We dive a little more in the collective past of our star-crossed brothers as our hero turns kidnapping into an art form, big bro Dong-soo left the store, while the three baby looks at some large adoptive dad to do problems. Poor Young-dal stole more than just money, that is for sure, but it is much more than a couple of near-death experiences and a brush with the law to take, so he realized make it. For his sake, let us hope that sooner rather than later is
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Young-dal escapes casino robbery with Jung-hee, in the way to hit a few policemen. Once they are out of dodge and breathless, Jung-hee thanks to him.
Any further conversation is cut short when only one group of thugs Young-dal surrounded and comment after that tonight not his night, Young-dal it absorbs all alone. Jung-hee watches the fight in thud.
Meanwhile, Dong-soo continues his heartbreaking story to Shin-hye told. his eyes away grow as he remembers to be sent with his two younger brothers to the orphanage, and how he always protected by thugs and hunger.
he flashes back to the memories when he tells them, even though he describe it, as he would sneak into the night from the orphanage to steal scrap and sale of mines so that Dong-woo (Yang-ha) had baby food and Dong-chul (Young-dal) would he eats the bread like.
But as soon as he found out that the police on him, he left his two younger brothers with a tearful promise that he would return. As he did two weeks later, his two brothers-away the youngest was adopted, while average bro ran away.
And although he spent 14 years looking, he's never been able to find them. "To this day," Dong-soo said with a heavy sigh, "I have been tortured with the knowledge that I was not able to protect my little brothers."
The sitting was suspended when Dong-soo a call from Young-dal gets that. In a bad way He was stabbed dead and left, and can only eke out a desperate plea for Dong-soo help before he falls unconscious.
Dong-soo remains helpless "go to the other end of the line, Where are you? Where are you now? " But his questions on deaf ears. Eek. GPS tracking, now!
Yang-ha beverage casual as a lounge singer to know the text to the song "Broken Promises" he and his brothers all too well, buzzing. Have we returned to we Yang-ha at the beginning of Episode 1 saw?
He shares a drink with the lounge singer, even if the song stirred a strange feeling has déjà vu though it is certain that this was the first time that he has ever heard.
While Jung-hee concern grows when she wins Young-dal in his rented room, Young-dal slowly not find consciousness. Since his phone still dead and his side is bleeding heavily, he has no choice but to climb the endless stairs to his old HQ.
After a new flock of Gangster recruits inspection, sitting Chairman Go to talk down about the logistics of his plan to get a piece of this huge resort much on Yeonjongdo island. The only thing standing in his way, is Yang-ha father, Chairman Yoon.
Jung-hee asks Jang-soo, if he has seen lately Young-dal said that he never came home last night. Jang-soo is suspicious that Jung-hee concern means that she has feelings for Young-dal, but seems relieved when she flatly denies it. Aw, does anyone have an eye?
While Dong-soo his entire team looking for Young-dal in Sabuk, Jung-hee tells Jang-soo on the men who had the night before by Young-dal. As worried as he is, Jang-soo keeps them call the police ...
... What if their local detective sidekick finds. He was sent by Dong-soo, to find Young-dal and lands are reserved Jang-soo a detective task force to draw in order to speak to him.
Although Dong-soo tells him that Young -dal could be in big trouble if they did not find him, Jang-soo claimed yet he does not know where his friend. It is not false , but he could at least mention Start Young-dal usual meeting spots.
Chairman Go happens to drive by Dong-soo Assembly and stops to caress his rival. Dong-soo held by clocking him to be back, and Chairman Go finally leaves, but he is curious and nervous about Dong-soo presence in Sabuk.
The local detective recognizes Chairman go as mobster from the old days, one who was hired as scummy strikebreakers to deal with protesting miners.
That's when Dong-soo and the local detective learned that they have a common past: both their fathers were miners in the same city. Perhaps knew that they mutually.
After eating about what about Dong-soo snooping, Jang-soo finally remembers its HQ to do. He heads with his jailbreak Buddy Young-dal barely conscious and find covered in sweat, but he still refuses to name the hospital, because it is concerned that the men who have this to Young-dal, the same are, the Do Ki- killed chan-meaning they could come back to finish the job.
to go to get around in the hospital, advertises Jang-soo, the help of a former doctor who lost in his gambling, and one who is willing, the money Jang-soo has to take. (Is he the same beggar Madame Jang and her footman came about?)
Dong-soo his search for Young-dal, with the reason that it is essential to the solution of the Do Ki-chan murder case. That's when his boss calls with some new Intel. Do Ki-chan, a partner in crime had named Lee Jung-soo, who believe was behind the murder since Thu Ki-chan they kept the money illegally made
Speaking Yakuza connections we find Chairman proceed with a shady Japanese man named Watanabe of a "problem" conspired Watanabe not been able to take care of yet.
section: Young-dal waking up with fresh bandages covering his stab wound. Jang-soo and jailbreak tell him that policemen to have him everywhere, like it's a bad thing, just surprised when Young-dal admits that he called they . [1945009[
to the question why, Young-dal said, it is because the people who tried it the same, are to kill the Do Ki -chan and killed, he knows that if he in over his head.
the police to ask for help, does not mean that he has to tell them about the money but something that Young-dal has no plans to do: "There is now no turning back I will. losing money and my life if I did not stand up and fight. "
Yang-ha father shows his son the future location of the casino resort it while plans to build refuses Yang noted ha warning that it is a reckless luck ~~ POS = TRUNC if they are not even sure about their foreign investors.
But Chairman Yoon thinks differently, and compares with American casino magnate and billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who won by taking risks his extreme wealth. Chairman Yoon thinks he can do the same when he is ready to play.
"My assumption was a gamble for you?" Yang-ha asks his father to surprise. He could not care less about his father's business dealings when he was blaming him only one absent dad yang ha for his childhood, he could be cared for as his father's heir.
He adds that he not be like his father and fight when he knows winning can and that he does not resort to ruthless methods will attract an equally ruthless struggle , His father sighs shortly after Yang ha storms from "how to take my son to the boy was the biggest gamble of my life, but I do not know how the game will end.."
It's cute how grandma is so pro-young-dal, as she wonders where the handsome young man is during dinner. Jung-hee little brothers squeak on the fact that it hovers been door all day to Young-dal, so they rush away, than to let them accuse him.
But the truth is that Jung-hee is , was outnumbered concerned about Young-dal, since he, as she looked vastly in a fight for the last time him.
We have found a weakened Young-dal heading -knows-where in the city, when he is again arrested by a group of thugs. He is not to fight to be able to hit him from the living crap they take as a sign.
Jailbreak watched the Men Young-dal pull away and calls Jang-soo, the police station is running in for help.
Dong-soo and the local Detective Gook figure out that they went to the same elementary school that although Dong-soo Detective Gook makes sunbae in a higher job position.
The theme revolves go to the chairman and his former affiliation with the Chairman Yoon (Yang-ha father), who used own the coal mines in Sabuk. He's the one who beat then Gangster Chairman all protesting miners into submission to set. Dong-soo has to ask more about Chairman Go past but is interrupted when calls him his team Young-dal. (Was drawn official sponsor for all transition-related activities since 1576)
Young-dal of the yakuza thugs in an abandoned warehouse, where he is beaten some more.
Watanabe comes to ask him where the money is, but as Young-dal feigns ignorance, Watanabe rolled to obtain his sleeves to beatin. "Oh come on, you can not leave the godsend alone?
stored Luckily Young-dal by the arrival of the team Dong-soo (sans Dong -. soo), who observe the law when determining the with his fists, while Watanabe no time makes a passing waste space
And when Watanabe finally not come into the fray, then is it single-handedly take the whole team down. Dong-soo comes to see his team on the ground at the time, and not falter as the much larger Watanabe hurries him ...
... Because he the white-clad caveman with a Taser. Ha. Why did someone not trying furtively before? Watch this
Jang-soo and Jailbreak arrested downs like all gangsters, but particular care with Dong-soo all take Young-dal in the squad car carrying. Jang-soo: "We have to wait and see if Heo Young-dal will win the greatest gamble of his life."
Madame Jang goes on a warpath against the woman she ratted out, but she gets beaten just for them trouble-rival has a strong gangster man and way more gangster lackey than they.
It turns out that the Chairman Go gambling as bad as Young-dal, only that he not take any chances when he hears that the men, which he had in Watanabe squad, were arrested. He wants them placed permanently silenced.
Team Dong-soo has been with all the arrests all night, and as Dong-soo is too busy to go to the smarmy ajumma restaurant, he makes the smarmy ajumma to come deliver Station. Haha.
In the interrogation room with Young-dal, Dong-soo warns him to tell the truth, with the subtle threat that he would hurt him if he does it not. But his hard facade disappears for a moment when he asks Young-dal, like his stab wound of Faring. , D'aww
Then it's business time: It is certain that Young-dal know where Do Ki-chan's money, because there is no other reason would be for Lee Jung-soo Men him otherwise by to hunt down.
Dong-soo sees through lies Young-dal is about the money does not have, and shit is serious when Dong-soo pulls his gun Young-dal, to demand the truth.
A moment happens in the Young-dal weighs his options, but instead only fessing on, he calls Dong-soo on his bluff by claiming that if he really did have the money, he would not be the low-rate life he is now.
Young-dal is initially spared because Dong-soo Shin-hye admits that he doesn 't know if the little rascal is lying or not. Kang Jin sends looking a their way as Shin-hye agrees to take a stab in the survey.
She plays the good cop, as she asks Young-dal about his past, as the team Dong-soo has been unable to find any record of him. Young-dal writes the lack of official documents to the fact that he never went to school-truth that Shin-hye begins surprised.
To his credit, Young-dal his sad past with emotional distance, recalls how he describes how he grew up as a homeless beggar and how, when he grew too old to beg, he turned to pickpocketing. Because he would keep land in a prison for youth, he had never to go to school.
He takes on Shin-hye of unease at the fact that he grew up and adds without an education: "There are many more scoundrels and outside me there than meets the eye."
he does not remember his family, too, but when Shin-hye asks how he, his whole behavior changes in Sabuk, when he remembers the end of his first trip there for the Casino. His eyes light up when he talks about his love for playing, and how he preferred to drink it and even (gasp!) Women.
Shin-hye has only just bait to get him him willingly to her tell all about his dream, the world champion in hold 'em always, even when it's hard to say, to be whether it is accurate when they claimed that they have a friend who had played in the Vegas world Cup. Young-dal is killing me how excited he talks about the game. My heart breaks for him.
Shin-hye has then to break Dong-soo, that they do not, whether Young-dal can say is lying or not, because it is hard to get a read on him. But if they do nothing else (and she does not), it knows that Young-dal call Dong-soo, if his life is in danger, says about the way he was something to Dong-soo looks upwards.
Young-dal is released, and he grins as he says an excited Jang-soo that he fought the law and lost the law. You look forward to working with jailbreak. (Seriously, who is supposed to be this guy, and why is he here?)
Jung-hee gets her big break a dealer at a legitimate casino to be, and skips home Young-dal occupied his room to find again. She thanks him for them away from the raid to get the other night, and it rotates so embarrassed that it's a surprise that he can speak at all.
It's nice that she tells him about her new job, and that he congratulated her, even though it means that he is no longer her at Madame Jang Casino will see. He gets only now to see her at home every day, I can see so, where he totally destroyed on the ground.
Jung-hee wakes up late for work the next morning workout, and ending waking a later riser, Young-dal to ask whether he can ride on his motorcycle to work. He agrees overslept.
The two share a moment on their romantic morning drive before Jung-hee in the casino has to hustle. Your boss is less than thrilled that they too late and tells her, along with another employee, changed to get job training.
Just imagine if the trainees other than no-ha Yang turns her surprise points. Which, what ? What does he do to get a job as a plebeian?
Young-dal is forced on his way home from two clown cars with bats ... are as filled, detour to kidnap him. Again.
, take him to a place where they have also Jang-soo and Jailbreak and at least spare Young-dal from one moment spanking, because the boss, Chairman Go wants to have a chat.
Really? I do not know Young-dal, the sharpest tool in the shed, but want to play it seriously as he has forgotten that he is a wanted man? Granted, the bad guys are after the incompetent nature and have to send some pretty mixed signals have been, but still him. I like the characters enough to ill fitting story details, but if the action, as it is made in a bucket overlooking a some, it would be so full of holes that the water our viewing pleasure would pass it like a faucet. Was too complicated that analogy? Probably. But the point still stands: Triangle , you have had four episodes, now pull yourself together
The thing is, it makes sense that Young-dal would have a lot of people by. him once they suspected of stealing his money. It is the way that the show was about the fact that a lot of questions in the air left as to why the bad guys almost killed him would risk before they get an answer as to why they could follow Young-dal, as a GPS tracker, while Dong had soo and his team of Detectives a reference could not even get why Young-dal thought his problems were over, as soon as he kept the police for fools , etc. at least now that there behind the endless army a final face suitable bats, en masse their appearance is hopefully more begin to mean more than just a bad day for Young-dal-if we pro to win against the record for most kidnappings keep going episode, anyway.
Speaking of bad days for Young-dal, if he is already painful to watch in pain, then I'm doomed, right? I had asked before whether Young-dal growing appeal as a dimwit a calculated move or just a side effect of Jaejoong 's puppy eyes, but his apartment admission that he had never been to school so perfectly timed and well in accordance with the aspects of his character we've seen. I could go on to mention how Yang-ha outbreak with his father volumes about the life he spoke out, or how heartwarming it is that Dong-soo brotherly instincts kick in when near Young-dal (the whole gun thing notwithstanding) I -or- could only admit the simple truth is that I love Young-dal as a hero, serious character defects and all.
In fact, the empathy I seem to feel for him on the set of errors against it at any point directly given time, I usually as particularly strange behavior when the was not the whole point of his character would call. Or maybe the surge of Young-dal love is relative only to my fatigue, because after a series of middling shows with emotionally unavailable hero, one who wears his heart and his single sentence or less thoughts on the sleeve feels like the character to win jackpot
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