Recap And Reviews Kdrama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 15 -

Almost at the end! * Sniff * Finals week is upon us, and it starts definitely feel that we are in the final stretch of the road, as we say of these characters, prepare and a look back on how far they have come.

The disadvantage is that the feeling is a little bittersweet, and I have come to love all so much that I'm sad not more of them have observed. The happier downside of this is that we in for some major payouts transition, as the major threads together, ready for their happy finale.


Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D Major - I: Allegro moderato [ Download ]

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Under Nae-il's direction, Yoo-jin falls into a hypnotic state and revisits source his trauma. As it relates to the experience of being in the turbulent level, we see that there is a serious accident not only that his phobia has caused, but a deep-seated guilt about not being able to rescue the grandfather who his heart like drugs. Nae-il tells him that it was not his fault and that he is not to be more anxiety or guilt-ridden, and that he will take planes back in the situation.

When the alarm goes off to wake him, Yoo-jin finds himself alone in his room, and we hear Nae-il again instructions in voice-over. he suggests that Yoo-jin recalls, she heard in his hypnosis, but he does not think too much which now find out only that she says strange things have been lately.

Shi-won comes on Il-lac in a practice room to play the violin with perfectly healthy arms. He confesses that he had lied about his arm the soloist part to give it, since they all know that they would have won the role in a fair vote, but now he has changed his mind, he can not give up the solo. "I know I'm not as good as you," he says, "but I want to do a good job. I will work hard."

He cling when Shi-won achieved over when whether to beat him, but she snaps only his brow slightly and tells him that he is not listening to a dummy for when she told him that he had every right to the solo. And then she hugged him and thanked him.

Yoon-hoo stops Yoo-jin him challenge for his recent actions namely to intimidate the orchestra with video of their rivals, and not informed that they would at rehearsals are filmed. He points out that Yoo-jin would be most hurt by everything.

Yoo-jin asks if he would be in front of himself always to say, he did it because he had faith in them. It is to answer a cryptic manner and confused Yoon-hoo, although we know that Yoo-Jiun spirit can see concert when he had dropped his rod flashes back to Rachmaninoff, and was encouraged by its members to continue.

For now, though, the orchestra struggles; half did not show them, for sample, given their precarious position with the school. The board will vote on their future tomorrow, and been forced to leave some musicians. Il-lac steps in and takes the reins, and the other members gather together to convince the other to stick together.

Yoon-hoo observed with a touch of confusion, or maybe fatigue, it is, and asks why they do not finish. He says that they all have done as much as they can-not all of them are tired of all this?

Without samples on the books, Yoo-jin has day off and Nae-il pressured him to spend it with her. He cringes when her repeated use of his "our Nae-il" slip of the tongue, and they met to give him her six hours of his day and promises to never "our Nae-il" use to him if he does.

That's incentive enough, and Yoo-jin puts his phone alarm to six hours. You start out with a movie where she him look like Jo Jung-seok teases (it is my love, my bride), he scoffs at huffily. Then she makes him to keep her purse as she walks in the room to the ladies, and he finds himself crawling embarrassed with the other friends are wearing purse. He tried to insist that he was not as it is, but I think he just be happy, he should not had the bright pink to wear one.

Then he wins a stuffed animal in a claw machine, only to be thoroughly Nae-il, HA exceeded. She insists to give him her scarf because it is cold, and they both freeze when they find themselves in lips contacting area, suddenly tense nervous and with awareness.

I love it, the while Yoo-jin which is gripped by confusion Nae-il first relaxed because , it is time to mate . Kiss Kiss Kiss!

Annnnd then rings his watch alarm, break the spell. Booooo!

And they go home and to their separate doors and Nae-il has to some soothing words about how everything will be with the orchestra in order. He's still rattled by the non-kiss and takes refuge inside, not to see that Nae-il is a little wistfully over and talk about things as if they are about to finish. Was today a farewell date?

passes after Yoo-jin inside, he wonders to himself: "Is it that they got more beautiful, or that they beautiful look?"

[1945010Board] members come on campus the next day about the fate of the orchestra to decide. Yoo-jin heads into the rehearsal room, a bit nervous as he collects his nerves before opening the door ... and found only an empty space. Oh no, they do not show?

Yoon-hoo seems to ask if he really did not expect that this could happen-thought he would at any hang in there in the middle of all these obstacles? Yoo-jin replied that he did not think this would be the result, admits that it is pretty sobering. And really, he has not come up with an alternate plan, because he really did the members would think through.

Nevertheless, it is not down, and assumes that they have to start from the beginning on. If the worst-case scenario is that the sample space of the orchestra and the official status be revoked, well, they have before them with that trade. It might be to practice an interesting experience in the lobby, he muses.

Yoon-hoo sighs that Yoo-jin in this way no fun to say: "I did not understand why everyone I love you like ..." It sounds like he means well, he understands but he cuts from Yoo-jin, that everyone has gathered to inform conference room in front of the faculty. Ah, so you were testing him for his reaction?

see Board members at their meeting head, and the whole orchestra gathered outside the building. They are there not to block them or to do what active, but are united by their presence sends a message and one of the Board leader smiling with satisfaction the display of solidarity to see. The board members are all parents and relatives of students, and note that it is quite unusual to see this independent-minded students, with her friends. After graduation, they will be back to their solo paths, and this is his last chance, they can take part in this kind of collective experience together.

Yoo-jin takes the time runs to its look orchestra gathered there and to see steps on it with pride.

Yoo-jin narrative. "In an orchestra to gather dozens of tools to make a sound No, dozens of people gather to make a melody. violin, Viola, Double bass, Trumpet, when they play their parts of each of their seats, sounds Mozart as Mozart and Tchaikovsky sounds like Tchaikovsky. one after another, they must guard their places and play together to complete the music. "

now alone in the rehearsal room, Yoon-hoo thinks back to yesterday, when the orchestra, if they had asked was, better to stop for them. Il-lac was immediately answered and said: "What then is our Head That's not the way we have to believe someone in us we can not go on this hand, just because we are tired?..."


Yoon-hoo looked almost angry not-listening upset with them remaining positive, but as if this reply has it dealt a blow.

is made the decision, and it is good news. The orchestra survived and celebrated in a collective show of joy. (Adorably, Min-hee and Su-min one point to push their way between Il-lac and Shi-won, to them frowning when they try to sneak in some couple moments-this orchestra time!)

Nae-il is in her last day in the café work, rejected offer Mom has to keep playing it. You are Min-hee all their carefully accumulated food stamps and sounds wistful about it do not get much to see more-she speaks, as it is good for, but Min-hee did not pick up on them to think it refers only to end of her Café gig. Nae-il she wraps up in a huge hug, emotional search.

Next, Nae-il falls seen through Streseman who assured him that they are not going to try to go out abroad Yoo-jin to prevent. On the contrary, she asks Streseman to insist to ensure that he does not go, and when Yoo-jin increased for any reason. She returns the clock as well, and leaves his office to their wipe away tears.

takes you directly to Yoon-hoo, the notes that she cries and moved to wipe the tears when it comes to them before he can. He suspects that he is going to not listen to what she wants to say, but she has to say it today, and thanks him her piano playing to like, and they like to.

Yoon-hoo recognizes that your relationship finally addressing is open, and the marks do their official rejection. He says, ruefully, that he would have been in order to leave it open-ended, so he could be tortured by hope, but Nae-il smiles through her tears and tells him that she could not do that-it is an expert loving in the one-sided ". too much it hurts"

he agrees, but he wonders why it seems "it hurts." that she has hurt more than he is, and asks if she is really in order. I suspect it is not, but she insists that he need not worry cheerily.

Yoon-hoo meets with Streseman his conducting plans relating to, and although he has decided to embrace this path, he finds that he is not an official student Yoo-jin is still the only Streseman the is who has this item. Streseman says Yoon-hoo has the ability to do very well in the implementation, but expresses his only concern: that Yoon-hoo can be hindered by pride, the only him, he acknowledges their talents can accept. If someone made him that can break, Streseman says, he would be a better teacher for Yoon-hoo.

teachers do hear thrilled that Nae-il has received an invitation in an international competition, allows participate by special recommendation of the teacher Yoon. But he can not be found Nae-il, to tell her because she turned off her cell phone.

your friends to make the same discovery, and Yoon- hoo place, either at home no answer. When he brings it to the attention of others, they begin as in last Nae-il's strange behavior piecing together, and their concern to share with Yoo-jin.

First he waved it aside as unnecessary concern, but if it finds that their door code was changed, he begins to care. He heads to scrub out of town and you are looking for all cities could be, while the others do the same. It's all to no avail, because her phone the night remains, and it is nowhere to be seen.

Just like Il-lac, a report with the police finally proposes submission, Nae-il with a call to Min-hee resurfaces. They agreed to go home to Jeju and Min-hee doing its best to pull the call length, as long as possible so that Yoo-jin can get there. When he arrives, he rips the phone and barks into, "What are you doing"

Shocked, Nae-il goes silent and hangs up on him, to everyone's amazement. It's nice as the other friends Yoo-jin rebuke to Veran to cut her the call, lame to leave him to say: "All I did was raise my voice ..." But he keeps Min-hee phone only in the case.

Nae-il is enough attenuated with her family that they find their mood curious. They take their statement that their holiday started early, then happy of a kindergarten say that just opened near, which means that they get a job there and stay close to home. She herself only excuses quietly so they wonder what is wrong.


teachers pursuing Yoo-jin, to inform him of Nae-il competition whose application deadline approaches. Yoo-jin has the form and calls Nae-il again, a voicemail she left to learn about the way it has to attract funding to study abroad if they win the competition.

Still nothing of his own hypnosis breakthrough, he says ruefully that they could earn him their travel faster than, and he adds that he therapy with his doctor we go again, because he is willing to try anything.

"So if we go along ..." he starts to say, only he holds himself and just asks when she comes back. "The dummies do not miss much," he adds. "And I ..." But he cuts off again.

Then Min-hee phone rings with a call from Nae-il, and he warns them in a hurry to hang up not to inform them of the competition and their time in two days, which is the day of the orchestra the performance. To say that he did not ask for an explanation for their departure, Yoo-jin asks only to get her back.

But it does not say, even if he presses her about her future riding on this opportunity. If she says that she of all that is sick, he keeps these words and asked exactly if they really mean it-because if they really do, he will not annoy her about it. "Are you going to the piano refrain and at school, and I?"

Nae-il takes a moment to compose himself, then says that she wants. She clearly does not mean it emotionally, it is not appear willing to be from one of these things, it holds dear, but it is the decision she made, and she says the words firmly , He takes her to say dull and as promised, not to pursue it. He ended the call.

So if Yoon-hoo stops him to ask for phone Min-hee back, he passes it over easily. Yoon-hoo pushes him over Nae-il's return and Yoo-jin tells him to do exactly what he wants. He takes one last look at the application, and tears it up and throws it in the trash.

The day of the competition orchestra comes and finds him Streseman him the watch Nae-il to give, had returned. He wonders what she meant by insisting that Streseman matter away from him, what, ask if there is between them a kind of mystery. still feel Yoo-jin, the sting of their task, only says it does not matter and heads inside to prepare.

But he plays with that observed all the time, and do not argue when Yoon-hoo by him falls to say that he would prepare a taxi to take him to the airport immediately after the concert. Yoon-hoo noticed the clock and says that he had been surprised at her interest in hypnosis:

This comment, "But I see now that it was up to you." makes him think about his meeting with the doctor who had determined that it should not be possible, without knowing it, to be hypnotized: "But maybe if you were in a situation where you could take it without resistance .. . "

so he thinks of Nae-il's words as he was hypnotized to assemble the items: Did she think she was so he could study abroad cure him? "That's just like her," he says with a smile.

Time for performance. It's a bit of nervousness in the air when Yoo-jin takes a while to join the orchestra, but he and Il-lac take their places in front of the concerned public, and start the concert.

, how they play, Yoo-jin thinks of the importance of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, which was initially met with a negative reaction when the work was first performed, can only be estimated later for his the beautiful composition that it is. It's just like his friends, he notes that for its bottom-rate students and are now recognized as better had doggedly as first judges.

He also makes the wise observation: "It is not my Orchestra is the orchestra with whom I play.."

Il-lac plays beautifully, and when the concert to its triumphant comes close, silence hangs in the air before the audience rises to his feet in an enthusiastic standing ovation.

There is a distinct air of finality as Yoo-jin thinks: "Now I have finished what I had to do." Time to go?

Shi-won congratulated Il-lac for a job well done and assured him that he was brilliant. She teases that she had first liked him because he was nice, but now likes him even more, and he teases back, that she is at risk if they are no longer in love with him. They are so cute, I could just choke, which is pretty much the reaction, the Min-hee and Su-min have the same jealous and disgusted. Ah, friends.

Yoon-hoo find Yoo-jin after the concert, prepared with Nae-il's application form and Yoo-jin airline ticket to Jeju Iceland. Yoo-jin eyes, with some trepidation, although he did not reveal it to Yoon-hoo as they take a taxi to the airport.

starts in the terminal once but Yoo-jin looking sick and thinks that he can not. Yoon-hoo pushes him to hurry up, then looks advised him to falter and crack the application, ready to Jeju to go even if Yoo-jin can not manage. That's enough Yoo-jin get to snatch the application again and assert himself, and he passes alone.

But the closer he gets to the target, the greater grows his panic attack in intensity. His steps falter, and he breaks into a cold sweat, breathing heavily and even again. At a turning point

Meanwhile, in Jeju, Nae-il calls Min-hee and hears that the Rising Stars not lost their rivals in the competition, and asks timidly over Yoo-jin. Min-hee replies that she does not know where he has gone, and that he did not even talk about these days Nae-il.

you lose to accept a little air, that he is excited (or worse, indifferent), not to see it by car pulling into the parking lot. She says only Min-hee ruefully that they thought it would be an easy thing would be to win their competition and go abroad with Yoo-jin. But now she regrets leaving because they could have sent him while staying in Seoul. You have worked hard on their own piano while talking to him about his studies, and seeing Master Viera again.

Her back to him, Nae-il does not see how Yoo-jin finds in the park, beelining for her and she completely surprised catching up in a back-hug Swooping. "I came to you, Nae-il-ah," he tells her.


Awww what. For a sweet end Scratch that what around for a sweet episode, all. First of all, the orchestra has amass always been an issue throughout the series, but I appreciate the stakes and conflicts that every time just a little bit different. It's fitting that this final challenge is something that comes from within and that the solution also lies with the Rising Stars themselves. It's Yoo-jin, which leads them to the discovery, as befits his role as conductor and leader, but it is to decide them as they made themselves for themselves, to dig out of the hole.

Yoon-hoo accused Yoo-jin of themselves more than anyone else to hurt, but stuck as Streseman notes, Yoon-hoo thinking is still in a mode that prevents its progress. That is, he thinks pessimistic to cut his losses, bringing rather than all at. There is a "not worth it" bent to his attitude, which explains his defeated response to the recent setback. So it is quite in character for Scrappy S orchestra members, not only themselves pick up, but do not even consider the defeat as finished. They have a fundamentally different way of approaching the problem, it is a starting point, not the end, and I think it's fair for harboring credited this attitude in them Yoo-jin. That is why it is nice to see that when the orchestra makes its silent position on the board, they have won over the A orchestra members to their side, and not vice versa.

I loved the show orchestra of solidarity, even if they do their case or somewhat disputed inactive or pleading. Your spirit of unity was genuine and loud enough to move the board members-Plus, it takes the question of their future away from whether they "deserve" to have an orchestra, or whether they have "lost" the privilege that snafu because of their media, instead of what the orchestra gives them. recognize the board members that the orchestra these students with lessons and experiences provides that enrich their lives, and that has value. It is beautiful, this kind of message coming through to see.

I felt for Nae-il, though I be as currently'll admit to puzzled why they felt the need to leave. And I. Her departure as a temporary retreat not to collect her thoughts, but as the beginning of a lasting change in the life direction read, given the way she talks about him She says she will return to Seoul has left after Yoo-jin to "wrap things" there, and seems that the teaching in Jeju to pull recording in whereas her mother pointed out to her.

There is perhaps a dramatic decision in the light of a failed competition, but the more I on them, the more I can see why they would think that way. She pointed out that so far more competitions would do not solve their problem, because the whole world of the piano competition and therefore the future, they pursued hostile to people like her, and not willing to accept their kind of talent. The problem was never that they lacked the financing abroad or a slot to go in a foreign university, because the chances always are out there. There is a fundamental problem of feeling like the world to have it, refuses, knowing that it is the world that would Yoo-jin thrive in.

In this sense, I have nae il see as anti-Do-Kyung, they have decided that if they could not be the best, she would only date the best. For not to be suitable for the world of professional classical musicians not mean Nae-il has give up on a future with Yoo-jin, of course; it is a bit extreme to him as an all-or-nothing approach. But just as she decides she wants to be a part of this world, it is that world that she refuses. Yoo-jin had pushed their competitions to try, and it was perhaps a question whether it is for his sake pursued (to be like in purely upon him) or for their own. I think their answer now proof enough that they want it for themselves, and the large size reduction is ironic that when everyone is ready to retire and to stop pushing and she has the chance to be a kindergarten teacher, the is not what they do not want.

Fortunately Yoo-jin is to enter a word. Huzzah! Now, if we could only hypnotize embrace him in his kissy nature ...

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tags: Cantabile morning in Go Kyung-pyo, Joo-won, Shim Eun-kyung

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