Recap And Reviews Kdrama W-Two Worlds: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama W-Two Worlds: Episode 9 -

Perhaps Up to bottom and bottom to top. And I could have sworn that yesterday happened, but now I'm not so sure. I have not used to think those rules of the universe, were arbitrary, but who's to say more? I think if this is another drama, I could tell that there were new twists in each episode, creating except if you have a world (or two), where literally anything can happen, they are called even rotations more? Crazy things happen, and that's just one day to end here in "Y".


which we have already seen, but in case you wanted that sharp pain to experience in your heart: Kang Chul makes Yeon-joo back promise to go into their world and drag awakened from a dream, has forgotten everything that has happened since he met her, effectively reset the manhwa world. He jumps off the roof, to send them back.

Meanwhile, No-Face Killer followed Dad all the way to his flight to New Zealand, appear first in voice and just before suddenly materializing in the toilet with his hands over his mouth Dad to cover words his cries.

has no face here teleported his Creator to confront who he is, and knocks Dad around the small barn until he has him in a stranglehold. He growled: "You betrayed me Why do not you keep your promise, you said you would find me Who I am Who I am Give me my face.?.?!" It's kind of deadly serious and hilarious at the same time.

The flight attendant knocked again when she hears the scuffle, and then eventually subside the sounds and the door clicked open ... Oh, there's Papa! He is alone, but he looks badly shaken.

Yeon-joo in their world resurfaces and hastily pulls Kang Chul awakened from his dream, and she bursts into tears as soon as it is ready. Kang Chul timeline puts him in the hospital after his stabbing incident waking, and he monitored stirred with tears in his eyes.

Yeon-joo told that the manhwa reset worked-No-Face from their world disappeared, although he left three victims in its wake. Police officers clean the murder scenes, the two cyclists on the bridge and the assistant at Papas Publisher.

Su-bong flail and advocates mother Yeon-joo to drive them from Papas workshop away, but Mom refuses to go anywhere without finding previously Yeon-joo, and runs after her to look. Su-bong starts trying to politely call "Mother mother!" And finally just starts to cry: "Mama", as she is his mother. It is the sweetest thing. He is shocked when Mom finds Yeon-joo bathed in sweat, and went out in the passenger seat of his car.

is in the manhwa world, Kang Chul bathed in sweat, and So-hee sitting all night at his bedside. Yeon-joo told that all the main characters were saved in the world Chul before disappearing.

Dad flies straight back to Korea and reading the latest issue of webtoon with a dark expression, especially when he sees the scope of Yeon-joo with a bullet hole in the forehead.

Dad shows unannounced to see Yeon-joo, who has just moved from the emergency room at home with nuts Place upward been and sleeping in her bed. Mama says she does not understand what Yeon-joo did hours in Su-bong car drawing, until she fainted.

The Papas heart seems to break even more, and it touches Yeon-joo forehead tenderly and holding her hand. He is not happy when he notices the wedding ring on her finger, although it does not remind him of Kang Chul and the frame, he saw in the webtoon of Chul asked her with her father to give a flash drive.

Dad finds the flash drive in Yeon-joo of his pocket and puts it in his phone, where he finds him a letter. We see Kang Chul write it back, as Yeon-joo cried to So-hee almost see disappear.

Chul writes that he heard Dad was alive, but he has no plans for shooting to excuse him: "Because I do not have the right to forgive, but you have no right to me either to forgive "Dad grins and calls him arrogant

Chul says he writes because they have to do more work.". I am going the miserable fate to accept you have given me, so you must do your job well. Stop running away. Not for me, but for your daughter you will be able to do it this time. W 's happy ending ... "Dad looks at Yeon-joo, deep in thought about Chul proposal.

hours later, Yeon-joo stirred awake and finds mom sleeping on the floor. Mom says Dad came home and heard from her to see, and Yeon-Joo comes from the living room to call him, but it thinks different because it is five in the morning.

Suddenly their living room turned into Kang Chul hospital room and Yeon-joo is only a few meters from Chul away while he sleeps. What the…? Is that real? Is she back in the manhwa world?

You can hardly believe it, and approaching his bed slowly, lifting a trembling hand to touch his face. But before they make contact, she's back in her living room, back to muted colors in the blink of an eye, like nothing happened. Huh? Is he still, they pull into his world through their minds? But he does not know! What happens?

as tears run her face, Yeon-joo told in voiceover that for a while, you must lingered dreams in Chul subconscious because they him a few more times, but only for brief moments.

another time, it disappears from her car and reappears in Chul Hospital, just long enough to able to catch to see a glimpse of him from the hallway as a nurse enters his room. He takes a look at them for a second, but then closes the door and crying back to their world. Oh, that's just my what that is. Poor Yeon-joo!

She's so distracted at work that Professor Crazy Dog has to remind them a cap put on before surgery and take their ring from. Seok-bum teases for them to get married, while they have not wanted, and Crazy Dog says it all, it was a friend with his blind date took for him to know that Yeon-joo would die old and alone with cats.

When she, Yeon-joo tells off her wedding ring braces that the third time that they Kang Chul saw it for them, and two months later in his world was a week later. She leaves her ring and chases them to realize on the ground, not that it has been transported in the manhwa world until the ring leads literally straight into her Kang Chul.

The ring rolls in Chul shoe and Yeon-joo rammed right into it headlong. He smiles friendly and apologized as she looks at him as she has seen a ghost. He takes the ring and says that it's quite, as he puts it in his hand, and they do not to cry strains. Ugh, that's too painful.

Chul gets a call and nodded goodbye, and Do-Yoon greeted him through the door. Look happy and carefree, and Do-Yoon spots Yeon-joo at Chul search with such a glowing look in her eyes that he asks her if she is not a broken heart ex-girlfriend. Chul says he never seen them, and takes a look at her curiously one last time before leaving.

After he leaves, Yeon-joo closes her fingers around her ring and says in voiceover: "Just like me it moved, Kang Chul forget everything. " she finally breaks into loud, in her world sobbing and wailing, and returns Seok-bum and Crazy Dog running when they hear her cry.

Yeon-joo told that recovering as Kang Chul and was again busy, he completely stopped dreaming, "and he forgot me forever. The Kang Chul who felt endlessly hopelessly, lost his way and tried to find his will to live in love ... was gone. "

the manhwa world Chul goes directly back criminals from the hospital on the way to hunt for and Yeon-joo said that he went back to the Kang Chul everyone knew before:

Apparently Su-bong spent the meantime to be a miner "Always strong, never Held our entmutigt-." because he is a scruffy beard outside Papas gate, keeping his signature event and back and forth nervously and down. He looks like he is running away, but in the end he rings the doorbell.

Dad is drinking again and drawing, and Su-bong fidgets in his presence, saying that the rest of the team will be here in a few days, because Dad called them so suddenly back to work. can Dad he says the sentence finish W with only Su-bong, but Su-bong, he says to his hometown was actually on the way who have decided to end drawing, because he is not sure why should require manhwa work that he put his life in danger. He says he has tried to put church and temple, and even a talisman on his computer, heh.

Dad ignores whole speech of Su-bong and says they are going to end W by it give, where Kang Chul claims the killers and punish him, thereby freeing them of No-Face for good a happy ending. Su-bong asks if they really kill the murderer, and dad has zero qualms about killing a man who killed three people in the real world and try to kill Yeon-joo. "Even if he was a murderer, I gave birth to him, so I have to take care of him by my hand," says Dad.

Dad thinks back to Kang Chul letter in which he had outlined the way to obtain, once rid of No-Face and for all: Chul Dad instructed No-face, to provide an identity, so he a Phantom would cease to exist and become a flesh and blood person who could catch Chul. He was referring to the flash all the files from his crime show drive W and said that Dad had outside of the suspects to find the killer's identity in these files, so that it could take Chul logical.

in the presence plops Dad the stack of files on Su-bong desk and tells him to read every page, because in order to be meticulous about designing their killer to avoid Kang Chul to arouse suspicion that this being retconned. Dad: "When Kang Chul suspected it begins again ... the damn curse."

Su-bong asks how to stop a killer supposedly if they had created his crimes to be perfect, without creating in the process plot holes , That's so funny, this meta-discussion. Dad says that plot holes are inevitable, so they the killers, to provide an identity, despite all logical error to accept Kang Chul.

Dad says he has decided on the killer's face, and throws his sketchbook on the desk. He says that this is the only person who would accept Kang Chul as the culprit, and Su-bong jaw drops when he opens the book.

The manhwa world Chul an excited call from Ajusshi gets who says they have finally a projection on the killer caught, which appeared on the black - box camera of a van, which happens to be parked in the hotel, like the killer was leaving.

When Chul rushes to the station, we cut the dumpy apartment of Killers where he has his black hooded bomber got outfit hanging, and an old wedding photo on the wall. He's in the shower, but we can not see because of the foggy mirror his face.

Chul waiting on pins and needles as Ajusshi the black box recordings queues, and then it stops the video as a man in a hoodie sneaks outside the hotel lobby. OMO, it's Dad !!

section: The apartment of the killer, where he slowly and creepily wipes his hand on the bathroom mirror, his face unveiled. It's really, really Dad.

Back in the real world, stammers incoherently Su-bong, while Dad confirmed that he gave the killer his own face, because it is the only one that Kang Chul would not question. He thinks back to the moment when he stabbed Chul on the roof, and says that he is the only suspect Chul has to face.

Chul confirmed that this happens to be caught the man who stabbed him on the roof, though he wonders how the killer avoided all other CCTV cameras and is here. Do-Yoon says she should be grateful she found this camera, and Ajusshi says they should broadcast the killer's face on television tonight.

Add Yeon-joo of the world, Crazy Dog skips the hall and bursts down to her office the return of Oh Sung-moo to explain the Great. He says that W is back to its original splendor, since the end of the ridiculous, childish, stupid Loveline with Oh Yeon-joo. HA.

Crazy Dog gets all choked when he talks about how it broke him to see the heart W fall apart in recent months, but he says that Yeon-joo father finally seen has, and everything brought the light back in order, by turning in a dream.

He pumped his fists wildly in the air and says that Kang Chul to catch the murderer and get along with So-hee, and Yeon-joo smiles weakly. To rub salt into the wound, Crazy Dog doing a little cheer on the way: "Kang Chul like Yoon So-hee and hates Oh Yeon-joo!"

He turns to wonder why the killer looks like Yeon-joo father, the news is about her. Crazy Dog decides that it probably put a Hitchcockian stamp her father in the manhwa, and almost peed his pants a fanboy squee with it, complete with W-shaped hands.

Yeon-Joo goes directly to read on your computer the webtoon and calls Su-bong ask about Dad. Su-bong tells her to give Dad, plant W Happy End captured in the course of four episodes, and the plan is to have the murderer exhibit with Chul crimes.

We have it as Su-bong describes play to see how it with killer Papas face televised in Chul the world and caught by police soon after will go. They have decided that the name of the murderer is Han Sang-hoon, and he was Chul teammate of his father back to their sport shooting days. He has to find a complex about Chul father and many psychological problems, and the police mountains of evidence in his apartment, from guns to knives to bloody clothing. Is not that too easy? That will not sit well with Kang Chul.

The detective leaves Chul for Killer speak personally, and Killer Dad says he intended to kill only Chul father, but he ended the killing of the whole family, just because they were there. He says he expects to be that immediately caught, and was so tired of waiting to find Kang Chul him that he called him to the roof, to stab him that night.

Chul face twitching in anger, and he invites at Killer Dad and throws him to the ground, to him it again and again punching up Do-Yoon in she runs to stop.

Su-bong said that, although it is not the end, because Dad said that the killer would have to be killed in the manhwa world to be gone forever. He knew Kang Chul could not kill him because revenge killing no happy ending, so Dad had decided that evil evil should kill.

Back in the manhwa world, Assemblyman Han a conniption has said the killer caught, because he was so sure that Kang Chul all this time was guilty. the next president was maintained Assemblyman Han to be, but because of the loss against Kang Chul in this case, he said, to withdraw from the race and will only accept a defeat.

It is not, of course, and devises a plan Killer Dad to kill by pushing him out of a police station window, to make it look like a suicide. Killer Dad meets his bloody end in this way, and the detectives find a planted farewell letter in hand, claiming a false confession under duress Kang Chul is to have made.

But all the scheming backfires on Assemblyman Han because his henchman of Chul crime show captured crew, and he is named on national television as the mastermind. He was arrested and thrown into prison, giving everyone the ending they wanted.

Su-bong asks what Yeon-joo thinks, and she says that people be happy. She hesitates and then asks how the final scene will go, and Su-bong says cautiously that the Loveline must be solved. Yeon-joo asks if Chul So-hee will marry, and Su-bong says no, it will not go that far.

The planned end plays in Chul the world out: With the killer dead and Assemblyman Han behind bars, the case is put to rest and Chul finds a letter on the desk of So-hee, to congratulate him and his to say how happy she is, like his longtime friend who has been on him cheering.

Chul calls to find out where so-hee and runs into the street to her. They meet in the middle of a crosswalk, like a drama to end, and he reached to pat on the head about her (noooo, that's his motion for Yeon-joo!). They exchange sweet smile, and Su-bong said that it would end this way, with the general feeling that things will work for them.

Yeon-joo listen quietly and finally lets out a long sigh, and Su-bong blames them too long to answer for admission because he thought that they poofed away again. She admits, a sense of emptiness, because nobody in the world remembers them, and no one in their world knows what they have been through. She regrets having made not a single photo, and tells Su-bong, that they learn about it last night.

Yeon-joo flashing before the night back when she'd stopped in front of a bookstore window that was plastered with Kang Chul face. She bought the questions of W , which contain their history, and at home she cut with Chul all great moments in their love story, of the kisses to the great revelations, the sweet life romance that they shared.

one after another they stuck to her window and saw him had to remember, by the only images. Mom came and nagged them to do something so childish and told her to replace them with pictures of a true friend, and Yeon-joo called softly of itself.

Back to the present, she stamps her feelings down and goes with a volume of W in the hand to her bunk. She stares at the cover of Kang Chul bleeding on the roof and talking to Chul, as if he's there.

asks how he's doing lately, and admits that it is not so great. The tears are just about to come, when Seok-bum interrupts to ask about dinner, and Yeon-joo covers her face with the book, as she wants to sleep, but among the pages that tears run down her chin.

Suddenly the PA system calls to handle all the doctors on hand with an emergency, and as Yeon-Joo leaves her office, she does not seem that the signs all say Hankook Sungjin Hospital of manhwa in the world to notice. [1945009So-heezusehenundDo-Yoon]

it takes the elevator with a group of doctors who say it was at a broadcasting station masses shooting, and she is shocked runs past her. Yeon-joo realizes that she is in Chul of the world again, and it stops in front of a TV, where a reporter says there was a shooting on the stage of the crime show W and Kang Chul is under the victims. This is not the planned end!

Yeon-joo runs in the emergency room, which is a madhouse of activity. She goes to look for in a daze for Kang Chul if someone grabs her arm and whirled her around. It is Chul! Oh phew, it's okay.

Chul it attracts a woman who has shot through the leg, but can all Yeon-joo do is stare at him dully. He looks at the name on her lab coat and call it Oh Yeon-joo, finally only they cry out of it to tear, so they will treat the bleeding woman.

Yeon-joo checks the gunshot wound and says she will need surgery, but you will be fine, and Chul apologized earlier at her for yelling. She asks if he's not hurt to mention the news report, and he says that they made a mistake.

He looks at the ring she now worn around the neck on a chain, and says he remembers them. Yeon-joo of eyes that enhance, but he said, as she walked by the other day with him while chasing runaway ring.

She sees him so eagerly that he asks her why she keeps looking for him in this way, and Yeon-joo sniffs again tears and says: "Because I do not know why I'm here." will Chul pulled away when So-hee runs over to tell him that Ajusshi went into surgery.

Su-bong comes back to call the workshop with food, and knocks on the door Papas him to dinner. Dad is crooked at his desk and did not answer. Crap, he's not dead ... he is

Su-bong tries again, but this time a Chyron Top Dad appears along with a voice-over in No-Face's voice: "Is that Su- bong ... "Dad raises his head and AAACK-HE has no face!

OH SHIT. The frightened my pants. Su-bong rubs his eyes thinking he hallucinates, but Dad keeps him about Chyron speak: "Su-bong, I am Su-bong-ah, my face is gone.." Ohmygod ohmygod. Su-bong falls, screaming.

Papas face as his eyes, nose looks, and mouth were burned and scarred, and it does not really help that he strolled past towards Su-bong like a zombie.

screeaaams ​​bloody murder Su-bong, but it seems like it's really Dad because he keeps asking for the Su-bong, to save him: "He took my face Where is my face.? "But Su-bong fainted actually falls to get out of fear of the father another word in. Holy shit.

Suddenly Papas tablet lights, and this is so twisted his own voice orders him at his desk set.

Rewind to one hour before: In the manhwa world crime show W face revealed on national television of the murderer, as Dad and Su-bong had planned. But what followed was a deviation ...

Once described the show host of killer physical properties, he went with a shot to the forehead. More shots were fired and most of the crew was shot down, including Ajusshi. Chul and Do-Yoon were observed from the editing bay, and she watched in horror as Killer Dad came on the scene and carried out a microphone and shouted, "Kang Chul"

Killer Dad said he came Kang Chul show his face because he had a long time and had waited no way he was right to reveal this. He stretched his arms wide and said, "?. That's me How do you like my face I'm satisfied" He chuckled and suggested they meet often, putting the cameras in sequence on.

And then when he was ready to escape, even just made a webtoon Portal on its way, and Killer Dad stepped right into it and disappeared into thin Air. Is that how he has been teleportation?

In the present, Yeon-joo her father's face in the killer maniacally looks into the camera laughing and realizes that things are very, very wrong.


Well, that's going to give you one week me nightmares. This is the result of giving No-Face a Face? He takes it from you? I really think that should have been in fine print, because what in the hell is Dad going to do now, with the killer wears his face and no means, this made to pull? (And it just came to me when I saw Dad that No-Face had to talk about Chyron ago because he had no mouth! And here I thought he just was particularly scary.) Has the killer take Dad's face, as revenge for his ten years amorphous existence, or had to draw the inevitable consequence of Dad dial the killer in his image?

There's just something so dysfunctional about the Creator God his creation in his image to have it so that only kill control of creation, steal his identity and take. Is that Dad to be blamed for a thoughtless writers and created a monster? Or is it the fault of the monster, when he has become sentient? Also to make as much for him a normal human being, by giving him a face, because he was still teleportation and confidently and rewriting the manhwa! And now we have disabled the only hero that he could stop manhwa by renewed rewriting because he forgot that he had the power to do that! We are all in such deep water now.

But what this story turning points is the fact that Kang Chul not be without his free will right hero. He thought that to give his self-confidence and fall in accordance with its predetermined fate was the right way to continue the hero of his story, but this is actually impossible if the villain of his world has free will. Because then the villain is to rewrite history but he wants and Chul is useless against him if he does not know that he is a manhwa character who can manipulate his own reality. I do not know why the killer the reset survived intact with its confidence when Kang Chul did not, but it worked surely feel completely vulnerable for me and pushed into a corner, I'll give them that.

on the other hand is to be the Yeon-joo of the series, the hero, because right now it is the only one that can otherwise pull the manhwa, or Chul get back to break the fourth Wall. Is it too late to make the reset reversed? Was it some superpowers give Kang Chul perhaps the score with the teleporting face-thief to smooth? []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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