The good guys find that the hardest thing to be aware of the good, is that the bad guys always win cheat. Our rookies start if to wonder what they will ever do make a difference, and their superhero leader assumes the worst timing cool to lose his. If his temperament is any indication, it could more Hulk than Superman, but ineffective in any case, if he is not there to save the day.
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EPISODE 6: "The sea in my worn drawer"
spend After the night in a holding cell after he beat lawyer Han at his own game, Pan-seok is rewarded with a visit from his entire team. But it's only when he sees the warrant for their hit-and-run suspect in Eung-do hand that he smiles in relief. Whoo go, let's catch the bad guy!
go together to arrest him, and Soo-sun glued the warrant and crooks her finger at him to get out of the car. I love, how much she enjoys this part of their work.
Dae-gu is impatient and pulling the man to arrest the make, and Soo-sun goes down the line for high-fives, with all except for Pan-seok, who is. he almost high-fives Eung-do, but they are too embarrassed to follow through what is even better. but he is a father happy in his own stoic.
Later that night, Dae-gu goes to see someone-his accomplice S, perhaps, or a private detective and asks him the man to find that the danger to the mother exhibited all those years ago when she originally agreed to testify in the young girl's murder case. His trail went cold a few years ago.
Pan-seok awaiting Sa-Kyung just outside the door, of course, very excited to tell her to check on the hit-and-run perp. She is heard, and tells him he has a good job, but turns down his request for dinner. She turns to leave, but then seconds has thoughts and proposes drinks instead.
He asks why she came to Gangnam as she knew he would be there. She thinks he should know, but he admits that he is never something known, when it comes to her. Why do I find this explanation as romantic as any to tell her is that she has it ever owned? Perhaps Cha Seung-won, it's easy.
She does not answer, and decides that the drinks as much as they can handle today. But then, as she watches Pan-seok stand in the street and repeatedly fail to catch her a taxi, her face soft and she goes quietly over and leans on him.
She cries as she admits, according to how much she misses her son, and he raises a very cautious hand to knock them gently on the shoulder, trying not to cry.
Dae-gu stays up late TV as usual to watch (Hey, look at Wellness Day also?) And the screen will be divided Pan-seok at home doing the same to show, and even the same off-duty police officer PJ uniform.
your routine is eerily similar and equally lonely, Ramyun from the time of filling the time with nothing in particular to the popping sleeping pills (I'm guessing) which follows only by more insomnia.
Pan-seok takes out an old tape and puts it in the camcorder. There is a video of his son with his toy robot, talking and bragging about how he is super brave and go all to catch the bad guys behind the camera to Dad.
It is not only that Pan-seok watches that kills me, but that he again speaks to the screen and play dead when the boy laser beams shoot out of his toy as he is still there. He sleeps to the sound of his son's voice.
Dae-gu asleep cartoons falls as usual but tonight he has a nightmare of Combat Boots as hunted child turns will hunted as an adult in him. The man corners him. In a dark alley, and then Dae-gu wakes up in a cold sweat
He can not stop shaking, and then he realizes that he clenched his fist so tightly that his nails bloody cuts left on his palm.
in the morning is called with the alarming news in Pan-seok that their hit-and-run suspect went unpunished. Well sure. He storms into the holding area to the chauffer of the chaebol will find on his face with a hangdog expression is sitting after it to have been in his boss space to crime.
Pan-seok prosecutor Han goes to right and pulls him up by the collar. He can not believe that she handed him an airtight case, and he was a man who killed a child walk. Prosecutor Han does not try to seem remotely ethical, and just spits back that it is not the one that matters died, but who committed the crime. I think you mean, , the lines of the bag, , but same diff.
leaves as Pan-seok go eventually, Attorney Han punches him in the face. Pan-seok slams him again ... only lawyer Han from actually goes from the hit. Damn it. She punched the Weenie falling going to faint, and now he's probably something to sue obstruction of justice or going.
Pan-seok and Eung-do wring her hands nervously in the hospital, in the hope that just wakes lawyer Han. Is it too much to hope that he wakes up with amnesia accompanied by a newfound moral compass and a sudden sense of justice? What happened there
Fortunately he wakes up. Unfortunately he's still an asshole. He almost falls again fainted when he heard he had received stitches, and declares that he is going Pan-seok's worst fears come true, he is going to lose, to do his job.
Dae-gu travels out of town and tells S that he is going to make sure Combat Boots not find him to visit the orphanage. We see in flashback as Ji-yong goes from orphanage to orphanage trying to find a place that follow him without attention, the police will.
He finally gets a where the woman only asks him warm, if he has had something to eat, and takes it with no questions asked. Dae-gu you come now to see, and apologizes for more often do not. She assures him that he does enough of him only to be, because he is a role model to so many of the children here.
He tells her that someone might come to ask questions about it, and calls for them to say anything. But she says, someone already came, just a few minutes ago, in fact, and said he was a policeman. She gave him Dae-gu contact information as desired. Oh no.
Dae-gu runs out when he hears that the man was just here, and scans the yard full of children and visiting volunteers. He sees a man in a black cap with a large scar on his cheek and Dae-gu plunges him ready to attack.
But the man looks frightened and surprised, and when he speaks, Dae-gu realized it he does not remember the voice. He lets go the man and stands in the yard of trying to get his bearings ... and then the real Combat Boots colleagues around the corner. Great, now he knows what you look like! Bah.
He confirmed that the man who came to ask him did not yield any facial scars did not, which is a surprise for him. He expects Combat Boots would be easy to identify because of the scars (due to their chemistry space combat eleven years ago), but either Combat Boots had plastic surgery, or that he threw acid in his face was not mad.
Dae-gu is still on the edge, when it returns to the station, and he feels someone crept behind him. He gets the jump on his attacker ... and ends up pinning Soo-Sun so hard he knocks against the soda machine the wind out of her.
He saw her screaming childish games to play, and they left him to sputter that she is the one who should be mad. When they get back to their desks, Gook and Tae-il are surprised that they have not heard the news, the hit-and-run chauffer confessed to the crime.
But they add that is the least of their troubles, because Pan-seok is in the middle of a war with the prosecution. Police chief Kang calls an emergency meeting with the crisis to cope, and the rails in Pan-seok for making such a stupid mistake and react emotionally. It will cost them years of effort behind the police branch more investigative gain autonomy, not between police and prosecutors to mention the existing flames of discord Fanning.
Pan-seok can hang his head and apologize over and over again. The sitting was suspended when the arrest warrant against him through, and Chief Kang no fight.
It assigns to the hit-and-run case to another team, and Pan-seok only concern when he is arrested, that the chauffer is a patsy. She yells at him that they have bigger problems. Chief Toad is especially gloaty that no one surprised. Pan-seok as taken a common criminal, and he can hardly see the rookies as he goes.
He is locked up in a cell and Eung-do, he says to lawyer Han speak'll try. Pan-seok argues that there is no need that guy to bend, but Eung-do says anything is better than his work on this to lose.
Pan-seok, he says, truth is lawyer Han to say, to take his job and shove would like, but then he sighs and says Eung-do care for the children to take and to reassure them, because they have am scared. Aw.
Dae-gu listens everything from the hallway, and then sees that Combat Boots calls Pan-seok right now, but of course his belongings in a box sitting outside his cell. Dae-gu, the terrible timing not believe and watches in frustration goes unanswered when the call.
Chief Toad drags happy the hit-and-run case of Team 3 hands and benches made of all cases and dismisses the team. Eung-do they take lunch to try and comfort her, but everyone is in a radio to say the least.
Soo-Sun asks if she can change Han opinion prosecutor, and Dae-gu scoffs that they won 't do any good Pan-seok physically assaulted a prosecutor, and it does not output that always. Tae-il agrees that Pan-seok should not have lost control when he knew that he was responsible for a team of rookies.
Eung-do not argue that it was a mistake, but he tried to get on the hit-and-run case to concentrate. Gook sighs that there is no point is to catch the bad guy, and he is again just walk away.
Soo-sun is the only one who argues that there is a point, and it can in order not let them get. Gook asks if everything they do matters when the bad guys and wonders slides just to keep away when the world ever changes.
Soo-Sun: "Of course the world ... changes ..." She breaks off, suddenly very unsure how to end the sentence, if they no longer really knows.
She said: "I do not have a quick answer to the question of Gook would, because if the world does not change, then why we spend examine our nights, not to go home, and our first meal eat the day in three in the afternoon? "
Chef Kang meets with Assemblyman Yoo, trying to sound convincing when she says that this crisis does not go to demolish to get all their efforts in joint investigation rights with prosecutors. But she wrings her hands all the time, and for the first time does not look so sure of himself.
Sa-Kyung comes on Pan-seok in his cell to visit, and when he makes a joke about it finally get their wish that he would give up his job, she gets angry at his cavalier attitude. She screams that he lost her son to this job, just to keep all the years and lose it to this idiot prosecutor, the course only their more incenses.
She tells him that he was a terrible father, but adds, then, that he decently as a detective. "It would not be so bad if the world like you had a detective. No ... I'd love if there was." She tells him to do anything to get through these takes and put that hit-and- run suspect behind bars.
The chauffer is in his cell to travel to be the happening right next Pan-seok. That should come in handy. Meanwhile, Tae-il and Gook get walk through the neighborhood of chauffer his family history and find out why he might have confessed the crime.
Not surprisingly, he is a sick little sister a very young one has that looks like a father to him, since they are all alone in the world. The grandmother, who rented them a room, he says scraped for its operation recently together enough money. Bingo.
At the same time, Dae-gu lurks lawyer Han hospital room, waiting for an opportunity to sneak inside. He grabs the wallet of the prosecutor and of the revenue inside catches his attention. I hope it's something good. Have kickbacks come with receipts?
Tae-il goes to visit the chauffer little sister in the hospital, and it accepts only he is a friend of her brother. She says she is very close to her oppa, and asks if Tae-il to has an older brother. The way he can not answer your question, must mean that the holding in the photo must be his Hyung.
While she goes to the bathroom, Tae-il he so busy hospital corridor lost in thought watches, and runs in Dae-gu, which handed him an envelope. He says to give it to Pan-seok, since it should help him with his predicament.
Pan-seok chats with the chauffer now that he has some background information on his little sister, and says he once thought along the same lines when. To his son He was determined to clean up the world and make it a better place, so that his son could be proud of him.
He sighs: "But you know what the world best father is the father who is by your side I learned that after I lost my child.. "he calls all the things he missed, as the first steps of his son, his first day in kindergarten, the day he died. "You see, I always thought that there be a next time."
He adds, tears in his eyes: "The moment that your little sister you need the most is not the next time The time now is always.." That's a good question.
Meanwhile, the team suddenly to enter into high gear when Tae-il finds out that the hit-and-run suspect only an hour before leaving for the airport. Gook is a deliveryman whose black box in the middle of traffic might have caught with a megaphone on the track, the hit-and-run on camera.
Dae-gu and Soo ". Son of a bitch" -sun who has been demoted to traffic duty, and Dae-gu has a hilarious moment with a woman, which their traffic ticket signed, it processes only the ticket and hands it to her. "a nice day, Mrs. Son-of-a-bitch" Lol.
Soo-Sun with orders from Eung-do in panic to come to him running stop to go on leave hit-and-run from the country, they then run to the airport and it finally up in a lounge on site.
Tae-il is back to the station and slips Pan-Seok handling of Dae-gu. He takes a look at everything that's in it and smiles and immediately calls lawyer Han.
Gook finds his deliveryman and the black box recordings from that night shows the child on the road running after a ball to chase. But just as a car in sight comes about to strike him, cuts off the camera feed. Nooo.
on the ground, the chauffer is transferred in handcuffs and Tae-il brings his little sister in a last desperate attempt to change him his opinion. The little girl asks if you did oppa bad things to save her, and shouts that she would rather die.
He looks like he calls them, to ignore, but then comes the last second he changes his mind and asks to speak Pan-seok. And what Dae-gu gave him in the shell like a charm because Pan-seok is a free man walking.
Things are not so good for Dae-gu and Soo-Sun at the airport, because they do not get in the VIP lounge and there is no new evidence that they can to arrest the man again. Eung-do she says only what they can come to a standstill to do.
catch a break if hit-and-run girlfriend comes outside the lounge and challenges him. Seeing her only opportunity Soo-Sun only makes a run for it, and when the couple moved to embrace, they dive in between them and sandwiches themselves. Pfft.
Dae-gu jaw drops, and the woman places a fit that her playboy boyfriend at it again. Hit-and-Run insists he does not know what's going on, but Soo-Sun only wraps her arms around his waist and coos, "Oppa! You are not like this leave you?" I can not wait Dae-gu to hear complain.
The girlfriend kicks him away before stomping, and Soo -sun doing its best to cling as a monkey. It begins when unwanted attention to draw, and the airport security team you come to.
But then Dae-gu comes in tow with a luggage cart from scratch races, and draws them in one fell swoop both up. He runs through the airport as to evacuate screaming out of the way with old ladies. Hee.
The chauffer hands Pan-Seok, a flash drive, and tells him that should be enough, and asks if it is too late for him to make amends to his little sister. Pan-seok assures him that it is not, and promises to do his best to get him out before surgery his sister.
Dae-gu carts Soo sun and hit-and-run around the airport as a hunting right from Looney Tunes, with Soo-Sun the perp the entire drive rings. Finally, the security guards catch up to her, and the suspect has now been found that they are the cops who came to him for the first time.
He asks them to go forward and to arrest him to know, they have nothing to calculate with him. It looks like they are about to lose him if Eung-do arrives and sticks a video in the face of the suspect. Ha, it's him the crime to admit and the chauffer pays off to take up the case for the surgery cost his sister. Nailed ya.
Eung-do invites him and Soo-Sun pulls enjoys her handcuffs to make the arrest. For Team.
When they make it to the station back, Pan-seok is welcome the other and congratulate them on a job well done. Soo-Sun is so excited to see him that she runs over and hops around on their feet until they can not bear and hugs him. Aw, that's nice.
Pan-seok freezes at the awkward display of gushinesss and Dae-gu sees nor dissatisfied than when they kill the child Douchebag embraced.
The team is around awkwardly, then Pan-seok told them that they made all do a great job. "They are now rookie detectives" He tells them to taste the moment when they put the bad guy finally behind bars, because that is what they live.
He manages a smile in Dae-gu, but it is rejected by another blank stare. This time Pan-seok follows him to his locker and thanked him for the envelope that proved powerful. Dae-gu responds only cold that he did not do it for Pan-seok; he did it so that the team would not be divided.
He says he in Pan-seok actions is disappointed still, after all his speechifying about how detectives are a team. He asks how a man be otherwise so strict on yourself as forgiving
Pan-seok stops him as he is to leave and admits that it is embarrassing to ask this now, but he needs to know. "Do you have something against me? You have been from the beginning with me like that. Do you ... know me?"
The air is tense, but then default daemon gu asks only whether someone who is not the legendary Pan-seok Seo does not know, and goes out.
Pan-seok is not satisfied with this reply and remains until late in Dae-gu search of personnel files. Everything that is listed in its history is the orphanage where he grew up, and Pan-seok looks it up online.
He allows it, that for the night, but then Dae-gu comes in early the next morning and see his file on Pan-seok desk. Cat and Mouse, here we go.
He gets submitting evidence to work paperwork, and grabs a pair of reading glasses from his locker. Soo-sun sets later in a moment, and that is what this store thick, gorgeous nerdy glasses you solve ... how Ji-yong is. You immediately see it and calls: "Kim Ji-yong" Caught.
He can not hide the look of surprise and recognition on his face second for this division, but he recovers quickly and takes the glasses from there to try and get off to. But they blocked the door and asks again: "You're Ji-yong are not you?"
But what made him even more freaks out that Pan-seok, the door approaches behind her. She opens her mouth to ask it again: "You are Kim Ji"
So he planted a kiss on her lips from her to stop listening in. Omo!
Pan-seok jerking at the sight back violently as he stepped in a pile just poop steaming. The company shocked twice is invaluable. And Dae-gu Soo-sun standing there locked lips and is rooted in this.
lawyer Han gets a look at Pan-seok's get-out-of-jail-free card: a huge food and drink input for Long Night in Heaven (pfft) for 5 won millions. But the kicker is that the amount is paid via "More control." Criminal and skeevy. Pan-seok follows the photo of the receipt of a text on "Should I next send email to your wife?" Released He makes the call immediately Pan-seok
I did not expect a kiss so soon, not that a DO nOT spill-the-beans Kiss is a real kiss, but still there are about one million more effective ways to get someone to silence. The fact that you smoochies selected on the mouth with a hand, good luck trying to convince someone that meant nothing. I am thrilled that Soo-Sun recognized him because he looked completely unprepared for this trip, and if he can not convince them that it is wrong, he has to tell her about his past, to keep them quiet. I'm not sure if he can, in his super secret spy Club include their blind worship of Pan-seok, but I would like to, if he was forced to leave her, just so that someone him could draw down other paths of logic.
I love the dynamic form which is around Soo-Sun. Her big eyes hero worship of Pan-seok is growing day by day, while Dae-gu is always placed begrudgingly and he is clearly upset that she thinks that Pan-seok is so great when he convinced it's all a act. I love this peevish jealousy stage in rom-coms where the hero does not know why, but he's just angry all the time, when the girl near other people, and it's all the funnier that Soo sun holds just to start on boys while he is there. It is much more complicated more, where Pan-seok has been involved since its admiration is genuine for him, and I actually think their blind faith in their leader is, what will be their biggest obstacle romantic, as a point of ideology traditional rather than a love triangle.
But the best part is that Dae-gu and Pan-seok, the main Loveline in a story are meaning-they are the two characters at the center of history and we want that they each returned to find their way. They are the same, not only by the circumstances, but cut from the same cloth and loaded with the same need to do the right thing. They just happen to be also equal bullheaded and convinced that they can be wrong never what many dangerous misunderstandings to get spells. It's a great device for a pair of deadly enemies as much as a pair of comrades, or what I really hoped Teacher and young grasshopper.
to be Pan-seok admission through a terrible father and all the first time ever wrong moves, because he would never have learned this lesson when he not lost his son, all because he thought devoted to his work was to do the right thing. But he learns the lesson all over again when he realizes that he wriggled his new children without their father, and none of his so-called legendary lessons mean a thing if it is not there for them. I know that Dae-gu finally free Pan-seok helped because to fight his connection boots and he needs the team to stay together, if he wants to keep spying on Pan-seok, but his argument sounded to him at the end as a such father-son moment. Why do not you apply your own rules for you? You're the one who said that we are a team, and then left you can see us! , you go as a sweet surrogate father-son pair someday to make. Just as soon as we get that pesky murder, corruption, lies, stalking and invasion of privacy matters squared away. Easy as pie
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