Recap And Reviews Kdrama Pinocchio: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Pinocchio: Episode 10 -

It is our heroine to follow shining and noble the task occurs as a girlfriend, a daughter and a reporter without-an ounce lose themselves and their integrity in the process. Sometimes I wonder how this show manages to make an episode where all the shit hits all fans as comfortable in a great emotional tornado, and I think the answer is: Choi In-ha. Because she is fearless about being in the eye of Shitstorm, for the person who loves them.


Park Shin-hye - "사랑 은 눈 처럼 "(Love Like Snow) for the Pinocchio OST [ Download ]

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Episode 10: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

After finding Dal-po real name, and what their mother in-ha bursts into tears to his family, as they confirmed that he Ki ha-myung it over and over again crying. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ....".

Dal-po crouches and holds her hand and says gently, that it's okay, he says that she cried for over an hour so, and they were just the exact same words to repeat each other :. "I'm sorry, "and" it's okay. "

after a long while, he wipes away the tears, and she gets up with determination. they grabbed his story asks and promises to hear everything. Dal- po said that he told her his whole life story, and she heard, at times, cheered with tears in other moments with anger.

It is night when he finished her is to say about his past, and she sniffs a few tears when she thought that he hated much all must've in tears. He says blatant pragmatism that he did, and she starts seriously to cry when she thought that he did not even want to look at it more, and it will only go ahead and disappear.

He rolls his eyes and sighs practically as being a melodramatic teenagers who may be the best response to noble idiocy ever. He tells her to stop crying, because it is ugliest when she cries and complains that it is for hours already bawling and he will freeze to death trying to comfort her, pfft.

He says to stop bubbling, so they go inside already, and says finally, when he was Ki ha-myung, he did hate In-ha and her mother. He always wanted to leave to become even better than Grandpa, but that is no longer the case. ". I am Choi Dal-po now, and I have no intention of this name to throw away", she reassured, and her tears finally stop

they starts on one last question in, but stops, although the hiccups give away only when they tried to deny that it is about something curious. She asks why he keep his identity a secret from Hyung, and Dal-po asks if she can keep a secret. She does not immediately then to tell her, because she can not keep secrets and he knows it. It's charming, she sad that he can not share with her the burden.

you go back down, and In-ha begins to leave the station, that of knowing whether they are home, how to do that, Dad and Grandpa only they Grill with questions, and it is up to spill everything to finish on them and Mama and Dal-po in the past. But Dal-po insists they have dinner at home, and says he'll do it, so they ask her anything.

So In-ha comes later within five minutes and is followed by the family at the table. And as Dal-po promised Dad says to eat, brusque and says he does not ask her a single thing. Grandpa showing off his brand new HD TV, and Dal-po wonders where he got the money, realizing halfway through the sentence that he got there, where he is-Dal-po always gets the pig , He runs to his room in panic and everything we have heard his screams from the next room.

asks on the way back from the station, In-ha, what Dal-po said Papa and Grandpa to keep her to ask anything, and he says, that there is no big deal, he would simply told them she was on her period and Super irritable, and bite off their heads when they asked her things. HA. Okay, I see now why Dating your not-a-uncle's a bad idea.

It is sour, but he points out that they got to eat in peace, and she agrees begrudgingly, that it was a good tactic. I love that their sound is still argumentative as his hand sticks out for them as they keep walking away.

But uh-oh, Dad comes out just behind them take out the trash, and sees them holding hands walking away holding and blue-eyed, smiling at each other. And then he will also work when he sees Dal-po sneak her hands in his jacket pocket. Above all, he seems annoyed at the behavior, not shocked at the show of emotions.

The minute Dal-po in YGN Hiking, Gyo-dong stops and asks for the tie clip recorder. Dal-po says a little too much, that he would return it himself, even Gyo-dong blocked hand as he reached it unclip. That only makes Gyo-dong more determined, and he pulls the tie pin made. Mist.

About the MSC, In-ha can not hide their disappointment and refuses to get with mum in an elevator. And in the background, Hyung is back, still stalking her every move.

Mom turns to her cameraman to wonder what he said to her earlier in the day, and he spilled to tell the bean, In-ha, what happened thirteen years ago, in an effort to her how dangerous Ki Jae-Myung's warning to her mother. But Mama is angry that he told her everything, and refuses to listen to his fears about Jae-Myung.

Gyo-dong listens to the tie clip recording and says that it is not proof that Hyung killed the plant manager, but it is subject and enough to get the police to initiate an investigation. Dal-po panics and locks the door and Gyo-dong notes that he seems to have made its choice.

Dal-po asks why they can not-the buried world thinks Hyung is a hero, so why can not they just leave that alone? Gyo-dong surprised him about the tie clip through the discharge, but says that it is because Dal-po is not right. It is some time to find out that the truth in any form always comes out ". And to observe with our eyes open, whether beautiful or ugly, a job is a reporter" He's a good boss

At , at home, Dad is lost in thought, as he recalls, small Dal-po vehemently to look for his parents to refuse. And this week he had asked with Dal-po about his feelings for In-ha, Dad again about his past, and said that he is not nervous about Dal-po for his lack of money or education, but because he doesn 't know about the family he came from. But again Dal-po had refused to talk about it.

He sighs now wondering what to do. He asks Grandpa what should be done if a family member holds secrets and do not talk, and suddenly assumes Opa a 50,000-won bill from his pocket and fesses up to take it. HA. At this point, it is really to leave all blame others for their money so tempting are for Sticky Fingers Gramps.

Morning Dal-po Yoo-rae finds with her stethoscope onto Chan-soo, the door, and they listen as Chan-soo, his case presented to his boss. He says he connected the dots between Hyung, the missing owner and fireman dad, and suggests that Hyung could have hijacked the manager, or worse.

makes the Dal-po train, but for now, Chan -Soo boss says it's a flimsy reason to start a dangerous investigation into a hero of the people. This could end in nothing more than an embarrassment to their district, so Chan-soo is warned to leave it alone until it is slightly more definitive got.

Yoo-rae asks Dal-po why Cap gave him Ki Jae-Myung phone the other day, and Dal-po it glosses over, say, there is nothing , She chooses hilarious them with their feminine wiles to pry out of him, and gives him to eat a meal, when he speaks, and he her, she. Upgrades to a selca He turns back and they mocked and thought he tried to play hot and cold.

Dal-po takes a moment alone, as Chan-soo suspect Yoo-rae questions and Cap warnings swirling in his head.

In-ha and Beom-jo spend the day mans the tip line at the station, and after it take a million prank calls, explains Beom-jo that the dirty zone is better than this. If mom comes through, Beom-jo reported that they have to ask nothing more than a bunch of pranksters and caller for excuses, and In-ha says she ignored prior to the requests for an apology 13 years old.

Mom recalls that she apologized and repeated the line she said in her mission by Hyung was a hero. In bitter-ha asks how a person with so little sincerity could apologize, and says that Ki Jae-Myung anger is understandable.

Mom grinds his teeth and asks defensively, "What did I do that was so wrong" Hm, this question sounds familiar. She asks if she reported the story with some kind of personal vendetta, and shouting: "I did not ask, because I was curious, the whole nation was curious, so I asked in their place Why must I apologize!?" Wow , it is actually more afraid that she thinks that she was not wrong.

mother and daughter role after their confrontation and curious, Mom has a whole stack of black flip phones on their desk. That can not be coincidence she was looking for her old phone all the time?

Downstairs, Beom-jo mama comes from him a few more handsets at hand and asks why he worked so hard to smooth In-ha relationship with their mother. He says he has the lyrics stolen for 13 years, and wonders if perhaps things might be different between them when her mother had received these texts. He feels like in-ha owes a debt, and that's why he wanted in the first place.

Mama says that is a relief, because they might ask if he had feelings for In-ha. She knows that In-ha like someone else, and do not want Beom-jo hurt. But Beom-jo asks what if he he was hurt-first just curious about In-ha and it has not anginge him if they liked another man, but now it's starting to hurt.

This brings Mama to tears when she asks what on earth Dal-po has on her perfect Beom-jo, but he says that Dal-po makes the person laugh In-ha and cry. It's funny that he seems more mature than this as a mom who like sulking, it is unacceptable.

So the next thing we know, Mama marched about Dad at his real estate office to see, and it serves them nervous a cup of tea and asked why they come d to see him. It cuts to the chase and says Beom-jo like In-ha, and when Dad says he does not know her tone shifted suddenly, and dramatic music cues the internal makjang chaebol mother-in-law to come.

she throws her tea face in Papas and asks how he sit looking through his humble daughter on her perfect son and leave, and in his face raises money to take care of.

Dad flashes in terror ... just to Mama repeating their first question. Ha, he imagined it all. Papas fantasies are the best. To his utter shock when he assures her that he will speak in hectares and keep it away from Beom-jo, crying Mama, that he can not do that-they came here to ask for his help to get them together.

He goes home with this goofy smile on his face plastered, wondered if he the president of a shopping center to be in-laws go. Suddenly the vision of In-ha and Dal-po walk hand-in-hand brings his dream to a halt, and he decides In-ha they call to ask directly.

I love how blunt is this family. He simply calls and asks if she likes Dal-po, and she sees Dal-po about sitting next to her, and answers only to the phone: "Yes, I do." Dad clarifies that he meant, as a man and In-ha says very clearly: ". I like Dal-po as a man." Omo.

Dad just hangs, and texts immediately Dal-po to be him tomorrow. In-ha wonders how Dad found out and says that they will instead meet Dad and explain everything himself. But Dal-po only draws her chair near (rawr) and says he will meet Dad and do all the explaining, so that they need not worry.

The next day, Dad shoveling preventive shaved ice in your mouth on a cold day, because his insides boil. He asks again about Dal-po birth family, reiterated that the only reason why he is against Dal-po, because he will not talk about it. Dad says that when he tells him that he will think him about giving and In-ha his blessing: "! This is not permission I said I would think"

So Dal-po finally told him that his father was a civil servant and his mother was a housewife, but then he is that he is the only son. He says that his parents died in an accident and other relatives did not want to take him in, and that's the reason why he did not want to find his family. I feel like it's a bad idea to lie when Dad to be as open-minded, but okay.

Dad seems to have calmed down after that, and begins his speech about In-ha, but Dal-po interrupts him to say that he knows-In-ha is his precious only daughter, and he wants them protected and to be happy. Dal-po has this speech stored forward and backward, and Dad nods that it's okay, as long as he knows that. Aw, he gives his consent?

Dad can not help but regret the other option, and whines, the Dal-po should know what a tremendous thing (chaebol in-laws) giving up just now, heh. He is not to say loud and only swallows down more shaved ice and Dal-po grateful smile just makes him angry. He quickly adds that he did not enter upon them official permission, he does not think. I luff Dad.

Dal-po said that the cost of staying silent about Hyung was sweet ... at first. Hyung remained a hero of the people, and Dal-po got with In-ha, to be happy. We watch as she nestles in the halls of the district as adorable little lovebirds sneak. "But fortune slowly disappeared ..." We cut Hyung on the flyer he stared lecture for the special broadcast messages took the mother in the MSC are.

The YGN news team leads for a business dinner, and they happen to sit next to the MSC team in the same restaurant. MSC toasts noisy impotent to their success as the rating guide and the YGN Team stews.

all their attempts are reversed shutdown by Director Lee, but he cheerfully when Gyo-dong declared loudly that he will not attend the special presentation of Song Cha-ok (director Lee wasn 't asked this year to do), because he does not need to learn how to make news from scandal. do The YGN Team toast to messages to their way and order the cheap bitter samgyupsal as MSC orders more prime beef.

In-ha asks if Dal-po Mom lecture comes today, and he says that all rookies have been ordered to attend. As she walks the hair look presentable be fixed, she says to tell him what he wants to Mama, and he says he already said it all during her interview YGN debate. She remembers wince with and wonders if he has remembered from her mother, as he sees it, but he only pinches her cheeks and says her face makes him laugh.

Hyung takes his employees his dog and asks the ajusshi to take him, because he moved far away. Uh-oh, you're planning something really stupid, is not it?

When MSC, the cameraman who is concerned for Mamas safety recalls to see Beom-jo Wrist grab Mom out of the elevator the other day and errors. For a scrum He sees Beom-jo up and down and his biceps feels, to decide that an infatuated bodyguards could do some good.

So he tells Beom-jo, the Hyung could come today's talk and a bit dangerous to do Mom, and asks for his help. He plans to tail Hyung today just in case, but can not drive. Beom-jo reblogged this rain, and takes it with cars filled his garage all for his personal use.

wait outside Hyung apartment and watch as he is greeted by fans and Beom-jo wonders why a hero would do something dangerous. But the cameraman says that it is dangerous to judge a person, only the ten minutes that they have seen, and orders him to follow. It does not take long to notice for Hyung, is that he had a tail, and he calls his friend ajusshi another favor.

Dal-po at MSC arrives for the lecture and comes face to face with Mama. She remembers him and admits that she did not expect a taxi driver to be a reporter, and tells him to bark all he wants, when he said he wolf, he would.

He tenses and balls his fists, fire in his eyes ... but then discovered he-ha that behind her back and just keeps. He says he now to learn here, not bark and even bows.

Yoo-rae comes to the auditorium Mama proudly wear their YGN jacket featuring prepared for the right size to be cut because they such as the lack of MSC Interview is still bitter. It provides in-ha in front of her and apologizes, but In-ha tells her to do their best.

Hyung during his water supply route sticks to his team of staff, and in the car, Beom-jo hear the rest of the background by the cameraman. He is much more worried when he realizes that Hyung a threat to In-ha could.

Shortly before the lecture begins, the higher-ups start at YGN sneak with wheelchairs to dragged her eyes upward, and discover their colleagues all sitting near to do exactly the same thing. Gyo-dong: "I was passing by only!" Uh, you work in a building ten meters

Mom her lecture about facts and effects begins. and gives examples, like most other stations as YGN report the straight facts in the most boring way possible, while their strategy at MSC is to keep the facts, but change the way in which the heading for the most impact crafted, they. wort adding calls

Meanwhile Beom-jo stays on Hyung tail, even if it is on the highway to keep safe to Busan way down, determined in-ha. But as suspected, it is Hyung employee behind the wheel of his truck, and when we return to the lecture hall, Hyung is already sitting in the audience.

Mom on the ground arises for questions, and each nudges Yoo- rae to the peanut gallery with a direct question to go down before and cut her derogatory comments only cough instead. She stands up and proudly to. As YGN reporter, and then asks if Mom Botox scored Wah WAAAAAH. The YGN execs shrink in their seats, to the question, humiliated, and thanks her mom for a good example of evidence less and less impact messages.

She looks directly at Dal-po, as she says, that it might be one thing if she did not know a reporter what, but now that they do, it is hard, without any basis to bark only. His lips curl up in anger, and he looks like he is blowing. Do it! Stand up!

In-ha to look at him turns around and sees how much he holds back and raises her hand for a question. Omo, they will challenge place her mother in Dal-po? She takes the microphone and asks if Mom has ever actually ignored in favor of the effects. Oooo, them fightin words.

Mom is the teeth that they have never done, and In-ha just sits down again. But then they start hiccup, and she says pointedly, they can not seem to understand her answer when she knows that thirteen years ago, Mom ignores the opportunities to break Firefighter Dad in the line of duty died the news in favor that he live on.

it goes on to say that Mama chose interviews with the family members ruled to edit fact and to change history, to make them outcasts and performs a mother carrying her up the end and her son's life. She calls it a perfect example of how dangerous it is to report news with impact without fact. Hyung eyes fill with tears when he hears In-ha words.

Mom is crimped, but she says that she did nothing wrong, there was everything she did believe the Pinocchio witness. In-ha is recalled that the same excuse to give in the debate, and had said anything for Dal-po to her in response. She says Dal-po words now to her mother:

In-ha: Someone once said that people believe that Pinocchio always tell the truth. And people believe that reporters only to tell the truth, just like Pinocchio. Pinocchio and reporters alike should have known that, and should know that their words are more frightening than someone else. That's what have you-your wrong negligence destroyed a family. Therefore, you share the responsibility in this tragedy. You know, but that thirteen years ago are still promoting impact I see that you are the same garbage Reporter * They were then.

slow clap. I know they were words of Dal-po, but wow do they feel different come from In-ha. [*The “trash reporter” is a bit of jargon they learned at the precinct that mashes “reporter” and “trash.” The word is less harsh in Korean, but the way In-ha means it now is as scathing as it sounds.] Mom is stunned and has absolutely nothing to say in defense.

Dal-po huddles with In-ha in the hallway afterward, and she wonders if she will be fired before an official reporter is always. She asks if YGN could take them instead, and he emptied it is not a. He asks why she did it, when he also restrain to do a good job, and she says it is because he held back that could see them, and she knew that she would hiccup, if she did not say anything.

he asks if she's okay, and when they tried to prevent the issue of the flight, he catches them with his arms as before. She admits that she really wants to say, but you can not, because that is her mother, no matter how heinous. But she hates more even that to say that only make about their Dal-po worry. She asks him only to say what is to her mother on his head, if he wants, instead of keeping it He was wearing is a little nod..

Mom tries on the surface Placid to stay, but she breaks out and throws them handouts to the ground, finally showing some signs of human emotions.

of YGN four goes to her station on the road back, and director Lee wonders why domestic ha words sounded so familiar. Gyo-dong says it is what Dal-po she cried during their debate, and that it seems that the words to their intended target have finally been delivered. The rest of them ask what he speaks.

It is only when they stop arriving in a rest that Beom-jo truck ajusshi come from Hyung sees, and he called Dal-po to ask in panic, where in-ha and her mother are , and warns him about Hyung. Dal-po runs within MSC ... just in time back Hyung take the elevator up to see only a few seconds behind In-ha, staring all the time with her. Ack, ruuuuun!

In-ha the elevator gets out and takes a call from Dal-po, but Hyung grabs her and pulls her into a storage room, before they can say anything. He strikes the wall and asks how they knew about these things that she said in the lecture, the designation of the details they added such promises his father to see fireworks and his mother to be marginalized in the market.

He says that no one except his family knew these things, and demands an answer. In-ha is shocked, but says she can not tell him how she knows. He yells at her to tell him how Dal-po runs and Slams in Hyung.

Dal-po gets up to check in-ha (Can we not run first, please try later!) And Hyung him against the other wall pops up. Dal-po asks, "Hyung, please." Hyung growls at him, not to call him, but Dal-po finally says. "It's me, Hyung ... there is Ha-myung"

A tear falls as he says his own name, and Hyung just stares back, numb with shock. He says it again: "I am your brother, Ki Ha-myung."


He said it! AaaaaAAAaaah! I can not figure out, wait Hyung answer. Is this the tearful brothers reunion I've been waiting? It would be better. I would like to believe that In-ha incisive questions of the matter were to prevent Hyung, do what awful thing he attended the lecture to do. Since he had the same sense of justified anger and satisfaction felt Mom squirm on stage to see that I felt. And it was not just in the words repeated in-ha, but in her confinement burning of the anger on them for the injustice done feels Dal-po, as if they had been done to her. Because it is their personal, ring the words with the same urgency as time Dal-po she said during the debate, and in this case it is a third party to hear from In-ha, a person come to an additional jab, possibly to get under her skin. In the production of In-ha, the mouthpiece Mom was listening forced what was said. So while doing Dal-po cry wolf he failed to show how the wolf, that he promised he would be-his bark In-ha come out much more bite had.

My favorite thing about In-ha, that it takes clearly Dal-po of the page as soon as she learns the truth, without a moment's hesitation. It runs on this roof to say that they are sad and can not be a single time him believe that she would choose someone page, but be as if that's a given. So instead of two people shouldering a burden each for two people on their own and spend more episodes be noble and alone, they simply hold hands and share their burdens and become all the support of the other. And in the end, In-ha shows us that when Dal-po problems are their problems, they can be up and his white knight step up. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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