Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's Love: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's Love: Episode 11 -

It's always enjoyable watching this couple on screen whenever they often heard about us already, will not have the same argument bickering. Despite their differences, both make Hae-soo and Jae-yeol continuous efforts to keep their relationship alive and discover that a little breathing room for the other party goes a long way. And while one of them already imagine a common future that lasts a lifetime, the other more content is to take things at a time of day.


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nettled by Hae-soo, a woman calls with, it will eventually break, Jae-yeol warns them using again this remark in the future. they also agree the pause button to take on this argument as it Showtime almost.

Tae-yong sent his friend a text to confirm whether sent Kang-woo number Jae-yeol is correct. Jae-yeol says it is, even if Tae-yong, the number do not exist.

it is certainly disturbing, but Tae-yong stomps his troubles from when Sang-sook , Jae-yeol first love and fellow former school falls to chat. He about this guy in her earlier letter asks the one who looked like Jae-yeol throwing pebbles at her window.

It turns out that Jae-yeol wish was for Hae-soo a guest to be on his nightly radio program. Wondering why she would choose a film about a couple on another in the series (love before marriage represents), he commented that they appear single. They confirmed it, then scribbles something on which also gives us a meta-moment: " You're pretty good at action should an actor .."

's is just the beginning because Hae-soo replies that she particularly likes the end. Jae-yeol describes the scene for his audience: the couple lying in bed in her underwear, insults to fling each other as archenemies. In other words, the whole scene is a mess, Hae-soo summarizing, and Jae-yeol scribbles down his answer: " as now us" Hae-soo crosses that of


What she finds is moving, is the kind of relationship where two people are in love, because they choose with this person, despite their shortcomings. Although Jae-yeol might not know how it is, she adds.

he wonders if it is which means if he is some kind of player who is not interested in a long -term relationship or marriage, to which commits them easily. The immediate reaction of the audience must be positive because they keep going are encouraged and Jae-yeol throws back that he did not believe that she would think of him so, because they shrinkage and all.

But Hae-soo argues that people are habitual creatures, so Jae-yeol you an example, that those who blasting operations are used, there must not remember. She says that is usually the case, but Jae-yeol counter that it might be looking for something more substantial and meaningful to so many breakups the complete opposite-could this person?

He counts himself among those useful for a search relationship, and she scribbles down that his sincerity just now had nearly deceived her. It is difficult to say whether Hae-soo mean smile that she enjoys or does not believe him (again), but then they take a music break.

Jae-yeol swinging their chairs to their previous argument continue. Is she mad that he did not not people said that they were dating? He does not like wreaks about his love life and she said at the airport that he spends too much money, so he acted for them out of consideration.

But Hae-soo scoffs that he sounds like someone who thinks of them married. He points out that it is strange to think of not , above. It is of course serious thought as to accommodate the marriage at her age, is not it?

Hae-soo shushes him joking that he was well on the way to propose to her at this rate. I do not see exactly what she finds so funny about this conversation, nor Jae-yeol. It's because she flattered by the idea that he would marry her think that just confuses him (and I) even further.

That's just who she is Hae-soo explained. This falls Jae-yeol the subject, so that they can take the show again. She offers her hand under the table, which he accepts with a smile. Now that they have made, Jae-yeol says his audience that the main characters again good offers in the film hope for those who have seen many breakups like himself.

Hae-soo consent voices to say how she believes that the countless memories the characters their passionate reconciliation made possible split. Jae-yeol hopes that he can find someone for to divide into countless memories

Now we hear Sang-sook of the side of the story that night. You'd looked outside and was initially confused by what was the man in front of her house spoke, because she did not know of any Kang-woo. They thought it might be Jae-yeol and found it strange that in conversation with an invisible presence beside him he.

It is frankly a bit frightening for us that playing Jae-yeol seen waving to thin air, and though Tae-yong stutter in shock when she correctly identified what Jae-yeol in this wore night, he assures her that it was not him.

Sunbae Jo leading a group therapy session in his office, whose participants show a range of emotions. Things are heated rather quickly until Sunbae Jo picks and quietly reminded his patient understanding towards its other participants to be. Soo-Kwang can hardly suppress a laugh at this speech, but also provides a supportive hand to its neighbor.

In the car, Sunbae Jo who asks Tae-yong, an acquaintance said thus imagines people who are not there and unwittingly inflicting self harm. He tells Tae-yong that sure who this person can work as a normal person, even though he likely that friend would advise you to seek professional help.

Sunbae Jo comes at the law school in time to see the lawyer who refuse treated Jae-bum case to speak PD Choi. Apparently left the lawyer to practice and was Professor for Jae-Bum case; He found the ruling absurd and believed that neither Jae-Bum or Jae-yeol could as the culprit be found guilty.

was responsible Indeed, the lawyer believes someone else for the stepfather's murder. But that's all he said, explains PD Choi. go

Hae-soo shopping with Jae-yeol, who looks half-exasperated, when she goes to the other on his election. He turns the talk of marriage back, but she says their relationship still burgeoning in its stage. But as always, is that followed on with her favorite refrain, whether he as with other Women.

you being scolded for it even though she laughs his counterargument that, they can go and date someone else and then come back to it when it loses thinks out. And then she kisses him because she thinks this moment exciting. Or something.

Needless to say that the spontaneous kiss sets Jae-yeol in a good mood. He and Hae-soo spend some time resting at home, where they discuss how many children they would like (he would like to have three, they would have an if it had to be). It is his dream to start a family, as he grew up without a father, but she says the three children is too much to ask with a woman's career.

they do not work could hold, as they would have to stay casual at home with the children, Jae-yeol hurls back. This brings him a look of Hae-soo, but he says they asked him what would look his imagination marriage.

He will have an office outside the house and come home for dinner on him to wait, but then he would take care of the dishes. "And then my wife -"

. "- If you with an exhausted expression with their sagging breasts and nursing the babies would look" would be you saw him glaring with resentful eyes, Hae-soo adds. She says she can not be his wife, if that's the case.

Hae-soo claims that she does not like working professionals like him, why can not they be the breadwinner and her husband may be a stay-at-home father. The her eyes covering, Jae-yeol encourages such a man to think, nagging her to come home for dinner. Having made his point, he tells her. "I'm perfect for you"

He goes on to describe how they do not like the people in other professions, because they are afraid they would be wasting their money, or find their job stability boring, or not their music like, and so on. She giggles that they do not want to get married, to which he points out that he has not asked, but repeated that he is still perfect for them.

Jae-yeol rises and says he still needs packaging. Hae-soo warns that they can take an impressive man than him find his room, and he learns to tease that will not be easy. It begins a playful water fight with a tube containing Soo-Kwang, when accidentally spritzed.

Jae-yeol, the last of the moving boxes packed the next morning, though he keep some things on here, because it has no place in its original place , Sunbae Jo assured him that he has no need to Hae-soo cheating on him since Jae-yeol is the only one to worry that can deal with their angry mood.

Soo-Kwang sees Jae-yeol and shows to ask him a text of so-nyeo whether they should date ... exclusively. Jae-yeol gives him a few more words of encouragement about the love that provides a literal leap into Soo-Kwang step.

Meanwhile Sunbae Jo follows Hae-soo as saying that the key to lie in Jae-yeol of the bathroom and discovered the camel painting and the bathtub.

Jae-yeol gets into his car, but then frowns as he looks into the rearview mirror.

There is Hae-soo, the things to do Jae-yeol lists after he moved a role in the text: (1) See her every Friday; (2) Make sure that he eats and sleeps in a tub, no chair; (3) It's embarrassing, but the idea it makes them sad to move, makes them cry.

This is why they say that cuts in text and Hae-soo her cell phone to reveal on the verge of tears. Oh, I have to admit, that's a nice surprise.

He tells her to get going, but slowly followed behind her in his car. Then turn things seriously, very briefly, if he accelerates ahead and sees on his bicycle Kang-woo. He shears the car to miss the imaginary obstacle, but now the car for Hae-soo is passed. Oh crap.

He avoids just in time, but then slams into the pole. I had hoped that car accident from his dream will not come true, but I think it just did.

Mama Ok-ja wonders why Tae-yong hanging around the house, instead of going to work. Lets a call from none other than to take Jae-Bum, who asks if he can come to her home when it is released.

She answers, of course, then stressed how grateful she is that he called. It promises to be really, really good to him when he comes home. She paints an idyllic homecoming and living together afterwards that gets hopes to Jae-Bum.

heard her older son's voice makes Mama Ok-ja day and Tae-yong gives her a reassuring backhug before departure.

But Jae-bum seems to accommodate other ideas as he that his fellow prisoner told while Sunbae Jo can not testify his stepfather for him on murder, he can stand witness when Jae-bum his brother on his stabs prison. He may ask for leniency because it Psychiatrists Jae-Bum has not had more.

He that is not necessarily how it works, but Jae-Bum thinks will work the idea. He will relieve extenuating by his circumstances, sue the nation for illegal detention, and exact his revenge on his brother.

It sounds like Jae-Bum has not turned so that new leaf after amytal interview after all, and accepts the obedient inmate role when the guard informs him that he has published next week. Jae-Bum tells the jailer Sunbae Jo to say that he would be released after the date. Uh oh, I'm not a good feeling about this to get.

Instead of heading to the office, Tae-yong swings by Jae-yeol place. Neither Jae-yeol still Hae-soo seem to have any major injuries suffered by the accident, and playfully tease each other before hanging up. Tae-yong note of the phone call has to ask, though taken when it was Kang-woo. He is surprised to hear that Jae-yeol and Hae-soo are made.

Over at the hospital, Hae-soo discussed the pair with shared psychotic disorder with Doctor Lee, and both agreed that it would be a good reason why they this irrational fear have reserve cockroaches themselves.

, the woman tells how her husband always takes the bus, and would hate how she takes the dangerous, dark path behind the forest to the bus stop. But one night, had a pair of unidentified men took them away.

At the same time, to bring man shares with Dr. Lee, as his wife never came to stop him on the bus to, as a rule in this night did. He went looking for her and found her in the woods are. Oh my God, these men they sexually assaulted. Embarrassed by how they can not protect themselves and how dirty she felt later, the woman breaks into tears.

The man insists that he was fine as long as his wife said she was, but Dr. Lee says that what happened was not Okay-it's something angry be and cry. Crying tears of rage, proclaims the man, he wants to kill the bastards who attacked his wife.

Jae-yeol get any work done with Tae-yong hang around, but his friend insists on staying until Jaeger yeol calls Kang-woo. It shows the number Jae-yeol stored on his cell phone and asks again whether it is right.

When Jae-yeol says it is, Tae-yong called it right then and there, and the hands of his own phone to his buddy. This time imaginary Kang-woo takes up and Tae-yong leans in to hear in.

We see Kang-woo with his mother along the road, both of them looking battered and bruised. Kang-soo can hardly speak with his cough and says Jae-yeol, that he would like to take that dangerous road Jae-yeol hates so much.

Jae-yeol is also at its end cough which he finds strange. And Tae-yong roles in shock when he spoke to Jae-yeol hears an automated message. One can only imagine how scared he must be, and Tae-yong chokes back tears before hanging up and says Jae-yeol, the suspended Kang-woo.

Sunbae Jo agrees to take Tae-yong acquaintance (who we know really Jae-yeol), then proud of Soo-Kwang intentions smiles things for good (no, this time realz ) to end because So-nyeo still hangs with motorcycle-out dude. Just like before, Soo-Kwang raises a few bills down for money and tells her that she will be fired.

He has, as they say learns to accept the love of the people when they give it to collect garbage for her, citing her father. Although her father is the only family she should be grateful, because their birth parents gave her. He also mentions his own, though his father kicked him for his Tourette

She has one last chance. If they seriously dating him exclusively? She agrees, and he says she'll go after work clubbing.

Hae-soo congratulates her married friends Yoon-Chul and his previously suicidal (in episode 5) and pregnant woman Hye-jin when they come to it seen at work on their healthy fetus.

When PD Choi has everything go for him, it's endurance to see how he persuaded the lawyer who discuss Jae-bum who worked the case in the matter with him and Sunbae Jo. Showing them presenting evidence in court, says the lawyer, this is a case of a judge, the youth usually is hard and a prosecutor seeks to boost his image.

As for himself, he was powerless public defender at the time. He believes neither Jae-Bum could still be Jae-yeol incriminated, which indicates how the murder weapon both fingerprints "brothers instead.

It was the lighter from a pool hall, Jae-Bum frequented, which led him to be called, although no fingerprints were deleted from the fire of the perpetrators. in addition, the wound was not even so deep and no organ tissue was on the murder weapon.

in other words, the real cause of death was asphyxiation found. "the person who had stabbed him not the killer, but the person who started the fire." wait a minute means that it could have been Mama Ok-ja?

Hae-soo to be careful trying to make no noise, while Jae-yeol is working, and her eyes fall on his board with information about the truck accidents on the road takes usually filled Kang-woo. Jae-yeol the constant concern for Kang-woo asks you to ask her who he likes better it or Kang-woo? She smiles as he answers immediately: "You."

reads as he writes, although she falls asleep to finish him while waiting. It is early morning, as Hae-soo takes her farewell, and when he hastily he said would soon happen, she insists that it is all right, he works, can hold.

Hae-soo depends to tell him back that they do not upset, but taking a few winks before a patient needs to get to see during the day. She thinks she'll be with sexy times, if it remains, but they go because of work. It is with his writing process to understand and says that they will see each other again next week.

But Jae-yeol is unable and chases after her to concentrate. He is discouraged to look after their rise in a taxi, but smiling the remains they left behind all his apartment. One would think he would get upset by the chaos given his OCD tendencies, but he is not.

Sunbae Jo in his office sitting back thinking how the lawyer had told him how corpse stepfather was cremated before the final verdict was governed. Jae-yeol had his older brother pinned for the murder, and therefore the case was closed; But in the night of the incident, Jae-Bum carried his brother out of the house. Only her mother was, and the fire started soon after.

Poor Tae-yong starts crying as soon as he walks in to see Sunbae Jo. It shows the video of Sunbae Jo Jae-yeol nothing but air fight, and let me tell you that close-up do not have the visual experience easier.

Hae-soo grumbles on Jae-yeol on the phone about how they just have to sleep in the hospital, if they do not see her boyfriend this weekend. But there is a surprise waiting for them as soon as they enter the call room. Jae-yeol

While the car that night ride, an exhausted Hae-soo tries to get some sleep. He says they probably will not be able to ask with this rate for long to see that it asks, whether it is with their destruction.

This is not what he thinks, and she says to buy him some herbal medicine. He says he is, then adds, "... and we're getting married." Hae-soo eyes fly open, and Jae-yeol repeated, "I said let's get married."


Considering how Jae-yeol not the kind of guy, the big romantic gestures and Hae soo would do is not such he expected out of the blue suggestion, I would say this seemingly, line with his character. He has made his intentions towards Hae-soo pretty clear from the, get-go, and she has on numerous occasions assured that he is seriously to pursue a long-term relationship with her. But then again, I would rather bluntly when my friend suggested, while I was still not sure if I loved him or not.

It is difficult to get a clear pulse on Hae-soo lately, especially in the context of their relationship with Jae-yeol. Since we know that they are still trying to take it with him slowly (but then got physical immediately) want to live on your own (but was then upset that he was moving out) forever, and once said she wanted they take them to the end (but then got upset that she could be someone he would break and not married), Hae-soo still shows some more strange character reactions: she finds scolding their behavior Jae-yeol and words as amusing or easy to wake up, and as soon as she does with Jae-yeol on his radio show, they more or less bicker less or hardly for the rest of the hour.

But stranger still, it seems, did the absence make the heart grow fonder once Jae-yeol stirred out because Hae-soo now is understanding, back to his writing process. So I take a week at fixed intervals and a little distance is a good and healthy thing for them? But now wants to marry Jae-yeol, and I hope he does not, that the imagination expect marriage from him, because if Hae-soo says yes (which seems unlikely, but who knows where in this hour her sudden spontaneity) will not someone who makes this kind of dream into reality.

As we known for the majority of the series, Jae-yeol had psychological problems, it felt like on needles until someone like waiting in this drama verse became aware of them. In this sense, I am simultaneously relieved and worried now that Tae-yong and Sunbae Jo know about the hallucinations and the resulting self-harm, because like the sudden car accident in this episode there are these wriggling feeling that things get much worse, very short.

It does not help that progress with Jae-bum took a step forward and two steps back, as compared with the emotional breakthrough at a level of subconsciousness, he is still dead set on taking his revenge Mama Ok-ja and Jae-yeol. The discovery of the true cause of death of stepfather adds a fold in the past, if only that knowing now relieve Jae-Bum or Jae-yeol of murder after the fact. However, it is not Clear to everyone has been through in the family 14 years from pain and suffering. And while it is good, correct to recognize the past and the truth, it is better ways to see the present, changing the future.

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tags: featured, Gong Hyo-jin, it's okay, it's love, Jo In-sung

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