

Yo-gwang cleans the mess at Yeon-hee as she sits against the wall, his head in his hands. He tried to cheer her up, to tell them not to worry; everything will be back to normal as soon as it goes to Cheongbing temple. Yeon-hee curious to hear more about the temple, but Yo-gwang you say only they will know more when it's there.

Yeon-hee convinced that her father hates them now disobedient to him and caused all this trouble. Yo-gwang assures her that he does not - but he mentions that Hyun-seo must be having a hard time since Poong-yeon also affected. Alarmed, Yeon-hee asks Yo-gwang what he means.

to a group shaman cut a kind of healing ceremony for Poong-yeon, with Poong-yeon mother bow in prayer perform. We focus on one of the shaman: She has the mind sees the Poong-yeon saw earlier, pointing his sword at them in horror, then breaks on the ground.

to be seen just outside the walls of Poong-yeon House, Yo-gwang and Yeon-hee crouch to avoid. Yo-gwang know that it is dangerous to be there for her, but he can not Poong-yeon say no to Yeon-hee ask to go see. Yo-gwang says they have to be fast -. The Talismans they will last much longer not have

They sneak in Poong-yeon rooms and Yeon-hee drops next Poong-yeon, looking devastated.

Poong-yeon slowly opens his eyes and looks directly into Yeon-hee, but everything he is that same mind sees. He starts crying and pleading for them to go away and never come back, saying that he wants to live.

Yeon-hee does not know that he did not really see in front of him before, and she sees him only with tears on her face to take his words to heart.

Just then, Poong-yeon mother enters the room. It is immediately angry to risk a confused Yeon-hee cursing out to set foot in her house.

This is the first Yeon-hee to say that she cursed, and that everything that happened was her fault. It is the reason why they could not always Yeon-hee love as their true daughter; it is the reason why Yeon-hee should have never been born. With despair in her voice, she asks to disappear Yeon-hee, far from Poong-yeon.

The door opens again; this time it's Choi Hyun-seo and his team. While Yeon-hee with a look of betrayal of Hyun-seo looks up in her eyes, Hyun-seo avoids her eye contact, to leave rather than ordering Yo-gwang with Yeon-hee.

Yeon-hee looks to be shocked as Yo-gwang from the store, but then stops briefly and tells him that they will go to Cheongbing temple. They will do what they ask of you, if it is, they can save Poong-yeon.

Back in Hyun-seo house, a servant announces a visitor from the palace. Because they are running out of time, Hyun-seo tells his team to take Yeon-hee and leave without him for Cheongbing temple. He will follow with the Mauigeumseo.

Hyun-seo then with his visitor hits, which showed nothing to be other than Hong-joo.

came with a cold smile on her face, she tells Hyun-seo to excuse it - they underestimated him. It's their fault, really, because actually before him believe 17 years, when he said he would kill the princess. Her smile fading, she demands to know where the princess is now.

Hyun-seo replies that the princess is dead. She smiles at him, to ask if this is his answer. Hyun-seo is not responding, and she gets up to leave.

When Hong-joo makes her way out of the house, she heard moans of Poong-yeon and stops in front of his door to listen in. Hyun-seo catches her and assigns them to the exit.

Sensing a chance, she leaves Hyun-seo with some parting words: If the princess is really alive, Hyun-seo has defied the orders of the widowed queen and turned the Prince's life in danger, and so crimes will be punished for this. It adds that those who have attacked the princess' curse suffer and die within two weeks of a terrible disease.

She pauses, then says that of course these things are not able to come about - because there is no way that the upstanding, patriotic Hyun-seo would ever to a take decision that would cause such destruction.

yet in Poong-yeon rooms, Poong-yeon mother overheard every word Hong-joo looking horrified. So it comes as no surprise, as it follows Hong-joo of the house and calls to stop for them. A satisfied smile spreads across Hong-joo face.

Heo June heads towards a building in the dark of night and looked nervously nobody to ensure sees him. He knocks on a door, then knocks again. An old man finally opens the door, but told in June they are closed.

June stammers, he is looking for boat tickets for Ming to buy. The old man rebuffs him, but in June pleaded not to take in a position no for an answer. The man finally told June 0 Nyang in two hours back.

The June returns home, his mother's second thoughts about their plans - the more they think about it, the more dangerous sounds to try to to smuggle themselves out of the country.

Jun leans over her to pack the rest of her things to help, and tells her that he had a lot while to give life in this house - to do so to make mistakes or less be smart (for Heo Ok benefits) - and he does not want to live anymore. He takes squeezed his mother's hand and says that now begin to live the way they should want.

The two quietly sneak out of the house to cling to his mother Jun's arm. Behind them a servant sees leave.

Jun's brother Heo Ok is his usual thing to do, to drink and hang out with his team of friends and gisaengs. They all admire some unusual jewelery specially imported from abroad, and the feeling generous to let everyone Ok deals to pick out any one piece.

is interrupted your binge when the servant of Jun and his mother's departure saw coming, want to talk Ok. As servants whispering in ear Ok - no doubt made him the news from June departure -. Ok expression changes

Jun and his mother come in a dilapidated building, which is already full search with others the same journey to make. June settled his mother in a corner to wait while he procured the boat tickets. Before he leaves, he takes an extra moment to press her hands and give her a reassuring smile.

June, the old man and provides him with 0 Nyang. After the tickets handed over, the man says June that he only one ticket for each person sold - everyone who buys either a ticket gets successfully Ming, is fish food on the way, or get caught.

He says most people are caught, because it is not easy away hunters to get out of the slave. If you get caught, dying a horrible death; if you do, you live your life as a refugee. He told June he could still change his mind. But June says only what happened, he to get on the boat. In response, the man says June not be a minute late for the boat to leave at 1am, on

dressed all in black, Hyun-seo calls the Mauigeumseo from a box in the walls of his house hidden. He flips through its pages, tearing out a page with a picture of a tree, then sets the page back into the box. He returns to boxing to its original hiding place. (Oddly enough, a second later, it looks like another field is brought away, but it is not clear by whom. We have to see if there is an error, or if it means actually something.)

Hyun -seo hidden Mauigeumseo in his shirt and rushes out of the house when his wife from him, pleading with him not to go. As he turns to look at her, and she tells him that it's all over.

Meanwhile, Hong-joo and her guards walk through the Black Forest, allegedly on their way to Yeon-hee hiding. Hong-joo keeps the tree with the talisman on it and rips it off, she crumpled in her hands and throwing them on the floor.

Back to Hyun -seo who is stunned by his wife's confession: She said everything to Hong-joo in the hope that Poong-yeon is stored. Hyun-seo tries to argue that Hong-joo is the one to have to be stopped Joseon save, but his wife could not care less us to save the country - not when Poong-yeon dies. She says Hong-joo was clear: If Yeon-hee died, live Poong-yeon. Hong-joo also promised to cover up when Hyun-seo stops disturbing. His wife asks Hyun-seo to stop.

Yeon-hee sits while Yo-gwang packs Cheongbing temple for their journey upwards. But once they leave the doors open, they are met with arrows from Hong-joo guards

Yo-gwang avoids by being hit immediately inside with Yeon-hee retreat. They also have some backup of the Taoist masters, the outside waiting for them. Yo-gwang says Yeon-hee to wait in the house, then unsheathes the greatest sword beyond MAIN and heads.

The Taoist Master Hong-joo leak to rapidly respond to the approaching army, and it is clear that they are outnumbered. As the two teams face off, calling Hong-joo, the Taoist masters from a cursed child accommodate, say that they are unfit to serve the palace - then to attack their guards orders. The fight is on

First, the Taoist masters are holding their own against Hong-joo guards. Yo-gwang particular take kicking ass on several sword women and to prevent another master to help trouble.

Oh, that's not to keep, as the blind Taoist masters takes a hit and falls to the ground. Another master comes to his defense, but is stabbed.

Yo-gwang watches in horror as the blind master is closest to be killed. The guards use Yo-gwang of carelessness in focus, knocking his sword out of his hands and capturing his arms and legs with chains.

When Yo-gwang screams of helpless, the remaining men prey to Hong fall -joo army. The guards then surrounded him, swords pointed.

Hong-joo, who is to observe from afar the bloodshed already, makes her way to Yo-gwang. She calls all fools like these die, all because of the girl. She raises her hand as a signal for their guards Yo-gwang attack, but at this moment, Yeon-hee burst through the doors. , Hong-joo eyes at the sight of the Princess broaden

Face to face with Hong-joo, Yeon-hee asks her to explain: What does she mean when she says everything is due Yeon-hee

with a touch of pity in her eyes, Hong-joo finally notes in Yeon-hee to the details of her curse. She tells Yeon-hee, that all people will die loves, and all who love them and will die. Yeon-hee eyes glisten with tears when she gets looks Yo-gwang on the floor, coughing and shortness of breath.

Hong-joo brings close Yeon-hee and asks her why she was even born when no one wanted. She says Yeon-hee, that there is a way to stop their misery and sadness, and to save them all. All Yeon-hee has to do is die.

Here, Hong-joo raises her hand again. Swords point to Yeon-hee.

Suddenly we hear Hyun-seo voice, to stop them screaming. He rushes to Yeon-hee, is only interrupted when he sees his fallen team members. Blocking Yeon-hee with his body, Hyun-seo unsheathes his sword. Hong-joo says angry Hyun-seo more do not disturb and said she will not forgive his actions.

One of Hong-joo guards moved to attack Hyun -seo but Yo-gwang runs just in time with a knife at the attacker throw. Picking his sword from the ground, Yo-gwang says Hyun-seo to run. Hyun-seo and Yeon-hee flee.

Yo-gwang tried valiantly to fight Hong-joo army, but it is not long before he falls to the ground, seriously injured. With his last strength, he grabs Hong-joo leg to try to stop them from rushing to Hyun-seo.

She looks down at him, takes a sword from the hat, and delivers the final blow.

Hyun-seo and Yeon-hee running through rocky terrain, with Hong-joo and her guards close behind afterwards. The guards come on a cliff and look around, have apparently lost the pair. Hong-joo tells her guards could not have gotten too far, and the search continues.

Further down the cliff, we see Hyun-seo and Yeon-hee, safely hidden. Hyun-seo turns to Yeon-hee, passing it the Mauigeumseo. His voice urgent, he tells her that as soon as he steps out of hiding, and draws the attention of the guards, they have to walk back straight without a glance.

Yeon-hee protests, saying they would rather just die. But Hyun-seo grabs her and tells her that she must live, break the head to Cheongbing Temple and the curse. That's the only way everyone will live.

make a softer tone, Hyun-seo excused her wishes then happy birthday. He's gone.

The guards carried him in a very short time on site and a car chase. He runs through the woods as fast as he can as guardians attack from a distance, shooting arrows and throwing knives. A small knife meets Hyun-seo leg to take him down and so the guards, with Hong-joo to overtake him.

yet in their hiding place, Yeon-hee unpacks the Mauigeumseo and thinks back to Hyun-seo Directive. With a determined look in her eyes, she grabs the book and leaves. Unfortunately, in Hong-joo guards are right on their tail

Meanwhile, Hyun-seo and Hong-joo face once in a week off, we've heard before. She demands to know the whereabouts of the Princess; he deceives ignorance. The struggle to his feet, Hyun-seo says Hong-joo that it is the will of heaven for the girl to live.

Hong-joo in this mock yielding to fate is "will of Heaven." that's always been unfair - is that the will of Heaven? To be born without anything, and made from the rich ridiculous are trampled, but need to bow before them - is that the will of Heaven Hyun-seo set to continue to defend

Hyun seo says that part? both both he and Hong-joo - - their duty is to forge the right path for the will of heaven is to be performed on.

But Hong-joo, she says so no longer live. From now on it will be the one trampling on others on their way up. Hyun-seo insists that this is not the right way, as he confesses: He begins to spin, while Hong-joo looks like it is on the edge of tears "Do not ruin.".

A guard is a sword in Hong-joo outstretched hand, and without hesitation, is Hong-joo, the blade just by Hyun-seo back.

her chin trembled, Hong-joo excuses him in this way for the payment, after all, he has taught them. She says that from now on, she will be the one that determines the will of heaven, rather than vice versa. She pulls the sword from Hyun-seo, and he crumpled to the floor.

in June on the way back to his mother, when he sees the guards Hong-joo to rush him. He hides, observed running through guards, then take a look at their goal begins: Yeon-hee, stumbles through the woods. June pulls out the piece of magic shield that he hold tight to Holding, and runs after them.

Yeon-hee somehow manages to dodge the guards arrows as she makes her way through the forest plump. But soon, they reached the edge of a cliff, and it is forced to turn around and face her attacker. We then see June come in the scene where he sees first Yeon-hee, then getting ready to shoot a guard.

Yeon-hee is preparing for the arrow when in June flying out and takes the success in their place. However, the victim seems to be in vain, as the guard at Yeon-hee tries again, this time to hit her right in the chest. The impact of the arrow causes Yeon-hee below the cliff and fall into the water.

Once Yeon-hee the water hits to its surface is ice. Still very active, Yeon-hee swims frantically upward, but can not break through the ice. The mark of the curse begins to glow behind her ear, then stops; have also ceases to fight them. against the water

When she closes her eyes and floats downward, we hear in voiceover her words to Hyun-seo, that it would be better if she dies, then answer Hyun-seo is that they have to live. We see a shot of her broken fingernail, then made a dragon of June for it (which I believe that she wore with her), as she sinks to the bottom.


Wait, so ... all the Taoist masters are dead? Choi Hyun-seo is dead? If this is true, I did not see that coming. I expected, Hyun-seo (and the rest of his team) continue to play an important role in the fight against Hong-joo black magic, and although I could see how it would make sense to be less critical for him in the story of how we move along, I did not think that he would be out of the picture as soon

I'm glad we got a little more insight into Hyun-seo relationship with Hong-joo -. that is, before they stabbed him literally in the back. Yeom Jung-ah plays Hong-joo with such restraint, and they did a great job and gave us an insight into Hong-joo pain and conflict, as it on the way, which argues take it requires each with Hyun-seo. You can not Hong-joo evil deeds and the use of black magic by any means discount, but the battle, she fights - the need to blow up a system which is not, instead Hyun-seo method of playing work by the established rules - actually is understandable and something that we - and other characters in the story -. to refer

, in fact, Hong-joo struggles align very closely at the face of Heo those Jun: he was born with nothing, on the rich looked down, and no opportunity given to make something of themselves. He may not like the idea of ​​gambling are by the rules and live as a slave; so he opts for a more dangerous plan, just to try to get out of his current situation.

Of course, Jun's history also has parallels to Yeon-hee because both characters told over and over again that they were not born. _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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