Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 7 -

feelings grow for our lovable heroine who is just so adorable that they extend the rivalry between our two boys in the sand can make in bromance. For the rest of the world, Gong Shim may seem like a normal girl with no special skills, but it has a lot of charm they got to share the sleeve and underrated skills. Therefore, our boys are falling hard.


Dan-tae Gong Shim wrist takes and bring them up the staircase with his serious face. It starts with an apology for believing that they lied to him. Gong Shim calls him with the question of why the "lie" annoyed him so much in the first place, and he explains that it bothered him.

Gong Shim does not tell him to pay attention to them disturbing, but he insists that it does not make him anxious. She pushes back and asks why, but Dan-tae not know quite either. He only asks you to do as told. Gong Shim seems taken surprised by dead-seriously Dan-tae, but she leans and says that they are not as told to do.

your staircase is conversation interrupted by another week down by Gong Shim of garrulous colleagues who continue to hate on Gong Shim. Dan-tae forces Gong Shim to confront the crude ladies from the stairwell and heads down.

It presents as personal attorney of grandmother and threatening them to collect for defamation. He gives them the opportunity, Gong Shim apologize personally sincere, and they are intimidated into following his orders. From above, watches Gong Shim this interaction and smiles to himself. Adorable.

Jun-su Mother at restaurant takes her son to thank savior and is impressed by Gong Mis appearance and profession. Mom says Jun-su that she should go to the company to meet with his father, and Gong Mi feigning confusion. Mom clarifies that they are Star Group, humble to brag that the company belongs to Jun-su. Gong Mi acts surprised.

Before Gong Mi leaving in a cab, Jun-su runs after it to give her first aid for her injured arm. She smiles with gratitude.

Dan-tae Gong Shim is waiting with a bag to break into a smile as he to see them closer. Gong Shim holds in her tracks when she discovers him and wondered why she feels so uncomfortable around him, avoiding acts. But he insists that he is something got good for them, and showing her the contents of the bag. A whole series of wigs

Dan-tae said that he received from his customers who work at a wig factory. Gong Shim admired the quality of wigs and Dan-tae is pleased with their response. She tries a star-struck and asks for his opinion, and he watches her. "It's really nice, exactly my style."

Gong Shim stressed about their stress-induced bald spot and wonder if they will live without stress. Dan-tae tries to a blond wig and you say that there is no world without stress - people relieve stress just as it comes. Gong Shim wonders how expensive wigs must have been, and Dan-tae, it offers generous all to her.

Gong Shim tried on more wigs and Dan-tae she insists bear the first wig tomorrow. She tells him firmly that she is going to do what she wants, not, as she says. Yes girl, you tell him.

When she goes, Gong Shim thanks Dan-tae for their raw counterparts order with her apologize. So she takes the last wig away from Dan-tae head and leaves. Dan-tae looks so proud.

The next morning, Dan-tae sitting at the convenience store table with a name compatibility test (the kind of puzzles children do when they like someone), but denies it when Gu-nam catches him in the act, scoff that he's too old. Gu-nam jokes that the tests are actually correct, and Dan-tae laughs happy about the idea. , Hee what comes for a child

Gong Shim down with a new wig - his proposal - and Dan-tae goes slack jawed, his heart beats faster than it seems glow in his eyes. With his amorous face, he tells her that they make at work pretty and looks much money.

Jun-su mother says Jun-su that she disapproves of Gong Shim because she seduced him. Jun-su denies this, but his mother shows him photos of them together at the movies, on the streets and in the park. Mom tells him that she fired her immediately to have it. Jun-su expresses disappointment in his mother's so extreme and] warns them against innocent Gong Shim not to lash out.

When working, Jun-su meets with Gong Shim on the roof. He looks serious, but when he tells her that he was scolded by his mother, Gong Shim cracks. He treats them like a big deal, since it brings serious consequences, but Gong Shim assures him that it is not a big problem, and that is scolded by her mother all the time. As an expert to be in scolded, she advises him defiance to act and thus be comfortable.

Just in time, Jun-su mother calls, and Gong Shim says not answer him. He is back finally grumbled, but until then it is best to just stay comfortable. Gong Shim asks why he scolded, but Jun-su decides that it does not matter, preferring to learn in spite of Gong Shim. She assures him that it super easy.

Gong Shim Jun-su takes to Insadong district, where visitors dress in traditional Hanbok. Jun-su tries to resist, but Gong Shim says to embrace him the experience to forget about his scolding. Switch to the Hanbok, but Jun-su looks so uncomfortable, keep your head down and repeatedly tried to escape.

On the road, a strange pair Gong Shim asked to take in English a picture with them. Not understanding Gong Shim signals "No" as to ask in "No English", although they insist on a picture. When Jun-su clarifies what they want, Gong Shim is totally game. To take pictures with the couple, and Gong Shim sends them off, "Bye! Be happy!"

Jun-su realizes that his phone is missing and panics because it this is an important business call to Afternoon has. Gong Shim called his phone, and the taxi driver takes. He tells them to hurry up and the phone before pick up the next layer, so they run in his place wearing Hanbok. The turns heads and causes some glorious confusion.

You're just in time for Jun-su to take his call, and when she hears he needs to complete the transaction online, fortunately knows Gong Shim a nearby café, which lends laptops. So off they go running back to their Hanbok.

The café, Jun-su works while Gong Shim she gets drinks (I love that music an additional traditional instrument to normal sound). Customers are amused and snapshots of the two. He finished his work, and Gong Shim has to leave when June sus uncomfortable with the attention to draw them, but Jun-su seems to be very comfortable suddenly.

He says Gong Shim unlike her that he had never made people laugh. Gong Shim assumes it is because it is dumb, but Jun-su assures her that she has a talent for pleasant things. He thanks her pursuit of the café with Gong Shim, fully embrace their outfits.

Dan-tae answered a call from a friend of his father who is looking for his aunt. When Aunt returns to the office, is Dan-tae along the message over a big tree in Yangpeong and ajusshi who wants to know whether it can be cut down. At the mention of the tree aunt drops her glass of water; it claims that it only slipped, but the call has significantly shaken her.

While on the road, Dan-tae holds of a man selling plants and thinks Gong shim to replace the system that he had accidentally shredded. The man has not, but Dan-tae like the sunflower plant and asks the man for seeds that the man gives freely to him.

Add Yangpeong, Dan-tae meets with his father friend, and explained that his father had taken care of a certain tree for the past 25 years. Now that he is selling the land, he wanted to ask Dan-tae father if he wanted to move.

Dan-tae the tree checks out, and from a distance, to his father approaches as well, but spots Dan-tae first and makes a run for it. Dan-tae captures a glance and chases after him, but his father flees in a taxi and Dan-tae tries to convince them that it could not have been him because Papas in the Philippines.

Jun-su tries to win a toy for Gong Shim from the claw machine, but fails even after several attempts. Gong Shim steps in and engages successfully a toy in one go, then the toy Jun-su to celebrate his spite.

Dan-tae come home to the flooded area, and all his things are soaked from a broken water pipe. He overwhelmed by the sudden flood and calls Gong Shim for help.

When Gong Shim takes it Dan-tae says to call an expert, as it would be of no help in the situation. He tells her that the landlord is responsible for Facility concern, but Gong Shim replied quietly that they will check out later.

When Gong Shim hangs up, she says Jun-su that this, how to act in defiance. Jun-su seems amused that they would use this situation as an example of him and double checks if it needs again to go home. Gong Shim acting nonchalant about the situation, saying that Dan-tae be called an expert.

In the taxi, says Jun-su on the steak in this restaurant, but Gong Shim does not stop completely. She cuts him with an apology and decides that she needs to go home to cope with the flood, and Jun-su looks disappointed, but true. She reminds him to stay strong with his defiance and runs away.

Gong Mi eating a meal with Jun-su mother, and do not pick up since Jun-su mother calls, so it ends up only the two of them upward. In the car ride home, open Jun-su mother the gift of Gong Mi and reads the card, she paints as a humble person, since it is the cash conversion of return that Jun-su mother had slipped her the last time Gratitude , She gave a scarf as a gift, and Jun-su mother looks pleased.

Gong shim comes into the scene of the flood, and although Dan-tae looks still bitter that they refused to come primarily, they set to work cleaning it together. While Dan-tae mopping the floor, Gong Shim fixes the tube, much to his amazement. They stated that they worked part-time for an equipment repair shop during their third entrance exam preparation.

Gong Shim sees the Band-Aid which they adopt in the mirror on his forehead, and asks him why he saved it. Dan-tae looks guilty, but covers them quickly by insisting that he threw it away there, because he had no trash close.

Then Gong Shim finds the name compatibility test, but Dan-tae she snatches her hand before they can find out why her name on the paper. She is convinced that it is blasphemy about it, but Dan-tae she fights for, determined not to allow them to see it. Dan-tae finally wins by the paper in his mouth to stuff and swallow it. Ew.

Outside Gong Shim fans during Dan-tae doing his laundry. He convinces her that make washing it cools, it enters to help and appears pleasantly surprised. While meeting on the laundry, Gong Shim loses her balance and begin to fall again. Dan-tae accesses to push them back, and they end up in an embrace on. They are both shocked and stand there for a moment before awkwardly farewell.

Suddenly Dan-tae is really hot and begins to water Gong Shim to scatter. Forcing a smile, she injected back, and then of course, they get in a big water fight with the hose. The rapidly replaced their initial awkwardness with their normal fun childlike.

Jun-su arrives on the roof, only to be found together Gong Shim and Dan-tae the laundry. He hesitates to interrupt, but Dan-tae greeted him first. Jun-su said that he knew about the flood because he had formerly been with Gong Shim to learn about defiance.

The Master of defiance, Dan-tae, his two pupils is down and tells them the last act of defiance: stay up all night outside. The two look at each other in awe, and Dan-tae suggests that they go camping all night because he already can not sleep in his wet house. Jun-su agrees excited, but Gong Shim says she needs her parents' permission. She calls her mother to be late, but Mama tells her what to do. And so they are all in for camping.

cooking at the campsite, Dan-tae and fed Gong Shim the meat fresh from the grill, but she spits it right, because it is too hot. Jun-su, who was looking with envy, using the occasion and cools the meat before feeding her. The rivalry is obvious how Dan-tae and Jun-su argue about Gong Shim one of them against the other.

Then, Gong Shim her headphones and commented on how nice it is to hear outside music. The boys know that they did not hear a word they said and laugh their rivalry in a good mood.

Since the boys Gong Shim seen playing with a dog near, Jun-su commented that the dog is cute and that he had never, because his mother refused. Dan-tae tells him that his charm is - he's rich, but also kind Jun-su says he decided not to be so obedient more and says he has changed since meeting Dan-tae..

Dan-tae and Jun-su Gong Shim retrieve the ID when they return their equipment and laughing on her nervous face enters the frame. noticed Jun-su that her birthday is tomorrow, and that it is almost midnight. Jun-su says that he needs a short stop in his car to make, and Dan-tae borrows a cup from the table rental.

Jun-su surprised Gong Shim with a Happy Birthday and a bunny toy he goes recovered the claw machine. She thanks him and says it, that it has received a doll as a gift for the first time. Next, Dan-tae, who presented with a cup of dirt, which is another first for Gong Shim. He says it planted seeds in the soil, but leaves the plant a secret. Despite Gong Shim protests, sing Happy Birthday to her.

The next day, Grandma's secretary Dan-tae announces arrival, as they will hold a meeting with President Seok and Butterfly tattoo uncle wrapping. Suspicious of Dan-tae investigation with grandma, uncle leaves his phone on the side of his chair, the recording of the conversation.

In grandma's office, Dan-tae gives her a sketch of Jun-pyo of the projected face of its current age. It asks for updates, but Dan-tae does not. He explains that he is a special scheme for the accelerated sketch and told grandma not made to rush - could they get exhausted before they find him. He then asks for the butterfly tattoo, but she has nothing. Everything she is a picture of young Jun-Pyo from the date of June su birthday party on the image, and Dan-tae looks got tries the significance of the butterfly to find out.

leaves after Dan-tae, returns uncle grandma office to retrieve his phone. Grandma does not seem too fond uncle but nothing from him suspect. Sly sly uncle.

Jun-su mother calling Gong Shim to her office with a report in June-sus editions yesterday. She reads from its spending in Insadong and at a campsite, then asks if Gong Shim was with him. Although having Gong Shim, the particular circumstances, Jun-su mother angered confirmed as innocent their suspect is trying to explain, and calls for Gong Shim resign from their position.

leaves before Jun-su mother, Gong Shim calls their abuse of wealth and power. Gong Shim know that it is easy to shoot for their people, they interfere, and understands that they probably would not last long anyway in this job: "But know this one thing for the person who fires another. it may just seem like to cut a long fingernails. But for the person who is fired, it wrings this person's heart. "

In simple terms, they advises Jun-su mother not to live and to cut the arrogance. "We are all the same people who eat and poop. We are human beings." That leaves aghast Jun-su mother.

Gong Shim packs her bags with a tear in her eyes upward to leave behind their employee card. Outside, she looks sad fellow employees and her escape the good weather, then gets a call from Mom too early to come home for her birthday dinner. She makes an excuse that they busy, hang up, and on her cell phone.

Jun-su bursts into the office and his mother accused dismissed for wrongly Gong Shim. Mom insists shamelessly that Gong Shim leave their position, because the secretary job they do not fit, but Jun-su can read past Mom lies. He is very disappointed and storms out. In Gong Shim desk, he finds their employee ID and takes him.

He calls and messages to her, full of fear, but because he has a presentation in five minutes, he is unable to continue to look for her. Jun-su calls Dan-tae and demands that he be looking for Gong Shim to tell him the situation.

Dan-tae studied the park and the bus stop, while Jun-su his phone keeps during the presentation rigid. Gong Shim travels on a bridge, swings mindlessly on the Park fitness equipment and eventually ends up on the roof watering their plants. Dan-tae comes home and looks very happy to see them there. She notices that he is overly friendly in his greeting, but Dan-tae not reveal what he knows.

Then Gong Shim asks accusingly on the dirt cup, he gave her what he promised would sprout today. Nothing has, although flourished, and it starts to get more emotional, as she says, "I work a hundred times, a thousand times harder to irrigate my plants. But why is not there a scion"

Dan-tae white not, how to respond, and Gong Shim further and say that there is something wrong with the seeds - that the seeds must be determined to remain buried in the dirt to flourish without a chance. "It's just like me. No matter how much I fight, it's nothing."

you can her tears, and Dan-tae she looks with sympathy and pulls her in comforting embrace and let her cry on his shoulder does not hold back when he starts to tear up.


Oh, how sad and sweet. It was making shocking Gong Shim that the analogy between her and her work to hear, because it was an honest and vulnerable recognizing their self-perception. She's really not trying to be their best, and although they might not fit the best secretary to be, she does her best to thrive absolutely at her job. And how big it is, the Dan-tae there to be their supportive shoulder to lean on. Although he often ravishingly tight when it comes to have romantic to do with Gong Shim, he knows exactly what she needs and wants - to be treated with dignity. It is strange to have the same sadness and cuteness, but this show is full of strange juxtaposition, and I love it. may appear

During Gong Shim a fumbling to be chaos, they know how to appreciate themselves. It's just bad luck that she was fired on her birthday, but what a ride. I wish I had the audacity to do that one day - someone to call for their unfairness or bigotry. Your response to bluntly June sus mother was such an admirable way to make their views known about the subjectivity of the hierarchy. It was a cold splash of reality for Jun-sus to check mother herself, and while I Gong Shim is not really thinking news hit of her house, I know that Gong Shim dripped these truths for yourself. Sure, they can be mediocre at work, but that everyone entitled not take orders from anyone.

I love that Gong Shim is stubborn in asserting that it does not take orders from anyone, not even bad love Dan-tae. He is foolishly in love with our girls, but I enjoy the oversight of them both. It's almost like watching Dumb and Dumber, except it's much more lovable she is around in circles trying to run to watch to find out what is this strange feeling of attraction. Dan-tae seems more aware of his racing heart, and it's pretty obvious that he likes it waaaay more than he can handle. His crush is so unconventional yet fit Gong Shim. As with the wigs -. Perfect

But the bag of wigs remembered that Gong Shim wig just another defense mechanism for them. I really enjoy the really look at it now, but there is still a way for them of their true selves to hide. She claims that it only to cover their bald spot, but I think it could be another symbol of insecurity and self-doubt that Gong Shim always carries with him. Gong Shim can stand up for themselves, and I believe that they themselves underestimated. Sure they can, depending on how open she was with June sus mother. But when all has always demoralized around them for their looks and lack of talent, she always had to fight for their own self-esteem. Perhaps it is the jack of all trades and master of none, but you will surely find something they alive, throw her wig does come, and be comfortable in their own hair.

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Tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 7, characterized , Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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