Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 16

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 16 -

With his world upside down asked and everything he ever thought he knew about himself asked the question, is our hero with much left to think about it, and not much time to do it. He is dedicated to the tasks it instead provided, proving that you not need given years of training to achieve your dreams have just a change of scenery and a bit of luck.


Prince Yeoning Dam seo raises the question we all want to know: "What many of you have" as sullen look as ever, says Dam seo him that she no longer a relationship, something the Yeoning denies relentlessly.

"I've found my way," she adds grimly Yeoning asking what if this path kill comprising of people. Your goal, as she puts it, to ensure that people do not suffer more wrong or be trampled is. To do that, it is their mission to get rid of all the evil people in the world made. Wait, seriously?

"How did this happen?" Yeoning disbelief asks. "Who made you so?" Dam-seo expression does not change when she replied that it was he who made it that way.

Meanwhile Dae-gil has to digest problems that his father, the king could be, and instead opts for the rejection. But Injwa offers its four pillars of destiny (the exact date, year, month and hour of his birth), the known correspond to columns of the prince just as Yeongsoo which was officially recorded as deceased.

fallow seo blames Yeoning for they find out that their teacher killed her father, and for them to be alive, and shaken for them in their faith because they found out the truth. Prince Yeoning: "In what world does that make sense?" Hahahahaha. Points.

In return, in which the world asks he in front of a murderer as can stand her, making him again that, should they vow ever meet, he would have arrested for their crimes. She tells him to go ahead and do just that, because by the time they meet again, Injwa be dead by her own hand.

Opas elated to see Seol-in again, even though he can not help but notice her troubled expression. They probably told him about the terrible power of the Wolhyang woman read from her physiognomy what Grandpa to announce that he is a expert in the face, so much to read, as he is a player.

He takes a good look at it and declared that the Wolhyang woman was full of crap, there is nothing to suggest such a terrible fate in their trains. She has led the accuracy of Grandpa reading to doubt, however, when he adds that Dae-gil is the physiognomy of a king.

Dae-gil is to report to the palace of the king, even though he and Prince Yeoning do not make it to a point about the inconvenient truth that they both know now.

the king to speak, admits that Dae-gil was able to prove his innocence, but adds that he is not the certain time or catch the criminals alive back. You can be punished for their mistakes either, or follow to detect the Injwa command.

Yeoning who are on a roll calls people from this episode, the king asks why he wants Injwa caught now of all time when he could have done so after Injwa sent Dam -seo to assassinate him. King Sukjong replies that it was not the right time, but now they must stop Injwa before it gains too much power.

Outside Yeoning faced Dae-gil about how much he knows, admit only for Dae-gil, that he knows everything. He is Yeoning of hyungnim or elder brother. Yeoning controls his reaction and says that he will never be able to call him "hyungnim" because this is the palace, and he is the prince.

Lady Choi can barely hold in her tears when both pay Dae-gil and Prince Yeoning her a visit, and know of Yeoning silence that Dae-gil the truth found. They immediately breaks into tears, but desperately trying them by hand to keep by covering her mouth in. It's really heartbreaking only the reluctance to see.

"M ... Mother:" Dae-gil Ventures what Lady Choi to rise from her seat and take his hand. "I'm sorry", she exclaims. "I would have found you earlier. Please forgive me. Please forgive your terrible mother."

Dae-gil blinks back tears and slowly pulls his hand out of her grasp. This is all much for him to take in, he admits, and will take some time before they come back to see them. Only if they alone do not ask why Prince Yeoning Dae-gil would not forgiveness, but Dae-gil reaffirmed her that this is all just a lot.

Because he had just found out that his mother was still alive, and that his brother knew the truth, but kept it from him. Yeoning defended that it was because he had not accepted the truth, even himself, a feeling, Dae-gil's true-if Yeoning felt confused because he won a brother, as he thinks Dae-gil a brother feels win and mother? It will take time, but he will still follow the order of the king in relation to Injwa.

Injwa hears that the warrior Kim Chae-gun was not brought so secretly in the palace, and remember the warning of the prophetic Jeong Yi-ryung had given him about the possibility of the king drew his sword against them. Apparently the King has done so by bringing in Chae-gun.

dinner During this evening doing his best grandpa in the possibility of alluding to keep romance Dae-gil, that adorable way old people seem wont to do Seol-in /. But their meal interrupted by a surprise guest. Chae-gun

Chae-gun is happy with Dae-gil table to chow down while Dae-gil introduces him as the master to Opa he trained. Looking at the way Chae-gun sashes about his food, Dae-gil suspected that he was not very good the food because he no longer has to cook Dae-gil for him, and as long as he has his home for as he wants to stay.

on Injwa command, Hong Mae keeps an eye on Chae-gun and Dae-gil, while Jin-ki keeps an eye on Jeong Yi-ryung and Nameless an eye on what is happening in the gibang keeps -all so that they report to Injwa that nothing interesting happens.

Injwa studied the azalea Jeong Yi-ryung gave him, which symbolizes a king bloody tears. It shows that Jeong Yi-ryung the chosen is from the Jeonggam-nok Book of Prophecy and orders Jin-ki Jeong he should kill betrayed him. But when his hands, he bets that tomorrow will Joseon be turned upside down.

Going by Jeong Yi-ryung instructions to follow the scent of flowers on the dog hours ( Sulshi , 7: 00-9: 00), Injwa ends kick the ground in a case Dae-gil. Similarly, Jin-ki falls into one of Yeoning and Chae-gun made the case, while the ghostly chamberlain of the king, the woman Wolhyang intercept on its mission to deliver Injwa painting who they would deliver it.

Flash back to Dae-gil last meeting with the king, where he had mentioned that he saw the traitor Jeong Yi-ryung face when he happened to him and Injwa outside Kejakdu place. Having overheard their secret meeting place and time, Dae-gil was able to wait to get Injwa to him.

had been to capture the plan both Injwa and Jeong Yi-ryung but Jeong managed to escape it. Injwa but now finds from Dae-gil armed men surrounded, and ends behind bars with his other co-conspirators on.

If Chae-gun reports this to King Sukjong, the King is more interested in knowing if Injwa seemed composed or not, ask if they really managed to surprise him.

course Injwa unimpressed acts in prison himself, and asks Dae-gil and Yeoning what crimes they hope to convict him on. Yeoning says he need to compile such a massive list stay, but Injwa chuckles knowingly.

Outside Chae-gun detects that Dae-gil has now very pleased with himself his feeling that Injwa finally behind bars. But Dae-gil just sighs that Chae-gun was right about the whole revenge thing, if his aim in life had really been only to get revenge on Injwa he would now feel so deprived.

But then, Dae-gil asks if Chae-gun knew about his true identity from the start, remembering how Chae-gun had said he to him someone remembers that he knew. "Is that important?" Chae-gun retorts. (Art, yes.)

What counts Chae-gun claims, is that Dae-gil is the kind of person who would have ended up with or without his leadership in this exact same spot. He leaves and Dae-gil looking at the night sky, when he asks: "Father, I am doing what is right, is not it?" to be

News of Injwa arrest on charges of treason by the spreads palace as Yeoning leads interviewing Injwa, Nameless, Jin-ki, and the Wolhyang woman whose name he reveals finally JEONG YOUNG-SEON (so we will mention just from here your wife Jeong).

he lists the crimes they are charged each, but when it comes to Injwa, he has to take a current list. Along with murder, corruption and contempt for the throne, he is being accused of conspiracy and treason, although of course Injwa above all seems.

He claims Yeoning has no basis for its allegations and defends count on each, as this in each is sageuk the only interrogation where the accused gets the chance to speak, before they tortured are. What caught in the act of encounter with the treacherous Jeong Yi-ryung, Injwa he says planned the traitors and deliver his head to the king to capture.

How to lose Yeoning about his cool, the King himself arrives. Among the list of crimes of Yeoning, he throws it aside in favor of talking directly Injwa. "Who is the traitor from the Jeong Clan?" He demanded to know.

Injwa begins haughty each Jeong he knows to call, and added that it would take to list all night, each member of the clan Jeong. (Please, please just torture him already.) Instead, the king orders that he should be executed by dismemberment in two days time.

The issue whether or not Injwa discussed actually committed treason among ministers, with General State Councilor Kim Chang-Jip defends the attitude of the king and those ministers to punish who do not like staying at Injwa League.

A minister we have before named KIM does not satisfy IL-KYUNG makes the frankly stupid argument that treason can not be considered if no swords were drawn (in which world treachery not include plotting? ), so that King Sukjong to take a table in anger. "I gave the order, I have!" He roars. "You should be looking for, Jeong for the traitor, still looking at the pitiful way you all are talking about!"

The king makes it very clear that Injwa and its amount are to be beheaded in two days time, and the Minister may either with the program or his anger against ,

Suddenly the king seems waver, but covers it well with its output. Away from the prying eyes of the minister, he asks his sixth son, Prince YEONRYEONG to give him a massage. But even if the little prince, having heard of Dae-gil, his father asks him to say more, the king only says it's not important.

While Yeon-hwa apologizes to Dae-gil for falsely blaming him for her father's murder confronts Prince Yeoning Minister Kim Il-Kyung to be for common cause with Injwa-why else would he have defended him have?

Minister Kim redirects object so that it seems as if Yeoning is just mad that he's Crown Prince Yoon support him, despite the Crown Prince children sick is and be. He does not mince words when he explains that it is because he could not bear to see Yeoning, the son of a low water sitting maid upon the throne of Joseon.

Lady Choi pays Injwa a visit in prison, as they are already looking for a walk in the Hereafter got. Injwa ridiculed, that they did not even need to live two days carried him to see to which they replied that it is so easy to see enough to make them feel better.

Injwa rises her face before growling that he has any intention to live on foot from his detention on. "Her two sons show their swords into each other's hearts ... I will make sure that happens," he threatens to respond only to Lady Choi that their sons are not animals, as it is. No one will be happier when they beheaded him to see, although Injwa the haughty laughter tells us automatically that her wish will not come true.

Minister Kim pays a visit to the Soron Minister that support Injwa that she had guessed to cut thoughts on relations with him. A flashback shows that he was bribed by Injwa who promised him to give Jeong Yi-ryung, the leaders of the uprising of 1697, when he had to make sure Injwa went free.

Although Minister Kim still seems willing Injwa despite the deal, all ministers present receive crates of gold from the prisoners to let himself fall as a bribe. In a letter to Injwa admits Hong Mae that gold is not enough, even if they had all the gold in the world, no one would accept it. More importantly, she adds, that they think, and just want to return now to take their casino.

Yeon-hwa another clip to Opas dinner table, so to ask that Dae-gil, why he is the only one of them that actually works. But he has bigger fish got to fry, and goes to Injwa to ask him the all-important question:

Injwa hopes Dae-gil lure Why did he kill his father over to the dark side by against the mother who abandoned him growing up and the younger brother, who was in the palace, but undeterred Dae-gil.

in this case, boasts Injwa that he had prepared a face down card for just moment: "He lives Her father, Baek Man-geum, is alive.." What.

He even dares Dae-gil to check the grave itself, as it found no body. Dae-gil it digs itself, heedless of Opa & Co. concerns while a flashback shows that Injwa also Dae-gil said that he has never lied to him. He is the only one who wanted the best for him, so that he could be a big tiger.

"Save me", Injwa said "and I have to meet your father. Baek one-geum"

When Dae-gil discovered the coffin and opens it to see what in it, we cut Injwa who says: "Only you can save me, Baek Dae-gil save me.."


Please do not. Please do something , but that. Literally anything dreaming it and you can do it, Dae-gil.

I thought I pretty much was used Injwa spewing through this point metaphorical nonsense, but the whole "I'm the only one who wanted the best for you" speak threw a lot of things into question. Namely: Supposed Injwa to be mad? How crazy in anyway? Believe it the garbage he ejects, or he just say what he needs to get his way? It's been so far large Dae-gil see Injwa for the snake to have, it is, but with Injwa promise to turn the brothers against each other, it is increasingly clear that the only way he so by influencing Dae-gil reachable . And it will be a boost for our collective step when Dae-gil buying begins in them, which unfortunately seems to be the direction that we're traveling.

The thing about villains like Injwa, which is not very smart, that the intelligence level of all the other characters must be a notch taken down to pick them up, which is not very funny to see. Yes, there is the argument that Injwa can not die before the end of the series, which all would be well and good, if there is any kind of excitement or intrigue in operations on these were built supposedly life or death. At least there were a few moments where Injwa despondently looked a little, but what do to these shortcomings thing if he will always come up with another option?

For example, if he had managed to successfully captivate those ministers to help him, he was just going for the later Man Geum card to store? I thought, was to take the whole point of Dae-gil on Injwa casinos to paralyze him financially, but not even a shadow of a ramification of Dae-gil actions appears in Injwa life have manifested. It's just as usual, and Injwa had more than enough gold bribery of use in his experiments, which is why the bribes did not work because of the amount of gold was as Hong Mae explained, but also because gold wasn 't enough to these Minister to elicit on a sinking ship.

As with his previous protégé, I had the hope held that with Dam-seo Yeoning would yield some answers confrontation, or would at least give us an indication as to why she does each of the three whole things does. And while it is vaguely satisfying to have call Yeoning what she said, but to be the opposite of logic, it's just always frustrating at this point that the show does not even seem to her not to try. It's like it has been abandoned as a character to be relegated just walking, talking little plot device.

However, as a plot device, it fails. Their inclusion in a particular scene does nothing to move the story anywhere, much less to the front, and it is even worse is that the only time that it is in when it has not done something she was going to do. It would be different if she had made the choice not to do it yourself, but only characters have for them not to do it in a scene only to kill, once these characters killed by someone else stinks just the utter futility. You can not even explain why it is not to do things, to say with one breath that they will only kill all evil people, and another to say that they made for selfish revenge (and it's all Yeoning error). Just ... make sense Jackpot . make sense only

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tags: Choi min-soo, episode 16, in the Ji-yeon, jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoon Jin-seo

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