Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 5 -

Sometimes life can enter problems from home carry a drunk neighbors. But the same neighbor may be just the person to help you blow your nose, keep your wig slipping or bind some useful braids. All that and more cute shenanigans have some growing feeling in our leads, and it is, as is also humiliating as make it popular. In addition to the budding love / hate relationship, we get a look at Dan-tae past and to explore its possible role its unknown secrets.


her sore Clutching back, is worried Gong Shim that the restaurant will be too extravagant for their wallets, but Dan-tae is added that he can afford it, jokingly added, he'll eat ramen for the next two months. Jun-su draws in his car to the restaurant, and Gong Mi eyes widen with the recognition of the two in the same restaurant waddle.

Having taken place, Gong Shim through the menu looks incredulous. There is no way they can afford one dish so that it deceives an extremely painful stomachache, and Dan-tae falls for the deed. Gong Shim now her back and her stomach clutched, they walk out of the restaurant in a hurry. Gong Mi observes with a sigh of relief to leave and jump in surprise, sent as Jun-su.

Gong Shim drops the act if they are out of sight of the restaurant, and a worried Dan-tae looks betrayed. They stated that there was no way he could have anything on the menu can afford, and Dan-tae laughs. He grabs her by the arm and suggests they go back, but Gong Shim roars back pain. Think she's joking, Dan-tae she pulls over again wolf cry, but this time it really is. She reminds him why it is primarily in the pain, and Dan-tae help her obediently on their way.

The restaurant Jun-su and Mi Gong Small Talk make about their appearance on television. She introduces herself as a lawyer and gives him her business card. Jun-su has no business cards and vaguely explains that he works in a company nearby, while a restaurant operates. The manager of the restaurant is to be welcomed by him, but Jun-su shoos him away mischievously.

Gong Mi stressed that they shared the bill and apologized for it forward approach. She compares it to run the 100-meter race and admits that she thought about him much, after you drove the rainy night back home. Jun-su and fro partially feelings, but compares his approach to a marathon. Gong Mi seems hopeful to its positive response, but Jun-su clarifies that he only wants to be friends. She takes the rejection and committed to their new friendship.

Dan-tae copy Gong Shim Omas pose proceeds, and Gong Shim shouts to make in this way it to them. She thinks back to piggyback blackout drunk Dan-tae on the back and is even angrier. Then she stumbles on her own feet and begins plump quickly fall to the ground, face first. Dan-tae uses his super-slow vision and super fast reflexes it easy to catch before it hits the ground. He tells her, proud that she had broken her nose without him, and him mockingly Thanks.

Gong Shim tried to buckle her shoes but crawling, bending his back. Dan-tae bends down to her shoes buckle, while trying to stay angry. When he comes up, he tells her that jokbal (pigs feet) is the best for her recovery, though he says just because a jokbal house is right behind them. Gong Shim numbers that Dan-tae would have been a fraud, if he was not a lawyer, and they head inside.

Dan-tae are Gong Shim the royal treatment, because it is thanks to her and Gong Shim seems to be treated a little uncomfortable so nice. When Gong Shim on water reactors, Dan-tae replaced their shift wig and runs to her side to her blow your nose to help. As she digs in, Dan-tae also noted that her hair keeps getting in their food, so he gets to tie rubber bands braids.

He sees them look new braid with pet names and comments that Jun-su, would have liked to see that. Gong Shim is serious and demands that he not reference Juns-su in the future. Dan-tae sees through their terse request but met thrown.

At home Gong Mi thinks back to Jun-su rejection. Looks like it is not so cool with him, as they seem to be there.

work the next morning Gong Shim from marches and ignored Dan-tae distractions, because it is too late. He follows her, because it is their business going again for the car accident settlement and stated that he made a huuuuge scratches on the side of the car grandmother. Gong Shim gasps at his accident and realizes that she has been deflected again. She runs away to be in fear of late.

catch While running the bus, Gong Shim tripping over her feet and fall flat on her face. The bus stops at the bus stop and the passengers laugh at the scene. Shamed by her fall, Gong Shim remains on the floor and told to leave the bus. Then, suddenly, it is the earth, the hands and feet in the air is lifted, as if. Of Superman Unfortunately for them, Dan-tae has come to the rescue and picks her up. He revels in the applause for a bit before pushing on the bus.

Gong Shim absolutely humiliated and the bus leaves as soon as he gets on. She catches a taxi, and Dan-tae is right behind her with her taxi on board. He wonders why she ran the bus, and he reenacts proud moment his savior with his fingers. Gong Shim sees him with anger full and stated that it was the bus because it was so embarrassing. Dan-tae looks sheepish recognize that it is his fault again.

When Dan-tae Gong Shim told a good day at work to have and admits that he here 2 hours early for his appointment. She shakes her head and tells him to come to his senses. Dan-tae imitates her nagging, once it goes away and noticed her cold greeting to Jun-su. He thinks back to her drunken pity when she told him to admit to be nice to her out of pity from overheard Jun-su.

Gong Mi found targeted because her partner sunbae to a case for evidence Choi production, there is the boss. Choi sunbae insists that they produced the evidence together, and hands to the boss a letter of resignation. Gong Mi refuses to accept this, but her boss demands of her even a letter of resignation. It does not matter that they fired.

Outside the office, Gong Mi asks Choi sunbae why they would sabotage their work. Choi sunbae she recalled that she would do anything, Gong Mi, although was to bring down (because Gong Mi has her case) at their own expense. She does not worry because they can set up their own private company, but what Gong Mi? Choi sunbae gleefully offers her a job at their new company when Gong Mi is looking for a new job.

Jun-su invites grandmother to her restaurant opening, but she refuses to go be Restaurant. He insists that it is for the company, since they use the company's products in the preparation of the menu, but they flatly rejects his invitation. It assumes that it just like the rest of his family, greedy for money. Jun-su sees the grandmother harsh words hurt, but accepts the rejection stoically.

Dan-tae overheard the conversation, as he is waiting for his appointment with grandma. So if Jun-su has left her office, they share an awkward silent greeting.

Dan-tae, here to respond to request for Omas Jun-Pyo search. He has to reject the case because it is not well equipped with the knowledge or experience for such a search. Granny sighs that she has done everything and tells us gone through the day Jun-Pyo.

Looking back at the first birthday party of Jun-su. If small Jun-Pyo and his mother arrived at the venue, and they were greeted by June sus mother lau. Jun-Pyo ran from the balloon man, while their mothers chatted. Jun-su mother expressed disappointment at Grandma and Grandpa absence at the ceremony, but Jun-Pyo Mom not comforted to heart to take their measures.

Jun-sus mother returned to welcome their guests, and Jun-Pyo Mom looked around for her son, only to realize that he lost. At home, grandmother received a mysterious phone call for a hundred million Won ask back to get her grandchildren.

Frantically calling for her little boy, mother Jun-Pyo walked the streets with June-sus mother on her tail. She discovered Jun-Pyo with an unknown man walking and ran roughshod over the street toward him, blind to the truck, which was rapidly gaining on her. With the same vision slow motion as Dan-tae, Jun-Pyo observed to be like his mother slowly hit by the truck and on the ground. Jun-sus mother ran away, while Jun-Pyo like at the sight fainted, and the kidnappers took him away. Fatally injured, mother Jun-Pyo wrestled her son name to say and the Butterfly tattoo on the arm of the abductor before she fainted.

Back to the present, grandmother asks Dan-tae that he reconsider. She has years of experience working with people and knows when a good man is got in their midst. Ask that he thought it over again, but her quest to keep a secret for Jun-Pyo, and Dan-tae agrees to do so.

Dan-tae sneaks in Jun-su office and startles him before putting on a conversation. Dan-tae asks if Gong Shim was ignoring him lately and if Jun-su ever said Gong Shim that he treats them well, because he feels bad for them. Jun-su claimed that he never told her that, but then he remembers his conversation with his mother and realizes that she must have been listening to the conversation. They realize that it's all a misunderstanding, and Jun-su wants to quickly find Gong Shim to clarify it

In this sense, Dan-tae another question for Jun-su has. What he thinks of Gong Shim? Jun-su says she is nice and puts him in a good mood. Then he asks Dan-tae that the same question, and Dan-tae says that it is like a misbehaving younger sister to him. Let's see it, guys.

It's turn to speak Jun-su, and they go on the roof to talk privately. Jun-su asks if Dan-tae heard his conversation with grandma earlier, and Dan-tae nods. Jun-su explains that he never had a good relationship with Grandma, because she believes that he caused Jun-Pyo disappearance. He hopes that Jun-Pyo for grandmother's sake come back to life and to please him so that he can win his Hyung and be on better terms with grandma. Dan-tae hear and puts a comforting hand on Jun-su shoulder.

Gong Shim watering heads to the attic of their plants, and Dan-tae asks what they are doing there at that hour, suddenly speaks in satoori. They have a full-on conversation until Dan-tae rotates to reveal an earpiece - he was with someone else on the phone conversation. Gong Shim realizes that she has spoken before the entire time, the Dan-tae are other laughter. He tells her: "Do not believe everything you see, yet everything you hear." He makes it clear that the people can take words to heart when the person they say it can not fully represent


Gong Shim thinks he talking nonsense and adds another to the list of alternative jobs for him: fraud and now Sham Creator. Although it can not quite make sense, she admits that his advice settles some of its internal conflicts. As she walks away, he smiles and says that he is able to regulate these conflicts, because he knows them.

Second grandmother (Jun-su grandfather's second wife) tells Jun-su Mom Jun-su to press to get married as a pretty woman and babies are of course the way the grandmother hyungnim heart. Jun-sus mother promises to try to convince her son, but she does not look too convinced by this plan.

Gong Mi comes on the set of her TV appearance, but the PD tells her that she has been replaced. They were given an order from the higher-ups, and they continue the show without them. Next, Gong Mi looking sunbae to help them to find a position in their company. But the sunbae can not help her because Gong Mi is for their allegedly sketchy business with proofs production blacklisted, and their pleas of innocence are not enough to get hired anywhere.

Helpless rejected, Gong Mi is before the court but quickly turns around at the sight of Dan-tae, who just won a case for his client. He suggests they go for naengmyeon and spots Gong Mi, as he passes by, but not they do not recognize. Naengmyeon is important.

Mother Gong to find heads to her Miss Korea alumnae group, willing to network Gong Mi a man. You will be welcomed by all women, but attention quickly shifts when Jun-sus mother enters the room. It still seems a rivalry between the mother Gong, Miss Korea Jin and Jun-su Mom to be Popularity Award. But it seems like Jun-sus mother won this time her eyes downward as in the day on Mother Gong dress Biesen

This returnaholic paths are a regular habit Mamas -. So regularly, that she has been blacklisted in the department store. We see Dad struggling to the department store to convince workers of re-taking the dress and forced himself to cry over his wife "sick in the hospital." Mom Dad signals loud crying, and he said how.

cooking at home mom and dad for receiving Gong Mi TV appearance, having learned every part of the debate by heart. They know that they are part of the Gong Mi heart and it is so sweet. Gong Mi comes out of her room and turns off the recording.

Mom vows popularity award Gong Mi thresholds to get back fame as a lawyer, and that only makes more Gong Mi at loss. Mama asks Gong Mi to prepare a few autographs for their friends who have to ask, but Gong Mi shouts her mother and goes away. Dad has the signatures for it to forge, and Mama takes cutely.

When Jun-su Gong Shim sees the work in his father's office, he makes it a priority to clarify their misunderstandings. He clarifies that he appease his mother by building everything she said, even if he does not believe everything they insisted on. He apologizes, and Gong Shim smiles, as if she was not affected.

Back to their friendly relationship provides Jun-su Gong Shim to help with their work. To appeal to President Seok, he gives her a few pointers, and she wonders if he's a real angel. Gong Shim delivers its report to President Seok larger font for his old tired eyes and prepares a drink heavy alcohol effects for its meeting to ease later in the night. He seems impressed and gives you two free movie tickets with her he boyfrie- to go, her boyfriend.

Gong Shim Thanks Jun-su for tips and shows him her movie ticket reward. He envies them because it missed to see the show, and Gong Shim jumps on the opportunity to see a movie with him. She thanked him for wanting to go with her. Aw.

When President Seok leaves the office, he says to keep Gong Shim their good work and gets a pat on the shoulder. Your proud moment is shattered by the sudden appearance of Dan-tae, the comments by the President on their recognition. It shows their free movie passes from Dan and-tae is hypnotized as "oooh, I want to." He pouts that he's busy, and Gong Shim says that happiness, because they see the movie with Jun-Su. He pinches her shirt with his fingers, as if he were pleading to see this movie, but Gong Shim frees herself from his grip. Oh, is that jealousy I feel?

Dan-tae meets with Grandma and updates on his progress in tracking down information about Jun-Pyo. Grandma looks happy that Dan-tae takes and confirms that Jun-Pyo is alive to this case. She shows him she received in the mail the necklace and it shows that she was waiting on this day for the sender in the park.

At home Dan-tae called his aunt to ask if Dad made it safely in the Philippines. Aunt is that he has done, even though we see Dad listening to the phone call around the corner. When Aunt returns to the hospital room, she finds an empty bed with a note from Dad to tell her that he would be heading to the Philippines and not to worry. FRAZZLED at the sudden disappearance, runs looking for him aunt from the room.

Gong Shim and Jun-su watch the movie, and Gong Shim bursting with excitement. Meanwhile, Dan-tae proceeds in his attic, ask about date of their film. It presents a very intimate date, with the two feed each other and cuddling. And so we find Dan-tae a plant to death chocking with his jealous face, and it's just too weird.

Concerned about the date, Dan-tae repeatedly calls Gong Shim, and she looks uncomfortable on her phone rings and trying to ignore the calls. Finally Gong Shim enters the theater of the call to accept and asks Dan-tae why he called. He stated that he called because they do not pick up, then noted that he had no reason to call. He quickly makes a wrong reason to that it. Problems with the boiler and Gong Shim seething with rage that he would call for a boiler problem on a hot day

Gong Shim hangs up and returns to the theater, but Dan-tae asks again, this time on a video call. After some thought Dan-tae came with a up - a better reason to call - in his head. He asks Gong shim to keep their phone kept on the screen, so that he can watch a free film with them. HA. Gong Shim shouts at him for wanting arrested and hangs up.

After the movie, Jun-su Gong Shim will treat for dinner, because they put the movie tickets available, but it is closely in time for its restaurant opening session. He offers her dumplings for her family of four to buy, and Gong Shim asks for a separate order, clearly for Dan-tae. You will also pay for yourself, and Jun-su is.

a face makes At the convenience store, Dan-tae on his triangular kimbap that exactly looks Gong Shim. Gu-nam commented that it's like Gong Shim looks, but Dan-tae denies it. He seems more annoyed by Gu-nam and shoos him away before returning to its Gong Shim work kimbap.

Gong Shim enters the convenience store, and Dan-tae covers quickly kimbap on. She offers him dumplings, because everything he eats convenience store food. When they tried to take away the kimbap, Dan-tae tries to stop them and stuffs it in his mouth. Gong Shim takes his actions as an impolite rejection of dumplings it and rushes him away got into a rage.

Dan-tae trails after her, trying to explain his full mouth, but Gong Shim does not want to hear his excuses. On their way up the stairs, Gong Shim loses balance and begins to fall over Dan-tae catches them and pushes them upright.

But in fact, Dan-tae is pushed backwards and rolled down the stairs. He has his arm clearly violated, but claims that it is okay if Gong Shim comes to his side noise. He tells her to go home, and once it is out of sight, it bends pain.

The next morning waters Gong Shim their roof installations and provides for the occupation to Dan-tae arm. Shocked by his injury, approaches Gong Shim and asks him if cast from his fall the night before was. With a serious look on his face, Dan-tae, he says something to you has to say.

Slow Dan-tae goes towards Gong Shim, when she goes to the back until it hits the wall. He beats his cast against the wall and comes close. "From now on, I do not want you to be with another man near." Then he leans in close as Gong Shim overcomes unpleasant.


Awww yay, he confessed! It is refreshing to have such a short period of denial and fear, but those things that I already do not expect from Dan-tae. He's just a little boy, now and always, and all he wants to do is play with Gong Shim. Why are the joys with his playmate refuse to be? Gong Shim can now her feelings not be aware, but there has to be something, when Dan-tae of the calls is to answer (begrudgingly, but still), while on a date with another man. And then the payment for Dan-tae of dumplings. Girl, you like it as much.

This show is so precious and so full of inexplicably delicious moments. It can not be the action, because the thing dry as hell, but somehow our characters (not all, but most) are able to keep this show considerable. I can not get enough of our eccentric couple, Gong Shim and Dan-tae, who are not of this world. They act like animated characters with their exaggerated facial expressions and Simple Minds. It is extremely entertaining to see them bounce off each other, still mutually approaching bickering over the pettiest things with the best intentions. Honestly, the atmosphere can be a little lowbrow sometimes feel (Catch the Girl! Catch the shift wig!), but I find myself laughing all the same.

But love as much as I Gong Shim and Dan-tae, they can not alone cover up the shortcomings of this show. There is nothing that really show plot, other than the search for Jun-Pyo ride that is definitely Dan-tae. It's just a matter of time, and as Dan-tae find out, but it will eventually happen. Dan-tae the side of the story has more makjang tendencies, and I'm not interested, immersed in this area in my toes. Meanwhile, we have got nothing essential. So if we need conflicts, the only thing Gong Shim angry at the triangle kimbap to stir the pot and be a nice little plot device.

While I appreciate doing aspects of character Gong Mis - her assertiveness, her feelings to Jun-su in confessing whether they drove by her ambition; to be their responsibility and burden of the breadwinner for her family - she is definitely not the most reliable of characters. The real content of their character will be determined by how they achieved these things and their motives which did not appear to be innocent of the time. I'm really ambivalent Gong Mi character and more disapproving when it comes to their actress. Seo Hyo-rim makes it not really for me as Gong Mi. Maybe someone does that they do a good job detest the character, but I think they act just kind meh is. It could be relatively, but. Your expressive awkward-looking and robotic delivery side by side just does not compare with the Minah Gong Shim.

This show shines with shim Gong as our central character. It is gratifying to observe their insecurities slowly, to be replaced with confidence, and fortunately, it has to help two fanboys at her side. It will be interesting to see how Gong Shim except deals in which it is placed on their eyes and who. Her heart on Set More specifically, it will be a nice awkward discovery of Gong Shim with much stumbling over her own feet and instigating the liveliest jealousy. While alcohol is a major mediator has been definitely so far, there is nothing like jealousy to arouse some feelings and actions.


  • Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 4
  • Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 3
  • Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 2
  • Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 1
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  • namgoong min, Minah are all smiles for Beautiful Gong Shim
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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, Episode 5, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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