Recap And Reviews Kdrama Jackpot: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Jackpot: Episode 9 -

This episode finally enters the game up increase a notch to effectively kill the stakes-the-king levels, while a miracle to leave gambling out of the picture. A small focus goes a long way, especially if you want some really scene-stealing characters of load have to help shoulders, and on action-related stress certainly does not hurt a focus. I'm sure we all are for more action and less ridiculous at this point, so here's hoping that this hour marked a turn for the better.


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We said about Chyron that in 1712 General State Councillor KIM CHANG-JIP left for Qing as an envoy of Joseon, and six years later returned in 1717 he welcomed to the gates of the capital of other senior ministers, all of which are introduced via Chyron, but it is far too many names at once to mention here.

is important that Injwa is not happy Councillor Kim, who then pays a visit to see the king. He is restored to court again takes and its place among his colleagues, half of which are less than satisfactory.

Crown Prince Yoon his illness by the court can no longer hide, and closes off their curious look in the meantime. the only person he will see is Injwa, although he did not, as he does not trust him to it after use, which told him Prince Yeoning.

he decides Injwa confront about its trustworthiness and motives, and of course Injwa claims to want only, Crown Prince Yoon ascend the throne and govern the people with wisdom see. Yoon seems to believe him when he says that he has no ambitions to take the throne for himself.

While Councillor Kim the warning time discussed they have received from the bomber's intention to take the king's life and wonders if there a is the mole in the palace, we return to Chae-gun and Dae-gil, with Dae-gil not influencing able Chae-gun from his mission to kill the king.

Dae-gil searches things of Chae-gun to find a map of the castle, describing how Chae-gun to make his entry. Determined not to lose him to someone close again, Dae-gil running by Chae-gun to save intent on his master.

Injwa are Dam seo some final words of advice before she breaks on mission to kill the king, and while Nameless supports their cause is, seems Jin-ki to have play in some doubt as to what game Injwa. All Injwa says in his defense is that there is no gain without pain.

Councillor Kim an icy visit Injwa charged, accusing him behind the Crown Prince to hide and control the Soron ( "New Learning") political faction. Injwa pretends to have no idea what he is talking about, the wait for a week full of flowery metaphors spores that ends with them the agreement today next train and watching. by using his old military uniform and insignia, while Prince Yeoning mobilized the palace guards to block

Chae-gun gains entry into the palace each of the palace gates and imposes a curfew on the people. He speaks like a general to his troops, they flock to protect the king against the threat of assassins.

If Yeoning has a hard time understanding why his father so is quiet, the King is smiling in this predatory him and asks: "Do you think to I this throne sit for dumb luck? "

to spice things up, King Sukjong has for his son to make a bet: If he catches the killer, then he will give him the royal seal and to make him king. If it fails, then Crown Prince Yoon will be king, and he is to leave the palace. He can not help his son, because in this scenario, that he would be dead.

Yeoning immediately claimed that he would accept no such bet, but vows to catch the murderer of his father, regardless. Sukjong eyes his son and gives him some important advice when it comes to find out that maybe the killer is his because he has little doubt it will be someone close to him.

he has his suspicions about Dam-seo, but he is careful not to put it to his mother, when he has laid the king to him! the responsibilities tells. Both know that this is to pass a test for Yeoning, and he is very determined.

The cloistered ministers, led by Councillor Kim, raising concerns with Prince Yeoning leader in the king's guard instead of the Crown Prince, who is charged with nothing. Kim wonders if this means that the King favored Yeoning about Crown Prince Yoon.

Dae-gil used card Chae-gun to sneak into the palace and managed by the guards to escape, after their announcement by in a busy stealing -forgotten building. There he finds Dam seo in a mask, and it is just as surprised to see him as he is to see them.

Unwilling to allow himself to be distracted from their task, Dam-seo tries to slip by him because only Dae-gil to grab her arm. These queues a music video montage of all their moments together what Dam-seo, to tell him that she understood his desire to kill their teacher, Injwa because she has someone she wants desperately to kill.

"Tonight is my only chance, so you pretend ask that you do not know what I do," she asks, respond for only Dae-gil: "What if I do not?" You is able to get him to ease his grip when she wants him she no longer remembers the woman he married, and therefore it should not matter what she does.

Chae-gun and Prince Yeoning pass each other, but Yeoning pays him heed not in his disguise. Chae-gun changes out of it and in an all-black getup as Dam-seo as it comes, the lodging of the king closer.

"is the king of the person you kill going?" Dae-gil asks to stop Dam seo as scaling a nearby wall , "What if it is?" Challenges you did not expect Dae-gil would offer to go with her. He gives her even one leg over the wall, although it does not return the favor to leave it in plain view of the patrolling guards.

He manages to lose it again (how poor this security?), But is rediscovered, as it can be scaled to another wall. Prince Yeoning wins brownie points for the question why security is so poor, shocked when he finds only two guards are on one of the gates to see to hunt with all the others gone Dae-gil.

Prince Yeoning recognizes that the whole ruckus is just a distraction, so that the assassin to sneak to be seen in no. Remembering the route Dam seo took when she came to the palace to visit, Yeoning is able to find them in the present. "I prayed that it be you would not, Dam-seo" he admits.

When Nameless Wonder why Injwa sent Dam seo in such a dangerous situation says Injwa it was to support their belief that it tears in his eyes confessed she had swaying on.

Concretely, it means you doubt that it could have been him and not the king, who killed her father, so now is the evening to see a test of whether Dam seo conviction must run a sword through the heart of the king.

Dae-gil strikes a nearby guard and steal his uniform, which he will use to go to see this king that all wants to kill. Meanwhile Dam seo Yeoning says that if he has not the courage to kill them now, he should get out of her way.

He does, at first, but then begins pulled up to Dam SEO with his sword. "It is not too late," he stresses. "Are you really not going to stop in a position?" Dam-seo asks if he wants to die before they attack, whereupon he ask if wants so bad to die, that they would try to kill the king.

it manages to cut his robes, but runs out when a contingent of guards approaching. Yeoning routes, the guards in the wrong direction, still intent on changing mental Dam-seo, before it is too late.

There is Chae-gun, which moves like a shadow through the palace and no guards prove to be a match for him. It uses non-lethal force to get them out of the way when he a way to King finally clears reach the throne room.

The Spooky twins draw their swords to stop him, but he makes quick work of them. With nothing standing between him and the king, he goes on Yeoning appear out of nowhere to fend off his stroke.

Chae-gun detects the sword in Yeoning hand and asked if he handled it really is capable of. It turned out that he, as Chae-gun is not able to disarm him pretty quickly. Keep his sword to the neck of the prince, he commands to him out of the way, which will happen only Yeoning corpse.

The prince warns against making him a further step as archers space surrounded, although Chae -gun undeterred. He makes a movement to take this step, as Yeoning ... strike prepares

... Only for Dae-gil to push it at the last moment, in behind Chae - run to have gun. (As he ran on all shooters get?) Yeoning has now held two swords on his neck, declared as Dae-gil, that he is here because he Chae-gun of the students, and has come to save him.

[1945010king] Sukjong watches transpire all these events with a small smile that only grows when Chae-gun sheathed his sword, shows his face, and takes a knee to the king in loyalty. Ah ha!

Cut to Injwa who laughs when he says Nameless that there was never a killer. If anything, it was a ploy on the part of the king, to see how safe was the castle and to test Prince Yeoning. He even has his hands on the "Wanted" poster by Chae-gun, also known that he was part of it, because he always knows everything.

It is true that the king Chae-gun commissioned palace security audit, the officer shows that he not discovered in the palace more than ten to sneak times in the span of one month, is capable. He advises King Sukjong the three branches of the royal guards, to make to strengthen and restructure the palace safer.

Although Injwa says the king staged all this as an expensive test, he staged it personally as a trap for him, to give him the opportunity to come to him if he dared. And so Injwa took him to this challenge by sending Dam-seo.

media take a turn with the king when Dae-gil tells him his name, which seems to be the only thing that deserves a reaction from Sukjong who throws the screen separates a closer look at the boy get. He knows exactly who he is.

admonish Dae-gil closer, King Sukjong asks Dae-gil, who are his parents. Dae-gil, she says both have passed, and raises his eyes only if the king refuses to study him. He lets his gaze to the ground just as quickly, the knowing smile lacks that draws on the corner Sukjong lips.

Suddenly the King Dae-gil offers the sword at his side, claiming it is a he cherishes deep. Dae-gil has no choice but to accept a gracious gift to leave the king to give the position of his right fencers on Chae-gun to be, together with a royal badge / free card which he claims one day save Chae - gun life.

but hardly the king say: "It is not over yet", makes the sound of an arrow drawn closely coming just around the corner. It is Dam-seo, who lets the two arrows flying through the paper barrier to their intended destination.

There is Dae-gil, not Chae-gun who used his spidey senses (and newly endowed his sword) to cut the arrows before the can reach King. Prince Yeoning should surprised-if it were much not for Dae-gil, would have its inability Dam-seo to stop his father cost his life.

Nameless is indignant that Injwa knowingly Dam seo into a trap, but as usual, Injwa is sent not affected. It's not like Dam SEO is to , not when it has Nameless, who, Jin-ki loves that has no connection with it, and Prince Yeoning who also has feelings for her. (One of these things does not belong with the others.)

Dam SEO is chased by royal guards, an arrow and shot with another grazed end. She draws her sword to make their last stand to be saved only by Dae-gil, who knocks the guards and pulls them along with him.

At the same time, is heard saying Injwa in voiceover that Dam-seo has Dae-gil. Prince Yeoning doing its part, the guards to help deflect Dam seo escape so Dae-gil to take her weight on safety.

Dam-seo, badly wounded, remembers that Injwa told her from search Lady Choi should she not find be able to escape the palace and has Dae-gil them there. Falling to his knees in front of her, asking Dam-seo are stored.

Lady Choi TSKS at Dam-seo choices in life, only to be completely surprised when Dae-gil gives her his name. You know immediately that he her son.

When Prince Yeoning comes to his mother to check, she sits quietly in their quarters, as they do not house the assassin who just tried to kill his father. He sees telltale bloodstains on the ground that say different, but leaves, as if he did not.

After watching how carefully Dae-gil binds Dam SEOs wounds, Lady Choi asks him what is their relationship. He claims only they know what to say every mother is a lie, but she did not press him.

Instead, they him how he was raised asks, curious to know more about her son. But if Dae-gil asks why She wants to know she changes topics back to Dam-seo, who a debt she owes her to hide for repayment claims. But they can not hide long.

Prince Yeoning knows this, and confronts Dae-gil about how he plans to get Dam-seo from the palace, without being detected. Yeoning proposes a plan that Dae-gil requires to put the guards at the gate incapacitated and open it so that Yeoning and Dam-seo to escape on horseback.

Lady Choi relieved to hear that the flight was a success, if only for her son's sake. But neither she or Dae-gil expect to run into Jin-ki, who sees the royal sword book Dae-gil and calls him out on it. Of more interest than that, but is Dae-gil teacher, Chae-gun.

He throws Dae-gil, a Buddha statue he carved, claiming that he would exchange it for a living. Only when he knocked Dae-gil flat on the rear end he asked if Chae-gun ever mentioned him before, whereupon Dae-gil to remember that he did .

Jin-ki unsheathes his sword and prepares the vulnerable Dae-gil attack be blocked only by Chae-gun sword. The two face each other, so Dae-gil wide-eyed from his place on the floor.


What a relief to see

a solid result after all this madness. It's like Jackpot recalls that restraint is present, and that it be dismantled much of the relations of the central characters. Could be that success due to the fact that there were no cases of shoehorned-in gambling, or that it was Injwa significantly less? In any case.

Mostly I was relieved that Chae-gun was not intended to be just another name on the seemingly endless list of people who want to kill the king, because he is much more useful stand in solidarity with the good. During the safety test and was a little absurd in itself, it was worth it if only the development of Prince Yeoning character to see his changing relationship with his father, and the development in Dae-gil, who risked everything, his master stop of a fatal error. (Quite apart from that, he had stopped Chae-gun from an actual suicide attempt, none of them would have left this palace alive.)

The more I see of characters such Injwa who are intimidated by anything because they know everything ever in the history of ever, the appreciative I am for someone like Dae-gil, who has not changed luckily will happen at a basic level, despite his training and seclusion. He still looks after his bowel and still responds credibly to the strange goings on around him. It sounds like a small thing to be thankful for, but if the show had every opportunity to turn him into a cold, stoic warrior who lives only for revenge, it's a nice and unexpected change that they kept him true to himself.

Prince Yeoning also had some great moments in this episode and really stepped set for him to fork his father. He took over with all the gravitas a responsible royal son would be expected to have, and more, and he would probably have made Chae-gun step over his body before he could get him to leave his father.

Where he lost me, however, was to protect in his insistence Dam-seo and protect. I get that love (if that's what it is) can be so funny, and guys can do really stupid things when it comes to girls, and vice versa. I that is an idealistic Yeoning who would rather help than harm, so he would not throw Dam-seo to see their lives away.

But at the point where they could give a crap about Yeoning the feelings or the very real question much less whether the king kill their father enough really has a actual attempt on the life of to make king , which he even thinking? What he wants, by combining them to achieve go? As he goes from his own life to risk, to do his father, nothing to protect on the person who is literally trying to kill him? It was a fluke that their arrows do not land, and one that absolutely nothing to do with him. In other words: Get together, Yeoning. There are other, less brainwashed fish in the sea.

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tags: Choi min-soo, episode 9, in the Ji-yeon, jackpot, Jang Geun-seok, Yeo Jin-gu, Yoon Jin-seo

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