Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 8 -

You know you like a sign when you see very clearly how everything wrong about too terrible to go for it, but you keep telling yourself that it will be a kind of fine, by ~~ POS = TRUNC magic, he is not confronted with his most devastating heartache be still, and he will come on the other side, without anyone losing those he loves. When we say it often enough, it will come true. This is completely how it works. You will see

. Note: Next week recapitulates be a little late is, but I'll work so fast hard to get, how can I



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Episode 8: "A happy day"

he is as Dal-po suddenly confronted with the brother for the search already, he looks Hyung outstretched hand hesitantly down. he said that he thought he would run and his brother embrace when they finally reunited, that the tears he had held all the time would be back like a river flowing .

But things look bad for Hyung and Dal-po shake may not know what fire already know about the container, and to take the fact that he came here the manager of possible accomplices.

Dal-po (voiceover): ".. I had a horrible feeling that Hyung could have made a choice that should not be done, I was scared," he replied, "My name Choi Dal-po. is "

What Dal-po does not know is that Hyung's manager phone just turned on before in the bustling square arrive, for its overlooking Chan soo and a team of detectives brings murder suspect.

Dal-po she starts from the corner of his eye coming, and hastily drags Hyung in a cafe. But of course, Chan-soo happens Dal-po face in the crowd to see and calls to see where he is to have are only Dal-po that he is at the station. D'oh.

Hyung tried Dal-po to give the money back to the bumper, and insisted that his colleagues there without his permission accepted because he never intended to collect. Dal-po in turn provides a new envelope of more money, and the brothers sit their envelopes back and forth at each other, finally, to Hyung says just pushes each one to take them and call it even.

Dal-po worried about him is not fixed in trouble at work for the truck, but Hyung says it belongs to him, it is for ten water supplies already years and has almost the truck. Hyung asks about his job, and Dal-po says he used to drive a cab ... but can not bring to admit that he is now a reporter. He is that he unemployed

So Hyung jumping to buy the coffee, then, and when Dal-po protests, Hyung asks how old he is and pulls rank :. "I'm the hyung so I buy." Uff, the way Dal-po sees him with stars in his eyes when he says: ". Yes, Hyung" he even copies Hyung command and I just want it so badly to hug, it drives me crazy.

from go along, and suddenly Hyung throws his arm around Dal-po and looks at her reflection in his truck window: "Do we look alike?" Dal-po is shocked that he could recognize him, but Hyung says his staff said they looked alike, but he does not really. Dal-po: ".. Yes, we do We look a lot alike,"

Hyung tells him that he is a good person beat for leaving his number to his bumper and if they shake hands to say goodbye, Dal- po holding on a little longer, as he was not going to let can carry. "Hyung ... can I call it?" Hyung wonders when she would see them again, but agrees to let and decreases.

Dal-po is quickly in a taxi and followed him home, and said that there are a million questions he wanted was to ask Hyung when they finally met-if he had lived well, never was sick, had married. But now, only frightening questions floating through my mind as to why he made on the list of calls recently from people who falsely accused her father, and is now missing.

He wonders if it might be more random or something, and goes to the ring Hyung. But he retires, as he believes that the possibility that it is not too frightening and treat cruelly.

Dal-po-team leader Hyun-kyu is in the halls and down, already burned his assurance on the fact to a crisp that Dal-po without permission ran and even answers his calls. Editor Jo asks what his newcomers makes him mad-Sasaeng or cockfight? Ha. Editor Jo says that it explains his fault for not hard enough on them to be (really, you're the scary team leader he tells is not scary enough?) And Hyun-kyu that cockfighting goes down.

Dal-po comes back to the station and simply apologized for the delay, and Hyun-kyu starts lighting in him. But Dal-po interrupts quiet to say that he has a question, and editor Jo jumps to say that this is to be punished for it in a while, not to ask questions.

Dal-po ignored that and asks anyway, what to do is, if it finds a suspect before the police do, and suddenly both Hyun-kyu and editor Jo completely change their tune, and editor Jo says , they would be able to obtain images of the arrest, as drooling, occurs practically at the thought. They congratulate him and ask who is the suspect ... and Dal-po he says no one has found. Phew.

Hyun-kyu and editor Jo stand there agape as Dal-po, he says each line as Hyun-kyu taught him followed and will continue to do so and go away. They look at each other and wonder if cockfighting played with them, and director Lee walks past and says that's exactly what has happened, heh. He sees Dal-po on, a little impressed.

About the MSC, Beom-jo his team leader Il-joo follows all the way to the men's room does not beg on another team will be provided, and again in the toilet of women, overheard in-ha Il-joo arguing and Princess whether Mom helps behind each back in-ha out.

Mom also happens to be there, and In-ha follows her to demand that they defend her, or at least give her credit where credit is due. The boys listen in, as Mom she says cold it by its title at work to call, and says that In-ha is not like other reporters, the same treatment does not deserve that. On their own merits here

The other guys have Beom-jo to prevent running to interrupt about them, and watch them in-ha face fall as Mom tells her that nothing is changed- she still thinks that In-ha not fit to be a reporter.

Gyo-dong is considering a post-it with hyung's name and number on, then calls Dal-po over and tells him he found his brother. Dal-po grabs him in a bear hug and thanked him profusely, and when Gyo-dong braces him in embarrassment from, Dal-po clings only to have it even harder, and wrapped a leg around him. They look like they could baby in the middle of the office will make.

But it turns out to be Gyo-dong imagination, and he decides that would be too humiliating. So he calls Yoo-rae over instead, and tells her to give the post-it to Dal-po. He looks up from his desk in anticipation, but then Dal-po, it simply takes and gives him a silent nod of recognition serious.

Gyo-dong is even more confused about the lack of overflowing gratitude and mutters: "That's it ...?!" Hahahaha. He wants his caresses!

He follows Dal-po from the elevators and points out that he used all his contacts him to obtain this number, and swears that he is a lot not for a credit or some fishing, but he put effort into thinking it was Dal-po to find his brother.

Dal-po says soberly that he now demanding a little hesitant, because he knows that this person might not Hyung he knew afraid. "Thirteen years is a long time." Gyo-dong observed him more than ever feel confused go.

In-ha is still out of work frustrated Mom cold, and cries to add to her problems on her growling stomach. Of course it happens in front of the restaurant, in the Dal-po is the food, and she runs away to stand embarrassed. He calls to tell her to eat, and promised not to say anything.

She comes and finds that he has already ordered for them, and they exchange Egg parts as usual. She asks why he eat alone if he could call his girlfriend, and he tells her the truth about finally Hye-sung Navi. She takes this with a quiet, "Ah."

The food breaks the ice between them, and on the way home In-ha told him about Mama and admits that Dal-po was right about it a creation Mom fantasy in her head. She says that it is particularly disappointing because they spent so many years building these expectations, and he says he gets what it feels like now.

She wonders how he 'd know, but he just says that he gets it-you might want to go back before you together again, because then at least the fantasy that made you happy, while now the more you get to know the real person, the more pain you.

In-ha smiles and says, that's exactly how she feels. She wonders whether they will be able to go back the way things-comfortable chatting as uncle and niece, like this. Dal-po keeps in its tracks on that and says: ". I do not, that now can do" Whoa

Dal-po. "I'm sorry, but I can not do that. Can you?" In-ha turns around and says that they can only ... and hiccups. Eeeeee! She tries to escape, but he follows her into the crosswalk, and turn it back to him, and then leans in for a kiss in.

She throws a hand over her lips, as Dal-po she kisses only gently held her hand. There are no words spoken between them, but he sees her as she lowers her hand and looked at him with different eyes.

He smiles and pulls her in for a real kiss or kisses as his sweet and soft can and tingling of the case, as the snow around them comes down. Proper faint.

The heavy snowfall is news feed the next day, and send both stations reporters pictures of people to catch, the accidents on icy streets. It seems callous set cameras just slip and fall people to catch, but I guess that's what reporters do.

In-ha gets her first job before the camera to be, and dancing in excitement as the other reporters watching jealously at the police station. They high-fives Beom-jo so hard that he yelps pain, and she jumps from Dad for clothes to call so that it is presentable on camera.

Meanwhile, Dal-po chases Chan-soo down asking for updates and Chan-soo asks if he happened space in this busy shopping last night out, because he thinks he saw him there. Dal-po sticks to his story and says he must've made a mistake and Chan-soo, it can go, but we see that he also followed Dal-po and saw him walk away with another man. He now wonders why Dal-po had reason to lie. Uh-oh.

Dal-po is even more disturbed when he finds out that the reason Chan-soo showed up there on is because the mobile phone of the factory manager turned in this place. Dal-po the nagging suspicion shakes of his head: "It can not be, it can not be.."

In-ha takes her big, happy news explain and pouts that Dal-po congratulations not are Gratulations enough. And he plunges her into a hug, and then she's freaking out that people see. He stops only and says that he would congratulate her when she him, everything is going to say be alright. She wonders what's wrong with him, but he will not say so she knocks him on the back and tell him everything will be fine.

Dal-po quips that he jealous, it is to be the first of the rookies in front of the camera, and asks her if she goes to wash, because it now looks terrible. Ha.

Do not argue, saying that they on their way to wash, it has to do in the police sink in the bathroom. Only, the water is shut off, after working shampoo in her hair, and she's looking for water in despair to ... and her eyes land on the toilet. OH. NO. Do not do eeeeeet!

The next thing we know, she dries her hair in the hand dryer and put on makeup. They did not. Please do not say you. It presumes good as new and smelled of shampoo and then the camera pans down filled to the toilets with soapy water. LOL.

Dad and Grandpa to make their way to the police station with In-ha clothing, and Dad it complains about all the way, the errands for his daughter to run so insignificant for something. But the second they arrive, Dad every single person is suddenly asking he sees, if they know where to find: "My daughter Choi In-ha, the first reporter of their colleagues to be on camera" He is so gorgeous pride.

they are shocked when they arrive at the cottage "reporter, and Papa is particularly concerned to see that in-ha sleeps here in all these other people ... including Dal-po. One of the guys says that Dad does not need too bleary here Romantic worried they are, even if he catches himself and says that he would like to worry about Dal-po, because he likes someone now.

Alarmed Beom-jo jump to say that Dal-po like Yoo-rae, and identifies them. Grandpa beams and Yoo-rae standing there wide-eyed, and blames himself for not allllll the to have noticed obvious signs.

it runs in Dal-po and tells him that she is sad, but she has zero feelings for him, and have no room in her heart for another man, an image of their idol oppa keeps her phone. Ha, well, she's a sasaeng.

He has no idea what she is talking about and tried to interject, that there seems to be a kind of misunderstanding, but she refuses to let him say something and says only that they would respect his feelings and he should respect her. She says that she never speak about and goes away before it can ever correct. Pffft.

Beom-jo fesses to form the lie up, the Dal-po is all up annoyed, that is, until Beom-jo tells him that Dad and Grandpa are here and were seconds away from finding about from him and In-ha. Dal-po can not exactly argue with this reasoning and shuts up.

In-ha is dressed and asked Papa and Grandpa, what she looks like. Dad: "It's amazing you do makeup that makes you ugly.?" Hey, I love that Dad will only make fun of her to her face, even though he is so proud behind her back. Dad is very excited when he sees earmuffs or hotpacks Beom-jo mama of them to give, and learns that In-ha well-mannered partner is a chaebol heir.

Both YGN and MSC team to get his head out of shots of people slipping on icy roads, and there will be a battle for the best locations. In-ha a map of slippery spots from their real estate agent father has prepared while Dal-po of the taxi driving days knows some good spots.

When they spread locations to explore and local residents about bad roads, ask Dal-po ends again before Hyung house and takes the opportunity to peek into his truck and try to open the door. It's terrible timing because Hyung come back home in time to be done Dal-po there seems suspicious to see.

The worst is a neighbor comes by calling him "Reporter Man", and told him of an icy road just found them. Hyung eyes widen as he realizes that Dal-po is a reporter, and that he could hit him intentionally have. This is bad.

Meanwhile, In-ha at a great place with icy stairs for her team, except to shoot finds that she begins hiccups when they are people there Watch hobble down the stairs, only to wait, they fall on. Beom-jo helps instinctively a man who falls, and In-ha realizes that it is niggling at her conscience. My cameraman yells helping people to stop, but In-ha can not stop hiccups until Beom-jo eventually fall to save children in the steps of a group.

Back at the station, the MSC-director can not believe they have the piece of junk for In-ha hiccups, but Mama says that they already sent other teams to know that this would happen, and they have shots of them. The director wonders what use will be In-ha, when she says not even a simple story of how to do this, and Mama that she would take care shortly In-ha. Damn, she is fired already?

In-ha and Beom-jo return and Princess screamed obtained and In-ha can not apologize without hiccups too, and admits knowing that they are not doing what they did wrong. Is it so wrong to help people?

Princess screams at them that if they want to save people they should go into voluntary work a job reporters, the message has to report and make it through saw people and the legislature, and the president. He points out to save the myopia only people on this staircase. Since at this time it was the problem in the message, causing the city to make changes on several icy roads have been reported. Dang it, he has a point.

In-ha finally understands and apologizes and asks for a second chance. They are thereby formed on the camera report, and asks only for another shot record falls to get. Princess gives her one last shot, and Mama tells him that if In-ha does not come through this time, he has to fire them.

Dal-po and his team return to the station, and if Yoo -rae on their way slip out of the car, he bends down to help her, and she makes a big deal refuse his help. He seems to have given up trying to explain now, and only they can think what they want. It turns out that Hyung has followed him all the way back, and he watches warily as Dal-po heads to YGN back.

Princess waiting by his phone, nervous to raise in-ha after a big stink, but would be to get on the report that she does a good job to obtain and even interviews with locals. Princess makes a point of everything too loudly repeat before Mom, and points out that they no longer have to shoot.

Mom is not so sure and wonder if Princess tried a dispute to bring about this, but he says he learned anything from In-ha today-that a reporter should have these concerns and crises of conscience, because this is what distinguishes it from tabloid news. He believes that one day In-ha is a good reporter.

Dal-po and Yoo-rae head to the station to get back out, and Yoo-rae asks to take separate cabs, because all of these near her makes uncomfortable. He met only and allows them to take the first taxi, and chuckles.

But when he is alone, he turns around to find Hyung standing there glaring at him. Hyung asks if he is a reporter at YGN and why he lied about it, and to do its place what he snooping. Dal-po secures, a little frightened, and says that he happened to be in the area and saw Hyung truck.

Hyung Slams yells at him against a tree and, "Do not you ever call me again Hyung! Do not come near me! All reporters are horrible and disgusting!" Yuck , it is the same thing that Dal-po gyo-dong once said, but to listen, it is him directed by his own brother so shattering. He storms out mad, so that Dal-po crushed.

A drunk driver is caught at a checkpoint, but decides foolishly to try and make a break for it in his large truck. Great, we have a truck of fate and a drunken idiots behind the wheel? What could go wrong?

In-ha and her team are to shoot up to an intersection and agree that they will spend only ten minutes before calling it a day , In-ha asks her cameraman if he never had doubts, and he says he did, of course. It's just that you do this often enough and you will find hope for unthinkable-a terrible thing to happen for the front of your eyes properly. Well, you had to go and say that. Now you have bewitched us.

Hyung truck exactly happens to stop at this intersection, where he is slowly stopped at a red light and, further on, a little boy who is limping with a crutch on the other roads. The cameraman shoots in the direction of the boy, if he slips and falls, but then they start sirens in the distance rumbles heard. Oh no.

What is it's terrible that everyone can see what is happening off by a mile, but there are so many things going on at once. The high-speed car chase comes closer and closer, as the drunk driver gets more daring attempt to escape the police. They begin towards the junction head to come, and Hyung looks at the little boy and all he can see is his little brother Ha-myung.

The boy tried to fall on the road, but trips in a hurry and, and the truck is street Barrels down and suddenly breaks out, it a upset sends his side. But it is at the top of a slope and the icy road sends the hill directly to the little boy slipping. Ohmygod.

The reporters are frozen in place and the little boy braces for impact ... when suddenly shoots out Hyung truck and careens into the oncoming truck to bring both to a standstill.

The cops drag the drunken driver and Hyung stumbles out of his truck. I do not even know how he was still walking, but he comes over to the little boy and asks if he is okay, called Ha-myung. He is relieved that the child is safe, and then collapsed on the boy's shoulder, was bleeding from the head.


wait Hyung can not die, he can? That would be too mean. Even if he killed these people and was dark, there has to be a chance for Dal-po, the relationship to win again, even if it takes a lifetime of visits to the prison. Right? Agh when Hyung dies before Dal-po to say anything, he does not get to say, I will never forgive youuuu! Frankly, I do not think Hyung can die because Dal-po still must provide to its greatest conflict with his increasingly strengthened suspicions to come forward that Hyung is a murderer, and what is this story to do as a reporter.

There is already such a crackling conflict when Hyung finds out what Dal-po does for a living, and spits out the same malicious words back to him, that he would say about the reporters. And because he lied Dal-po no defense and can not even the truth over because Hyung has already held, it is not trustworthy. I have no idea how Dal-po can save them, but I swear, if I do not get my sobs brotherly reunion, I take every beautiful thing I said about this show again. I will! I will do it!

One of the things I like about this drama have fun is the substance in the peripheral side characters from both stations in the two seconds it is having me on the screen, make them laugh, the rookie had partnerships that crazy but adorable parents and the everyday problems "around the clock live at the police station and washing the hair in the toilets. * shudder * Previously Beom-jo and his mom's personality, but Yoo-rae has in this episode, as well as Princess and MSC personnel become more interesting. of course, he has not hit yet not rough-on-the-outside, marshmallow-on-the-inside Gyo-dong. Come on, Dal-po, all want the man for Christmas a bro-hug is!

the title of the episode is a reference to a 1924 Korean short story about a poor man who never had a stroke of luck had his whole life. Despite his wife protests, he goes to work a fantastically lucky and has and makes a lot of money to find only return home that his wife has died. So I knew somehow go, that there is something like a happy day, and that every good fortune that befell our characters would not come back, expect tenfold in pitch ... but still I did not want this. I must've distracted by the kiss by half made me forget that I was waiting to drop the other shoe.

In all fairness, it was a very disturbing kiss. I like the simple chemistry between our leads, and the way that scene progresses with tiny appearance and changes in the expression. What in this relationship really works for me is that In-ha is so likable that at Dal-po she sees how he is over the moon, I get it. I was surprised that he could touch hardly she went with empty excuses to backhug suddenly cold, sudden kisses, and perhaps that parent progression feels a little like us a few steps to be skipped.

But I do not want to complain about the barrels together in a zippy pace than a romance, and it is made possible by the fact that In-ha can not hide their feelings in any way. Perhaps Dal-po pretends not handle the fact that he does not confessions did not hear her hiccups. It is also a kind of refreshing that the obvious fear (their complicated family dynamic) not enough to stop them to express their feelings, although I get the feeling that Dal-po just now buries in the sand with his head. It is bound to come when Papa and Grandpa find, but keep after today, I'm with him on this one-time as long as possible it secret.

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