Recap And Reviews Kdrama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 17

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Goodbye Mr. Black: Episode 17 -

The heat is turned for all and many plotlines rush to crisis and / or confrontation, which makes for it may suck for eventful hours, but at least. We go in the last hours of the show, and to begin some of the story threads bound (or to our characters necks, as the case may be), while others remain as yet ambiguous open. It's life or death matters, for more than one person. (Although primarily for one person.)


Am Hafen Black escapes with a sledgehammer only his brain have smashed lately, as police cars coming and his attackers send scattering.

Sun-jae observed from a distance, such as black, the lock to the shipping container smashed. That's when the police capture in swarms Black, although Woo-jin jumps in and pushes them away, he is not to tell her husband.

is so black allowed to open the container, and he steps on the coffin inside with fear, open the lid with trembling hands. Kneeling before the open field, he breaks at the sight of his father down icy corpse, crying that he is sad.

teacher Baek orders his henchmen Swan cooped in the house hold, but they argued back that they did nothing wrong have information regarding President Cha corpse course being reported should police. She warns him for forgiveness for his actions asking for, and that it had been well inspired to revenge.

teacher Baek loses his temper, saying that there is no place for them here, when she goes to doubt and betray him. He lifts her father-daughter reunion, and orders her out of the house.

Swan mind flashes back to that childhood memory, as she had seen her father, a gun in his hand, and the memory makes their steel. She replies that she has no reason to leave the house, and that even if he cuts them off because he hates them, she is still his daughter. Even if it looks like it clearly unhappy.

Black and Woo-jin are surprised to learn that the police tipped about shipping containers arriving from someone else, and that the case was taken over by a special investigation team. The senior investigator joins report to them that the cause of death was found to be two shots, and an autopsy will confirm whether drugs in the Chairman of the system were.

had been black hands on the bloody family photo of his father to keep when he died, tested having already confirmed the blood and that it was his father. This suggests that Dad survives the first shot, and the second did him in. (A flashback reminds us that killers had fired the second shot from distance, while Sun-jae and Baek had stood over the dying man.)

Black senses something fishy about this investigation and calls upon the leadership detective, as she had known to go to the port-who order their informants was? And then goes teacher Baek in this credit claim.

Swan replays that childhood memory in her head, and this time, when we see that they had hidden in a kitchen cabinet, after her father to see the gun ,

When asked how he knew that the container of the body would be in, teacher Baek produced a text message from Director Nam, who had given him the container number and asked that it be conveyed to Black. This is convenient, and we see how easy this should send forge supplied by Baek henchman directly after killing (I am assuming that body is dead) Director Nam.

know our guys, Baek is through his teeth and hotheaded Woo-jin hurls accusations against him, but black only asks the detective quietly track Nam and open his father's study again.

teacher Baek Black congratulates newly opened to get the case. Black asks what he should do when he finds the man who killed his father, and teacher Baek replied that he would kill the guilty, if it were him. Black vows to do just that.

teacher Baek warns Black Swan to stop and Black asks where she is. He is brought to Baek house where he noticed hanging around the really freakishly large number of elephants painting. Teacher Baek explains his wife admiration of them, and Black Swan reminded about random facts about elephants know.

If Swan enters the space, Black takes one look at her split lip and does not react in anger to take it out on the retainer to protect them. Oddly, the steps Swan excused and gentle for Black outbreak, tugging him away quickly when the argument becomes apparent when recovering childhood memories here explained. She feels that staying here longer trigger, and to leave resist his urging.

Then she asks after Black's father, and it is his turn to comfort him when he admits that he can not forgive so wrong. She hugs him and says soothingly. "I do not say anything I know.."

At home Mari flinches face-to-face with Sun-jae on coming and drops her glass which shattered on the floor , She asks if he anything to do with President Cha corpse, and Sun-jae has to play a remarkable job the martyrs and said that she would as that to be true, so they divorced him could be (let alone the fact that it is true). Mari pushes him to the truth, and he replies: ". The truth is that I love you"

She mocks, but he asks her to say she loves him, even if it's a lie, in which case he let them go. Mari silent.

with the media in a frenzy over this latest twist on President Cha assassination Sun-jae with the Attorney General meets to offer another bribe, this time the investigation to close quickly. Teacher Baek heard of Sun-jae moves and decides it's time to honor murderers from prison to get his pledge.

pretty happy with this news to find killer only for himself the next victim of a locker room assault. A gang of prisoners catches him in the room and take turns punching and stabbing him a familiar scenario, and the lead attacker reminds him that he had done this to Black.

murderer asks who ordered the attack, and the leader says that he is the man who promised him out to get he had prison simply did not realize that he be would release from prison dead .

The murderer there is death gurgle he recalls black, to visit him in prison, warning that he he knows because of the secrets would die.

VP Seo smoke in his interrogation room, but if the prosecutor adds Killer murder of his costs, to the outrage turns to fear when he realizes how deep his frame is Job.

Black confers with Woo-jin of the evidence of the VP Seo pointing blame and Woo-jin asks if there is a way to obtain evidence that take the teacher Baek and Sun-jae points, his father to delete. Black, the pen recorder remembers, although it. Sun-jae possession Your best bet now he decides the two villains is to get each other to rotate and reveal the other crimes. Black has also Woo-jin to visit his father, once it is transferred to the lock-up for references to prod.

Mari coat of Team Black headquarters, and their old housekeeper is embarrassed and apologetic be found here. Mari is more concerned with speaking to Ji-soo, the cool it gets a little, although not Mari not she did not commit the blame for crime. "No no no I, Sun-jae, and not Baek Eun-do." Was:

Mari Ji-soo says not to forgive, but

The mention of teacher Baek Ji-soo has to grab the attention because the sun-jae's accomplice this time ask everything already. Mari had not noticed that Ji-soo was in the dark, and she is worried about a slip to make.

Black Swan takes shopping and taking it for a black dress for funeral of his father. Swan rejects from guilt, but Black tells her she must come, because he had promised to show it to his father. He tells a story from his childhood, had heard as classmates of Sun-jae father in prison and endlessly mocked him for it. It was Father Blacks have been, who had said that a child is responsible for his parents wrong was a stupid thing.

is held the funeral, and Swan appears nevertheless to Blacks relief. When he stands before the open coffin, it makes a point Black Swan to go with him, it to his father, as the woman the introduction he loves. He promises: "I live happily in Swan page, then go to meet."

Swan Bows and concerned with the Chairman in their thoughts, to tell him she wears a debt to him, and it will repay to Black and Ji-soo. Black draws comforting to him, and Mari watches sadly from the sidelines.

And then, teacher Baek appears. This is annoying him.

Swan tenses, although Black reassuring her hand takes. He holds a stone face, paid as a teacher Baek lip service to the deceased, as well as his henchmen ... and aha! Ji-soo begins to recognize his voice in alarm. She grabs her brother's arm, although nothing says loudly in front of them.

and and , Sun-jae appears, bold as brass, and is causing a stir among the guests. Black makes his entrance, while his teammates marvel at Sun-jae of shamelessness.

But definitely shock except maybe get Black's authorities Sun-jae arrest for embezzlement and corruption. Black, this seems to expect, and makes it a point Sun-jae to pack and urge him to see before going to the chairman's face.

He directs violently Sun-jae on the coffin and pushed his face up to the edge. Speaking softly, so that they are unheard of, Black calls the name killer of his father, and Sun-jae insists it was not. He looks rather bad, and for a moment to watch him, Black leaves Sun-jae go.

, as Sun-jae is then right past him, is out, Black recalls teacher Baek that he had said, Sun-jae was the murderer. Sun-jae sees Baek a surprised look, and Baek looks dismayed to be outed as this. Muahaha. Let the bickering begin. Or again, I think. Keep fighting, villains!

Baek enough presence of mind has to recognize Black does so strategically, even if it does not stop him, sweating bullets.

Mari told Swan that they get her to the funeral, did not expect, and stated that they missed. Ji-soo do not know of Schwanen descent, but now knows she teacher Baek name.

Swan says she wants Ji-soo their parents to say to Ji-soo practice, do not notice that Ji-soo came into the hall. At mention of Swan Baek to be daughter, she stumbles into shock, fall to the ground.

Black hastens to his sister page her, but his arm refused to help him at the wrong moment and sends it fall back down. In the excitement, no one but Woo-jin, who tried to make sense noted.

Ji-soo laments her brother about it, treated as evil and unjust, she feels, and Black begins his sister to say that Swan only Swan, and that their parents does not matter. But to his surprise, Ji-soo yells that it does not matter to Swan-it her brother is her who is to be pitied. She asks him to run away with Swan and live freely as he can, and Black realizes that she knows about his health.

Around the corner, Woo-jin hears their conversation, and while nothing has been said explicitly about Black state, he looks like he's the pieces put together ...

Ji-ryu combines Swan to try to comfort her, but she does make a pretty good job on their own buck, saying that it is better that Ji-soo knows. It will focus on Sun-jae crimes reporting, because that is the only thing they can do, and Ji-ryu praises for their attitude. Black joins her there, and they share a quiet moment when he takes her hand.

When Ji-ryu hikes, Woo-jin puts him and pointed out to an indignant Ji-ryu that stumbling usually requires a cause. So what is the black cause?

Ji-ryu says nothing, but his silence is quite revealing when Woo-jin thought that Black dies, and the Swan does not know. It makes him furious, but Ji-ryu says that if the bad guys to find out would be, it would jeopardize what has left time Black.

in custody, Sun-jae is said that it is not easy embezzlement that has made him here, but also the stolen bid from the gas project five years ago. His composure slips when he says that they have uncovered more to the story, as VP Seo only participation.

A (nother) emergency meeting for Sunwoo Construction is held in the Black takes the lead in the vote for Sun-jae of dismissal. Mari is to lift the first her hand, and soon the each member joins her to make a rapid ignition. Black, the new president is elected.

teacher Baek comes giggling to congratulate him, and informs him that Swan are officially registered in the family register, making their legally his daughter. He says he wants to help become black chairman of the company, for the sake of his daughter.

Black says he hopes Baek to honor these words, that he reneged on the same promise to Sun-jae. There is an acute reminder that he knows of their alliance, because that is the call to this pen recorder.

Sun-jae hear of his release in prison is captured and has his secretary his friends in high places to contact to get him out of here. Unfortunately, they are probably out of contact by teacher Baek interference. Sun-jae stews at the thought of Baek and black work together against him.

At home scrubs Mari under her father-in-law, the floating and snapped at him, making him gasp again. Dad argued that, whatever Sun-jae did, he's still her husband, and recalls Mari that she married him of her own. She was not forced, and she benefited from his actions to-so it is hypocritical now to stand by it in their morale, such as Sun-jae was the only one who did something wrong. (His argument is not entirely without merit ... except that we need to remember how completely batshit Sun-jae, and him and Mari with the same brush can not really paint on this whole murder subterfuge takeover business.)

Black swan takes out for a fancy dinner and presented them with his new business as head of the company, want to bet for making good his kiss reward. It promises a later, and roast them.

Sung-min interrupts her date with a call, get jealous and snippy Swan heard Black to say how much he likes. He reminds him to the fact that it's bad get his heart beat faster for his health and his blood pressure and prohibits skinship.

Ji-soo heading for their operation to Japan soon, so her Swan pays a last visit. Ji-soo admits fear Swan to see if their vision recovers if it reminds her teacher Baek, and Swan assures her that it's okay if they just want to hate for a successful operation. Ji-soo bursts, "with Ji-won oppa remain. If he's happy, then that's enough for me."

Ji-ryu asks Black about his condition deteriorated to hear, and Sung-min of alarmed that it is not only his hand that is fails him, but also his leg. Both men pushing black get yourself checked out and overwrites its insistence on the print forward, as they have cornered Sun-jae.

Sun-jae, is meanwhile in his interrogation room to rot, first at the thought of his enemies laugh Teaming, then fainted smoking.

His henchman asks teacher Baek plans Sun-jae to let Black have, and gets a metaphor: When fishing with cormorants, you can leave the birds bound in the river with a cord around his neck. The bird is trying to swallow a fish, but not be able to because of the string, and if it spits the bird, all you need to do the discarded fish is to pick up. Sun-jae is be only his Kormoran used until it is more of no interest. He adds that Sun-jae is not only an eye and a photo of his daughter.

The Black headquarters, in availing the housekeeper the fancy massage chairs to Sung-min is fighting with her about it and crash into awkwardly on his lap. May comes and exclaims: "Oh my God!" Gye-dong exclaims: "Oh my eyes!" HAHA.

Then Black and Ji-soo go in, and Sung-min running around and insisted it is not what they think, only to have the housekeeper, pretend it is.

Sun-jae father falls into Black see leave before Seoul, and asks him if he remembers the time when the boy was ten, and Sun-jae had called Dad crazy. It is the flashback we saw earlier when Young Sun-jae had run from Dad, who was one of his prison stint, and asked the chairman to try to save him from the crazy man to take him away. Dad was deeply hurt, but went along with it and barked like a mad dog.

Dad says now that Sun-jae was right, and that's because Dad was mad that Sun-jae grew in this way upwards. He stomps on his pain even now, when he makes humming noise, and begs to forgive Black Sun-jae.

interrogation Sun-jae's not going anywhere with him something denied to say, and finally he asks the attorney general to speak, who listens glass behind the observation. The Attorney General looks uneasy as Sun-jae storms up to the window with the right glared at him, screaming that he will not go alone down. He says the man who convey along the message that no one can escape this unscathed, and that he in his possession. This Fountain Pen

The Attorney General relay those words teacher Baek, saying that Sun-jae, what is the fountain seems unpredictable and ask. He says the case out of control grows: If Baek chairman of murdering VP Seo pins, Black will not stand for it, but if he does reveal things to Sun-jae pins, Sun-jae be. But teacher Baek has the Attorney General Sun-jae posting, now that he is feeling the suffocating chokehold.

Sung-min finds Black unconscious from another episode, and this time it takes for a CT scan in the hospital. The news is not good, and all signs point to brain implosion sooner rather than later. Black is frustrating calm about it, and Sung-min asks him to receive either surgery or get away for a quiet rest.

distracted case Panda News, Woo-jin remains with his knowledge of Blacks disease. Swan cheers to get a call from Black, which is that he is in his office, while sitting in his hospital bed. You make plans after work to meet, but Woo-jin tells her late for work or be fired.

Mari feels the burden of her father-in-law allegations of ditching Sun-jae, and makes a call in reference to visit him, as it is surprised at home by prosecutors flashing their badges.

Sun-jae is let out of prison and stiffens outside teacher Baek seen greet his output. That's when a car with Mari pulls in custody, and Sun-jae now recognizes that the cost of liberation Sun-jae Mari was ensnared.

teacher Baek smiles that this is the best thing he could do, in the face of threatened with Sun-jae recording.

Sun-jae had transferred his new company in the creation of assets in Mari name, the publication in securing Sun-jae Mari makes the most likely scapegoat. So now, he provides him a choice: Sunwoo group or Mari.

Woo-jin remains in the office late with swan that night until he finally gives in and releases them with a sigh that he really likes must do that. He breaks the news to her about Black Health, urging them to be with him to meet her run to send Black.

She holds races on their carved wooden compass while Black awaits her his hold gold. When she arrives, he must provide it with tears in her eyes and tells her that he is unwell, and that Sung-min, said he did not know whether he had left a day or a month.

So he smiles with tears in his eyes and opens his arms wide to her.


Well, finally! We all knew how this would either Black or swan that unfold or both would repel each other stupidly for a while, and then they would finally be honest and embrace reality so the sooner we have here, the better. I would rather we have here even earlier, but hey, at least we did not have to wait until the final round, and get only an epilogue of happiness. Silver lining, y'all.

There were a number of beautiful moments in this episode, although, as with everything, it was hampered by the elementary version about this show. I do not want that harping point because it's so obvious now, but as an example, I really have the dual compass Bit enjoy at the end, because the compasses have been consistently, sometimes referred to as way back home that came with the implication the separation when Swan Black home thinking settled there there was no place, or if they would keep to their respective devices thinking of each other.

So poignant is that the circle would now lead them to one another, at the very moment when they last the reasons finally overcome a wedge to drive between them is. (Or at least at the moment in my head was totally poignant as I rewritten the drama simultaneously, as I watched, representing a version that was better addressed and to provide more emotional impact. I know that I will not be the only who does this.)

, it is interesting to see how in my alternate reality version of Goodbye Mr. Black , it's the romantic relationship, which is drawn out and developed, because it is narratively got there all the parts to be more appealing than it is. In actual drama, but it's Sun-jae, who jumps out consistently as the most interesting, and emotionally appealing, because the performance feels real and invested. The others are doing what they can, but Kim Kang-woo makes me believe that he the character, full of uncertainty and fear and conflicting emotions. I think it was smart of teacher Baek Mari to get so involved because Mari Sun-jae more than anything else is driving, more than fear or greed or power. And it is not a point that I expect from the show, so I was pleasantly surprised by him.

But with a week to go to the left, I would really like to see just Black already go ahead and do something about his damaged brain, because as effective as it him struggling with his deteriorating body can be seen, from a plot standpoint, he was not really do about it. He held it aside as something to be dealt with pushing, when it came, not in denial (which would have been more frustrating), but in a fatalistic manner that made us sad for him, but had the effect of sources as much of the people he loves. This is often my beef with this terminal disease stories: Let people make their own decisions about what they will not truth-do with, deprive them of this possibility. And despite what Sung-min says I'm really for these decisions involve all skinship. Many skinship. All skinship from!

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tags: Episode 17, in Goodbye Mr. Black, Kim Kang-woo Lee Jin-wook, moon Chae-won, Yoo In-young

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