Recap And Reviews Kdrama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Oh Hae-young again: Episode 7 -

There are more to a relationship than just attraction - it has to be mutual respect and understanding, and these things are to get much harder. And a person can not shoulder the entire burden ... both have to be all-in, or it will never work. Unless both people are willing in the relationship, to be open and honest, all the chemistry in the world they will be happy together, do not help.

Episode 7: "I wish I was the only woman in the world "

Hae-young lying in bed happy and to observe from the air of Do-Kyung clicking until the walls shouts through it. On his site has Do-Kyung suddenly another premonition of Hae-young, soft eyes and the smile, and said that his hand is warm.

Too early the next morning, Hae-young guns out of bed and tiptoes to do some shopping. She takes it to her parents' house and begins frantically to make a packed lunch, and Mom knows immediately that it. For this handsome neighbor She rushes to help, and even Dad places in like a professional chef. You send them back home and wondered if sending of two wedding announcements is tacky within a year.

Hae-Young presents the Lunchbox Do-Kyung, claim it thanks for the lamp and an excuse to break his window. She is endearing about it, and after she goes, Do-Kyung pokes in the lunch box as it might bite him.

He leaves for work without the box, then this hilariously awkward minute has his steps, where he whether waffles over for him to go back, but close ... then rushes to grab. Awww so sweet.

Hae-young asleep at work, exhausted from their busy morning, and she falls almost out of her chair as Soo-Kyung passes. She does not see her boss behind her and Sung-jin asks her to wake up when it arrives. She puts her head back down, and Sung-jin immediately gooses her awake.

She lies down again so Soo-Kyung knocking at her desk and whispers that she's here, Hae-young, give rub a little neck, ha . Once they really awake (thanks to the help of some PPL coffee) is, Hae-Young Leaders find that it is today in a particularly good mood.

Do-Kyung and the boys are in the field a little sound when it comes lunch, and he hems and rose hips go a restaurant to eat. If Hoon him finally suppressed he cries, "I have a packed lunch in the car !!" Smooth, buddy, smooooth. He shoves Hae-Young's lunch box with them and stomps away, embarrassed and pretended not to have the slightest interest in what's inside.

impressed with the food, the guys think correctly, that it was made by the wife, they have outside the restaurant that time saw him whirl. Do-Kyung says it is not so, and refuses to eat, and Hoon quips, do it do two things-Kyung - a party must carry on his birthday, and eat a packed lunch made by his girlfriend.

He points out that Hae-young asked if Do-Kyung like the food, so that he would rather taste at least. He does what only makes the guys tease him more, but apparently the food is delicious, because soon Do-Kyung with gusto tucking in.

share Hae-young enough to made to work with their friends, and Sung-jin guessed astutely, that they did so for a guy. He estimates even who is the man and get all hurt about it. He definitely has an eye.

The others Hae-jung links, and all talk about our Hae-jung making food for a guy. The other Hae-jung know it must be do-Kyung, although well covered and only says that Hae-Young box lunch since primary school have been known.

But when she gets in home that night, she digs into her box reminders and pulls back the cell phone with the news that the Do-Kyung the mother sent before the wedding. She puts it in her laptop, looking determined.

Do-Kyung still playing it cool when he and Hoon come home, but Hoon makes him the lunch box back to Hae-young, to tell her it was good. He does not thrilled about it, but then he sees Hae-jung across the street looking shy. (And ooohh , the way his eyes go soft when he sees it, my stomach makes all melty.)

When they go home (slowly, I realize), Th -Kyung managed a curt "Thank you, it was good", but Hae-young, know that this is high praise from him. They are listed under a magical autumn cherry blossoms, and it is so beautiful that Hae-young tears.

The moment is ruined to stumble almost drunk Soo-Kyung on them, so Do-Kyung grabs Hae-jung hand and they run in a dark alley to hide. Hae-young noted that Do-Kyung holds her hand while they are hiding, even though he does not seem to be aware of.

Just when they seem to have caught, is avoided, a scooter comes through and ignites their faces in its headlights on. Do-Kyung swings around before Hae-young, their faces and bodies very close together, and it stays there for a minute even after Soo-Kyung continues.

"It's warm ... your hand," said Hae-young, and Do-Kyung sees another vision come to life. asks Hae-young, why they had to hide from his sister, but before answering, another hidden figure breaks away from the wall and behind them lumbers on. Haha, it's Jin-sang.

He caught sight of the lunch box and when Do-Kyung comes home, he goes to the right in a talk about the stupidity of the engage women , of all people. Do-Kyung swears nothing happened, that they were just hidden by Soo-Kyung, but Jin-sang has a good point - if there is nothing going on, why hide

it Jin-sung is not for sale, he knows do-Kyung too well and he can say there is something going on. He calls him crazy, and reminds him of Tae-jin in prison sit ready to kill him when he comes out, and that is before he finds out Do-Kyung has dating been his ex-fiancee.

Do-Kyung remains quiet until Jin-sang was insulted Hae-jung called off after their wedding for dating so soon, and that's more than take Do-Kyung. He screams for Jin-sang, to stop, but when asked Jin-sang, if he likes Hae-jung, Do-Kyung silence, he is the all response needs.

That night, Hae-young sitting her lamp and music box, innocently watching from Do-Kyung internal struggle. It calls a "good night" when she hears come in Do-Kyung, while he stares at her door, wondering what to do.

is Hae-jung practically dizzy the next day, as she says Hee-ran all about Do-Kyung, and Hee-ran wonders aloud how he could so innocently appear as he gave the other Oh Hae dated young. Our Hae-young Departs this line of conversation quickly.

Do-Kyung finds an email from the other Hae-Jung and debates whether to open it, but curiosity wins. It is a copy of the recording, which sent his mother on the eve of her wedding to Hae-young, and we finally hear what caused her to disappear without a word.

There is Do-Kyung voice sound angry, shouted: "How would I know what love is I was never loved!" He had argued with his mother, who had said that at least one of them should know what love is, married before. Hae-Young does not know because her parents left basically to her grandmother.

Do-Kyung replied, "I can not throw, because I feel bad for them. How could I dump someone whose parents leave her?" He had gone to say that they are to other people very is nice, so they will not be abandoned, and compared them to a playful puppy.

His mother had said not but pity was love, and he had cried, "I do not care if it is a pity! "Oh nooo, that's terrible, and we see that Hae-young was devastated when she heard it. Now Do-Kyung collapses in pain and regret, knowing that this is why Hae-jung never showed up for their wedding.

In the email, Hae-Young says that her first panic attack triggered to feel that exposed their biggest weakness of a person been they had wanted to hide from him. she had pretended to have had a happy childhood and loving parents, and smiled desperately make their way through life. But he had seen through them.

she goes on to say that, after they leave, they would furiously get every night from the humiliation, but in the morning she always called him missing. she is the last year thinking the person she spends as their most humiliating memory loves. but now, she says , they can no longer do.

Our Hae-jung practically bounces off work to buy to stop vegetables from a sweet old granny and smile to see do-Kyung name on a movie poster. A man stops at random and asks her to eat with him (Hello, Yeon Woo-jin ! And HAHA in the known music).

Hae-young, he assumes a kind of religious nut and rejects, but the guy seems genuinely to be interested, if a little ... intense , He says it is just his kind, offering her his business card if they want to check on him, which says his name is Gong Ki-tae, PFFT .

Hae-jung found agree honored out of pure shock to eat when he says that this is his first time is approaching a woman in this way with him. She asks what he likes about it, and he starts talking about vibes and compounds and Hae-Young agrees, although she is clearly thinking about someone else.

She admits that she only really came about because it was so great prompted directly on the street, but she already has a husband at home. Ki-tae, he says did not hear from a friend, and wait ... what? He looks suddenly nervous and asks Hae-young, whether it really a coincidence that he asked her to eat.

Oh wait, he's a lawyer! set Jin-sang it, he did not, that the rat. Hae-young marches Ki-tae in Jin-sang office and demanded some answers, especially if Do-Kyung was in on this little program.

Jin-sung admits that he acted alone, but he that it was FIBS out of concern for his old friend. If he claims that he only wanted Hae-young to date someone more attractive than Do-Kyung (what ??), she holds him right there - if that is so, why the man pretending to make them meet on the street


for whatever reason, they know that he was just trying to get it from Do-Kyung away, but Jin-sang sticks to his story that he was trying to repair it. Hae-young grows angry and throws Jin-sang on her down, and Jin-sang finally admits that he thinks she and Do-Kyung are ill-suited.

Hae-young thrusts to Jin-sang yells that she has the same name as his ex-fiancee, which means that this is the only reason, Do-Kyung is drawn to her. This applies Hae-young right where it hurts. Now that his true love is back, Jin-sang claims, it will be Hae-jung on our.

Hae-young screaming, wordlessly SCREAMS in Jin-sang face, just to make him silenced. It works, and she storms out of his office, leaving him to express his own frustrated cry.

Do-Kyung asks Soo-Kyung for other Hae-Young's phone number, but as they send it to him, he gets a call from our Hae-young. Her voice is soft, and all she says is, "Do not go Oh Hae-young to see." It occurs from the entrance, in front of his car, and asks him not to start to see them again.

Do-Kyung asks why she is interested in, and Hae-Young says it's because she hates her, and she could hate him at the end. He asks if everyone hate someone just because she does, and she says that she would hate someone he hates. Do-Kyung asks why she would do that, and Hae-young is bluntly honest. "Because I"

Do-Kyung gets out of the car, and reminds them angry that he did not tell her to so forward with men, and that he is not so fickle as to go from one Oh Hae-jung to another. Our Hae-jung asks if he would her date, if they had a different name, but he says not a man, a woman whose life would come, was so tangled with his ex is. He would always be remembered by the other woman.

She asks why he was so nice to her at that time, and Do-Kyung, he says for she had a guilty conscience. Ooof . But Hae-young accepted his explanation, and figures that he at least felt something. But Do-Kyung wants to be very clear and shouts: "I say I do not like it!"

Hae-jung calls him a fool, as if him not to feel pity able normal feelings and Do-Kyung has another premonition of her saying: "You will one day cry for me I want. to cry. "And immediately, she says exactly these words.

takes you inside and Do-Kyung begins to follow her, but he is struck by another vision, this time all his past to see visions, at the same time. It takes his breath away and he doubled over itself, gasping for breath.

Once he has a fantastic he upstairs by Hae-Jung and demands to know collects: "Who are you Why keep displayed ? Why? ", he stressed that they move out or he wants, and Hae-jung calls him childish and the door slams in the face. Good for you.

Do-Kyung goes to braise until his siblings in his anger, while Hae-young meditating some rest to regain. Assured that there is no shame to love someone, but it can not be entirely convincing, and crying from embarrassment.

Her parents show up (peeled up from the egg, hoping to run in Do-Kyung) and scare Hae-jung half to death, if they can be only in and start cooking pork belly. All freeze when they hear, Do-Kyung Slam in his place, and he can hear the sound of the cooking pork belly. He stomps break through the door and find yourself in the middle of the family dinner, show an accusing finger at Dad, whoops.

mom and dad do not take a no for an answer and insist he join them, literally drag him through the door, and for a moment Dad are and Hae-jung really tug-o-war to play with him. Mom finally roars and Do-Kyung sits while Hae-young growls with their parents.

Mom eating spends fawning over Do-Kyung, but if she pretends her family is not bad, Hae-young blurts out that they are quite safe. Dad pushes Do-Kyung, a drink, and he is forced to accept even if he does not want it.

explodes Hae-young and yells that he does not like them, and after a long, long awkward silence, asking Mama when Hae-jung he likes but. You can tell from her daughter's face that she does, and Mom reaches to slap her upside down over the table, they cry to a man like that is not their backs do not like.

Then she turns on Do-Kyung and wants to know why he does not like Hae-young, so angry that Dad has to pull her. Such mama bear, I love you. On the bus she is at home so excited that she tears several buttons of her shirt, then forbids Dad to pick them up.

Do-Kyung back on his side of the door, but he walks and frets, and finally the wall tearing through about someone guessing wrong has performed in Hae-Young family. Now that does just was. She does not answer, but storms and gets on her bike, but they did not get far before they run over by a car almost is.

There is Jin-sang, and Hae-Young tells him not to mention their argument, Do-Kyung. He agrees to let easier to go the whole.

Hae-young rides for hours together to sing their music, and thinks that they want any other woman to die in the world. In this way, she could be the only woman in the world.

Do-Kyung waits on his balcony for Hae-young to know, anxious to get home, despite what he had said to her. But he sees another vision of Hae-young and seemed drunk and said that she ran into her ex-fiance. The memory of what he did to Tae-jin is not pleasant.

Morning Soo-Kyung is squeamish roam about Jin-sang in his underwear, though he swears his pajamas. She flips her top over her head, baring her bra and chases him around the house ordered him to "look at it!" Haha, these two are hilarious.

Do-Kyung asks Jin-sang to check if Tae-jin has been released from prison, while Hoon more worries about food and want Hae-young she another to grab lunch. Soo-Kyung overhears and asks Do-Kyung, who he's dating, guessing that it is Oh Hae-young, although no one give a clear answer.

There is a mix-up at work when a packet for other Hae-jung in our supplied Hae-young, to her nemesis feels to make any kind not our Hae-young. The other Hae-Young sees that their email Kyung She was read, but it is to have received no answer disappointed.

Do-Kyung mother grabs one of his staff to ask how her son has been lately, confused when she hears he has been in a good mood. But she hears another employee tell his bad mood is back, but the guy is smart enough to not give all the details.

Do-Kyung is really in a black mood, with Hoon screaming for shaft with sounds from the wrong coast. He apparently took An-na on a romantic trip to the West Coast when he allegedly on the east coast to the recording. Wow, his hearing is really incredible.

The other Hae-young texts Do-Kyung to wonder why he has not called, and he remembers the fight with his mother that she heard recorded. Yes, it still sounds pretty bad. He agreed to meet with Hae-young, and she smiles like nothing ever happened between them.

Meanwhile, our Hae-young replays of humiliating evening last night about angry and frustrated. A car pulls up next to her and the driver gets out - it's Tae-jin, who has come out of prison, in fact. Hae-young is shocked to see him, but is, as he, his heart in his eyes.

COMMENTARY approaches

I'm concerned about our Hae-young, because while it has for some time been clear that she likes Do-Kyung, this means that just now showed, it is not a very healthy emotion may need to be be for them. It's easy to forget that it is of a serious relationship recently, so serious that she was getting married, and she fell for the next man who was nice to her. Regardless of whether they are meant to be together, the way things are right now is not good - Hae-young is so fixed that it actually wishes to every woman in the world death is while Do-Kyung much repair have to do with what he did to Tae-jin, and with his own past in relation to the other Hae-young.

But at this point in history, I am willing to say about both Hae-Youngs to contact Do-Kyung to the curb. He is pretty much to be an ass in every possible way, and it is so frustrating . I that he wanted reasons for not having our Hae-young to get involved, but he had not be so cruel when she told him that she liked him. It is a mature and intelligent woman, she is not to be violated in order to understand ... if he only said that he liked her so that she would have accepted it. But he had to be about common when it comes to be no real reason, and I think he is twisted only about his own poor resolution and it made our Hae-young. And as for the other Hae-young, I do not know her to be a bit of guilt for too shocked to say to hear him that he pitied her. This is a terrible thing to say, to marry with the woman that you are about and to love. I think that both Do-Kyung and to secure our Hae-young need treatment to get her past relationships and closing, then to find each other and to start this time in a healthy way.

that is, I recommend for excavation yet another trope again the show, the fiancee who leaves without a word and expected to be received with open arms, when they eventually return to decide. It seems like they always have a terrible reason, and once for, find thin and frustrating instead of excuses, I agree that the other Hae-jung every reason to not show had and disappear their wedding. Now that we know that their personalities and how fragile it is to escape their instinct makes total sense. What she heard him say that he would have hurt for her compassion and not love, it must them to the core and I do not blame them for running straight. It would have been nice if they would leave a note or a message, but for someone who is as it is so sensitive, I fully understand why they want just so far away, would get as she could, as soon as she could.

The other Hae-young as a great second guide that they are not bad or evil, and it has no nefarious intent or ulterior motives. She's just a girl who lived a really lonely life, whose heart was shattered when she learned that the man she did not love she loved. What they want more than anything is to be liked, but she's so busy, sure they sympathetic, she has no idea who she really is. She has created this person, that they are constantly acting out, to pretend that nothing is wrong, but this time it causes more problems than it solved. By pretending to have the perfect life, they close their innermost secrets and fears of Do-Kyung, so there was never a chance for him to love her - he's never known who she really is.

What is another reason why I our Hae-jung think is so amazing - she has been its ugly inner truth from the beginning talked, Do-Kyung to tell all their hurtful secrets and him to the core you is abandoned. No wonder that he fell in love with her because she him her true self from the beginning has been on. The problem is that he will not admit it, or give it the same of himself. This brings me back to what I said before - as things now between Do-Kyung and our Hae-young is very unhealthy. It's time to take a break, treat their individual questions, then try again, if it is what they both want.


  • Oh Hae-young again: Episode 6
  • Oh Hae-young again: Episode 5
  • Oh Hae-young again: Episode 4
  • Oh Hae-young again: Episode 3
  • Oh Hae young again: Episode 2
  • Oh Hae-young again: Episode 1
  • a card selection, each card for Oh Hae-jung again
  • Eric meets Oh Hae-jung and Oh Hae-jung again
tags: Episode 7, Eric, in Jeon Hye-bin, Oh Hae-jung again Seo Hyun-jin

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