Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 2 -

I found the but absolutely captivating - - first episode Episode lighter tone to be a pleasant surprise for the darker and gruesome. I do not relate to each other, the different tones in contradiction; the show is similar to the two well, even within an episode. Overall, I really appreciated a little more room to breathe have to know our younger characters and to learn more about their relationships before we get back into the swing of things with the black magic / curse royal history.


Seventeen years after the birth of the twins, we open on a field, in which two men compete in a horse race before a cheering crowd. Competitors are half brothers HEO Jun ( Yoon Shi-Yoon ) and HEO OK ( Jo Dal-hwan ), and the amount likely to place their bets, who will win. It seems common knowledge that in June to support the brother, as we see most of all put their money on him. But a man who hides himself behind a fan comes forward and says that he'll take on Ok, the gamble.

Just then, we see in June in the race, overtaking the delight of the audience Ok. From behind Ok waves a white handkerchief in the air - it is a signal to his cronies who are hidden in the price below willing to sabotage June As June approaches, they throw buckets of dirt in his face .. June falls the horse, and to disappointment of most viewers, Ok wins from the race.

Ok rides over to June, which is on the ground still in a fake show concern. Jun is gracious, told Ok he will always chase after him. Ok told in June to not feel bad, because a victory is just a profit.

Jun says he does not: "I did not lose the race I supposed to win; I lost the race, which I supposed to lose."

Satisfied with his victory Ok provides a round to buy drinks. June turns down and said he has to do something.

Ha, arises from the man who is around June bet a friend of his, DONG-RAE - they must have hatched the plan to know that Ok would cheat. Unfortunately did not earn much: just over 10 Nyang. Dong-rae says at this rate, in June will never be the target of 500 Nyang get.

Suddenly, Dong-rae gets up and tries to leave. Jun is immediately suspicious and stops him. Wordlessly, with only his facial expressions and hand gestures, forcing June Dong-rae take off his top, a number of coins hidden inside revealed. The two then broke into laughter - Juns unbelieving, Dong-rae embarrassed. June collects what his while Dong-rae swears up and down he does not know how the coin got there.

Meanwhile, in June brother Ok drinking and celebrating with friends. He asks the group how much money it its profits, the answer is turned on made: no. Surprisingly Okay takes it in stride, she scolded use a clear opportunity for non-use. He is curious, but about who actually won the bet. One of his friends says Heo Jun's friend Dong-rae is made with the entire pot.

Thereupon Ok recalls June words from earlier, about losing the race, he was "supposed" to lose. Ok angrily throws his drink at the gayageum players to remember next to him that he has been played.

Jun and Dong-rae sneak to the palace, dressed in women's clothes and carry heavy strains on their shoulders. With a secret code, they gain entrance to the palace and led to meet with a group of young shaman. Ha, they are there to peddle some magic potion, claiming that it will help women increase their breast size.

Both their product all present to speak up, free samples and offers to give out deals. June in particular seems to be a real spin doctors - it is not the slightest bit disheveled when another shaman interrupts their sales pitch by the two accused being fraudsters. , Instead, in June the possibility of the group takes to gather together to have the strength to sing in medicine to believe

Along with Jun, singing the shaman: " confidence in me. trust in you. trust in this. I can do it! You can do it! We can do it! "at the end of each is inflated, and all the medicine down.

On the way out of the palace, noted in June something shiny on the ground and picks it up - it from one of the shields a fragment, which was used to try from entering the Palace 17 years black magic distract ago. Of course, June does not know that, only to Dong-rae say that she could get some money for it likely whatever it is. At this moment, the palace guards appear and Jun and Dong-rae make a run for it.

Jun is able to evade the guards by hiding in a nearby building, but only when he is able to catch his breath, he secures just in Hong-joo and her own team of guards. June keeps a smile on his face as he deftly avoids their swords - even those who just missed his step - and maneuvered skillfully around them, slipping through unscathed. Hong-joo lets him go when she sees him, expressionless.

Am Schloss, we meet the adult-PRINCE SUNHOE, the twin brother to our cursed princess, the Queen Mother and the Queen sitting in front of. His 17th birthday is tomorrow, but he will feel burdened and troubled, although he is not sure why. His chamberlain says it's probably because the prince is ready for marriage. Both the Queen and the Queen Mother are tickled at the thought, but they agree, much to the embarrassment of the Prince. It looks like it soon a woman will get.

In addition to the control by the feeling of Prince has also been having trouble sleeping because he. Strange dreams, which is already where he sees a girl who looks like he Here, the Queen Mother and the Queen is seen both beaten, and exchange glances.

Once alone in her quarters, the Queen thinks laid back a curse on her twins when she is interrupted by Hong-joo. The Queen asks Hong-joo, when they celebrate birthday tomorrow will be really fine, since the shaman Hae-RAN curse and her last words thinks. She says Hong-joo, the Prince Sunhoe has experienced even a girl in his dreams for some time.

Although Hong-joo expression increased slightly at the news about the dreams of the prince, she assured the queen that all is well. The curse has Hong-joo fate that the princess tied: if Hong-joo is alive, it means that the girl is dead; if the girl is alive, then Hong-joo would be dead. Hong-joo, the living presence is proof that everything 17 years ago was settled.

Despite her confident words leaves Hong-joo the room with a troubled look on her face.

Jun's brother Heo Ok is drunk through the marketplace with his entourage when royal guards pushing their way through the crowd, go-kart, which corpses with missing limbs seems to be . The gisaeng Ok accompanied says she of whom must be bodies who dared enter the Black Forest. Apparently that go unanswered in the Black Forest comes alive again, and the Kite Flying over the forest is rumored of which are made from the clothes that died there.

Ok spots Heo Jun and Dong rae approached him and decides to pick a fight about their horse racing. to have rigged After it failed to get a response by June on the bet, Ok asks him if he needs money. He points to the dragon over the Black Forest and asks June to get it for him, to the gasps around him.

June goes away, but Ok ups the ante and offers 500 Nyang for the dragon to pay. This stops June in its tracks - the promise, too powerful to pass as much money for him, even if he knows exactly what Ok trying to do. The approval of the deal, asks June Ok, to keep his promise to pay. Ok says of course he is, told June, "I'm your hyung." Looking at June's face as he is replaced by his heartbreaking keep fighting.

June begins immediately for the Black Forest, while Dong-rae tries to talk him out of it - it, all die by. But in June returns to his usual jokey tone and said the money will be worth it definitely. When we look at the two head into the mountains, in voice-over we hear Ok bye giddily until June.

on their migration, Dong-rae asks June, when he has heard the rumors about the cursed spirit of the Black Forest. She has a pretty face, but it ends tear out the hearts of the unsuspecting visitor and to eat them

June looks sufficiently freaked out, then says very seriously to Dong-rae :. "So, how beautiful she is?" HA. June scoffs and says Dong-rae there no such thing as ghosts.

Ghosts or not, the way in which they are quite scary, glowing eyes and watch them as they happen. Suddenly a loud noise startled Dong-rae, and it falls almost filled in a Giant Snake Pit. Dong-rae crawls out of the hole and immediately removed his foot is caught in another trap that lets him down dangle from a tree upside down. Both the pit and the rope were clearly established by someone to keep away unwanted visitors.

June Dong-rae worried looks at first, but then his expression shifted as something else his eye falls ... Does Dong-rae pee only his pants?

on as two soldiers, Dong-rae embarrassed asks June this secret to the grave to take his step with his hands covering. June is right, it this hilarious little fist pump to give as a sign of solidarity.

proceed from a tree, which is closed off on it with a yellow talisman, and Jun suddenly stops to get a bad feeling. Cue the roar of a tiger and rustling among the plants, how slow the animal it begins as prey, Stengel. June whips out a knife and told a crouching Dong-rae by the number of three to run. But in June gets only two before the tiger roars again, which expire at Dong-rae of itself.

Jun finally see the Tiger, and it's huge - no way he can take it out on his own. He turns around and runs as fast in the other direction, but the tiger hunts only for him. June trips and falls but goes deeper into the forest, and the tiger seems to slow down and lose him.

Jun catches their breath, to feel safe, but then a familiar roar comes from only a few feet away, and June can be found with the animal face to face.

his knife grip firmly, tried in June with the Tiger to reason and said he really needs the money. It works almost like the Tiger begins to leave - but then he changes his mind and moves in the direction in June with full speed, knocking him to the ground.

When they wrestle the broken pieces of the shield, the early June discovered in the palace falls to the ground.

Suddenly the screen with light starts radiating, beat its rays the eye of the tiger. The light seems to do something to the tiger and it attracts to leave June alive and well. Shock and facilitates June takes up the screen and continues on his way.

finally he comes to a clearing where he seek an eerie house finds from location and roped with the same yellow talismans under the earth, which we saw on the tree in the forest. June calls to ask if anyone at home, then makes its way down the property to a high tree, where we see the handle of the Dragon.

The 500-Nyang dragon finally within reach, climbs the tree in June and managed to cut the dragon dates are frightened only by a bird. He falls, losing his grip on the kite string, and looks puzzled, as it flutters away.

Jun can not complain too long when he heard a clanking sound coming out of the house. He peeks around the corner; if he sees anything, he turns back, be taken only by a round metal cover in the face square.

He comes to and finds himself tied to a tree, a young girl looking behind the very cover hides that they used to knock him out. Jun's response is funny: He wants to know who she is, as they are the intruder instead of the other way. The girl who is our heroine Yeon-HEE ( Kim Sae-ron ), bristles at his brazen attitude and the two start bickering.

June, a remark about the eeriness of the house makes it possible for a mind fit call, then Dong-rae story reminds the pretty spirit of the Black Forest. He quickly convinced that Yeon-hee has to make his mind, and it looks tear out his heart and eat it. In an attempt to repel them, he begins to prayers to offer, loud. Yeon-hee responded by shoving a radish in her mouth.

After him quietly she gets examined him closer and decides that he is not a threat. She offers him to solve, but only on one condition. She leans close and says: ". Let me eat it" He shouts.

to it pointed to Kaki cut high in a tree until shortly before the property. June does not understand why they do not choose the fruit itself, but she says sadly that they leave, is not allowed. He gives in and takes the fruit to make of her a small smile.

Back in the forest, we see Taoist Master Choi Hyun-seo investigate the case, the prisoner Dong-rae, looking worried that it was the way. We see that he is with a woman (his wife, perhaps?), And the two exchanged worried glances.

Meanwhile, Yeon-hee swallows the Kaki, while June looks on, fascinated. If Yeon-Hee Jun asked how he came to this house, June jumps on to recall its original mission: to find the dragon.

Yeon-hee turns out to be the owner of the Dragon, and it is not delighted to discover that it can be easy in June. They have a nice exchange where in June calling the dragon keeps "his dragon," and she takes offense, call him a thief. She says that the kite is their most prized possession, and he replies that it is important for him. That does not Yeon-hee better, although the feeling, so he has to "take care of it."

which he is giving her a new, albeit poorly constructed kite making. She is not impressed with his handiwork, he tries to take it back and a brief tug of war takes place. It ends with him a little too hard and Yeon-hee collapses in his arms, her head on his chest.

draw We hear June, the heart beat loudly. June looks very nervous while Yeon-hee, marvels without a trace of embarrassment on the strength of his chest and said that he was a subject of "healthy man." He shrugs away quickly, but Yeon-hee simply pulls him back in and presses against his chest and wanted to hear his rapidly beating heart.

He wriggles free and stutters, the girls can not do something, but no response when Yeon-hee asks why. They noticed his cheeks glow bright red and stretches his forehead to feel, to make him jump on the contact. She stares very serious about it, then quite suddenly she winks.

Confused June, she asks what she is doing. She winks back with its other eye to expect some sort of response. She explains that in the book she is reading, winking woman should cause in men nosebleeds. She winks again and again and again. Jun is freaking hilarious, she asked to stop.

Just then, Yeon-hee hears the sound of her name is called. Frantically she sends from June and straightened to greet quickly Hyun-seo, him "Father" as he call storms on the property.

Hyun-seo immediately raises her his voice to forget them, throws his warnings about staying in the property boundaries. He makes it clear that under no circumstances can ever set foot outside the house.

Hyun-seo companion turns in fact out to be his wife, and even Hyun-seo leaves, it brings Yeon-hee some new clothes. Yeon-hee looks grateful her shouted: "Mother," but it avoids Yeon-hee views and also comes and says nothing.

Meanwhile, we see June hidden only on the perimeter of the house. Having seen the whole exchange, he looks sad for Yeon-hee.

Hyun-seo and the other members of his office are huddled over a map. One of them, YO-Gwang ( Lee Yi Kyung ), says that they have found the location of Mauigeumseo -. The book, to break the key Hong-joo dark curse on the princess allegedly holding

When Hyun-seo his conversation with Yo-gwang and the team further, we see , Hong-joo, breathe in their camp ingredients in their boilers and irrigation in magical black smoke.

Hyun-seo says that if Hong-joo princess white is still alive, they sacrifice the girl their own ability to strengthen, perform black magic. Hong-joo goal is more than to be just a powerful black witch - she plans to use her powers Joseon completely destroy. The only way to stop it is to break the curse, and so they have the Mauigeumseo, no matter what find.

He flashes 17 years ago when he brought Baby Yeon-hee to her father King Myeongjong and told the king that his cursed daughter was the only one who could stop Hong-joo.

The king said Hyun-seo, that he knew of the evil plans of his mother and Hong-joo five years before being hatched to overthrow the former king, but he did nothing to stop them. He said he was punished for his past sins, and apologized to his daughter for being so powerless.

The king then gave Hyun-seo a directive: to save the child to break the curse and stop Hong-joo. Hyun-seo promised to do so.

Back to the present, Yeon-hee on Dragon looks June made for them, then remember back when she was in his arms. Your thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of POONG-yeon ( Kwak Shi-Yang ), which it refers to affectionately as her older brother. Poong-yeon comes with gifts: first, a bouquet of wild flowers, and secondly, a flying lantern, just in time for the flying lantern festival in the city the next day.

He says Yeon-hee, the lantern is her birthday present; if it is a down a request, it brings in the Light and letting it fly, her wish come true writes. As they visit the festival not to be able, he has to solve for them the lantern. tender, Poong-yeon thinks back to a conversation with his father, Hyun-seo Yeon-hee is visibly moved by his thoughtfulness.

in Yeon-hee gaze. Hyun-seo forbade angry Poong-yeon from visiting Yeon-hee; when Poong-yeon protested, asked his father whether he had romantic feelings for her. Shocked by the question, Poong-yeon did not answer, but Hyun-seo shut him firmly with the warning that nothing can happen between them.

the way Poong-yeon looking at where Yeon-hee, it seems to him too late. writes

Yeon-hee about their desire and asks Poong-yeon about the festival, unable to fulfill its desire to hide to go see event in itself. Poong-yeon, clearly influenced by Yeon-hee loneliness, can only look at them sadly.

Back to Heo Jun, who heads back towards the forest while also in this house captured by Yeon-hee to think. Just then, he spotted the dragon - it is on a tree stuck high above some huge rock near the entrance of a cave. It seems impossible to get for June, and he is on the verge of giving up.

But he thinks back to Yeon-hee calling the dragon their possessions precious, and he begins to rise.

June comes close, then slipped, but manages to stop to regain. He gets close enough to grab the kite, only to slip and fall straight down towards the rocky terrain below, kite in hand.


the real star of this hour Heo Jun and I love the way Yoon Shi Yoon him portrayed. On the outside, it is the smart, confident, eloquent hero who is not afraid to take on big risks if it means to get what he wants. His escapades with his buddy, Dong-rae, were especially entertaining to watch. - It seems as if the two have only a lot of fun, even in the middle of life-threatening situations

you get a glimpse of what is going on inside - the deep wounds, the uncertainties, the desperate need for money - from Jun interactions with his brother Heo Ok. The exchange had on the market, as the dragon was much discussed so heartbreaking, because you could , see in Jun's face as he injured his brother's actions and how he is perhaps a little embarrassed that it can be reached from the business not only to walk, or even defend against Ok. This look at June's face as Ok makes him the 500-Nyang offer, and then again when he called Jun's "Hyung"? Uff, that made me in the heart.

What the dynamics between June and Yeon-hee, our main pair, I am cautiously optimistic. I know there has been controversy about the Kim Sae-ron to throw in this role decision, and I must admit, Yeon-hee is here as a bit girlish jump in their scenes. That is, watching her banter with Heo June was funny, and it seems as if they have a good chemistry, so I hope that the story unfolds, and we see more of her, this will not be an issue.

I like the way Yeon-hee so far out - it is protected and naive, but it is also courageous and thirsty for any kind of human interaction beyond the boundaries of the property it is trapped inside. It is no wonder that they are so quick to Heo June heats up when she meets him (after he is not a criminal decides that is) - it is probably the first person who has had an expanded conversation, which is not a member of their distress "family". only that, he treated her as if she is a normal person, rather than something to be hidden. I can only imagine how exciting this kind of interaction would be with a new person in it, was detained with her life.

I'll be interested in how developed Yeon hee relationship with Hyun-seo forward. It seems that up to this point, she has been an obedient daughter, dared not to push back against him or his rules. But as we can see, it is not a little girl - she's interested in what has to offer the world, whether it is the Lantern Festival or the young men that they could take over the borders of their home (or, in Jun's case within it, it is.) not clear how much Yeon-hee knows about their situation and the history that preceded it, but I think it's safe to say that they do not know much. When Hyun-seo they choose to bring into your lap, and take in dealing with Hong-joo black magic their aid? Or is Yeon-hee, find out the truth in a different way to unravel the only close relationship she has come to know? I bet on the latter.

Since this episode mostly the rest of our protagonists and furnished to the dynamics of all relations was used to introduce, we will need for upcoming episodes waiting to advance the story. went too well, even without concrete action developments, but I found the episode and engaging; the beautiful camerawork, along with Yoon Shi Yoon-on screen, not did not hurt, either. I look forward to see how the series unfolds and getting a few answers, where we have to break with Hyun-seo pursuit Yeon-hee curse.

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tags: Episode 2, in Jang Hee-jin Kim Sae-ron, Kwak Shi-yang, Lee Sung-jae, mirror witch, Yeom Jung-ah, Yoon Shi-Yoon

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