Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 18

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 18 -

Sales Team 3 throws her heart and soul in the Executive Director China project, but when it starts to feel like something is not quite right about the deal, they ask if they should be continued. Failure could mean the end of the Sales Team 3, and the end of Geu-rae career at One International, and chief Oh has to decide whether he would meekly follow orders from higher-ups or find a way to keep his integrity intact ,


How he stands in his bedroom Monday morning, boss Oh remembers his wife encouragement to do what he feels is right. He is dressed in his best business suit and with blessing of his wife, the meeting leader at the office with the executive director to inform him when he is taken on the project.

The manager would be and immediately begin the discussion Deal. But boss Oh has an important question: "Why Why Sales Team 3?" The manager just chuckles and says, unless he's Oh Sang-Shik - why should he for any other reason need

boss Oh informed its employees that they are going to work on? Managing projects. You are surprised, but immediately begin to discuss strategy. Dong-Shik is still concerned that Poshin, the company that they are dependent, will not win the solar energy supply. Although boss Oh, it is still not guaranteed are, they can help Poshin win the bid by more solar panels sourcing.

He sets tasks for Chief Chun and Dong -shik and orders Geu-rae do what they ask of him, and added that this is not the turn right time for him in "team Leader Jang" to and start philosophizing or come up with crazy schemes.

Geu-rae is still confused by what Chef Oh means when he says that they will use their "connections" set up by the Executive Director, and Dong-Shik and Chief Chun explain the concept of guanxi or the use of compounds and mutual favors that is incredibly important when they make business with China. Although it is not boss Oh style, he is there to "get away from the stench of the toilet." (Would say as Chief Chun)

Young accepted yi discovers that her old project (forced the Manager Ma to abandon it) again from the central unit was acquired, and Chief Jung would be to tell her that she will return to work on them. The assistant manager are still a little worried about how they will be dealt with by manager Ma (in expectation also that it will be to move those in Sales Team 3 is bad from the toilets are cabins, ha!), But Young yi pleased and offers each a cup of coffee as a way to say, to make "thank you."

It runs in Baek-ki on their way to the break room, and points out that he wears the shirt that she bought him. Seok-yul joins them, and when he make his coffee, he realizes the water jug ​​is empty. He says authoritatively Young-yi, to replace them, but when she gives him the evil eye he just laughs and tells her he only reminds you of what it was when they first work with assistant manager Ha.

Seok-yul struggling to carry the water jug, and Baek-ki takes over at last, smoothly to lift it in place. As Seok-yul patting his back in gratitude, in his encyclopedic knowledge of all things textile kicks and he points out that Baek-ki wearing a T-shirt of some quality - and thus also super expensive -. Fabric


Baek-ki deflect attempts to ask why Seok-yul is always in their break room when his office on another floor, but Seok-yul says cheerfully it is because its soil is not the fancy coffee machine or has Baek-ki and Young-yi. Haha! Young-yi reassured the worried Baek-ki, that they did not pay as much for the shirt, but her conversation is saved by the number as "..." Call to Young-yi of the phone.

Back to his interrupted desk, Seok-yul sees that they are still working with the company, which is routinely late deliveries, and asks anxiously Chef moon above. But Assistant Manger Sung cockily tells him that they have already taken the matter passed through a clause in the contract, which states that the late delivery fee will be charged.

in the stairwell, Seok-yul asks privately Assistant Manager Sung, why he did not tell him about the change before the contract. Assistant Manager Sung mocked him, to remind him that he has more experience than Seok-yul and there is nothing Seok-yul can do to beat him.

have The manager, sales department manager, and chief Oh a lunch meeting and it looks like Chief Oh is the only one who does not want to be there. He initially declined the offer of a drink, to the Managing Director emphasized for him a cup pouring. The manager fills him in on the connections he has made in China, calm boss Oh, that they would support him.

He adds that it is important for Chief Oh lifelong friendships to make, and not just throw a contact once their viability has been used up. He also indicates that he has to Chief Oh on speed dial, to tell him she was talking on the phone earlier.

The remainder of Sales Team 3 busy working on the China project, but if Dong-Shik notices Geu-rae received a text message from the nursery school teacher, he told him to answer back immediately, because it she likes Geu-rae is obvious. He sighs that it too hard, and tells what happened after they met with Dong-Shik after his Blind Date thrown him. She had followed him home happy, even though he annoyed reaction, and when he told her to stop senseless things texting him, she told him it is just text him useful messages from now happily.

Dong-Shik laughs Geu-rae woeful expression and tells him to be nice to her, because it is difficult for a woman who so forward to be. But Geu-rae looking over his "contract employees" lettering and wonders if it is really the right time to pursue a relationship. Dong-Shik tells him it is natural, because if he waits any longer, he'll turn into a useless old bachelor as Dong-Shik.

boss Oh come and Dong-Shik tells him that they have discovered that Poshin have no middle managers; the number that she goes to file directly to the CEO. This concerns boss Oh, and he reported to the head of department, it is actually an advantage seems to think that because it means that they have direct contact with the owner. In addition, the project is practically taken care of -. All they are waiting for the official papers is to be signed and approved

But boss Oh still like is from something feels, and if it runs in Geu-rae line out to get sandwiches for the rest of the team, says he gently working on this project. With the obvious product placement sandwich shop, Geu-rae running in Baek-ki who wishes wryly for the day when. No longer the newcomers and sent on such errands

When they go back to the office, Geu-rae fills it on the China project in and Baek-ki surprised boss Oh she took willingly, knowing how Chef Oh, and do not get the manager to hear together. He suspects that Chief Oh is not only to think of himself, but he does it for Dong-Shik and Chief Chun and -. Baek-ki adheres before mentioned Geu-rae, but he suddenly begins to see something

Back in the office, he asks Assistant Manager Kang, what happens when a team gets larger or changes its position , Assistant Manager Kang says that when the team needs more staff, the department head will be able to assign more people. Including the transfer of temporary workers to full-time status.

It looks like Baek-ki out one of the main motivations Chief Oh, and he watches carefully Geu-rae work diligently alongside the rest of his team. If Baek-ki leaves for the evening, it happened at the same time as Chief Oh heading out be. Cautiously, the new project of education, he offers his support should Chef Oh need it. Aw.

When Geu-rae working late on the China project, he always tried to figure out exactly what bothers him about it. He finds it odd that boss Oh, not just on a project not took his style is, it will be ignored the fact that Poshin had no middle managers, and focused on instead for them to obtain solar cells. All that's left is the final approval.

As head Oh receiving the commission agreement, then he is surprised that the request for a higher than usual rate of commission to see, and the requirement that the project be assigned to a specific agent within Poshin. It was not in the written contract, which she had originally sent, but the Poshin CEO said that there had been a verbal agreement with the Executive Director -., The boss Oh makes clear that this must be why this project to his team was added

, as Sales team 3 as much commission for a company to find out trying to lose logistics, should be grateful for all they have in support to do, Geu-rae can feel that something not shake doesn 't feel. Chef Oh, explained his concerns to the department manager, who tells him the order only approve and let it go, because the company is still enough to cover profit, any loss in the Commission.

Nevertheless Chief Oh is not feel good about the whole situation, especially if something goes wrong, it's the end of the sales team 3. He told his staff keep on the China project off for now. In the meantime, they should record all calls and in contact with one of its representatives in China to obtain more Poshin.

Seok-yul discovered that the company with which they were sued for delays with previously been problems, and asks why still boss moon so uses an unreliable company. But Chef Moon in Assistant Manager Sung Insurance is confident that this company is trustworthy, and also they can very well the company for delivery expenses per the revised Treaty.

Aw, Baek-ki purchased Young-yi, a new pair of high heels, and he tries clumsily to find a way to deliver them in the office to her, before having recourse to a text message to tell her to meet him outside. He tried to hide his nervousness as he explained about the shoes and hands it "redemption" for the shirt. Seok-yul the moment killer comes just as she tries to, and he tells her unabashedly that he wanted her to buy shoes, too, because he had noticed wobbly heel, so he's glad Baek-ki has it for you.

But he is actually there for a purpose, which is to get their opinion about the situation with the unreliable company, and Assistant Manager Sung. They give it looks empty, as the problems have rattles of it, but it does not matter that they do not really know what he is talking about because he has come his own conclusion: Assistant Manager Sung must get a check - it is the only explanation why he is so determined as to maintain an unreliable business use.

boss Oh the One international representative in China calls and finds out that Poshin never assigned a special commission for a project such a high commission or had before. Because it is a small business is so, they should be happy with a lower profit margin because working with One International would mean a reliable contractor.

When he informed Dong Shik and Chief Chun about this situation during a private rooftop meeting, asks Chef Chun if this means that the manager of kickback obtained. Dong-Shik thinks they should drop the project because it does not pay, about to lose their jobs, and does not understand why Chef Oh hesitatant. Is there anything about this project, which makes him willing to risk everything? Chef Oh admits quietly that Geu-rae future is at stake.

Geu-rae is at his desk, deep in thought, as Baek-ki hikes. He asks what Geu-rae so concerned about, but Geu-rae says it's nothing. Baek-ki tells him that he does not know exactly what's going on, but he promotes Geu-rae to keep hard at work on this project and trust boss Oh. calls When he goes away, Geu-rae out to him, to ask him, why should he.

Baek-ki reminds him that he this project, said Chief would mean Oh could promote and build the team. Hesitantly, he adds that if boss Oh, the department head is, he could make Geu-rae in a full-time employee.

Geu-rae is stunned by this realization, as Dong-Shik is up to the rooftop, where he just found exactly the same thing. If boss Oh stay with the project, decides, it could mean trouble for the team - but if he give it, decides it's like to lose Geu-rae. Chef Chun indicates that they certainly do not know whether the manager receives a setback, and Dong-Shik is also true that they should be continued for the sake Geu-rae.

Determined to get the truth about him from the thing takes Geu-rae Oh boss on the roof, and he immediately asks if Chef Oh do all this. If so, it requests that boss Oh stop. Chef Oh mocks Geu-rae arrogance to tell him to knock it off and back to work. But Geu-rae figured out what to him the project was defective and why Chef Oh was acting out of character: "Please stop trying to save me"

He does not want that the team could put in danger just so boss Oh have a chance to make it a full-time staff. But boss Oh, yells at him to tell him that he is able to do his personal opinion of the manager to put aside his work. Does he think the manager is less invested in the success of One International as Geu-rae, who has only been here for such a short time?

boss Oh tells him that he will be to find a way to make this project successful, so that no one will be bothered. And if that means a chance Geu-rae save, he will do so because he does not know whether he'll get another opportunity - or if he will determine who so hard to try when this chance comes in turn.

Baek-ki pleased Young-yi admire to see her new shoes, and as they go along out of the office, Young-yi suddenly stops short at the sight of an unknown man. It is her father, and Baek-ki politely apologizes to Young-yi father asks her to get something to eat with him.

Young-yi sitting stiffly on the table as he slurps down his dinner, she returned to the living fishing home. She is irritated that he found out where she works, and will be angry if it turns out he was director Shin to speak to the team. He tells her that he went to pay his relationship with someone who leaned him so much money had. She is not surprised to learn that her father pursued only down for more money to ask. She asks quietly him what they can get away from him to do, and he just says to wire her the money. Ooof.

Baek-ki goes behind the restaurant and watched leave while Young-yi puts her head on the table her father. He offers to buy her a drink, and sit outside in silence until she shows him that the mysterious caller is her father. She explains that her father had been disappointed that they were not a son, and nothing they had done could it ever fallen. But when she got the job at Samjung, her father had the opportunity, jumped his constant financial insecurity to help by requiring them to take out loans.

that was not enough, and without her knowledge, her father went Leader Shin-team for more money to ask. When she found out it was her staggering, especially since they respected team leader Shin for teaching her that being a woman, was not something to be ashamed, and it has paid off -. Both as a person and employee

After they finish their work, they stayed at home, fully squeezed until she saw a documentary on office workers and realized that they return to this world wanted to be - to live their lives. After she finished her story, Baek-ki feel the awkwardness behind her moment of vulnerability, and tried to lighten the mood by seeing a horror movie with her to tell her that he always better to treat it. Awww.

Geu-rae stays late at the office, think about everything Chef Oh had told him on the roof. Chef Oh sitting at his table dining, drinking beer in the dark, and thinking about what he said Geu-rae.

Seok-yul still convinced that Assistant Manager Sung is bribed, and if it passes down to talk it over with Geu-rae, he looks serious and deep looking Geu-rae in thought. The decision, it would be better to leave him, he heads to the break room to make a cup of coffee, and when Young-yi and Baek-ki enter, he did not she roars for the care "our Geu-rae". Young-yi has no idea what is going on with Geu-rae right and Baek-ki is that he did not, either does not know.

boss Oh snaps out of his reverie Geu -rae to inquire of him what he thinks about, and then reminds him that their conversation last night over is, he should just concentrate on his work. But Geu-rae has more to say, and he says boss Oh, if he or the team, because this project at risk at the end, then it is useless. His voice breaks when he says boss Oh, that just the thought of trying to save boss Oh, that it is enough for him.

He tried to compose outside, and his mother called him to ask what he left cleaning of ties. Before hanging up, he wonders if her that she regrets never been able to attend the Civil Service job they would have received if he had not passed his practical test. Mama is so dull as ever when she tells him that she does naturally.

If Geu-rae again back to the office, boss Oh is gone. His phone rings, and Geu-rae hesitates for a moment before the Chief Oh desk goes about answering. It is the One International representatives in China, and Geu-rae stated that Chief Oh is gone, but because they are the calls of the recording, he can give him the recording as a message.

The representative explained how strange it is for Poshin to have these conditions in their contract, as especially international one is the reason that Poshin likely to gain the solar energy bid in the first place. Geu-rae asks him if it seems like they should be there instead of giving the respect it gets to the other company as the CEO has currently set up their "guanxi" relationship.

But before he can further, boss Oh yields and roars Geu-rae name when he him to reach his cell phone.


Ahhh! Geu-rae's gone rogue! I have the feeling that he has to do this boss Oh to force hand because it seems like it's almost a suicidal mission must be ensured that 3 Sales Team proves there is something shady going on, even though he knows that it means that he will not be able to remain as full-time employees.

Or as faithful puppy Chief Oh. My heart broke down completely in this scene on the roof. I know boss Oh trying to knock sense into Geu-rae, to show that it is here that do not know anything about him (although it totally, right? Right?!?). But it hurt even a break-up of to see what was the most important relationship of this show. Even if all of the characters have gotten me in some way or another over the heart of the show has always been the bond between boss Oh and Geu-rae

So broken that heart to see -. Although for a just cause - totally killing me, and I'm probably not going to bring on them in the foreseeable future in motion. True, it is important to see that Geu-rae grows up and take action, after doing so in the footsteps of Chief Oh, what he believes is right, even if not everyone agrees with him. Maybe that's why Chef Oh, was with him so angry. After all, Chief Oh not exactly the poster child for the success, and I am sure that he wants better for Geu-rae to be trapped as in the vicious tyranny of office politics, office stuck next to the bathroom, just because he is not the game play by an Executive rules.

It's like in their relationship, the teenage stage reached Geu-rae, where he rebel to prove that he is to make be able own decisions, and that boss Oh not the boss of him is (he, well, except for the fact that it completely, but you get the idea). And it is another rebellion of his "Team Leader Jang" stubbornness of the time. He was still looking consent Chief Oh. Now, he has determined that boss Oh do not his own life to save ruin while trying Geu-rae.

ruining Apropos life, I am glad that we finally learned Young-yi history. It was easy to assume that it, it was hard to recognize not a good relationship with her father, but Ooof , that he could hardly stand on her to look had (literally!), The treatment of their to pay only as a means for all of its financial failures - even if it meant her own life to destroy. Knowing how much hated her father a daughter, and wished he had had a son instead, also raises a much more painful shine on all misogynist horror she had to take over from Manager Ma and in their early days as part of the resource team , She's had to endure such treatment, since she was born, which might make it any easier to distract her, but I can only imagine the constant wound on her heart that to know long for her whole life, people have wished she was not a woman.

, which is why I am also happy to see her warming up to Baek-ki to trusting him to a point where they felt secure enough to tell him about her father and her past. Actually, I'm just happy to see Baek-ki, reaches a point at which it when it is no longer so complicated and far to interpersonal relationships. Not only with Young-yi, where he seems to find interesting to be a balance, but they respect silently communicated borders - but also with Geu-rae. I wanted to cheer when he offered his services to Chief Oh, because his style is Geu-rae help (without occur Geu-rae pride, or even Geu-rae know about it, but hey - it's totally evidence he is interested in! ).

But that is Geu-rae and Chief Oh just reminds me I'm sad, the biggest challenges of her life next week, and are now faced. Not only because of what it could mean for their relationship and career, but also because it means that the show is ending. * Pouts *

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang So-ra, Lee Sung-min, Misaeng

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