Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 4

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 4 -

Healer [1945012machtSpaßHumorStilNiedlichkeitundeinHauchvonSehnsucht] still gives me the right buttons to make. So far, the show does a great job, done the parts balancing what we know take care of the necessary evils-you, the politicians, the media bigwigs that news-related stuff and be careful not to sight Entertainment favor of dry exposure to lose. This is not one thing that everyone knows show how to do well, it is so very appreciated if you do, because it is a way to really optimize the slow / rough edges of a show, so it directly through the fun parts to fly. Never take for granted


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Jung-hoo gets a groggy start to his morning to settle down with terrible instant food and residues (still, my arteries clogged heart). he casts a suspicious look around before taking a bite, ajumma expected and also to cut, the moment when he finally takes a bite, min-ja hacks into his system cluck with their brand. you'll never beat, healer-ya! they

she wonders what he abandoned in daylight to do that he lives his life nocturnally, and sniffs at the idea that one day he will work messages, the Internet-paper. they bring a long lecture outlining all the ways in which it is a bad idea to show themselves are in the public urged him to stay hidden until the murder case will be shelved.

Jung-hoo ignored when he is ready for his day, and says that Young-shin is definitely serious bait, and he has knowledge of the fish swim taken by her. It means Moon-ho, having discovered him twice in Young-shin orbit, and the question now is whether he is the man who killed Go Sung-Chul and framed him for it, or whether someone even bigger secure it. He gives himself in which to come up with a boss three days.

Min-ja barrages him with instructions: show not let not cause waves his true personality, just say yes to everything.

Of course, easier said than done, especially when Jung-hoo given the statement sixty to write news articles per day. Admittedly, there is no expectation of quality, and it is to provide especially a mindless keyword-driven process clickbait: the list of Top Ten Searches company and six posts per semester ( "Just take other products and reuse their content") Write that possible using provocative conditions.

Young-shin harassed her editor adamant about her story about Yeon-hee posting forced prostitution, to ask if he is afraid to print such a strong accusation. Jung-hoo sneaks to eavesdrop while Editor Jang that replies that if anything, the story is about weak to the office with the copier handling. The victim is not a star, and they do not even have to commit suicide. No one is interested in.

Young-shin gets in a few licks as Editor Jang should be ashamed before he pulls rank, forcing them to pull back and try a different tack. Fishing for sympathy, she says that she was not able to message with Yeon-hee fall to sleep in her room, and when he could only print the story and give them a reason to take it to the police, it kick things moving, and she could find a way to send Yeon-hee away.

Editor Jang told her that they do not go through the ear to can print the name of an assemblyman and pulls them away like a stray child, telling her to focus on the training of novice. their frustrations on the poor copy machine Full indignation, Young-shin warns Jung-hoo to stand aside, then lets out.

Moon-ho comes to the secret meeting, organized by his brother with media bigwigs and is stripped of his phone, because they are assumed to be the call is not recorded or leaked precautions. Does that mean they're gonna be specially angry today?

Moon-ho is to warmly welcome in the womb, and as he responded in the right way, I dig the steely edge that is visible just under the charm. He asks clear why they wanted to see him, and they cut to the chase: You want to act as "our" representatives him in politics. You have decided it is the perfect choice, for he is a star whose unshakable reputation speaks for the younger generation. (Of course, they do not want to use it for his strong convictions, they find it only convenient as a tool for their purposes.)

Moon-ho asks them to clarify exactly who they mean by this general " us ", and they all have a hearty laugh, as a joke; They basically want one of their own that. the interests of the media elite in politics While that the rich and powerful media controller need could not argue much more help, I suppose power breeds thirst for more power.

The first order of business: you have moon-ho politician to help campaign for the upcoming mayoral election. The man is known Assemblyman Kim, otherwise than Yeon-hee sponsor. A Media Boss assured Moon-ho to trust in them, and in return, they will propel him to the top.

Moon-ho usually keeps his mouth, but his eyes turning icy, as he listened to plan. He shoots his brother a hard look, but Moon Shik just throws a toast.

At the police cyber crime team, led by the sharp investigator Yoon. A look at the recent activity of the Dead Go Sung-Chul, he comes to this metro stop, the covers have been chopped material-it with gaps in CCTV. Investigator Yoon identified the thugs who had swarmed the station as Double S employees, and concludes that they and the healer there for the same thing.

digging through shot cell phone footage from a spectator, investigator Yoon spots the moment Go Sung-chul and healers jump out of the car, with the double-S guards in pursuit.

His buddy asks whether the police station safe from hacking and investigator Yoon replies with a smile, that they are safe from outside hack jobs ... but inside Jobs are another question. he would Ajumma Min-ja receive the same footage just seen:

section. Hm, interesting. What is the inner connection?

But like Min-ja Yoon escape a "damnably industrious Bastard" and miracle to be when he would have to retire, maybe he is not exactly on their team. But he is familiar definitely with her and her ways.

We catch messenger Dae-yong in a sort of rave kind martial arts obstacle course, which gives her the opportunity to show some of it, high-flying moves. (Actress Tae-mi is a taekwondo athlete, so the stunts must all be her.) She takes an incoming call from Min-ja (they "Boss" calls), instructing her to find the healer who's tracking signal is switched off again.

Min-ja know he hates on his tail to have someone, but she's nervous and wants Dae-yong to keep an eye on him. She leads Dae-yong by to start close to Young-shin, which is easy enough, as Jung-hoo slipped a tracking error on their previous.

Dae-yong finds at dinner with the one day team news, well in a bottle of soju and still trying to wear down their boss. Asks Editor Jang this old newspaper job he was fired from, assumed it was to write an article he was told not to write, and relying on his sleeping sense of justice. She calls his life a tragedy and lays it on thick, ignoring their employees' attempts fleet to keep out of their hands. They get huffy heaing that Jung-hoo it will be late accession, as it is with an order from first.

We find Jung-hoo on the bus, looking at his framed photograph from 1980 Five. his gaze lingered on the man on the far left of his father. his mother rings the voice in the ears, as she explains, . that Jung-hoo his father is similar, and that you fought for his death

a flashback takes us to Jung-hoo childhood: his mother him dinner a nice cooks and urges him to eat, but Jung-hoo not given the packed bags through the door. he asks where she goes and when he has to go, but Mom says she far away and probably will not again. Obeying instructions his mother eats Jung-hoo with tears running down his face.

Jung-hoo comes outside an apartment building, and warmly welcomed a woman who he calls Mom. Huh, well now I'm wildly curious to know how this relationship came to after she left him. But he does not seem ill will to the port and asks for her family her son, now a high schooler, and her new husband.

Jung-hoo pulls out the old photo and asks Mama about his father and his friends. She knew she never very good, but they identified the two in the middle as a reporter, who were married (Young-shin parents). He asks if she still has something of his father, and she says they look.

It's nice to see that Jung-hoo has some relations in the world, and it obviously has a warm heart. Mom asks why he assigns this dessert all the time, as he is always scooping the best part (sweet beans) to her, and he says it's because they like them.

Jung-hoo comes in the restaurant as Young-shin leaving dinner-or rather, the sunbae pulled by their length, because it is drunk. Immediately bent over, he hurries to them and provides them to take home. She is so drunk Editor Jang has ordered that it be just, taken at home so easily and lead to bed brought. Now, do you think they are to bed to take his express command? Aye-Aye.

spying Dae-yong keeps at a safe distance and watched as Jung-hoo comes a taxi and Young-shin regales stranger with expansive talk about dinosaur brain.

She sings of the time, Jung-hoo she brings home, and dad eyes Jung-hoo mighty suspicious. On about those sad little dinosaur brains and has in her room by Yeon-hee towed Blabbers.

The leaves Jung-hoo Only two disapproving paternal species to face with Papa and pickpocket Ajusshi glared at him sternly. Hee. He stammers an introduction and launches into a story about compassion far away and live the buses not running and the expensive taxi fare he pays as he heard about dinosaurs to nonsense and asked them to let him stay overnight.

Dad and Ajusshi to suppose that he closely spends every day with Young-shin, and when he says yes, they each grab an arm. Stunned, Jung-hoo yelps nervous continue as they pull him in Papa's office.

Young-shin continues its dinosaur brain talking to Yeon-hee, insists throughout the game goes beyond the three stages of human brain development. The dinosaur stage is the early development portion on survival, while the mammalian stage in adolescence brings emotional development. It is the third and last step, the man apart from animals.

This all has a point, albeit a super-roundabout and Young-shin marches (tipsy) on your computer sets and declared: "Let us make trouble Something only a man can do!." LOL, should only think her editor known better, she would bring to bed to save them from trouble-not in the age of Wi-Fi and web publishing.

Meanwhile, the bottom lock the two fathers Jung-hoo at the office and to preface her speech that there had better be a secret of Young-shin. Sip. They advance slowly to him and explain that they ask a three-part "pleased" to have from him: First, keep Young-shin from drinking, although that will be because of their fast fingers difficult. Dad: "When she starts talking with the dinosaurs, that's a warning sign." They end often not drunk, but every time she does, she gives

Second, do "big trouble." t let them open cans, it is prone to self-intersect. And above all, never, ever let them go to the scene of the violence. Dad begins to fumble for words as he tells her an "accident" with, when she was young, and the trauma can cause choking. The fathers crowd threatening him and emphasize their "favor" while Jung-hoo fidgets nervously.

Upstairs, Young-shin began writing the story, warning Yeon-hee, who would they go to this hard. She goes so far as the assemblyman to identify by first and party affiliation, but Yeon-hee increased to want to be totally suspended him. Young-shin says that the accused would force them to name the accuser naming, but do not worry Yeon-hee about their own privacy.

Young-shin resists, say that their approach is a Kamikaze, where both parties die. That's not good enough for her, she wants to go assemblyman, and Yeon-hee to survive. This is the right way to do it.

Nevertheless, there are many details in there at the right man to point (since it mayoral candidate named as Seoul). If Young-shin ends the story, she recalls the difference between dinosaurs and humans, screened to publish the nerve meets.

from around the way Dae -Yong takes watching until Jung-hoo stakeout post. And two young ladies in the house, she complains: "Why are there so many women?" Just as she reached for her cell phone to call Min-yes, it's her ripped out of his hand.

Dae-yong start in reflexive attack mode, but easily get their kicks by Jung-hoo gave way, the prisoner on her. Instead him to persecution, he orders to observe their Moon-ho and tell him. Ha, if she asks blankly, who he is, Jung-hoo ridicules their ignorance of the News Star like a know-it-all, as if he had not quite the same thing recently asked.

tried to protest it, but he leaves her in mid-sentence to make a showy exit by jumping the bar on the way to the ground, and then back to Young-shin Square in one swift series of acrobatic maneuvers.

A dream. This time it's Young-shin, and she's back in childhood at a time spent in a closet cowering like a man approaching menacingly, pulling a metal rod. The door flings open, childhood Young-shin freezes in fear and adults Young-shin screws in bed to wake from the nightmare.

Jung-hoo slips in just in time to sleep on the couch fake passes as Dad. Then Young-shin tumbles from her bedroom half asleep and maintains its position on the sofa, leaving him on the floor protesting ineffectually. He nudges, reminding her that she can not sleep with someone next to her ( "Hello, I'm next to you ..."), but they do not move. Instead, she grabs hold of his arm just in her restless sleep.

Jung-hoo mother a box of old things going through and smiles in old photographs from the year of their marriage day with Jung-hoo father. In a flashback, we fall to a housewarming party for her family, with Young-shin parents present, and Moon Shik and Teenage Moon-ho. Parents laughing amused when young Ji-an and find Jung-hoo sleeping together, they laid on the arm.

In the morning when Dad steps into the living room, he first piece of furniture that makes the for Jung-hoo over her head a reflexive grab. But he takes a break at the sight of Young-shin peacefully sleeping next to Jung-hoo, was still hanging on his arm. Like in the old days.

The phones are ringing the hook on the day news agency, thanks to Young-shin from overnight shovel. Editor Jang crawling desperately looking for a solution that would remove the items, although his senior reporter points out that it has made the top of search results and have a tremendous amount of traffic.

HA, Young-shin cowering under the table in the conference room, now that sobriety has her sense of fear back. Jung-hoo tried to push them out, but she does not hide in the firing line to step want while her editor rages.

Over at ABS, Min-jae suspected rightly that Moon-ho a bad person would be this Assemblyman to have sex scandal story covers and decides him to put on another story preventively. She orders his hoobae, Jong-soo, to do everything possible to take his attention away from this article to keep distracted.

Min-jae finds Moon-ho to forgive a story, but he is terribly keen on the irregularity of their special request. Jong-soo cracks under the pressure and Moon-ho pulls its tablet, which is open to Assemblyman Kim history.

blood burning immediately, making moon-ho expert prints and asks where the story originated. And when he sees the right side, he realizes that name.

Moon Shik fields an emergency meeting with Assemblyman Kim and President Hwang (the pimp), that he assured'll care the source take over and that things die soon after below. It helps to protect the assemblyman's face by giving a clear case of politically motivated defamation, and the assemblyman plays the role of victim.

Moon Shik Recalls that President Hwang is the weaker link, and Hwang assured him that he would take with him this secret to the grave. Because now they have to find this problematic missing woman, and they suspect that the reporter she cherishes. bring Moon Shik orders of Double S guides the woman and to "calm the use reporter whatever methods you need."

Jung-hoo helps Young-shin slip from the editorial distract the others while they duck goes her way. It runs almost directly in a foreign legs, and a look at his face she has stunned speechless.

It is their hero, Moon-ho, and she stutters in awe and calls himself a fan. There is a beautiful, sad look on his face when he takes her hand and calls for a chat.

She is still in a state of shock later that evening, when she goes home, recalls their conversation, but it is not because of the awe. Rather Moon-ho had asked, she let him treat the story because it is too large to do it for them alone-and while that is true, it assumes that the other way and mocks that he became a star of stories from the Junior reporter tearing.

Moon-ho had warned that it fixes the way of a dangerous situation not know how much they know, but Young-shin more on the way he talked to her ( in banmal) and Huff at his arrogance. What a traitor, she scoffs.

Just then, Jung-hoo noticed the dark van on the way and the gangster-like companions inside watching parked. He gets on his in-ear comm ajumma immediately, and they hacked into the CCTV feed the SS to recognize. She orders Jung-hoo to make a break for her face-especially exposed with his bare.

Jung-hoo takes stock of the situation, the gang noting that is on their tail, and one who is cut off from the front. Young-shin do not start until it is surrounded, literally, but a mention of Yeon-hee name is enough to put them on the situation in regard to

Young-shin rejects a message to Jung-hoo to grumble back .: "I will rely on them, so you run away. Go and get the police."

He is certainly surprising, and Young-shin steps to say forward that they no Yeon-hee does not know. The Lead Gangster bangs her head into a wall, but Jung-hoo acts quickly on the head before impact cradle.

This engagement makes him a target and gangsters grab him and start throwing punches. Hilarilously, Jung-hoo dodging the blows but yelps loudly: "Ow That hurts!" And pretends to suffer the sellers. Young-shin can not stand, hit him and jumps to see the agreement, they show to Yeon-hee, and the guys grab her and let Jung-hoo whimpering in fake pain.

Jung-hoo wipes and closes again with Min-ja, the police and tells him to be called of the situation has to be removed. Jung-hoo looks at the way Young-shin was taken back, but starts in the other direction to go ... but words ring in his ear about her childhood trauma, and how they can not breathe when he meets, and how she was once considered killing to stop the pain.

symptoms Young-shin kick already in, and she falls hard panting on the floor. Your vision begins to blur, and the last thing she sees is the arrival of an intruder, of the Gangster jumps to combat.

Jung-hoo jumps into battle, easily men down and keep them to knock at bay when he collects Young-shin, she covered safely to the side of his head depositing while back in the fight , He does literal gymnastics on the scaffolding and knocks more baddies down while Young-shin looks up to catch hidden a look at his face.


And the fun continues! I'm really digging the tone of the show, and the fast pacing that never dwells on the wrong things for too long. This show know what it is, and has a nice brisk pace suggested that its various facets compensates in a fun and efficient way. I like that we are given enough clues to the past, to start the speculation without, be be as close as cryptic or to be as open as obvious. The flashbacks are well done, and while there are a number of them, they are well made to show us exactly what we need to know confusing or overwhelming without.

I find the last band combines Young-shin, Jung-hoo, and Moon-ho to be somewhat accurate, but I'll keep an open mind about it. If it were a pure romance drama that mirrored a childhood love triangle in the present, I would be pretty tough right now moaning about. But I have to do a lot of confidence in this writer with this as a romantic (in fact, I am, that is thinking romance a secondary thread the past timeline, not the primary) and the Childhood Connection of the trio is part of the premise, rather than the resolution. As they say, a writer can people in a fix with random, but you should not solve an update with random better. So in this way, I am ready to go with everyone-is-connected idea as a central theme.

I'm surprised how much I this main pairing have fallen because admittedly makes it pretty obvious seem, is not it? I suppose it is another proof that it is important to carry out a credible way than to come up with a new idea, because if I believe in these characters, it's not that other people in other stories matter've love in a similar manner. Because what matters is that these people work and they really do for me. is

What is the best part of the Young-shin and Jung-hoo relationship is that it works at all its levels for me, not only the primary-I am there drawn with the strange Healer to the bubbly Weirdo heroine, and I'm tagging also there with the goofy reporter Bong-Soo with his cocky sunbae (and cowering before their father figures that makes me laugh out loud), and I'm there with the two damaged children their childhood traumas polished behind more adult facades hide. If all of their sites to develop credible, so I'll be all over this OTP, as you do not even know. Wheeee

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tags: featured , Healer, Ji Chang-wook, Park min-young, Yoo Ji-tae

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