Recap And Reviews Kdrama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 2 -

How Do -kyung is and Hae-young-pasts are revealed, we gain more insight into why they are who they are now, and why do do-Kyung that great error ended. His premonitions begin almost exclusively on Hae-jung to concentrate, which raises a lot of questions about their origins and why they now begin. Regardless of why, they seem do-Kyung Hae-jung and to pull each other's paths, whether they want to or not.

EPISODE 2 Recap: "A relationship of gross negligence"

Hae-young is fearless in busy traffic Do-Kyung purse and gives it to him and said his only "I do not die" is retrieved as in vision. But this time it's reality, and as a Do-Kyung stares at her, confused, she continues, "What I want most these days is about to die. What I want is never true. So I do not wanna die . "

Do-Kyung finally snapped out of his daze and thanks her and Hae-jung asks him to buy a drink. She takes it back immediately, but snarks that she thinks on his dime her nose done of getting (as he smacked it earlier). Too bad, they would accept a drink in compensation, but he did not take them fast enough to them. ~ pfft ~

Hae-Young leads Do-Kyung in a bar for the drink anyway, even though he only drinks water (he does not drink). She wonders what her boyfriend Hee-ran tells him of her, which is tricky for him to answer, because he thought the whole time that Hee-RAN over another girl was talking Oh Hae-young.

Do-Kyung not to remember there before, but Hae-jung looks flickering his eyes and asks him to lie. You harangues him for an answer, until he finally yells over the music: " She said you're beautiful " That's Hae-young laughing at his consternation, then look at him with new, interested eyes.

Do-Kyung looks creeps on Hae-young, while they are to go home, but when she mentioned that she was one of five Hae-Youngs in school, two of them called Oh Hae young, it triggers memories of the Oh Hae-young, he remembers.

asks Hae-young, why do-Kyung does not drink, to harass him again for a certain answer, if it is vague in a characteristic way, and he admits that he does not like to drink and to make mistakes. Hae-young characters That is, he must once have made a big mistake while drunk, but he did not elaborate. She says that women do not get drunk mistake if they could, if they knew they would never see again the other person.

"Shall we never see again?" She asks, sounding as it moves an invitation. Do-Kyung looks up and lock it long eyes for a moment, then he guns the engine. He screeches to a stop near her place, drops her off without a word and peels out.

Once he's out of sight, he stops the car and jumps to vomit. He can not unravel the images of this Hae-young of the other Hae-jung in his memoirs, and yells in frustration wordless.

Do-Kyung speaks with Jin-sang, who want to know only if he tells Hae-young to about the mix-up, and how it ruined their commitment accidentally. He swears that he did not say anything, but Jin-sang warns him at any cost Hae-jung in the future to avoid, just in case.

Curious, Jin-sung asks if Do-Kyung knows how the Hae-jung he does previously used, but he has not heard a word. In fact, since they broke up, she seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. Jin-sang it accepts from Do-Kyung afraid that looks just thoughtful.

Suddenly a woman comes into the house slamming to make noise and crashing into things, but this is apparently common enough that Do-Kyung and Jin-sang barely register the excitement, heh. Jin-sang in a whisper asks if Do-Kyung "seen" something has with his newfound powers, the Do-Kyung as how memories describes only they have not already done so.

Do-Kyung wanders into the kitchen, where the woman in the refrigerator is chugging a large bottle of water, the hair stands and clothes are disheveled. he again ignores only them and goes back to Jin-sang, who does not say it, warns someone about his sudden clairvoyant abilities. He thinks it's super-awesome, but.

The mysterious woman sitting next to Jin-sang, hair obscuring her face, and we suddenly realize as Director Park! Oooooh, her name is Park Soo-Kyung - turns out it is Do-Kyung Hoon's and sister. It is drunk as a skunk.

The house is just stupid when Hoon along Tagging home, his new girl An-na comes. Do-Kyung actually makes her hand over their ID to ensure Hoon is not to rob the cradle, and it is not even concerned that Hoon is 12 years or older.

Do-Kyung Hoon told not to bring clumsy young girl in the house, but Hoon argued that Do-Kyung to have a friend here, not, so why can not he? Jin-sung runs with him and gets all Handsy with Do-Kyung of Pecs, hee, and An-na says confidently that she and Hoon just kissing.

section: Hoon and An-na strong turn in his room. Only kiss Riiight. But Soo-Kyung scares the daylights out of them when they under the bed rises up, hair flying in all directions and looked like something from a horror movie. She reaches creepily by An-na, biting her hand, ha.

some work finished later than Do-Kyung is on his own place, he has a sudden vision of Hae-young, easy to say, "Wow," over and over. It looks as if it is in his apartment, the Do-Kyung insecure, apparently alone.

Mama Oh, so much noise as possible makes at breakfast until Hae-Young grabs to use her words, and it turns out that it is concerned about the bruise on Hae-young face. Assured her mother that it was just a random collision, not that Mama Oh calmed much, and she tells Hae-young to outside to wear a mask, so that the neighbors do not see.

Hae-jung realized late that their phone is missing, but fortunately found Do-Kyung there in his car and he was waiting outside her house they return. In memory of his vision, he asks out of nowhere, if she knows where he lives, which is super awkward. He says he only checks and accelerates from.

Soo-Kyung is familiar to her sleekly coiffed self this morning back at work, although they are still not satisfied with Hae-jung and offers to today fight that their occupation is off. She makes it to an open offer if Hae-young declines, positive that she would win.

Hae-Young male colleagues his honest opinion of her looks asks, and if he says it looks pretty, it wilts in disappointment. She's on her way to a reunion today, and "a really pretty woman" be there, and she does not show. You and this woman have the same name and were always compared, and our Hae-jung came always too short.

Our Hae-Young says she was so intimidated by the other Hae-young, who was smart, rich, beautiful and sweet, that they hardly talked to after high school, rather in the background to mix. In flashbacks we see how the other students always called for Oh Hae-young, but it was never her, it was always the other girl they wanted.

is in fact, they had to ignore her name people call used so that, if they really did try again that a Basketball came directly to warn on her face, she did not respond and was knocked out. But the worst was that all students called the other girl called "the pretty Oh Hae-young," and she had "dirt Oh Hae-young."

But she had convinced that they 'd never hurt or is jealous because she believed that she was too hurt about such things. It is clearly not true, but it's how they got through high school. She has not seen that Hae-young, since she went to college.

Hae-Young Leaders are gorgeous loyal, and assure her that other terrible Hae-jung sounds. They say they go to their reunion - change the people, and the other Hae-young can be completely different.

So Hae-young bursts in the restaurant to the sound of her name be sung by all men, so that they have made hilarious just drag when you note that " wrong "Hae-young. At least they all remember them and share on how much they are nicer scored, and she smiles to herself when she hears that pretty Oh Hae-young today do not come evening.

No one really knows much about them these days, unless she had a boyfriend but broke up with him. You can not even connect to it through social media - it's just gone.

The conversation goes south when an old friend asks how Hae-Young's honeymoon went, but Hae-jung informed cool him that there was no wedding, managing to keep his head high. It stands to explain the last time why they called off the wedding, then does every rejoicing when she talks about dramatically how much she loooves men and could not spend to love their lives only one.

Hae-young cousin is planning her own wedding, and Mama Oh gets frustrated as their nervous Aunt complaints get plucked more and more. When she turns the custom Hanboks down that Hae-young and Tae-jin never wore, they call bad luck, Mama Oh stripes actually her apron and sweater, as if gearing for a fight. Heh, I love how Dad knows she blow on its head without saying a word to her.

When Hae-young defends itself against a harmless drunk classmate from (who he swears liked them getting better, not really), a latecomer she approaches with a flower, and his face falls when he sees that they the wrong hemodialysis is young. She screams defiantly that she is sooo sad.

Do-Kyung Hoon almost begins to work on his movie script when he comes home that night, and both go when his cell phone rings with an unknown caller. They seem to know who it is, and Do-Kyung refuses to respond when in the whines An-na. Later Hoon tells her that it's just "that rude woman" could one who left at the altar Do-Kyung.

Apparently, she never showed on her wedding day, and no one heard from her since. Do-Kyung had looked everywhere for them, and he worried Hoon would be crazy if he could not find her. Now the name "Oh Hae-young" is prohibited in this house.

We see Do-Kyung in his wedding finery, repeated his call Hae-young, who never answered. He had desperately searched hospitals and was also the stormy streets, but he never found. The only clue he got was a picture of her on social media in Paris, with another man.

Hae-jung stuffs her face when she is home after reunification, not her mother recalling the living room floats like a hollow-eyed ghost. Repeated over and over again: ". Thanks least she eats well thank you.", To no one, in an eerie voice.

Do-Kyung is summoned to lunch with his mother and her boyfriend the next day, although he is unsmiling, his mother called a gold digger. She denied it, then fawns all Chairman Jang, when he arrives, and Do-Kyung eyes roll almost out of his head.

Chairman Jang brings Han Tae-jin and ooooh - he plans had to invest in Tae-jin business, but Do-Kyung uses his connection to persuade him to resign, and ruin Tae-jin. Do-Kyung looks pretty nervous, especially when he hears that Tae-jin Jang Chairman asked why and he said to him, Do-Kyung asked him to do it.

But it is news to Do-Kyung that Tae-jin is in prison, and the friend numbers that he really get his revenge. Mama asks what made Do-Kyung to go to such extremes, but we do not hear his answer.

A flashback shows us that it was Jin-sang in the spoken Do-Kyung revenge get when they ran into a restaurant, Tae-jin. Do-Kyung was not sure he was the man in the pictures with Hae-jung in Paris, and had been ready just to move. Jin-sung told him to get drunk and see how he really feels.

Do-Kyung had several shots downed, and Jin-sang him into action had goaded. He had decided to make a bet with himself - when he throws a dart and making a bulls eye, which he would revenge. It is up to fate.

He was so far away from the dartboard as possible, but despite the distance and his trembling hands, the arrow flew directly saved in the center of the board. Although he had to take the high road trying to do-Kyung could not be satisfied hide little grin.

He aims that grin off on it, ready to take later right into Tae-jin when he gets a lift with the Chairman Jang, down Tae-jin. Tae-jin had looked confused, but returned Do-Kyung is nervous smile.

Now Do-Kyung asks Jin-sang, to find out why Tae-jin is in prison - when the news of President Jang withdrawing its investment got to, all other investors complaints are, also, and filed against TAE jin scam. Do-Kyung says Jin-sang a way to find Tae-jin from prison, no matter what it takes.

Whatever he does, it works, and soon Tae-jin lawyer tells him to be left that most of the complaints fall, and he will be again set free. Tae-jin first question is to ask how Hae-jung does, consumed with guilt about how he broke things with her off.

Hae-Young can not sleep that night, so she lays and dances this hilarious dramatic dance rowed on the music. Mama Oh finished the dishes and looked her daughter in bitterness ... closes her then in the dance. That's the best thing ever .

The best part is that Dad just watched them, as is done all the time, and Mama Oh finally sitting with him and says that they should call a fortune teller. Something is wrong with this girl.

attempts Jin-sang to do some damage control and visited Tae-jin in prison to tell him that Do-Kyung really only Chairman Jang said to be cautious with their investments. He is willing to help Tae-jin, get out of jail, but Tae-jin says he can take care of themselves.

Poor Tae-jin does not have any idea why Do-Kyung did this to him - he does not even met the man. Not that it is important now, but Jin-sang brings Do-Kyung news that he made, Tae-jin wants to see him. His advice is to be honest - oh now You decide honesty is the way to go.

Hae-young is sad romantic, moody bike ride in park by an unpredictable football is ruined, and she is forced to stagger covered in scratches at home. It seems as if the whole neighborhood gathered to show and laugh, especially when they see her skirt mounted in the back of her waistband, heh. Poor Mama Oh, can hardly bear the shame of the life of her daughter these days, and it proposes to calmly Dad, it's time to give it up.

So the next time arrives home Hae-young, all their belongings on the grass, including unused wedding presents. There is a note from their parents that she is now on her own, and she finds that the pass code in the house has been changed.

While trying to decide what to do Hae-young runs in Tae-jin lawyer, and she asks if Tae-jin's okay. She tries to stay happy, but if he is alone, she bursts into tears, wondering how he can possibly be in order.

Do-Kyung finally collapses and answers one of the calls from unknown caller, and just as it is hoped and feared his ex-fiancee Oh Hae -Young. He is immediately angry, saying that only they would be so bold as to call him, as if they have done nothing wrong, but all she says is: ". I miss you" That's more than he can bear, and he throws the phone away with a furious cry.

He breaks his own rule and heads in a bar, on a mission, one shot at a man Downing. The loud music in the bar hurts his sensitive ears, and it blows, screaming that this. More noise than music, claiming it to be turned down Only now he realizes that Hae-young drowning at a table nearby, and their concerns.

He remembers her desire to be strangers to go back and check all starts, but he can not ignore the tears saw in her eyes. He goes back and demanded to know who made her cry, and she sits at the end of a few steps from a decline of cherry blossoms.

Because, as they seem to be as unhappy, Hae-young spills her guts - it was unloaded on the day before their wedding. Repeatedly that Tae-jin had not been sure of his love, and laugh at the absurdity of saying calls him that he could not just stand eat. It's almost a relief to finally tell the truth out loud, even though she is not aware that they are talking to the person who made it possible.

It's like a dam failures in her, but Hae-young admits that it feels good to say once the truth, especially for someone they'll never see again, and that is just as unhappy how she is. She asks, Do-Kyung to be the reason for so dejected, but if it is not forthcoming, she says again that she should not see her again, and begins to leave.

Do-Kyung finally speaks, a simple words: "I'm sorry." why, but he Hae-jung asks him again shells on, unable to tell her that he was ruining the reason their life is.

Hae-young, but goes into the street holding, overcome with her feelings and the alcohol they consumed. A hand reaches out and pulls it out of the way - it's do-Kyung, and he comes and takes a taxi Hae-young at home. He can not explain why he does this, he tells her only half angry: "Even if it hurts, still, life, if you survive, it means that you have won.."

The words seem somewhat in Hae-Jung and the next day they change mover to remove their belongings from their parents rented lawn. Dad looks miserable and Mama Oh bursts into tears the moment Hae-young drives away, but they both know that it's time to push the baby bird out of the nest.

Hae-young found a tiny apartment, and pep talks all the time, they moved into their stuff. It ends halfway into the wall above her dresser pushing and starts the cheap drywall ripping off and found a small hidden door behind the hole. On the other side of the door ... Do-Kyung apartment.

Without knowing where she is to see only the fancy sound equipment and furniture mice, Hae-jung wanders into the room oooh ing and aaah ing. She gets an eyeful of chocolate abs when Do-Kyung from the bath comes in only a towel and smiles as she breathes, "Wow ... wow" and Do-Kyung gapes than others of his premonitions come true.


I really like how this show is shaping up is, with both Do-Kyung and Hae-young to the pain of her romantic past fight, and how they have experienced almost exactly the same rejection yet responded to them in quite the opposite way. The plot is not complicated, but it really does not need to be hands with such great characters in such competent action, make the Do-Kyung Hae-jung and so real and directly attributable. In fact, I would venture to say that we do not even need Do-Kyung of clairvoyance to make visions on their interactions and possible love story more interesting, as much as I dramas with a supernatural element like, really, but I look forward to see how it improves their relationship now that they realize that they seem to be too intertwined to keep doing the thing "we are only strangers".

At least now we know why set Do-Kyung Tae ruining -jin and Hae-young-wedding - he thought that Hee-ran Oh Hae-young to voice his ex-fiancee, and they left him at the altar, he wanted to follow the same to see them. So he mixed with Tae-jin Business Investor and caused Tae-jin, call off the wedding. The only problem is, it was the wrong Oh Hae-young, and Do-Kyung ended the lives of two people to ruin that never done anything to him. It's a pretty despicable thing to do, even if he had get the right fiance, not that I planned for him to be angry enough debt to do it ... it's barely a year since its marriage of his been Hae-young, and he thought that she already moved on and planned a life with someone else. But excited enough to get sick on someone want, and actually act on the point on these desires that goes an innocent man to jail, are two different things, and it's not a good sign that Do-Kyung actually went so far to seek revenge.

I believe that Do-Kyung regrets now that he knows that it be Oh was not Hae-young, and that his actions hurt two innocent people. He still has not apologized because he just decided to do it right, when he learned the truth - back when he thought it was his ex-fiancee, who had been allowed to sit, he was good with his decision, Revenge to search for (in his defense, he did not know Tae-jin went to jail). Maybe not quite right, because he clearly unhappy, but not unpleasant enough to resolve to try what he did, or even stop before actually doing it. He has a lot to answer for, on several levels to make this right.

This show has some of the strangest, silliest, funniest characters I've seen in quite a while - there is not one that I find boring or bland. Do-Kyung family is particularly ridiculous, making his straight man attitude are that much more. It makes me wonder if he has a strange quirky stripes, but what with his Oh Hae-young it was killed. Luckily, I only know Hae-jung him rediscovering his wild side for you - our girl for himself has enough eccentricity and him both. I really hope that's where Do-Kyung character goes, because I would find him his sense of fun and folly to observe love as he falls Hae-jung for the New.

The reunion scene so perfectly outlined what it is that I love so much about our Hae-young - in so many dramas, this scene would have been heavily played for sympathy. had been emptied Hae-young, and embarrassed as the "wrong" to be reminded Hae-young, everyone thought of. as plain and boring that you can see they appear wilted But our Hae-jung has not offense, or leave it to her, and in fact they had even in awe of her transformation and cheering for their super elasticity and sense of humor within a few minutes after arriving. That right there is what makes them such a great character that a refusal to beat the world let them down. Instead, she gets up and demands respect, commands her attention, and she has to eat out of their hands, even to the point where at least one guy tried to ask her. She is an amazing, strong, feisty and funny woman, and she knows it, and they never "dirt Hae-jung" to go back determined repeatedly. Let us hope that hothead personality remains lit when it is with their old adversaries actually confronted.

I really love both families, in fact, is both Do-Kyung and Hae-Young. Do-Kyung family (and Jin-sang by extension) are certainly fearless show free spirits their artistic odd personalities of the world, which makes it extremely fun to watch. is Ye Ji-won as Soo-Kyung particularly interesting, as we have so far seen in their interactions with Hae-jung - she makes high-kicks for no reason, and holds a grudge for months just because she was looking for forward to the food at Hae-young marriage. It is so strange and common, and yet I somehow think it is inspired. Hoon also is delightfully immature and does not care who thinks so (in fact, it is extremely reminiscent Heo Jung-min Marriage Not Dating character, Hoon-dong, which can not be a coincidence - he makes the immature man-child oddly endearing) and Jin-sang fits in with the rest of them to be silly and carefree despite lawyer. But Hae-young parents are equally ravishing odd, with her mother, who can hardly endure the disgrace of their embarrassing daughter still all Mama Bear goes at the moment someone criticizes them, and her father, who seems resigned to his life with these foreign women. I luff both.

I think the show is as big as = is that I do not want to ruin almost what ever a good thing to introduce the other Hae-young. I'm nervous as they get reappearance through Do-Kyung and Hae-Young provisional new friendship, and Do-Kyung send back into a spiral of pain and guilt and undermine Hae-jung trust law, as it learns to stand on its own feet. I feel like I would be for a storm bracing and wished that they stay a little longer away and let them bond, but I suppose that reunification is inevitable for both of them with her.

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tags: Episode 2, Eric, in Jeon Hye-bin, Oh Hae-jung again Seo Hyun-jin

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