Recap And Reviews Kdrama Vampire Detective: Episode 7

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Vampire Detective: Episode 7 -

Yay, Episode Sucks today -but only in the way we want it! But that's what Vampire Detective so desperately needed: a healthy dose of vampirism and kickass. Time is of the essence, and San must race against the clock to protect the people who are close to his heart. learn about the past tells us more about this world than the present ever has in this series, and I'm so grateful.

Would not that already enough worlds in unexpected ways in this collide hours, many leave in their wake with heart attacks


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Episode 7: "Client of the night"

It seems Jung Ji Woong has took out his ticket secured prison-he to the docks down, where he gave a fake identity (he can for a while was low) and said until the next boat waiting, comes.

But Jung knows will not be a boat, and unsurprised by the group of suits approaches him their leader is a familiar face: .. Kang Tae-woo, the open flips and closes his lighter over and over again

Looks like Tae-woo was the one who arranged Jung release and the latter chuckles that he knows someone who is looking for Yoo-jin. "Is he those who from fear?" he asks sarcastically.

The next thing we know, Tae-woo Jung throws in a pile of barrels with superhuman strength. Jung pulls a knife, but Tae-woo avoids his Threading attacks with ease. He is waiting time until he stopped, Jung grabs and kicks him again.

When he grabs Jung through the pine, Jung stabs him in the gut. Unflinching, Tae-woo takes his wrist and drilled deeper before you remove the knife. Plucking the knife out of his hands, Tae-woo slices his arm then Jung stabs in the chest.

"Did you now?" Tae-woo breathes. "It's this son of a bitch who should be afraid ... do not." He takes the knife and stabs the heart young again. Since blood splatters on his face, his eyes light up red, and we see a glimpse of his teeth.

As promised, San enters a nightclub Yo-na make, but it is for a loop to see Gu-hyung, Gyeo wool, doctor Hwang and Se-ra everything to cast it. He leaves the group with Yo-na above and to meet from getting anywhere near her barred by her bodyguard.

So San engages in a fight with him, the Yo-na diffuses quickly from a disinterested. She has called him to be here to provide master lackey relationship to the test, then takes him through the dance floor, where San noted that for his all saving Friends has fangs and drink red drinks.

Once outside, he has to ask quickly whether Yo-na all clubbers there turned. You are a vague answer, then asks him to find someone for them. They even went ahead to hold hostage his friends at the club here, to ensure that he will do it.

She has her reasons for this plea, and San has to find to 6:00 am who seeks ... otherwise will die his friends. You know San has no choice in the matter, but she has to sweeten the deal offered to accompany him through. Thus, they can together equal at 1.00 am.

Yo-na remains mum about who they investigated, and it sends it out when they arrive in a wine warehouse. San makes it clear that he only agreed to save his friends, because he would have been killed.

After San out of the car increases, Yo-na taking a photo, which will be demolished in the middle of a beautiful young man from her pocket. It triggers old memories back when Yo-na was still a man, and her mother ran a boardinghouse.

It was Eun-hae then called and unimpressed by their tenants Dal-soo. But her heart skipped a beat on their latest arrival boarder-the young man in Yo-nas Photo: Joo Young-Kwang.

Back to the present, vampiric abilities of San inflamed when he sees a spill wine (or is it blood?) On the floor. He can imagine in a corner and rifles through the files on the desk in the office. , Although we do not know what San is looking for, he acts as if he a stub bags

He rifles through the garbage, where he on a unique spot on the list breaks:. A sunlamp He runs out when he hears a commotion, then sees a shadow flit. Yo-na has also seen the unexpected rat, and when San asks whether there are other people looking for the same person she seeks, she does not answer.

proceed written to a ritzy barber shop on the stub where the owner noticed that San must be new. That suggests the man reminds all its customers, so San asks at the very beginning of its old-fashioned shaving whether the owner of Joo Young-Kwang knows.

The owner hesitates and says San Joo Young-Kwang came here two days ago. The owner warns that it could Nick San, when he speaks, and get Yo-na Comments on the oddity of a clean-shaven man like San now a close shave.

San knocks the owner to the ground, then used a towel to bring the two lackeys to case. Yo-na steps in and starts the owners gagging to tell him that she as San-though not, he is so lenient, he dies not squeak, be.

San follows on his mobile phone line of sight of people, where all calls are made to the current time, "Blue Moon".:. 02:30

Over Club, Se-ra vapors during Gu-hyung dancing with another woman. They seem to be more peeved that someone other than himself is the center of attention, then gets up to her best moves show. Gu-Hyung arches, and Gyeo wool wonders what has gotten into any tonight.

They tried to call San, but he is busy to ask Yo-na, what they'll do if they find the man looking for them. Yo-na says that none of his company and see smiles that they have picked up a tail are

We are transported back to the past. Yo -na / Eun-hae is running late, so the beautiful oppa Young-Kwang offers her a ride to school. On his bike, she noted that he would be a great doctor, he says he must be an experienced physician. She wonders if her father could have lived longer if he were her father's doctor.

Clinging to him, she asks him to be her attending physician. He promises to take care of that at the end, if she ever gets sick, and she giggles. He can not hide when it fits his collar, then stops when to say something before he fired a smile.

Cut to place up to the present, where a man stops in a dark alley a call. Someone rested a hand on his shoulder, it is San, who beats him. A few more litters subdues him and Yo-na takes the ringing phone and tells the person on the other end that he is not Young-Kwang not.

[1945010gefundenhabenmüssen] San gets frustrated when Yo-na remains vague what is going on, but she reminds him to worry only about the fate of his friends. He keeps on the side of the road and packs them in a stranglehold, just go blank seconds later.

There is then Yo-na-shares, the San will not be the only one to lose someone, he should fail- Joo Young-Kwang is dying. They come to Blue Moon, they find strange that it is still open for business.

San gets engaged with the owner who does not answer his query about Young-Kwang to the point. Yo-na eyes red when it sniffs they visited earlier the wine out of the camp ... and notes that it not red.

Although Yo-na goes away, San about Young-Kwang keeps asking and picks up another clue: a business card for Nosferatu. Ha, fashion roll to keep the old vampy classic references.

While Yo-na her makeup takes refresh their sweet time, we give another flashback: She's out with her boyfriend and pines on a dress they buy can not afford to buy. She dreams of marrying soon to Young-Kwang after graduation.

She brightens him in the same mall to see, and she puts the collar again when they go back together. She admits that it is a floral dress that she liked it, but then drops her face when he asks who was her friend. Pouts them with jealousy, and he smiles.

She's still excited when they have breakfast together, but it softens when he puts a piece of meat on the rice. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Asks casually, as he will class finish today, and if Dal-soo says he is free, it has him.

And that's when her friend So-yeon pops by to say hello to the beautiful oppa ... dressed in the floral dress she had hoped to buy. Betrayal.

He sees she pouts, then asks if buy So-yeon, the dress, the only thing she was upset about. She admits that she did not like how he stared held her friend, and he inches closer to her before kissing her gently. Ahh, I know Yo-na evil, but that's cuteness!

Back to the present, Yo-na explains to San that it might be the last time that she gets up to Doll.

03:50. prevents Yo-nas employees that a vampire clubbers get from a taste of Gu-Hyung. Gyeo wool is exhausted and suggested that they leave, and Gu-Hyung finds it strange that they do not contact San.

as Gu-Hyung and Se-ra head back to the dance floor, Gyeo- wool leaves Doctor Hwang behind Yo-nas longhaired employees to follow to the toilet. Gah, that can not be good.

There they a pair of girls was noted on the couch passed out, and clubbers who Gu-Hyung washes almost bitten their hands of blood. As Gyeo wool sheets, opens the bathroom stall door to reveal a woman, bitten and unconscious.

Gyeo wool replies the group that they should leave, but Se-ra, she says one should dance a little longer. She is stopped by the long-haired employee who says that for San stay for each benefit will be.

It is at this moment Gyeo wool noticed people today necks bite and agrees to wait.

Yo-na and San role in Bar Nosferatu, and the man behind the counter looks mighty familiar (Is that you, Dr. Blood?). Show the picture Yo-na asks if he knows who he is, and the bartender tells him this man is not here. San: "We wondered if you knew him, not if he was here."

Pour two glasses, the bartender you have to say about Young-Kwang, right when they find someone for him: a prosecutor who disappeared three years ago-Min Tae-yeon. Ahhh, it is you, Dr. Blood!

Yo-na she says in this matter can look like when it has more time on his hands (why, why would the [1945011neckenVampireAnwalt] universe as that! You) and San promises Tae-yeon to find. Oh you better.

We are thrown back into the past as Yo-na / Eun-hae with the rest waiting to celebrate her birthday. It lights up when she hears the door ...

... and the camera cuts Young-Kwang come ... no one to see. He opens the door to a horrible sight: Eun-hae mother, Dal-soo, and Eun-hae dead He lets the bag in his hand, which the flower dress Eun-hae wanted contains..

He collects Eun-hae in the arms and sees the puncture wound on her neck. Some time later, in the hospital, he is likely to look for air as they drink another patient's blood, for which it says she was so thirsty.

A woman walks alone at night and their steps hastened when she was still a shadow feels for her. But it is too late, because it is knocked out with a steel tube ... of Young-Kwang. Holy shit.

He has bound and gagged, then to her dead stabs blood for Eun-hae to collect the bottle greedily depths. A moment of insight, she suggests, and it falls the bottle, and it lifts them up hastily.

She cries that she too should have died as this damn life to live, and Young-Kwang says it was not her fault and hugs her. "I'll protect you no matter what," he promises.

Thus begins Young-Kwang set up a private room where he his medical applications Harvesting blood from the bodies for Eun-hae, while in one room entrenched remains. He perfected the process over the years, and a decade later night, he finds it away.

he searches through the streets and find their feeding on a man in an alley. Her eyes still red, she bares her teeth when he scolds, then her eyes turn dark again when she tells him how she trapped in this room felt and depends.

She asks why he keeps feed them, and he kills the man before they tell her that he will not let ever to get your hands dirty. "I'm a band for you."

This is how the pints of blood came from and how Young-Kwang began the fame and Jonas wine to (d bear Yo-na signature logo), the blood, the bottled. When she asks why he looks exhausted, he replies: "Because I am a human being."

Annoyed, she tells him that he had the opportunity to become a vampire like themselves, and he says he, because they passed needs someone like him. It adapts the collar as in ancient times, but he turns away when she tried to kiss him.

She asks if he is afraid to be a monster of her, and that is what ultimately sets it off. He says haltingly, "Because of you ... I was also a monster. What else from me?"

"Monster?" She asks. "Did someone tell you to be one?" Young-Kwang sighs: "Well, let us just call a victim." That's in their ears like an awfully convenient excuse sounds like she says that there is a finality when human sacrifice. "Nothing in this world forever somehow," he replies.

Some time later, Young-Kwang begins Yo-na / Eun-hae with another man from (vampire?) In Stock. He says nothing annoys them only.

Yo-na and San pull up to another building, where they eventually meet Young-Kwang, who is now a much older man. Relieved, she hugged him and adjusts the collar

She takes his arm, but he removed it gently as another woman approaches. So-yeon. the items together, Yo-na asks, "Was it because of her?"

Young-Kwang steps next to So-yeon are back, and noticed it as much as the age of her friend. So-yeon asks to let it go by Yo-na Young-Kwang, but Yo-na finds it all unbearable and yelling them to silence.

"What do you know about him?" She mocks. "Joo Young-Kwang is no more than a man knew you Oppa mine.." You are Young-Kwang the opportunity to choose, and he takes her hand and says: "I really wanted to be the day for you but. now I have become tired I want to leave everything behind and leave "

He makes to leave a train, but Yo-na adheres to him:".. you said you would protect me "Young- Kwang: ". There is nothing I can do for you now please -."

"you said you would protect me," Yo-na hisses. "You have said you would protect me at the end," Young-Kwang takes So-yeon, and that's when Yo-na yelling an order San: "that kill the bitch, if you want to save your friends to. kill that bitch now! "

San says his work done, but Yo-na is too emotional to hear him out. Then they marched on So-yeon and biting on it. She giggles, then her face stained with blood, she asks Young-Kwang to leave with her. "Everything is over."

"Well, let's put an end", Young-Kwang agrees. He presses a button, suddenly illuminated the entire corridor. Yo-na screams in pain and San hastens to cover as Young-Kwang with So-yeon with his jacket escapes

San sees someone else. Tae -umwerben. He followed, as well as the clock reminds us of the time: 5:50. Back at the club, sees Gyeo wool on nervous when a group of vampire Clubber surrounded her friends. They tried to call San again, but not through.

Back to San who loses the car Tae-woo is in. The last few minutes cross over, and San hardly has 10 seconds left before running back Yo-na.


now is what you call an up to the wire suspenseful episode. I do not like in any case, as the Vampire will push to our private investigation team like hungry undead vulture, but I doubt that any harm will come to them, not when we have more episodes to go.

After dragging its feet for weeks narrative, I am so happy that the show has expanded the drama verse about our small team and the case-of-the-week. I did not expect that the expansion in the form of a bloodsucker of learning virtually everything would come about Yo-na, from life as a human being to their transition in their lives. Like Gu-Hyung, we have an incredible amount about it and give us valuable information learned how and why it has become the vampire, she is today.

What's impressed me the most, as the show her in the past is rooted with a typical girl meets boy story with idyllic dreams for the future. With each look at their past, I could sympathize with her wishes, the betrayal she felt by her boyfriend, and the innocent love they initially shared with Young-Kwang. It is tragic as it was turned into a vamp on her birthday, and downright terrifying, as Young-Kwang kill people to would harvest the blood, so that they could survive. It is unclear whether he kept killing to refine its process more than ten years, but the fact that he would go so far for the woman he loves just ... wow. It is indescribably shocking and ghastly.

But we know that at a certain point that love subsided and Young-Kwang built a blood-masquerading-as-blood business for Yo up -n / a. It distributes that all over the city, the us worlds collide moment with Dr. blood. And oh man, San-if you do not keep your promises to find the Vampire lawyer, we will have words (seriously, Vampire Detective is a Yeon Jung-hoon Cameo Pounds to ask? wait, I take it back, it's just too painful). Ahem, definitely there are still many unanswered questions, like what instigated to find Yo-na Young-Kwang that night in the first place. Considering how Young-Kwang was able to escape with his life, I hope that is not the last we see of him, or that we have given more answers ... I recognize a hard thing to come by. in this series

But then again, I see a glimmer of hope that. Primarily in Gyeo wool I love that she is curious, to collect evidence, obtain the immediately answered could. She is the only one at the club which is worried where San is, and is sober enough to realize that the people in the club are not exactly human. And yet what I want to know is why, like red wine masquerading blood must be poured into a decanter, at all-sure can not be good for the oxidation process. But what do I know? I'm only human.

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tags: Episode 7 in, Lee Joon Lee Se-young Oh young-se, vampire Detective

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