Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 11 -

Brace yourselves, everyone who is not an easy lesson. We see the consequences of the worst birthday present ever, and it is up to an incredible heroine to contract to protect in this family all. It is to carry a heavy burden, to hear hurtful words having and tough as nails for their greatest joys in life is ready to come to them. And no one better for the job than Keddongie mother.

It was an extremely close race reviews on Wednesday difference between the first and the third place was only 0.6%. Joseon Gunman came up with 10.5% It's okay, it's love displaced with 10.1%, and Fated To Love You 9.9 % third took.


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We open with rifle through a tunnel ride, looking strangely uneasy. As sedan goes, he looks inside on the passenger of:.? even what gave him the heart-shaped lollipops Mi-young hold Huh What the hell is going on right now

What follows are snippets of what is (to come for us. as a spectator), but the recent past for Gun rolls a tear down his cheek as he now is really hurtful exchange with Mi-young, remembers questioning marrying their intentions for him and whether the child is growing in her be not be able to spot, mi-young (the hastily her wedding ring took), and tells how he does not remember what happened in the last three months.

all see that restless me because this means making all the characters on amnesia, but if anything has, we see the moment, everything comes back to engulf him at the top of the hour. Gun breaks into sobs down.

we rewind Day Gun sudden collapse when Yong angry Jangin to tell board members about the news comes running. About the hospital, Gun comes and literally jumps at Se-ra to see. He wonders why he is in the hospital since the last thing he remembers is leaving for Macau. Notgoodnotgoodnotgood.

Manager Tak grabs his head in a relieved (but painful) encirclement, and to see Se-ra and Manager Taks perplexed faces Gun has half-jokingly ask if he was in some kind of accident. He freaks out if they do not respond

Now we learn more about the mysterious illness that has plagued the family line Lee. Huntington's disease, a neurodegenerative genetic disease. According to Dr. Moon, memory loss is one of the symptoms, but that alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. Moreover Gun has no physical symptoms, such as chorea (involuntary, writhing movements jerky) shown so the best thing is to wait to do now, and see.

(I saw out of curiosity some more info up, which I think helps some details anchor: the average start appearing between a person's 30s and 40s, although the likelihood of earlier onset increases with a larger number of repetitions in the family as the Lee clan influence symptoms behavior, movement and psychomotor. skills, and dementia. the life expectancy decreases significantly as soon as symptoms appear, on average, 10 to 20 years).

While a distraught Mi-young rushes to the hospital, engages Se-ra Gun in a headlock like the old days, when she sees outside his room linger him , You can not help but embrace him when he calls her "my Se-ra", and that's when Mi-young goes in and sees them together.

Devastated, Mi-young stands agape as Gun goes hand in hand with Se-ra right past her. Uff. But then Gun doubled back, with recognized Mi-young face, after all: "You know me, right?" He asks

"Yes, I do," she replies .. you can hardly hold back her tears as Gun it identified as the odd woman out of her ring loss dog-chase incident-their first meeting and asks if Daniel is her boyfriend. Oh God, this is just the beginning and we could 50+ more fear-filled minutes, have to endure this ?!

Mi-young learns amnesiac of Gun condition of Se-ra, who explains that Gun not remember his married life, even with Mi-young. his memories or receiving shocking news since forcing negatively could affect him, she asks that Mi-young step out of the picture.

Gun is not used to the hot weather, even Mai, it is thought. He has given his possession, which were on his person when he was hospitalized. He does not realize his wedding ring.

Daniel Mi-jung coat her mother Restaurant, both sympathetic Mi-young to infringe on her memory loss of the man and angry at Gun for them again. But Mi-young says Gun probably a difficult time as it is, and believes that he will remember her and Keddongie again.

Before going to bed, Mi -Young told Keddongie over their very long day, "see your father who once never got sick in the hospital, saw Papa so weak . Papa always took to Mama. you're going to pray with me that Papa his memory, is not it? "

Mom further express their disappointment in Gun, recalling how none of them have a trace of seen him. is your motherly care kicks in when she hears that Gun is sick, just go to bed hearing, which he injured got feelings.

Mi-young receives a copy of Daniel soon to say how he can not be the first but was the last person to wish her a happy birthday. He sent her a funny video that makes them laugh

you celebrating her birthday twin in a low voice: ".. Happy Birthday Gun"

Gun has a meta-moment in the hospital to ask if he like one of those AMNESIACS is you look at the drama (ha, it is a New Leaf and Fantasy couple ). He is also not worried by the fact he can remember the last three months because he has people like Se-ra him in fill

However, he did have a belated epiphany. When Se-ra is here, then that means she accepts his marriage proposal? Se-ra apologizes that he wait so long, and said that she is going to quit ballet and stay with him. He is over the moon to hear it, it is then the ring to ask if there Se-ra gave him.

to take Se-ra steps out of a call before they can respond if. She looks Gun over the ring on his finger flirting.

When Lee Manor, Manager Tak with the elaborate excuse is that Gun even throws in his work in order to not scare Grandma Wang on Gun condition. But as it rises, Doctor Moon jumps in to stop it, the exhibition complete bedrest until he says otherwise. I love how he stresses that they must must follow doctor's orders.

Gun wonders why he in this stuffy room in the hospital, when he, the feeling is still perfectly fine. But then he has a thought :? Has his amnesia the beginning of his genetic disorder mean

At the same time, Mi-young told to be patient, to ensure that Gun is mentally relaxed. The same goes for Mi-young, because she needs to think of the baby.

Gun barges in just then, worried about his health. He realizes Mi-young, whom he considers " ke-ban-ji " or "dog ring", and he wonders why they appear before him. He asks if anyone you know is here in the hospital, and she nods.

He asks who he is, but then sees his own medical records on the display. He asks why the Doc his condition to talk to a stranger, and it is said that this woman his personal secretary. Mi-Young Doctor Moon, say what? face cracks me.

Now back in the sick room to consult Mi-young hurriedly tucks away her wedding ring before Gun whips around them. He asks her name and noted how pleasant it sounds. If she says it is not uncommon, and usually, Gun repeated unknowingly the same words that he is a common name means her told Macau that that a lot of people like it.

you play along with the secretary feint, spinning this story of how he was so impressed with their running skills as they first met that he apply for the company, and they eventually became his secretary. Gun laughs at this idea:

He has a hard time believing it, and then yells at Manager Tak when he connects "As if.". Having heard about the ruse, Manager Tak addresses Mi-young accordingly, and even to show the fist bumps Mi-young, what a great combo they were. Ha.

He dismisses them both, but calls Mi-jung to ask them if they know about this mysterious ring that he found again. His girlfriend said that she gave it to him, why he did not have it? She answers: "It is mine."

She says she is entrusted to him, offering it now to take back. But Gun childlike there not to her, claiming that he can not trust their words. So, until his memory returns, he will keep it be. He muses: "But you and I always on the way, because these rings How strange.."

Once out of earshot, Manager Tak shares with Mi-young that Gun on its way it was to Birthday meet when he collapsed to ignore even a board meeting that would decide his future. He says Mi-young, not to beat about them because rifle to make more of their thoughts.

Se-ra is dissatisfied Mi-young hanging around Gun to see the hospital after their conversation. apologizes Mi-young, but they can not stand idly by when she knows Gun became ill because of her. "I want to help him and look after him until he again his memory."

Se-ra mocks this and asks if Mi-young thinks she means a lot to Gun. You can read about her marriage contract in the papers-everything is for them of this road at the end of the left wait is divorce, is not it? "We will be able to experience when Gun recovered his memory," Mi-young answers.

Mi-young speaks with Keddongie on the way to her mother, the little to say to be patient and not be upset that Dad can not remember. He is sick now, after all.

Daniel to wait for them, happens, and chat the two relocate. She thanks him for his humorous gift, and he asks if she knows what he said on her birthday. You know something about how he would pursue them now active.

She says she knows he was concerned for them, and grateful that she has a good person like Daniel at her side. Eek, officially split friend zone? Daniel also seems to recognize it, depend on the "good man" compliment.

He asks for Gun, and Mi-Young says she is relieved that Gun not completely forget about them. He smiles at her optimism even now, and reminds them that it is not necessary to say that it is okay if they do not.

Se-ra mother pays a surprise visit to her daughter and yawns of their plans to hear quit ballet. She asks if Se-ra Gun is planning to see, and only if I half expected her to beat every moment her daughter, she throws aside the lunchbox Se-ra was instead prepared for him.

Se-ra lower lip trembles literally, as her mother tells her to check again, for hunting to a married man, and the ballet is her crush leaving only dignity.

Gun Meanwhile, worried about what will happen when his illness to the most important people in his life has really kicked. Aw, Manager Tak on this list. But apart from his grandmother and Se-ra, Gun can not shake the notion that someone else ...

So he checked his phone, and aw he Mi-young and her baby as saved "snail ♥ Keddongie." He is surprised when Mi-young picks up and explains it quickly nicknamed ( dalpeng-ie ) away, to compare the how they can do a number ( dayanghada ) quests.

immediately He checked her words to give her a laundry list of errands in the next half hour. He asks if this kind of personal errands annoy, but Mi-young smiling because this means that they get to see Gun. AWW.

What Gun, he admits that it is not half bad. I'll love it if you fall in love again with all of you. He decides to check the message, the ack-look at the headlines on your contract marriage! And that is exactly what he sees.

arrives Mi-jung in hospital, with her arms full of clothes, documents and foodstuffs. It ensures that take off her wedding ring, but Gun leaves before entering, take the items out of their hands with a solemn expression.

Once modified, Gun and Mi-young sitting in a cafe, where gun a few times tried to call her "Secretary Kim". He is amused when she answers easily, and asks if they really worked him.

Flustered, Mi-young slips and calls him to love "Gun ee sshi", an address that he picks. He asks why she lied about being his secretary, when in fact, it is not. Mi-young apologized, and he asks how they could keep this lie if they are not too long ago headlines.

Mi-young says honestly that she did not want to deceive him, but cited as the doctor said that shocking news in its current state would be detrimental. Gun acknowledges that it must be great if they had a one-night stand and held a shotgun wedding. That's what everybody has been saying, Gun says. Is it true?

Gun is incredulous when Mi-young confirmed. Why should he his Se-ra let something like Mi-jung dealing with someone? , Ouch

But he is not finished yet: "Is it true that you marry me based on the condition that you would get money, have the baby , leave and divorce? have I by chance, to make this offer? "I thought it would hurt less because we've seen it before, but this is worse.

"There were many things that happened in these three months you can not remember. Although I can not say now." Mi-young answers softly.

Gun has heard enough, precipitating to the idea that they. In a prenuptial agreement and had "had I not love you at all, right?" Someone up the pieces of my heart Get out of the ground

and if it could not get worse, it on her belly and asks only points tat Gun: "Is the baby you're carrying my child?" There are tears in Mi-young eyes, but she answers still somehow "Yes. Keddongie is your baby."

Gun returns to Lee Manor, and is totally confused, as his grandmother told him to bring Mi-young home. Manager Tak usher Gun in his quarters, where he explained that Grandma Wang knows nothing about Gun amnesia.

Gun asks if it was fun to make him look about his relationship with Mi-young as a fool, when he told that they thought their health. He flicks manager Tak hands off him, while his secretary suggests that gun does nothing he would regret.

"This really is not. This ... is not it," Manager Tak stresses and Gun turns with his name (Lee Gun and in these words Paste "this" are homonyms in Korean). It's adorable how much Manager Tak over the couple worries and reminded Gun in his room the morning because of nausea to eat his. Ha, I forgot about it.

Gun sighs about the wedding photo and books for children, and while looking around the bedroom children's room, he asks, confused, "What happened to me?"

Mi-young family sitting around them how she eats, perhaps the same question, we are: If it's okay. She says yes, confident that Gun will come back. Mom worried for them but to say that only a fool would stay married after what has gone through it. Mom plans return the money Gun admitted her family and snaps at Mi-ja proposal, Mi-young could divorce alimony from her.

When working Gun Daniel is introduced, it recognizes from the hospital, and the use of the latter mentioned Mi-young of names has asked him what kind of relationship the two have.

Daniel can not suppress a laugh and says Gun that they once had a similar conversation like this. He repeated it verbatim, including how Gun Mi-young called "my wife", and that he in turn called her name deliberately. "That should be answer enough to that question."

Gun keeps left him because he believes Daniel more, has to tell him. Daniel is doing: "I hope you get your memory as quickly as possible In other words, if you want to know how kind and grateful a person like Mi-jung is you can even lose the opportunity when you.. are late. "

Gun is distracted at lunch with Se-ra, but when he tried to raise the issue of his marriage to Mi-young, Se-ra changed the subject and said that she did not never mind that he can not recall in recent months.

comes after dinner, Gun stares his plate, strangely hesitant about snails suddenly eating. I do not know if he sees the animated snail, but we do. Se-ra on the other side digs, happy, also offers him.

The prenatal teachers and their twin drop to say hello only and Gun not remember how he knows either of them. He is surprised to hear that he has been prenatal classes and bought baby supplies revenue.

Se-ra rises from her seat, upset, and Gun takes after her off. She is offended by these women judgmental eyes and demands to know what he had, things were doing with Mi-young instead of settling. "What is the problem?" All of this right now saying.

Gun promises will take care of everything, but it is involved in a child. But Se-ra interrupts him: "So, if it is because of the baby, she can have the baby and you can take home I'll even that child raise itself, as my own so it rules her?... "

he asks for a little more time, but she does not see why he would need it. "I even have to ballet for you. I have, but what you feel?" Not cool, Se-ra.

Gun examines the various baby things at home, like the Keddongie cups and baby equipment. He begins letters Mi-Young, to check the baby, which express about their joy and fear to become a mother.

He reads about Mi-young fascination as two such different people share so many similarities to and how they are all day tomorrow to spend together

a tear falls from Gun mind when he read the last few lines. "Your father was an encounter with one of the luckiest things that ever happened to me."

Gun is a headache to fight when he returns to his office Se-ra waiting to see him. It endeavors to spend the day together, when he is not busy, and notes that the images of them not lying together on his desk.

He finds it in his desk drawer, where he sees something else: the heart-shaped lollipop. He takes a long minute to look at it that makes Se-ra nervous. It is at that moment he remembered a detail of exchanges give him a chip and this lollipop is given in return.

There will be followed by more broken memories of Macau, as his proposal decorations are hung and listen Se ra apologize to him. He asks: "Do you ... do not come to Macau three months ago?"

He realizes that Se-ra was not there for his proposal, and hold in his hand the candies will go out completely in his own thoughts lost.

Se-ra chasing after him and begged him not to go. "Se-ra ..." Gun says weakly. "I feel ... like I lost something really important to me." He draws from Se-ra the grip on him and decreases. Go Gun Go!

And now we are back in the opening sequence, where Gun will drive through the tunnel, where Mi-young face, voice and great memories flooding with her back to him. Your heartfelt confession about their feelings and the fear it brings rings in the ears, and he remembers when Mi-jung was taken from Lee Manor and from him.

Tears ran Gun cheeks, he calls in between his sobs: "Dalpeng-ah Keddong-ah Dalpeng-ah!"


man, that was to get through a hard time. We have spoiled with such delicious moments in this series that, despite the knowledge on the horizon, a kind of fear would be, I was not looking forward in history to an inevitable turn. It could be a head-heart battle where my brain a conflict knew had to come, but my heart would not be prepared, nor accept what it would be. Not for This. Show.

I knew it was something drastic to keep our force inseparable pair had to be separated, and I was afraid, amnesia. So I was not thrilled when that is exactly what we got, because again that the mind-heart battle: My mind would argue that because Gun is now in love with Mi-young, it is a system need reset would consider feelings for Se ra again; my heart would say, screw, a timeout walk beside your friend Edler Idiocy take-Amnesia. At least, I estimated that we the moment Gun recovered his memory saw at the beginning, which assures us that this was a very temporary thing. However, it did not make it any easier to get through the episode, be observed Gun, even colder to Mi-young, because he could not even remember her. Be easy on me still disturbs. There were times I could not even bring to laugh much needed comedic moments me because they were still below through the inner pain, the gun and Mi-young were not together.

First, I wanted to sympathize with Se-ra, because I could see the old gun as seen who would want one who loved her for years, where they stopped to pick up their right. But when the hour has progressed, I continued to see her lie by omission Gun and finally saw them use against him emotionally manipulative card. It would be honest pity Se-ra character go down to see this traditional second female main route (read: crazy bitch), even if it is inevitable, so that we would become core for Mi-young (what we would in any case). I've realized that Se-ra with gun one was almost always with the upper hand in their relationship because he would jump through hoops to please her. It is only when I compare Gun relationship with Mi-young, where he likes to look after them, that I believe that in the long run probably for him with Se-ra was not to be good.

Then our other admirers Daniel said that he would just ... not Mi-jung, pursue just last episode. I'd wondered why he did not and thought that maybe he was being considerate towards Mi-Jung and her recent emotional trauma. But then I thought the possibility that Daniel felt it was not to compete a level playing field for Mi-young affection towards amnesiac Gun. Perhaps the reason why Daniel was nudged to remind him before it was too late, but then again, he has also been friend-zoned in this hour. On an optimistic level, might-might-not-really hope to be for him, but that would also mean something even more heartbreaking between the newlyweds.

In perhaps the most heartbreaking side in their marriage as far as the life, I'm still impressed with how Mi-young could stick together, especially when Gun told her that he did not and in asked loved when the baby was his even. Having him speak the most incredible things about it, it was painful to hear, and she was nor confident that Gun would return. It was such a relief to come to see him in an hour of his amnesia spell, but, if this result means that this is the real beginning of his degenerative disease, that is simply means that it could happen again. And again. And when that happens, then ... I do not know. , Welcome back, Gun

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, featured, Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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