Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 4

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 4 -

Hey guys, just popping over to give my thoughts on Beautiful Gong Shim , which is a real sleeper hit are turning out. Fun, quirky characters inhabit this little drama world, giving it a life and soul that are funny and heartbreaking at the same time. It is rare, so addicted immediately to find a show, but look at me well and truly hooked.


Dan-tae gently tiny scratches on Gong Shim Handgelenkbandagen, then pushes his bangs to the side, so that it can a suitable bandage on his forehead. He seems gaaanz aware of how close it is - he feels something definitely. He apologizes, assuming that they lack the workshop with Jun-su, because it is here with him.

Gong Shim not say that they have not received in the class, and only mutters that they will not get resolved. That puts a satisfied little smile on his face, and he has happy to make her one of his convenience store meals.

After the workshop, Jun-su sees a wet Gong Mi feeble attempt to call a taxi, when we see that they left the classroom with intention behind her umbrella. He offers her a ride to the subway station, which rejects just enough plausibility demurely before. In his car hopping

Gong Shim increased when Dan-tae asks why she came to his office - it has no excuse to explain their snooping. She says that she was curious about him that scares Dan-tae and Gong Shim laughs nervously, that sounded really strange. She tries again with: "I wanted to meet you!" Then recognize that sounds wrong, also. Everything she says sounds like a confession, ha.

you can not get right, and finally only waves that it does not mean anything, though now it is so tied tongue, it sounds completely as something Dan-tae. He shows that he was curious about it since they met, but if Gong Shim looks more shocked than flattered, he does this adorably awkward laugh and also claimed that he misspoke.

He can not say what he wants as a declaration of love to say either without it sounds, although in the end I'm pretty sure it's a kind. He only ends up babbling, but Gong Shim wants to know what he means, by getting them to want to get to know better, and Dan-tae says only, it is the hair.

When Gong Shim is not it from the hook, Dan-tae finally says that he wanted to know what was going on in her head. What kind of woman who gets drunk and sleeping on other people's houses? When he mentioned her hiding in the trash, Gong Shim is insulted and leaves.

Jun-su goes Gong Mi to the station, and asks her what made her interested in the wood. Makes you something about the furniture and pretended she had some lifelong vocation to make tables.

Dan-tae follows Gong Shim and they walk slowly, and he points out that they walk andante (a musical term for slow), as its name. Therefore, he has his law firm called "walking".

asks you how he was such a good fighter, and he says he does not fight well, he is good at dodging. He wants to be secret not revealed, but if Gong Shim leaning close, so he whispers, their close disarmed him. He tells her to take a swing at him, and he will show you.

She does, and it is slightly different and keeps it at a forward movement with one hand on the forehead. Hee. She swings again, and he catches it on the chin this time. He explains that he has the ability to very quickly see things as if they slow, dynamic visual acuity to move, so that he can get out of the way.

He tells her of his recurring dreams of little boy - a big truck approaches the boy who tried to run, but he can not move. But the boy sees the car moving slower, and he is able to dodge it. Since he move with fifteen years, these dreams, Dan-tae's been slow to fast to see things, the situation, but to date it has not yet know who the boy is.

Gong Shim Dan-tae suddenly slaps, hard, then wonders why he did not dodge. HAHA, he must come to see it to dodge! He's all hit me when I'm looking !! , but Gong Shim argued that people make not only about you if you are looking for. Good point. All goes prim away, then get the grins as Dan-tae chases. These two are so cute.

When they come home Dan-tae, he says tomorrow from the loft will move. He says he is happy to move with his father in, although he does not that sound happy.

He suddenly runs inside the convenience store for his favorite lunch box, ha. Gong Shim is surprised her boyfriend Gu-nam work there now to see, even if he lives away over an hour, and his strange reaction shows that he is here to Gong Shim to be closer. crush Awww, friend.

Dan-tae begins Gong Shim to ask why her sister has two rooms, while she does not, but he did not even finished his sentence before he sees Gong Mi before loading. He follows Gong Shim outside almost protectively, and Gong Mi gives him the Stinkeye until he goes. He takes his eyes off her but suspicious Gong Shim of unni.

Gong Shim asks Gong Mi, why her home is too late so, and Gong Mi is that she was with a friend. But she asks for Jun-su in the next breath, though Gong Shim refused to say anything about their employers.

to save face, Gong Mi does not bark for Gong Shim that raggedy roof see guy more, and when she sees Gong Shim Association and noted Dan-tae is a fitting, she asks if Gong Shim comes to him. Gong Shim reaction is suspected, as well as the fact that he moved suddenly.

You Gong Shim warns not to embarrass, and Gong Shim snaps back for Gong Mi to order to stop them - they now have a job has also. She says that she lost something today because of Gong Mi of dogmatism, but refuses to go into detail when Gong Mi asks what it was (knowing it was the class).

Upstairs, Dan-tae the bandage removed Gong Shim placed on his forehead and moons on it, then it sticks to its mirror. Oh boy, the smile - he has it bad already.

We see approaching Dan-tae's father a big tree on a hill, and he clings its bark crying and apologizing. Whatever he apologizes, he is distraught.

Jun-su and his parents at his father's airport pick up mother, and there's a lot of love between all four of them, the only highlights maternal grandmother cold and her obsession Jun-su with her missing grandson.

Dan-tae's father leaves an envelope on Jun-su's family home, it is to stuff through the mail slot and shuffle away quickly. The content of almost Oma in seizures send - it is a necklace that she once gave her missing grandson Jun-Pyo.

Dan-tae's father calling from a phone booth and whispers that the necklace is proof that he knows where Jun-Pyo is. He tells grandmother him the next day to meet in a park, and to come alone with the envelope.

Gong Shim bakes her famous cookies, because they are supposed to for the office, even though Mom mentioned that she often baked the last time they a had crush. Gong Shim gets twitchy and says they are just snacks, sheesh, Gong Mi piquing interest.

Oh boy, Dan-tae is a totally infatuated kitten - he is actually a song about a girl singing with bobbed hair. He bops happy in the convenience store to see Gong Shim cowered in a corner, and he sneaks up behind her ... to cry only over and fall when she turns around with huge, misplaced false eyelashes, HA ,

Gong Shim asks whether they are really so funny, and Dan-tae is all It's totally weird . But it is even more strange that she has to ask. He keeps them to leave the store so, and when she sans makeup reappears upwards, he has this moment her natural prettiness gobsmacked slo-mo. Someone has to baaaad .

He makes the dumbest joke ever staring to cover his, and it's funny how his face shows that he knows that this is stupid also how he says it. He finds Gong Shim anger adorable though, and he drags by like a puppy when she goes to work.

He asks who tries to impress them with all the makeup, she even harder, the more irritating needling she gets. When she snapped that she took the makeup, my goodness, Dan-tae says disarmingly: ". Not dressing looks better on you to" ~ ~ melts Gong Shim is obviously made of sterner stuff than me, because they only threatens again to rip his hair.

He holds Gong Shim following and claims that he. Completely after her not, he is in the process in this way Riiiight. He bugs them. For a farewell party, as their tenants, access only for reasons to stay their conversation, and Gong Shim claims finally spend their holidays

Mom buys a fancy new dress on Gong Mi of Dime, their old Miss Korea to impress friends. She won the pageant, but the other girls married well, and she does not know that she married a man who lost his business. She hopes one of them will have a son suitable for Gong Mi.

In fact, Mom you've got in mind, but Gong Mi puts a moratorium on blind dates. You suspect that she has found a man and warns them not to settle, but she assures them that they know better.

Haha, Dan-tae has brought a fishing rod in order so that he can stagger snacks up from the convenience store, without the stairs to come down with, and Gu-nam sends him a bunch of bananas on. In his excitement Dan-tae control and whacks Gong Mi loses on the head with the banana, and she runs up the stairs put to him.

It is appropriate for the inconvenience, Gong Mi is angry and begins to insult him. She grabs the banana and slams them to the ground, frightening Dan-tae, but he cheered up again, to see that they are still fit for human consumption.

On the way to work, Gong Shim fantasizes about Jun-su for fall after they taste cookies, and took her to meet his fiancée as his parents. You approve enthusiastic about her, of course, as Jun-su

makes to its rays adoringly

your reverie her late for work, and she flits in and plops on her chair down -. And to President Seok lap. Whoops, busted. And then make things worse, she blurts out: "Father" (As in, in-law.) President Seok warns them not to let him go back to work in front of her, or else.

Gong Shim draws Jun-su aside later and ask him to delete the photo, which sent Dan-tae accidentally to him that, who drank from it and hid in the garbage. He asks cutely what they will do for him, if he does, it offers him her tasty cookies. He plays with it a little, enjoy, as it is close to try his cell phone to snap away, but he has to delete the image.

See the suspicious looks they are from the other employees attracts Gong Shim Jun-su asks treat her professionally as any other employee, please do not as a friend. He apologizes and agrees then tells her how her boss, today to eat lunch at a particular restaurant. He warns with a cheeky grin: "If you eat somewhere else, you're fired."

While the president desk cleaning later Gong Shim accidentally smashes a crystal glass. She ducks under the desk to pick up the pieces, and is forced to hide it when Jun-su and his mother come to speak. Mama asks for the rumor that Jun-su gets Gong Shim close, but he assures her, it's nothing.

Mom warns him not to get too close to a naked secretary - as a future CEO, he has to protect his reputation. She says he is too beautiful, so low class girl flirt with him, and Jun-su agrees that they are always right. From under the desk, Gong Shim is not appeasing to see expression able Jun-sus ... she takes his words at face value, and tears fill her eyes.

Dan-tae disguise (which for him does not mean not Capri pants), take a moment of Gong Shim to smile at the Band-Aid, and goes to the memorial arch of his mother. Outside says his father Dan-tae aunt who is shocked to hear that he wants to tell Dan-tae "everything."

you do not see the point in its meeting his birth family at this late stage, and how they will be confronted him afterwards? But Dan-tae's father says that his time is limited - he dies of a brain tumor, and has only months to live. He wants his conscience to clear while he can.

Dan-tae aunt is violently against it, grabbed him desperately to hold him to go inside and tell the truth. Dad whirls and yells at her that he had to confess his sins before he dies, but he is struck with a fit and has to be hospitalized.

Inside Dan-tae waiting for his father, who never comes. It assumes itself is still angry with him he told his mother image (with tears in his eyes, awww) that he would not forgive him.

Gong Shim had decided cookies after hearing his conversation with his mother, so Gong Mi gets to be no Jun-su a nasty little idea. She takes the cookies on woodworking class and passes it out and pretended she made herself.

Gong Shim rooftop apartment goes this afternoon, to see that Dan-tae accidentally things took them left there when he pulled out. She goes to his office, and is surprised piled all his things there to see, because it allegedly with his father to move in. His aunt told Gong Shim that his father did not show up, and Dan-tae was not alone in the new place to live.

She finds Dan-tae alone at a Pojangmacha drink, and joins him. It is of course quite a while drunk, and he looks pleased to see them. Gong Shim failed to mention that she knows why he drinking that his father did not show today, but she has to drink with him.

Dan-tae you not saying to get drunk: "I do not feel like playing hide and seek today." He asks why she ceased to say that it would have been better if they had gone on home, because they keep poor, could feel him company. Awww, that is filming my heart.

Nevertheless, he looks pleased, if it remains, and they each down a shot of soju. Dan-tae asks when Gong Shim will move back into the apartment, and she makes a decision in seconds, to tell him that they decided not to. She claims that she needs the rent puts it, it is to bring it to rent upwards again.

Dan-tae sighs that he is concerned that lives with his father, is not much fun, and it is used alone to live. He suddenly changes the subject and asks again why Gong Shim said on false lashes this morning, and she says that it is because they envy their beautiful sister.

Dan-tae seems surprised at the idea that Gong Mi is beautiful, and he sees Gong Shim directly in the eyes as he says. "For me the most beautiful woman in the world is gong Shim" Swoon forever. But Gong Shim thinks he teases, and only has to pay for the drinks.

Fortunately drunk, Dan-tae engages Gong Shim pinch on the cheek, call her cute. She gets angry and sweeps away his arm, and Dan-tae is face down, went out in the cold.

Gong Shim noted only now that the two bottle of soju are just the tip of the iceberg on the table - there are many more on the ground to Dan-tae feet. She is forced to piggyback his drunk ass home, which is hilarious because it is about twice as size.

keeps her aching back to lie, although she moans that it does not hurt not nearly as much as what they heard earlier today. Since Dan-tae is still mostly unconsciously, Gong Shim feels safe confiding that she found out that Jun-su only her is to be out of pity beautiful.

you still can not wake him, so Gong Shim piggyback him the rest of the way to the empty attic, then rolls him in a blanket and if one bottle of water before going home himself. On their way out, they are the chair, the Jun-su fixed a sad face.

Jun-su parents and paternal grandmother present grandmother explained with legal papers Jun-Pyo officially a missing person. The papers basically means that they are it explains what the family wants, because a majority share of the company's shares are still held in his name for dead. Granny goes ballistic.

She throws them greedy and grasping, and required to the papers immediately reversed. Even Jun-su's other grandmother is their decision, but grandma refuses to listen.

Dan-tae can not remember anything from the night before, and he is adorably sheepish as Gong Shim him fusses her cheek to touch. She tells him that he asked him to leave in the apartment, back, and all he can do is to apologize over and over.

Grandma calls Dan-tae for his professional opinion on the statement about her son missing status, and he tells her that they can not be undone. The only way to reverse the decision is that the missing person to come back alive. She asks him for a ride in the park, where she believed her informant (his father) to do justice.

Oma waiting anxiously, but called the man she never shows up. He is in the hospital, unconscious, and Dan-tae aunt says it better this way. Grandma asks tearfully Dan-tae, to help her find her missing grandson Jun-Pyo.

That night, Jun-su noticed when Gong Mi doesn 't make it to woodworking class. After class, he sees them on the street nearby, holding, and she admits that she has been waiting for him. She confesses that the cookies were just for him, but she was too shy so she gave to the entire class. She admits that she is curious about Jun-su and asks him out. He stopped, but he accepted.

Gong Shim and Dan-tae run into each other in the office, and she's grouchy bear from her sore back to his home. As an excuse, he offers them to a restaurant, Jun-su is recommended to take, and it pretends only barely make it, while secretly smiling. Aww, you think he's cute.

They increased a little to see how fancy the place is, and Dan-tae jokes that he can afford ... if he for next two months Ramyun eats. But he convinced them finally, and leads her inside.

look miss hardly Jun-su and Mi Gong pull up in his car, Dan-tae mimics hilarious Gong Shim sore-backed ajumma shuffle. But Gong Mi she does see, and observed it a restaurant with narrowed eyes.


This has got the flat-out Sweetest to be drama, have I have ever seen. It is so quirky and wobbly and endearing, with characters that do not fit into any storage forms and wiggle just in your heart immediately. The hero is not a jerk or does the heroine (yes, he makes fun, but there is no real meanness to him - he is more like an elementary school child could pull the braids of the girl he likes), and he accepted actually crush his own try them immediately without having to pretend it does not happen. The heroine has ever (she of white), not to mention no romantic interest in the hero to find him annoying and tedious that it is his landlord so capable of power over him, up to a point. And the chaebol is a decent guy who really seems sweet and nice for once. There is nothing really innovative in the action, but with characters that precious, we have anyway for them in the mood right I?

I do not expect it to be so far no surprises, as the story goes, which is just fine with me, because it is precisely this particular characters is to navigate through well-known drama waters, why we re all here. We have known the secret Birth Trope threatens to us, leads to the male connection, that - that should reveal cause some drama later, but I do not expect it to threaten their budding bromance in any real way. While the device is familiar with Dan-tae sure the missing Jun-Pyo to be, I expect still the details interesting enough to hold our attention, although I hope not to put not get the show in. Its strength is its characters, and I hope the show is this conscious enough to remember to keep it front and center.

Dan-tae definitely has an eye adult now, and it's no wonder ... He already found Gong Shim fascinating, but a lot of things, she said in this episode, which came from their side from a place of trying to spy on them to hide him, could be interpreted as statements of interest. So here's a guy who's already thinking a girl interesting, and he feels for them in their family situation, and now she is saying things like that she is curious about him. No wonder that his interest blossomed into an actual Crush! And thank goodness, because Dan-tae with a crush is probably the strangest and most cutest thing I've seen in a long time. He follows her around, they pressured like a little boy, but every time he will be close really annoying, he says something really cute that you just want to hug makes him. I can not say whether it or not do it on purpose, if my gut feeling is that he will be even only - he says what he wants, when he wants and what he wants to change on a dime. I think Gong Shim only get frustrated because they can not keep up with his changing moods, and they do not know what you think of him. It is not coming to her that he might be interested in it, so they assumed he pressed just to get them angry. I'm curious to see her face when she realizes that he actually doing it because he likes it.

I believe Gong Shim like Dan-tae, on a friendly level, at least, and that there is more that they are still simply not recognized. sometimes looking at him, although I do not think they really understood why. And she did her apartment ad, so Dan-tae would have a place to come back, even if it meant that she had to live in a closet to keep. She did it even so that Dan-tae was able to maintain his pride, and pretend that he chose rather to return as nowhere else to go with, that's really sweet of her was. These are not insignificant things, and they speak to a deeper sense, when I think Gong Shim know they towward feel Dan-tae, because it has already to change their own lives to help him. At the moment I think she's just naive about Jun-su, which is overshadowing she feels towards Dan-tae (not that the whole annoying-little-boy what to say, he does) the more subtle underlying emotions , But it is not a silly girl, and when she mooning done on Jun-su, I am very excited to see her bitter horror when she realizes that the guy she really likes, is Dan-tae.

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 4, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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