Recap And Reviews Kdrama Entertainer:

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Entertainer: -

to be Episode 8 a band is more than just to make music - you need confidence and dignity and mutual respect. There are many ways to give each other, and Ddanddara band can form bonds that carry them through anything, if they manage to make it big. They are these bonds must, because they meet at the beginning difficulties and enemies, they will have to be ready to fight for each other if they wish.


Although Seok-ho has her Geu-rin is facing his desk shot with tears on her face. When he does finally speak, she admits that she only thought what was best for Ha-neul, and apologized to the rest of the band for let down to, by trying Kyle to put pressure on his old school friend for a favor to ask.

Seok-ho says that's not why she was fired - she is simply not qualified. He does not want to hear how it promises to do better, and orders her out of his office.

Ha-neul follows her and sits down with her while she screams and tries to aegyo from her tears. Seok-ho words she is not qualified really stung, but she asks if Ha-neul hungry because it offers keeps their food to buy.

He eventually hurls a piggyback on his back up, they do not swear to let you down until they stop crying. He does not take to wipe their snotty nose on the back, and seriously these two can not get along? They're so cute.

Ha-neul carries Geu-rin everywhere as she speaks of her disappointment, and she says there is one thing she is good at - to take care of him. That makes him happy, and he has teasingly Seok-ho to bat for them, then he will be fired, and they can open a street food stand. have

was added later on some evidence, Kyle asks Ha-neul if Geu-rin was adopted. Ha, Yeon-soo she thought were cousins. Kyle is a little tricky when Ha-neul is taken up with the idea of ​​Geu-rin objects ... interesting, Kyle was adopted?

Anyway, Kyle and Yeon-soo suspected Ha-neul and Geu-rin are not really related to the way Ha- neul looks at her, and Ha-neul stated that his and Geu-rin fathers were friends. Her parents died when she was in middle school, and she came to live with Ha-neul family. He asks her not to let them know that they know, and they swear the secret

to keep

Kyle derives his part-time job he was telling everyone to play music in a jazz café. But Ha-neul finds his calling card on the floor of his room, and discovered the truth - he work as designated driver.

Seok-ho, Min-joo, and Man-Shik (again in tiger suit, adorable) to discuss the day's events over drinks and min-joo says Geu-rin idea really was not bad. Seok-ho says Geu-rin must learn to follow the rules, but he does not want the rules to say - they learn from their own mistakes. So much to be a great mentor.

The first, Jae-hoon says Ha-neul when he sees him next, he heard that he and Geu-rin are keeping what not real siblings and Ha-neul Kyle faces for not secret as he promised. Jae-hoon thinks it's just awesome, their band even has a birth secret!

Seok-Ho brings lunch, but Kyle laments ddukbokki again while Jae-hoon stuffs his face. He says his mother only cooking healthy food, and he always has to eat alone, so it likes with the band to eat it. He admits he did not even have any friends to eat with, and Kyle, he says, Ha-neul can be friends, because they are both outsiders.

Ha-neul replies that Kyle does not have friends either, but he swears he has tons of them in the States. But the guys realize that he never gets calls or texts, and they've never heard him speak English actually ... even small Chan-hee pipes up that Uncle Kyle does not have any friends because he so mean, hee.

Chan-hee saves kimbap for Geu-rin and said innocently, that she has not eaten in the last few days. That makes Seok-ho look worried, and Jae-hoon asks if he will search for a new manager.

Jinu is informed that he will shoot a commercial with Ji-young, but he tried to refuse - it makes him sick. Joo-han says he does not know what they'll do if they do not get their way, and Jinu asks why he still let them call all the shots, when "it" happened a year ago over.

Joo-han says Jinu, for the first time that Ji-young has the whole incident on video. You get pretty much anything they want. Jinu asks who filmed it, but Joo-han do not know. He shows Jinu the video looks pretty bad, and Joo-han wheedles for him to do the commercial.

Mr. Byun brings Ddanddara band a van, although it's kind of a piece of crap. Not only that, but they also need to make the payments on it, heh. Ha-neul asks pointedly, which is driving it, and Seok-ho acts hilarious as he heard nothing.

Min-joo brings food from the boys' house, and sees that Geu Rin studied tirelessly about his as a manager. She invites Geu-rin for one night "girls, and while waiting ready to get on it, Chan-hee attempts to matchmaker between his dad and Min-joo. Heh, Yeon-soo thinks she's puuurty.

Seok-Ho calls Kyle and takes him a huge poster of his old school nemesis, to see Sang-won. He promises that someday it will Kyle's face on a poster that big ... but in the Meanwhile, he has a bigger heart work.

Kyle hides behind Seok-ho when Sang-won is going out of the building, and watch them as he denies a bigger hotel room and welcomed a group warmly by fans. he seems like a nice guy.

Seok-ho with Kyle watches, then says that if you fill a garbage bag, throw it out. So if Kyle wants to be jealous, he can be jealous, but when he is tired of jealousy, throw it out. You go home and awww, Seok-ho says Kyle is more beautiful than this guy anyway.

Geu-rin admits Min-joo that she is excited, but not at Seok-ho - she's mad at himself. Min-joo tells her that when they met fought all the time, because he demanded special treatment for its customers that their business costs a lot of money Seok-ho. But she had already wavered when he called her gorgeous.

She says Seok-ho is still terrible most of the time, but Geu-rin smiles and says she just wants to learn from him. Min-joo warns them that he always looks first for themselves, every underhanded tactic he can get his way. But she says he has a truly wonderful quality - he never lets anyone offend its artists.

takes Geu-rin Seok-ho to see, so she can tell him that she now understands why he fired her. She realizes that she betrayed her left the band Kyle blame downwards by not his old classmates ask her in his concert to be let. Asks back to their job, but Seok-ho asks if she plans Ddanddara band manager, or just to be Ha-neul of.

promises to be with enthusiasm the band manager, and not to emphasize Seok-ho from. He is angry, but he yields.

Ha-neul borrows a waitress phone to call the number on Kyle's business card and order a driver. He asks Kyle, but learns that Kyle real name Lee Bang-geul is. He gives Kyle the cheesiest grin whenever he shows up and threatens happy to tell everyone Kyle secret.

Kyle sighs that driving is all he knows how to do next Pay-guitar, and he wanted to help the house costs, contribute. Ha-neul is so touching is embarrassing Kyle to tell the real reason he wanted to talk, but he still cling.

He reminds Kyle of the day it is all the way to Busan came to him, to see him and to say that he liked Ha-neul voice and said that he was moved by the fact that a Juilliard trained musicians approved by it. He had kept distance between them, because the whole thing Juilliard intimidated him, but then Kyle came in. Awww, Fuzzy.

Jinu there are some serious thought, then says Joo-han, that he thinks the incriminating video doctored is. He does not remember much about that night, but he would a girl not attack to be the way directly involved after his dating scandal. Joo-han has again to see him the video, and this time he sees something new - the camera pans down on a pair of sneakers that seems to recognize Jinu.

Ah, that would be because he was someone as a gift these sneakers, and they are limited edition, so they are very pronounced. It is no surprise that the person who gave the shoes was Joo-han. Shaken, Jinu chooses his hand not to tip, and says Joo-han that he overreacted.

Geu-rin as Ddanddara Band Manager is reused, but Kyle has something weighing on your mind. He takes Seok-ho to the hotel where Sang-won is staying, and Seok-ho suspects that he has decided his anger, let go. He encouraged Kyle with a hearty "You are so annoying," (ha, I love their strange relationship) and sends him to speak to his old classmates.

It is interesting that Sang-won looks as nervous as Kyle - looks like the voltage goes both ways. Kyle looks like he fighting tears before they even say hello and Sang-won wordlessly pulls him into a hug.

Kyle tried small talk, what to do, but soon turns angry and asks, have made the world why has Sang-won, to come here to hold a concert? Kyle came all the way to Korea to get some distance, and he's in a band now, because he realized that he enjoys this kind of music more than the classical guitar.

he is now is to weep, and Sang-won patiently listening as Kyle goes on that he can not even sleep, worried that he ran away because he felt inferior , He says that he is crazy because of Sang-won, but Sang-won said only reply, "I missed you."

He says that he did not even go space on their favorite burger, because it makes him Kyle miss so much. This concert was to be in England, but he asked that it be in Korea, just for the chance to change, he could see Kyle. And it worked; Kyle found him.

Kyle calls him names, but eventually starts laughing, his tears dry through. Seok-ho emigrated to imagine about, and he asks Sang-won over a guest appearance at his concert for Ddanddara band. Ha, Kyle looks like he wants to crawl under the table.

Geu-rin is furious when she hears that she was fired for asking Kyle to talk to Sang-won, then Seok-ho turned around and did the exact thing. Seok-ho argues that Kyle, the decision on his own made, and all he did was ask, while they were there. And there! Worked

Seok-Ho treated Kyle and his manager for dinner at his parents' restaurant and HAHA, he has to pay then stiffs his father on the bill. In return, he asks humbly accept Kyle Sang-won together in one of his interviews, and Sang-won is to be agreed more than happy.

The interview goes well, and Sang-won is so gracious, let Kyle and Ddanddara band many view the time of the interviewer. He also says that he is concerned about let them play at his concert because Kyle is so talented. Awww, bromance.

The two will do at the concert a special duet which Ddanddara band debut song into. From the giant round smiles, it looks like the conflict between Kyle and Sang-won really mended.

This time there are many mentions of Ddanddara band online the next day, in articles about Sang-won concert. Kyle is particularly lively, hee.

Suddenly a woman goes into the studio the band, and want to know what Jae-hoon doing here. Oh no, his mother found out. Jae-hoon wilts on her voice and stomps, without saying a word, all the bounce and energy right away out of it.

It turns out that a friend of his mother saw him in concert Sang-won, and he says she always pushed him to learn instruments, but they were all boring, except for the drums. His mother says that the only reason she was to meet him Instruments cushion his school applications - it does not have the time to play in a band.

Jae-hoon argued respectfully, that his grades do not suffer, but his mother refuses to listen to reason. She takes him home without knowing that they had an audience for her little rant ... saw Mr. Byun the whole thing.

Seok-ho on a product running that says Jinu was hospitalized, probably for stress. Joo-han visited him and sneers that he know to have too much influence is loud demanding this whole thing to him why he ran from a live show in the middle. Jinu turns out easily and refuses to speak.

He gets a text from Seok-ho just say Take care of yourself and lies in his hospital bed and wept.

Seok-ho is not time to worry about Jinu because he calls artificial Jacksons reviews regarding the interrogation. He remembers his promised hacker friend, that he would not drag him into this, if he were ever caught, and knows that he is on his own.

Min-joo reminds him that a few others were asked for this very thing in question, but it is difficult to obtain evidence, and they were acquitted. But Seok-Ho knows exactly why he now deliberately being: CEO Lee. He is ready KTOP get into trouble when agents permanently get rid of Seok-ho.

Seok-ho has not even heard him home, pull over Jae-hoon Mom and Geu-rin is worried about how to tell him and add to his stress. She holds him outside the studio and manages to get him with a terrible joke to smile, and they do not notice, Ha-neul to watch them carefully.

Once Seok-Ho smiles Geu-rin gives him the news about Jae-hoon, and he runs back to the Mango office to seek Jae -Hoon address. Mr. Byun tells him that Jae-hoon Mom's scary, and Seok-ho explained Min-joo that he never got a chance to talk to her because Jae-hoon held him off putting.

That night, Ha-neul packs a bag and says Geu-rin that he runs away because she keeps smiling at another boy. She is totally blind, so Ha-neul gets right up in her personal space, but everything he does is thumbs, gently the toothpaste out of the mouth. Then he wipes them on her shirt, hee.

He smiles and says that he is going to give a copy Ddanddara band album youth hall director only to Busan. He leans Geu-rin offer to come to him, and promises for the practice to be tomorrow back in time.

Seok-ho lurking nervously outside Jae-hoon house, unable to reach him by phone. He wonders how he can rescue the princess in the castle.

Now that Jinu know it Joo-han, the really with Ji-young recorded him, he goes to Busan, the house check where it came for clues. He remembers lightning that night, and recalls how Ji-young seemed to know there was someone still in the house.

He noticed a large closet in the room and move them to inspect, but he frightens when he hears a voice: He whirls around and in the room with him is Ha-neul "We meet again.".


I think that, for me what is this show of his rough start redeeming is the thread of life lessons through history weaving itself, like the characters of life and the reality in the music industry learn. This episode was heavily learn about Geu-rin how to be a good manager, and how they need to think not only Ha-neul, but the band as a whole. You can not only Ha-neul excluding the other boy support and by trying to actually put Kyle under pressure to do something about it uncomfortable was saying it would be advantageous to Ha-neul, she had to show that they was actually willing to violate a band member when it helped her friend. This is wrong, on so many levels, but it is particularly unacceptable for a manager, and Seok-ho was one hundred percent right to cheer for him.

Ddanddara band has enough against them - a convicted felon lead singer, a bassist, a single father is Seok-ho as her agent - is that they have to stick together, that much more if they succeed want in the cutthroat music industry. You just can not play well together, they have to really bond and be ready to face the world together, as a unit, and never drop a member. At this time, when Kyle his old schoolmate been made to approach, before he was ready on his own, it would be the other members have damaged his confidence, even if it was a good promotion idea. You have not tried to draw as Geu-rin the room for everyone a stunt to draw, even if it was well-intentioned innocent. You can not afford to lose a member of his sense of security can be, or the whole thing could come as a house of cards before it has even begun.

To this end, I loved Ha-neul and Kyle grow a little closer in this episode to see, and how Ha-neul approved by Kyle intimidated and his musical Education. Kyle is so rugged and hard to like (he is adorable, but I would not want to live with him), but now that we have seen his love / hate relationship with Sang-won, his prickly personality makes much more sense. The last time he got close to someone it backfired on him, and he allowed his jealousy of him the better, so let through his guard and actually respect and admire Ha-neul to be difficult for him has got. But it's good that he tried and I loved how Ha-neul only leave him with open arms the moment he. In this armor, which saw a crack They could both admit that they admire the other talent, which is a really good start.

And it's just me, or someone else catches on Jae-hoon really worry? His mother is to be controlled so, it's amazing he's been able to long enough to practice and perform out of sight. It was only a matter of time before it was discovered, and I'm afraid that his mother is to crack down on him so hard that he is doing something desperate. It seems a lot to live in his own imagination - he appears to be connected to life through films and dramas and music, so everything seems larger-than-life to him. I'm afraid he'll do something overly dramatic, and injured himself in the process.

But I am even more worried about Jinu ... if someone wants to save in this show has, it's him. He is on the brink of disaster, and we do not even really need to know much about his past in order to know that he urgently needs a hero. He can not get out on his own, he is still a child, and he has already live dangerously. I would like Seok-ho come to see to his rescue and get him out KTOP, and Joo-han mouth before something tragic happens. This could even Seok-ho have the chance to redeem the death of Ha-neul brother - I have a sick feeling that he was somehow involved in KTOP, probably under pressure there from Seok-ho, why Seok-ho as inexorable against anyone pressure on its customers. I suspect that Sung-hyun was in an accident, or even pushed through KTOP greedy manipulation, and that Seok-ho chides himself to kill, because he got Sung-hyun with KTOP primarily involved (it would also explain why Seok-ho took that suicide songwriter so hard). Jinu save could Seok-ho his salvation, and a way to save in the process.


  • Entertainer: Episode 7
  • entertainer: Episode 6
  • entertainer: Episode 5
  • entertainer: Episode 4
  • entertainer: Episode 3
  • entertainer: Episode 2
  • entertainer: episode 1
tags: entertainer, episode 8, in Hyeri, Ji Sung, Kang min-Hyuk

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