Recap And Reviews Kdrama An Introduction to Drama World: Episodes 1-3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama An Introduction to Drama World: Episodes 1-3 -

JavaBeans: Viki his first original Web series Drama World called last month released and since we were invited to screen at the premiere, we thought that we weigh them would. At least the first part of it, as Viki is the episodes gradually released; I think six episodes are visible now when subscribers with premium access should be able to the whole thing to watch

girlfriday .: There is a short 10-episode web drama about a drama fan who gets sucked into an alternate world (named Drama world, of course), where actors who live the basic dramas, as if they are real life. Apparently, it is in danger, though, because the heroine Drama World needs and ensure that true love reigns

JavaBeans .: I have to be honest, for the first Viki when I save heard she was going an original series about an American drama fan in a Korean drama, I was skeptical - it was a way to do this without being embarrassed massively cheesball or second hand?

girlfriday .: Yes, that's the million dollar question

JavaBeans: But when I saw the trailer, I thought it might actually work because it was not only a K-Drama imitates idea and make it for international fans; it found a way, in a fantasy / meta component to work, which I found clever: has to do to fit the heroine in "Drama World", so and not reveal that it points is actually producing land. It's basically like the grave lings and reapers in Dead Like Me (where, threshing look human but are responsible for dispatching souls while grave astride death Engineering), and this is one of my favorite shows of all time ,

girlfriday: Yes, I pleasantly surprised by the way she was surprised the meta-humor hugged and did not take it too seriously. It is a loving look at drama, filled with allusions to well-known drama tropes and cheeky asides to the audience

JavaBeans .: Does not that it is to say not pretty Cheese - it is - but it is a part of the sensibility that the show embraces. So yes, there is cheese, but it's not like it's inadvertent cheese. It's cheese with a purpose

girlfriday: How about we let them see for themselves? Here is Episode 1:

Source: Viki

JavaBeans: Although, I wonder how much of our first reaction swaying was the fact that we screened in a theater full of enthusiastic spectators who all enjoyed a hearty laugh and fed each other from power.

girlfriday .: , which definitely contributed to the humor, sure

JavaBeans: And do not forget the brandy. This also helped. Which means this stone-cold sober rewatch now will be an interesting exercise: Will it hold? Is it so cute-with-some-cheesiness as I remembered, or it will usually be cheesiness? One way to find out ...

girlfriday: The first episode begins with a "Previously on ..." segment of our drama in the drama called Taste of Love .

JavaBeans: I think it's a pretty clever opener is (despite the confusion of literally a series that flashes "Episode 12" Start on the screen), as of now, we a sense of getting campy tone - it's all seriousness for the characters within Taste of Love ( Sean Dulake of Athena Bae Nuri embraced by Sweden laundry and moon, the sun Kim Sa-hee of Cheongdam-dong Scandal and Thorn flower ), but the slight over-the-top tone tells us that we in the joke about the rich chaebol hero, plucky everygirl, bitchy envious second line, intrusive mother, and all the familiar things. in


girlfriday: , and then, as we move away from the screen, subtitles appear, and we meet the real heroine of this Drama, Claire (played by Liv Hewson ). She is in the bathroom with her phone crouched weeping over the latest episode of Taste of Love while her father roars back to get into the sandwich shop to work, he runs.

[1945011JavaBeans] I do not know what to think of Claire (or Liv) not yet, but considering the track records of K-dramas with English actor, I find them pretty decent - especially as it is this extensive clunky providing monologue about how dramas are for sale all over the pure love and first kiss and type of intensity.

girlfriday .: My favorite material is to make the installation of your favorite actors the same expression in drama after drama, as it describes the plots with her fangirl fervor

JavaBeans: Claire's father is understandably exasperated with their single-minded obsession with dramas, and you know, I think this setup works (although I'm not sure whether to work in future episodes continue it) where it is fixed on to monitor this exciting, beautiful world on her cell phone and her father can not understand why they refused to live in the present. It is a kind of surly about it, and he's worried clear

girlfriday .: Yes I like that she has this obsession with dramas because your real thinks life is boring and ordinary. It is relatable

JavaBeans .: you have this exchange, insulted them and it's kind of unexpectedly intense, and I thought, this is could be really poignant when, for example, where he , Claire's path through the show was to recognize that dramas are good, but the real life the true life, and life through the imagination of Drama World makes you appreciate the authenticity that they do not appreciate now. (That is, of the future episodes I really do not know if that's where the show I do not expect it ..)

girlfriday: Yes I to this scene recall, that the real happy ending would be if they embrace so little of herself using her real life and stopped began to think.

JavaBeans: Wait ... We are not going to say Drama addicts to shake the addiction, are we? Gasp! When did that turn

girlfriday: It was not me! It was Claire's father! He had only a convincing argument, or Jedi mind-tricked me

JavaBeans: Let's just say we think drama addiction is best if managed and controlled, such as coffee. Not heroin! Let's move on, because I know how I feel this argument can not get much longer erect. Back to the show where Claire is alone late at night work in the business, and will again them after hours on show-in-the-show where the vampy second guide trying to get Sean character his restaurant (hot rich cooking, to the point with the trend, of course!) and Bae Nuri watches forlornly through a window

girlfriday .: Claire is so immersed in the screaming hero not to kiss the second guide that not even the thief in their store breaks not noticed (Cameo of Sam Hammington ). In her rage, she stumbles over a mop bucket and her cell phone goes flying into the air ... and then they zap when they phone disappears into

JavaBeans .: in their Drama lands and literally ends in the middle of the kiss, right between Sean and Sa-hee on. They all stare at each other, and then she faints. On girlfriday Episode 2

wake up the best part of Claire and find all main characters of their favorite drama, staring back at her is when they then falls into a swoon, and only happens in the hero to fall into his arms. It's almost like she's seen a drama or two!

JavaBeans: No, the real best part is when Justin Chon ( Dawn ) bursts to take Claire because he the only apart from Claire, who knows the meta context. That is, Drama World a world of drama held plots, and that his job is to plot smooth as running to help

girlfriday "facilitator". I love only the looks on everyone's faces when he says that Claire is his sister.

JavaBeans: "Uh ... adopted" Justin as hilarious as expected. Now, when we go to talk about acting, I must say I am pleasantly surprised by the cast surprised so far - I am glad that they actually got drama actress, because they are very natural, and subpar acting is really one of the problems with Web drama productions. You can not treat a Web drama as second-tier production and then be disappointed if it does not get popular! It is only if you bother, and the Web-Drama treat like a real production that'll go anywhere. That said, I wish Sean were natural to reflect. Although I believe that if we were in the screening, played its stiffness as part of the cliché of the Stoic chaebol

girlfriday .: It did get lots of laughs

JavaBeans .: I like how Justin (he, "Seth," but honestly I think of most of them, as the actor name, other than Claire) here said that everything is understood because of the subtitles immediately. Very clever allusion to Viki all raison d'etre, really - simultaneous consumption and understanding where the language is not an obstacle. They also in the streets and everyone there is also the hero of their own drama, either a fight or a big romantic moment, haha ​​

girlfriday .: Yes, that was fantastic.

JavaBeans: Episode 2 has some pretty funny moments. Here, take a look:

Source: Viki

girlfriday: The one thing that was confusing me about the mythology as in Claire's Drama World, Sean and Nuri the hero and heroine were any drama but if significantly different drama worlds exist with other actors

JavaBeans .: Perhaps within Drama verses, each running drama world parallel to the other? (Sequel bait!)

girlfriday .: It was almost like the OTP was outside the play-in drama of how these two actors were to be together forever fated

JavaBeans: I'm not quite with Claire it giddiness in her favorite drama to be, but then I imagine how I would feel to be in an eternal drama loop with Lee Jun-ki and Shin Mina or Joo-won and UEE

girlfriday .: Yes, but then, how would you be able to stay out of the drama? I think this is Claire's problem

JavaBeans .: The mechanism of Drama World Art escapes me, because if Justin has been in 50 plays as an extra, that Nuri and Sean together get me to the real world, 50 dramas there to believe with them that? I wonder if it'll clarify episodes in the future, or if I only want to accept it and move on. Also, I find it a tiny bit creepy, "wipe" the memories of our character actor to once a drama ends, so they. In another star Is this just because I think of Joss Whedon and The Dolls ?

girlfriday: It is not easy! I totally thought to how they experience different roles over again but end up still together. But clearly we think too much about the mythology

JavaBeans .: But that's what we DOOOOOO

girlfriday .: I just don 't know that Drama World will answer these questions

JavaBeans .: on the other hand, it is always clear that see producers do dramas and love them - I was so crazy if she only raised a number of clichés together and made fun of the whole genre, which is why those random Youtube or Mad TV skits, how funny-stupid K-dramas are always make me angry. You do not even get it, and they are fun? No way

girlfriday .: Yes this really is from the perspective of drama fans, and it deserves a lot of good will. Anyway, Justin Claire says all the rules of Drama World and drops the bomb on her when the OTP did not get together by the end of the drama, their entire universe ceases to exist. No pressure or anything

JavaBeans .: I burst out laughing when Sean played the cello and took a shower, but because obvs he is the leading man. Hee.

girlfriday: Hey, they know their fans

JavaBeans: I think it's a great conflict comes, that wrench in the works to throw Drama country to be in danger because it has operations and also warns us that something is going wrong in Taste of Love . Perhaps their writers went crazy and went AWOL

girlfriday: I think we should believe that there are no writers and directors in Drama World. Strain the things of FATE, okay

JavaBeans: Episode 2 ends with Claire a job at Sean's Restaurant get, and I have to get out of a genuine laugh Drama World his sponsor banners just like regular dramas do at the ends of episodes publish.

girlfriday: I know that cracked me up

JavaBeans .: There are the small details which add. I think that's why we had such a positive first reaction, because there is a lot of care in it was set. More than a lot of Korean Web dramas I've seen almost all of which have been disappointing because it halfheartedly, honestly felt a little.

girlfriday: Yes, production value matters, no matter how short the project! Episode 3 begins with Claire about her role in drama World as taking "facilitator", although she fights to keep you stay out of the Drama Characters business of Justin's rules. He warns, ominously, that they do not want to be part of the action, or it will be serious consequences

JavaBeans .: Uh, it's terrible there, incidentally. The problem is not who the main characters inaugurated information, but it's like the biggest gossip state secrets entrusting know. It is simply too excited, though I think I would be excited to run into Han Ji-min (another cameo). Apparently it is not to be this Drama is, so the fact that it is the intersection of past indicative of a kind of drama world screwiness. Below, Episode 3:

Source: Viki

girlfriday: Claire begins immediately in the act involved when she tells Nuri, Sean likes and nudges to let them down (literally) and go for it her hair. Then it's a mistake after another, come with the hero of the mother to eat and Nuri doing all the wrong things, thanks to Claire

JavaBeans .: Long story (Night) short, dinner alternately ruined into a nightmare, especially because of Claire's well-intentioned but totally interventions bungling, and it all ends - far easier from everything, Claire is the cause of a serious setback in the romance department. A highlight of the night is the reference to the flashbacks, but we can make the audience that for themselves to observe. I do not want to ruin the punchline

girlfriday: Not only that, but Claire ends up on the hero of the radar get, which means that they break this rule to getting their own History is on in the drama.

JavaBeans: This is therefore the first three episodes in a (somewhat large) point. We are not sure whether we will cover the rest of the series, if perhaps guys you can let us know if there is strong interest in it. Maybe we can play by ear

girlfriday .: rumor is that Siwon cameos in the next episode! Just Sayin '

JavaBeans .: Oh, and the occupation to a more epic Cameo indicated by Yang Dong-Geun in a future episode also. I'm surprised they have pretty big names appear as a guest, but good on them for it. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with the level of production and the attention to detail, and these aspects manages error for me to overcome. (Because let honest, there were a few cringe worthy moments in there, too.) I give it points for world building and its own mythology to create - even if you do not think that this feel like an American drama is more what happens on to be Korean dramas? Instead of relying on Korean dramas actually riffing something

girlfriday: There does, and that's part of what keeps them separated, because it is more like a feels project for another observer determined, even if that is not a bad thing. It's just very clear for an international audience to understand that identifies with the fandom, and is a step from the real drama country away

JavaBeans .: For example, I do not know Korean not that they would not understand the plot, but the comic timing and line delivery is all very American - audiences expect watch Drama World and watch it in the same way we do. Strange, I feel it has an interesting stylistic difference in the actions of the Korean cast acting in Korean, and those who act in English. Not in a bad way, but in a strange, unknown road

girlfriday .: I think maybe in a story like this one can wave away within Drama as part of the differentiation of - a drama of the drama, unless it were a regular history without these interdimensional elements, I do not know if it would work

JavaBeans .: I for the benefit of hope production, the Drama World for Viki ends successfully than because Korean web dramas for a few years have been, and I do not really think that she had yet thought of, as the format. I want to find the support for the format as a whole, and it would be nice to have a successful example be that obviously the genre and format loves as much as this.

girlfriday .: Yes, we are all for more original international content and more Web-dramas that really take advantage of the short format in his stories

JavaBeans: and they think of what they could do with more budget and time and resources.

girlfriday: Get Lee Je-hoon on board? Yoo Yeon-seok? Song Joong-ki

JavaBeans: Well, I would Claire to be

girlfriday .: Well then, would destroy Drama World.

JavaBeans: Sorry-not-sorry

Tags: Bae Nuri, Discussion Post, Drama World, in the first episodes, Justin Chon, Kim Sa-hee, Sean Richard, Web Drama

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