Recap And Reviews Kdrama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 10

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Mirror Of The Witch: Episode 10 -

Seo-ri and Jun continue for another to be a support system, and Seo-ri begins even to open a little to him. But just when things start to go right at last, when it seems like our good guys finally all work together and on the same side, the bad guy takes things up a notch to keep the game interesting.


looking for the latest request manufacturers, Seo-ri and Jun the meeting approaching cautiously. Suddenly flying swords to his throat out, and from walking Poong-yeon and Sol-gae.

Poong-yeon increased to his sister to see, and she exclaims, but she remembers the time Poong-yeon her a monster, and quickly called strays had. June hunts for Seo-ri while Poong-yeon is temporarily frozen in shock. If Poong-yeon finally snapped out of his daze and followed runs held in Yo-gwang.

Jun stops Seo-ri, counseling to tell her the truth Poong-yeon. Seo-ri from lashes to ask what she should tell him - that she is a cursed witch? Or that he might die if he stays at her side? How Seo-ri indicates that they do not even know why she was cursed, Sol-gae approaches. Did she overheard the conversation?

Jun finds that he can not do anything if Seo-ri on their curse not Poong-yeon want to know, but tells her that Poong- yeon would want from her, any kind of explanation, gently Seo-ri reminded promised that they will not run away anymore.

close, Yo-gwang tried to explain a frustrated Poong-yeon, that there is too much, not knowing the best for him, but Poong-yeon's sick, is not allowed, Yeon-hee / Seo to take -ri without knowing why. Poong-yeon said from now on he will be the one to decide whether he sees it.

If Poong-yeon Seo-ri sees walking back, he grabs her in a tight hug. Weighs head, he tells her how grateful he is that she is still alive, and a tear runs Seo-ri face.

Taoist masters Hyun-seo watches as the royal guards rush to arrest thugs in the Shaman Hall Hong-joo. Talking with a pretext for concern, a eunuch explains Hong-joo that the Dowager Queen was shocked to hear about the armed shamans and has the guards put the protection available for Hong-joo.

Facing him with a terrifying smile, Hong-joo feigns gratitude for the care of the Queen Mother. The Dowager Queen mocks insolence over Hong-joo of, when she hears the news, and reiterates that it must observe Hong-joo exactly.

On a riverbank, Yo-gwang, Sol-gae and June the two some privacy options siblings to catch up. Poong-yeon asks Seo-ri, if she's here for June, but Seo-ri corrected her brother, explaining that she has her own affairs. She asks for her father and when Poong-yeon can not answer, it begins to blame for Dad going missing.

Poong-yeon slippage begins, and asks what they day they disappeared. Seo-ri can only dejectedly down look so Poong-yeon tells her comfortingly:

[1945010"Slowlytomorrowtomorrowandthenextyoucanmeetmeandtellmefrombeginningtoend"] the reunion is cut short when Poong-yeon hears that the king, has been looking for him. Poong-yeon asks Seo-ri here tomorrow to meet, and looks pointedly at Jun's direction, to tell him he was going the next time they meet to be questioned for his crimes. June replies that he has to speak not a crime.

At the palace, declared the king of Poong-yeon, that he heard the queen widow birth had given to a cursed princess and that this princess is the cause of his illness. The king wants to find Poong-yeon, the princess and heal him; that the king will finish off the Dowager Queen.

Poong-yeon picks up the story with skepticism, and asks the king, if that's what it is Hong-joo said. Growing defensive, asks the King if he is to believe just Shaman and Poong-yeon answers looks honest pathetic that seems to be the king of Hong-joo blinded words.

The king says Poong-yeon that Hyun-seo was the one who rescued the princess, as he should, to kill them, and tells him that Hyun-seo, the Dowager Queen Taoist temple again revive convinced.

This is a message to Poong-yeon and he is surprised that his father heard, is back. The king believed that Hong-joo and Hyun-seo has returned because of the princess in the palace, and asks Poong-yeon "If my life were in danger, what would you do?"

Poong- yeon responded immediately that he would sacrifice his own life. Content makes the king of Poong-yeon his request to cut ties with his father and examine him. If what Hong-joo said is true, Poong-yeon is to find the princess and they bring the king.

go as June Seo-ri and Yo-gwang across town, they heard a loud bang and townspeople to loudly. A man announces that a thief comes, and forcibly pulls Soon-deuk through the streets, tied her hands through ropes.

binding them to a tree, and Soon-deuk struggles against the ropes and insists that she did nothing wrong. You are required unbound but June half brother Ok only mocked, and announces to the amount of their crime have a noble contempt.

The citizens all cower in fear but Soon-deuk is a resolute, and it takes courage to chance Ok curse out. "Before I take a spoon and carve out all your guts," she warns, "renounce immediately!" Ok stutters in response to the nerves, and Soon-deuk further Ok ridicule for thinking that Jun will come.

Ok laughs incredulously at Soon-deuk boldness, and shows with the sword on her and told her he does not know is how long his patience. In the crowd June hiding his face, and turn to leave the trio, but then Ok remarked loudly that lowly people only recognize their place when their parents have been punished. This strikes a nerve with June and he rushes furiously through the crowd, knocking over Ok and liberation Soon-deuk.

June thrusts his sword on Ok, and our trio and Soon-deuk a run for it. When achieve a hiding four of them, blames Yo-gwang June for the audacity to be, but in June told Yo-gwang that he is not ready to go to reverse immediately.

Ok and his assistant to still stumble and wondered where the group was, when suddenly they Jun approaches from behind and knock them out.

Ok monitored over a stable floor upward, groaned. June stops Seo-ri come in and says not to look for her. He kicks the door closed, and unsheathes his sword when he goes over on Ok.

Complaining that it is error Juns as for the production, Ok spins him a sob story about how unfair it was always compared to June for him. Angrily June asks if his mother Ok only killed because he did not like June

Ok claims that crept Jun's mother into the fire itself -. after all, he asks, does it make sense for a runaway slave to make to continue living? He goes on, suggesting that it died in June his mother blame, because in June the one who was convinced to run.

Jun lowers his sword and thinks sad that Ok is right, notes that he could not protect his mother, because he had no power. noted in June that is at the end, which is the only way to stop Ok, Ok, and asks if he recognizes a certain location.

It is the same barn where Ok Jun's mother had left to die, and Ok finally seems to recognize the depth of his situation. Ok requires pathetic that June calm, but June sees him threatening to spill over the anger only with determination, tears.

Jun raises his sword to strike, when suddenly, Seo-ri shouts in rushes and: "Do not do it!" Breaks in June in mid-air and takes a look at Seo-ri back who fervently shakes her head and asked him not to be so. Ok repeated Seo-ri plea, and that incenses Jun, swinging his sword.

After a meeting with the king, Poong-yeon on the Taoist Temple rushes to find about his father, who greeted him with a rueful smile.

In the barn, Ok slowly turns his head, realizes that he is still alive, and dashes out, screaming in terror. June falls to the ground and smashes the ground, and then he notices someone standing before him.

There is the ghost of his mother, and she wakes up in June with a pained expression. June breaks for apologetically unable to take revenge for them, but his mother wipes away his tears only, as if to assure him that he did nothing wrong.

She gets up and turns one last time on June to look back before they disappear in a shimmer. The spirit-sighted tattoo behind ear June glows and disappears. June looks around shocked and Seo-ri goes to lay a hand on his shoulder and comfort him as he cries.

Add Cheongbing temple, a candle suddenly lights up by itself.

Meanwhile, Hong-joo is to perform their rituals, when they suddenly collapsed to the ground, gasping and panting. She pulls up just blood to vomit, and she looks around in horror.

Inside the Taoist temple, Hyun-seo asks Poong-yeon when he confirms with Yeon-hee and Poong-yeon is met with a smile. Poong-yeon talk excitedly begins about them, but Hyun-seo interrupts, asking Poong-yeon when his feelings for Yeon-hee have not changed

Poong-yeon replies that his feelings indeed changed have -. It is no longer childlike innocent love. He will no longer ask why Yeon-hee had to be isolated, or what has happened in the woods that day, because he needs to know that he does not let go of her no longer a reason. Hyun-seo asks Poong-yeon, even if he did love when he dies because of this love, and Poong-yeon confirms it.

red coat creeps slightly in the Shaman Hall Hong-joo next order. Now that lit a candle by itself has been, Hong-joo says she needs to make the princess as soon as possible.

When making our trio and Soon-deuk their way back to the city June asks Soon-deuk if it is really to be in order. She tells him no, she will not be in order, and jokingly asks for 300 Nyang.

Soon-deuk notes that Juns some friends found, staring at Yo-gwang right when she told June, they do not want to be involved again in any dirty business. Yo-gwang stutters indignant during June asks Soon-deuk if she has to hide a place of Ok.

June begins its place at Cheongbing temple, but Yo-gwang not intersect completely in, say offer. Overlooking Soon-deuk, he tells her that she Cheongbing temple is not derogatory some assistance center for the poor.

Disturbed, Soon-deuk counter, the Yo-gwang should not talk if he's the one with the beggar-like hair and tell him straight: He itself need not worry because they could rob people, but they will never be indebted to someone.

you are Yo-gwang a good punch, and told June that if he ever really needs their help, he can talk to the barmaid at the tavern. She goes so Yo-gwang huffily to complain about "the little thing."

At night, Hyun-seo is still in the Taoist temple, examining the torn page of Mauigeumseo when suddenly all go out candles.

A dark spirit crawls through the castle corridors and Prince Sunhoe goes into the room of the Queen Mother. She calls instinctively to her son, but remembers that he is just an illusion, and she orders him out.

he asks his mother to save him, and unable to restrain himself, the queen widow follows him in another room. The Prince is crying that he is in terrible pain when Hong-joo enters into the scene, carrying the glass, where it stores Prince Sunhoe soul.

With a wave of her hand, Hong-joo strangles the prince with an invisible force, and calls on the Queen Mother when she has not already left the prince. Resolute, the Dowager Queen no longer says she Hong-joo chaos with the royal bloodline can, and Hong-joo asks irately if that's why the Queen Mother to join hands with Hyun-seo.

When Hong-joo Prince Sunhoe stifle further, Hyun-seo arrives and demands that it stop immediately. He shows his sword in Hong-joo, but his hand blackens suddenly, losing his grip on the sword. Hong-joo tells him not to come near her, if he did not, and strangles Prince Sunhoe even harder. Hyun-seo takes the sword again with all his strength, and this time his sword glows with the light. He proposes to the prince, scattered its shape, its spirit forces back into the glass.

Hong-joo keeps the glass forward and scornfully eggs Hyun-seo on. "Do it," she says, "try Kronprinzen soul make swimmers to stay without a place." beat Hyun-seo is preparing, but Hong-joo called his bluff. She holds the glass precariously with one hand, and the queen widow cries to stop for them.

The Queen Mother asks Hong-joo, and the guards agrees to remove and let the shamans minions. Hyun-seo drops his sword in defeat, and Hong-joo tells him that if he had only killed the princess again, like a horrible thing would not happen now. Hong-joo turns to the Queen Mother and says threateningly, that they should think carefully about who is really trying to save Prince Sunhoe.

In Cheongbing Temple, Seo-ri and Yo-gwang are stunned that a candle has set himself alight. They realize that it is because Jun's wish was granted, as the Spirit-looking potion to drink, and they rush to thank him.

Yo-gwang enveloped June in a bear hug, and does not care, even if it pushes the word from June, while Seo-ri sits there just grinning , June sees Seo-ri of cheerful smile and breaks out in a right to tell her that he, that he was glad help.

Yo-gwang wonders how they will receive requests from now (since centenarians is tree now as the killer tree marks), but Seo-ri suggests that they deal with it later.


concerned alone in his room, Poong-yeon of the king to investigate his father back and bring the princess.

On Taoist Temple, Hyun-seo calculated astrologically the relationship between the births of the King and Prince Sunhoe. He concludes that the energy of the two souls and two bodies with the same date fit, and recognizes what Hong-joo plan was all the time.

In the shaman Hall, Hong-joo pushes suddenly behind a pair of red curtains and smiles devilishly when a sleeping white-haired Seo-ri, which is strapped already in the hall on a table.

Seo-ri wakes up when she hears her calling someone "sister", and another figure is a corridor of the same red curtains down. Seo-ri struggles against her ropes, and suddenly we see the current king, Seonjo appear behind the curtains.

The camera switches angles, and then we see instead Prince Sunhoe. He stands menacingly over Seo-ri and a large dagger takes out. He lifts her over the head and slices right into Seo-ri heart.

Seo-ri wakes up screaming, and its iris purple light up briefly before turning back to its normal color. Luckily it was just a nightmare, and she is still on Cheongbing temple.

Morning Seo-ri Reflects on her bell charm, think of Poong- yeon. When Yo-gwang tells her that he is going to Taeil temple to figure out how to light the candles again, Seo-ri says Yo-gwang that she plans today on bringing Poong-yeon to Cheongbing Temple.

to search the marketplace, Poong-yeon holds some hairpins for his sister and a holding to Sol-gae to see what it looks like, to make them nervous. When he asks Sol-gae him to help pick one, it is a pretty nonchalant flower hairpin above him.

While Poong-yeon is the flower hairpin purchase, he noticed, Sol-gae looking at the one he'd first picked up and asks her if she wants it. Sol-gae denies it, to tell him, she would have no use for they have anyway.

looking as Poong-yeon is on Hanbok for Seo-ri, the storekeeper asks him what size he wants. He coughs awkwardly and then noted that sol-gae about Seo-ri size, and told the storekeeper that the clothes have to fit only Sol-gae.

In Cheongbing Temple, Seo-ri June asks why he is suddenly able to go with her Poong-yeon to meet. Seo-ri rolls practically eyes as June tells her that he has of ghosts afraid to remind him that he himself said that the effects of the mind-sighted potion disappeared.

Trapped, deceives June bellyache, but Seo-ri sees through him and insists that he help her. He is reluctant to, but adds, then a request; cutely Seo-ri tap, he asks her to talk to him informally, as they used to be. She closes him to tell him they are not close, and he sulks.

Riverbanks, Sol-gae told Poong-yeon that she would pick up the Hanbok for Seo-ri and back to the city starts heading. Poong-yeon calls from her and gives her the hairpin she was looking for earlier, to tell her that it'll be a day when it will be useful. She's touched, but clearly not sure how to react.

The shopkeeper insists that the sol-gae the clothes on before trying. As she undresses, we see that it swings back of scars and the camera is tarnished to a tattoo on her right shoulder - the same mark that had shown Man-wol specter June from. Sol-gae raises her arm on the Hanbok put, and we see a very deep slash just below the shoulder, exactly where Poong-yeon red coat had cut.

Sol-gae tries at the hairpin, the Poong-yeon had given her, and she smiles happily at her reflection, all dressed and pretty see. Suddenly she stops and takes from it, as if she herself has pointed out that it can not be so.

In Hyun-seo Palace told the queen widow, which are aligned the fate of the current King and Prince Sunhoe by their birth dates. The Dowager Queen recognizes that Hong-joo just wants the throne for himself by Prinz Sunhoe put in the body of the king, and Hyun-seo said that to achieve this, Hong-joo Prince Sunhoe kill the princess with his own hands to has to make.

Only the Crown successfully kill the princess, and when he does it, the curse of Princess will be brought to the royal family. The Queen Mother is going at the thought of her son angered by such horrors, and Hyun-seo agrees that they must stop Hong-joo.

The Queen Mother asks if Hyun-seo can Hong-joo with his weakened body, and Hyun-seo tries to stop it brush. He adds that he has found someone who would sacrifice his life for the princess, and explains that this person help the curse lift.

Hong-joo, and the king their own conversation, and she says to leave him his body during an impending ritual to her. She advises him to think of it as sleeping and assured him that if he does this, his pain will soon be gone.

In Taeil Temple, Yo-gwang finds a hidden letter and realizes that Hyun-seo is Back. He rushes inside, and Hyun-seo thanks him safe for the guide Seo-ri all the time.

Yo-gwang excused the talisman barrier at Cheongbing temple profane for rental, but Hyun-seo informed Yo-gwang that he was the one who broke it. Hyun-seo says Yo-gwang that lucky to June Seo-ri is the human shield, and asks Yo-gwang to do something for him.

to do justice to the way Poong-yeon is June sulking nor Seo-ri comment that they are not close. She takes a note and talking informally, asks if he wants a few rice balls later.

It catches him by surprise and she continues talking about the food and turned to him to smile. June, there can hardly hide his smile, and when she asks if he feels well after thinking about the food, he agrees and said he likes it a lot. Something tells me that he is not about eating more talking.

fly Suddenly a dagger at Jun's shoulder comes. June jumping for Seo-ri, to protect them, and puts them to start running, as the daggers coming back. From a distance looks Poong-yeon that she will be attacked and chases after them. Sol-gae goes on the scene with the bag of clothes and watches everything that happens.

A smoke bomb separates June from Seo-ri and the masked attacker pushes June down all alone on a hill, leaving Seo-ri. June struggling to climb the mountain, while the attacker again runs up and pulls down his mask - it's Yo-gwang.

Hyun-seo had requested that Yo-gwang temporarily separate Seo-ri from Jun so Poong-yeon would be able to see Seo-ri curse with his own eyes. "If his heart falter not even for her in their cursed condition see", Hyun-seo said, "then he is the last person who can make her curse undone."

Seo-ri crawling through the woods, desperately calling of June, but it is Poong-yeon, which arrives in front of her.

In Taeil Temple, Hyun-seo thinks that only a true love, the victim can light the last candle. Hyun-seo had hidden to protect these Poong-yeon, but if this is sad that he can not go against them Poong-yeon fate, Hyun-seo remarks, and he will lead his son to death.


in the forest, we see red coat lying mask. We see the same tattoo on her shoulder, as she puts on her red coat dressed and heads on their mission from.

Poong-yeon grabs Seo-ri's hand and asks her to go with him, but she raises his hand one way. Curse tattoo behind her ear begins to glow and her hair is white. Poong-yeon looks at her in shock, while his curse brand also begins to glow.

He supports away from her, scared, and Seo-ri looks heartbroken that he is rejected. Poong-yeon looks red coat them approaches and unsheathes his sword, but the activation of the curse has weakened him and he falls to the ground.

red coat takes her sword, before the attack. But suddenly Seo-ri eyes purple glow and a glare, she uses red coat fly to send their struggle to make breath as she hovers in midair her telekinesis. That scares only Poong-yeon remember who crawls away from Seo-ri and told her to get away from him when she approaches, trying to help.

Taking advantage of Seo-ri instantaneous deflection, throwing red cloak a dagger right on his back. Seo-ri falls to the ground, shedding another tear.

At the time, Yo-gwang and Jun to make it to the scene, they overcame only Poong-yeon to see on the ground. June stains wearing red coat, Seo-ri in the distance, and they give chase. Poong-yeon curse Tattoo flickers a few times before he disappeared, and he grabs his sword to follow them.

Seo-ri bound wakes up at a table in a room of red curtains surrounded. It's just like her nightmare. She fights against the ropes as Hong-joo enters into the room. Hong-joo says it's been a long time to comment that it seems like Seo-ri has not forgotten them.


NOOOOO. Not Sol-gae! Seen narrative, Sol-gae red coat was turning out to be a great plot twist, but it's just been a wonderful character that it hurts me to see her on the dark side. I loved how the authors they had when he presented to the outside Badass with a soft innocence on the inside, from the way they at gisaeng house Poong-yeon was last week, on the way they excited about something is as simple as dressing up this week.

She is definitely not the heartless killing machine to be expected I red coat, but it does to like me you feel all the more at odds. I know Sol-GAE got blood on their hands, and it will be difficult to redeem a serial killer on the show, but I can not help but pity her, especially when the heat is so affected by Poong-yeon. I can only hope that Sol-gae unconscious growing attachment to him later in practice.

As for Poong-yeon, I can not imagine how desperate he be me if he finds out that it really no one, not even Sol-gae, on his side. The king wants to betray him his own family. Hyun-seo seemed sad result of his own son to death, but I found it a little disturbing that he relatively unemotional, if the importance of his family outweigh the good of the state. And now it turns out that Sol-gae is the very enemy that Poong-yeon's looking to capture.

If Poong-yeon's going to suffer heartache later but Seo-ri is the one definitely, which is now the most grief going on. Considering that Poong-yeon tries after defending Seo-ri from red coat to see even after the transformation, and hunted as he recovers from the curse, I do not think Poong-yeon Seo-ri completely rejected; yet freaky and crawling of her was not the best reaction away either.

It broke my heart Seo-ri's worst fears come true to see, and I can not help but compare Poong-yeon response to Jun's. June had Seo-ri accepted and pitied her while Poong-yeon had reacted as if Seo-ri were a monster. I'm sure Poong-yeon means well, and finally be able to see about Seo-ri curse, but in this case, his immediate reaction was the one who counted once and again we see that open June really understands Seo ri.

I can not believe that Yo-gwang and Hyun-seo such a half-brained plot to test love for seo-ri Poong-yeon would slip. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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