Recap And Reviews Kdrama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 16

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho: Episode 16 -

This week is all about teamwork as our neighborhood lawyer and his cohorts slowly close to Chairman Jung. Our bad guys are starting to turn against each other and it seems like Deul-ho eventually everyone has to come to his side, but he discovered that his white whale after all may be just a puppet.

Remember, an enemy your enemy is a friend, to you. No longer between friend and foe



Deul-ho has brown suit for the doctor duds traded in his favorite when he by the hospital breezes. Grabbing a chart from a passing nurse, he uses it to obtain safety and charms in her to tell him where the VIP floor is a cover past.

Add chairman Jung room, removed Chief Prosecutor Shin oxygen mask from the seemingly unconscious chairman ... who smiles, and complains that the mask was stifling.

Looking back on the day before the summons of the chairman, met with the Chairman attorney Shin Jung and advised him to collapse to the prosecutor's office on the way. The two hatched a plan to use a fake heart surgery to avoid the investigation so that they for the hype to buy some time to die down.

After the collapse of the plan for the Chairman a recovery was to make, so they quietly could handle the legalities. Lawyer Shin Jung assured President, even if he were found guilty, he could use his illness as an excuse to stay in a hospital in sick deposit, instead of going to jail.

In the presence of the two recalls giggle about their successful strategy and prosecutor Shin Chairman for a while to keep faking so he to take care of everything from its end.

Chairman Jung wonders if Deul-ho ledger used to cause more problems, but attorney Shin points out that while the chairman is "recovered", all be exposed to tests, so it does not matter. Chairman Jung smiles and apologizes for before Shin suspecting motives.

lawyer Shin leaves after the chairman of the advisory, to reveal the truth to anyone, even family. The chairman promises that he will only trust in attorney Shin.

Doctor Deul-ho at the VIP station just in time the Prosecutor walk to see. He makes his way to the Chairman Jung room but prevents the heavy security that he will do more than look through the door window.

Giving now on, Deul-ho heads out of the hospital. He goes from a television as a news report that sends Geum San intends to take legal action against Deul-ho for his cruel persecution their client [Chairman Jung], which resulted in his recent heart failure.

In Geum San Lawyer Jang has to report to the public prosecutor for criminal defamation against the chairman Lawyer Kim Deul-ho. Hae-Kyung argued back that there is now no need to have finally separated from Dae Hwa and Jung Chairman, but her father said that they have decided with them to get back in business, after all.

Hae-Kyung can not understand why, and suggests instead that they use the general ledger to reveal Chairman Jung slush fund. Attorney Jang, who knows that Geum San is implicated when the ledger is revealed, the idea down turns. He barks that he do all this to protect the company and dismisses his daughter.

alone in his office, Lawyer Jang thinks with Chairman Jung to his meeting again the other night. The chairman had informed him that he and chief prosecutor Shin had combined a plan, and asked if Lawyer Jang would also return to his side.

The chairman warned Attorney Jang not to trust too much to the prosecutor, as he is someone who can turn their backs at all times. Chairman Jung asked about the stock shares, the Shin prosecutor include that Jang under an assumed name was managing. He warned Jang to protect them well. Leash prosecutor Shins are

The prosecutor, Ji-wook his father about Chairman Jung asks state, but attorney Shin continues with the facade, still in a coma. Chairman He asks for the power king investigation and Ji-wook reports that to receive the money from suspects Dae Hwa have all confessed, but he has stalled until it can communicate directly with the Chairman question.

Ji-wook warned his father to Geum San Slander charges against Deul-ho. Lawyer Shin seems surprised, but says Ji-wook he'll leave it in his hands.

calls After Ji-wook leaves, prosecutor Shin Attorney Jang. , The prosecutor and lawyer meet at Geum San Chairman Jung trial and Deul-ho alleged possession of slush funds Book discuss

lawyer Shin asks for its shares - had those Chairwoman Jung Attorney Jang advised well protect . Shin suggested subtly that these shares could prove problematic during the forthcoming examination for Geum San, but Attorney Jang argues that the shares under a false name that would back against onerous prosecutor Shin as well.

dancing around the subject, Lawyer Shin asks Attorney Jang aid should he ever choose those stocks for sale. Jang agrees to help in exchange for the promise of the Chief Prosecutor, when Geum San is problems with the Chairman Jung pending investigation.

Attorney Jang warns lawyer Shin, unless he does not keep this promise, then he will reveal the borrowed shares. Shin takes the threat of a smile, but when he's by himself in the elevator, he ridicules nerve Attorney Jang.

In neighborhood Lawyer headquarters of the gang - Dae-soo in particular - are up in arms over all messages siding against Deul-ho. It seems that public opinion has now swung to the Chairman Jung back that he is "sick" and the power of King suit is to be in danger of forgetting.

While everyone laments the injustice Deul-ho points out that something seems off about the chairman of the condition. He wonders how someone who played just a few days ago suddenly Golf suffered a heart attack, some eggs get thrown after him.

He has Deul-ho and Ae-ra to go the truth about to find out, Chairman of Health. Dae-soo is about the idea of ​​Ae-ra thrilled wearing a nurse uniform, and Eun-jo gapes as Ae-ra flirts right back. The two run away from their date planning mission when Deul-ho a call from Ji-wook is.

Deul-ho heads over to prosecutors where Ji-wook informed him of the defamation charges against him. Deul-ho begins to argue liquidation that these charges are ridiculous, but Ji-wook cuts to say that he agrees. It seems that he used them only as an excuse to bring in Deul-ho.

Ji-wook Deul-ho informed that he is planning to catch connected thereto Chairman Jung and everyone, no matter who. Deul-ho asks if he can really do that because it must mean to arrest his own father. That seems the wind out of Ji-wook to take the sails, and he just stares at Deul-ho, who goes on to say that he is going to reveal everything if Ji-wook help him or not.

Deul-ho to the hands on the recording of the conversation lunch "government officials, suggesting that Ji-wook make his decision to after they hear it. He gets up to leave, Ji-wook told him call if he needs - he will not fake a cardiac arrest as some people

[1945010Ji-wookBüroDeul-hoGebühreninChefanklägerinShinBüro] next exit after wanted to know if Chairman Jung really in a coma lies. he knows that the chairman every time that wheelchair he brings goes to court, so the heart attack was a new proposal by attorney Shin?

Deul-ho confesses that he believed used to Chairman Jung was a sponsor of the chief prosecutor, but now he thinks that the chairman of the doll's and prosecutor Shin pulls the strings. Shin warns that there is a limit to his patience, but Deul-ho is unimpressed, prosecutor Shin instructs on to the Chairman have a message to pass on :. His acting was terrible

Patient Dae-soo and Janitor Ae-ra are busy with their undercover operation, when none other than spy Michael Jung. The Lost villain has to enter the country again after hearing of the collapse of his father. to name

Both Ae-ra and Dae-soo hurry Deul-ho and him the Chairman inform son return. Deul-ho it does not warn of the eyes to lose him.

Michael Jung strolls past security, then switches to the affected son mode once he is in his father's room. His concern looks really, except he does not seem to care that his father might die, but that he might die a will not finish.

He attacks with his father prone body and shouting that if he is going to die, he should temporarily set to wake up all right before he goes. Chairman Jung, who has heard every word, while unconsciousness faked, finally can not take anymore and rushes to grab his son, him like a bastard while beating him.

But Michael, idiot that he is, can only scream in delight at his father's miraculous recovery relieved that he was not at the loss of all his inheritance has to worry about. Frankly, these two deserve each other.

Michael passes to the bathroom, where he makes a phone call to tell someone that he came for nothing, since his father is just fine. After he leaves, leaving patient Dae-soo the stable to have recorded his whole conversation.

The dynamic duo rushed recording for Deul-ho play. Ae-ra adds that there is also a lot leftover food was coming out of the room - they found at one point even lobster shells in the trash. Apparently enjoying the chairman solo lobster dinner in his hospital room, a little difficult to do for a man in a coma. is

Late at night, Chief Prosecutor Shin in his office. It includes a desk drawer a ledger to draw his own. A flashback from four years ago shows us there is a file created on a paper of the company by the chairman Jung avoid taxes.

lawyer Shin had Attorney Jang added, to show him that the chairman Hae Kyung had listed as president of a fictitious company without their knowledge or their father. The Chairman had a large-scale study on corporate tax evasion against, and Jang daughter was set to take on the case.

Attorney Jang began to get nervous, but attorney Shin assured him that he had already taken that, to save it from the investigation file of the review. Jang had promised not to forget this kindness.

Back to the present, Chief Prosecutor Shin remembers threat Attorney Jang to reveal his borrowed stock shares.

Dae -Soo, Ae-ra, and Eun-jo, all dressed as a nurse, sneak into Chairman Jung room while he sleeps. They turn him into an operating room, where he wakes to find himself chained to the hospital bed.

As the chairman wants to know what's going on, a fourth figure in scrubs strolls to bed up, pull down his mask to show that it is Deul-ho. He says he was bored waiting Chairman Jung wake, so he thought he would perform surgery on him.

He gives instructions to the other, like Slice best to open the chairman, suggesting they "are looking for iron things" they use to scorch the skin open. Now that's a use for defibrillators that are not likely in the manual.

Chairman Jung screams as they all descend on him ... then wakes up screaming, sure in his hospital bed.

Chief Prosecutor Shin visited his son to ask how the investigation comes together, but Ji-wook is with no luck because everyone everything to deny, while the chairman is unconscious.

His father advises seen, suggesting that he make with them a deal as it would know the most about their own client, Chairman Jung him in Geum San. Shin hands him the file on Chairman Jung paper mill - one that lists Hae-Kyung as president.

Ji-wook's eyes widened as he reads through them. Lawyer Shin tells him to use the file, either to make a deal or to arrest Hae-Kyung.

Hae-Kyung, bearing coffee, visited Deul-ho in his office. She trusts that daughter Soo-bin told that she is a lawyer like her father wanted to be, but not her mother. Hae-Kyung ashamed and wants to have all the things she always of the attorney and mother Soo-bin can be proud to keep going.

Deul-ho promises and Hae-Kyung smiles help, said she is now reassured that Superman help her. Awww.

take because of the problems around Geum San right now, Deul-ho Hae-Kyung Soo-bin recommends and go somewhere out of contact for a while.

Team Deul-ho gathered to discuss Deul-ho latest plan: grab Chairman Jung from the hospital and bring him to the prosecutor. protested the group that it is impossible to get through the VIP security, but Deul-ho compares the situation to catch a mole: wait until he looks out of his hole, then hit him over the head

you start of the project. Whack-a-Mole, the hospital infiltrate disguised by tightening patient / nurse / doctor. Giant loan shark gets the ball rolling by setting off the fire alarm at noon. Nurse Ae-ra used the alarm (and some hilarious acting) get away the security guards out of the room of the chairman.

Since the hospital evacuated, the group uses the ensuing chaos a stretcher in the VIP station to wheel where Chairman Jung still faking his coma. Your escapades are captured on the CCTV cameras and a gang of men in black suits overhead to intercept them.

Dae-soo, Ae-ra, and burst Eun -jō in the room of the chairman, screaming that they are all going to burn to death. Eun-jo asks if it should save these patients, pointing to Chairman Jung, but Dae-soo hops only on the stretcher and says that they do not touch him because he is a VIP.

The ladies wheel him. From while apologizing to the "unconscious" Chairman, to tell him alive to try and stay Once they leave, Chairman Jung pops his head out of the bed. Looks like their actions was quite convincing.

Back in the hallway, security cameras catch a covered body run out of the room of the chairman. The security team assumes that the three are the chairman of the kidnapping and hunting give the floor leaves completely open to Deul-ho his way into Chairman Jung space to waltz.

Chairman Jung is just starting to worry when suddenly Deul-ho of magical recreation of the chairman with a camera phone appears already recording in space. Chairman Jung tried to grab the phone, but Deul-ho dancing their way out, while the question of whether the cardiac arrest was all a lie.

Deul-ho used his recordings of the chairman to strong arm to get him to go to the agreement on the prosecution with him. Chairman Jung, to not let escape with this Deul-ho threatens to go agree.

Meanwhile, the security team pounces on team Deul-ho as they arise out of the elevator, only for Dae-soo sit under the ceiling and wondering if the fire was put out yet. Heh.

A crowd of reporters gathered at the public prosecutor, waiting for the arrival of Chairman Jung. When the ambulance pull up Deul-ho pulls cheerfully from the chairman and informed the press that the heroic Chairman Jung just awoke from a coma and has insisted - of his own free will -. To come to the investigation against him face

As the chairman will be taken away, meets Deul-ho to see prosecutor Shin that launches him into a flashback to when he had rebuffed Il-gu all those years ago ,

Thereafter prosecutor Shin had taken him to have a private word to him ashamed advising never where he came from or the children he calls family away.

It seems as honest and caring advice, until a few years later, when Deul-ho after the chairman Jung began to walk. Lawyer Shin had Deul-ho, shouting to risk everything, to ask why he was trying to save the boy, as he and the rest of the orphanage children restrained him easily. confessed

hurt by the harsh words, Deul- ho that he prosecutor Shin as hyungnim (respected elder brother), but now wonders how Shin sees him always seen. Is it nothing more than a disposable pawn? He then warned attorney Shin observe how this pledge raises the whole chessboard pile.

Back to the present, Deul-ho to see breaks and walks away.

in the interrogation room, chairman Jung Ji-wook welcomed with an expectant smile. He tells him to go his father, but Ji-wook is not with him. It rises over the Chairperson and speaks it for him: He is under investigation for corruption, tax evasion and embezzlement, and he can the nation's prosecutor not treated as his personal assistant

He leaves the chairman drugged looking. and worried.

Attorney Jang's watching the news when lawyer Kim informs him that Hae-Kyung has been subpoenaed. Jang does not understand to lawyer Kim explains that all paper companies of the chairman will be investigated and Hae-Kyung is listed as president one of them.

[1945010AttorneyJang] recognizes that Chief Prosecutor Shin betrayed him and says lawyer Kim Hae-Kyung links to search through. Kim says he has tried, but no one can reach them.

It seems Hae-Kyung took Deul-ho Council, and she and Soo-bin have gone into hiding in the orphanage where Deul-ho grew. She sees her daughter with the other children playing, smiling peacefully.

Deul-ho arrives gifts for the children and the family spends the afternoon playing games with the orphanage priest and kids wear.

When night falls, Deul-ho, Soo-bin, and Hae-Kyung sitting together on a blanket in the night sky upwards. Father and daughter convince Hae-Kyung to do with them, and Soo-bin singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" before they fall asleep nestled between her parents.

When her daughter sleeps, Deul-ho and Kyung hemodialysis joke that Hae-Kyung is now a refugee, but the mood is serious when he reminds them of the press conference they have planned for tomorrow.

Hae-Kyung never apologized before now come to the orphanage. She did not understand what it means for him and wished she had visited earlier. Deul-ho smiles and says he is happy that she now here.

Chief Prosecutor Shin finally deigned Chairman Jung to visit who feels betrayed rather the moment. Lawyer Shin says quietly that it seems the chairman for his sins, after all have to pay.

Chairman Jung can not believe that she created earlier by the hospital show, attorney Shin now it says it all admit, but Shin sighs only that the Chairman Deul-ho should have better managed. There is nothing he can do now.

The chairman cuts through the excuses, asking whether Prosecutor Shin only waits Attorney Jang liquidate its borrowed shares. He suspects that the reason struck him in the hospital Shin putting was only to buy time to get his money.

Chairman Jung warns that he has been in this business for over 40 years and is not so easy to go down, but Shin argued back that also companies who broke most in can go a blink. He says that they (the public prosecutor), an unethical Tycoon to send to jail is a piece of cake

Chief Prosecutor Shin .: "Do you know why people like us scary? it is because we have the support of the law. And it is because we know what the right to command. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to personally know how scary can be the law? "

He grins and lets the chairman alone.

The next morning Deul-ho and Hae-Kyung go back to the city, so Hae-Kyung may release a statement to the press. In Dae-soo / Deul-ho Office, Ae-ra and Dae-soo a crowd of reporters gathered, promising that they have a very large bucket for they will have now every minute.

Hae-Kyung and Deul-ho come out of the office and Deul-ho holds her hand to lead as the two start together.

Suddenly Ji-wook calls her name out behind them. He marches forward Hae-Kyung under arrest for tax evasion and embezzlement place.

Ji-wook pulls her hand from Deul-ho, but before he put the handcuffs on her, grabs Deul-ho his arm away. He wants to know what Ji-wook does, and both men face off, Hae-Kyung forget a moment.


Oh come on, Ji-wook! Do not the rocks - you know you want to be an egg

I'm not really sure what Ji-wook to make as to do between the right is constantly vibrating and after his father's command !. I wish for his sake it did not have to be one or the other, but as chief prosecutor Shin develops a potentially larger to be bad to get a page as Chairman Jung Ji-wook is to have really soon.

I still can not believe what a sleeper attorney Shin turned out to be still! I kept thinking during Episode 15, he slowly came to Deul-ho and pulling away of the Chairman, but apparently everything silence was moody only his evil mind think of a way out. He really was the puppeteer for this week to make the manipulation of any of chairman to his own son, all the time his own plans. I must say that this is due to the show-part brilliant, I really began to feel tired tantrums of Chairman Jung. It was to bring a very smooth way in a new big bad, which has been properly before us all the time.

I also just loved his speech at the end about the strength of lawyers because they behind the law to them. It's the same "energy source" that Deul-ho has used all the time, but now it is instead aide lawyer go Shin. It was a nice reminder that the law is not inherently good or bad: it is fair. It is a neutral tool that can be used by both sides, and it looks like we rises a worthy opponent to confront the neighborhood lawyer with his own brand of law have.

As much as I love the people of this show, I want the plot, a little would straighten. I know that we come together and good guys bad guys have pulled apart, so that it is now complicated, but when they start further investigation, I could sort my own lawyer through them all! Seriously, it was the investigation against President Young, the investigation against Hae-Kyung, the investigation against Deul-ho (libel), and I am was pretty sure it I can remember another, but it no longer. I know - let an investigation start to figure it out

One great thing about all sides to break their covenants and / or come together, is that we can see how our characters directly from the affected people support! They. In the beginning was undefeatable is chairman Jung behind him because of the people. Now that they all begin to pull away and protect yourself, he's lost the leverage that he once had. It is almost laughable, he has as little power now that Attorney Jang and attorney Shin ignore him to fight each other. was

In contrast Deul-ho steadily gaining more and more support. Whether his team or his family, he really owes them the greater part of his success. Not to belittle his own abilities, he is an incredible Lawyer / Ex-prosecutor, but there is no denying that he was never strong enough to fight on their own against Chairman Jung. It was not until he it is people who took to stand by him, that he was the force today.

And now that he has Hae-Kyung and Soo-bin at his side, can stop him anything ... hopefully.

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tags: Episode 16, in Kang So-ra, neighborhood lawyer Jo Deul-ho, Park Shin-yang

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