Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 1 -

uncontrollable Fond has been one of the more buzzed-about projects of the year, and it finally premiered to a strong start, the Wednesday to Thursday pecking order and upending claiming the top spot. (It grabbed 12.5% ​​rating, while Wanted drew 7.0% and happy Romance fell to 6.6%).

I went in Uncontrollable Fond with cautious optimism, on the one hand would not expect too much, and also want the hype not that perverse contrarian stripes to move inward, where you want it all that is not overhyped. (Some things are hyped well we can can not let other people's expectations ruin our enjoyment of things! Do not let them win!) Maybe it helped to consciously avoid the humming because I was able to a fairly to go with clean slate and found this Premiere engaging and surprisingly moving. Also curiosity-stoking. Next episode, please! * Stretches Hand Fuser *

But well, let this get first:


In an empty church, a young couple handles hands, wearing grave faces. The groom begins his wedding vows and promises never recites his wife's hand from that moment to let go.

Then he turns to her, cupping her face gently in his hands.

Before he can seal the vows with a kiss, the doors of the church are split open and pour gangsters inside. The handler throws the groom's hyungnim woman-the bridegroom count of theft that they from the start and then orders his bat, was killing him his wife.

The ensuing battle puts the groom at a serious disadvantage, and he is soon bloody and bruised despite doing his best to fight them off. It does not look good ...

cry His bridal supplies groom with new energy he fights better and faster now, dodging attacks and delivers blows. A blow to the head does not even slowed him down, and he keeps on fighting.

Then, the boss a gun and shoots him in the heart.

The groom is in shock still, when he registered his wound. A tear falls from his eye.

It occurs to his bride, and bang! He shot again. But that does not faze him, and not the next shot. When he pulls the gun from the gangster away, everyone looks confused.

"I will not die," said the groom blatant pragmatism. And behind the cameras, the crew gapes: You are on a drama set, then the groom actor SHIN-YOUNG Joon's ( Kim Woo-bin ), and this is the big climactic finale.

The director points out that his death was written from the beginning, but Joon-young, he says changed his mind: "I can not thus die, Director. "It calls modify a script and go.

Joon-Young team is refusing at her wit's end, with the Writer to process the end. The finale airs tonight, and they are in danger of missing the consignment; Rumors of discord have the Internet and Joon-young takes a netizen taken beatings for his arrogance.

But things become clearer when Joon-young shows up in a hospital and speaks solemnly to his doctor, unable to wrap his head around the diagnosis, he had given. How can he be so healthy and fit and dying of an incurable disease, which is less than a year to live it? (What nobody told me we were drama in an incurable disease. My heart is! For those not ready.)

He asks if the doctor made a mistake his condition could, or confused him for his allotted to chip drama character, but the doctor remains secure his diagnosis. Joon-young with a touch of defiance asks: "What if I say I will not die How do know you, I die What if I refuse to die, then what??"

when he sits in his car later, pleading with him Agency President Joon-young-only drama anything filmed, and if he would agree [1945013nur] to die, would pack everything smooth. His eyes fill with tears of rage to do not even want to give this fictional death.

On a rainy field at night, where a woman with a camera draws up, while on the phone talking to a friend who sobs loudly in her ear. It is NOH VEL ( Suzy ), and she is stunned silent when her friend whines, "Shin Joon-young died!"

And then her friend makes it clear that he died in the drama finale, and Eul relaxed.

Just then, spots Eul rain pull a truck in the upward and is low to the ground, do their camera recording as several men some with large metal drums. Suddenly her camera is pushed aside, as one of the men staring menacingly down. Whoops, trapped.

Eul ends in a corporate conference room locked and bangs loudly on the door, to a middle-aged executive connects them inside. She pegs him (and his company) he easily refuted as routine perpetrators of illegal sewage dumping, for a fee. He identified them as a producer and are they confiscated the camera to her-with wiped his memory, of course.

Do not fussed and said, happy that it has been unloaded from the other nights much film his company their waste. The serenity of the man flags, and he asks her what she wants, willing to make a deal. Eul is offended when he pushes a thick envelope of money, screaming that he dares to think, to cover the truth with money.

But the next thing you know, Eul the money into an ATM Deposit (minus a bill that it considers itself). She calls her loan shark, "Grim Reaper", to inform him of this payment. (You still owe 27,000 dollars.)

That night, Joon-young gets a call from his lawyer about his request down to pursue a particular woman. The question of how many details he'd like to know about them, Joon-young answers that he wants to know where she lives, what she does, if she went to the University whether she is married. His face darkens a little, as he adds, "And if she is married, her husband is doing what."

Yet, he does not want, they know that he was looking for her up-nor did he even intend to hit her.

Eul goes home that night, and comes on a donation bin where she slips the last bill she had kept. She looks at a large screen on the side of a building, their eyes are wistful mounted at the sight of Joon-young face in an advertisement.

Tomorrow is Joon-young in his huge, extravagant villa where he is woken up by his extremely well-behaved dog. The dog turns his nose into the bowl of dog food until it pours, and Joon-young tells him that the dog probably go to his manager, "after I'm gone" Hyung, who will not feed him fancy food or do anything Joon- young does.

Joon-young cooks a pot of Ramyun and takes a bite, then put his stick down and sighs that he was sick because he all instead of rice, the time ate Ramyun.

Eul tried to do tasks and sweet talk her landlady in not increase their rent, but the ajumma refuses to move. Eul sighs that she has nowhere else to go.

Joon-young sitting in his car outside a restaurant and clocks (wistfully, perhaps) ajumma a table of customers and waiting for them. He heads inside with his face covered by a giant hood and sunglasses and ordered a hundred dishes the house specialty, spicy beef soup.

informed him coldly that she soup not sell him, that makes Joon-young insisting louder that he wants some. Finally, he pushes aside the cap and the glasses decreases because the other guests know him to insist on and start to film him on their cell phones.

spraying a ajusshi jumps into things over to smooth, and Ajumma barks him salt to Joon-young leaves, as he will need some kind of energy poor cleaning. Joon-young hands over a map of the ajusshi asked him to approve its wholly bowl of soup, then pauses for just a spoonful of a table of guests to make.

Eul laying on their roof deck, looking at the sky and her nearly empty bank account sigh about, if she has to feed, clothe and educate her younger brother.

She has a snappy email from the production company gets where she works, to tell her to get more, not: "We do not need trash like you in our company." Ouch.

After Joon-young leaves the restaurant, Ajusshi Ajumma scolds so too hard to-be for her own son. Whoa. That's some mother-son baggage we have here going on. Ajusshi tells her that celebrities these days are worlds away from entertainers of the past (as vulgar occupations), and that Joon-young makes much more money than he would as a prosecutor or judge (that's what she wanted for him) , He argues that they do not simply ignore or look at Joon-young down, and when it deems that her son can back them back. However, Mom is unmoved.

Joon-young returns home and declares another failure, with more Ramyun sit today when he asks his dog if he should just say Mom, he will die soon. At least then she'd let himself eat him soup.

His manager Hyung Gook-young comes in to complain that he dropped projects that are very lucrative, and reminds him that his refusal to die in the drama is still a fresh spot on his image. Joon-young voice sharpens, as he recalls Gook-young mind that he did die as they wanted, and warns: "From now on I will do anything I do not want to do."

Eul breaks in a meeting on behalf of their production company, armed with special drinks and a sickening amount of aegyo to pour on the charm. Your boss, the CEO of the company, she barks that she was fired, but Eul breezes right past that it tells of a big shovel working on.

their sunbae interrupts, they work with taking hush money charging a number of recent stories they then dropped. The CEO asks sarcastically: "Do not you have a conscience?" And orders her out.

, that you knock down a bit, but Eul take a moment and comes back as sunny as ever, her CEO and sunbae all payouts reminds larger sums for even more corruption scandals, have taken themselves. You fidget uncomfortably, but cling to their just indignation, as she pleads for another chance.

Eul adds cheerfully (and possibly shoot himself in the foot), that they will this time do a really good job ... not to be caught, as its CEO and managed sunbae.

So it is no wonder that we see the next time Eul, she's drunk and babbling, not very remorseful about corruption; rather feels it when everyone else got off unpunished punished unjustly. Dormouse it to be bad all in the world, as it is connected by a stern-faced man, CHOI JI TAE ( In Joo-hwan ), who shakes his head. She laments that it is unfair that only to be fired, but upright and principled Ji-tae says it is good that they are now caught before more are damaged.

Ji-tae takes Eul tonight to drink, and even disapproving the waitress unni clucks to ask what their dead parents would think to see her like this. Ji-tae says Eul on her wrong today to reflect on the evening and leaves.

Eul will dramatically and declared that they would do that, and then die. It makes such a ruckus that a nearby diner calls for them to die later because he will die on be dinner first. Manager Gook-young at this table is, try to calm the drunken PD ruffled feathers of who Joon-young reneging angry on his contract.

This name Eul listen with interest while Gook-young speaks in defense of Joon-young. He argues that they ponied infringement charges, but the PD laments that there is hardly compensated, not after how hard they shoot this documentary about Joon-young.

Oh, and a light bulb goes on Eul from.

Drunk PD must be supported out of the restaurant, and Eul the group approaches outside asking: "Should I try to convince him?" She knows what she documentary on work and explains that she can convince Joon-young, to do the project.

They released their trust as mere boasting, but she makes a suggestion: If it is successful, they hire her. She swears honest, this time to work without corruption.

When a bit of a distance, Ji-tae hear the exchanges that have not left.

Over at another lavish villa, a girl reads a blog post and on behalf of "our Joon-young" offended at the gossip baiting. It is CHOI HARU, avid fangirl and Ji-tae younger sister. Oh, if the righteous Oppa is super-rich. Haru's father asks her if she loves Joon-young, that much, and the girl practically embracing and asks him to marry.

Dad is a former prosecutor and now assemblyman ( Yoo Oh-sung ), and his wife nags him not to work so hard. Assemblyman Choi sent from the housekeeper for privacy, and Mom thinks he will scolding for nagging, only to have it, they embrace warmly. He thanks her to be his wife, and she is smiling happy.

Meanwhile, Joon-young mother PREPS ingredients and a headline from a newspaper it as a placemat with is in their restaurant already catches your eye: It is Assemblyman Choi. She looks at his picture with sad eyes down and holding hand on heart and um, this is going where I think it is?

The sound of breaking glass pulls Mom out of her thoughts, and she finds Restaurant Ajusshi with a collection of side dishes and ingredients. Ajusshi is a terrible liar and insists that all these foods is not absolute for Joon-young; it is for a friend of his son. (Ah, Restaurant Ajusshi Manager Gook-young father. This premiere has too many characters!)

Then Ajusshi indignantly asked why it is important, when he did give food to Joon -Young that picky taste and are only eating has Ramyun and kimbap. He wonders how Mom can be so cold, and everything she says in return is, "then his Joon-young Mom."

Eul shows at Joon- young doorstep, and the sight of her face on the monitor makes it surprised gape, or maybe even shock. Eul explains that she is not a crazy person or rabid fan, is calling for a nice, law-abiding citizen.

Manager Gook-young she recognizes and is surprised that she actually came; he explains Joon-young, as she claimed, she would convince Joon-young to do the documentary.

Gook-young, she says something crazy seemed but Eul replied that the manager should be on their side, to remind him that he had a lot of complaints about the star. It lists his grievances and Gook-young swears Joon-young that he never said the things.

During the whole time, Joon-young just stares fiercely at the monitor. If she says he can chase them away, if it considers them crazy, he interrupts and says: "I can now walk will hunt," and the monitor turns off.

Eul already ringing his door repeatedly, but Joon-Young-feet away. She turns to go ... and then spies on the security camera in the entrance area attached.

So when Joon-young on his TV to the security camera channel flips, he spots Eul before his door to the camera with a notebook on. She leafs through them Love, Actually style: "I know you are surprised Please take time away what you were doing when you change your mind, please call me up, you... open the door, I'll wait here quietly. ^^ ♥ "

So Joon-young goes about his business, his dog Baden (named Pororo, which is absurd and adorable ) and watch TV. All the while Eul sitting outside in the cold, even if it starts to snow. But when she called her brother and he suspects skipping meals, she finally gets under way and, let the little snowman in their place, with the note: "I will be back." Joon-young looks late in the camera monitor that night.

In the morning he takes his outdoor gear, gets into one of his many fancy cars and pulling out his driveway ... and swings the second of its door, Eul strokes inside and blocked his car. He screeches to a halt, and it is directly and wishes him a good morning. He is obviously uncomfortable with her presence, but she rattles along and says that although they expected that he would feel angry and confused, her business is urgent.

Joon-young is her 3 seconds the car to get, they ignored unabashedly, and then it will switch to high speed. He drives recklessly, forcibly breaking through the traffic, give Eul knocking. But when he gives her the chance at a red light out, she refuses and prepares a firm grip on the car.

He sees into traffic again, occasionally deviates to the oncoming lane one car pass right into the path of an oncoming truck. It differs from the way lately, but it's too much for Eul, and she is forced to vomit at the side of the road.

Joon-young throwing a few bills at her side and tells her, adding that will cover their treatment that they should not see each other again. He gets back into the car and drives off.

Eul is in the right and then looked down and there on the snowy sky, her eyes slipping tears.

Joon-young drives on as the snow grow stronger, and switches the radio to a news announcement of an accident: A truck on the road slipped and hit a twentysomething woman, middle of the road now he is traveling. Joon-young recalls past an ambulance recently and not shake his unease as the violations of women are described as serious.

He makes a U-turn and heads back to the place where he had pulled over, but found no sign of Eul.

Joon-young continues his journey, and takes a call from his attorney: he that woman is. Joon-young answers, "So I have."

He pulls over the car, and looks into the distance: A woman at the side of the road trudges, wobbling unsteadily on his feet. He moves closer and leads on to Eul, intently staring.

She stares even breaks into a smile. "Have you changed your mind?" She asks. "Is that why you came back?" She explains that she does not do everything just a job for themselves achieve. She says the documentary will do a lot to improve its raw image, and earn money ...

He cuts her off, speaking in banmal: "Do not you want me to know," she replies that everyone knows who he is, but he cuts them off again, her name with intensity and said: ".? Noh Eul do not you know me"

"I know you," she replies, dropping to banmal. "You son of a bitch."


Ah, interesting. Although I do my best, not background knowledge of a show (of promos and teasers) affect how I observe to have the actual show itself, except I was not for Uncontrollable Fond right dive in to the present without some sort of flashback or reference to the past, because we have said before, that they somehow separated first love, who got together again and again as adults aged. But the episode was quite sources of background information, and I took the action as the show presented there, asked when we would be given further instructions. And things kept development and Joon-young reveal anything about possibly Eul knowing and Eul held in polite speech to Joon-young spoke, as if he were a stranger.

There was the episode a dose of excitement and energy that I was not expected, but really appreciated. It kept me on the edge of my seat, someone wanted first to break, to recognize each other, to fill us what epic background story has to be pretty.

I suppose, the waiting time and had the same effect on the characters because Joon-young ignorance pretend held until they came in an angry outburst, and their response was much stronger than their behavior, that in advance point would have suggested. So now I'm dying to know what happened, which means that it has done its job as Premiere. Curiosity aroused, mission accomplished, I'll be back tomorrow.

I was afraid that Joon-Young's blend of charm and aggression would hate me make the character and more the point, hatred Kim Woo-bin after a post Heirs losing Volume affection for him. (So ​​charming, but so annoying!) But Joon-young was much more than some spoiled, rich motion star, and I found myself walking dead all-in with him and his painful loneliness. Once the show told me he died (, like the show to kill him ), it shifted everything; it seemed annoyingly smug flirting in the promos now makes sense with a clock is ticking, and it pulls strings in my heart that I will not be taken expected.

I suspect that similar layers with Eul walking on nature, but they were not played as much or maybe they were, but you can with dying hero compete not easy. Anyway, I want to be clear to an almost offensive degree; it is not only happy, she's happy as a defense mechanism, perhaps sometimes as a crime mechanism. It is shamelessly and deliberately happy, so much so that it makes her unmusical, nor that hints at more things going on under the surface, and I'm curious to know what that is.

More than anything, I am pleased and relieved to see writer Lee Kyung-hee returned with moody, melancholic romance; I'm such a fan of some their work, but not all, and I did not know what type we would get. Your intense, classic melodramas ( I'm Sorry, I Love You ; A Love to Kill ) were what made her name (as well as the flashier Nice Guy ), but I easily sentimental Melos much rather, as it snows at Christmas and Thanks . I think, also recognized the romantic, thoughtful touch this drama a refreshing change, and that, when it flashes occasionally, it does not turn into another kind of drama by watering on the comedy. So far, the show has makes me feel a sentimental, bittersweet romance with a strong stream of emotions by a touch of lightness balanced, and that speaks for me. A lot of.

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tags: featured, first episodes, in Joo Eun, in Joo- hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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