Recap And Reviews Kdrama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Cantabile Tomorrow: Episode 14 -

Oh, that's my still favorite episode. It made me cry, and it made me laugh so hard I snorted foods have the wrong pipe down. (The pain was worth every penny.) There is a thread of bitter sweetness and sadness that the episode feel particularly poignant, faced with characters obstacles to accept certain truths, and forced, in some cases, re-evaluate where they stand.


Liszt - La Campanella [ Download ]

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Shaken by the encounter with their dreadful former teacher, Nae-il passes from the out Halle as well as Yoo-jin comes to see her play. he sees how she gasps and frozen in fear and slowly reached a comforting hand to stroke her arm. "okay," he says softly. "Let us stop."

take in his hand, Yoo-jin and her smiles and says: ". can go home" Nae-il follows stunned when he gone, as Streseman words float back to her about Yoo- jin results meant that for big things away, and how it has to confront the music front, if she wants to go with him

There is a nice directed touch Yoo-jin in their view represents at this moment; . she stares his head on the back as she thinks of her orbit moved him on.

This idea brings them back to the present and pulls her hand be free to decide that it has to continue the competition. Yoo-jin tells her not to force, but Nae-il says more firmly that they can do it, and runs back the way they came.

in the dressing room makes it back just like the porter's departure report, and asks to be allowed. The audience is restless and wondered why it get so long for Nae-il takes the stage, while her old teacher grins that she has not changed. You can read it surprised on leave, only to Nae-il's arrival at the last minute.

Nae-il sits at the piano and thinks Council Streseman the watering their anger and emotions all in the power and make it their own. She begins to play, and more satisfying than the relieved looks on their faces and friends is an acidic, which comes over her teachers.

Mom finds that there is another kind of La Campanella is when she has heard before, but like Nae-il's Interpretation

Yoo- jin calls this power as Nae-il's style: ".. It is the piano, which is like an orchestra"

as nevus il reached the final passage, their game more passion is satisfied, the look on her face grows harder, as she recalls the meeting with their teacher in the hallway. She plays still more violently than it winds to a close, at their teachers glaringly when she meets her last remark.

silence is heard, then a crash of applause.

Nae-il throws a wrench into consideration, because while the judges all ready to admit that they performed well, it is the competition awarding careful. Firstly, it plays outside the rules, and on the other, they fear that they would send the message to the other students that the rules to ignore, now is a good thing.

teacher Yoon is Nae-il keenest supporter say that they have a solution to reward poor performance, but proposes not speak to the panel. We do not hear it, and will have to wait, so that reveal great.

Nae-il is on pins and needles as they wait, and another competitor drops by their performance to congratulate. He also asks for the guests to their variation of piece (as it was different from the traditional interpretation) to ask Nae-il does in alarm when they performed it differently. Ha, it's sweet how concerned she is, and how they absorbed was that they do not know the answer to this question.

How the judges start the display of the prices, Streseman chat breaks with teacher Yoon outside, and she notes that he had to ask for this music festival his reasons. He says he has an eye for talent picking, but she replies that talent alone is not enough, because the students reach a limit without passion. It is a good thing, it finds that Nae-il has tapped into her passion. Streseman says amused that he old: "I just like children grow more than my performances."

The third place is elated with his placement, but the second place gets reactions mixed: Ka-ram disappointed missed to have the first place, while Nae-il's fans sitting in excitement out made it for the first time does have.

Yet the first place winner will be announced as ... nobody?

Everyone is stunned, including Nae-il, to listen to the announcement from the dressing room. Nae-il's old teacher is angry and wondered why Ka-ram was in a competition named second with no winner. Teachers do wisely replied: "Because it another student was worthy first." I think she just could not really give it Nae-il, all in all.

When Yoo-jin comes in the locker room is Nae-il gone, leaving a note his mother and Min-hee for their assistance behind thank.

Nae-il home with a heavy heart stomps, but keeps her voice light, when she calls her mother. She says she worked hard and played well, but still not profitable, what they can do? Sigh.

Yoo-jin waiting at her door when she comes home and asks why she is wandering in the cold, and whether they will eat dinner. He heard that she had not eaten, he brings it in, and boil them a hot meal. What are you waiting for, to marry him now. (See also: The one total as a couple outfit, right?)

He tells her he was just glad that they did not run away, and that they put in an outstanding performance. It will be more competitions for them to try. She replies that it is no longer that students send this year to abroad, and he surprised her by saying: "That's good, you can not go, and neither can I.."

nevus il takes her watch and starts to hypnosis to study books and websites that Yoon-hoo finds her reading. She stammers that she does not look for a reason, and he pulls a bit before seriously about their disappointment about the competition to make.

She says that it's okay and that it'll be more competitions, although she says philosophically that it is not that-apparently isn their game win 't the way to see the competitions.

When Nae-il did not get him any warning flirty with her, he tells her that he does not, she encouraged to reject him as a friend. Nevertheless, it forces the happy answer that it's okay, though her smile falters.

Yoo-jin meets with Streseman pushing back him to go abroad. Think he drags his feet with Nae-il to stay, says Streseman that they can always go next year, and gives the order for Yoo-jin overseas to drive as fast as the orchestra contest is over.

Yoo-jin lands on the Rising Stars as an excuse (and it's a pretty obvious excuse) and said that it would be no one to lead them, if he leaves. Streseman indicates that he hardly the only senior pupils to, and in fact directs it to an assistant conductor to take. There is one he has in mind.

Of course he thinks Yoon-hoo, who already has the orchestra introducing who warmly welcomed him ... at least until Yoo-jin in sample walks and then not ensuring all trade nervous glances, how to go about this becomes. Yoo-jin to be cooled usually him to ignore Yoon-Hoos glib Greetings, although it does not reject the new wizard either.

So Yoo-jin performs sample while Yoon-hoo carefully monitored. Fortunately Il-lac is much improved and back in top form with the concert.

Thereafter asks Yoon-hoo about the upcoming competition and notes that the rivals are formidable. Yoo-jin told him only about themselves and to ensure his recovery, advised him to exercise his left hand. But Yoon-hoo sees the division of the orchestra as the main concern, and explains how he has been previously addressed by a couple of S orchestra player who had called him to help them when Yoo-jin leaves.

Rumors are already underway that Yoo-jin will be with Streseman heading abroad, and the S-members worry that they will be excluded, would go with him. Therefore, the attempt Yoon-hoo to convince to join the A and keep them out of clamps.

Yoo-jin is less affected, the conflict will develop thinking itself while Yoon-hoo reminds him of his observation that Yoon-hoo had no friends, because the that he had all, were really only rival. For this reason, Yoon-hoo understands what jealousy and rivalry to do, and he warns that the things to leave as they are lead to an explosion.

"I'm surprised," he says. "I do not Cha Yoo-jin would be this incompetent." I'm sure he is just by pressing a few buttons to get Yoo-jin, to see what he sees, but it does sound rather tinny him to explain that he only does the orchestra to take care of his friends.

Yoo-jin barks: "Is this a breeze!" Yoon-hoo replies that he does not play, and reminds him to be again on the alert.

Nae-il hypnosis research includes a doctor, who to create a key to solve the problem, they need to know what the lock looks like out that . namely, it has to understand the traumatic event.

With that in mind, she sits Yoo-jin down at home and the clock starts, it holds up to his face. He finds it funny, but you can to keep it dangling, his eyes focused increasingly as it swings back and forth ...

We do not see how the session ended, but the next it connects in the school his friends and before he knows it, the words "our Nae-il" slip out of his mouth. It is so shocking that everyone keeps eating their sponsored almonds to gape, and Yoo-jin is so frightened he told to forget what he said.


Yoon-hoo not realize how cheesy "our Nae-il" sounded and vows to stop it even to say, bursts the Yoo-jin "Why would you say 'our Nae-il' to our Nae-il?" More jaw dropping, including his own, and he hastily apologized in mortification.

Yoo-jin trying to decide the source of the slip of his tongue to find out: "It is in our Nae-il must have been request but even if our Nae-il asked a favor .... "and then he crawls some more and kicks the mouth.

Min-hee describes Nae-il as shocking (and frightening) it was heard Yoo- jin like that, and Nae-il double and triple tests speak, to make sure there was no mistake. Now we see the hypnosis session that Nae-il had moved the night before, where they had to sleep Yoo-jin, and then things tested with a small statement to say: "our Nae-il" ten times in front of people.

When she connects Yoo-jin, he is hilarious bundle of nerves and bursts into motion to her that everything they hear, do not get excited, it was just a mistake right? She tells him it's okay, because they found a way to heal his fear of flying, marveling at the solution. She takes the clock in order to do it right then and there, but has put it down when Il-lac and Su-min break pepper Yoo-jin with questions. And the rumors are true? Is he really abroad next month?

Yoo-jin tells them that Streseman is wrong and that he did not go, grabbed annoying when they get too excited with the idea.

Nae-il has second thoughts that night to say that they can not succeed where the doctors have failed. It must have been just a coincidence, she tries to convince himself. She remembers that he curing means that he'll go ". Even if he goes, he can go later, when I go abroad"

[1945010DieFreunde] ask if Yoo-jin really go, and Su-min half-jokes that he wants to follow what. With Shi-won overseas to headline Il-lac alarmed at the idea, but says that it will not be immediate, just listen with horror that they pretty soon want to leave for their next concert, in fact.

Shi-won tells him on her next day so much, and Il-lac holding his crushing grief under a forced smile. But then he puts his foot in it by saying that they were not a serious couple, and they do not even have couple rings or anything. Ack! Be honest or pst, you!

It is no surprise that Shi-won gets up and takes him to the table, soured her mood. Dad keeps out of Il-lac after you go, puffing Good Riddance the girl who him his concertmaster had stolen seat. crumpled Il-lac face as he tells his father that it was her place to begin, as the solo he performs.

Dad totally did not know that Il-lac was so in love with her, and tried to say through an over that they got pretty hair is , Lol. At least it makes Il-lac feel better, and then he asks to be a bad son for Papas permission.

The Rising Stars suffer a confidence crusher, when they see a video of their main rivals in the forthcoming competition, Seyeon University. They are so good that everyone watching in RS worry that they'll be embarrassed only compared, and then ask who brought the video in the first place.

It is reminiscent of the first performance of the S Orchestra when they had video of the A Orchestra observed right before playing nightlife. But no one knows where the video came, and Yoon-hoo stop speculating, it seems that it can be to formulate an idea.

Il-lac heads in sample sports a sling and the excuse that he fell. Oh, take the game for the love! He says that it is a minor injury and that he will play there again ... but they will need a new soloist soon. He appoints Shi-won, and it is the logical answer, because they can pick up any new Concert.

Yoo-jin asks for a day to think about it while Min-hee they refrain repeated that feels threatening.

Shi-won place Il-lac and worry about his arm, which he from waves than nothing (metaphorically, that is) to look after. She insists to see on his hand, however, and while they assure his health to slide a couple ring on the finger. She has been wearing her she flashed at him. Oh, I love them.

Now that they are serious appropriately, she warns him not to cheat, and he is only too happy to make this promise. She assures him: "I will go fast ... and come back quickly." He holds out his hand in the ring for a fist bump wear, and she forces him, that's sweet, but also stupid! Why pressure on the (albeit false) exercise injury if you could spare the (again, fake) pain and only Kiss already ?

Yoo-jin to see heads of Il-lac that night, and listen to the sounds of violin practice comes out of his room. Ah, so he's on it.

The day of the shooting is coming, but the air inside the sample chamber is frosty, with both sides throwing barbs back and forth. Of course, they fall the hostility of the second, the camera crew comes, want for this program can be seen in their best light, which emphasizes the cooperation and friendship.

So they are all speechless when the PD shows stationed in the back of the room the camera, so they can shoot unawares. They had to film secured permission time they sample were not informed? Hm, I wonder who could have forgotten to mention.

The material is so negative that the program decides together the shipment, and Yoo-jin confirmed with Mina cancel that he was taken from the shooting note. So what happened?

Nae-il returns her fart song listless in practice to play, to the concerns of teachers Do. He looks from the outside and comments about Yoon-hoo, that it has lost its drive to the competition, although Yoon-hoo suggests that it will only be a temporary slump and the teacher asks her some time.

Then he joins her in the practice room and engages them in a round of chopsticks, then you realize that it's no fun, and suggests that they are not going to play if he does not make the fun. He knows from experience that the recovery from illness is faster if you allow yourself to be sick.

Bad news hits the press, throwing Rising Stars in panic mode. Now there are products as the orchestra on the verge of dissolution due to internal dispute painting and Il-lac to make haste Yoo-jin of the news closely, while the school board will convene for a session.

Meanwhile, Su-min and Min-hee concern that their problems for Yoo-jin additional problems have created the dire consequences might be facing. Yoon-hoo was mulling over the particular circumstances and suggests that there is something very rotten all playing the no-it seems intentional? Who could benefit from this discord?

think about it, and we assume that Seyeon would get the broadcast slot instead. Yoon-hoo opts for the projector to search used to show the Seyeon video, but has an additional idea: "They are aiming for our orchestra ... or Cha Yoo-jin"

But when he checked log equipment checkout, Yoon-hoo gets a shock, listed there to read the name.

Yoo-jin called at a meeting of angry officers, meekly accept all their anger when they yell at him. see his friends from outside the glass doors, feeling terrible in his name. do teachers and Nae-il see also raked him over the coals thoroughly and teachers do comments about how it is to see the prestigious Yoo-jin as a delinquent treated like he was practically like a teacher himself treated.

Nae-il assumes that he would not be subjected to such abuse, if he were to study abroad. Everything he is at this level has to get done ...

Yoon-hoo waits alone to catch Dean Mina, and asks if they also approved ". What Cha Yoo-jin doing now"

A flashback shows us the rest of Mina interview with Yoo-jin earlier, where he had to know about the monitoring camera in approved had advance and as he had informed his orchestra about deliberately. He had told her that he wanted them to show exactly what they look like now.

Next Yoo-jin connects Il-lac and shows his left hand wrapped and now said to remove the dressing him. Il-lac is sheepish to be found out and concedes that Shi-won makes a better soloist, and that it. The better choice for the orchestra

Yoo-jin says: "For me, the orchestra has no better soloist than you."

The mood of the orchestra is gloomy as Yoo-jin faces and tells them that he does not know what will decide the board. He says: "I wanted to ask you all, if we really want to go along you are to make the decision.."

Nae-il comes to him, when he leaves the session and again addressed the topic of hypnotherapy. She asks him to make it work no good to him, and he explained that his doctor found that he may lack the necessary confidence in the therapist.

The idea fills Nae-il with heat as she realizes

Yoo-jin just smiles "Then you really trust me much.": ". No, I do not" But the proof is in the pudding, and we have already seen.

Nae-il sits Yoo-jin again that night with the clock and lulls him into a hypnotic state, then this traumatic level leads him to his memory Crash. She asks what happened, and we see unfold the scene as Yoo-jin recalls:

Young Yoo-jin reading a brochure about the Berlin Philharmonic, which sees a kindly old grandpa and commented, a great to be a fan of Maestro Viera itself. the plane hits turbulence, and the grandpa clutching his chest and reaches for his pills, but he fumbles and puts them down the aisle.

Hypnotized Yoo-jin throws a tear when he describes, and we see Young Yoo-jin unbuckle himself behind them and go. "But I can not, they could grab," he says. Young Yoo-jin falls into the turbulence and hits his head, beating him unconscious.

Nae-il Yoo-jin says, "It's okay, you did your best to save the grandpa."

Yoo-jin cries. "I was shaking her voice could not do anything," she tells him that it is not his fault. "You do not have to feel guilty or anxious," she says.

informs you him When the alarm rings to wake up. "And when you open your eyes ..." She can not finish her sentence, but fights back tears at the conclusion "you can now ride airplanes. You can take a plane and go anywhere."


I love this episode really, if he could see in his groove and we could what Yoo-jin meant to do with the orchestra feud. It seemed likely that he was the one act, but his argument was not clear, and I wondered if he was the common goal of making its members around him to collect, or if he just tried that to get an exploded faster happen so that they could get to the reconstruction part. Yoon-hoo comments about this explosion to be inevitable seemed logical, and the bitterness was too entrenched for the resolution to be hoped, without active interference.

It remains to be seen, as Yoo-jin will guide the action of the group in the long run, but I like that he used a form of his hard love as basically, of the kind that Yoon-hoo got his to provide operation. The orchestra bickering was easily played but are essentially debilitating, as we saw in the soloist voice because now cut off the nose to spite their face, they are ready. to beat

In the past, when the orchestra conflict faced, it felt empowering to have someone like Streseman or Yoo-jin go for it, to throw their support behind the underdogs, but does not deserve at this moment the orchestra to have someone blow into and resolve their problems for them. It feels like a fatherly move (and we know that Yoo-jin to feel like her father commented before) move-not coddling, but the nature of parenting, where you force your kids on the responsibility for their own mistakes to make. It's not sabotage in the sense that it is bad to make, as they would otherwise be the case; he holds the mirror and give them a dose of cold hard truth. It feels fair, especially if you like people Il-lac have, the orchestra are always first think, and sweet victims have passed through egoism with feet to go.

Speaking of whom, how great is Il-lac? And Shi-won? And Il-lac and Shi-won together? Okay, maybe it could have been, a bold manner, an explanation as to fake an injury to make, but his heart is in the right place, and I got a little teary when Yoo-jin realized that Il-lac was as worthy as anyone else. Yes, playing music, is the technical knowledge, but at this point we know that everyone has the standard of musical competence baseline in the Rising Stars. Moreover, it is like the teachers are determined at the competition passion and motivation, which take on the limits of natural talent.

But by far my favorite aspect of this episode was Nae-il's emotional journey, which was no less the fact moving that I already knew what would happen, and why , That's something I really appreciated about this series, drawing me into the emotional spaces of these characters, and this. In a nuanced, understated way Even if the broad outlines of the plot are familiar to me, the interpretation of these feelings of the characters make them again feel fresh, and today was the first time that I really glad felt to have Shim Eun-kyung here this role their personal touch to give, because it's a shame, would have been without it.

I say this despite preference Shim Eun-kyung and Nae-il, and also to fight despite early with them. Like many others, I found this version of the character an unnecessarily complicated and at the beginning, I took as a great shame, because I know how great can be an actor Shim Eun-kyung. I have gradually warming both the character and Shim take them, but I felt like today broke through a sort of wall; I felt Nae-il's emotional conflict in a tangible, relatable way that spoke to me.

It's not like to lose them, Yoo-jin in a possessive way afraid how she feels she has to be physically present in order to ensure that it remains "her." Fear is a universal feeling of the kind we feel when a friend moves away; at the present time, there is no reason that this should signal the end of a friendship, but it does change the relationship in an uncontrollable manner, and it is natural to feel the pain of loss.

I do not want Nae -il to pursue music because it has to be with Yoo-jin; I want to see that enable their way they could travel in the same direction when they overcome a fear that they already overcome a fear that holds them back, regardless of Yoo-jin presence in their lives. When Yoo-jin, the catalyst to get them is to heal, then by all means, catalyze away. I want to be that they play complementary goals piano and Yoo-jin-not with false equivalences. So far, I think the show is staying on the right side of that line. And so, Nae-il trepidation reminds me of the feeling on the street and feel blind to get a curve, what the future holds, but to give in confidence that he does not or will work even if it does not, that you will deal with it in any case. _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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