Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romantic: Episode 12

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romantic: Episode 12 - is

A ceasefire finally called and middle ground is found where Su-ho and Bo-nui can begin to work on the rules their differences. Not everyone is happy about it but, and it is a shame that, find during some quiet, others are only the sting of grief and loss will begin to feel.


After their fight Bo-nui goes to Su-ho at home, with the intention to tell him that this is all just a misunderstanding. But he is not at home - he is on foot, like his father and Bo-Nui harsh words by the head echo. He reaches for his anxiety pills, but he only clenched in his fist and does not.

Bo-nui waiting at his home until after dark, then make their own way home slowly. She looks at the Tiger pendent of Su-ho, and sighs that it better that way. The two pass by each other on opposite sides of the street, unaware.

The next morning, Bo-nui asks Boss Won as Su-ho looked as if he came to work ( "It is always the same." ~ scrunchface ~ HA). Boss Won asks if they fought because of Gary, and it is the first Bo-Nui hearing that Gary brought the other night their food.

Amy and Gary show all flustered, and Amy asks Bo-nui, if someone has not called white or followed her. Apparently another reporter got a picture of the previous morning when Gary and Bo-nui spoke outside their building.

Su-ho on the photos frowns, especially if Gary and Bo-nui office at the same time arrive and everyone congratulates them. Su-ho says Amy that they need to make a statement, but Gary refuses to say that Bo-nui him not particularly. He sees Su-ho right in the eye when he says that it is something special, whether she feels the same way.

The employees decide this for PR could be good, and Bo-nui pushing Gary give a shot. It goes out and Gary follows her down the hall, where they him to say for things like chastises at their workplace. She asks him about the food, which he made, and says that she can not accept this kind of thing from him or anyone else.

Gary looks sad, but he says he begged her not to accept his heart, just not to ask him to lie about his feelings. Bo-nui called Gary selfish - they tried so hard not to burden "that person", but Gary only cares about his own feelings

Amy interrupts to tell Gary to be professional, but she rounded up to ground. nui and she blames him for the lead. She throws Bo-nui of being fickle and make fools of two men, and Gary has enough and pulls them away.

Su-ho hangs back until they are gone, but when Bo-nui sees him there, he goes straight past her without a word. She is waiting when he returns to say, there is nothing between her and Gary, but Su-ho not understand why they declare themselves. He says, annoyed that he was not what they care less and do Gary.

He stomps all the way to his office, and immediately turns out to go back, but he holds himself. Bo-nui goes to the roof to pray, ask for the strength to protect her heart. She tries Su-ho multiplication trick, but it does not, and she bursts into tears.

Dal-nim finds, concerned that Gary them angry, and Bo-nui shouting that "this person" hates them now. It's probably better that things to end here, but it hurts so much. You can not stop thinking of the pain that it causes Su-ho, on top of the years he injured already suffered, and screams that she feels so bad, because they so much like him.

Gary asks Amy why she's so mean tells Bo-nui, and Amy, that it bothers them as Bo-nui treated him and Su-ho. Gary defended that her superstitions and her sister disease, and that gives Amy break. She remembers wanting to talk Su-ho to be Bo-nui not injured, and decides that the, the feeling that he is just for them sympathy.

Everyone in the office can tell Bo-Nui shouted, but Dal-nim tells them to get back to work. They find Gary in the hall the nerve to go in the office, working up and takes him to speak to Ryang-ha-Café. You sweet asks him not to make Bo-Nui life harder, but Gary says, it is not that he is her uncomfortable.

Ryang-ha decides to get involved and says Gary flat-out that Bo-nui not interested in him. Unpleasant is on until ganged, Gary says he understands and leaves. Dal-nim grumbles that Bo-Nui Crush you'd better just grab but Ryang-ha thinks she is talking about Gary and says that they are not interested.

Gary finds Bo-nui that night on the roof to pray and plunks down beside her and said that he has a desire to make. He prays aloud not to allow for Bo-nui influence, and to finish for her things with the tiger. He tells her that he thinks she spoke only to taste Su-ho, but if she looks sad, he asks her if she so much like him. Bo-nui says it because it is not important over anyway.

Bo-Nui phone starts with calls from Su-ho blasting, they resist for about one second half before shooting. It's chicken Ajusshi who watch Su-ho about a sloppy drunk, as he does the math and laments that he can not make Bo-nui sense. OMG, he drinks his beer from a straw, I can not.

Gary holds Bo-nui from rushing over and asks her not to go. Why should they go when it's over? Bo-nui argued that Su-ho never drinks, but Gary says this is precisely why you should not go if she really wants to end things.

chicken Ajusshi tries to get hold Su-ho leave drunk his place, while Su-ho stammers that he would transform into a tiger under the full moon, and bites him, hee. He says Bo-nui will soon be here, and now Su-ho really want to leave. He spins chicken Ajusshi reach and stumbles away, while saying that he should not go. Oh, he is not a pretty drunk at all.

He staggers directly in Bo-nui and angrily shakes her hand away, saying that he does not need them. It follows from a distance, as he goes ... right into place. He breaks in their step and finally she sees and she asks sadly why he came here.

He laments: "I wanted to see you," in the saddest little voice ever, and curls up on itself He asks how he missed so much if he hates it so bad.. Bo-nui pulls him to his feet, intending to send him home, but he falls instead into the arms. He whispered to her in the shoulder, that he is glad to see them.

Bo-nui hugs him back slowly, and at her touch, Su-ho finally begins to cry. She takes him up and on her couch, watching him in his sleep frown her name marbles. She apologizes, this whole thing call her fault that he approaches first.

He looks so sweet lying there, and they took the opportunity to see her fill and stroke his hair. Can not resist, Bo-nui leans down and gently kisses Su-ho's cheek.

Su-ho is shocked to find a place in the morning at Bo-Nui and reminds it on the road last night tussling, they tried to send him home and try it to get its place. He is so embarrassed that he could die, poor fella.

Bo-nui is in the hospital to check on Bo-ra, and the nurse slipped accidentally, that it is "" late today. Busted, she decides to come clean, and are Bo-nui a camera and notebook, that the man she was with left. She tells Bo-nui that he comes Bo-ra to visit every morning, the doctors annoying.

Bo-nui the notebook full of notes on their daily finds progress. The camera has pictures of Bo-ra, who had the nurse says, so that she her any time she wanted to could see. There are a few pictures of Su-ho in there to make cute tiger poses that makes tear Bo-nui.

Bo-nui Su-ho to find on his way running to work, and he stops, unsure what to do. Bo-nui thinks that happiness is right in front of her, and just like in her dream, she runs up to him. Su-ho smiles and opens his arms wide - he does not know what it is, but he is not to let go

That night Su-ho quietly climbs into bed, then jumps up again. Dance around the room screaming in happiness. Bo-nui at its altar sits squeeing, and says Bo-ra "I did good, right?"

Su-ho father some makes requests in its fishing sales and returns home to find his wife unhappy. She says that only the birth of Su-ho does not make them go to his parents, so they should stop trying.

Bo-nui is happy Su-ho waited for her. On the stairs in the morning to see, but she worries that people are talking about when they see them together Su-ho sees no problem - you can talk to them. Both giggle, and he sets out, stopping to hold his arm, the Bo-nui takes relish.

Ryang-ha spots a pretty pair of legs on the way to work, and when the girl rides on her heels runs to help her. He does not manage to fully realize it until they called Dal-nim, sans glasses and braces him angry, and he goes slack jawed. She gives him only a sassy hair flip and can move him.

Su-ho and Bo-nui to work and Su-ho immediately says she met at the door, is not the least striking, ha. Bo-nui noticed how beautiful Dal-nim looks, and Dal-nim almost happens when Su-ho their eyes compliments. Su-ho gives everyone a seriously awkward "Fight!" Prior to his office leaving, and they all wondering what is wrong with him. ha.

Dal-nim at Bo-Nui News is thrilled, even though they still do not know who likes Bo-nui. She says she should double-date bloom, soon adopted their own one-sided love and asks Bo-nui, who is the lucky guy.

She is shocked to hear that Su-ho, since Bo-nui before denied. Bo-nui admits that she is like him for a while, and she suddenly feels safe to be with him. Dal-nim controls angry and acts coyly when Bo-nui asked who is her husband.

Later she went to Ryang-ha, called him a traitor because he must have known about Bo-nui and Su-ho. Ryang-ha looks like a rat cornered, but as Dal-nim swears revenge and excursions onto the heels stalking, he tries to help her. He is blocked by several men rushing the pretty girl to help - is that a hint of jealousy I feel

Su-ho TSKS to his employees when he catches them playing a game to determine who paid for lunch ... but this time he fusses only that she left him. He has the whole office to Pizza treat that makes sulk Bo-nui grin and Dal-nim.

He looks for Bo-Nui reaction when the pizza comes, peeking through his office blinds, and always nervous when she passes his way. At the moment she goes to he grabs her in a hug, she refuses to let go until he gets a kiss. They met, and they giggle again, and OMG, they are too cute, I can not stand.

spend touches to steal the next few days and send hand -holds office, and mutually finger hearts and smoochie Faces. Evan Dal-nim can not help but smile when she sees them so happy. At one point they are working on the roof, hold hands and work with one hand. So cute

congratulate yourself on how well they are hiding their relationship, while the bottom pay the entire office betting -. They all know. Dal-nim runs crying to the bathroom, even though she remembers that when she really loves Su-ho, who will be pleased for him.

Su-ho takes Bo-nui on a picnic next to a pond, even if he hates water, and he rattles off statistics that show that the best days are picnic on the water with the man wearing a blue shirt , Bo-nui tells him that was pretty cool, and they giggle again.

Bo-nui can say, this is his first picnic, and promises him to take on many of them. Su-ho asks how long to keep him should call "Director", suddenly fall to banmal and insidiously their vocation "Bo-nui-yah." He checked whether that's fine, and invites them to do the same, but takes exception when she calls him "Su-ho-yah" as he or older.

Awww, he wants to call him oppa. That's adorable. Bo-nui teases him of his call "Su-ho-yah" a few more times, hee. She tells him that she used to hate her name, thought it was bad luck, but she likes to hear him say it. Do I have to admit, he says, it's pretty sweet.

He later complains when Bo-nui buys a gift, thinking it is for Gary, but she says that it's for a friend who is doing soothsayer. He immediately knows it is his mother, although Bo-nui admits that she, as her lunch has not heard from her. She apologizes to him for him tricking on this day and not again promises to him to lie.

It is recognized by some passers-by, asking if it is Gary Choi girlfriend and Su-ho grabs her hand and barks that they his girlfriend is. He plays the "do not you know who I am, I'm a super-geeenius" card, but they are sports fans, and have no idea who he is, ha.

He drags soil nui away and over a stream, and she trips and falls in the water gift his mother. Without even thinking, Su-ho wades in and calls them, belatedly, he is to be realized in the water, and starts out to wig. Ha, it is mainly an excuse for skinship how he asks Bo-nui to hold his hand and let him put his head in her lap.

He offers to take her to his mother, to take her gift, although he warns them, he might in a fight. fisheries come empty and can not find his mother on the phone, and Su-ho are embarrassed that he did not know his father phone number.

Su-ho Father is with chicken Ajusshi restaurant with an offer of peace, although he overreacted when chicken Ajusshi discovered him and accidentally knocks him. The two men share a drink, and Dad asks why chicken Ajusshi is not evil, but he apologized for his behavior.

chicken Ajusshi says only that it is easy to harder apologize to strangers but with family. From drunken insistence the father that Su-ho is his son, he can tell Dad to run away in a lot of pain that touches a nerve and sends Dad.

Su-ho pouts when he takes Bo-nui home, not yet ready to end and cranky that he will go on a business trip tomorrow their all-day appointment. The idea of ​​being of Bo-nui away four days makes him whiny, and he. Slumps in her embrace He asks why she did not say they miss him, but she says it is self-evident.

Gary has been in person or by phone can not be reached, Amy sends in panic. They tried to find him at his place with no luck, and on the way out, she runs into Su-ho and Bo-nui embraces in front of the stairs.

pulls Ryang-ha made her drink to see and complains that Su-ho smiled. She thinks it's strange how she and Gary both came to be just dumped by her first love, as if it never occurred to her that Su-ho might not they want to return back to Korea. Ugh.

Ryang-ha says that throughout his life, Su-ho has never come out of his safe little emotional cave. Bo-nui is the only person who has ever had to get him. Amy does not understand why it Bo-Nui and not her, and Ryang-ha saved almost by calling Dal-nim.

Amy snatches the phone, and suddenly Ryang-ha is drunk comforting two, heartbroken women. Ryang-ha pretends not to know how his phone to use, provides Dal-nim a perfect opportunity to teach him (and all of us watching, we are not happy!).

Amy she screams for flirting and calls Bo-nui strange for all their superstitious. Dal-nim yells at her and says that she has to give up because of the Bo-nui, to Su-ho, that is, if Amy realizes that Dal-nim he likes, too.

Dal-nim takes offense at Amy called him "my Su-ho", and vows to punish them for the way they treat Su-ho and Bo-Nui. The hair pulling starts, and Ryang-ha gets a knee in a bad place when he tried to intervene.

Am Zeze building, Boss Won clamped the defective revolving door and has helplessly as a shady-looking guy (who looks a lot like the man a mask outside been wearing is hang out) can be bold. He saunters over creepily where Boss Won pinched, Pony on the glass, and tell him, push to.

Together they push the doors to the Boss Won free, but the stranger is cringes and claimed a herniation. He claims he has done on the building electrical work, but I'm not sure I believe him.

Su-ho is set to his business trip to go to Las Vegas, he and Bo-nui exchange pouty- separation surfaces on. Ryang-ha waits while they always say goodbye, and Bo-nui is a lucky charm to Su-ho phone, as he will not happen insists. Ryang-ha breaks firmly giggle-the and has literally pull Su-ho away.

Bo-nui texts Su-ho, while he is away, make sure he is eating and sleeping, and again he asks her to him again and again they missed to say. Annoys you that she does not, but she looks a picture of him and nods, yes, they do not miss him. The team celebrate on the news that the meeting was a success and they have new investors.

Su-ho calls Bo-nui as he is to mount his plane home, asks again if she misses him. She says it finally: "I miss you so much." Su-ho tells her to open her door, if it is true, and it runs him wait to find

to them

"I could not wait." He says, and Bo-nui jumps into his arms , He carries her into her apartment and kicked the door closed behind them.

epilogue. Su-ho has some quick math, as he and making Bo-nui a walk, and sighs that it is not enough. Although he and Bo-nui live his eighty, according to his calculations, it is not enough to spend time together. He asks her to say yes him, officially, and Bo-nui he says quietly, "Yes." Su-ho pretends he does not hear that they make it say louder, and they giggle. They are holding hands, and practically on the road from Skip, happy as loons.


I think this episode ruined me. These two are so cute together, I can not even handle it. I'm so happy that it finally worked out their differences and found a happy medium, because it was obvious that none of them would get in the foreseeable future on the other. But who knew that it would turn into such a silly goofy gigglepusses? I love that they think their relationship is a big secret if everyone and their little sister can say they are blinded to each other. You can express it very different, but both are equally socially inept, and I love it.

I thought that the way Bo-nui finally came to Su-ho was so perfectly in character for both of them ... it was never to be something he would have done for them, the came to her through. He had been adorably attentive all day long, and they would have kept resisting because they do not think it's worth that kind of treatment. Bo-nui is the kind of person who lives for others, and finally it was to see this feature in Su-ho, that they brought around. Where things to do, for they would never have worked, to see that he care for Bo-ra's what made them drop their walls and let him in because he meet at their level - just quietly in background to help without asking for recognition or thanks.

and it is wonderful that for all initial despair of Su-ho for Bo-nui for reality to see what it is, and stop being so superstitious, it's actually him that varies the most. He does not buy in their faith, but it is (mostly) stopped tried to talk them out and instead they meet at their level. When you do not buy into the superstitious, at least with it they become their halfway justice, and find a way to tell her that she understands. For a man who always kept apart, because people do not get it, it's a big step for Su-ho to make an attempt for the first time in his life, to bend someone else.

on the other side, I'm just ready to hit Amy in the next week. The mental gymnastics she is carrying Su-ho have to explain feelings towards Bo-nui so frustrating when he told her clearly he likes Bo-nui. But she continues to pursue him and tell him how he really feels as if Su-ho is not a grown-ass man who can these things on his own figure. It drives me crazy because Amy did not really know him better than Bo-nui doing - she knows how he was as a teenager, but that may have very little to do with who is a person as an adult. But she prances around as if she understands him more than anyone, as if she has the right to tell him how to feel and behave while Su-ho is to say in no uncertain terms that he does not like them, like he someone else. I am really looking forward to the SmackDown them heading towards - it is my hope bad that it Bo-nui, which brings it? The way Amy was her treatment, if anyone deserves Amy to say, where to go, it is Bo-nui.

But things were so happy and pancakes in this episode, it got me to think. We still have four episodes left, and as much fun as it is Bo-nui and Su-ho flirt to see how big old nerds, I feel the threat of to take something . I am concerned that Amy can go the deep end, and we have seen flashes of something in Gary that worry me why he simply disappeared and. I'm just glad that Su-ho came back safe, even though I now am afraid that Bo-nui and Su-ho may be over, something greater to see than it can process from his business trip.

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tags: Episode 12, in Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Chung-ah, Lee Soo-Hyuk, happy relationship, Ryu Joon-yeol

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