Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 9 -

Questions answered and feelings come to a head, as our leading man face comes with his behavior in the past for the first time to face. Tae-ha makes a finding that it. To the core on many levels rocks that could be a real game changer And Ha-jin had better figure whether his interest in Ah-rim is purely brothers or not, or he could stand to lose everything.

EPISODE 9: "I said 'I love you' hundreds of times ..."

on their way to the orphanage, Ha-jin asks Ah-rim why they take changed her mind about him with her today. She says that the boy would have the surgery feel more comfortable when he met the doctor for the first time. He asks if they wear makeup, they feel confident, and she wipes it away, saying it makes no sense to try to find him cute.

Ha-jin and Ah-rim stop at a mall to buy gifts for the children, where Ha-jin for everything charged against Ah-rim protests. He says there is redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor, as she always says, and asks them only to take what he gives her.

Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum stop at the same mall for lunch and Tae-ha looks Ha-jin and Ah-border shopping, but it creates, from spotting to keep Yeo-Reum. He noticed her purse that she carries, is since they dated, bragging that he got it for them with his first salary, but she insists they bought it themselves.

Tae-ha, their dating recalls days when he had been excited to take Yeo-Reum the subway station handbag in a find hidden locker. Yeo-Reum, she says, that things could not remember - she remembers the day, but claims it was a necklace that he bought her, not a handbag. She says that the purse was for plans to break an apology later with her three times in a row, and that it consists of the chain, there will be thrown. Ouch.

Tae-ha grumbles that it was much better than it does him and Yeo-Reum remembers that it was a good time, but it passed quickly. Now, when she sees him, everything she thinks that beautiful things last only for a second.

Yeo-Reum apologizes to the toilet and running in Ah-wheel on the way. Ah-rim politely asks what Yeo-Reum brings here to the Yeo-Reum replies that it it not to. Ah-rim it calls its rudeness, but Yeo-Reum only says that she, no reason to be happy, she has seen, and hopes that they will not be seen again, although she finally not say border Ah her name.

A grouchy Ah-rim is then found in an elevator with Tae-ha, who asks her if she is alone here and take offense at "ajusshi." will Identifies She bites his head and says that she is alone here thankyouverymuch , then asks who he came up with, but he refuses to answer. Huch, everyone is so super-sensitive.

Ha-jin starts calling Yeo-Reum and thinks about how he feels guilty that he is lying been to her, to remember his mother's words that he does not need to say about Ah-rim and adopted becomes. Ha-jin and Ah-rim stop for lunch and she asks about the man who saw hidden from Yeo-Reum that night, and he says it's just a guy who works with his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Yeo-Reum thinks it was strange how Tae-ha did not want their search to a particular store, and Ha-jin taciturnity, when he told her, he had a seminar today. She calls Joon-ho, who says: Ha-jin did not come to work and does not mention a seminar. You can go head whether to name Ha-jin, but know it will cause a fight, and decides against it.

Sol meets with director Yoon go some project details, and they are the handkerchief he borrowed it at night, that he drove her home. He asks, then all get nervous about a movie and says it is not a date, just a job perk, but he's made so adorably nervous that it is his obvious that, it's totally a date. Sol makes accepting his day.

Later that day, Joon-ho pops his head in Sol room and sees it in all its topless glory which freaks him far longer than it you do. give His legs and muttering to himself, that it does not, that the breast surgery needs they wanted, HAHA. When she comes out of her room, he can not take his eyes deter down on his chest, hee, will run crazy when she nonchalantly him to asks to zip.

Sol informs him she. With number to make a film is 12, and he complains that he's supposed to be 12 number, so she invites him along The boys spend the entire film on one another glaring and with silent war over who gets Sol popcorn to share, which is the sweetest thing ever.

Back in the car with Tae-ha, Yeo-Reum can think not stop on Ha-jin and his behavior that morning, acts as if it were a normal day, and he had his sleeves to nothing. So exactly the same thing she did, then? Asks Tae-ha, to stop the car and will be for some air out.

Yeo-Reum thinks of himself that they fight only shortly after for a week over Ah-rim, and when Tae-ha accedes, she tells him that she found out that he Ha- jin looked at the mall. She asks why he did not tell her, because it would have helped his cause, split them, and he says he does not care for foul play, but denies still that he saw Ha-jin.

Yeo-Reum says that's why she can not be with him, because what he wants comes first, and if he really wanted, he would not foul play against the rear to only then. It calms and tells him that she's nervous because Ha-jin said that he now go to a seminar, but then she saw Ah-rim at the mall. Tae-ha rightly points out that they are together, and that it is not different from Ha-jin view.

Tae-Ha says reluctantly Yeo-Reum that when he went for drinks with Ha-jin, Ha-jin told him that Yeo-Reum one was and that there is nothing wrong with Ah-rim. He figures there must be another reason, Ha-jin can not say about Ah-rim with her and advises her to find out what it is before it is suspicious.

Sol and dates in a cafe head where the passive-aggressive shenanigans continue, and Sol is either blind or very well pretend it is. Yoon gets the drinks and Joon-ho spots Eun-Gyu his girlfriend a few tables to fight over the fact that he will only place where he has a coupon. She's really mean it and Sol gets up without a word and goes to her table.

Yoon and Joon-ho watch Sol complained that Eun-Gyu used on their appointments to always use coupons, what he call a miser. In fact, she says, the girlfriend, he is such a miser that he saved his sister to pay all its military paychecks tuition. She says she received a birthday present only in the decade knew they mutually, but she was so grateful that she cried all night because he was wearing the same pair of shoes for a year to afford it.

working on, says Sol that he used coupons, because it save to buy a house for his bride, and advises the friend not to date him if she can not understand that he on the little things save in order to make the big things.

Yoon begins with a dreamy smile on his face as he, she in angel light with notes to see them around, hee Sol watches. He shakes it off for a moment, then succumbs to the moon iness. Joon-ho sees light and glitters as he watches Sol tell Eun-Gyu girlfriend to leave because they do not deserve it, and he clasped his palpitations.

Sol to Eun-Gyu also apologizes for going far, but he considers them to thank and apologize to her. She shakes him off and goes back to her admirers, the high-five each other at their awesomeness girl. She takes a fortifying drink their bar and the foam on her upper lip triggers a hilarious Secret Garden moment, complete with soundtrack - both boys leaning to kiss her, but are nullified when Sol licking it draws from itself.

Ha-jin at the orphanage and has a look back at their childhood when he Ah-rim, after he returned injured, and she was taken from him by the nuns. Ah-rim enjoys the feeling of being at home, and says Ha-jin that they grew up here until she went to college. She is bullied by a group of adorable children and leads Ha-jin to the boy, who will get the first operation for a large burn scar on his neck.

Ah-rim and one of the nuns watch Ha-jin to play with the children, and the nurse quickly susses out that Ah-rim likes him. Ah-rim, he says a girlfriend, so she keeps it to himself, promising they do not get greedy and want him. She sees him a boy scratched arm patch and remembers her childhood oppa to do the same for her face, still unaware that her oppa and Ha-jin are the same person.

Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum reach the sawmill and some special wood check-out, where praised for their ability to recognize Yeo-Reum fine wood. Take a walk around and Tae-ha asks her if she remembers camping here, but Yeo-Reum insists they have never been here before. Tae-ha half teases that he wants to keep control when they gather things from their time, because all of them, even the fights are precious to remind him.

Yeo-Reum tells her battle with Ha-jin will be too precious, but Tae-ha jokes that break you before that can happen, so they should get going soon, heh. Yeo-Reum whines that she only has from two guys and both are "Used" and Tae-ha calls psychotic. He pushes again to break with Ha-jin and promised to be her really good. Cute.

On the way back to Seoul Tae-ha stops at a familiar lake, and it takes Yeo-Reum a minute to recognize it as a place they came again with her father. A strange look crossed her face and she refuses to get out of the car, so Tae-ha goes by itself and Yeo-Reum remembers a picnic setting, while her father fished.

unresponsive alone in the car, Yeo-Reum starts to breathe heavily and looks like she has a panic attack that, and when Tae-ha again it asks if she wants to get out, it is. Something is wrong. She wakes enough to call him, to get them out of here, and will again become unresponsive when he starts driving.

Worried, Tae-ha asks what's wrong with her, and if it needs to a hospital, but he suddenly freezes as a reminder to him coming - he had gone, who had told her father that Yeo- reum had been crying a lot lately and asks him not to make her cry in the future. Tae-ha is all smiles as he promises that he plans to marry Yeo-Reum, but her father's strange seriously as he warns Tae-ha not to live like him and his wife.

Her father is full of advice on how to deal with Yeo-Reum, and Tae-ha jokes that he need somewhere to go away, but her father smiles not. Tae-ha recalls that were with him his last words. I'm getting a very bad feeling.

In the car, a stunned Tae-ha staring at Yeo-Reum and remembers him director Yoon told there was no record of an accident on the day that her father has died. He forgets the road and almost drives seen in a roadblock, and he throws himself on Yeo-Reum to protect them from the impact.

Yeo-Reum eyes open, but instead of the street to see, it is anchored in a shady memory of a rope and hang your feet in the air when she enters a room. Oh no. No, no, no, anything but that. Stops the car just before impact, and Tae-ha is facilitated only for a moment, until he sees that Yeo-Reum is unconscious, and not what he does, it arouses ,

Yeo-Reum mother is random, so their monthly trip to her husband memorial with Producer Bae, who wonders why Yeo-Reum has here never come. Mom says it's just too heavy for her, and Bae says she is better since they started Ha-jin from. Mom knows she pretends to be just fine, and wonders how much her husband hated needs to take his own life. She throws herself at the hanging, as if to ask to let it go, that it should be a him with, who muses in retrospect, he was really. That is interesting.

Tae-ha takes Yeo-Reum hospital and the doctor tells him that she was from a sudden drop in blood pressure and heart rate fainted in response to stress. He sits on her bed, thinking back to their last argument, where she reminds him that she had tried many times to him the time has come to name of her father's death, but he had never answered.

He seems to have told together and found out why they never died him her father's pieces, and he begins to cry. He remembers all those calls he blew out or does not answer - he was tired from work, or in a meeting, and to help even once a colleague who had been injured, but threadbare all these excuses now seem on the face of the what Yeo-Reum had undergone.

He watches over Yeo-Reum and thinks that the days were there then back that he could not go to her, but it had been days, he could have, but chose not to be. He remembers them at the station, crying the last day, to wonder if he was not even curious why she was sad, and believes that it was the last time she had needed him. shake his hands and he weeps in earnest when he wonders why he did not even asked her what was going on. He had said it hundreds of times, he loved her, but he did not even know what love is. Tae-ha realizes that he can dare to say never "I love you" to Yeo-Reum again, and he has no right to say those words.

Ha-jin and Ah-rim eat with the children, inviting them to stay the night. Ah-rim says it can slip if the children fall asleep, so Ha-jin agrees. They all settled in a large room with Ha-jin and Ah-edge a respectable distance from each other, but the children keep shuffling places until they are together in the middle.

Ha-jin asks again, how long lived Ah-rim here, and she tells him that she stayed until she graduated from high school, then went with the ₩ 3,000,000 (about 3000 $) of the government live and a college scholarship. Ha-jin asks if they ensure separated from her brother to blame, and they (finally!) Says that he was not her biological brother, but since she has no memory of her real parents, he was her only family.

In a small sad voice, Ah-rim, she says her brother missed and cried a lot. But she has done to accuse him, and it is certain that he lived a good life, so it's okay. Ha-jin, he says not as good a life may have had, as he left behind, but Ah-rim, she says are also accepted would have chosen if they had him. She begins to cry and stop talking, and Ha-jin has to suppress his tears.

Yeo-Reum wakes to find the hospital Tae-ha still hovering at her bedside. He reminds them of what happened and says she never returned to this lake, and admits that he should have listened to her, now and back when they were together. Yeo-Reum is pale and drawn, but she wants to go home, and Tae-ha, he says it would take. You seem to notice a change in him, but did not comment on it.

Joon-ho monitored his heart rate and declares itself in order, then stomps purchased from Sol up to come. She eats and refuses and states how messy it is, while she eats. Joon-ho puts his stethoscope back in his ears and Sol says again to say what she said to Eun-Gyu girlfriend about him does not deserve, but it then because taking back for sure would not hit his heart, when food on her face is received and is sitting like a Neanderthal bent over their food.

begin to argue and she screams at him to leave her alone, and although they are all sprayed food over him, it's close enough, what happened earlier again to put Joon-ho heart thumping you. The sweet love theme as Sol chomps her rice and scratching is hilarious, and the poor Joon-ho roles in horror. He laments that there is something wrong with his heart, and Sol is astonished only at the crazy people.

Ha-jin falls away Ah-edge and the little boy with the burn scar in place, and Ha-jin tells him he'll do the surgery day after tomorrow. He tells the boy to eat what the next day he wants strongly to obtain, and receives an invitation to lunch.

Tae-ha calls Sol come to Yeo-Reum come when he gets to her place, and he offers her inside piggyback But despite her weakness, she insists on foot. You feel dizzy, so he firmly holds them in to perform, and Ha-jin pulls just in time to see them close together on foot. Joon-ho and Sol come to wonder what happened to Yeo-Reum which breaks Ha-jin, and it jumps to the wrong conclusion and stalks to Tae-ha with anger in his eyes.


First of all, I have to correct the impression I gave last week that my trouble with the mark indicates that I do not enjoy the show as a whole. I fell really Discovery of Romance very much - I had met only a point where I was very frustrated because I do not understand why someone did something, and I was not like the characters all which at this point a lot in history. , In fact, I think it is a sign of good writing that the characters and their actions were such strong emotions wrung from me, and point my anger about the characters in any way that I do not enjoy the show itself very much. Because I!

since then some light The episodes why the characters do some of the things they do, so I feel more sympathy and am much less confused and frustrated on certain characters and their behavior. Especially Tae-ha, because I have a bit more to understand how he could tell he loved Yeo-Reum in the past and that he likes her now, but he has as acting not very much. I think he was just caught in his own confidence that he always gets what he wants - all he has to do is want it, and he can have it. He did not feel the need to actually work for their hearts and their feelings show, because he said it, that they should believe it, and that was exactly. That's the way it always worked in the past, so he had no reason to believe that it would be the same way will not work now.

I think not to say the realization of why Yeo-Reum, he met over her father's death it just like a ton of bricks, and made him that sometimes to see if you love someone, then you should just be there for them when they need you, even if you do not know why. True, he did not understand why they always call and refuse to tell him what the problem was, so it was easy to say, it is not could be so important, if they would not say what was wrong , But he now knows that the correct answer was not relieve her. I'm not saying he should have dropped everything for them, but he also admits that he could have made time for them and did not. He would have known by their behavior that they just needed him and would tell him why. In their own time

I also now understand where Yeo-Reum came when she just kept asking him to come with her and not ask why, because to find her father, so had to be bad enough without having then to say the words. All they be for them for her boyfriend, wanted it and just do not say, "My father killed himself, and I found him," loudly. Even apart from the cultural stigma around suicide, I can not imagine how hard it must be to find a loved one go in this way, and then actually have to loud these words tell me. It was so terrible that they do not even told her two best friends. So I can with Yeo-Reum sympathize need only to be able to lean on someone without having to explain. This on the other problems they would have been with, it's no surprise that Yeo-Reum felt that she could not count on Tae-ha, and broke up with him on.

I think Tae-ha now sees why his actions were wrong to assume only that it might not be so bad if Yeo-Reum not to tell him what was going on. And I now understand what she wanted to say at the station on her last day - that the fact that they should not have been talking reminder that, whatever it was, was very, very bad. I do not say either one of them treated well, but I can now better understand why they did it the decisions. Communication has always been their vulnerability and their downfall, and hopefully now that Tae-ha has to guess pretty much what happened and know that lack of communication the final nail was in the coffin, he can do something to fix that reum between him and Yeo-.

As for Ha-jin, I understand a little more why he remain silent, at least with Ah-rim. His fear of her, be accepted for resenting him and they leave behind is, of course, and I think he believes that he just wants to help her, because he lived a good life and they had a hard time. But I do not think it quite innocent, otherwise he would stop talking to Yeo-Reum and let them not come to the worst conclusions, and I think his consistency in the choice Ah-rim about Yeo-Reum is suspect. I do not know exactly what his feelings towards Ah-edge, yet I think he knows, but he's going to have to figure it out quickly. Because Tae-ha now knows what he did wrong and he will step up his game, and if Ha-jin does not want Yeo-Reum, he will have to start getting real honest, really fast.


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tags: discovery of romance, Eric, in Jung Yumi, Sung Joon

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